MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, MEDFOKL), OREGON, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 16, 1933 E3 MMi WfAKVubt vu HUV lilittV BOC.G.OW 11 fid ) Bead tery 6 tlili page. Von will probably find ex actly the thine yon want to buy or seU. If It Isn't there, advertise. 1 1 ' a Inexpensive, affective. RATES Par word tint Insertion -(Minimum 23c) Each additional insertion. per word Minimum 10c) ' Pec Una per month without copy changes ,31.8 Phone 75 FOB WANT ADS - LOST AND FOUND LOST Lady's dark blue top coat, near Lewis Super Service. Will par ty who found It please call 1160 or 594. LOST Olrl's Elgin wrist watch. Sun day evening. Reward. Tel. 533-J-2. LOST Wallet containing legal pa pers, operator'a license. Return to Tribune. Reward. LOST If aog is missing, calllfilO. WANTED MALE HELP WANTED 4 men to cut wood, cord wood and 12-inch, 81.25 cord and tools furnished. Phone Ashland 55 or call at 170 Mountain Ave , Ash- land, after 7 p. m. WANTED FEMALE HELP WIN 82250.00 Can you make 5 three-letter words using the letters m the word "PARAMOUNT"? Rush your an swer to G. F. Stayton. Dept. D-3, De Moines, Iowa, and you will get opportunity to win $2,250.00. WANTED Woman for general house work, close In country home; fam ily of 2 adults. Mrs. Carley, Tel. 314-W. WANTED Experienced girl for house work; room and board and 815 per month. Enclose references. Box 4078. Tribune. REFINED Christian lady to take motherly care of 13-year-old girl. Box 4632, Tribune, MALE AND FEMALE RELIABLE men and women wanted to service regular customers on Mc Ness routes. Make up to $12 a day. No experience or capital required. Write Mr. Thomaa. 426 Third St., Oakland, Calif, WANTED SITUATIONS HOUSEKEEPING wanted by middle aged lady. Prefer elderly people. Must be of good Christian charac ter. Box 4818, Tribune. WANTED General housework; ex perienced. Will furnish references. Box 4818, Tribune. WANTED To care for small children. Can offer good home and oar for children in rural district, near good school. Box 4814. Tribune. WANTED--MISQELLANE0US WANTED Stock suitable for fox feed. - Phone 1133. '. . WANTED 1200 or 1400-lb. team for ranch work for keep. Cox Ranch. WANTED A clarinet. Must be In good condition. Tel. 1141-X. WILL PAY CASH for Jackson County Bldg. & Loan stock. Box 4585, Tri bune. WANTED We pay cash for household goods, furniture and stoves. We also buy metals, hides, pelts, wool snrt mo hair. MEDFORD BARGAIN HOUSE. 37 N. Grape St. Phone 1062. WANTED Helfera calves. Write Ruby Schulii. Beagle, Oregon. WANTED Beef cattle, veal, lambs, and pasture. J. J Oscnbrugjro. FOR RENT HOUSES FURNISHED modern cottage, one or two adults, Will have vacancy Oct. 18. Hotel ft Cottages Valandra. Central Point. Ore. FOR RENT 5-room house. L. O Plckell. 204 East Miln. FOR RENT 2-room house. 13.00. 321 Ashland Ave. FOR RENT -room furnished house Inquire 305 So. Oakdsle. FOR RENT House, modem, furnish ed: garage: adults. Apply at 731 w 2nd St. FOR RENT Home unfurnished. Brown furnished ft White. FOR RENT ROOM BOARD ROOM AND BOARD Home conveni ences. 24 Oenesee. RATES reasonable at 716 E. Main. FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS FOR PENT Nicely furnished front room, heated. 245 No. Orapc. FOR RENT Nicely furnished sleep ing room, snd garage If desired . 325 So. Riverside ave. FOR RENT i-aT front room: hot and cold ater and shower. 20 8 Fir. CLfcAN attractive rooms, reasonable. 410 5. Newtown. FOR KENT FUKNISHED ROOMS ATTRACTIVE rooms. 404 8. Grape. FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS BACHELOR APT8. 445 So. Front. FOR RENT Business location, room 16x50. will remodel to suit tenant. Apply Mall Tribune. FOR RENT APARTMENTS APTS. FOR RENT 118 Almond. 3-ROOM apartment. 118 Almond St, FOR RENT 4 -room 812 So. Oakdale. furnished apt NICELY FURNISHED hslf duplex. Oil heater. Adults. I8 W. 10th. FURNISHED Apt. Heat, hot and garage. 10 Quince St. FOR RENT Furnished apt.; steam heat. Frigldalre. hot water and gar age. 503 s. Holly st. FOR EXCHANGE FOR SALE OR TRADE 1 ft -h p. tank mimo for sulkv plow or wheat. W. o. Payn, Box 144, Rt. 1. Central Point. TRADE Columbia Graphonola, fine oak cabinet In good condition, large selection of records, for wood. 37 Tripp St. after 8 p. m. FOR EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE GOOD 6-room modern cottage, priced to sell or will trade for smaller home. 438 N. Holly. Owner. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE Modern 8-room bungalow and one acre, adjoining city on paved atreet; fireplace, hardwood floors, sleeping porch, laundry trays; attractive living and dining room. A real sacrifice. 83000. Very easy terms. L. G. PICKELL, 204 E. Mainv A FINE east side HOME for only 83.000, and 8700 will handle It. BROWN & WHITE. Realtors. CITY LOTS from $250 up. all Im provements In and paid for. If you are interested in building or buying a HOME, see us. BROWN & WHITE, Realtor. 34 ACRES. $950; 1U acres, $1500. Good buildings, plenty water; close In. Terms. Pear orchards, itock and dairy ranches, city and subur ban homes. Everything In Real Estate. ROBERTS, 720 W. 2nd. FOR SALE 7-room house with large sleeping porch. This house sub stantially built and desirably lo cated with ference to the Wash ington and Senior high schoola. Price $3200; easy terms. See W. J. Warner, Jackson Bldg. und Loan, or call 349-M after 6 p. m. 25-ACRE irrigated ranch for sale at sacrifice. Small down payment. Your own terms. E. E. Foss, Talent. FOR SALE Modern home, close In; fine shade trees; $t400: terms. L. G. Plckell, 204 East Main. GENERAL STORE on highway, Horn brook. Stocked. (Grocerlea. drugs, nations). Building cost $8,000; stock estimated ;$ 1800.00: equip ment $1500.00. Living quarters resr. Concrete basement, furnace, well, pump. etc. Lot 1 acre. Sacrifice at $5,000.00. Rose L. Hicks. Klamath River, Calif., Siskiyou county. FOR SALE 46 A. AT 14 VALUE Fruit, alfalfa, wood ana water, nose In. good butldlnge. Sam Evans. Jacksonville. FOR SALE Federal Land Bank farms. Convenient terms, uau warren Patterson. Central Point, or write O. A. Barnes. 1163 Oak St.. Eugene. Oregon. HOUSES FOR SALE OR RENT Jackson County Building uou Ass'n Phone 196 100 ACRES well Improved, stocked and equipped, elose to Meedrord: some cash or Income property Bal ance long time, low Interest. O A DeVoe. 623-J -2 WHEN you think of real estato think of Brown ft White. FOR SALE LIVESTOCK 25 CHOICE wesner pig. Tel. 403-J-l. FOR SALE 4 milk cows: have been fresh two months and leas. Mike Koger. Same Valley, Ore. FOR S.LE Good white-faced bull. Ralph Wilson. Central Point. Tel. 111-X-l. rOR SALE Work team, weight 2000. Phone Central Poult 195. 1 TEAM MULES, harness and wagon; 1 team horses. 1 reister?d Jersey bull, with papers. Call 1559 FOR SALE Wort horse. 4 brood sows. 1 wblto boar. Howard, Roes Lane. young R. L. COWS AND CALVES for sale. Dundon. Rogue River. Ore. I WILL buy your hoes snrt hep. any size, at any time. F. A. Pearson. Ross Lane. Phone 510-J-4. FOR SALE Purebred ttamooutlett rams. Oolpb Phlpps. Crater Lake highway. FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES PONT1AC Sedan; looka and runs like new: all new rubber. Priced for quick sale. $245.00. Plymouth sets the psce for 1936. Now on display. PIERCE-ALLEN MOTOR CO. Dodge-Plymouth. THIS WEF.K S SPECIALS USED CABS 1B33 Plymouth DeLuxe Sedan: six wheels, extra. I9SJ P'.ymeuth 5-wheel Sedan. 1033 Plymouth Coupe: res bsr gstn. I S3 1 Ford A Victoria Couoe. " Also other real bargain in Fords. Chevrolet, etc. The Chryslers and Plymouth will be here soon. LAJIOK MOTOR CO Chrrsler snd Plymouth Dealers. 38 No Riverside. Phone U. (Formerly Armstrong Motors.) FOR ."ALE Trucks and equipment 111 No. Fir St. 1 HUDSON Sedan, fine condition. Tsiy I Ca-l J7 eg M3-B, FOR SALE LIVESTOCK FOR SALE Feeder pigs, one 1300-lb. horse, a-year-oia uuernsey ouu. Davis, over Buckshot Dill. Rt, , Box ST. FOR SALE POULTRY FULL-BLOODED PLYMOUTH ROCK breeding cockerels. May Ranch. Talent, Ore, FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE Baled Klamath-Tulelake alfalfa and grain hay. Phone or write Loula Anderson, Merrill, Ore. SMALL kitchen range and round heater, good condition, all for 813. Hotel i Cottages, Central Point, Ore. FOR' SALE Platform, 13 section, 5 It. wide, IS ft. Ions. 8 In. deep. Call at Lincoln school. PRUNES lo lb, yvu pick 'em. Hie lb. picked. I TOMATOES No. 1's. lo lb. DAMSON PLUMS 3c lb. We deliver. . . B. B. FORD, 3 miles west on J'rllle highway. Phone 131-R. FOR SALE Nearly new enamel range and bed, springs and mattress. 1140 Court St. PEAOHES for sale. G. E. Carpenter, ml. west Phoenix on Houston Rd. FISH DIRECT FROM OOEAN Users of FrestvFlsh In Medtord drop card Box 302, Ashland Ore. Deliveries lo your home each week. UNDERWOOD typewriter In good shape, 827.50. Phone 039-j-s. 2-WHEEL trailer. Cheap. Tel. 293-Y. FOR SALE One set of work harness, one mower, one raki. one stock siddle. one army saddle. O. L. Ltndley. Phone 571-J-3. FOR SALE Concord Phone 597-J-3. grapes, 2c lb. FOR SALE Late model 11-tube super radio, with short wave. 134 Port land Ave. after 6 p. m. FOR SALE Good field corn. Schulz. Gold Hill. M. A. HUBBARD-WRAY CO. 30 caterpillar. late model, flrst-clas condition. DRIVEWAY MATERIAL 3 sizes of rock at 8150 per yard, delivered. Batsman. Phone 1534-Y or 912J. FOR SALE Garage equipment In cluding 50 gal. gas buggy, air com pressor, electric drill, electric grin der and buffer. 2 vises. 1 tap ti dye set. 1 set valve reseaters and guides. 2 outside and 1 Inside mlcrometeis. 3 12-ft. work benches. 1 set grease guns, 1 chain fall, complete shop equipment. 103 So. Riverside, In rear. for SALE Complete office equip ment, Including 29x33x24 Carey safe, 4 drawer steel letter tiling cabinet, roll top desk. Burrough adding machine with stand, book keeper desk and stool, P. Is E. check protector. 3 oak chairs (1 awtvel). 1 12-ln. and 1 S-ln. electric tan. 1 electric heater. 2 2-drawer steel tiling cabinets. 1 1-drawer steel fll. lng cabinet. 103 So. Rlverslds, In rear. FOR SALE 3 mattresses, 39-ln.. good condition, cheap. Ill Washington St. FOR SALE Apples, cheap: different varieties. Half mile from city limit or will deliver. Tel. 258-$. FOR SALE 25 ten good clean hay or will feed at ranch. Jim Woods. Eagle Point. Phone ll-X-41. FOR SALE Italian and Petite prune Phone 7-F-14. FOR SALE Grape and grape Juice. The Dell Vineyard. Kt. a, aieaiora SINGER Hemstltohlng Mschlne. Fine condition: cost $265. ecu iuu. nose L. Hicks. Klsmath River, Calif.. Siskiyou county. FOR SALE Substantial a-wneei trailer, or trade for wood, inquire last house left-hand aide of Lozler Lane or Tel. 869-M. FOR SALE drupes nd rape juice. Mra. Mary E. clarkson. Rom Lane. Phone 510-R-l. APPLES Several varieties. Oebhard'a. Central Point. H mile north Bear Creek bridge. FOR SALE Grapes. 3 miles west Tal ent on Bee son lane. Clarence Zemke PEACHES. PLUMS. IVtO lb: grapes 3c lb. Huklll. V mile south white Orlffln Creek school. FOR SALE Grapes. J. A. Manke. 3 miles east ot Jacksonville, adjoin ing former Clancy orchard. MISCELLANEOUS VOICE LESSONfl Free voice analysis and trial. For appointment call lOBO-Y. ROOPINC1 Let ua Inspect your roof before the rainy season Thl ser vice Is free. Call 370. Rogue River Roofing Co. BUSINESS CHANCES MEAT MARKET Trad for ranch. Box 4826, Tribune. FOR SALE Service station snd 5 acre good ground, family orchard: all under water. See owner, mil south of Talent, Ore. FOR SALE Restaurant fixtures. In cluding counters. even booths, show case, back bar, typewriter, cash register, two gas rangea, hot water tank, canopy, kitchen table, cooking utensils, dishes snd sllver wsre. Very reasonable. Must be aold within ten days. Inquire at 410 E. Main St. BUSINESS DIRECTORY Money to Lend MONEY LOANED 150 to 1300 for personal or household purpose on House Furnishings or Autos: also Csrs Beflnsnced. Loan closed within 30 minute. License No. 8. 157. See W. B. Thomaa. 43 So. Cen tral. Piano and Guitar Instroctlon. FRED ALTON HAIOHT Clnsslcil snd modern piano Instruction MEL CHORD for every one. The only method that never lam Studio, 1:6 Liberty Bldg, Medioid, Ore, BUSINESS DIRECTORY JACKSON COISTY AUSTRACT CO. Abstraeta of Title and Title Insurance. The only complete Title System in Jackson County. MURRAY ABSTRACT CO. Abstract of Title. Room 8 and 6. No. 32 North Central Ave., upstair. Expert Window Cleaners. LET GEORGE DO IT Tel. 1172. House cleaning, floor waxing, ori ental rug cleaning and upholstering. Transfer. TRUCKING AND STORAGE Local and long distance hauling, furni ture moving, etc. Reasonable rates. Tel. 833. P. S. Samon Co. HAWLEY TRANSFER Expert pack ers and movers. Special livestock moving equipment. Prlcea right. 619 North Riverside. Phone 818. EADS TRANSFER & STORAGE CO Office 1015 No. Central. Phone 318. Prlcea right. Service guaranteed. LEGAL NOTICES Summons for Publication In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Jackson County. . Ruth Alice White, Plaintiff vs. Homer E. White. Defendant. To Homer E. White, the above named Defendant. In the Name of the State of Ore gon: You are hereby required to ap pear and answer the complaint filed against you In the above entitled suit on or before the last day of four weeks from the date of the first pub lication of this summons, said period of four weeks being the time pre scribed for publication hereof, and If you fall so to appear and answer said complaint for want thereof Plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded In said com plaint, to-wlt; a decree of the Court dissolving the bonds of matrimony now existing between Plaintiir and Defendant, awarding the custody and control of the minor children of Plaintiff and Defendant to Plaintiff and requiring Defendant to contrib ute to Plaintiff the sum of $25.00 per month for ths support of said minor children. This summons is published In the Medford Msll Trlb- una by order of the Honorable H. D. Notice of Bond Sale. Notice is hereby given that the City Council df the City of Medford will on the 23rd day of October, 1933. at the hour of 7:30 o'clock p. m., at the Council Chamber of the City of Medford, Jackson County, Oregon, offer for sale the following duly authorized laaue of bonds of the City of Medford. to-wlt: Bond Nos. 1 to 6, both Inclusive Bonds No. 7 to 12, both Inclusive Bonds Nos. 13 to 18, both Inclusive Bonds Nos. 19 to 24, both Inclusive Bonds Nos. 35 to 30, both Inclusive Bonds Noa. 31 to 37, both Inclusive Bonds Nos. 38 to 44. both Inclusive Bond Nos. 45 to 51, both Inclusive Bonds Nos. 53 to 69. both inclusive Bonds Nos. 60 to 67, both Inclusive City of Medford Refunding Im provement Bonds, Series D, dated November 1st, 1935. In the smount of $33,348.09 and numbered 1 to 87 Inclusive and In the denomination of $300.00 each, except bond number 1. which la In the amount of $248.09. said bonds to mature aerially In nu merical order a follow, to-wit: The Interest on all of said bonds to be payable semi-annually on the 1st daya of November and May, prin cipal and Interest payable at the of fice of the Treasurer of the City of Medford at Medford, Oregon. Persona offering to purchase such bonds sre Invited to bid thereon at auch rate of interest, not exceeding 5 per snnum, a they shall desig Mail Tribune Daily ACROSS t. Reared t. Renders suitable J. Related on the father's side . Befit .. Symbol fot tantalum .1. Corded fabrlea 11. Negative Id. Pronoun !1. Poor 12. Philippine peasant !J. Units of electrlcsl resistance it. New Testa ment spsll- .. ln N'a M, Hypocritical talk 8T, Fastened securely 2d. Detective: colloq. tL Government levy Si. Sea eagle 32. Be of eons- quene 8. Seesaw 19. Metalliferous rocks Solution of Yesterday's Puzzle C AIISggARTSEaA,MUslE 3 T E PjtgM A I LpIa N E u S A V AiSIE SjB I N fig T I A m. o n sHB e v eh ft. a n t F A L Sie gaF L Egtfs M ElE iov e g&Jwe EIRIE jwA R Mpgsll A DE5 E tTea rInJe sit lIvEB o o T aTwIpir yggiN ojiTsgac u a g 1 ?.M5 T m ace S kA TjgasiP A nMwA T E R t i nMmIe" al jamb 5Sl a m girTTTF Rp j Map ais R t L E THE R A 6TA D E 40. The Oresk lone E 42. Cancel 43. Large re ceptacle 44. Leaves out 44. Dowry 47. Exists 41. Ousted 10. Italian rlv.r 11. Follsgt S3. Rubber U 3 k S 16 Egg! 7 18 If IO I 2 li Jm f fill zl ( .fll MmMl MM 7 iff;4 4f 11''" ZZZ11!L zzzz I I I I I m I I I I I Norton, Judge of the above entitled Court, duly made and entered on the 9th day of October, 1935. October 9th, 1935, la the date or tne first puDiica tlon of this summons. F. P. FARRELL. Attorney for Plaintiff, Address; Room 10, Jackson County Bsnk Building, Medford. Oregon. 10(1)4.1 GENERAL LAND OFFICE Washington. D. C. September 21, 1035 Notice Is hereby given that subject to ths conditions and limitations of ths acts of June 9. 1918 (39 Stat. 3181, and May 17. 1938 (45 Stat. 697. Public Nos. 415 and 417), and pur suant to departmental regulations. Clrculsr 1200, the timber on the fol lowing lands will be seld Nov. 12. 1035. at 10 o'clock A. M. at publlo auction at the U. S. Land Office at Roseburg, Oregon, to the highest bid der at not less than the appraised price as shown by this notice, sale to be subject to the approval of the Secretary of the Interior. The pur chase price with an additional sum of one-fifth of one per cent thereof, be ing commissions allowed.' must be deposited when the right to purchase Is awarded bv the Register, but cer tificate of sale will not Issue until the purchaser has compiled fully with said regulations, Circular 1300. as to the execution of the contract of sale and bond required thereunder. The money deposited win do rciurneu n sale Is not approved, otherwise patent will Issue for the timber, which must be removed within 10 years. Bids will be received from citizens of the United States, associations of such citizens, and corporations organized under the laws of tne united oiatrs. or any State. Territory or District thereof only. Upon application of a qualified purchaser, the timber on any legal subdivision will be ottered separately before being Included In nv offer of a larger unit. T. 10 S.. R. 1. B.. Sec. 29. 8W NW'i red fir 330 M; T. 14 S.. R. 1. W., Sec. 31. NE'i NEV4 red fir 755 M; T. 20 S.. R. i w . sec. 27. NEVi NW'i red fir 966 M, red cedar 180 M, hemlock 55 M. NWli NWy, red fir 1,125 M. red cedar 185 M. hemlock 45 M: T. 21 S.. R. 4 W.. Seo 27. SE'i RWU red fir 740 M. white fir 30 M red cedar 63,300 feet, hemlock 40 M. Incense cedar 40 M; T. 10 s., . o w., Seo 13. SVIVt WK red fir 1.900 M, red cedar 40 M: T. 18 8.. R. 7 W., Sec 15, NE"4 SEVi red fir 600 M, red cedar 100 M; none or tne limner w do soiu for less than $1.50 oer M for the red fir. $1.00 per M. for the white fir, red cedar and hemlock and 50 cents per M for the Incense ceaar. r. 37 .. R. 1 E., Sec 31, SW14 NE',i yellow 'pine 75.450 feet, red nr. 10 m. nt'. nate and said bonds shall bear auch Interest rate as shall be designated by the purchaser thereof as aforeaald; the bonds will not be aold for la than par. Said bonds will be sold subject to the approving opinion of Messrs. Teal, Wlnfree. Mcculloch. Shuler ft Killy. Bond Attorneys of Portland, Oregon. Said bonds to be furnished and print- Principal Amount $2,748.09 3.000.00 3,000.00 3,000.00 3,000 00 3.500.00 3.500.O0 3,500.00 4,000.00 4,000.00 Maturity. November 1, November 1. November. 1, November 1. 1937 1938 1939 1940 November 1. 1941 November 1, 1942 November 1. 1943 November 1. 1944 November 1. 1945 November 1. 1948 ed by the City of Medford. Sealed bids for the purchase of said bonds will be received by the City Council at the Cltv Hall up to the time of said sale as herein fixed. All bids must be accompanied with certified check payable to the City of Medford in the amount of 3 of the par value of the bonds, which shall be forfeited to the City of Med ford In case any oldder shsll fall and refuse to accept and pay for said bonds, should they be awarded to him. Ths right Is hereby reserved to r Ject any and all bids. CITY OF MEDFORD. OREGON. By M. L. ALFORD, Recordsr. Cross-Word Puzzle . Stupid parson Id. Hsbraw Utter 11. Occupant 12. Not rough IT. Sign of the sodlao 20. Grievously afflicted II. Jeered at 14. Long narrow boards It. Waxed It. English rlvar 30. Shelter 21. City In Alabama 34. Aicenrled 36. Negligent a. Rag . 17. One who runs away to marry II. Frequented place 41. Nervous twitching 44. Above 4. Dry 41. First woman 4 Let ths bait drop lightly on the water It. By It. In sueh ease tf. Ooes la 0. Rumor DOWN 1. Day's allow ance of food t. Feminine name 3. At home 4. Undermine I. English school I. Rsly 7. Dwells I. Refuse SE; yellow pine 120 M. red fir 20 M: T. 4 S . R. 4 E.. Sec. 29, NW SE'i yl- 1 low fir 1.775 M. 8W'i SE'i yellow fir j 780 M: T. 7 S.. R. 7 W Sec 19. NE'4 , NE'i yellow fir 2.590 M. hemlock 600 i M. SE'i 8Wli yellow fir 460 M. silver i fir 95 M. larch 10 M. nemlorK oau m; none of the timber to be sold for less thsn $2.00 per M for the yellow pine. ; $1.76 per M for the yellow fir, a l.oo for the silver fir. larch and hemlock ; and 75 cents per M for the red fir. (Sgd) FRED W. JOHNSON, Commissioner. . City Treasurer's Notice of Bond l'a ment. Notice Is hereby given that there will be funds on hand November 1. 1935, for the redemption of the fol lowing Improvement bonds: CITY OF MEDFORD IMPROVEMENT BONDS . Serlea No. 8. dated May 1, 1931. Nos. 1 to 17 Inclusive. Interest on above bond will cease after November 1. 1935. OU8 H. SAMUELS. Treasurer of the City of Medford, Oregon. City Treasurer's Notice of Bond Tayment. Notice t hereby given that tture will be funds on hand November 1st, 1935, for the redemption of the fol lowing Improvement bonds: CITY OF MEDFORD IMPROVEMENT BONDS ' Series No. 4. dated May 1, 1931. Nos. 1 to 66 inclusive. t Interest on above bonds will cease after November 1. 1935. OUS H. SAMUELS. Treasurer of the city of Medford. Oregon. ETERNAL REDEMPTION T AT PRICE OF Drawing hta txt from Hebrews 9: 11-12, Pred M. Weatiwford, speaking from the Church of the Nazsrene pul pit Sunday morning, said in brief as iouows; "First of all, I want you to get my text: 'But Christ being an high priest of good things to oome by his own blood he entered In onoe into the holp place, having obtilned eter nal redemption for us.' "Man-made religions have devised plans and instituted movements for the betterment of humanity. But to the Christian religion and vital sal. vttlon, comparatively speaking,' It In like the oft seen advertisement, There are no substitutes. 'Without the shedding of blood (there) is no remission (of sin).1 "Man might choose other methods by which to aave the world, but this only reveals the limitations of the finite mind. The way made by the Infinite la through the ahed blood of Christ, and this is the only thorough fare leading to forglvenesa. Why He should have made It thus Is aa mys terious to man as is the combination of certain personalities frequently seen to fall In love. "Paul gives us the reason for the sacrifice of Christ on the cross as a provisory remedy for the forgiveness of sin In Romans 6:18-19, Therefore as by the offence of one (Adam) Judgment eame upon all men to con demnation: even so by the righteous neas of one (Jesus) the free gift came upon all men unto Justification of life. For aa by one man's dis obedience mny were made sinners, so by the obedience of one shall many be made righteous.' " TO OTTAWA. Oct. 16. (AP) Canada's Liberal party, out of office for five years, swept back today Into control of true house of commons with the most decisive victory In the coun try's history. The majority of the Conservative government, led by Premier Rj B. Bennett, was wiped out by a wave of antl-admlnlatratlon votes. New partlea made a dismal show ing, but In the West the social credit group won more than & dozen parlia ment seats, most of them from Al berta, birthplace of the party. WIFE FAILS IN. EFFORT HALT HUSBANDS SUICIDE SAUEM. Oct. 16. (AP) Arthur Gunning, 36, ot Salem, died at a hos pital her last night after shooting himself through the head with an automatic pistol early yesterday mor ning. Hi widow, Mr. Katherln Gunning told police she hsd attempted to knock the firearm from his grasp as he shot. Earlier she said, she had restrained ber husband from drink ing from a glas which the believed contained poison. MEDFORD COUPLE GET RENO WEDDING PERMIT RENO, Nev Oct. 15. (AP) Mar- liage licenses Issued over the week end Included: Beverly E. Denton. 36. snd Oeneva K. Proctor, 23. both of Medford. Ore Neither of the contracting parties ire luted In Medford directories. HUMAN TORCH SUICIDE METHOD OF YOUNG WIFE BAKU, V. B. S. R.. Oct. 18. (UP) Nsaerova, young Armenian student, today set fire to herself and perished as human torch because her husbsnd mistreated her. Police ssld her husbsnd objected strenuously to her modern manners, wsntlng her to follow the traditional confined life of Armenian women. Officer Ipheld. TOLEDO, Ore., Oct. 16. (AP) City Marshal J. L. Banta of Waldport fired a tear ta hot while In performance of hi duties and I not liable for any resulting damages, Circuit Judge Carl E. Wlmberly ruled. Eugene Webb claimed his eye were injured permanently by the tear gas, and brought ault for 113,000. Fall Farm Wages 13 Per Cent Over Period Last Year WASHINGTON. Oct. 16. (AP) An Increase of 13 per cmt In farm weges this fsll over the same period last yesr was re ported today by the bureau of agricultural economlca. The aupply of farm hands was reported about 95 per cent ot pre-war with the demand for labor 80 per cent of pre-war. The farm wage index on Octo ber 1 was 102 compared with 99 on July 1 and 93 on October 1. 1034. In estimating the Index, the bureau uses ths average from 1910 to 1914 to equal 100, The average wage for farm hands this fall Is $20.37 a month with bosrd, $30.38 a month with out bosrd. IN DEATH OF SON ST. HELENS, Ore., Oct. 18. (AP) Ernest Jauron of St. Helens was ab solved today by a coroner's jury for the death of his son James, 15, who became 111 after he was struck on the tempiS by his father. The father, testimony at the hear ing showed, struck a "back-handed" blow October 10, following an argu ment with his son. The youth died Sunday. Dr. R. J. McDonald, who attended the youth, said his skull was thin and the blow caused a small fracture that resulted In a hemorrhage. James remained unconscious almost from the time of his Injury to his death. Countess Barbara Expecting Stork PARIS, Oct. 16. (AP) Countess Barbara Hutton HaugwlUs-Ravent- low announced today that she ex pects to become a mother next Feb ruary or March. 'Yea, It's true," she said while being fitted for a new wardroue. "I expect a baby by the end of Feb ruary or early in March. "But I am not yet decided wheth er the baby will be born nere or In America." Offer $9000 For Jim Rolph's Ranch SAN FRANCISCO, Oct, 16. (UP) When the auctioneer raised hrs hammer to "knock down" the 40, 000 ranch of the late Jamea Rolph. Jr., governor of California and may or of San Francisco for two decades, there were no takers. The highest bid and only bid offered Auction eer James Connelly was for 99000. Connelly announced that an ef fort would be made to obtain a better offer for the 350 acres, a manalon, barna and outbuildings, a huge barbecue grounds and 16U acres of unimproved land. 1 Lust Slayer Dies In Electric Chair JOLIET. Til., Oct. 16. (AP) Ger ald Thompson, who embraced the Roman Catholle religion In the last few daya of his life, waa executed In the eleotrlc chair yesterday for the lust murder of Mildred Hall mark, 10, of Peoria. Aa one of hi last acta, , he is sued a strange, rambling statement, declaring himself ready to die and urging all to turn to religion ror solace and guidance. Financial Sanctions Found Theoretical BASEL, Switzerland, Oct. 16. (AP)-rHesds of Central European banks, here for the monthly meet ing of the Bsnk of International settlement board, today concurred In the 'view that the League of Na tions' proposed financial sanctlona agalnat Italy are "more theoretical than practical. COMPOSERS WIFE GIVEN DECREE FOR CRUELTY CARSON CITY, Nev Oct. 16. (UP) Mrs. Sylvia Brown waa granted a dtvorqs and 32000 a month alimony today from Lew Brown, stage ano screen musical comedy composer, 01 chargea of cruelty. Brown, now In Hollywood, disre. gsrded the action, and Judge Clark Guild granted the absolute decree by default. Mrs. Brown also won custody of her two children, Naomi and Ar lene. Horse Can't Take It PUTALLUP. Waah., Oct. 16, (UP) Richard Richardson felt a sudden shock as he led hi horse along a road. He dropped the rope and ran, but the horse fell desd. A short dis tance away a broken power line was discovered, one end on the ground, power repair men said a horse could stand less electricity than any anlmsl known. Probe Crn.h Death of Three WEI8ER. Idaho. Oct. 16. (AP) A Washington county coroner' Jury was called here thla afumvon to determine the cause of an auto mobile crash In which Ormey Lee, 36, Mra, Juanlta Coulter Watklna, 31. and Frank Whlttler, 20. all ot Welser. were fatally Injured last night. here SOUTHAMPTON. Oct. 18 (UP) Seven hundred officer and men of the first battalion of the Maneheater regiment sailed today for a two-year tour in Egypt, six hour after they hsd arrived from a two-year stay in Bermuda. WINDOW OLASb We Mil wtodoe) glas and wtu replace four broken windows reasonably, rrow bridge cab inet Work. THEO. ROOSEVELT DISAGREES WITH BORAH ON ISSUES NEW YORK, Oct. lfl. (UP) Col. Theodore Roosevelt disagrees with Senator William E. Borah that the 1938 Republican presidential cam paign should be baaed on a "trust buftttng Issue." "There arc others that will over shadow it." wrote the prominent east ern Republican to the Idiho senator. Some political quarters In Wash ington were quick to reed Into th exchange of coresrpondence desire of the senator, not an avowed candi date for the Republican presidential nomination, to learn the viewa of eastern party leaders. "I entirely agree that monoplUs are evil." Colonel Roosevelt told, "for I am a firm believer In the estab lished American principle of compe tition. "I believe that the ' Republlcaa party should take clear and un equivocal stand on this Issue. "I do not agree, however, that thl will be the major issue of the cam paign." Colonel Roosevelt, discussing wht he caled the "scandalous waste" of public funds, charged "the adminis tration has attempted to fog by bor rowing the money Instead of squarely facing the issue and attempting to raise It by taxation." SAN FRANCISCO. Oct. 16. (AP) Injunctions preventing collection et more than a million dollars In AAA processing taxea were continued or ordered Into effect in 13 cases before Federal Judge A. F. St. Sure today. Next Monday the cases are to be set for trial on their merits. Preliminary injunctions had previ ously been granted In eight of tn cases. After a decision in the ninth circuit court of appeals last summer denying restraining orders on a simi lar Issue In the state of Waehtngton milling cases, the government moved the injunctions be dissolved In fed eral district court here. FLOOD CONTROL WORK FOR 250 NEAR EUGENE EUGENE, Ore., ' Oct. 16. (API More than 350 men were at wort today on the flood control project for the Willamette and McKerun rivers. Three separate contracting firm are operating on the project be tween Springfield and Harrlsburg. Kuckenberg tc Wttten hsd start ed construction of 42S0 lineal fee of embankment on the east bank of the Willamette river at the mouth of the McKenzle. Another contract will be let gooa for revetment at two point be tween Eugene and Junction City. HARD LABOR SENTENCE WASHINGTON, Oct, 16. (AP) Clyda Johnson, who wa president and di rector of the American Bank of Spo kane, Wash., and E. B. McBrld. who waa vice-president of the bank, must serve sentences of not less than six months or more than two year' Im prisonment at hard labor In the atat penitentiary on conviction of having unlawfully borrowed 310.000 from the bank. The supreme court refused today to review the decision of the Wash ington supreme court sustaining lv sentences. , , Aged Eugenean On 7000 Mile Journey AURORA. Colo.. Oct. 16. (API John O. Dorffler, 80 year old Eugene, Ore., man waa preparing to leave Aurora today for California on th last lap of 7000 mile Journey ts vtstt all of hi eight children, residing la seven states. He ha been in Aurora for a week with his son John. In California h will visit In Los Angelea and San Francisco and from there will return to Eugene. , 635 War Casalties En Route to Italy PORT SAID, Oct. 16. (AP( IU1 Isn ship earned 833 casualties through the canal Friday and Sat urday en route for Italy, It wag made known today. Th men were victims both of sickness and wounds. Week-end ship through th canal to the war rone carried 6.500 Italian troops. Agents Pe!h Nitoral , SAN FRANCISCO. Oct. 16. (AP) Death of Donald O. Sutherland, special agent In charge of Internal revenue Intelligence at Seattle, who body wa found In hi hot! room her todaY wa "probably due to natural cus." Deputy Coroner Sherman Lslsnd reported after an autopsy. t OUN8MITH Repair for all make of guns. 81m Bros.. 33 N Fir. I Us Mall Tribune want tdtV INJUNCTIONS STAY ON PROCESS TAXES