PAGE TWO MEPFORD MAIL TTtTBUyE, MEDFOKIJ. OREGON, MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 30, 1935 ;.v.:t" y--i-.-;P Xf-!fT7..T7rtt.',avnrTT "i IV W A STATERS TO FACE Tigers and Cubs Squared Off for World Series played at the school from time to time. While plane are not yet definite, the Badminton club la planning on put ting on a big tournament here about the 1st of November. An attempt Is now being made to get Jess Willard, national champion, to appear In the tourney. I PENNANT N CLUB ADDED BY GOES 10 SEALS X HOW THEY California Bears And Si . Mary's Gaels Clash At Berkeley Oregon To Entertain Utah At Eugene By Russell Ken land . (Associated press Bporu Writer) SAM FBANCISOO, Sept. SO. (AF) With preliminary skirmishes con eluded end the Pacific coast eon' ferencs championship raoa under way. far western football elevens dug In today In Intensive prepare- (ions (or vital battle neat Saturday. The conference aide or the cam' pelgn next week-end will be carried on by the University of California at Los Angeles and Oregon State : college, playing on a neutral field at Portland. The Bruins of tJ. O. L. A., hurled a challenge last Friday by defeating the Utah Agglea with the lop-swea core or 39 to 0. Oregon State has won two non-conference contests. beaUni Unfleld SI to 0 In its opener and Willamette, 28 to 0, last Satudsy. Bears Meet Gaels Renewal of a traditional encounter will pit University of California's Bears against St. Mary's Galloping Gaels at Berkeley, with a crowd of wore than 50,000 anticipated. The Gaels won laet year, 7 to 0. Call, fornla'i 1935 machine rolled Into view last Saturday, crushing Cali fornia Aggies 47 to 0 and eking out a 8 to 0 decision over Whit tier col lege in ft double header. Universities or Washington and Santa Clara will begin a new riv alry at Seattle, bringing together teams featuring the style of play made famous by the late Knute Rockne. Coach Jimmy Phelan's Washington crew won Us opener, conference) olaah, Saturday from Idaho, 14 to 0. At the same time Coarh Clipper Smith waa presented with a 30 to 7 victory by hla Santa . Olarans over the Unlvoralty of Ban Francisco. Oregon Playa Utah The University of Oregon will en tertain University or Utah at EU' gene In the second of a home and fcnme aerlea. Last yesr Oregon waa forced to travel at top apeed to noae out the Rocky Mountain conference team B to 7. The Oregonlana re vraled a versatile and apoedy attack In whipping Qonsnga IB to 0 Sat uidny night. . Stanford, coast conference chsmp lon the last two years, stsrted nice ly Saturday with a 35 to 0 win over Snn Jose State college and next week-end will take on the University of San Francisco. Unimpressive In Its opening con quest, Southern California's Trojans meet the College of the Pacific with followera hoping ror a better allowing than the 0 to 0 conference win over Montana last week. Having piled up a 48 to 8 win over College of Pugct Bound last week, Washington State college tnkes on Willamette this Saturday. Idaho and Oonwga renew annual hostili ties at Spokane as do Montana and Montana and Montana State at Butte. The Galloping Oaela of St. Mary's from Moraga, Calif., opened their season yesterday with a SO-0 victory over University of Nevada which won last year's game by an upset score of -8. - K VBHMMMMaCi. I 1 ROGELLfe 1 -ittjr C0SLIN WALKEI ' 7 i I0WEN ',i'f iMiiTlBiihrr f,ri ' ..." T F l j ' I 'V M t $ Jr 4K TX z YtA ""Sk K fV 'M f77j)&X$A i ' 1 n MwwiiiTittiTitiHirji jj&aa . f f I f k Sat. J 1 W-" f I "H ' s '"v ,y Wt, SvrvUKir'W n t A IT , Mr CAVARRETTA Backing Bridgee In tight Infield and outfield support are the stellar Tigers shown from left to center uhn.frnn. rinht . re the ichod- tn hla stand, the swatting Hartnelt, among he h ghesth tterV . .iT'T" Tl08'" him " a ,av0,i,, TAKE RYDER CUP BY 9-3 VICTORY R1DOEWOOD, N. J., Sept. 80. (UP) The Ryder Cup, ornato golfing trophy symbolic of International team su premacy between professionals of the Unltod Stales and Great Britain, was returned to this country Sundsy. A brilliant team of Americans cap. tslnrd by Walter llagen, brought the gold eup Bak after a two year ab sence by beating their English cousins nine to three, in the ruth or the biennial series. By winning ovsr one of the strong est British teams ever to Invade America, the home forces carried out the tradition that a visiting team never wins In Ryder Cup comp' titlon. wo tram ever has gone home vlctorl ous since the series began in 11137. America now leads three aerlea to two. After winning three of Saturday's opening Scotch foursomes, the Amer icans clinched the series Sundsy by capturing five of the eight twoom. England won one and two were halved. As soon as the Americans hit their atrldo In the afternoon the result wss never In doubt. Hardly had the last twosome teed off. than the first final result waa In Paul Runyan, New Tork. defeated Dick Burton, B and 8. Second American to triumph Sun day was Oene Sareren. former British and American open champion, who defeated Jack Busson, S and 9. kee star, who whipped Reggie Whit Next csme Johnny Revolta, Mllwau combe II and 1. One more victory and America was In. The clincher fell to Big Olln Dutra "f l Angeles, last yesr'l American open chsmp, who beat Alf Padgham, 4 and i. That gave Amerlc seven points and j England sot an even break In the four remaining matches Percy Alllss ' beat Crslg Wood 1 up. for the ojily Snsllsh elopes victory. j FANDOM AT RANDOM By Dick Applegate several lean seasons. In moit positions 1 1 never did like this righting game ror the past two years or the Annie they have big, racy men three end I and this proves It. (Meaning his I Springs CCD team, and now at four deep, better reserve strength by beating at the hands of Louis). I'm ! Washington State college at Pullman. u u Wnwi ouwnrmnn ; going in ror me cattle Business. Dad Whatever It Is that they put Into Jaded racing horses to make them cavort like a colt, and go out and win the Orand Prix (much to the consternation of those betters not in on the secret) must, somewsy, have been Injected Into tho Klamath Falls football team's drinking water. Last week against Dunsmulr high school i tne pelican city aggregation looked big and hard to bent, but tliolr blocking was sloppy, their line play was weak, their Interference was ln- of Medford will be able to muster. All during the evening Coaches Avrlt and Mnbee kept running in that aup ply or reserves against Red's plucky little righters, and although they scored regularly, not a single Lake view led gave ground once. Two of McDonald's backfleld men couldn't have weighed ovor 110 pounds each. With the fight that was characteristic of Red when he played here Bnd at Oregon Slate, he has turned out a real fighting machine, and In only two weeks of work. Is going to buy some, stack In the middle west, we'll buy some land In southern Oregon or nothern Califor nia, and build ourselves a. home. "Thon I'll live on the ranch. No more or the bright lights. No rooltng around. Ancll Horfman started ma haa been selected as the most valu able baseball player In the Medford CCO district. The big right bander played In 49 games, either In the pitcher's box or the outfield, and only three of tho games were lost. For his remarkable record the board or Judgea elected him to first saving money after the Sohmellng 1 place, and hla name will be for Flashes or grentness were apparent In the Medford high school football loam Saturday. That they wcro only flnahos signifies the huge amount of work before Bowarmnn In aftlnv different and their condition appar- j them Into shapo for the southern ently terrible. Oregon conference games. Their apln- , . . ners were the only plays working All that has chnnirfiri In unn ...... . t . - . short days. Oponlng against Red Ma-1 squad, and their passing attack will . uub unity uaapvicw team Friday night, the Klamath outfit was coming to the line with mld- aeason snap, their backs were dyna miting into the line of scrimmage, and on their end sweeps, obviously their strongest scoring threat, throo men were leading the Interference with more speed than will often be found In college football. It looks like Klamath's year to howl, after stand polishing, but for the first game or the season, with a' team heralded as woefully weak In tho line, they showed great promise. fight and in a few years I'll have an Income of enough a month to keep the wolf from the door. In the meantime, we got a good chunk for this fight." We hope he makes a bettor Job of raising cattle than he did or lick ing tho negro. Baer's plans have been announced and annulled with such rrequency that no one In par ticular pays much attention to the latest, but he may take a rung at the cow business. He started In a butcher shop. warded to "Happy Days," official CCO publication, ror consideration on the national CCO honorary team. "KIOKERNIOK" Undergarmenta that lit at Ethelwyn B Hoffmann's. Al Hogan, pitcher and outfielder MEDFORD VETERINARY HOSPITAL IB years experience In large and email animal practice 225 N Riverside. Phone 3G9 Max Beer mny come to this coun try to Il7e. In a talk with Harry S. Smith of the San Francisco Chron icle, Beer sold: "Absolutely, I'm through with the fight game. I'm not going to be cutting up paper dolls. Does the H on your FAUCET mean HOT? ir P i-W ELASTIC I ' Sherwin-Williams swpwumi piiut Com Ltu Thnn lc per 5uore fool Two Coats That'i why SWP Is so popular. It com lesj per job, lasts longer and keeps sitrac tive looking yean after ordinary piinu have failed. Right now, before you buy paint for your house, let us prove to you that SWP House Piint It the most econ omical you can buy. Dre$ Vp Your Porch PORCH AND DECK PAINT Makes porches more attractive, easier to keep clean. Gives year around protection. 6 serviceable colors. Dries overnight 4!fe-J!t Q"arl B S-W ELASTIC I ROOF CEMENT B ; HUBBARD BROS ., Inc. i 1 . main and Rivor.Ide. Phone 231 I V:l!LA-.t!l,WlfT1'l, .MJ,-Tl-j ... or HAVEN'T ANY! Don't let any hot water faucet lie to you. Order n automatic electric water heater today and get what you order for your bath, dishwashing, laun dering and all those hundred and one household Jobs, from lathering a chin to bathing the baby, which cry aloud for hot water and plenty of it, And when you place your order, play safe. Be free of rust. Secure from corrosion. Independent of "service" calls. Order a WESIX Heater with Whitehead MONEL METAL tank .Wanfeerf 20 years. The California Oregon Power Company A a a a a v a Interest In bsdmlntnn fen ln.rMHa so rapidly In Medford, according to H. W. Fluhrer, president of the Med ford Badminton Aliih. tti.t. ft h t decided to start another club In the city, tentatively named tho Medford Shuttle elub. with Onzanizlns going on. Another 90 members will be taken Into this club, which will rent space In the Medford Badminton elub rooms. To aoeomulata tha no i,,h ers and extra locker space, and a new lUzhtlntr arranaemant will In the near future, It was announced. rracuce vm be held on alternate nights, so that both clubs will have amnio Dractlee time, wluhr- Meeting nights of the older club have been changed from Wednesday and Sunday, so that they now have three nlgbta a week for practice and tour- ujunenv piay, on Tuesday, Thuraday and Sunday. The Medford Badminton club will resume their president's cup tourna ments on the second Tuesday In Oo tober, continuing on the second and fourth Tuesday of each month. At the present time, Mary Hayes end Mrs. Ned Vilas are In the vanguard with 30 points each toward the neces sary 90 to gain permanent possession of the trophy. Bob Norrls Is leading all the men with 18 points. Bach 10 points won entitles the winner to have his or her name inscribed on the eup. Formation of the Medford Shuttle club will give southern Oregon the balance of nowep in th -...- elation, with a thriving elub organised uiaauo rasa t&ss yesr. Badminton has heen Inftt.lUrf a. . regular girla1 physical education course mo oenior niga 3hool here, and Officers of the Raimlntnn 1H - hopeful of having the boys' classes take It up during the winter months. To promote even further Interest, ex hibition matches between leading players of the club will probably be STAND. NEW YORK, Sept. 30. (AP) The final 1935 major league standings: National Chicago St. Loula Poa. W. J Pet. 1934 .100 84 .649 - OS M .623 New York 91 63 .595 Pittsburgh 86 67 .583 Brooklyn 70 83 .438 Cincinnati - ..... 68 85 .445 Philadelphia 64 89 .418 Boston . 38 115 .248 Amrrlran Detroit 93 58 .616 New York , 89 60 .597 Cleveland . 83 71 .536 Boston ....., 78 75 .610 Chicago , 74 78 .487 Washington 67 86 .438 St. LouU ,.w 65 87 .428 Philadelphia 58 91 .389 THE MARBLE CORNER Jacksonville. Dancing and good times. Good music. Spend an evening here. D. E. Hartman. tOB ANGELES, .Sept. SO. (AP) For the first time In more than tw years the Pacific Coast league pen nant was not flying from the mast a4 Wrlgley field today. San Francisco' Seals hauled It down yesterday when they batterer five Los Angeles hurleri for 33 nit in a double header that ended the 1931 playoff series, 4 game to two. Tea I thousand persons saw the Invader i walk off with the first game 6 to 9 j and then come back to win the flag j with an 8 to a triumph. I it was a four run Moult la th ! eighth after Los Angeles h4 tied th score in the seventh Inning that gave San Francisco the first game, A flv run barrage In the fourth salted th second contest away. , Mike Meola. who started for th ; Angels In the Initial encounter, lost his own game In that wild eighth. H I walked Les Powers, and then picked up joe uartya punt and threw the ball over the second baseman's head Into center field with an easy double ploy in the offing. Joe Dl Mngglo promptly singled to center sending powers across th plate. Marty was trapped off third and run down for tho first out of th Inning. Len Backler sent Meola to the showers with a slnele to rlo-ht that scored Dl Magglo. FUEL-EL Let Us Oheck Your Storage Tank Today Clean Low Cost Pump Service Your Favorite Brand Any Amount MEDFORD FUEL CO. Tel. 631 'IH THE GOOD OLD DAYS Suitors used to come courting on bicycles high as their shoulders, and wore metal garters to hold their trousers snug around the ankles while cycling. Modern dress, modern habits, and modern social customs have altered greatly yet one thing stands true EVERY FIANCEE OR YOUNG HUSBAND SHOULD PROTECT HIS LOVED ONES BY SAVING GENEROUSLY AND REGULARLY This long established, sound institution offers the finest of service in all banking departments and welcomes accounts, no matter how modest. The Community Chest Deserves the enthusiastio cooperation of every person who is financially able to "Be A Good Neighbor". The work of the chest participating organisations should continue without interruption during the coming year! The First National Bank "A Departmentized Bank'" " Tiifl