MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OREGON, av . THE MAIL TRIBUNE IS OREGON'S FASTEST GROWING NEWSPAPER Office Honrs During BARGAIN DAYS Daily 8:00 a. m. to 6:00 p. m. Saturdays 8:00 a. m. to 9:00 p. m. 1 I A Finer Mail Tribune Than Ever Before! Vastly Improved World News Press Service Added Features New Comics Improved Local News Service. ' -And Here's Another Opportunity to Subscribe at Special Low Rates! The MAIL run IBUNE'S Annual Begin Saturday, September 21st and Close the Night of October 1st Eera again) Tha Mail Tribune's annual BARGAIN DAYS ... an opportunity to subscribe to YOUR newspaper at substantially lower rates ... For nearly thirty years, this paper has served this community has expanded its service and faoilities to keep pace with a growing trade area. From time to time, new equipment has been added; news ser vice improved j carrier service perfected . . . Within tha last month, full United Press night telegraph service has been secured to augment the Tribune's dependable Associated PrcBs wire . . . This means j more complete news and detailed coverage of sport- tin titirl nfhna .tiant. n.Vllnl. Mlrltt. tit , 1 it'm f'"- """" " " " III f 3f w America's finest syndicated features the pick of the nation's writers the funniest funnies arid the best of serial novels are featured in fact, every effort has been made to make the FINEST POS SIBLE NEWSPAPER out of southern Oregon's OWN NEWSPAPER The Mail Tribune. The publishers of the Mail Tribune are glad to again announce BARGAIN DAYS at the same low rates featured as in the past few years . . . One of the west's finest daily newspapers is available to "YOU for approximately ONE CENT A DAY that's REAL VALUE I ' DELIVERED TO YOUR DOOR BY CARRIER A FULL YEAR DELIVERED BY MAIL FOR A FULL YEAR-ONLY .00 Where Carrier Service Is Maintained 50 In Jackson, Josephine and Siskiyou Counties (Outside Jackson, Josephine and Siskiyou Counties, by Mail, $5.00 a Year) HOW TO SUBSCRIBE- If yon are unable to call at the Mall Tribune office and renew vour subscription, we will gladly have your carrier call if you will phone the Tribune office' 76 and leave your name and address. Regardless of how you subscribe, your carrier is given credit. Or you may mail your renewal to the Circulation Department and we will credit your sub scription for another year and mail you your receipt MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE Care Circulation Department Medford, Oregon. Please accept my check or moncv order of J- ment of my subscription to the Mail Tribune for one year. I am an old subscriber. Yes .. No Name Street or R. F. D... City -V Use This Coupon r , 3 l VVA 1 .f V-JF i Here's What You May Enjoy for Approximately lc a Day! Associated & United Press Services Increased speed Associated Preis teletypes have Just been Installed assuring faster news service from the four cor- ners of the globe. In addition to this, the Mall Tribune , has added the full United Press night service. No finer faculties for securing world news are obtainable! Press news pictures, too, through the media of the telephoto and airplane, give Tribune readers actual scenes from big news events thousands of miles distant within few hours! Timely Editorials ... The pen of Robert W. Buhl, which brought to the Mall Tribune the coveted Pulitzer Award for 1934 offers per tinent editorial comment for readers of this newspaper! Inside Political News ... Paul Mallon brings to MaU Tribune subscribers tha "News Behind The News" from the Nation's capltol . . . n Important dally feature with politics holding the stage during these history-making tlmesl O. O. Mclntyre ... This famous columnist's "New York Day By Day" Is con- V sldered one of America's finest newspaper features so, of course, It appears dally In the Mall Tribune! Perry's "Smudge Pot" ... In' Arthur Perry's outstanding laugh column appears delicious bits of humor and philosophy . . , His Smudge Pot Is "smoking" every day In the Mali Tribune. Jenkins' Column ., . . Frank Jenkins entertainingly discusses the news of the V day and tells southern Oregonlans Interesting gossip and facts concerning the country In which they live. City and Rural News ... A capable news gathering staff augmented by scores of IP rural correspondents scour the entire southern Oregon country for all the news worth reading! Flight O'Time Column ... From the flies of the Mall Tribune com news and gos sip of ton and twenty years ago . . . This column is In teresting to Old-timers and New-comers alike! Daily Continued Story ... Interesting novels, written by the popular authors of the day, appear In serial form In the Mall Tribune . . . This feature, alone, Is well worth the Tribune's sub scription price! Personal Health Service . . . No Mall Tribune feature Is more popular than Dr. Wil liam Brady's Health column. In addition to offering dally health hints. Dr. Brady will personally advise Tribune readers when they submit their health problems to him. Sunday Colored Comics . . . Two full pages In color, one In black, plus a full page of W world news photographs. Is an added Sunday feature In addition to the regular comic page. These added funnies are "Mutt and Jeff," "The Nebbs" and "Toonenllle Trolly." Strange As It Seems . . . John Hli'e universally popular Illustrated feature deal ing with unbelievable oddities has recently been added to the Tribune's fine array of features. Five Popular Comics . . . Bvery day, tha followers of the funnies will delight In Olnyas Williams' famous cartons "The World at Its Worst" as well as such comics as "The Nebbs," "Smaller Pop," "Tallspln Tommy" and "nen Webster's Career." Daily Cross Word Puzzle . . . Sine cross word puizles are Indispensable to some newspaper readers, 'he Mall Tribune has not forgotten these fans ... A brand new puzile Is published every day! Daily Society Happenings . . . The doings of Medford and southern Oregon society Is covered every day In the Mall Tribune while on minders two pages are devoted to social and rhurrh activities. Automobile News . . . The Mall Tribune's automobile page, with weekly travelogues, are popular new additions to features of this paper. The Trlhnne'i aggressive "Safety Campaign" promoted tn the Automobile section has received the enlhuMastlo approval and appreciation of manv public officials. Side Glances . . . numorons hit. of gossip concerning Interesting southern Oregonlan. .ir dally In this nenly added column In tne Mall Tribune! Complete Sport News . . . rull accounts of world sports, plus lorallied sporting new. I. feature In .... t . ,... . . . t . ..iUi ine newiv anueu night I nlted Press service, sporting events of Importance night and day will be given In detail to fans over the Tribune's own loudspeaker system.