Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, September 10, 1935, Page 6, Image 6

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'Everyone Id Hon t bens Oregon
Hernia the Mall Tribune"
Dallj Biee,.t (lordy.
PubMthe. by
J6.27-: N. Kir St. phoBtU.
AO Indpndnt Nwpapr.
Entered t-cond-cle matter t Med
ford. Oregon, under Act of March I. in
Br Mali In Advance:
Dally, one year
tally, eta months
Dally, one month ''-y'Y A'l
By Carrier, in Advaoee Medford,
land. Jacksonville. Central Point.
Phoenu. Talent. Gold Hill and oo
ntgnway. .
nutv nnt vaar
Dally, eia aiontha
Dally, one month n
All terme. caab Id advance,
Official Pa (Mr of the City of Mcdford
Orriciul I'liper of JarkxiD County.
KnelvlnK rUN l-eii-ee mrw nn.
The Aaaoclated Prete le eicluelvely en
titled to the uae for publication of al
...... iiin.iih eradlterl to It Of Other-
vlia credited In thla paper, and alto to
the local n puPiianei nnreio.
All rlghte for publication of apelaJ
dlapateh herein are alto re rved.
Advertising, Representative
Officea In New Vorlt. Chicago Detroit
San Pranelscn. (,oa Angelta. Seattle,
Ye Smudge Pot
lly Artliui Ferry
Next Friday will be Friday, We
13th, when citizens not euperstltlous
about traveling 80 mph. In crowded
auto traffic on a pleasant Sunday,
will not walk under a ladder, or per
mit a black cat on their premises.
e e
Another citizen too busy to re
move the key from his auto, had
the invitation to ateal It accepted by
a party or parties unknown to the
POLICE" (Hdline Chlco (Calif.) En
terprise) No wonder the police are
burned up.
e e e
The Republican party has reversed
itself nobly. It now argues the na
tion needs a "rest," to cure the
wholesale resting It Is suffering from.
School opened yesterday. The at
tendance is running two pupils on
a bicycle, and three on the run
ning board.
e e
The latest photos of Herbert Hoo
ver reveal that distinguished citizen
smiling pleasantly enough. When
President he was not addicted to In
discriminate grinning, and waa the
chief exponent of the long face and
the solemn look In public life,
e e e
Weather authorities now charge,
'the last summer has been a Joke."
It got in Its hardest lick on the
funny-bone when the mercury soared
to 102.5 degrees.
e e
Huey Long, the "Klngftsh" and
dictator of Louisiana, la dead. He
talked violently, and died that way
an assassin's bullet In his stomach.
He was a perfect flower of the pri
mary system, at its worst. His dema
goguery, at times, made a farce ot
democracy. Ho waa a master of bil
lingsgate and political Intrigue ana
plots. Among his last acts, were the
manipulation of a rubber-stamp leg
islature, to pass a set of laws In
tended to flout the authority of the
federal government. He rode high
with his political power ruthless and
bin t fin t, Ills style of life made rea
sonable certain his traglo end.
e e e
The lady golfers of Sltverton played
"strip golf," and confounded nudism,
according to press reports, by wear
ing more petticoats than their
e e e
(Anderson tlazette)
All teachers seem to have the
wrong conception of the course
of study about teach, :.g the
gsadea. I say to all teachers that
"All grades are to be taught
every year. Do not quibble about
this with your patrons. It must
be as I ny."
The Odd Grades as Major
Grades and Even Orates as Minor
Grates to be taught In the Even
Venra. And tne Even granes aa
Major Grades and the Odd
Grades as Minor Grades In the
Odd years.
e e
There Is a report that the owner
of an empty woodshed approached
a rural woodpile In the night, and
found a shotgun Instead of an Ethio
pian in It.
AMl.ltl(' SWCll ALAIN !
Gov. Frnnk D. Flt7gernld today ap
proved the Palmer antl-"heartba)m'
bill, said to be one of the most
drnstlc passed In any state thus far.
The measure. Introduced by Sen
ator William Palmer, a bachelor, o!
Flint. Mich., abolishes all causes ot
action for alienation of affections,
and breach cf promiM.
It will become effective Beptemher
The Governor also alined a meas
ure requiring that school buses be
painted red, white and blue. (Press
Report. J
Portland Students
Refuse Transfer
PORTLAND. Sept. 10. IUPI -Chll-d:en
gathrrrd In front of four Port
land schools, closed by an economy
decree of the board of education
when fall school bell ra;ig Monday
mornliwr. They refuse! to enter
school busses for transfer to other
lnnlltutions. and demaudfd entrance
to their old school rooms. Parents
backed the youngsters,
nounce opening Fall Classes. Thurs
dsy. Sept. la. Enrollments msy he
moe now. Drenmlsnd Hull. Phone
Up to the "Liberty League
ISN'T the Liberty League missing it opportunities t There is
'undoubtedly a strong representation on the coast and in the
state of Oregon. But we hear no protests from the organization
when the principles for which it stands are violated. In fact we
hear nothing from the Lrberty League at all.
A short time ago certain suspected radicals in Santa Rosa,
California, were beaten up, tarred and feathered and chased
out of town.
In Coquille, Oregon, a few days ago, 200 vigilantes marched
on a meeting of union labor representatives, and by threats,
strong arm tactics and a little judicious head cracking, drove
them from the county.
NEEDLESS to say the Mail Tribune has no use for Reds. We
have frequently condemned the employment of violence
and terrorism, on the part of union labor.
But for the same reason we have no use for this vigilante
business, for what seems to be a growing. tendency to meet the
industrial unrest, and radical machinations, with direct action.
BAD business I
It not only does no good, but eventually can only do harm.
This country must be a country of liberty under the law, or it
can't, for long, be any country at all. It must be a country of a
free press and free speech or it can't be any country at all, at
least none in which free American citizens would care to live.
The Liberty League is devoted to upholding the constitution
of this country, protecting the bill of rights, assuring to this and
future generations "life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness."
When it sees these fundamental principles violated why
doesn't it act?
WE hold no brief for the communists in Santa Rosa, or the
union lnbnr nrtranizers in Coilllille.
But as long as they don't
they arc as entitled to express their opinions, and in every law
ful way advance their interests, as the officers and leaders of
the Liberty League or any one else.
As a great Frenchman once
everything you say, but I would
to say it."
As long as these organizers
union labor, don't openly advocate revolution or invite mob
action and violence, as long as
whatever it may be, lawfully and
to the same protection, all other
entitled to, and that protection
be given.
AS we see it, a Liberty League in this country is greatly
needed. Not a partisan organization, but as the League
claims to be, a non-partisan one; not a political organization
but a non-political organization. One on the firing line all the
time, to strike down tyranny, dictatorship, denial of personal
liberty, wherever and whenever they show their heads.
It does seem to this paper,
has been established several years and is headed by so many
distinguished and capable gentlemen, is badly muffing its opportunities.
Theories- Certainties
SENSATIONAL press services, which announce about thrice a
year the news that caucer has at last been "cured," pro
claimed a new remedy Inst week from Rochester, Jlinn. AVhat
tho famous Mnyo clinic actually announced was far less than
this. Three members of its resenreh staff reported to the Amer
ican Chemical society's meeting in San Francisco the results of
experiments in physio-chemistry. Noting that a heavy concen
tration of lead frequently appears in cancer cells, and that these
cells, being unable like normal cells, to throw it off, sometimes
decay and dissolve, the Mayo researchers asked consent of S3
apparently "hopeless" cancer carses to experiment. They dosed
each dying man with enough lead phosphate to produce acute
lead poisoning, reported ilia t 11 seemed to have completely recovered.
Careful Mnyo scientists were quick to point out that:
1. Only 14 out of 85 were cured.
2. Onncer may conic b k to some or all of these 14.
3. Of the 14, seven had received irradiation treatment as
well, so, scientificntlly, only seven
with certninty be ascribed to lead -
1VIANV millions of dollars spent yearly for many years prob
ing into the cause and cure of cancer have resulted in a
general theory, but few certainties.
The theory; that cancer seems to be a wild and ungovernable
growth of the body's normal tissue cells, caused by disturbances
in the delicate bodily chemistry which come with old age, which
in turn has its origin in the nial-functioning of one or several of
the many glnnds whose complicated and little-understood secre
tions regulate the chemical balance of all living tissue.
Kirst certainty; cancer can usually be cured by surgery or
X-ray if caught early enough in a part of the body where such
treatment is possible.
Second certainty; if this is not possible, death from cancer
is slow but inevitable.
Third certainty; from the bubbling test tubes if the world's
bioi'heniisls. as a result of their combined efforts within the
next decade, will come either a preventative or a cure of this
lingering horror of old ngc. Contributed.
PORTLAND. Sept. 10. Three
person were Indlcud by the county
grand Jury today on rhaivea of ushv
llleil methods to oMain aid from
the county relief agency.
Anelo Monaco was Indicted on a
chare of obtaining properly bv filne
pretenses, Thr Indictment, mud ne
fslwly pretended In his iipplU'iMon
fnr relief that hm wife had no mv-ie.
alt hough he wis reprrnr,.,! t lie
(Ustud aiio;uc as hn J20 w
violate the laws of this country,
remarked "1 disapprove of
defend with my life your right
and agitators, communist or
they go about their business
peacefully they are entitled
citizens of this country are
under all circumstances should
that the Liberty League, which
temporary cancer cures could
poisoning alone.
bank. The prosevutor Mid the Mo-n.-s
fiml.y received a,vj in relief.
Edwrd Morton and Mabel $'pi
wrre indUMed on charges of forgery
by material alteration. Morton was
svvted of harlot ratM a relief
requisition from 69 cent to i a
Mrs Riilph was charged lth having
raurd a requisition from 35 cents to
1 35.
I LOS ANOFI-C9. Cal.. Sept. 10. U'Pl
i - Marriaee jj Jerome McDonald, film
I actor, and Klorine Reldell. 30. went
j on the rrvks. she charged, because
,rome "lied to her." He Mid he as
' 3H. and had a steady Income In suit
j for annulment she declared ha a
Personal Health Service
By William Brady, M. D.
Signed letter, pertaining to personal nealtn and hygiene not to disease
diagnosis or treatment will he answered by Ur. Brad? If a stamped self-ad'
dressed envelope Is enclosed. Letters should be brief and written In Ink
Owing to the large number ot letters received only a few can be answered
No reply can be made to queries not conforming to Instructions, address Ur.
William Brady, i!6o El Camlno. Beverly HIUs. Cat
A prominent eastern physician
My wife, who has rather severe
diabetes, requir
ing 66 insulin
units daily in two
doses, had diffi
culty a p p easing
& her appetite on
prescr.Dto on
She gradually
gained excessive
weight. She start
ed Uklng vita
mlna three
months ago and
aha noticed Im
mediate reduc
tion in her appe
tite and a feeling ot satisfaction
after meals which was unusual. She
has lost seven pounds. She be
comes excessively hungry for carbo
hydrates if she stops the vitamin
ration. She thinks she feels more
peppy and stronger while taking it.
It Is well known that some of the
vitamins, particularly B, wilt Increase
the appetite in oases of underweight,
anemia, and various subnormal nutri
tional conditions. Not only the ap
petite, but the power to assimilate
or utilize carbohydrate food, which
Is the food that serves as fuel for
immediate energy. It Is not so well
known, but equally true, according
to the experience of a large number
of physicians, that some of the vita
mins, perhaps B chiefly, will have
what may seem quite the opposite;
efect In some cases of overweight
and diabetes. Not only is the exces
sive hunger or craving for carbohy
dratea moderated but the oxldotlrtn ;
or utilization of carbohydrate Is
brought up to normal or nearly nor-;
mal again, and for that reason the ;
patient gradually gets rid ot the ex- i
cess weight.
Numerous Investigators have found
that an optimal ration of vitamins,
that Is. more vitamins than formerly
waa considered necessary to maintain
good health or to prevent deficiency
disease, will generally have an effect
equivalent to & moderate dally dosage
of Insulin. Indeed, In the treatment!
of diabetes, an adequate dally supply I
of vitamins has taken the place of
from 10 to 35 or 40 units of Insulin
dally. Here too it Is assumed to be
vitamin B that is chiefly concerned.
but clinical experience indicates that
the most satisfactory results are ob
tained wrier a fair ration of all the I
vitamins is taken, not B alone. In
nature vitamins never occur singly,
but always in combinations of two or
more. Certainly no one knows enough
about the functions of the vitamins
to say. as yet. precisely how much of
any vitamin, or precisely which vita
mins should be given In any clrcum-
sta nces. I
It becomes more and more evident
that the treatment of diabetes or any
tendency thereto demands provision
of a large vitamin ration especially ;
when It la necessary to restrict the
carbohydrates In the diet, alnce It Is
In the carbohydrate, Items that vita-
on the
Day's News
THE first thought occurring to large
numbers of people, upon learning
of the shooting of Sena tor 'Dictator
Huey P. Long, ran something like
"What a pity the assassin wasn't a
better shot!'
BUT the saner second thought that
came to a!1, right-thinking peo
plue, clear and plain, was this:
"Such are the fruits of dictator
ship. Let ua hope and pray that
this assassination, which Is a logical
sequence of cause and effect, may
shock the people of this country Into
such a clear realization of what dic
tatorships lead to that no dictator
may ever again gain a foothold In
the United States."
CONSIDER the Immediate circum
stances of the killing:
Long, surrounded by an ARMED
bodyguard, was shot down In the
Louisiana state house. His bodyguard
IMMEDIATELY shot down the killer,
leaving him lying on the floor.
Long, badly wounded, ataggered
Intp the arms of Public Service Com
missioner James O'Connor, who at
once DREW A PISTOL from hla coat
pocket, holding It In ons hand while
supporting Long with the other.
rully armed guards then began to
pour Into the building.
WHAT a scene to occur In the capl
tol of an American state!
Historically, It Is a Tery old scene
Indeed, having occurred tlmei with
out number in the old world since
the beginnings of the Institution of
government. Shakespeare vivid dra
matlratlon of it In tle cane of Cacyr
Is familiar to every school child. It
ha been re-enacted with infinite va
riation In the unstable republic to the
south of us. But It la new In this
It shows how far we have drifted
from our moorings, and It gives us a
frightful hint of where we might
drift to If we keep on.
I e
HUEY P. LONU la an unusual man
and in many ways an able one
j Most dictators are.
Conditions In touts! Mis wM.h
mins are chiefly present, that Is, the
undenaturtzed foods.
Diabetes patients who receive an
adequate vitamin ration almost al
ways note improvements such as the
doctor describee above lowered sug
ar excretion, increased "pep." moder
ation of excessive craving for food.
The reduction of excess weight Is of
course desirable If there !s compli
cating obesity. ut If weight is nor
mal or below normal, there is no re
ductionrather a gain with the gen
eral Improvement in the metabolism
or nutrition.
Vitamins, remember, ars food, not
medicine. They are as essential as
protein, fat or carbohydrate.
Suffered all my life from terrific
one-sided headache attacks, doctors
called migraine . . . Read your article
about calcium lactate. Started tak
ing 10 grains three times a day after
meals. Noticed first effects about
eight days, when wonderful change
took place, attacks less frequent, less
painful. Go for many weeks now
without attack, whereas before had
bilious attacks at least once a week
. . . -(H. O.)
Answer Interesting, tut who
knows whether the calcium lactate
was responsible, or whether the mi
graine Just spontaneously subsided?
But anyway calcium lactate can do
no harm. Olad to send on request
monograph on headache, giving nec
essary instructions. Inclose three
cent stamped envelope bearing correct
adress. or no monograph.
Goat's Milk.
Please Inform me as to the benefit
of goat's milk compared with cow's
milk. Some people claim goat's m'.lk
Is more beneficial. (T. L. R.)
Answer It Is at least on a par with
cow's milk In nutritive value. Goats
having a high degree of natural Im
munity against tuberculosis give milk
free from tubercle bacilli, which are
not rarely present In cow's milk. It
is a fine thing for any family with
a bit of ground available to keep a
goat for the milk.' Such milk would
be superior to any other grade or kind
of milk for infant, invalid or anyone
else. In my Judgment. However, I do
not think goat's milk la worth a pre
mium price much above cow's milk,
unless the available supply of cow's
cow's milk Is very bad Indeed.
Ear Drops.
Please give directions for the use
of the ear drops you recommend for
running ear. (J. E. L.)
Answer Ten grains of boric acid
dissolved In one ounce of pure grain
alcohol. Have It moderately warm
TT"hn prill Mil It nmn turn nr tVtrwsa '
drops In ear once or twice dally for
many weeks.
(Copyright, 1935. John F. Dllle Co.)
Ed. Note: Persons wishing to
communicate with Dr. Brady
should send letter direct to Dr.
William Brady, M. D 265 El
Camlno. Beverly Hills, Cal.
' power were not good. Government
j had fallen Into the bands of a little
group of selfish and probably corrupt
men. In a minor way, the as me con
! dltlons that brouught about the
French revolution and the Russian
revolution were present. The resent
ment bred by these conditions was
capitalized by Long.
Sunday's tragic occurrence followed,
proving beyond all question of doubt
that the way of dictatorship Is not
the way to right political wrongs In
llHILE this terrible event Is fresh
j n in our minas, let everyone wno
loves his country, who believes that
American ways are the best ways, who
cherishes our free Institutions, take
& sol err. resolution that In the fu
ture he will THINK In an American
way and ACT In an American way,
refusing flatly and positively to be
led Into the ways of thinking that
have made the old world what It la.
VANCOUVER. Waah.. Sept. 10. T)
Somewhat better price to prune
growers were ofTered by packing com
panies today after Clark county or
chardlsts had Joined In a ffcneral pro
teat against earlier quotations.
The original offer by packers waa
113.50 a ton for prunes weighing 10
to the pound or better. Laat year
the price waa 120 a ton for 13-count
prune. Thla year packers agreed to
call 16-count prunes the bot grade,
meklns no pvlslon for the lare 12s
The new ofer, made today, wss
$17.50 for 12-eount; $15 for 14. and j
914 ror 10 -count rrun.
Many growers have exprcved de
termination to hold out for a $20
price for 12s.
KEYS and expert lock repairing
Medford Oyclery. 33 N Plr Ph afll
Let Us Check Yonr Storage Tank Today
Clean Low Cost Pnmp Service
Your Favorite Brand Any Amount
Tel. 631
By O. O. Mclntyre
NEW YORK, Sept. 10. Columbus
Circle has become nightly an Amer
ican version of that entrance to Lon
don's Hyde Park known as Marble arch.
There, as 1 here,
the radicals and
discontents pop
off s t ea m. . In
London they rent
a portable plat
form for a shil
ling and spout
for an hour.
They can har
angue everything
from Premier
M c D o n a 1 d's
Scotch burr to
Queen Mary's
bird nest hat
with a detail of bobbles to protect
thera from showers of over-ripe fruit.
The same hot-mouthed freedom Is
exercised In Columbus Circle but
they bring their own soap boxes.
The communists, fascists, atheists
and exponents of less violent Isms
begin around 7 p. m. and are usually
going hells-bells at midnight. Among
them are some rather fine orators, re
strained and dramatic, and audiences
may move about and shop for their
forensics. '
Rarely are there hecklers. It seems
a listening but listless crowd with
nothing else to do. Just as they do
not heckle, they do not applaud. The
move from Madison Square to the
Circle has been sudden. Last night
seven were in action. Down in Madi
son Square there were but two.
Airy persiflage: Variety's Jack Pu
laski recently flew from New York
to California. Very gravely before
taking off he asked the pilot to fly
low and slow over Lake Hopatcong.
"I want to wave to Joe Cook" he ex
plained. The Lambs was one of the first
places In town to Install a hat check
room with attendant. Booth Tarklng
ton was responsible for the Innova
tion. The custom had been for mem
bers to place . their hats on a rack
around the wall. Now and then Tark
Ington enjoying a loose evening used
to roll in overcome by an unconu
trollable urge to wreck hate, with a
special eye for crushing derbies. Next
morning each victim received an or
der from Tarklngton on the most
exclusive hatter for his finest hat.
I talked today to a man who was not
so long ago subjected to bitter cal
umny for espousing an idealistic
cause in which he thoroughly be
lieved. I complimented him on his
remarkable forebearance. Many form
er friends had turned on him. When
I finished he said quietly: "It was
nothing. The greatest man who ever
lived called Judas friend until the
last. I could at least say nothing."
City Interlude: On Fourth avenue
In the 20s the streets suddenly rilled
with hook and ladder wagons, puff
ing flro engines and ambulances.
Traffic was cut off In four directions.
In the center of the hubub the straw
seat of a motorcycle was on fire.
Don Herold, artist, writer, humor
ist, lecturer and movie critic, has
gone all in a hurry -commercial. Quit
the peaks of Olympus for the low val
leys of trade, as It were. He has be
come an advertising specialist for a
group of big Industrial accounts,
spread himself over a flock of officea
that suggest the Grand Central watt
ing room and with all the Inter-of-flce
electrical devices that keep things
top speed. Furthermore the boys who
used to drop Into Don's various stu
dios with the informality of the house
cat now face a uniformed office des
pot who hands them a slip Inquiring:
Name? Nature of Business?
Timid cafe bosses are eagerly watch
ing the most recent experiment of
the men who gave Broadway Its fa
mous Palais Royal and Introduced
Paul whlteman to the street. If their
Cafe de 1'Opera clicks on the old Em
bassy location on East 57th street,
much coy and reluctant night club
backing may be brought Into the
open again. Jimmy Thompson Is the
"money man" and Gil Boag the
"front man" of the quixotic venture.
They have been out of the game for
15 years and whether they have re
tained the magic touch Is to be dem
onstrated. In their hey-dey they had
no equals in attracting stiff shirts
and ermines. Since then the world
turned over.
H. L. sends a clipping from his
home paper In Arkansas concerning
the lad who landed a Job as a mixer
In the town's mucilage factory. A
copy reader with his own sense of
comedy captioned It:
(Copyright, 1935. McNaught Syndi
cate) Cougars Kill OfJ
Ranchman9 s Goats
WHITE SALMON. Wash.. Sept. 10
(UPl Eduard Slwon, rancher, slept
peacefully for the first time In weeks
last night, after shooting a cougar
that had killed five of his goats. He
though the 28 milk goats remaining
In his herd were safe, but found
them all dead yesterday morning,
ripped to shreds by more coiutars
Enraged. Sisson telephoned the game
protection department for relief, and
was reprimanded for having killed a
cougar without a permit.
Phone 543 We'll naul away your
PORTLAND. pt. 10. (IPtK num
ber of important change In the pro
posal, "cocktail amendment" to the
Oregon liquor control e.t were re
vealed here today aa plana progressed
to bring the mater before the forth
coming special session of the state
For several weeka Mark Woodruff,
executive secretary of the Oregon
State Hotel association, has been vis
iting members of the assembly m an
attempt to line up support for the
measure. It was revealed "oday that
several significant modifications have
meanwhile been made in the pro
posal. The original avigsestlon was that ho
tels be permitted to sell mixed drinks
to customers seated at tables In pub
lic dining rooms and In connection
with an order for a "bona f:de" meal.
As now urged, the demind Is for
the right to sell cocktails at any place
"on the premises." so long as the
customer Is seated at the table and
the alcohol In the drink does not
run above 24 per cent by weight.
The dining rcom limitation and
the bona fide meal clause are said
to have been eliminated.
The license fee for such privilege
would be 300 a year. Each hotel
would pose a (2.500 bond to assure
compliance with the law.
Another I.op-Slded Mind?
To the Editor:
Your advocacy of withdrawal of
Soviet recognition makes you as
much the 'official spokesman and
agent of the Japanese government
as my weak analyses of Russia makes
me the "official spokesman of the
soviet government." How absurd! To
be labeled a communist in a com
munity which gets Its Information
about them from sources most hos
tile to them, is no Joke. No doubt
you Intended it as that, or satire,
or was it the heat? It has been hot.
It la a foul hit nevertheless.
Of -course you may be right. Hull
may have evidence which you BE
LIEVE exists and which Justified the
sharp note to Russia. He. may also
have evidence that proves soviet
agents are trying to' put a stop to
the Gulf Stream I If so. why doesn't
he out with It? until he does pro
duce it, and the longer It Is in
coming, the more I will believe It
was- a capital Idea, good for at least
a million conservative votes which
the "ins" will need If Rhode Island's
switch means anything. But Hull
would not prostitute his- office to
accomplish such a political trick so
you think. But politics Is war and
all Is fair In war. Roosevelt says
rules don't matter, principles do. Yet
only a short time ago he promised
Sinclair that In a certain week in
October he would take the air for
production for use. "If you do 1
shall be governor of California." was
Sinclalm's reply. But the Literary
Digest's poll soon showed Merrlam
leading and being a politician (one
who finds out which way the people
are going and then leads them) he
forgot alt about PRINCIPLE and let
Sinclair down.
"Recognition of Russia" was in
teresting all your editorials are. but
this one especially so. No doubt
everyone (except a few) who has
read it, thinks so too. The only fault
that I can find with It Is that with
the exception of a few minor points,
none of It will stand up under the
slightest analysis of a scientific na
ture. Some think that you know
It. I don't. I believe your property-interest-complexes
would "protect"
you from knowing It. Such "defense
mechanisms" explain many lopsided
minds. R. HEONER.
Gold Hill, Sept. 8, 1935.
2 Big Days 2
The Sensational MEDFORD
SEPT. 21 and 22
Mexican Stv. Wild Breweao - Bucking
Steer - Dwll Doinf - HovagsTt- Co-fcy
Winner of the Rooevett tmphT rh.implnn rider of the Pacific Coat
Winner of natlon-ntile rodeo hnrinr:
Ptt Parade, Mediord, 1:30 a.m. Sept. 21
jprtnorM By
Medford Pot 15
1 Flight 'o Time
Medi'ord and Jackson County
history from the files of the
Mall Trlbfne 10 and 20 Vears
September 10. 192.1.
(It waa Thursday.)
Ted Semon of the Eagle Point dis
trict la accidentally shot In the arm
while enroute to hunting ground
with three companions.
New county regulations abol
ishes trusties, and provide that-rh
prlsoners shall work only In the Jail,
The first football practice of th
season brings out 35 high school
players. Coach Calllson la pleased
with the prospects, especially the
punting of Connie Conrad. i
State Corporation CommKsloner W.
E. Crews and Mrs. Crews arrive for
a few days' visit In the city.
Heavy frosts reported last night In
the hills.
Pear shipments to date total 1.013
cars to eastern markets.
September 10, 1915.
(It was Friday.)
The Crown Prince of Germany I
repulsed by French with heavy losses,
in drive In the Argonne.
Gov. Hiram Johnson of California
declares "I. W. W. sabotage In hop
fields and orchards" must cease be
fore he will listen to their appeals.
Espee crossl n g flagman la g : ve n
strict orders to stop autos from rac
ing In front of approaching tra'.ns,
and file complaints If hla orders are
Gold Hill dance tomorrow night
will serve free Iced lemonade to
Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Gates and Mr.
and Mrs. E. Fisher leave on auto trip
to Los Angeles.
Ashland and Public School day at
the county fair brings out an at
tendance of 3300. the largest In the
history of the fair.
Bury Fire Fighter
ALBANY, Sept. 10. ( AP) Funeral
services were held here today for
Melvln C. Richardson. 18. of Albany,
who was fatally Injured Friday while
fighting the forest fire In the Mc
Kenzle bridge area. Richardson died
from a broken neck, suffered when
he was struck by a falling tree.
Use Mall Tribune want ads.
Poisoned By a
Clogged System
Many people drag through life,
hnlf-slck, "half there." without ambi
tion or energy to do the things they
should want to do and Just a lot of
times It Is all because their system!
are poisoned by clogged-up bowels
and Inactive kidneys. If you are one
of these sufferers If you feel runs
down, sluggish, with no appetite for
food or zest for living try William
3.L.K. Formula. Take Just a few dosea
and see how much better you feel.
Williams 8.L.K. Formula Is com
pounded from a former army doctor's
prescription and contains several val
uable Ingredients which act In four
beneficial ways: as a mild tonic,
stomach stimulant, mild laxative, and
diuretic stimulant for the kidneys.
Don't take too-harsh Irritating drugs.
Get Williams S.L.K. Formula at
Heath' Drug Store today. The first
bottle must satisfy you or money
back. Adv.
(made pouible hu me to autocratic t