PAGE TEN MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, MEDFOKD, OREGON, TUESDAY, SEPTEIBER 3, 1935, OIL CONCESSION TO PLAY NO PART IN U. S. ATTITUDE RESCUE VESSELS HELD DISTANT BY RAG1NGWATERS (Continued from Page One) APPEAL TO HITLER Young Queen of Belgians on Last Journey May Grapple Here Will Ask Guarantee That Germany Will Remain Christian New Fighting Slogans Provide Worry. BERLIN, Sept. 3J(AP) Th Cath olic hierarchy made It known today that It would appeal direct to Relcha fuehrer Hitler to guarantee that Ger many would remain Christian. The appeal waa decided upon after the rcudlnH of a pastoral letter In all Catholic churches exhorting all mem bera to "stand fast In the faith" and to resist the onslaught of the church's assailants. The letter waa the outgrowth of the recent conference of Catholic bishops at Pulda and was read In mil the churches o the faith In Ger many. St. I'cter'i Word First "Tho fourth commandment enjoins m to obey all autligrltles." tho letter said, "but when the laws of the state come Into conflict with natural laws and dislodge the commandments, then Bt. Peter's word obtains. 'We must obey Clod rather than men.' " The hierarchy Informed the church munbers It had addressed a memo randum to Der Fuehrer calling his attention to "the misuse of new fleht jni! slogans and other limitations of Chrlstlnn freedom a;.J Interference with the Christian conscience." The appointment of Hans Kerrl as deputy for church affairs may mako it linposfillo to contact Hitler per sonally, but Catholics expressed thff hope that he would emphasize Chris tianity as the foundation of the third relch at the Nazi party congress In Nurnberg this month. Ileny Interference Nazi Governor Jacob Sprenger of Hesse. In a speech at Cilcsiicn, hotly denied that the state was Interfer ing In the religious education of the young, which he said was emiroly tho business of the church. But the education of how to become citizens, he added, was the prerogative of the Nnr.1 party alone. The "away frojn Rome" movement of Nasi Catholics In their organ, Der Romfreuto KatholKt. published In Es sen, attacked the papal authority and accused tho Roman Catholic hier archy of "co-operating with Moscow and the Jewry aRalnat tho relch, sa buliuK Its economic Interests." The paper expressed lte-plf fis "not against Christ but for Christ and asnlnst the Paganlstlc Rome. Our bishops failed us and we must help ourselves" l'rlest Detained According to Karlsruhe report, Catholic priest, Father f'rnnifi Hattle mann, was sent to tho Klslau con centration camp for "actions against the state and abuse of his pulpit." The priest refused to explain his con duct, stating that he waa responsibly only to his bishop. The meeting place of a. Catholic youth orgp.nlzatlon at Alstedde. near Luenen, West Phalla, was closed by police, who arrested four youths for wearing forbidden uniforms and "pro vocative conduct." In Nlesso, two Catholics were Im prisoned for tearing down Or. Wll helm Ooorlng's placard Sffiftnst "po litical Cathotoclsm." 1 . . V John Parr. Thoenlx, It in the (im munity hospital today with cnmhwl hand rocrlvod at 11 o'clock Iiut nlfrht when a Southern PsclMo switch en pine ran over It while Parr waa asleep on tho rltflit of way, with hi left hand thrown over hi hend and rest ing on the rail. Police nld that Parr hfld been drinking. Hmpltnl attaches atated today that Purr will probably not low the hand, but that fsevriftl flu-Rom may have to Yy ruiipntiitcd. Tio engineer ot the switch ennlno told polko that he waa taklnji a box car down the main line pirpntatory to dropping it in front of the Pinnacle No. 3 pivcklnR 'joviae. He noticed Purr lln? alonfiMde the track nnd thinking that ho had been poa slbly hit by another train, brought the locomotive to a Mop and Jumped cut. The pony truck on the front of the engine had pawed over a part of Ma In. ml. nnd he i U. the hrvmtt:,! for attention. He was rout ine comfortably aa could be expected tilts aitc: noon. - v ; jk CvC' p-j . ... Xr- While sorrowing subjects ttood In the street and sobbed, the body of beautiful Queen Astrld of the Belgians was returned to Brussels from Switzerland where eb was killed In an automobile accident This radlophoto shows the casket being carried to a waiting hearse at tho Brussels rail war station. (Associated Press Photo, Speaking In the Church of the Nazarene Sunday night. Fred M. Weather ford. paator-cvanKellftt. apoko from tho topic "Current History Cor roborates the Soon Coming of Christ." He drew his text from Hebrew 9:28: "Unto them that look for TjUm shall He appear the second time. Alao Luk'; 19:13: "Occupy till I come." Tils mossngn In brief follows: e "It Is not within my thinking to night to paaa on to you any spec illa tion or strained fancies that I might propound. Such preaching has done more to bring this vital truth Into disrepute than anything else. I am not date setting, nor am I attempt ing to tell you who the antl-Chrlst shall be. I am concerned about the truth, that Is certain. "The text Is positive In stating that he shall appear the aecond time. The context to the text affirms that He came to bear the alua of the people, aa the essential preparation necessary to His second coming. "He cannot be comforatble In the presence of Christ, who has remain ing within Him any personal or racial sin. Tho death of Christ made pro vision for tho elimination of both. When a cnndldate subscribes to re penting of his aln and the dedication of his life to ChrlSt and exercises faith, he has met the requirements Incident to salvation.. " 'Be ye also ready for In such an hour ns ye think not. the Son of Man cometh.' are the words uttered by the Christ. He also said 'When the Son of Man coiWeth shall He find faith on the earth? A further state ment from Him says, 'Iniquity shall abound: wicked men and Reducers shall wax worse and worse, nnd the love of many shall wax cold.' "The faith of the church Iny wan ed, and who would question that wickedness ts wnxlug worse and worse? And that many have grown cold aa a dftff'a nose In the pursuit of vital Christianity? "There can be no lasting peace until after tfto Hon of Man exercises His last crusade In the elimination of the sinner from among the right eous. The movements of Italy on Ethiopia Is only a perpetuation In the words of Christ: 'Nation shall rise against nation.' " . Confederate Army Remnant Reunions AMAfllLliO, Tex.. Sept. 3 (API le's army inarched in memory to day aa feeble remnant of the gallant gray-clad host converged here for It 43th annual reunion, tiwa than years after the stars and bars of the confederacy were furled. From every part of the southland the veterans gathered for what may bo the last meeting of the U. O, V. E Dancing lessons such as chosen by the movie stars; a nationally famous Instructor; the chiance to win an award of $25.00; having aa partner the man who has taught 112 of the leading feminine stars of the screen the same "Dance of the Stars." All this awaits the girls of Jackson county at the Craterlan theatre next week, where the Medford Mall Tri bune, In conjunction with the theatre is offering free dance Instruction and the chance to compete for the prize while dancing with dene La Verne, teacher to the movie stars. There is no charge for the instruc tion or entry Into the contest. All girls desirous of entering are asked to leave their names at the Craterlan theatre before Saturday. Gone La Verne, who has not only taught famous screen stars, but also thousands of others throughout the country, will nersonally Instruct each entrant through the intricate "fcteps oi his neweat and most beautiful dance creation, "The Dance of the Stars." On the. stage of the Craterlan theatre, next Sunday, Monday and Tuesday nights, La Verne will act as partner to all girls In the contest. Each girl has the same opportunity of winning first prlre, in addition to learning at first hand from the creator, the dance all Hollywood Is now doing. Popular applause from the audience will be the Judge of which girl moat grace fully performs the dance with L Verne. In order to acquaint early entries. ' La Verne will arrive in Medford Prl- ; day and will conduct hta first ree Instruction Saturday morning rom 10 a. m. until 1 p. m. and again at 5:30 until 6:30 that evening. Additional Instruction will bo given 10 a. m. to 1 p. m. Sunday, and 11 a. m. to 1 p. Un. Monday and Tuesday. AUTO TRAGEDIES (Continued from Fs&e One) Meteorological Report September 3. 1935 Forecasts Medford and vicinity: Fair tonight and Wednesday: cooler Wednesday, Oregon: Pair tonight and Wednes day but considerable clouds or fog In northwest portion and on coast: slightly warmer In northeast portion tonight but cooler in Interior of west portion Wednesday. Temperature a year ago. today: Highest, 100; lowest, 62. UPPER ROGUE FISHING Air Bomb Squadron Chief Thanks City A letter expressing the thanks of the 31st bombardment squadron of the U. 8. army, recently encamped here, to the people of Medford has been received by Mayor George Por ter. The letter follows: "Dear Sir: wish, on behalf of my officers feeling of gratitude we hold toward to between 350 and 400, and described the week end as "death's favorite hollsy." Rain in many sections was one fac tor which tended to reduce 'the num ber of deaths, as drivers proceeded more cautiously than usual. The weather also helped to reduce the number of cars on the road, reliev ing congestion on many usually crowded roads. Another factor, safety experts sald?i waa the widespread publicity urging motorists to use greater care in a campaign for safe driving. Figures reported at I a. m. (C. S. T.) placed the death list at 283. No definite check could be made of the injured, ut estimates placed the se riously hurt at more than 200. Deaths from drownings and other fatal accidents, not included In the automobile figures, also tended to swell the grand tota Eight states and the District of Col umbia had clean records. Arizona. Delaware, Florida. Louisiana. Missis sippi, Nebraska, North and South Da kota reported no automobile fatali ties. California headed the list of states with the greatest number or deaths 40. New York was second with 24 and Illinois next with 17. Three Mlssou1!, Ohio and Pennsylvania were fourth: Michigan was In seventh place with ! I and Iowa and West Virginia followed with 10 each. Total monthly precipitation, none; deficiency for the month, .02 of an I Inch. Total precipitation since Sep tember 1. 1P35. none; deficiency for the season, .02 of an Inch. Relative humidity at 5 p. m; yester day, 18 per cent; 5 a. m. today, 71 per cent. Sunrise tomorrow, 5:39 a. m. Sunset tomorrow, 6:42 p. m. Dixie was pinioned against the north end of French key, about 60 miles south of Miami. French key la about eight miles from the position on' treacherous Carysfort reef where tho Dixie, car rying a crew of 129 and 229 pas sengers, waa at first thought to have run aground. Haze Hampers Rescue Several other rescue boats engaged in the needle - in - the - haystack search, hampered by the post-hurricane haze and laboring through heavy seas. Because of the raging waters, the master of the Limon could not at tempt to take off the stricken ves sel's passengers. Fears were expressed that the Dixie, a Morgan line coastal ship, might be battered to pieces before moderation of the storm made pos sible transfer of her passengers. Tho storm which tossed the Dixie against the reef, swept over southern Florida and the keys, raged west and north over the west coast ot the state and out into the Gulf oi Mexico. The hurricane caused considerable crop damage, submerged highways and keys and caused fears that lives may have ibeen lost In the vicinity of Tra vernier. Wake of Wreckage There, the wind reached its great est velocity, late last night, leaving a wake of wreckage. But one build ing, a general store, was left stand ing In the village, reported Fred B. Ghent, director of veteran reiiei at Jacksonville. The small fishing village of Whale Harbor, he said, "Is no more." What happened to 650 ex-army men who were engaged in construe' tlon work In the devastated awi was a mystery. The storm, which Gordon E. Dunn, meteorologist at the Jacksonville weather bureau, 6ald waa an "aver age hurricane," missed large cities on the east coast of Florida, Injuries incurred by passengers and crew members of the Dixie as the mountainous waves and power ful winds battered her on French reef were not serious, it was indi cated in a message from the liner's skipper. Observations Taken nt A A. M., 120th Meridian Time 2 H a 3 Sit " M r a tTtj M 3 2 Man .Mountain Dean (.above) the lareest stnsle Installment nt uretlir eyer to cllmh Into one pair of punts, was in Meaiord over the week-end "chewing the fat" with Promoter Mark I.IIIard. Trie promoter said the bewhlskered clanf, who weltrhs S'-JU Pounds or twice ns much an n rood. sized middleweight, tentatively agreed to wrestle here In the near future. CIRCUS DAY' IS ROTARY FEATURE Members of the Medford Rotary club celebrated "circus day" at their regular luncheon meeting in the base ment banquet hall of the Hotel Med ford today. Through the courtesy of Irv J. Polack. owner and active man ager of the circus now playing here under sponsorship of the Shrine pat rol, several circus acts were presented at the Rotary meeting. Among the circus performers who entertained the Rotarlans today were Rue Enos, a clever con tortionist, and the widely-known H-iod sisters, acrobatic dancers. The color ful "Iron Jaw" Mott. strong man for the circus, made a hit with the Ro tarlans, while the specialty act by the peerless one-arm drummer, Everett Conway, was enthusiastically received. Among the guests associated with the circus at today's meeting were Irv Polack. the owner, end Mickey Blue, advance promotion manager. (Continued trom Pge One.) this government In regard to the ItHllan end Ethiopian controveray If the preservation of peace to which policy every counrty throughout the world Is committed by one or more treaties and we earnestly hope that no nations will, in any circumstances, bo diverted Jrom this supreme objec tive." As Hull was malting this statement, the senate munitions committee was called Into an afternoon session to determine "what could be done" about learning the Interests back of the American corporation holding the Ethiopian concessions. Governor Invited Ride In Roundup SALEM. Sept. 3. (AP) Governor Charles H. Martjn may ride a bore In the parade Inaugurating the 193S Pendleton roundup September la. The governor today received an in vitation to participate. The executive, with other members of the board of control, were ex pected to return here late . today from a trip to southwestern Oregon. PALE and CROSS I Two Weeks Now look at ihftn -line thy got rid of tbe Stomach (tUo known Round Wormt) thi tipped their health. If your child i below par, and no actual diiease can be found. LOOK FOB WORMSi Thfne im point to therm Pale face, ihm bodies, poor appetite, crotnea and irritability, conitant not picking, fidgeting, bad dreamt, grinding of teeth in oleep. or vomiting. Get Jffyne'a Vermifuge today. 43 mil lion battle used. Children like it Druggiiti recommend it. The largeal bottlo tor the mooey. Jayne'sWermifuge 35 SEPT. 5-6 Boise 88 Boston - ... 68 I Chicago 60 Denver 76 Eureka 58 Helena 68 Los Ai(pples 78 MEDFORD PS New York 66 Omaha 6' Phoenix 94 Portland 88 Reno 00 Roseburgc ... 92 Pnlt Lake City ... 86 Snn Francisco .... 60 Seattle VI Spokane P2 Walla Walla 96 Washington. D.C. 64 Clear Clear Cloudy Clear Cloudy Cloudy Cloudy Clenr Cloudy Foggy P. Cdy. Clear Clear Clear Clmidy Cloudy Clear Clear Rain Principal C. O. Smith of tha Med ford high school today announced that registration of high school stu dents new to the Medford system will he held Thursday. Sept. B, and Friday Afternoon. Sept. 6. at the .-enlor high acnooi building on South Oikdalc. and enlisted men, to express the deepbTnlB registration Is for student who have, never before registered; students BIRTHS Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Merle Jack of Englc Point, a son weighing 8 pounds, 11 ounces, at the Stanley Nursing Home, 343 North Ivy street. 4 (ireece To Stay Neutral ATHENS, Sept. 3. (APTh for eign office announced today that Greece will remain neutral in any 9, at which trme classes will begin. Iterranean. the city of Medford and each of it -who registered laat spring, or earlier, cltiwns. The hospitality and cordial are not to report until Monday. Sent. ' struggle for sea power In the Mcd- co-ooeratlon extended to ust by the people of Medford left nothing to be desired. We look forward to our re turn to Medford. ( Signed "HAROLD D. SMITH, "Major, Air Corps, Commanding 31st Bombardment Squadron, U. 8. Army. San Rafael." KEEP COOL and ENJOY, meals and fountain serrlos at ths What Not New air conditioner. i DIRECTOR CONFERS Paul T, Jackson, . Oregon director for the. National Youth Administra tion, was In Medford yesterday con ferring with IS. H. Hedrlck. superin tendent of city schools and other school officials. He announced that a local administration committee will be appointed here In the near future to handle operations of the N. Y. A. Similar appointments will be rftadc In Ashland, he stated. The purpose of the NYA Is to pro vide for more educational and recre ations! possibilities. Jackson stated that children of high school age, whose families are on relief, are elig ible for $6 per month to aid In their expenses, and college students whose rami lies are on relief are eligible for 15 per month, both classes with re striction. More definite announcement will be mado after the committee 1 ap pointed, Jackson stated, and added that he was not yet ready to an nounce the personnel of the commit tee at this time. NATIONAL NET SINGLES DELAYED BY DOWNPOUR FOREST HILLS, N. Y., Sept. S. (AP) Rain today cau&od postpone ment until tomorrow of play In the men' and women's national singles tennis championships at the west sldo tennis club here. Mcl.FOD, Pept 3, (Spl.t Many fAvomhSe t'omnuMits on fishing condi tion In the upper Iioguo are heard fmni anglers thu season. Trout ft.ih hr.s been particularly gr-od. Our viilt:i hpcrtsman ttrciatrtt he had r;iufc!i! lUi tiout during his week's fiav i.nd th.u the ItOjjuc was "lousy w it h tiout." KwruMip M't-ms quite sntlsftfd with fhrir tuicii.-n nnd ns a result there I :ui itHTi'itM in thjrt numner vl tour '..'pI)ln; nloni; the upper llogue. Mni''i! wJ-omi are. eoutrmpinling pur t lots lor Minmicr homes in this l. MM v. MEDFORD VETERINARY HOSPITAL 1.1 tejift Mprrlrnfe In large 'id mail antnul pi a tUf 1!2: N Riverside. Phone 3G(J LOANS QUICKLY WHEN ron nred ready rn(0i for hiit purpose itiHt's your biiMUCM. Advan cing rncVi nt ouch times id our biiMiirM. Here you'll find borrowing a private, biiMtieoo-likc transaction jii!! between n. CASH I.OAINS lip In .t()0 QiilrMy rrivnlrly ConrtrouJily Loans on your ear, furniture, signature, or othr curitr. Oregon & Washington Mtg. Co. 45 So. Central. Phone 131 W. E. THOMAS, Mgr. Coming -SOON Watch For Dates! EXTRA SPECIALS For WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY September 4 and 5 3 lbs. FIRM, RIPE AIRWAY VlSiegaS? Pure cider gal. . gc Fg&BfS Kerr Maron quarts Qc NOTE:-Saturday Sept. 7 We Will Give 100 lbs. SUGAR FREE to the OLDEST PERSON visiting cither of our two stores. A sack will be given at each store and the same person cannot receive both sacks. If you are an "Old Timer" be sure to register at one of our stores Saturday. 10 a. m. 2 p. m. 4 p. tn. and 7 p. m. are "Zero Hours" at our stores Saturday I Be sure and be here! DiOi u ij-'rom Far and Near.... i 9 i Tli c u Meet at f1G MULTNOMAH tit ft! flirfr 'fflirTmii I fr? iH 1 fil 1 VI U:)i371::ii;ii:, Because of Its sizend ticmal facilities, disc met i v ointments, excellent cuisine and service, the Multnomah, as a convention hotel and community center, is the scene of con st i nt ch ic snd social activity. Naturally. It Is the itOFFinS r'l,ce fr interesting and extep e app- He" important visitor! from far tnd near, from ai far away . India. and an near home McMinnvtlle . .." "hen vou stop at the Multnomah you Pre in the midst ot thing, yet In a homelike, hospitable atmos phere. And r. 4. I if member it com No R Morel STORE LOCATIONS No. 41. 115 N. Central No. 471 Main and Holly. During' fruit Season Safewav Stores Will Be Onen Until 7 p. HOTEL MULTNOMAH o f Po i flan J I Am