MEDFORD' MXffi TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OREGON. TUESDAY, lATJGUST 27, 1935 MedforbJWTribune "Every on tn Houlbern Oregon Bead tba Uuli Tribune" Daily Except Saturday. Published br MEDFORD PRINTING CO. N. Fir 6t. phone . ROBERT W. BUHL, Editor. Ab Independent Newspaper. Entered aa cond-clais mtiter at Med ford, Oregon, under Act of March . SUBSCRIPTION RATES 99 Mail In Advaac. Daily, one year pally, el month Dally, one month By Carrier, In Advance Medrord. Ain land. Jacksonville, Central Point, phoenix. Talent, Gold Hill and on : hlgbwaya. Dally, one year. Dally, aix vnonthe Dally, one month All Urine, oaeh tn advance. Official Papr of the City of Mtdrord. Official Paper of Jiu-kMin County. UXMBF.B OF THE AHHOCI ATKU PHtS RecelvlnK Full leaned Wire Her Ice. ttttid to the tie for publication of all . ,..thm (.rmiiied to It or other- wlae credited In thle paper, and aleo to the lal newa puouanen nor.iu. . All rlihte for publication of apeelal dlapatcnee nerein are aiea rwi. MEMBER OF UNITED PRESS MEMBER Of AUDIT BUREAU OF CIRCULATIONS Adv.rtl.ln. M n MnriKNHKN A COMPA.N T Office. In N.w York. Chicago O.trolt. gin UO. nnia. . Portland. MEMBER Ye Smudge Pot Bj Arthur Prrry Owing to the high price of bacon .... nif that form' arly resembled a deer, ! spot to Be hog. when hunting starts this Jell. The United States government, in ....Mi.intf Hi.nlav of gumption. that has nothing to do with the Toting next year, mreaicn. let government of Soviet Russia with drastic action, because of revolu tionary speeches, made at the "3rd Internationale" at Moscow, by Amer ican Reds. Itseemsthehell-ralslngol the past coincided too strongly with what the "agitators said. It is hoped the American government will not be o cruel and Inhuman as to Insist the American agitators stay In Russia. ... "FARMERS LAUDED FOR SOC eiCSSFUIj CROPS" (Siskiyou News). A snub for Mother Nnture, and the farmer's oldest boy, who did the earing plowing. ... BOW DOES THIS BOUND? Forn iin innir. and runs like new; B wire wheels, foot frrd, spot lamp and speedometer, all tor (Want ad Del Norte Triplicate) No different than the rest. a Va ant! vaaterdav. It was neith er the heat, nor the humidity it was the both of them. ... The esteemed Salem Statesman, editorially characterizes the Somona county, Calif., tarring and feather ing of radicals as "More California Hoodlumlsm." The Just as esteemed Astoria Astorlan-Budgft describes the vent aa "Not RlRht But Under standable." Ifa all the way one looks at a altuatlon. The Salem arrlba vlewa a "martyr" on his way to the penitentiary, accompanied by he sheriff. The Astoria molder ot fjubllo opinion, sees him wovind up en a street corner. MOVIE QI'F.F.N "The gold that gilds the gorgeous sun Tnto j'our shining hair was spun; The blue that tlnta the anire skies rrom It were made your lovely eyca And then a vacuum out of space It's where your brain aliould be in place. N. T. American. . A lady reader of the Orenonlan writes to the editor complaining ha "boya of high school age. de liberately, smash, carve, and whittle the park benches." She desires to know if something cannot be done 'to stop this crime-breeding prac tice." There Is a way, but Ifa old fashioned; vie.: a woodMied. and an axe, and aomethlng to chop. An Oregon politician -trayed into northern California last week, and cnade a speech. He was lured there away, by neither a banquet, nor a vital Issue. He just went and In dulged in oratorical Impudence. There la considerable menace In the practice. If allowed to gain momen tum, and become a habit. ... ft Is now predicted 'he Impending It.lo-Ethlopla war will he the end ef civilisation If any. There has been considerable ring ing of wedding bells Istely. with out any honking of wedding horns, to mav.. a ahlvarce. THE iinovr. It's seldom that death designs to take a fool, But here Is one who at all times would sleep: Ba leaves no flocks of fine Merino sheep And never owned a single clip of wool But bragged he'd learned one lea eon In life's school Which was that there Is nothing men may keep Voder Ood'a heaven. By a weedy pool, Blue like a dnrk-frlnged eye, he watched them reap Th. blistered fields and laughed to b so cool. It, hot as though he ever bad been one Th. fury of whose plow would pinch the sun At setting. , , Be th. bed of earth or hay, Bitter or warm, It cannot be forgot That always he'd aa lteve lie down aa not. And never seemed to care how long ba lay. Cxcntng.. Huey, "Friend of the People!" H (JET LONG'S stock in trade people, and his interest Those who KNOW Huey, know this is a lot of hokum and nothing else. Huey is devoted to no one but himself, and inter ested in nothing but what will benefit the Louisiana Kinsfish, politically, or contribute to his inflated ego, and "will to power." Adroit opportunist, arid unprincipled demagogue that he is, Huey Long however, has been larly in his own state of Louisiana; and has also made amazing prot'ress throughout the country. In view of his exhibition in ducting a filibuster, he was able to defeat the appropriation bill designed to finance the administration's social security and industrial reform program, one able to fool "some of the people THE administration's program was designed solely to benefit the people of this country, the rank and file, the forgotten man, and was fought by big business and the vested interests, with every resource at their command. The appropriation bill Long defeated was designed to fi nance pensions for the helpless and the aged; greater security and well being for the workers in our coal fields; protection for those who place their savings in stocks or bonds, against the depredations of the stock jugglers and profiteers: in short a sincere and thorough-going effort to improve the lot of the com mon man. . DDT did this great champion of the people, support this measure! He did not. He not only jdidn't support it, he took advantage of the most abused and undemocratic privilege in the sonate, the "one-man filibuster" to defeat it. Why? Simply because he HATES Roosevelt. Simply because he would rather see every worthy effort to improve the lot of the avornge man in this country defeated, than have any credit for accomplishment go to the man who dared to challenge his own dictatorship in Louisiana, or place any obstacles in his rise to power. 'OULE or ruin", that is the real Long slogan, and the only constant factor in his sensational and entirely selfish political career. This filibuster on the deficiency appropriation bill shows it more clearly, perhaps, than any the past few years. But we are not so sure it clarification of the political atmosphere as far as the Kingfish is concerned. Unprincipled, ruthless, vindictive, completely insincere, Huey nevertheless is a master show man, and as a rabble rouser and table thumper, is perhaps without a peer. Eventually, of course, he will and four-flushers always meet, to hank too much on its being soon. Huey Long's career, as we see it, is a sort o endurance con test between two American concepts, "you can't fool all the people all the time"; and "a sucker is born every minute." The former is sure to win; but it promises to take far too lng a time. "We Told AI7ELL, those who opposed the win. All they claimed when been sustained. Some, of course, opposed recognition on the narrow ground, that to recognize a communistic wrong. This was not the contention of that Russia had as much right of government, as Italy to establish a fascist form, or the I nited States a democratic form. That wasn't the point. The point was that Soviet Russia, was neither a friendly, nor an honest nation. It was committed to a policy of world wide revolution, and its promises to the contrary could not be de pended upon. Nor could its promises of increased trade with this country be taken at their face value. This flies. There would be no more without it. And regardless of what Moscow said about paying its debts to this country, they would never he paid, without some v"(iiid pro quo" which no self respecting government could grant. XITKLL there's the record, precisely as predicted. " There has been NO increased trade with Russia; the war debts have NOT been paid; the promises of the Soviet govern- meiit to no longer meddle in U. S. affairs, have NOT been kept ; and the records show that Stalin and his gang of freebooters are as much interested in an uprising of the world proletariat as they ever were. That sharp note from the Roosevelt administration was all to the good, and straight to the government will come hack in a disavow any intention of inciting the internal affairs of this or any Rut who can place any faith burden of proof this time certainly rests on the shoulders of those who maintained Soviet. Russia could be trusted UKFOIiK. In lieu of such evidence it is that the sooner diplomatic relations between this eountrv and the present dictatorship in Russia all concerned. Communications " here Is Oregon? To the Editor: A few days ago I saw In the paper where Oregon was buying Cal ifornia prunes. I nm not surprised 1 lived In Portland many years and did not know whtre prune were raised. thn 1 lived In Douglas county few years later and feuiii where real prunes were raise. is his professed devotion to the in the welfare of the common able to get away with it, particu the senate last night, when con wonders how long he will be all the TIME." other of his political acts, during will contribute materially to a meet the fate that demagogues but we wouldn't advise anyone You So" recognition of Soviet Russia, the matter was broached, has form of government would be the majority. It was admitted to establish a communistic form was merely molasses to catch trade with recognition, than point. Undoubtedly the Soviet conciliatory fashion, and again revolution or interfering with other country. in such protestations? The the belief of this newspaper, arc broken off, the better fur think some of the best prunes in the world. Some years ago I was in Wash ington. D. c. for two weeks on buM ness. E t ra pa pers were be i n g printed every hour and sold on the street. I bought many tr lug to see some little item about Portland my home town, but could find noth ing but a small Hem about ban Francisco. CiJ. I went on the streetcar to George Washington's home at Mount Ver aoa, Va returning on the boat Personal Health Service By William Signed letters pertaining to personal health and hygiene not to disease diagnosis or treatment nil! be answered by Dr. Brady If a stamped self-addressed envelope Is enclosed. Letters should be brier and written In tnlt. Owing to the large number of letters received only a few can be answered. No reply can be made to querlea not conforming to Instructions. Address Dr. William Brady, 2(13 El Camlno, Beverly Hills, Cal. ALL THE NEA Disbetes la a nutritional disease, fault of metabolism, inability to uti lize normally various food substances. particularly carbohydrate. sugars and starches. As the body Is un able tO UM It, sugar aocumu late In the blood, and some of It overflows thru tho kidneys, prod uc lng the glycosuria or glucose (sugar) in the urine. Apparently dia betes la hi ore prevalent, today than ever before. Thla may be explained by the fact that It la a disease of mature adults chiefly, and more persons attain ma ture or middle age today than In earlier time that la. the expectation of life Is steadily rising, thank to medical science and gradual enlight enment of the people In matters of hygiene and sanitation so that more people have opportunity to be ex posed to the causes of diabetes. While a young child may have diabetes, the great majority of cases occur in per sona from 40 to 60 years of age. For thle reason we regard diabetes as one of the degenerative diseases which develop at the time of life when one should be at his beat. In considering what the authorities have to say about the cause or causes of diabetes one cannot he'.p thinking that one has heard it all before. Yes. to be sure, the same general etiology has been applied to the problem of arteriosclerosis, heart disease. Brlght's disease, apoplexy or what have you. This does not Imply that It Is all the bunk. For all we know It may be as true for diabetes aa It Is for CVD (cardiovascular degeneration, heart artery wearing out). Not that It mat ters, but my own opinion la that. Diabetes Is a nutritional disease, a fault of metabolism, inability to uti lise normally various food substances, particularly Well, hum, maybe you've heard this before, too. What I'm driving at is the simple concept that the essential cause of diabetes Is nutritional defici ency, and such factors as "nervous strain." Infection, heredity, or pan creatic Injury are comparatively un important. with many other people. When they heard I was from the west, they all wanted to know something about the west, but when I told them I was from Oregon they gave me the "horse laugh" and wanted to know where In the western Jungles Oregon was?" 1 bought some fruit In Washing ton and gave the man a ten dollnr gold piece. He gave me in change some small silver and nine one dol lar bills, saying, "You are from the west, how far, from Chicago?" I said "And then some." "Well, where are you from?" I told him I was from Oregon and he said, "Where the heck is Oregon? I never heard of It. I never knew Oregon was on the map." o I don't believe Oregon gets the advertising that some other states get. BARNEY CODY, Jacksonville, Ore. A native son of the west and a pioneer of Oregon of 1863. NEW YORK DAY BY DAY Ry O. O. Mcliityre NEW YORK. Aug. 37. Sidney Franklin, Brooklyn bull Tighter, is returning to the rings of Spain and Mexico shortly after being out of commission for 18 months as result of a gor ing. Franklin made the mis take of turning r$V J his back on a dying bull after the death thrust i and was flung 30 feet. Soft voiced, in deed almost ef- remmate. Frank lin ts a strange combination of mat ador and esthete. He Is enthralled by the excitement of the bull ring and equally entranced by the gorg eous colorings of his costumes, which he designs. He paints, is ex pert at leather punching and has mustered 10 Spanish dialects. Despite a sensitiveness, he I cal loused to the cry of cruelty In bull fighting. He say the fatal thrust is far less painful and more hu mane than the methods of the pnckeis. Bulls, he declares, are erigtxl to fight by hundreds of years of expert breeding. And love It even unto "death In the afternoon." Franklin hna the actor's reticence about ace. Some say he Is in early 30 a. He sins 29. He has purchased a large cnttle ranch In Mexico wltn his earntiikTs that sometimes reach ed elOO.oao a year. He will fight for two more years and retire to thii. ranch. One of Franklin's Intimates is another of America's reckless ad venturers, t!ie Denver born Eddie Fsan who literally fought his way around the world as an amateui boxer, won a nhcxtrs scholarship nnrt Is now an assistant U. S dis trict attorney with a fixed ambition tosluneasa criminal lawyer. Among intimates and in a relaxing nuiod. Fitsn and Franklin sometimes st:ise a burlesque bull fuht with Euan as the butt and Franklin a t ii" matador. A climax in parlor didoes They burled Roy Barton, a w tp , of bis former self, the other day I 4 t ..ft i, r, ,w fvt.r.J w1 . . -i Brady, M. D. R-DIABETICS Thla la so simple that the brilliant mtnda In medicine will immediately reject It, especially when they know a contemptible newspaper doctor Ad vances the Idea. Sometimes the bril liant minds In medicine reatde In brains which are subsidized by vari ous Interests or are In the skulls of versa tt le writers who have h ad no medical experience to speak of. Nev ertheless It la a fair concept, based on practical experience and clinical re sults achieved by' many excellent practitioners, that thla nutritional disease Is due primarily to faulty diet. The fault In the diet la mainly a lack of the protective foods, na'ural foods, and particularly foods which are- the best natural sources of vitamins and minerals. Hold your fire friends, and we'll give more information about this in a little while. QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS Hemorrhoids Why don't you give us some time a series of articles on the cause, pre vention and treatment of hemor rhoids? So many auffer In alienee. (C. E. C.) Answer Popular prudery prevents. Send stamped envelope beiring your address and ask for monograph on the subject. Jaw Snapping Annoyed for years by unpleasant cracking or snapping noise in my Jaw when chewing food or gum ... (I. E. M. Answer Neglected obstruction by adenoids or enlarged tonsils in early childhood, with faulty growth and development of Jaw la one cause. An other cause is habitual chewing on one side, because of faulty teeth or lack of suitable denture. Heaven Daughter, 12, rheumatic fever twice, leakage of heart. Warmer climate. Florida, Georgia. California suggested. Little summer here In Michigan . . . (B. B. K.) Answer Southern California has fine year-around climate and low hu midity makea for comfort summer and winter. (Copyright 935, John F. Dille Co.) Ed. Note: Persons nliMiliig to communicate with Dr. Brady should send letter direct to Dr. William Brady. M. D., 263 El Camlno, Beverly Hills, Cal. in Paris. For 12 years he had been singing, playing the piano and pass ing the hat In the stuffy, window- less basement room of Harry's New York Bar In rue Dnnou. For a time he teftmed up with Tommy Lyman And now and again came over to the Chicago Loop where he began But always he went back to the tin-panny life that began at mid night and ended at sun-up. His "Montmarte Rofle" was dedicated to the French girl he married. Few realize the astonishing mass of indlgestiblea that slide down the collective slum gullet in a day. Each block has its candy man who assuages the tenement taste for highly-colored Ices, candles on a stick, slow dissolving Jaw breakers and other ptomaine horrors. From morning until night the children seem in constant gorge. How they rake up the pennies Is another mystery of East Side squalor. Incidentally, since Myra Kelley there seems to be no writer to fictionlze the peccant humors ot the tenements and especially the against-odds fight of the young. Magazine editors and book publish ers are in constant hunt for such material but most of the attempts reek only of sordid ness and despair. No one has been able to pluck the literary miles from the bog. so shining and serene, aa Miss Kelley did. Bruno Lesstng's Ghetto atorles were also vignettes of chuckle, phil osophy and loyalty among people who had touched economic depths. But when he took to a roaming assignment In dally Journalism he has had no time for the short story. Rati Von Wiegand recently round ed in for a few days from his for eign correspondence post. He ts dean of his adventurous calling and de servedly one of the most popular Few know the enormous handicap that has been his in his years ot beating rivals in news report. Most of his years his vision hsa been so impaired he can only read through powerful magnifying lens and things ten feet away are a blurr. ! Yet nothing In the diplomatic life j of nations has ever escaped him. A' celebrated London statesman said ot him: "Von Wtegand smells intrigue."! Harlem color scheme: aa reported by J. T. H.: He stood tn front ot i the Yeah Man cafe, a purple-ahlrtea ; and grass green-suited splash. A yei- : low taxi veered up. a chocolate charmer in flaming red hopped out ! and together they moved down the : street to the Orchid Eat Shoppe. The knife-throwing craze spreads. Percy Crosby has become expert. So have FrPi Stone and Charlie Dris coll. nd after a movie Feat in front of a chair Jtloker I feel a few hurls comlna on myself. Electric Company Would Slash Rate SALEM. Aim. 37. The North western Electric company filed appli cation with the state utilities depart ment today for permission to reduce Its rates on cooking and baking serv ice on connected loads in excess of 7 kilowst. Company officials sa: tlie reduc tion would mean a saving of approxi mately $5-4.000 annually. WINDOW OLASb We ell wtndo iiii aao will replace your orufceD window reasonssiy rrow&rtdg Cao j Use Mali Iribun. wast .da. Comment on the Day's News By FRANK JENKINS IfAR news: f "Britain' powerful imperial committee, working speedily upon cabinet instructions in view of the war clouda In East Africa, began the reallocation of British fighting force along the vital point likely to be affected by a. war." Sounds a If Britain mesas busi ness. ONE of these vital points. Inciden tally, la likely to be the Sues canal. Closing the Sues canal to hi troop and supply ships would make It embarrassing for Mussolini. NEAR, war newa: A giant German air cruiser la reported to have crashed during the Baltic maneuver of August 4, caus ing death to an undetermined num ber of persona. The Interesting part of this news Is that the reportedly destroyed air cruiser carried four 7.7 centimeter cannon (7.7 centimeters are roughly three Inchea) 24 heavy machine guns and several tons of bombs It was manned by a first officer, two plolta, one radioman, four mechanics, one artillery officer, eight artillerymen, 24 machine gunners and eight sail ors. If Germany ha any more of these flying fortresses, she can hardly be said to be unarmed, can she? POLITICAL new Democrats use Hoover's own words to refute his charges that Roosevent politician of the past two years have "trampled upon the pri mary liberties of the people." They assert that back In 1924, when testi fying on a bill concerning war poli cies, he said: "I would also suggest that from a legal point of view a general clause should be added to the bill giving blanket authority to the President to fix prices, wages, transportation charges, compensations and embar goes on Imports and exports." THAT statement, of course, referred to war, but these Democratic critics claim that Hoover always re garded the depression as closely akin to war, so what he said about one should apply to the other. Rather far fetched, most of us will say, but at least It proves that if pub lic men want to stay out of trouble they'd . better NEVER SAY ANY THING. MORE political news or anyway political propaganda: Young Republicans, meeting at Yel lowstone park, are told by Edward L Shattuck, of Los Angeles, that "only a determined type of crusade can wrest victory away from the New Deal in 1936." Shucks! A plain, common change of mind on the part of American voters can go farther In that direction than all the crusades ever launched. . And it 1 a lot more likely to hap pen. AND now a bit of news about smart man who Uvea up In Alsaka: H. A. Anderson had hens' eggs, but no setting hens or Incubator. So he rowed his eggs out to an island where the cormorants neat, put them under the cormorants and at the proper if 179G Pint $1.15 179 A Quart $2.25 e 1 i UH nflaf tlma ha rowM back to th. ialand tnd picked up a bsaaatful of twwly hatch ad chicks. Man with smart brain Ilk. that sr. worth more to a country than all th. war-makers, diplomat and politicians who crash th. headlines In a year. T (Continued from Page One) were Treasury Secretary Morgenthau. Professor Felix Frankfurther. Reliefer Harry Hopkins, Frank Walker and Under Secretary of Interior West. Their admiring beams were focused on the president as he talked. They could not have looked more like teacher's pets If each had had a big red apple In his hand. A bystander whispered his admira tion of Mr. Roosevelt's radio talent to a neighbor, saying: "The old man Is certainly wired for sound." The coal magnates opposed to the new Guffey NRA law already are ar ranging to tie H up In the courts. They are looking around for a com pany and a lawyer. The company will be designated to resist payment of the tax and file suit. The Iden tity of the lawyer may be a surprise. They are angling for the attorney general of a southern state who has been battling with the New Deal. The Idea Is to take a short cut to the supreme court if possible with out going through all the lower courts. They want to hasten a Judg fent. There has been a lot of Inside plot ting and replottlng of strategy about Mr. Roosevelt's western trip. The New Deal publicity staff has been passing out the word for weeks that the president was withholding his fire from opposition but would re lease It when he went west. Much waa to be made of the trip. It may not turn out that way. Western plans have been changed several times. The most recent ver sion of the Itinerary is Chicago, Kan sas City. Little Rock. Uvalde (Texas, Garner's home) Boulder Dam and San Delgo, returning through the Panama Canal. That would call for few speeches, and little politics. The fact seems to be that the president Is veering to a wholly dif ferent strategy of encroachment rather than a grand attack on the opposition. Educators may have noticed that the national youth movement and the bureau of education have each been acting as If the other did not exist lately. The reason Is that Director Williams of the youth movement ap proached Commissioner Studebaker of the education bureau with some Ideas for co-operation, but received a somewhat classic reply. In effect, as follows: "Dr. Williams, you have a hot potato, and you have it In your mouth. You alone can decide what to do with it." t EVERYONE CAN BUY HERE! That's Right, because wheth er you want to buy for cash or on 30, 60, 90-day or extended terms, we have a plan that fits every pocketbook. Just select whatever you need and tell us how you want to pay. Motcfofa Auto Radios Brine all your farnrite pro grams wherever yoti drive. NO MONEY DOWN Easy Payments Check These Prieesyrjr I Goodrich Commander TTreaiS" I .ico .01 I i isio I .1 V CAC EEC m OTHER SIZES EQUALLY LOW I Lewis Super Service Station Complete Automtoive Service Wrecker Service WE NEVER CLOSE Eighth and Front. W. L. LEWIS, Mgr. Phone 1300 Flight 'o Time Medford and Jackson County history from the riles of the Mall Tribune 10 and 20 Years Aeo). TEN YEA KS AGO TODAY August 27, lf25 (It was Thursday) Congressman Martin B. Madden, Renubllcan leader, visits city, and Is whisked to Crater lake by Chamber or commerce. Pop Gates announces that the first 1926 Ford coupes will be on hsnd September 10. Fire Chief Elliott wsrns house -a-ivu tn torn csreful when startlnc fires in cook stoves that have not been used for some time, owing to the danger of flue fire. Sheriff Rainn Jennincs had close call in Applegate section, when cor nered bootlegger pulls gun and nolo him at bay. The sheriff "reasoned" with the moonshiner, who surren dered when convinced that hanging would be worse than a county Jail sentence for liquor violation. Petty thieves busy In the Talent district. First Presbyterian church of Ash land to celebrate Its 50th anniver sary. TWENTY YEARS AGO TODAY August -iT. 1915 (It was Friday) The wife and three children of General John J. Pershing suffocated to death In fire that burna the roof of their home on the Presidio, San Francisco. Kaiser resumea drive In East Gal Icla, aa Russian retreat continues. Allies make progress at Galllpoll. C. M. Kidd and wife return from month's auto tour of Cslifornla. Deputy Stock Inspector Wig Aah pole drives to Portland by auto, to discuss freight rates on cattle. The mercury goea to 101 degrees. The present hot spell is the longest in the memory of valley pioneers. For over a month the heat has been between 90 and 103 degrees dally. The first D'AnJou sale of the seas on brings t-2.40 per box net, fob. Medford. The pears were from the Judge TouVelle orchard. 4- Two Honk 1.200-Pound Fish SANTA CRUZ. Cal. (UP) No one ever will be able to tell a bigger fish story than the one Leo Harris, Fresno State college football coach, and Ed Orm, sports editor of the Fresno Bee, can tell. They hooked a 1,200-potmd sunfish, biggest catch ever made here. MODERN WOMEN Natd Not Suffer monthly pain and delay dusto colda,Dervciua strain, ciposurn or einulor c&ums. Chi-chea-tera Diamond Brand Pil la are eSecuTa, niwuiecuiuKivouuiGKnajuti. ooiu oy aiionigciAtaioroveMayearB. Attcloi , TH1 DIAMOND y BRAND" ON .OA 'Ji-jmrAI THE FAMOUS odrich Silvertowns Here's your chance to equip your car with the Safest Tirej Ever Built and the only tirei with the Life-Saver Golden Ply that prevents treacheroui high-speed blow-outs. Cost No More Than Other Standard Makes TTTs Sat your own aoty forms on any lire purcKaw. Our original Budget ray Plan hai enabled thouiandi of DMpla to enioy qualify prod ucts on taiitst credit. No d.lay, no red tap. friendly, courteous credit to everyone. rain.? rgi .