PAGE SEVEN YOU WANT Qlmsified FOR EASY RE FIRE NC El 1-0 R.UKY MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, 1IEDFOKD, OREGON. MONDAY, JULY 29. 1935. SO K. FLOW Read every ad on this pace. You will probably find ex actly the thing yon want to buy or sell. It It Un't there, advertise. It's Inexpensive, effective. RATES Per word first Insertion c (Mlnlmni.1 23c) Each additional Insertion, per word lc (Minimum 10c) Per line per month without copy changes . .! Phone 75 FOR WANT ADS LOST AND FOUND LOST Ladles' Elgin chain watch. Finder leave at Tribune of fice. Reward. LOST II dog missing, call 1518 WANTED FEKALEHELP CHRISTMAS CARDS Big commli- i I j SX Bonuses. Experience unnecessary, j rrnVieTcaiit " ' ' WANTED ailddle-aged Isdy for. gen eral housework. Bybee Ranch, Jack, sonvllle highway. WANTED Olrl for genersl house work to live on premises. Apply personally, 3iu Medford building WANTED Pleasant, capable girl or woman for light housework In mod ern country home. Extra privileges for right person. Box 2034, Tribune. WANTED MALE HELP ELDERLY man wanted as caretaker small suburban place. Good home, small wages. R. L. Nunamaker. Et. 1. Talent. MALE AND FEMALE WANTED A limited number of stu dents to attend packing achool oe glnnlng July 31 at the Ala Vista Packing House. Phone 6-F-14. Mar ian Stancllffe. U'ANTED-150 hop pickers. Four )nnnivts r v k w.ic nlcklns. beginning Auaust 15, Good camp ground with cabins and wood furnished. Apply to B M Clute. Applegate, Oregon. WANTED SITUATIONS REFINED, capable woman around 35 wishes housework. Gentleman's home preferred. P. O. Box 680, Med ford WOMAN with boy 10 yrs. wants work as housekeeper. Write Mrs. Dorotny Gibbon. Jacksonville, Ore. WANTED-M1SCELLANE0US EMPTY FURNITURE VAN going to Portland August 6 or 7, wants lo9d. Phone 815, Hawley Transfer. WANT TO RENT House trailer un til Sept. 6 for use at Crater Lake. L. O. Matthews. Crater Lake. EMPTY FURNITURE VAN coming from Alturas, Cal., wants load. Phone 615, Hawley Transfer. WANTED 8 room modern unfurn ished house on East Side. SteeJy renters. 2015 E. Main. WANTED Used binder. Box 75, Butte Falls. HAVE cash buyer for modern borne. L. O. Plckell. 204 E. Main. WANTED '29 Ford sedan or phaeton in good condition. Write F. M Stle'nl, Rogue River. Ore. WANTED Will buy on terms line rent. 5 room modern house. Em ployed adults. Box 2612. Tribune. WANTED Beef cattle, real, lambs, and pastue. J. J. Osenbrugge. EMPTY furniture van going to Los Angeles Wants load for there or way points. Phone 615. Hawley Transfer. WANTED We pay cub tor household goods furniture and stoves We also buy metals hliles, pelts wool and m hair MEfiPORD BARGAIN HOUSE 27 N Grape St Phone 1062 JJANTED Heifer calves Write Ruoy Schulz. Beagle Oregon FOR RENT HOUSES THREE room furnished house, 6 00 Including water. J. O. Vlall. Phoenix FOR RENT OR SALE Modern house of 7 rooms, furnace heat, douole garage. 7 West Jackson. rtii 5-room mooero ofi furn or unfum. 215 W. Jackson. POR RENT Modern 5-room stucco unfurnished. 625 Pine. POR RENT The ground floor duplex of my home at 842 East Mam St.. completely furnished; beautiful grounds; oil burner furnace. Phone W. Walker at 91 or 888-J-3 Available August 1. FOR RENT Homes furnished ol unfurnished Brown 4 White FOR RENT 5-room nicely furnished house; basement and furnace. In quire 405 W Second. FOR RENT APARTMENTS FOR PENT 3-room turn, apt; ba-.h. --!. 534 N. Ba.'tieiv. FOE BENT APARTMENTS ! NICELY furnished freshly decorteed apartment. Lower floor, private en trance. 1021 Weet Bth Street. PARTLY Jurn. 6-room apt. Close In. 20 s. Fir. FOR RENT Clean, furn. apt. In pri vate, home. 118 Genesee. FOR RENT Two room furntahed apartment. Sleeping porch and pri vate bath. 321 Apple St. FURN. apt for rent. 239 No. Ivy. FOR RENT One 1-rcom apt 6; one 2-room apt. (7.50; one 3-room apt S12 50; two cabins 5 each. Cecil Jennings, Coffee Ann's, Front and Mala. FURNISHED APT. 604 W. Tenth. Garage. Adults. FOB RENT Hotel Holland Apt Tel 710. FOR EENT FURNISHED . ROOMS FOR RENT Clean, well ventilated front sleeping room, with or wltn out garage: 3 blocks from Court house. 323 King. FOR RENT Nicely furnished sleep ing room, also garage 11 desired. 325 So. Riverside ave.. FOR RENT Furnished sleeping room. Call before 9 :30 or after 4 :30. Phone 432-W. 33 No. Peach. I ATTRACTIVE room 404 3 Orspe FOR RENT ROOM BOARD KATES reasonable at 718 E. Main. FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS OR RENT Business location room 16x50. Will remodel to suit tenant Apply Mall Tribune. FOR RENT Furnished cabins. (2 00 per week. 153 Oranlte St. Ashland BFeN-T at Four Mil, lake 44580 Jron . FOR EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE EXCHANGE 27 acre ranch on An derson creek for Medrord property. Call at Talent Service Station. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE SMALL MOUNTAIN HOME 30 miles from Medford on good road, Vt mile off new Tiller Trail hwy; good mint ing and fishing; 4-room house with dinette, nice lawn; reasonable. In quire or write J. R. Elmore, Trail, Ore. 9 ACRES part Improved. Cash or terms. Bargain. H. Schermerhom. mile Weat Phoenix. FOR SALE 40 A. turkey ranch. Im proved. 400 young turkeys. New 5 rm. house. R. 3. Box 57. Eagle Point E. Ferg, or Inquire 730 Dakota. SACRIFICE SALE 10 acres Improved and Irrigated on state highway. L. O. Plckcll. 204 E. Main. FOR SALE 25 A. Improved land 2 mi nnrt.h of Jacksonville. Old Stage ml. north of Jacksonville. Old Stage Road. C. J. McCay. FOR SALE Partly furnished 4-room house. Large lot with fine garden. On east side. Cheap and terms. Call at 414 S. Riverside. BEAUTIFUL Highway Home with 32 acres In cultivation and Irrigated The dwelling has maple floors, fire places. 3 bed-rooms, fine well with electric pressure system. This fine, diversified farm home can be bought together with cows, poultry, crops, furniture, all complete, for 89.000. Terms. Brown Ai White, Realtors. 104 W. Main. FOR SALE 1 acre of excellent soil. 6-room modern nouse. eiect.-ic pump, fruit trees, livestock and poultry: Pj miles from Sacra mento. Will sell entire ranch for 82000 or trade for Medford prop erty. Terms considered Write Ruoy Schulz. Beagle, Ore. FOR SALE by owner 6 room, strictly modern house, basement, furnace beautiful lawn, trees and Brubbery Double garage. Bargain for Imme diate sale. 1218 West Main Phone 290-W. SALE OR TRADE Equity In close-in modern residence, large lot. Would trade for equity In small country place This property would return good income II rented. Box 8789 . Tribune. WHEN vou think ot real estate think ot Brown at White. I houses FOR SALE OR RENT Jackson County Building 4 Loin Ass'n Phone 195. FOR SALE LIVESTOCK FOR SALE Two Jersey cows. M. P. Barlow. Wagner Creek Road. FOR SALE OR TRADE 150 head sheep, one pair 1400 lb. horses, one house and lot In Talent. See Henry Kerb?. Talent. FOR SALE Dairy cows and young stock, also pasture for rent. E. B. Hozan. Applegate. FOR SALE 3 vr. old work mare. Un broke. L. McCulloeh. Talent. FOR SALE No. 1 work horse. CsU 10-F-13. FOR SALE DOGS PETS LLEWELLYN setter pupa. 3 mjn'hs old. Reasonable. Dr. I. H. Pore. FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES :.77u nnnn rim REAL BARGAINS IN OOOD L.ED PORTLAND OR SAN FRANCISCO 1015 Plymouth Deluxe sedan. 1934 Dodze coupe. I M5 Ford sedan. 1933 Ford Deluxe sedan. 1932 Chrysler sedan. 1932 Plymouth sedan. 1932 Chevrolet coach. 1930 Ford sedan delivery. 1929 Chevrolet coach. 1929 Pivmouth coach. 1929 Cadillac sedan. 1928 LsSalle sedan. ALso several evn row v - -Used Car Lot. North Side Et 1. ARMSTRONG MOTOrta. Pnone 18. ' tTriVn M 1st d;.?a 7 & FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES j for SALE Bed, mattress, spring. dresser, plana, dining table, cup board, linoleums, 11-tube cabin t radio. 1st house east of tank, Con tral Point. FOR SALE Ford V-8 DeLuxe Phae ton; radio, air-wheels. 208 Van couver Ave. DB SOTO coupe, original finish, good rubber, good mechanically. Priced for quick sale. PIERCE-ALL EN MOTOR CO. Dodge and Plymouth FOR SALE OR TRADE 1927 Chev. i truck. Wade drag&RW. L. Mccul loch. Talent. FOR SALE POULTRY FOR SALE 130 turkeys. 12-F-8, Eagle Point. FOR SALE R. I. R. yearling hens and males. Selected breeding stock. Also fat hens and fryers. Cummtngs Poultry Ranch, 5 ml, out Midway Road. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS PIANO Will be sold for balance duf. Excellent bargain. Baldwin Piano Shoppe. FOR 8 ALE Hawaiian guitar, bird cages, ?4 size bed, large number of Edison phonograph records. 744 .W. Jackson St. FOR SALE Cletrac W. Good condi tion, buzz saw and Mandel attach ment. 8125. Phone 610-R-l. FOR SALE A new Coleman lantern, 5.00. F. A. Waterman, phone 905-W PROSPECTORS oompass, dip needle. Box 8924. Tribune. FOR SALE Fruit Jars, cheap. 812 W. Fourth. ONE nearly new Electrolux vacuum cleaner. Cheap, singer Sawing Ma chine Co. FOR SALE Extra fine alfalfa ready next week. Box 2850, Tribune. FOR SALE Few thousand late cab bage plants, cheap. John Mace. Central Point. FOR SALE Good 30x3 ",i model T Ford tires, cheap. 204 Hamilton St. FOR SALE Apricots, light crop Geo. Altord. Fern Valley. EXCELLENT apricots. TUtons. Best for canning. Bring your container 311 So. Peach. FOR SALE Apricots. Mrs. R. J. Earl. Phone 406-J-l. FOR SALE Complete lubrication equipment. Wltham Magneto and Parts Co. FOR SALE Flamo enamel gas range like new. 160. Phone 24 Gold Hill. P. O. Box 642. HAVE YOUR Old Waahei repaired I Reasonable prices pick's Hardware SACKS 20.000 sacks on hand. No. l's and 2's. See us before you buy. Med ford Bargain House FOR SALE Used sacks. Across street from Montgomery Ward's. BUSINESS CHANCES FOR SALE Beauty shop. Box 6910, Tribune. MISCELLANEOUS NOTICE If you want your henhouse, cow barns or packing houses white washed call 258-W. GOLD OPPORTUNITY Quick ac tion. Investigate what (10 offers In proven district. Box 2653, Tribune. BUSINESS DIRECTORY Ahstracts. JACKSON CO. AKSIKACl CO. Ahstracts ot Title and rule insurance The 'inly complete Title System id Jackson County. MURRAY ABSTRACT CO. Abstracts ot Title. Rooms S and S. No 02 North Central Ave., upstairs COMMERCIAL SPRAYING CALL MeOonagle. 338-M. Commercial Spraying. piano and Oultar Instruction. FRED ALTON HAIOHT Tenoher of Piano and Steel Oultar Song wrt Ing service studio sI8 Llbe.! Bunding. Medford Ore. Money to Lend MONEY LOANED - HO to M00 tor persona or household purposes nn House Furnishings or Autos; alec Cars Refinanced Loans closed within 30 oilnutea License No. a. 157. See W E Thomas or B J Riley 46 So Central. Transfer. TRUCKING AND STORAGE LOCAL and long distance nauung furni ture moving, etc Reasonable rates Tel 833 F E Samson Co. EADS TRANSFER 44 STORAOE CO Office 1015 No ueotrai rnune oi. Prices right. guaranteed. HAWLEY TRANSFER Expert pack, ers and movers Special livestock moving equipment. Prices right 619 North Riverside Pnone 616 Expert Wlndon Cleaners. LET GEORGE DO TT Tel UIJ Bouse cleaning floot waxing ori ental rug cleaning and upholstering LEGAL NOTICES Sol Ire lo rrertltnr.. In the County Court of the fttAte of Orecon in and for Jackson Coun'.y. In the Matter of the Estate of Robert C. Rueechaw, Deceased. Wntlce la hereby Riven that the undersigned was on tlie 26th d.17 of July, ly35, appointed Admlnlst-ator with W:ll annexed of the estate of Robert C. Rueachaw. aeoeajeo. oy order of the County Court, of Jv k- -i.., ulln,t n,id entate are re- ; 1 ou:red to pre.vnt same, dillv verl-, fled, at tne oClre of Best and B-is. . " the date of the first nnwinaion which is msde on July 39th. 1935. O. C. B0O33. Administrator with the Will Annexed. Notice of Final hettlement. In the County Court of the State of Oregon, in and for the County of Jackson. In the Matter of the Estate of E B Plckel, deceased. Notice Is hereby given, that the undersigned has filed her Final Ac count as Executrix of the Estate uf E. B. Plckel. deceased. In the County Court of Jackson County, Oregon, and that said Court has appointed Tue. day. the 8th day of August. 1035 at the hour of ten o'clock In the fore- noon of said day as the time, and the Court Room of said County Court in the Court House In the City ol Medford, Oregon, as the place for hearing objections to said Final Ac count, the settlement thereof, and the distribution of said estate. All persons Interested are hereby notified to appear at said time and place and anow cause, if any there be, why said Final Account should not be approved by the Court, aai estate be decreed to be fully settled, a decree msde for the distribution of said estate to the person entitled thereto, and aald executrix discharged from her trust. Dated and first published Julv 8th, 1935. MATTIE E. PICKEL. Executrix of the Entae of E. B. Plckel, deceased. Meteorological Report July 39, 1935. Forecasts. Medford and vicinity: Fair tonight and Tuesday: slightly warmer. Oregon: Fair tonight and Tues day, but some cloudiness on coast: slightly warmer Interior of south and east portions. Local Data Temperature a year ago today: Highest. 92; lowest, 58. Total monthly precipitation, 0.32 Inch. Deficiency for the month. .04 inch. Total precipitation since September 1, 1934, 16.17 Inches. Deficiency for the season, 1.67 Inches. Relative humidity at 5 p. m. yes terday, 31; 5 a. m. today. 74. Sunrise tomorrow, 5:02 a. m. Sunset tomorrow, 7:32 p. m. Observations Taken at 5 a 120 Meridian Time. 7? zS II a 5 3 2 2 h I Boise 80 53 .... 1 Boston .... 60 .01 Chicago ...... 86 73 .... , Denver .... 72 .... Clear Cloudy P. Cliy .... Cloudy Eureka 62 52 80 50 Cloudy P. Cldy Clenr .... Clear T. P. Cldy ... Clear Clear .... Clear Helena ........ 80 Loa Angeles 90 MEDPORD 85 New York ... .. .... 68 57 68 84 58 Phoenix ........ .... Portland ...... 74 Reno ........ Roseburg . 90 54 . 80 52 Salt Lake 04 64 San Francisco...... 76 58 Seattle 74 56 .01 P. Cldy Ckar Clear Spokane ....... 74 50 .10 P. Cldy Walla Walla 66 Clear Clear Washington, D.C. 84 Luckner's Yacht Burns. BREMEN. July ?9. AP) Count Felix von Luckner's auxlllary-englned schooner Mopclla burned during the night in the harbor because of a machine room short circuit. The ship is believed a total loss. Mail Tribune Daily ACROSS L Wager 4. Supports 9. Amcriran poet 12. Past 13. Round-up 14. Noah's boat 15. Slaff 16. Everlasting: poetic 17. Very smaD 18. Word of consent 20. Shoemaker's too) 23. Exclamation 24. Young bear 26. Female satnt- abbr. 21. Comparative ending 39. Disputatious 33. Term of ad- ' dress 24. Old Indian tHh 35. Nothing. Sfl. Accost 28. Greek letter Z Lazily 40. RelUh 42. Gambling game 44. Twelve 46. Bay 49. Sick 60. Pungent Solution of Saturday's Puzzle 5 HIE ID mA A liEJSH Bl A k I k AfflE IgglL C PlEfffiv 1 U AiLBTppLp" M'TTGjllrlS MlQ'M'OjTlOlN E'SPjA'S'TjE Eixoh i cMue fUeTe DIVE Dp G AsWg "O ofejE A lE eIp U Nfi U RjG I D ue dMvia Okie rs eHs cicw ErrMi I Nl. AMQ R! AT . A OjV AyiAVI 5ToMoiPA7l !r1i!5!ep,eTt;eirSie n t 64. Before 65. Malt beverage 6'!. Wake bl. Water sprit M, Boy f$. Come in 60. Makft Ufa DOWN 1. Cloie firmly 2. Self z 13 I v. 4 5 ( Vj 18 I ;: !? o " ','. 1 5 !' 1 (o '' 1 7 .''' '' .'w. '.': ;?;, ; 'M' W- W, 44 46 41 48 "' '.'.. 4q "5o"JT "JT "5$ 35 g Roar of Cannon May Interrupt Ethiopia's New Year's Activities BV rilAKI.ES NORMAN. (Associated Tress Staff Writer) If Mussolini's African legions were to Invade Ethiopia In September, as some military observers predict. they would strike at a country cele brating Its New Year. Ethiopia's New Year's day falls on September 11. "The Abyssinian army." writes a British historian. "Is in effect prac tically the people, for with the ex ception of priests and monkst every man Is a potential soldier love of fighting Is in his blood' tt Rains Torrents. September looms as the likely time for invasion because of the peculiar weather conditions that govern the whole of Ethiopia. The country has two seasons. In the main Bnga, which Is the dry season, from Sep tember to mid-June: and K'arnmth. the wet, rainy season of three and a half months, from mid-June to the end of September. "When It rains it pours" la an understatement when applied Ethtopla. The rain comes down in torrents and turns primitive roads Into raging streams and rivers. War time maneuvers are impossible under such conditions. Ethlnpln's Boundaries. Modern Abyssinia is believed to be composed of three racen the Hamltes of north and northeast Africa: a Semitic strain because ot Invasions from Arabia; and a Nl grltlc element Introduced by inter marriage with conquered negro tribes For centuries they have beaten baclc invasion after Invasion, and in modern times have Inflicted severe defeats on Egypt and Italy. Emperor Menelik. whose army crushed the Italians In 1608, made boundary treaties with England Prance; and Italy. The realm now ruled by Halle Selassie, "the Con' querlng Lion of Judah." consists of Abyssinia on the north and center: the Oalla country in the south and southwest; the negro and negroid country of the west; on the east the Moslem tribes and In the south wt. the Ogaden Somala. The rulers of Abyssinia, or as the people prefer to call It, Ethiopia, claim descent from King Solomon and -the Queen of Sheba. Co UNWjtaEFS SjW ""V X Eden Precinct EDEN PRECINCT, July 30. (8pl.) For the past week your corres pondent has been vacationing at the beautiful summer camp of Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Peckham on Yale creek, a tributary of Little Applegate. Mr. and Mrs. Peckham have, through the courtesy of Mrs. Mary Pursel, spent their summers the past five years at the present site. It Is one of the neatest and most sightly summer homes In this sec tion and Is situated near the road and on the banks of the swiftly flowing stream of Ysle creek. In the early part of the season trout fish- Cross-Word Puzzle Catch which prevents ratchet from turn ing hack ward 10. Native metaJ 11. Piece out !9. Old French coin , 21. Moisten 22. Minced rflsb 23. Vocal solo 25. Flat cap 'J8. Cut of meat 27. Malign J8. Depend 30. Gray Inn 31. Insect's egg 3. Lazy 37. American fn 1 era) i 29. Tavern 41. Trap 43. Kind of duck 44. Circular In dicator 45. Spanish wide- mouthed Jug 47. Silkworm At. Starting point of a aermot 81. Study R2, Wagon track S3. Danish fiord iRiAiSEiRiGid 2. Very small West Indian bird 4. Suppose t. Decompose 6. Poem 7. By 2. Musical compositions x t Modern Ethiopia nn are romponlte of Hamlttr. Semitic and MRrtMe yearn ago by the minicllnj ot Invader and natlven. Although section Of vnrlfliitu, the man and woman with her bahy shown In the pletureai The Abyssinian form one-third of the population. The Oalla Invaders of the sixteenth century were sub dued by successive Abyssinian kings, and their conquest was completed by Menelik, who added considerable territory to his realms. The climat of the capital, Addis Ababa. Is aald to be perfectbright, never unpleasantly hot, cool because of its altitude, and fanned by breezes from the mountains. Peppery dishes are favorites with the natives. Ing is good and a fine sulphur spring Is only s short distance above their camp. Mrs. Peckham Is ft natural land scape gardener and has beautified the grounds with flowers and shrubs. All unsightly logs and brush have been far removed from the camp, making It neat and attractive. A move Is now on foot to close the stream for e few years to allow the trout to increase. The Pursel family are among the oldest settlers of Yale creek and have a beautiful mountain home Bnd stock ranch. A small sawmill Is in operation on the Pursel land and supports several families. A good school In winter available for the children. I lRO saw the big machinery which I being installed at Sterling mine end the new power lines leading Into the workings. . Sterling canyon is s scenic as the Slskiyous and the Griffin Creek Valley at the foot of the canyon is an Eden of fruit and gardens and grain. Butte Falls BUTTE FALLS, July 9. (Spl.) Emmett Oott of Evans Creek CCC camp, spent last week-end at the home. Mr. and Mrs. Maynard Putney and Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Adams and Mrs. Elmer Oott had picnic dinner together last Sunday and Sunday evening they attended the musical evangelist meeting In Phoenix. Mr. and Mrs. Helms snd children have moved Into one of Evanoff'e houses. Mrs. Laura Abbott and Orba Ab bott have returned to Butte Fella. Mr. end Mrs. Everett Moore sna son, Gordon, went north on their vacation Sunday. They will visit in Portland and other points. Every Tuesday night the lunlqr boys and glrla are meeting with Mrs. Putney for Christlsn Endeavor work. Mrs. Iverson la visiting her daugh. ter. Mrs. Putney. B.P. Hllkey worked for Mr. Vincent at the ranch at Eagle Point recently. Mrs. Klncald and Wendell Klncaid and sisters of Los Angeles are visit ing Mrs. Klncald's brother, Mr. Dona hue and wife at Rancherta. Mr. and Mrs. Jim O'Donshue en tertained Rev. and Mrs. Smith and family. Mr. and Mrs. Putney. Mr. snd Mrs. Clyde Adsms. Mrs. Elmer. Oott. Wendell Klncald and Calvin Stoddard at the fish hatchery picnic grounds last Wednesday night. Elmer Oott la working at Tennsnt. Calif. Dale Oott la also working at Tennant. Mrs. John Marlon spent Thursday In Medford. Mr. and Mrs. Alburn and children visited Mr. and Mrs. Page recently Mr. and Mrs. Earl Jones returned from Scnlca last Monday evening. Ruth Moore who is In nurses training at St. Luke's In San pran claco will be home on a vacation In September. Mrs. Charles Page and Jean Page vlltel Aahlsnd Wednesday, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Hoover ot Med E -A- The men and women wear cham mas, a pleoo of material three yards long and several yards wide, which resembles the Roman toga. The so clal station of the wearer can be ascertained by the richness of the chamma. Marriage and divorce laws, accord ing to observers, are lax and easy. There are no harems. The men wear cartridge belts, many of them of fancy turn, and carry rifles The women affect much Jewelry ford apent Sundav In Butte Falls. Mlas Taylor returned from Port land on Tueaday. Mrs. Harry Cllddlna and daughter, Joan, will arrive from San Pranclaco on Saturday to vlftlt Mr. and Mra. Page. Freda Roberta, Roland Roberta, BUI Roberta. Bobby Hoefs and Ger trude Hoefa came over from Keno on Saturday and returned Sunday. Eather Moore accompanied them to vlalt in Keno this week. Prank Oaraon haa a new coupe. Mra. Cleraldtne Trimble of Oregon City Is visiting her slater, Mrs. Theo dore Predeuburg. Mlas Thelma De Forest and Mre Eva Davie of Nebraska vlalted Mrs. Cleveland three days this week. Mlas DePoreat la a cousin of Mr. Cleve land. While here they vlalted Crater lake and left for San Diego to see the expoaltlon. Bob Hoefs Is visiting bis grand mother, Mrs. Laura Abbot. Ernestine Fredenburg returned to San Pranclaco after spending her va cation here with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Fredenburg. She Is in agricultural department of govern ment work. Elmer Abbott and Billy Edmond son axe making hay on the Rod Baker place. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Hlbbard were up from Medford Tueaday and spent the night at Homer Craft's. The Eagle Point Grangers had a picnic at the flah hatchery last Sun day. Byron Stoddard is at the Pool Hill lookout. Riviera RIVIERA, July a. (Spl.) Mr. and Mrs. Brysn Ward. Kenneth and Norma Lee Ward, Mr. and Mra. David Biles and daughter, Carol Joelene. and Mr. and Mrs. Blaine Biles and eon Dennis Biles, were visiting their perenta. Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Biles. July 31. Mr. and Mrs. T. F. Robertson of Sanger, Calif., were visiting Mr. and Mrs. Clay Biles and family July 10. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Frost 'and children, Dick and Dorothy, were visiting July 31 with friends In the Mesdows. Mr. and Mra. Jack Rose and son John, and Mr. Oscar Moe were In Medford. July 30. Mr. and Mra. Ouy Batea and daughter, Margaret Biles, from San Pranclaco, were visiting Mr. and Mrs. Ted Dole, July 1. Mr. and Mrs. Dick Taylor and son of Grants Pssa were visiting rscently with Mr. and Mrs. Vencll Cerveny. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Bllea and daughter Darlene May. were vUltlng Mr. Bllea' parents, Mr. and Mra John Bllea, July 31. Ray Oaunyan was ' visiting his sister. Mrs. Oeorge Lance, July 33. Tolo TOLO, July 39. (Spl.) Mrs. Allda Trlle la clerking at Pine Tree camp store. A no-host duck feed was enjoyed on the Island above Oold Ray dam Saturday night by the gang, namely. Don Applegate and Henry Knowles of Medford. Raif Bucklea and Fred Boeworth of Central Point and Ed ward Inmann. (Now don't get ex- - cited thinking they broke the laws strains, merited many hundred Halle iSeaKle's land have their fairly typical. bracelets, rings, amulets, neck laces, earrings. The Abysslnlans are considered good horsemen. The religion of Abyssinia has been unchanged since its Inception 1600 years ago. It Is Coptic Christian. The priests form a powerful group and are often seen assisting the Judic iary, yhlch in the general run ol law cases holds court In the streets. There are no lawyers. The Mosaic law, an eye for an eye," Is the underlying code. on wild game. The ducks were white peklnga and perfectly tame). Mr. and Mra. Prank Deaver and Mr. and Mra. J. Saunders and chil dren. Frank and Jackie, who drove through from Weat Plains. Mo., ar rived Wednesday. They want to locate here, Mr. and Mra. T. A. Muse, who live at Tolo gardens, came here two years ago from that state, and since men relatives and frlenda to the number of twenty, singly and m groups have come here Irom the vi cinity of their old home. All have settled near here. Mlases Blanche and Emm.ii.. plogate of Medford enjoyed a camp ing trip on the river recently. While here they called at the Baughmaa ..... inmann homes. Mrs. p. a. Tracy and daughters, Arlene and Ernestine, also Mrs. Edyth Bohnert and baby, Marilyn, spent Wednesday at Grants Paaa visiting Mr. and Mrs. Melbourne Williams. Mrs. J. p. Krucger and daughter, Wanda Louise, and Margaret, will arrive Friday by train from Welling. .. ,ur a month's visit with Mra. ivrucgers parents, Mr. and John Green. Mra. Lake Creek LAKE CREEK, July 39. (Spl.) Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Tyrrell enter tained the pupils and patrons of the Lost Creek school district Wed nesdsy. at the Dead Indian Soda Springs, with a picnic lunch. About I forty were present and In the after noon the youner generation enjoyed the ewimmlng pool where they frol Iced until time to go home. Mark Hoefft returned home Tues day from a short visit with relative In Sacramento. Mrs. c. R. Moore went to Medford Thursday to undergo a major ope ration. All are hoping for her speedy recovery. Mrs. Frank Farlow la spending a few days with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. J. .1. Tyrrell of Perrydale. Mrs. Tyrrell haa been 111 for some time. Mrs. T. J. Hoefft and children and Mrs. William Hoefft and daughter expect to leave Monday for Port land, where they will attend a con ference of the Seventh Day Adventlat churches. Mlas Wanda Wyant was hostess at a party at her home July 30 given In honor of Miss lola Hansen, who arrived July 14 from Nevada for visit with her parents here. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hansen and Alfred Hansen and son are leaving this week for eaatern Oregon. Clyde and Everett Orlssom spent the week-end with friends and rela tives near Ashland, returning home Monday. L. J. Ortssora came in from sheep camp Wednesday to atay a couple ol weeks. Mrs. Dean Terrlll and children were week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Pech. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Nussbaum and Mr. and Mra. A. L. Pech and families motored to Fish Lake Fri day. Mrs. Ray Rush and daughter, Jewel of Eugene, arrived Friday to assist her father. C. R. Moore, dur ing the abaence of Mrs. Moore, who is in a Medford hospital. WTNDOW O LASS We sell window glsas and will replace your broken windows reasonably. Trowbridge Cab inet Work.