PAGE ELEVEN WHAT YOU kl Classified OR EASY REFERENCE .V.KVIli vo ifEDFORD SKIE TRTBTJXE, JFEDFORD, "OREGON STXDST. JULY 21. 1933. J .VA.miD ilJLuv I i SULL mm v 15? rY ! Brad eyerr ad on this page. Yu a'1 probably nnd -actly the thing joa want to buy or aril. If It Isn't thwa. advertise. 1 1 ' a Inexpensive, effective. RATES per word first Insertion (Minimum 25c) Each additional Insertion, per word Minimum 10c) Per line per month without copy changes - Phone 75 FOR WANT ADS LOST AND FOUND FOUND On street carpenter's plane Owner may have same by paying for ad at Mall Tribune office. LOST Saturday morning while shop- uing. First National aanx. cnecs , book, with currency la pocket. Finder please tel. 1398-Y. LOST A small brown, gray and blaok spotted dog. resembling an Aus tralian shepherd. License No. 309. Last seen had chain fastened to collar. Answers to "Tipsy." Please f , Phone 1342-Y. LOST Yellow Jersey cow with bell and rope on. Phone J'vllle 63. LOST If dog missing, vail 1616 WANTED MALE HELP PAINTERS to paint the Hotel Allen. Inquire at hotel Monday morning about 10:00 a. m. DEPENDABLE MAN for 80-store route, JACKSON COUNTY.' Exper. unncc. No selling, distribute; collect. Should net $75 weekly. Write "Safetyco". Huntington Beach. Cal. HAVE opening now for reliable sales man age 25 to 50 years to take care of demand for Rawletgh household products In Medford. Good profits for hustler. We furnish everything but the car to start you. Rawletgh Co., Dept. ORG-124-C, Oakland, Calif. ABLE MAN for distributing and route work. Automobile given man who qualifies. $35 a week opportunity. Rapid service from western ware house. Write Albert Mills, 7208 Monmouth, Cincinnati. Ohio. MALE AND FEMALE GOVERNMENT WORK National ex amination for Civil Service posi tions expected. Open Men-Women age 18-60. For free information to qualify for proper preparation write Civil Employees Training, Inc., Box 618. Mail Tribune. "WANTED 150. hop pickers. Four weeks picking, beginning August 15. Good camp ground with cabins and wood furnished. Apply to B M. Clute. Appleg&te, Oregon. WANTED FEK ALE HELP SPECIAL EMPLOYMENT for married women. $15 weekly and new Aut umn dress FREE representing na tionally known Fashion Frocts No canvassing. No Investment. Send dress size. Fashion Frocks, Dept. T 1469, Cincinnati, Ohio. WANTED Experienced waitress at once. Must be neat. Apply Dia mond Cafe. WANTED-M1SCELLANE0US WANTED Work horse about 1300 lbs. Write particulars. Box 381, Rt 1 WANTED At once, responsible party to store piano for 6 months; or will sell cheap for cash. Box 3960, care Mail Tribune. WANTED Model T Ford or similar Ustht truck, reasonably priced, John Nealon. Central Point. WANTED To borrow J3500 on prop erty worth at least 6 times that amount. Will pay 87o. Write or phone C. C. Pierce. WANTED To buy dairy cows for Cal. market. C. C Hoover. Phone 437-R. WANTED Stock to pasture In No. I clover pasture. H. C. Walker, Lo tler La ue, Medford. WANTED to buy 4 to 6 room house, payments like rent. Adults stea'iily employed. Box 2730. Tribune. WANTED Excellent care of piano for use of It. Box 3736. Trioune. WANTED Used men's and boys' suits and shoes; also 42 to 52 in ladles' clothing. Used Wardrobe Shop. 618 E. Mam. EMPTY furniture van going to Los Angeles Wants load for there or way points. Phone 615. Haiey Transfer. WANTED We pay ouh for no use-no id goods furniture and stoves We also buy metals, bites, pelts wool and m hair MEDFORD BAROALN HOUSE 27 N Grape St Phone t062 WANTED Heifer calves Write Ruoy Schuiz Bea:.e Oregon. FOR RENT HOUSES FOP. RENT Tne ground floor dup'ex of my home at 842 East Main St . completely furnished: beau:!ul grounds; oil burner furnace. Pone W. W. Walker at 31 or 638-J-3. Available August 1. FOR RENT M'-dern 3-room furnish ed house. 1140 West 9th. FOR R EN'T 5- r ;om b u rv a i o . I n -quire Hamburger Inn. lu W. iU.u. FOR RENT HOUSES FOR RENT Modern 6 -room stucco unfurnished. 62o Pine. 4-ROOM turn, house. 415 Woodstock. C. A. DeVoe. 423-J-2. FOR RENT 5 -room nicely furnlshd house; basement and furnace. In quire 405 W. Second. FOR RENT Homes furnished or unfurnished. Brown Js White FOR RENT APARTMENTS FURNISHED apartment. 2 rooms and sleeping porch; downstairs. 344 N B Artie tt. FOR RENT Small 2 -room furnished apartment. Including lights and water. 217 West 2nd. t!2 month. FURNISHED APT. Oarage. Adults. 604 W. Tenth. PARTLY furnished apartment, l'hree Urge rooms and bi bathroom New ly finished inside, with new elec tric refrigerator and electric stove Everything furnished. In nice neighborhood. 810 South Oakdale. FOR RENT Apartment. 334 AppH. FOR RENT Furn apt. 313 So. Grape FOR RENT Apt. 1. Tribune Bld Nicely furnished. Apply Tribune office. FOR RENT 3-room furnished apt.; bath, garage. 534 No. Bartlett. FOR RENT One 1-room apt 6; one 2 -room apt. 7.50; one 3-room apt $12.50; two cabins $5 each. Ceeil Jennings. Coffee Ann's, Front and Main. FOR RENT Hotel Holland Apta. Tel 710. FOR RENT ROOM BOARD RATES reasonable at 716 B Main --- ,.-r FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS SLEEPINO rooms for rent. 329 Apple, FURNISHED or unfurnished pleasant room. 511 S. Oakdale. ATTRACTIVE rooms at 16 N. Orange. FOR RENT Furnished sleeping room. Call before 9:30 or after 4:30. Phone 432-W. 33 No. Peach. ATTRACTIVE rooms 404 8 Qrape FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS ELECTRIC fans for rent. Phono 107. Flynn Electric. FOR RENT Furnished cabins. $2 00 per week. 153 Granite St. Ashland BOATS FOR RENT at Pour Mile lake. BACHELOR cabin; men only. 445 so Front. FOR EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE WANTED To buy, or will trade rood paying gasoline station on main highway near Los Angeles for about 200-acre ranch near Eugene or Med ford. No agents. H. Walters, Gen Delivery, Medford, Ore. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE 9 ARES part improved cheap, for cash. H. Schermerhorn. mile west of Phoenix. OVERLOOKING ROGUE RIVER 209 acres. All modern conveniences. 30 head beef cattle. 75 tons hay In barn. Fine home completely furn ished, with tools and equipment. 9,000.00. Box 3740, Tribune. BRAND new home, automatic oil heat. 1619 E. Main St. Open dally 2-5 p. m. Beautiful home, 6 room, bath; no mortgage or liens to as sume; 3 extra large rooms with many windows; line view; cement basement: unfinished attic. Priced below cost. No trade-in. FOR SALE 5 acres, close in, fl-room modern home. Phone 403-J-3. FOR SALE 1 acre of excellent oil, 5 -room modern house, electric pump, fruit trees, livestock and poultry; l'.'a miles from Spcra mento. Will sell entire ranch for $2000 or trade for Medford prop erty. Terms considered. Write Ruoy Schulz, Beagle, Ore. 3 HOUSES, all on adjoining lots tnd rented; good income. Price 62300 for all three. Quite cloe in. Also 2 lots on Columbus Ave. for 75 00 for both. Also nice 4-room bun galow outside city but in Roose velt school district; fine garden land ; some fruit. Price 1 .000; terms. Also 160 -acre ranch adjoin ing the 401 Orchards; 100 acres plow land; house. You can buy this for the surprising price of 2,850. See or phone Clarenre Pierce. Room 1. Palm Blk., Medford. 10 ACRES All cultivated. 4',i acres water, good 4-room house, good barn and chicken house, garuge, etc., apricots, filberts, other fruit, electricity, gas if wanted; Pacific highway. 3 miles north Ashland Apricot, peach and nut crop go with place; 2500. Box 150. Talent, Ore. FOR SALE At bargain, modem a room house next to Lincoln schol, Ashland, 302 Beach St. FOR SALE by owner 6 room, strictly modern house, basement, furnace, beautiful lawn, trees and arubbery Double garage. Bargain for imme diate sale. 1218 West Main. Phone 290-W. SALE OR TRADE Equity in close-in modern residence, large lot. Would trade for equity In small country place This property would return good Income If rented. Box 8789. Tribune. HOUSES FOR SALE OR RENT Jackson County Building & Loin Ass'q Phone 195 WHEN you think of real estate, think of Brown 3e White. WILL LEASE modern poultry ranch to reliaole party: modern ' 5-rcom house; 'i mile west Willow Spring service station. 115 per month R. A. Rolf. Central Point. FOR EXCHANGE COLT SUPER 38 AUTOMATIC Like new. Trade for 38 Special, Colt nr Smith & Weson. same condition Luper. Phone 754-R. PON TRADE Good '23 Frd ,up for equity :i .a: ca: W Pr .n mjjer, 519 So. Cuxdaie. Iel. 34f-M. FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES 1929 FORD Tudor: a fine little ca-; looks and runs like new. PIERCE-ALLEN MOTOR CO. Dodge and Plymouth. 1929 CHEV. la -ton truck. 6 wheels. 13x7 Phlllpplno mahogany stake body: very clean and A-i condition: suitable for fruit or hay hauling. See Meyers, Skinner's Garage. Med ford. FOR SALE Ford V-8 DeLuxe Phae ton; radio, air-wheels. 208 Van couver Ave. FOR SALE POULTRY FOR SALE 50 Rhode Island Red pullets. Phone 779-L. FOR SALE LIVESTOCK 3 -YEAR OLD buckskin saddle horse. J. Wooten, Box 435. Coleman Creek. SELL 1000-lb. all -purpose mare or trade for milk cow, laying hens or light car. 1 mile N. W. Ashland on Ashland mine rd. D. R. Mann, Rt. 1. Box 483. FOR SALE DOGS PETS FOR SALE Three beautiful register ed Springer spaniel pups. Humane Society. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE 50 tons baled alfalfa and clover hay or trade for hogs, grain, or dairy cows. C. R. Nat wick. Eagle Point. Phone 5-F-14. FOR SALE! Refrigerator, 75-lb. ca pacity; 2 breakfast chairs. 1031 W. 10th. FOR SALE Five stamp mill, thous and pound stamps, Blake crusher, ore feeder and ore bin gate. Paul Wright, Rt. 1, Central point. FOR SALE Transparent apples, also Gravensteln wind falls. Tel 258-J. O. V. Myers. COMBINATION radio and graphonola at a bargain price. 512 N. Holly. FOR SALE Air compressor, new bat tery charger, new Day Jewett. one auto trunk. Frees Garage, 801 No. Central. Phone 1388. FOR SALE Complete set of trap drums. Cheap. Call 471. FOR SALE Air compressor and auto matic well pump. Bargains. 302 Beach St., Ash i and. APRICOTS Excellent crop; orders heavy. Get yours from the famous non-lrrlgated Linn Orchard. Eale Point. Bring containers 3'3c lb. Signboard at road off hlway. Victor Tessltore, proprietor. FOR SALE Apricots, light crop. Geo. Alford, Fern Valley. HAVE YOUR Old Washer repaired t Reasonable prices Pick's Hardware FOR SALE Washing machine In good condition, $10. Call 431 West nth. FOR SALE Good child's saddle. Price - a bargain. Phone 629-R. FOR SALE! Large size baby bed and mattress. 112 King St. FOR SALE Refrigerator, 75-lb. side leer, good condition. 911 Queen Anne Ave. Tel. 1099-L. FOR SALE Knox-out Dairy Ply Spray is far the best. Try It. Monarch Seed and Peed Co. FOR SALE A good dairy washing powder for less money. Get free sample. Try It. Monarch Seed and Feed Co. FOR SALE Apricots 4c lb. 119 Port land Ave. FOR SALE 260-gatlon Bardie J spray rig. complete hose guns etc 2 inch centrifugal pump Wanted deep well outfit inquire D. M Lowes place. Valleyview. SACKS SACKS 20.000 sacks on hand. No. Is and 2's. See us before you buy. Med- rora uargain House. FOR SALE Rolled top desk. Oliver typewriter, filing cabinet, oak lib rary table. Junior check protector. 706 Dakota. Telephone 1082. FOR SALE Household goods. In cluding piano, radio, range, etc. First house east water tank. Cen tral Point. FOR SALE A No. 1 clean alfalfa hay 610.50 ton in field. Elinor Hauley Bush. Phone 902 after 6:00 p. m. FOR SALE Used sacks. Across street from Montgomery Ward's. FOR SALE Dog foods and pet sup plies of all kinds. Monarch Sed and Feed Co. FOR SALE Grain bags and sack twine. Monarch Seed and Feed Co MISCELLANEOUS FREES GARAGE in new location. 801 North Central. Phone 1383. APOLLO PIANO STUDIO Specialize In classic and Jazz. 216 E. Main. PRIVATE MONEY TO LOAN ON GOOD RANCH. Phone 1335-X. HOW TO SAVE WHEN YOU BORROW 1. Reduces interest cost each month. 2. Reduces each month the amount still owed. 3. Repaid by moderate monthly pay ments suited to your income. 4. Ends all future commission and renewal expense. MEDFORD FEDERAL SAVINGS & LOAN ASS'N 126 East Main St. Telephone 195 FOR SALE Worm your pullets now with Lee's or Dr Hess' wormer taD lets or powder. Monarch Seed and Feed Co. APOLLO PIANO STUDIO Specialized classic and Jazz 216 C Main BUSINESS CHANCES FOR SALE Two of the best business property buys In Medford. Eh 50x100. One suitable for ware house, other fr anv kind of busi ness Writ Box 27(ifl. Tribune. BUSINESS DIRECTORY fctrwrt fttndnw Cleaners. .f-n geokoi1 do n - rei 1 1 a H'is c:niiig flo'rt waxing on nul cm4 C.eaaii4 and upaoiitentit BUSINESS DIRECTORY Abstracts. i JACKSON CO. I AttSl'KACi CO. ! Abstracts of Title and rule insurance The july complete rtt'.e system m Jackson County. MURRAY ABSTRACT CO. Abstracts of rule. Rooms 3 and 6. No. 32 North Central Ave- upstair. COMMERCIAL SPRAYING CALL McGonagle. 258-M. Commercial Spraying. Piano and Guitar Instruction. FRED ALTON HAJOH1 Teacher ol Piano and Steel Guitar Song writ ing service Studio. J18 Libe".) Bunding. Medlord Ore. Money to Lend MONEY LOANED 50 to 300 toi personal or Household purposes on House Furnishings or Autos; glsc Cers Refinanced Loans closHd within 30 minutes License No a 157 See W E Thomas or E J Riley 45 So Central. Transfer. Furniture Van. . MOVE In padded vans, Cal.. Ore. and Wash. Fully insured. Reasonable rates. Martin Bros., Grunts Pass. Phone 146-J. Transfer. TRUCKING AND STORAGE LOCAL and long distance nauung Furni ture moving, etc Reasonable rates Tel. 833 F E Samson Co. EAD3 TRANSFER & STORAGE CO -Office i015 No Central Phone 315 Prices right Service guaranteed. HAWLEY TRANSFER Expert pacs era and movers Special livestock moving equipment Prices right 619 North Riverside Pnone 815 The Information bureau at New York police headquarters, asked how a certain man was to be found, and whose address was unknown, replied: "File a charge we'll pick him up." Has Served State JEFFERSON MYERS Jefferson Myers, born nt Seln, Ore gon, In JKi3 hus served In both houses of the Oregon legislature nna as state treasurer. Inter he wns ap pointed commissioner of the Inlted States shipping hoard. He was gradu ated frmn Willamette university ami was a regent iif Oregon Mute col lege. A Democrat, he lives In Port land. Mail Tribune Daily ACROSS 1. Invito 4. Competent 8. Arrest 12. First whole number IS. Laughing bird li. Operatic solo 15. Deciding 17. ArMllclallv MP rou led B ra I ti 1. Prophet 19. Period of the year 21. Stratagem 23. Small triangu lar piece 2. Cuil 21. Sewed edpe 2". Perfect 'Jolt 30. Cu'-koolike bird 31. Footles animals 33. Full of: fiufflx 31. Metal fastener 35, i'olor 3H. Hill of fare 3S. Laments of ilia l.'nlon Solution of Yesterday's Puzzle FlMpli5iplelclsllplA-l- A G Epl ta g O tMeRI kL.BM a 0 n5 iTr" L 0 TJX 9M sjo a slil lWNl5i5A A H ApjjG E QlG ft A PH Y gu g sPaIdoMTe aHz E Wok UjMlElN TAIYIE PPN 0jB EpfR O AS T P igi E I P A I g eMoR D E R r!utn I NE Sm0B E ii. Capable of be ing escaped artiflcs W. American Indian 51, Ceremony 62, Roman house- h!d "-I 53. Inclosuren for animals M. Killed ii. Flow back 40. Pert Rlrl or young , woman Tr-a tester r.iprht touches fC. bazaar 7 U 3 U S o 1 7 : a f '0 W '''' , ' 71 lb , '7 '; To "TT 33 So 37 S3 S4 "ss Society and Clubs Club -Lodge Announcements M. K. 1. miles' Aid Ladles' Aid of the First M. E church will meet Tuesday. July 23 foi homecoming, in the sunshine parlors of the church. Chrysanthemum Thimble Club Neighbor Dorotha Scripter will be hoMesa to Chrysanthemum Thimble club members and their husbands at her home. 60 Rose avenue. Thursday evening at & potluck dinner begin ning at 6:30. Members are asked to bring their own table service. Women's Relief Corp A regular meeting of the Women's Relief Corps was held July 18 In the Armory. Those present agreed to hold only ono meeting each month the third Thursday during August and September. MI'tletoe Club .Mistletoe club will meet Wednes day evening, June 24 for covered; dish supper at 6:30 at the home of Neighbor Gladys Oilman. Everyone is requested to bring their own table service. Poruliimtu I.odpe Next Friday evening. July 26. Wea tonka Council will have a regular social card party. Tills will also be past Pocahontas night, and the at tendance prize will be given. Those having birthdays occurring In July will be remembered with a gift. The W. C. T. U. W. C. T. U. will hold a bl -county Institute at Rogue River, Thursday, July 25, with memberi present from Ashland. Medford, Grants Pass, Reese Creek and Rogue River. This will be an all-day meeting with picnic lunch at noon. Those attending are asked to bring basket lunch and service. Those who wish transportation or who can furnish a car, call 1470-J or 088-L. An Interesting program will be presented and all are invited. Pull program will be published later. Mrs. C. L. Harding Hutte Creek llotrss Mrs. C. L. Harding was hostess at a delightful welner and maruhmallow roast Thursday evening at her home on Butte creek. Present were: Mr. and Mrs. Joe Drago and daughter Rose and Mrs. Lahoma Crowder and son Dick from Rosevllle, California; Miss Marge Mayfleld, from Cascade Gorge; Frank Booth!) y and Howard Arant. from Prospect, and Mrs. Hattle Brumfteld: Mr. and Mrs. J. Ralston from Ashland and Misses Dorothy, Maxine and Harry Harding. Jacksonville II. K. C. Club Meets Wednesday Jacksonville Home Economics club will meet Wednesday, July 24 In the Orange hall at 10 o'clock. It was an nounced yesterday. Ladies will sorve a covered dish luncheon. It Is planned to paint the reception room at this time, and members are reminded to bring their own paint brushes. Plans for the Grange picnic, to be held July 28, will be discussed. The report Is to go Into the Jacksonville Grange Friday, July 26. Cross-Word Puzzle T. Betrothed S, tireck Inland 9. Capable of being car ried from onn plac tt another 10. Lubricant 11. Small piece of butter 16. Faithful 20. Kind nf shrub or tree 12. Traps ':(. Direction 25. Genralnglcat record 26. Knocks 'il. Single thing 28, Levl- fur carrying brick 3. Annnyn 37. Op'-ra hy Wrdt 119. Weeds 40. Bhlppinr container 42. Wickedness 44. Tell thought lessly 45. Nntlve. of Serbia 4. Dude 47. Partook of food 4f. Condensed tmonphertf moisture DOWN 1. Foreman 8. African arrow poison t. DeMon of character Entire quantity . nf B- CP"! of I,laho 6. Solitary What the Girl Scouts Are Doing July 38 Is the opening date of the Girl Scout camp at Lake o' the Woods this summer and many arrangements nre being made to make this camp the best yet to be enjoyed by the Girl Scouts of this district. The camp is now completely equipped, due In no small way to the Boy Scout organ ization, the Boy Scout camp being now In operation. The cabins have been newly screened, the entire camp graveled, bunks built and new sani tary equipment Installed. Many new Improvements of the camp for material comfort of the girls Is but half th story this year. The efficient staff for this year's encamp ment will provide the other half, for a versatile and Interesting program has been made available. Mrs. Percy Collier, who dtrected camp last year will be here again this year and will present the following counselors with their subjects: Leath er work, Jane Collier; sketching. Iso bel Ingrain; metal work, Miriam Col lier; archery, Nancy Holmes; fencing and volley ball, Lenore Lebantler; music, Dorothy Paley; boating and canoeing, Mary Carter; dramatics. Dorothy Burgess; nurse, Mrs, Puruck er, and water front. Miss Van Groos. Miss Van Groos comes with a very high recommendation, having been counseler at Camp Wild wood In Port land, for three years. She Is a teach er nt Roosevelt high of Portland and Is the captain of that troop. Miss Van Groos had an offer to attend the Spokane camp but decided to como to the Medford camp. She will be assisted by Margaret Warren. Gtrls are asked to register as early In the week as possible to avoid the last minute rush prior to encamp ment. Office hours are from 2 to 4 each afternoon except Monday. Lmllea' Auxiliary Plan Joint Meeting The Ladles' Auxiliary of the First Baptist church will hold a Joint busi ness nnd missionary meeting In the church building Tuesday, July 23. All members are urged to attend. Enjoys Vacation Trip To Cullfnrnla Points. Miss Jeane Ferguson returned Fri day from a vacation vlBit with friends and relatives In San Fran' clsco and Los Angeles, and left Sat urday to enjoy the week-end at Lake o the Woods. diii'st Here This Week. Miss Edith Perkins of St. Claude, Minn., arrived in Medford this week to be guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Brown. FUTILE ARGUMENT ON AAA CHANGES WASHrNOTON. July 30. (p Ten I days of talking and balloting on tho new deal farm program today left the contested AAA amendments far from completion by a nerve-fraved senate. Unable to push the bill through by calling for a special Saturday ses sion beglnnlnng two hours earlier than usual, Democratic .Leader Rob inson ended four hours of fervid but apparently futile argument by re cessing over Sunday. But he orders! his charges back to work two hours earlier on Monday. During the day the senate rejected once again 62 to 16, a proposal to put a compensatory tax on rayon and other competitors of cotton equal to 125 per cent of the processing tax on cotton; approved a revised com mittee amendment regulating federal loans to cotton cooperatives, and bog ged down on a proposal by Senntor LaFollett (Prog., Wis.), to Impose Import quotas to prevent foreign goods from interfering with domestic products. L HOOVER'S GUESTS PALO ALTO, Calif., July 20. (AP) While political observers pondered today the significance of coincidental visits of prominent Republicans to the home of former President Hoover the one-time chief executive spent the week-end at a northern Cali fornia resort section in company with friends. He will return here tomorrow, his secretary. Paul Sexson said, pre pared to greet Governor Harry W. Nice of Maryland. Other visitors scheduled to call later In the week are Patrick J. Hurley, former secre tary of war. James M. Beck, former solicitor general, and Colonel Frank M. Knox. Chicago publisher. Mr. Hoover's departure late yes terday for the annual Bohemian Grove conclave came three days earlier than expected. Sexson today reiterated the absence of political Import In the arrival of the Hoover guests, declaring it was jiiJit a coincidence and that the visits will be purely social ones. mind Indian Killed PENDLETON, Ore.. July 20 (AP) Ell Parr. 67. partially blind In dian from the Umatilla reservation, was killed last night when he was struck by a Union Pacific train. Switchman told officers Parr had wandered onto the track apparently unaware of the approaching engine. Use Mail Tribune want ad a. BY ACTIVE CLUB (Continued from tage One.) blned efforts of the Ashland club. and all of the clubs In Oregon. Last year at Spokane, Medford and Aberdeen were tied for popularity on the first vote, and In the second vote the Rogue river valley lost out by only two names. It was practically promised at that time to award the convention to Medford In 1936, but the local club allowed for no slip ups. It was brought out at the meeting by the Medford delegates that the Rogue river Is one of the finest f li lng spots in the world. The advan tages of the closeness of Crater lake. Diamond lake. Lake o' the Wood.. Fish lake, and other recreation sourc es added to the enthusiasm expressed for Medford as the 1038 rendezvous. Several hundred Actlvlans will be here for the 1936 conclave, coming from all points along the coast, and from British Columbia. As far as will be known for some time, the delegate from the farthest point will b one registered from Beaumont, Texas. The Medford lodge has been working for the past year preparing for the con vention here, and much of tho pre liminary work has already been com pleted. While headquarters for the meet ings will be In the downtown section, probably at a local hotel. It Is plan ned to have on out-of-town head quarters as well, somewhere on the Rogue river, where much of the rec reation will center. The convention will be held in July, probably about the 16th. The Medford delegation Is spend try; today, the last day of the meetings at Aberdeen, In sightseeing along Giays Harbor, In Washington, FREE BANKS PLEAS (Continued from Page One) with the Llewellyn A. Banks murder case merely asked for an lnveatlga' tlon of the case and did not request a pardon for Banks, former Medford edl tor-orchard! st, who now Is serv ing a prison sentence for the slay ing of a policeman. Zimmerman made the statement after the Bell view grange had criti cized him severely for signing a pe tition "asking a pardon for Banks." The Yamhill senator's statement that the petition simply suggested that the governor Investigate the case was supported by a number or Portland men who signed the peti tion. World News At a Glance (By the Associated Press) Washington Congress resigned to session last ing until September; auffey coal bill may not pass. House and senate lobby commit tees chart Inquiries to last until fall. Leaders predict passage of social security program without exempting private pension aystems. New deal shown ready to fight on constitutional Issue. Five tests of new deal laws headed for supreme court will settle hun dreds of cases In lower courts. ftnell charges Roosevelt near "Im peachable grounds." Senate far from through with AAA bill after ten days. Domestic NEW YORK Lightning kills four; heat deaths mount over country. LOB ANOELES Bar delays new deal survey, assails changes In con stitution by "corruption of Its text." BAN FRANCLSCO Polar air route between V. 8. and Russia seen with flight planned soon In each direc tion. LA CROSSE, Wis. Two prisoners killed escaping Jail. Foreign BERLIN Nazi purge of opposition sweeps Reich; Jews. Catholics and dissident Protestants classed with communists. ADD is ABABA Emperor hurls new challenge as Italian minister pro tests last speech. ROME Conciliation commission may meet anew, but Italy proceeds with Ethiopian war plans. LONDON Britain pins hope for peace on league counclJ. MEXICO CITY Offlclala sister held In political kidnaping. SAN BERBARDINO. Switzerland Thirteen killed In crash of third Dutch airliner In seven months. LONDON Pilot reports former King George ready to fly back to Greece. , JERUSALEM Lieut. Chamberlain, son of Sir Austen, reported seized by Arab warriors. ISTANBUL Many reported killed In munitions blast. BUENOS AIRES Newspapers pro test drastic new censorship on for eigners. (.as Blaot Victim PILOT ROCK. Ore.. July 20. (AP) Lee Smith, 32. of Pilot Rock, was seriously burned late yesterday when gasoline Ignited while he was filling a vaccuum tank. He was reported to have run several hundred feet In an attempt to put out the flames. BAR ASSOCIATION FAILS 10 AGREE UPON 'NEW DEAL' LOS ANGELES. July 20 fAPl Officially the new deal emer-d un scathed from the 58th annual con vention of the American Bar asso ciation here this week. Scheduled announcement of policy on the "effects of the new deal on the rights and liberties of the American citizen," formulated bv a committee of seven legal notables, was mysteriously and without of ficial explanation deferred until No vember. at least. Committees, sections and dele gates of the association, however, were less hesitant In considerations of certain shuffles of the new deal. A few of these less formal pro nouncement on various phases of the new deal listed as "highly de sirable" fundamental principles or some administration policies the NRA for one. Generally, however. Individual dele gates, sections and committees ques tioned with considerable alarm th constitutionality of many actions Identified with the new deal, espec ially the processing tax of the AAA, James M. Beck of Pennsylvania, unsuccessful candidate for the presi dency of the association and th guiding force of the. constitutional group of the convention, was par tlcularly critical of the AAA. ETHIOPIA RULER ASKS FOR PEACE; (Continued from Page One) nants become mere scraps of paper. The king of kings and conquering lion of Judah, whose stirring speech before parliament Thursday fired all Ethiopia's tribal lords to battle fer vor, said In an Interview: "Ever sine her crushing defeat by our army about 40 years ago, Italy has nourished the desire to attack us. This desire assumed today more acute and more menacing form, which Italy has proclaimed to all the world. "All our advances for peace have been rejected and our sincere desire for conciliation has been rebuffed.. "Now, 2,000 years after the cruci fixion. Is peace to be drowned In the blood and tears of a war?" Reiterating Ethiopia's unwavering determination to "defend its teirl tory to the last man for the preserva tion of our deathless record of never having been conquered." the dark skinned, curly-bearded emperor made these points In his case against It My. 1. The Italian attitude threatens to destroy the efficacy of the league of nations. 2. It promises to convert the Kel log pact outlawing war into mere pious hopes. 3. "A drunken brawl between na tive employes of a commercial asenry and locol police" is the best excise Italy can find for her apparently Im pending Invasion. 4. Italy "Is seeking a pretext for a campaign of vindication with a vlo to eventual conquest." CALL TO GREECE LONDON. July 20. (AP) Wheth er ex-klng George of Greece Is or 1 not ready to fly back to Athens that was the question here tonight. An airplane pilot said he was. The king's aide said he was not. The monarch could not be found for comment. The pilot. Capt. William Led lie. asserted the former king, whose sup porters back home have worked the country up to the verge of on elec tion on the question of his restor ation, had ordered him to keep an airliner at Croydon airfield ready to fly him to Athens, perhopa tomor row. ATHENS, July 30. (AP) Gen. George Kondylls, still collaborating; with Premier Penayotl Tsaldaris de spite the 24-hour cabinet crisis he forced yesterday, reiterated today his belief that former King George "must return for the nation's good." Wasco Farmers Junket THE DALLES, Ore.. Juty 20. (AP) A large caravan of Wasco and Sherman county ranchers Is sched uled to leave here at daybreak Mon day for Walla Walla to hear on ad dress by the secretary of agriculture, Henry Wallace. The chief temple at Itaku-Shlmft, near Hiroshima. Japan, dates from 687. Direct Reduction LOANS on HOMES Variable Interest 6 to 8 III Mrdford DUtrlrt First Federal Spinas & Loan Assn. of Medlord 27 No. Holly St.