Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, July 16, 1935, Page 7, Image 7

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Local and Personal iiXfeletyj Chicago wheat
Evperted to Arrhe J. T. MtCim
niff of Seattle was expected to ar-iv
by train today (or a two-clay vis.: m i
this city, while on. business. I
All-n, Return Mr. and Mra. E T.
returned list night from Part-
Class party poMnonetl The Plrtv ai to hn heen i..
m out.wm ioh, -i...
E. J. Mulr.
Back from South Mrs
who has been v:s:t:r:
uainomia nast lour month", re- chii-rh Th,,-.,.,.. u ..
turned to her home on Griffin Creek V;,C urs?ay- M b"n PP-ned
last week.
Allen K. I'mnlirey vigils-Alien K
Umphrey, representative of the Vi
tality Shoe Co.. cl t. Louis. Mo, ar
rived tr. Mriford for a short business
Western I nlnn MJn Arritet C A.
Williamson of Portland, representa
tive of Western Umcn, arrived by
train this morning to mnke a regular
official inspection of the local vVest-
em Union o.'fivs.
New Natur:ilit-r h n c e r W. D.
Smith, geologist fit the I Mi (versify of
Oreizon. has assumed duties at Cra
ter Hi t:e national pirk an ranar-r-turahst.
it was announced at tlu na
tional park offices.
Attorney C.drK Visits Mclfcrd
business visitors today include At
torney A. E. Clark of Portland, xho
arrived this morning on the Oxon
ian to spend the day attonrtlnj to
law business.
Bark from Eugene Having been
visiting her mother, Mrs. Frances
Hoi Us of Eugene for the pnst se"ral
days. Mrs. Charles Coghill and two
children returned to Med ford this
morning on the Ore,?onlan.
Brief Vlfltnr Brief Medford vls'i
ors this mornme Included Mr. and
Mrs. James E. peffley of Lmff Beach.
Cal., who were eruioute from the
north by train for Ashland, where
thy will visit for three of four div.
Mr. Peffley is a former resident of
the Lithia city and is also acquaint
ed In Medford.
Will Teach Here Miss Floy Yoimc,
former graduate of Southern Oiecn
Normal and of th University of Ore
gon, class cf 1935. and who has
taught successfully m the valley, has
been elected to teach music, alon.?
with other work In which she .has !
specialized, in the Medford high
school. Ashland Tidings.
until Wednesday. July 31. announr.
ment today stated.
Report Mn(rr Stolen H, M. Lewis.
310 Laurel street, reported to city po
lice that his Evinrude outboard boat
motor was stolen from his cabin at
Diamond lake sometime between July
7 and II. J
Wy mores Return Mr. and Mrs.
Earl Wymore returned to their home
here last night after a week spent In
Portland and vicinity. While in the
north they visited with Mr. Wvmore's
parents, and took an Interesting trio
to Bonneville Dam.
Examiner Kwiectefl Martin Mr.
Reynold, examiner of operators and
chauffeurs, will be In Medford. Fri
day and Saturday. July 26 and 27. at
the city hall, between the hours of
9 a. m. to 5 p. m. and 8 a. m. to 5
p. m., respectively, according to a re
cent announcement.
Mrs. Jeffress Better The
many friends of Mrs. chas. H. Jeff
reys, wife of 1st Lieut. Chas. H Jeff
reys, headquarters CCC. will be nap
py to know that Mrs. Jeffress has
fully recovered from her recent ill-
nes and t now in Los Angeles Mrs.
LI restock
PORTLANT, Ore., July lfl. fAPt
( L'SDA HOOS: Receipts: 100. Market
mostly steady, qualify considered,
wl t h top 1 5e lower; bulk good to
choice 180 to 215-lb. welehts, 99 Si;
265-lb. butchers, S.25; light lights,
'9.00-9.25: packing sows. $7.25-7.50;
feeder pics mostly $9.75-10.00.
CATTLE Receipts 100. calves 10;
marxet slow, around steady with
Monday: few grass steers, $5.00-700;
heifers mostly $4.25-6.50: low cutter
and cutter cows, $2.00-3.00: common
to medium grade. $3.25-4.00: bulls.
$4.00-4.75: few heavy calves, $6.50;
choice vealers up to $8.00.
SHEEP Receipt 500: market
around steady: good fat lambs, most
ly $4 85-5.90: common to medium
grades. $4.00-5.00; slaughter ewes,
vsneat: Open High Low Close
July 82s, 83 81 H 82-83",
l. - P3 - 83 62 83 H
Dec. . 84-85 854 83', 83'g
(AP) ) USD A CATTLE : Receipts
250: moderately active, about fully
steady. 1002 to 1060-Ib. grass steers.
$7.50: medium to good 165-lb. veal
ers. $8.25.
Wall St. Report
NEW YORK. July 18. (AP) Spe
rmines were again brought to the
front in todays stock msrket while
most of the so-called leaden wer.
rather neglected.
Price changes, penerallv. were, quit'
narrow and profit taktnR seemed to
be well absorbed. The close was fair-
ly steady. Transfers approximated
UUP 000 shsres.
Todays closing prices for 32 selec-
ed stocks follow:
Allied Chemical & Dye 157
American Can 139
American &. Foreign Power 3.
A. T. i T m
Atch. T. & S. F si
Receipts 3150: lambs weak "Bendlx Aviation . iai;
to lower: medium to choice 68-Jb
wasmngtons. 7.40: 78-lb. medium
wooled California, $6.60.
CHICAGO. July 16. (API (U. 8.
Dept. Agr.) HOGS: 13.000: fairly
active 5-10 higher; desirable 200-230
lbs. 10.00-25: 10.30 paid sparlnclv for
selected 210 lb. weights; sows 840-80.
CATTLE: 6000: general market very
dull; better grade steers nd long
yearlings scarce, top weighty steers
11.25: some around 12.00: demand
Jeffreys has been In the Letterman i t"t ,or better grade light yearling
general hospital in the presidio of
on rrancisco, Calif., since June. 1
Naval Recruits Leave Robert M.
Murphy of Medford. Claude Dale Mor
ris of Bandon and Edward Palllip
Salndon of Bonanza. Ore., left this
morning on the Shasta for Portland
to take their final examinations frr
entry in the United States navy. If
they are successful they will be sent
to San Diego for preliminary train
ing. Leaves After VIMt Charles Sharp
ies of .Los Anreles, who has been vis
iting he re for the past t wo we e k s
with his sister. Mrs. Alice Wilson, left
by train this morning enroute to
British Columbia, planning to con- j
tlnue from there to Montana, and
then to St. Paul, Minn., where he will
visit his sister. Mrs. Gay ton Arm-
Here on Leave Jack Terrett and
Kenneth Moore, both graduates of
Medford high, school, who recently
enlisted In the navy, are in Medford
on leave, having finished their pre
liminary training at San Diego. In
August, Moore will enroll for a 24
weeks' course at the Machinist Mntes
school at Hampton Roads. Va., and
Terrett will board a ship for his first,
cruise. He will be given preference as
to which ship he desires to board.
Attend Nebraska Picnic At the an-
nual Nebrask-i picnic at Ja.itzen
Beach, Portland, held July 14, at
which there were present more than
1700. two solos were sung by Mrs. J.
R. Thompson of this city. It was re
ported here today. Mr. and Mrs.
Thompson are on their way by auto
to Kallspell. Mont., and are voting
their niece and nephew. Mr. and Mrs,
Floyd. Campion at Molalla, Ore. They
will also visit In Portland enroute to
Montana, returning early In the fall.
Rer. Baisden Arrives The Rev.
Zula Baisden of Los Angeles, who has
been attending the Four Square Gos
pel meeting in Portland, arrived In
Medford this morning by train and
will take over the pastorate of the lo.
cal Four Square church. Her serevlces
will start Sunday evening, and as
Rev. Baisden is an artist, one of her
paintings will be exhibited. Rev.
Baisden said Almee Semple McPher
son la expected to return to the 1
northwest In September, and may
conduct a m feting here. The notd
lady evangelist passed through Med
ford by plane enroute to Portland
but returned sout.h by train through
Klamath Falls, according to Rev.
Bo Is den.
Elizabeth C. Lindsev, born Deo. 25.
1851, passed away at the home of her
son D. O. Lindsey on Lozler Lane
early this morning at the age of 84
Elizabeth Pritchard was married In
February. 1876 to L. C. Lindsey who
preceded her In death In 1930. Mr.
and Mrs. Llnd-eey were residents of
Colorado Springs, Colorado for many
years prior to coming to Medford 13
years aeo. She was a member of the
Methodist church, but became Inac
tive on account of decline in health,
she being an Invalid for the last eight
rive children survive, Mrs. T. N.
Maurltz and Mrs. W. J. Brady of
Texas: O. S. Lindsey of Ada. Okla
homa: O. D. Lindsey. San Diego, and
D. O. Lindsey of Medford. Also two
granddaughters in Medford. Misses
Alta and Lois Lindsey.
Services will be held at the Coneer
Funeral Parlors Thursday morning.
July 18. at 10:80 o'clock. Interment
will be in the Medford cemetery.
steers and heifers scaling 900 lb
downward: most of these going to
small killers at 9.75 to 8.50: best light
heifers 10.00; cows weak to 15 lower;
bulls 10-15 higher: and vealers weak.
SHEEP: 7000; closing active; bulk
fat lambs steady to strong; spots 10
15 higher: bulk 85-95 lb. Idaho lambs
8.40: strictly choice 93 Jb. averages plain 78 lb. Oregon 7.65; good
to choice natives irpward to 8.50:
selected lots to city butchers and
shippers 8.60: good 73 lb. yearlings
e.50; native slaughter ewea 2.00-3.25.
tsetniehem Steel si
California Packing 35
Caterpillar Tractor ............ 50J
Chrysler 52s,
Commedeial Solvent 19 4
Curtlss-Wrtght 31
DuPont io43,4
Portland Produce j
Staff members of Crater Lake Na
tional park, who have been occupy
ing the offlcea In the federal build
ing this year much longer than usual
expect to move to the park next
week. It waa announced today. The
delay has been due to the fact that
extensive Improvements are being
compIeted this year In the dormitory
at parje neaoquarters.
Last year the staff moved to the
park In the middle of May, excep
tionally early due to the open sea
son. The dormitory will not be com
pleted before the close of the season,
for full use next year, but will be
prepared to an extent allowing the
office force to live comfortably there
during the remainder of the summer.
PORTLAND. July 16 (AP) But
terPrints, A grade. lb. in
parchment wTapper. 28'ic lb. car
tona; B grade, parchment wrapped,
cartons, 374c lb.
BUTTERFAT Portland delivery: A
grade deliveries at least twice weekly.
25', i26c lb.; country routes. 24'4r
26Vic lb.; B grade, deliveries less
than twice weekly, 24'a g 25c lb.; C
grade at market.
Buying price, butterfat basis, S5c
EOGS Sales to retailers: Specials.
jbc; extras, 36c; fresh extras, brown
26c; standards. 23c; fresh mediums
25c: medium firsts, 21c dozen.
EGOS Buying price of whole
salers: Fresh specials, 24c; extras
24c: standards, 22c: extra mediums.
21c: medium firsts, 18c; undergrade.
ibc aozen.
COUNTRY MEATS Selling price
to retailers: Country, killed hogs,
best butchers, under 150 lbs.. 15141s
18c: vealers. No. 1. 11 i 012c lb7:
light and thin. 8 10c lb.; heavy.
88c lb.; others unchanged.
WOOL 1935 clip, nominal: Wil
lamette valley medium. 22c lb.;
coarse and braid, 20c lb.; eastern
Oregon. 18 ft 22c lb.
Cheese, milk, live poultry, onions.
new onions, potatoes, new potatoes,
cantaloupes and hay, steady and
General Foods
General Motors
International Harvester
I. T. & T
Montgomery Ward
North American
Penney (J. C.l
Phillips Petroleum ........
Southern Pacific
Std. Brands ,
Std. Oil Cal
Std. Oil N. J
Trans. America a".
Union Carbide jj,
United Aircraft 15',
V. S. Steel S8Tt
47 H
77 i
31 i
John Boles in Craterian Role
Portland Wheat
lis a
If you need any
amount up to $300
for a worthy purpose
you can quickly get
it from us on your
own signature and
security. Our service
is confidential and
saves you the em
barrassment of asl
icg help from rela
tives and friends. No
endorsers required
no fmbarrassinst in- m
vestijration. No delay -'
you eet the money i
the same dav you B j
apply. '
Orejcn-Washington M
Mortspre Co. If.
IS s. Central. li
Ll"ne No. S-K.7
Official word was announced to
day at the offices of Rogue River
National forest authorizing federal
closure of the Ashland w&tershed.
The closure went Into effect July
15 under regulation Tl-I.
The area, which Includes about
12.985 acres. Is closed to anyone
"going or being upon a portion of
the national forest which may be
designated by the regional forester
us an area of fire hazard, except by
permit Issued by the local forest ot
Ucer. No permits are required by
actual settlers going to or from
their homes."
PORTLAND, Ore., July 18. (API
Grain: Wheat: Open High Low Close
July 71 .71 .70 .70
Sep.. old 70 .70 .10', .70",
Sep., new 71 , .11 .71 .71
Dec 72 i .72'i .72 .72
Big Bend bluestem (13 pet. ).... .91
Big Bend bluestem 112 pet.) .87
Dark hard winter (13 pet.)
Dark hard winter (11 pet.) 76
Soft white and western wrlte 72
Hsrd winter 70
Northern spring , 71.
Western red 69',
Oats No. 3 white. (25.50.
Corn No. 3 eastern yellow, 140.25.
Mlllrun standard. 823.50.
Today's car receipts: Wheat 7; flour
flan FranrlM-o Butterfat
Butterfat 2814 f.o.b. San rrancleco.
se Mall Tribune want ads.
The third annual Iowa picnic
. since the organlrat'.on was revived
n southern Oregon will be held
Sunday, August 11, in Grants Pass
i;ark. C. H. Demaray of Grants Pass,
,-resident. ts making the final ar-;
, .'.mgements.
Women of the Iowa club of Grants
P2S will be the official hostesses
and will see that there is coffee and
1 fruit for the picnickers.
Ghost Vill Walk
For Soldier Lads
The quarterly army pay for the two
Medford companies of the national
suard. Headquarters Co. and Co. A .
has been received and will be dtrlb
n:d tnirt at the resuiar drill at
r:e a.-mo-.'. Cpt C2-J Tnzn-id tn
ti.v;:1. -m ';jsv T.". pav fo- the quar
, it: ps.'icni tctaift aaout $1200.
"You rive me suck of that or
?ou don't get part of what I'm
rolng to ha'.e Hits noon a lot of
White's Home Maid Cottage
Call or see us for instruc
tion. $3, S2 and 31 will
b given away each month
will be given at the end of
the series for the best scrap
Thrv'IJ wreck von
W Kith lafft 'till you
jp hur Ride OI)
iBjby LeRoy
snnr tmft j j TTimsjij
PjjlTil'n1 aTnwTjTrf i E "Horll' lr nd Warmer" H
h. i.J.8.1JlLil TIXiUiJ S "snip Shots" Newsreel H
: mrnVTmm, .B
ikalalaMkMlA t "4t'W:Vsn , Hii. WW
Ona of the most unusual romantic prosperous business. The
drama to b shown on the screen
comes to tha Oratrian theatre for
tomorrow only when "Orchid to
You" will hive 1U first local now
Ing. with a brilliant cast, sparkltnff
dialogue and a moat novel setting.
the picture haa been declared real
enterULnment by prevlewera.
jonn Boies, the screen's most dodu-
Ur singing star, playa the role of a
clever society lawyer. Ha thrilled pre-
risrong audience with his fight to
oust a pretty girl florist from her
way he
wound her and then wins her-
the best post-graduate course In lov
that can be Imagined!
Jean Mulr, foremost of fllmdom
leading ladles, has the part of the
beauteous lady florist.
Charles Butterworth. the comedy
ravorlta of millions of moviegoers,
has the role of a "deadpan" cOA'bo
who proposes every Tuesday just for
"Orchids to Ton" will also be hown
Wednesday night only at the Holly
Work is being rushed to complete
remodeling at the Leonard Electric
Company's new location In the Wir.
ner. Wcrtman and Gore building at
305 East Main street, preparatory to
opening the attractive establishment
in the very near future, according to
an announcement by Morris B. Leonard.
In addition to being In the heart j
mo uuvMiwn shopping aistrict.
ueonaro a new store will provide
great deal of space for display pur
poses, the room being 24 by 140 feet
In size. Large, aolld plate show win-
dowa will be particularly effective for
exhibiting modern electrical equip
"It is our aim to make the Leon
ard Electric company a complete elec
trical unit with Indirect lighting and
tne latest Mont a heating system,
snd other up-to-date fixtures. The
store will be alr-condltloned for
summer comfort." Mr. Leonard slid
Ivory walls with mahogany trim
will characterize the Interior of Lson-
ra a store. Nationally advertised
llnea of electrical merchandise to be
featured by Leonards will Include
Frlgldalres. both domestic and com
merclal; General Electric radios and
appliances: Essy washers; Montij
on Durning equipment: Weber re
frigerated show cases and fixtures.
Delco water systems and lighting
Mr. Leonard has been active in the
electrical business in Medford for
the past 12 years and ha a thorough
knowledge of buying and selling high
quality goods. Mrs. Leonard, who Is
associated with Mr. Leonard in op
eratlng the store In the Holly build
ing will also assist at the East Mln
. . . you'll still remember this
stark, living drama of two
people who stood alone . . .
who triumphed over a restless,
changing world I
The Thrills I The Drama 1 The
Romance of the Soill . . . and
a small courageous band with
"guts" enough to put over an
Hea bigger than the N. R. A, !
Heart-hungry women . . . love
starved men . . . human dyna
mite . , , meet the motley mob I
Louie ....
Played by Addison Richards
. . one of the roughest
mtirgs who ew fought his
way- across the nrrernl . .
Sally ....
Boop f.'arttton
That Koise"
News Events
Tlaed by Barbara Pepper ...
a serpent In a klmona . . .
railed outt-ant . . . by men who
knew no other kind! ....
John ....
Ployed by Tom Keene . . singed
hr a skirt . . . whose flame he
mistook for real romance! .
Mary. . . .
Plaved by Karen Morley ... a
Madonna In "No-Woman'
I-and" . . . mho II red. loxed and
fought for her man! ....
Chris ....
Placed by John T. Qualen . . .
honest-to.naod sun of the toll,
hne msitlc turned a hell Inio
happiness, poverty Into plenty!
Hundreds of Others
It Starts Today!
Shows 1:4S f (
Adults . , . 26c
Children . . . lOe
Crippled Boy Drowns
INDEPENDENCE, Ore., July 18.
(API Harold TUburg, 17. was drown
ed In the Willamette river south of
the ferry here shortly before noon to
day. Tllburg. who was crippled as
a result of an automoblte accident
two years aeo. was not considered a
strong swimmer.
NFW YORK. July 18 (API Bar
silver stesdy. unchanged at 67',.
Use Mall Tribune want ads.
FOR RENT Apartment. 334 AppU.
WANTED Model T Ford truck In
good condition, will pay "h.
Henry HoxworUi, Rt. 4, Box 1.12.
WOMAN With 10 yejr old nov wurj
second wo-k. Reasonable, write Mrs.
Dorothy Gibbon, Jacksonville. Ore.
WANTED TO RENT 5 or rovn
house, close In. Reasonable rent.
Permanent tenants. Tel 1286-Y.
FOR SALE Desirable S-room modern
home, fireplace, nice lawns n1
shrubbery, garage. 1675 down. Bjl
ance Home Owners Loan pavable
113 70 monthly. For appointment
call 1830.
WANTED Transportation to Port-
,u. oiiare expenses. iuo s. oak-date.
FOR SALE A No. I elenn alfalfa hay
10.50 ton In field. Elinor Ha-ilej
Bush. Phone 902 after 6:00 p. m.
FOR SALE Apricots. Phone 630-.I-2.
LATE 7 Hudson sedon, looks and
runs like new. Mtiiv miles of
trouble free service, onlv S125 00.
Dodge and Plymouth
Hand Store.
Pat's Second
TO RENT 8 acres Improved. Call
naven street.
WANTED To rent piano, mint be Trt
iswa conaicion. phone 322-Y.
WANTED Ladles of Medford Town-
ruu l.iud to oring In articles for
" ixKjsvo iooo sale lo
be held at 130 East Main. St.
WANTED Lady to keep'house" tit
of town. $10 00 per month to start
and good home. Own bass. Porl
Spaur. Please an answer. Box 2683
FOR SALE Oladlola blooms. 35c ios.
Mrs. Dressier. 1107 E. Main.
LOST Small pocketbook containing
gold chain and pins. Valued aa
keepsake. Reward. Tel. 808-J-l.
Can It be tha. Improper di zest ion.
shu-jish bowels, and a tired and run
down feeling Xep you from enloying
the pleasures of life which are right
fully yours? '
If so. It is probable that the use of
a tonic, laxative, and stomachic la
needed. By combining these three 1m.
portnnt actions in one product. WU
llms S. h. K. Formula hw proved
very effective in obtaining relief
from such conditions as indtetloa
with gaa and pains, atonic cons'lpa
t ion. sick headaches, loss of wi?ht
and appetite, and general run-down
Williams S. L. K. Formula can b
obtained on a money-back iaran
tre from the Heath Drvi Store Ask
for your bottle today. Adv.
im.ji-. SM1BSMT ll il Tl I SJ ISMS) SJSJSI ISM lis llll Sal il Ml IS I III I . "
Mats . . . S.vlgl
Erea . . . S.vl
Kiddles . 10,-1
Last Times Tonight
PAT 0 BRIEN - Josephine Hutchinson in
"Oil for the Lamps of China"
And for your accommodation, the same
program tomorrow night only at the
f '-sLj The sizzlinff story M
f of BOcieiy's favor- al
I tfe A ite lady florist . . I
I MT '
Her orchids are tokens in the fTy
love affairs of the best people 2rV IWv
. . the secreta of her brder book
changed the social
register to a scan- '&sSS!rfb Xi