Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, July 08, 1935, Page 4, Image 4

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Medford Mail Tribune
ZTrTona la flout hern Oreroa
Reads the Mail Tribune"
Dailf- Eicept
Publlahtd by
I6-1T-I9 s. Fir St. Phons 71.
An Independent Newspaper.
Kntered aa Mcond-claas matter at Marl
ford. Oregon, under Act of March I, ll.
r Malt In Advanca:
Dally, one year 10
Pally, Pi month 1.7
Dally, one month 0
By Carrier. In Advance Medford, Aen
land, Jacksonville, Central Point.
Phnenlr, Talent, Gold Hill and on
hi thwart.
Dally, one year M.00
Dally, alz month 1.21
Dally, one month ,10
All terma, eaeh In advance.
Official Pnpor of the f Ur of Mr.lfurd.
Official Paper of Jackaon County.
ItocoUins Full I, pawed Ira "frrlro.
The Aaaoclated Prans te exrlualvaly en
titled to the uae fir publication of all
mi dUpatrhea credited to It or other
wine credited In thie paper, and also to
the local iwa publlahed herein.
All rlgTSte for publication of spatial
dlapatrhe herein are a I no reserved.
Advertising Hepreaentntlvea
Offices In New York, Chicago Detroit,
San Franc lac o. I.oa Angolee, Seattle,
Ye Smudge Pot
By Arthur Perry
Italy prepares for a war, declared
te be Inevitable, with Ethiopia, un
ity tho attacked land agrees to an
"armed protectorate," or eventa aria
that compel Premier Mussolini to
march to tha front. The II Dues
mounted a cannon, and bravely
aounded the battle-cry Saturday. In
route to hla speechmaklng In a
plane, a bolt of lightning Indis
creetly struck the antennae, and
aacaped without havmg Mr. Mus
solini, even pointing a warning
forefinger at It.
An organization to be known
"Tha Younger Democrat" will be
formed, "to battle for the Hew
Ceal In the 1936 campaign." It laj
auapaeted the membership will oe
largely composed of Old Democrata,
who were Just Young Democrat,,
In the 1933 mud-sllnglng, and are
making good progress towards in
fancy. Tha "unloaded gun," according to
Statistic, took considerable toll In
tha eelebratlon of the 4th. In many
Inatancee, tha havoo waa due to a
bottle that everybody knew waa un
corked. Farmers have started threahlng
their wheat; also their neighbors.
The California courts have ruled
that an Ineonapletioue movla actress,
who sought aiftoo per month main
tenance money, pending the eettle
ment of her divorce ault. will have
to tough It out on $400 per. The
lady glumly argues this sum la
hardly enough to keep her flnger
nalla painted red. and her hair
(Oregon Voter)
Robert H. Galloway, who has
been selected to handle publicity
for the etate fair, Is one of
Oregon's live newspaper men. He
cracked the ribs of one of our
etenographrre while he waa
working for us at the legisla
ture. She defied him to sit her
In the center of the rotunda
and waa Imprudent to reslat.
A Wsshlngton. D. 0.. attorney
took a awing a the Jaw of Ben.
Huey Long. He missed both the
Klngflsh, and being a national hero.
Sportsmen In this psrt of South
Dakota are scarce thla year, due,
It la believed, to tha cold, damp
weather during the hatching sens
on (Aberdeen, S. D.. News). How
sportsmen are created.
The weather contlnuea chilly, but
eletrlmental to nothing, but the
1 wearing of white golf psnta.
Rugged Indlvlduallsla of the Pros
pect area, are now dnndng all
night, and hunting cougars all day
with a bow-and-arrow.
Oruffydd Welsh playwright and
poet quite simple; Just grlfflth (th
as In this), (Literary Digest). Sam
ple of befuddlement. due to not
saying so In the first place.
The Third Party Movement la now
Underway, and will catch the usual
number of valley statesmen, prone
to vote for anything once.
The esteemed Corvallle Oanette
Tlmea speaks editorially of the
'Ashland Tribune." What they are
thinking of Is the Medford Tidings
The Georgia farmer atung by a
bee. and bitten by a snake and a
bulldog last Sattirday, Is something
like the local eltlren. who 30 years
ago. had hla eye blacked by his
wife, his trunk seised by the sher
iff, fslnted on the depot platform,
when bitten by a dog. and was
operated on for appendicitis brrore
he regslned consciousness.
Then make a trip to Craayland.
Down on the Looncy Pike,
You'll find the queerest people thar.
You never aee the like.
They're wrong side to, In Craay
land. They're upside down with care;
They walk around upon their beads.
Their feet up In the air.
They ratse so much In Craryland.
Of food and clothes and auch.
That they who work have not
Because they raise too much.
The children starve in Craayland
To aatlafy the greed
Of plunder.liarks. who only live
To loaf around and feed.
(Cong. Record,
Editorial Correspondence
"WASHINGTON, D. C, July 3. Not as hot here as expected.
In fact for Washington in July it is cool. This ia to nay you can
sleep with a sheet over you, at nijrht, and not feel in need of
constant ice packs, to keep from melting away entirely.
Thanks to the Portland Journal's veteran correspondent
here Carl Smith secured a seat in the senate press gallery.
Had tickets for the public pallery but all the Beats were taken,
because Huey Long was holding
hours. The idea of standing up
speak, with the mercurv around
did not appeal although there
Fortunately Hiiey's harangue
newspaper boys were bored,
nearest saloon, or were napping
gallery. One or two were writing their stories for the final
editions. As a result your correspondent had the press gallery
practically to himself, and secured a seat on the rail almost
directly over the Kingfish from
To us Huey was extremely
more or less steadily for seven
True he waved his arms considerably and shook his forefinger,
about in the air as if it were
vim, vigor and conviction. Now
cock his eye at the gallery,
pass as a wisecrack, but there
we were there at least no real humor. But at the least sugges
tion of banter or RKATj EFFORT on the part of the Kingfish
the gallery would fairly roar
the gallery was all that kept Huey going.
Certainlv the senators didn't.
his seat all hunched up like a cucumber pickle, with an expres
sion on his face that suggested he not only had detected but
CONTINUED to detect, an extremely disagreeable odor. Sena
tor Robinson of Arkansas, the
a few seats from Huey, and was
Beach suit hut appeared to be
ticked by and he never moved
The only two senators who appeared to take the slightest in
terest in what the Kingfish was saying were .Senator Clark of
Missouri (the son of Champ Clark and looks very much like
him) and the large, urbane and
chusetts, Walsh. Clark favored
portation act that Huey advocated, Walsh opposed it. But
neither of them appeared mivh
and only injected a few remarks,
Senators were constantly going and coming in Huey went
out once and came back with his face looking more like that of
a sorrowing hippopotamus than ever, both cheeks bulging out
and his jaws working industriously perhaps he had crammed
in a hot dog sandwich, with one
it kept him quiet for five minutes.
But five minutes out of seven hours is not long. Huey talked
on, walking all over the place as he did so, and actually at times
giving the impression, that he couldn't stop if he had so desired.
We began to believe his mouth had run away with him so to
speak, and that at any moment he mii-'ht snap out. of it and
call in the sergeant-at-arms to close it for him.
The other distinct impression we received wag that Huey had
been up late tho night before and was suffering from a hang
over. His remarks were rambling, bis voice thick, and he had
the negligent, loose-jointed, don't-give-a-damn manner of one
who had been on a bender and not completely recovered. We
know this couldn't he true, for Huey ha.i been on the wagon
for many months, hut this was the impression he created.
The impression was not lessened, when the vote was finally
taken and Huey, as soon as the total was announced showing
his defeat, bent, fur over, slapped himself on the thigh, and went
into a perfect pnroxyzm of laughter.
Strange behaviour it seemed
talked for seven hours to save the poor farmers of this country
from what ho termed the stranglehold of the railroads.
But in the press room, no one was surprised. "Oh that 8 just
Huey, win lose or draw he's always a good sport."
(iond sport? Seemed more probable that Huey Ijong is
essentially an actor, is always
for the gallery, that such a demonstration following his defeat
is not good sportsmanship, it is merely thnt at heart he doesn't
CARE, as long as he can get a hand and put on a good show.
By O.O. Mclntyre
NEW YORK. July 8. In the man
ner of Arnold Bennett'a Journal :
M. did not understand my dejec
tion at break
i faat. A dear old
friend hna be
gun to unravel.
A warm faithful
pink, and tan
dressing sown I
got In the Bur
lington Arcade,
faded, wrinkled
The pathos of
life. How hnppy
we haw been
I came upon
William Lyon
lM,elw. with
cross-town to
umbrella, hurrying
a matinee. An ire
cream suit with hi white hair
la the aort who la still asking 01
a clgaret lighter does It really work?
The light heart of a college lad at
70. Arrived: Faith Baldwin's newest
book autogrnphed.
Amazing how .inmui writers and
artists manage to retain their cal
low youth and touching Interest In
the nude. Vide: The Dutch Treat
Year Book. Most of It back fence
stuff the cellophane century l Nome
one waa saving the most Junk-
Jumbled, acatter-acrambled studio
waa Nevea McMeln'a.
I keep thinking about that name
I saw In a small enameled window
sign at the Pell Street entrance to
Chinatown: O. Y. Kan, M. D. Why
is that? One of the swellest names
I think la Kendall Banning He
used to be a maca?lne editor. Quite
handsome. Oelett Burgess has a
gnmd name, too Like swallowing
He came today with Hla Girl He
10, she 17. I remember a girl Just
like her. Lovely, bewitching, cute.
Then she wrote me a letter in
which her slang was emMowi in
quotation marks Olrla should never
write. Telegraph ! When To
Away a Rvok: Tht t.-e.n n
i1 he .
written onl boa tie. M. and l
forth, and had been for several
in the gallery to hear anyone
00 and the humidity about 300,
were plenty of standees who felt
had been going on so lone the
and had either repaired to the
in the work room back of the
disappointing. Having talked
hours, no doubt he was weary.
on a swivel joint, but he lacked
and then he would whirl around,
and launch out. with what might
was no punch to them, and while
with laughter we have an idea
Senator Glass whs sitting in
administration leader, sat only
all dressed up in a clean Falra
frozen. Minute, after minute
nor did he change his expression
well dressed senator from Massa
the amendment to some trans
concerned one way or the other,
us Huey 'tallied on.
twist of the wrist. At any rate
to us tor a senator who had
playing a part, and playing it
K. W. R.
fell to talking about that hated
word "human." We wondered
others loathed it. You can gauge
a man's mental statu when he
uses It. It goe with "chat." And
almost a far North aa "comfy," the
ne plus ultra of the intellectual
Pariah. The nouveaux rlche In gram
mar: "Between you and X" or, u
a bit uncertain "between you ana
myaelf." I'm that sort.
Someone remarked at the Roy
Howards tea that Edison used to
keep a horse chestnut In one pocket
and a raw potato In the other. The
great scientist of all men. Rheum
atism. Walter Trumbull. I believe,
knew a man who cured his rheu
matism by drinking a glaaa of water
every hour for two days. Rudyard
Kipling, Booth Tarkington. Eugene
Fields, Harold Frederick and Fran
Norrta have the most microscopic
chlrography In the writing profe'
slon. I never knew a famous author
to write big. Too much time, paper.
Why do most ladies nowadays
write it "tonite" and "alright?1
Studying for Prof. Zachrlsson'a Ang
lie? I can alwayr. chivvy a gulp of
admiration for people with Z in
their names. Zona Gale, th two
Zocs Aklna and Beckley, Douglas
Z. Doty. Florena Ziegfeld. Or an X.
Like Francis X. Bushman. When
Zona Gale became Mrs. Breeae what
punning, what punning. Uneasy lies
the head that suggests a punning
name. Hardy and Quick et alios-
To say nothing of Odd!
I was telling Watterson RothacXer
lettuce ta our least appreciated veg
etable. In France they even wilt it.
Nobody who han't fed It to an
empty stomach, California style,
knows the renl taste of lettuce. Tne
fresh Innocent heart has the ex
quisite innocence of a violet in the
rain, the delicacy of a virgin's
prayer. And people will poison it
with vlncpnr. Few things so inter
esting to a writer as a royalty re
port There's a story that Franx
Stockton, great late 10th century
whimstcaliat. told a friend he nan
a royalty report on one of hi books
showing not a single copy sold. Vet
his friend had bought the book
himself. I wonder. 3 the wav it
th vokuc (or sentence book titles
wttl last Thev Brotislit Their Wo-
men, Th toun Also Rises, Ann Sell
Personal Health Service
' By William Brady, M.D.
signed letters pertaining to personal health and bygtene not to disease
diagnosis or treatment will ba answered by Or. Brady 11 a stamped self-addressed
envelope is enclosed. Letters should be brief and written la Ink.
Owing to tha large number of letters received only a few can be answered.
ro repiy can Da made to queries not conforming to Instructions. Address Dr.
IVIIJlam Brady, 2gg El Camlno, Beverly mils, CaL
Header aends a clipping from a
am ail town paper and ask for oom-
ment on tha familiar old legend
which run al
ways about as it
1 retold In thla
" The whole
town of
! gabbing
about the
the woman in
the clinic
who has a
7-inch rattle
snake in her
a t omach. A
while baek
aha swallow
ed a snake egg or wnatever It la
they come from, when eh drank
from an Arizona, brook."
Right away the yarn oecomea hu
morous. Might a well have includ
ed some allusion to throwing snow
balla In Panama aa refer to a brook,
in Arizona. There haan't been" a
brook in Arizona alnoa about 1100
B. C.
"The medicos are stumped in
getting rid of It." the champion
liar goea on, "for fear It will snap
and caiue Instant death. The
last ruse was to stick a mirror
down her throat, hoping to at
tract the reptile out peacefully.
The reader who sent in the clip
ping says the thing might well be
ignored, considering the source, but
he suggests that this same story crops
up every little while and probably
causes considerable anxiety and wor
ry to credulous folk. Invariably It
is a woman who unconsciously swal
lows the snake egg while taking a
drink. The eg, like a good egg,
hatches, and the little snake grows
and grows, and the poor woman "Im
agines things or rather the fishwives
gleefully contribute suggestions. Al
ways the yarn winds up with a more
or less vague Indication of the fan
tastic way in which the reptile is
coaxed from Its unwonted lair.
Snakes are ovovivlparous, not ovi
parous, that Is, they do not lay eggs
as turtles or crocodiles do, but pro
duce only eggs which hatch within
the reptile's body. The eggs of a
snake are not microscopic but quite
sizable. If such an egg were by some
odd chance swallowed in water or in
food Its fat would be certain death
by digestion.
Every last one of these morbid yarns
Is an Invention of a defective mind.
and the story is circulated by morons
and moronic publications, of which
there are plenty. As the tale is ban
died from one halfwit to another. It
accumulates salacious additions which
lewd tale bearers love.
A sequel to the appearance of the
yam In the country weekly was pub
lished a week later. This time Ana
nias really cut loose:
"... item concerning the
thought up a lulu: So We All Got
to Talking to the Bartender I
F. P. A. strains to be the most
conscientious columnist. His long
hours with the make-up man over
a marble slab splitting typographical
hairs and beagling among accomp
lished writers for mis-used whoms.
Remindful of Sir Thomas Browne,
author of Rellgio Medici, who wast
ed much time puraling over queer
problems, such as whether atorks
live In republics, and If elephants
have Joints. Also tha ghastly won
der if a man weighed less a second
after the last breath. Every soul
has a mlcabre taste. I like queer
.surgical instruments, the scissors
like dingus to pinch things around
the corner and get a broken cork
out of a bottle. I used to prowl
with Louis, our medical atudent ser
vant, for bargains In the Ecole de
Medicine quarter. Where. T wonder,
are Louis and hla dreams?
My legacy from the dawn Is an
occajtonal stark wlde-awakeneas. 1
try lately to seek sleep In alpha
betical sequences. Adele 'Blood, Bliss
Carmen, Claude Duvall, David Sl-
glnbrood. Elsie Ferguson, Faith Oart-
ney. And there I stick!
(Continued from Pag One)
always get their facts straight. If
you listen to them now, you will hear
that a vacant Judgeship In a far
western state msy have been offered
to one congressman, who accepted:
that a new Judgeship in a mid-western
state la supposed to hare ben
suggested to another congressman,
who rejected it.
Then there is the second-hand tle
of still another congressman who felt
that th two banks In his district
might be closed If he voted the wrong
There are good reason for believ
ing that the first-mentioned con
gressman will get the far wts:ern
Judgeship, but whether It ha any
thing to do with the holding com
pany vote is another matter. There
seems to be no substantive basis for
the other two rumors. All In all.
the yarns do not sound logicsl. A
Judgeship la a htgii offer for one vote:
also, bank examination are presumed
to be on a non-polttlcal basie.
No one In congress has been able
to get up much steam for President
Roosevelt lndesa'rlbable new tax
plsn, except .Senator LefVllctte. The
President has announced thst he
wants action at this session, out. is
u coosAOien point out among
woman In with a rattle
snake In her tumrny caused quite
a commotion in this office. Peo
ple have phoned and flocked in
with cure, the mot amazing of
which was this: Tell the lady
to return to the spot where she
drank th water that contained
the snake egg. Suggest that there
she lie flat on her stomach and
breathe deeply of the earths fra
grance. The rattler will get a
anlff of Its original habitat and
pop out without even any coax
ing! ... "
All this lacks la the customary as
surance that the grandfather got it
from an old Indian chief.
Except the microscopic (tgs of na
tural parasites of man and anlmsla.
th history of any egg swallowed by
a human being cornea to an end
within two hours thereafter, and from
that point onward the story becomes
pure fiction, pure, that is, until Mr
Told and Mrs. fiumsey touch it ip.
Extreme Pletlng.
Would a six-day diet of orange
Juice be Injurious to one's health?
I am W years old, M inches tall and
weigh 134 pounds, which I think Is
too much- (I. K.
Answer How Ion? have you been
accumulating the superfluous? Prob
a year or more. It Is better to reduce
gradually, easily and comfortably,
better for your looks and for yotir
health. Don't go in for any extreme
restrictions. Send dime and stamp
ed addressed envelope for booklet
"DesUrn for Dwindling," and plan to
reduce say a pound a week by fol-
lowing a rational rexlmen.
ExceuMve Sweating.
Kindly print your formula for
checking excessive perspiration of the
armpits. (D. T. M.)
Answer After washing and drying.
apply with sponge or wad of cotton
a solution of one-half ounce of elu-
minum chloride in there ounces or
water. Let It dry on the skin. Then
another application, and let that dry
before dressing. Repeat this once or
twice a week. If It causes itching
or irritation, follow it with aome freh
cold cream.
A Dirty Pig.
I am told you make the statement
that bathing ia the cause of more
deaths than anything else in the
world. I had a!y hr ught that
cleanliness Is next to godliness. Did
you or did you not make this state
ment? (D. W.)
Answer Not while I was sober, any
way. What I do say Is that bathing
hla little to do with cleanliness and
leas with health.
(Copyright, 1935, John T. Dille Co.)
Ed, Note: Persons wishing to
communicate with Dr. Brady
should send letter direct to Dr.
tVllllam Brady. M. D.. 263 El
Camlno, Beverly Hills, Calif.
themselves, he did not say positively.
There is no question that the wiye
and means committee would lay the
plan on the first vacant shelf it could
find, were It not for the fact that a
certain promise has been made to
LaFoltette. This promise is only thst
th committee will take up the ques
tion at this session, and endeavor to
settle It.
Few lnaidera would be surprised if
th committee discovered about two
weeks hence that the matter is too
big to be handled so expeditiously.
There Is a strong' chance that a sud
den adjournment of congress may be
effected when all other pending busi
ness is cleared up.
The man behind the interrogators
In the Virgin .islands investigation is
former Director Brown of the bureau
of efficiency. For two months prior
to the present inquiry. Brown has
been conferring from time to time
with senatorial Investigators. He has
axipplied much data hostile to Gov
ernor Pearson, who is an old pollt-
leal enemy of his.
A leading utility lobbyist met a
government lobbyist in the capitol
corridor a few days Ago. The gov
ernment man ironically congratulat
ed the utilities agent on his victory.
saying: "You utilities certainly turn
ed the heat 6n our congressmen.
didn't you?"
The utility lobbyist ardently de
nied this, and also suggested as a
sly dig. that he snw not evidence of
pressure on the part of the govern
ment to Influence congressmen.
"Of course not.' said the govern
ment man.
They shook hands, and the utilities
lobbyist observed. In parting: "Boy
what a couple of ltsfs we are."
LONDON, July 8 (AP) George
WashltiKton Htil, 50, president of
the American Tobacco company,
married hla 3fyesr old secretary,
Mary Barnes, in the Caxton Hall
renister office today.
The ceremony, witnessed by nine
persons, was performed by J. P.
Bond, deputy-registrar.
The wedding of the "mlllion-dol-lar-a-ycar
executive' and his sec
retary, cost In tecs and license, two
pounds. 14 shillings, seven pence
about 13.-i5.
Hill smiled as he left the office
following the ceremony.
The couple took a taxi to a west
end hotel, where Hill said: "I don't
know our plans but I can say I am
darned happy.'"
After the ceremony Hill lawyer
issued a formal announcement of
the marriage by the bride's mother.
Mrs. John Barnes, which said tne
couple would be at home a:tr
December 1 at Richmond Hill. Irv
inT ton -on -t he-Hudson, New York.
On Mail TrlbunVwanl ads.
on the
Day's News
CONTINUING, today, Linsey Bise
m ore's reminiscences of saxiy
days In Southern Oregon.
AS Mr. Blaemor remtrabsra rt.
the second Industrial enter
prise in tha Rogue River valley (the
first was a salt factory) waa a pot
tery. It was started by a man nam
ed Harm a.
He got his clay from a cut bank
on the Rogue, and hauled It severs
miles in a wagon to hla home,
where hla pottery was operated. Th
clay was ground up In a crude mill
operated by mule power.
When brought to the proper con
sistency, 1( was shaped on a pot
ter's wheel by Mr. Henna' ski Ilea
ej"HE potter's wheel, In case you
do not know, Is a flat disc,
which Is whirled at considerable
speed by a foot-power treadle. The
wet clay is placed on this whirling
disc and shaped by th potter's
hands. The potter's wheel la on or
the earliest machines known to
have been made by man).
Mr. Henna's standard
articles of manufacture waa a
shallow vessel for holding milk
which was probably known as a
"crock," that being the usual name
for It the country over.
The milk was allowed to stand
In these vessels until th cream
had risen, so that It could be skim
med off. Many an older cltleen wilt
remember raiding these crocks ana
J eating the cream.
About all the younger generation
knows about cream la that It it
something that comes out of a spout
on the separator, or from a bottle
brought by th milkman.
ANOTHER, and rather specialise.,
article produced by Mr. Hanna s
pottery was a lamp made somewhat
In the shape of a champagne glass
(perhaps tha younger generation, at
least, will know what that means)
The top of thla lamp waa shaped ,
like a saucer, and in thla shallow
dish oil waa placed and a wick
dropped Into the oil and hung over)
the edge. Thla wick, when saturates
with oil, lighted and usa
as a lamp.
It didn't give quite as good a
light as candles, but waa a lot less
trouble. ,
IN THOSE days, you see, there
wasn't' any Copco, which must
have left the politician rather out
on a limb. But then there were
fewer politicians.
ANOTHER standard article oi
household equipment in those
day a waa a "Brophy" holder.
A "Brophy," Mr, Slsemor ex
plains, was a little rolled -up spue
of paper, and the holder waa the
box In which these "Brophlea" were
kept. It was placed usually near to
the fireplace, and when somebody
wanted a light for a candle, or
lamp, or a pipe he took one ei
these slip of psper. ignited It from
the coals of the fire, used It for
whatever purpose he had In mind
and then carefully extinguished it
and put It back In the box for
future use.
They didn't waste much in those
Y THE way. Linsey say these
Brophtes" were usually made
out of the weekly newspaper after
it had served Ha Intended purpose
In the way of Information and en
tertainment. Newspapers had a long
er useful life back in those times).
White's Want Best
Of Bright Sayings
The Crystal Spring Dairy, which
Is owned and operated by E. J. White
and sons, will give away sfl every
month for the best bright sayings
of children In connection with their
Bright Sayings advertisements, which
will run In the Mail Tribune once
a week, starting today. Mr. White
says he will also give a pri at the
end of the serlea for the best scrap-
book of the advertisements
The Crystal Springs Dairy features
wnnes vriTfi i-iome siam ice cream
Golden Gurnsey Grade A milk and
cream, cottage cheese, buttermilk
eggs, and they also make the delicious
Ice cream treat Oh My, which Mr
White says 1 becoming very popular
with both children and adult.
Long Lost Pet Deer
Returns To Kitchen
TOWNSEND. Mont. Jack Reyn
olds and hla long lost pet "Buckle."
3-year old deer, have been re
On a hiking trip Reynolds saw
familiar deer form and whistled
The deer followed him home and
calmly came to rest on the kitchen
floor. The animal had been founa
In 1933 when a fawn.
In Auto Accident
THE DALLES. Ore.. July g (API
Mr. and Mr. Joseph McAlpine of
Fresno. Calif., and daughter were
brought to a hospital here yester
day suffering from Injuries received
an auto accident near Moro 1
None Is believed Injured seriously.
Reports of the accident Indicate the
skidded and overturned when
M 'Alpine attempted to avoid atfik
1ns a cow.
Barber, Judge, Financier
Ex-Ranger Runs the Town
FORT DA Vlfl, Tex. Nick Men
felder never know whether hie cus
tomer wants to get a shave, borrow
a few thousand dollars, have an alarm
clock, or aix-ahooter fixed, or awear
out a warrant.
The former Terse Ranger ha been
fee town' barber M yeara, Jeff Davia
county' Justice of the peace 40 years
and a tinker end picture frameraince
the Indiana gave up the land. He 1
the big moneyed man hereabout, and
he rides a bicycle.
Cattlemen's Friend.
Kick, aa everybody knows him, sus
pends the barberlng, tinkering busi
ness and court only when there' a
meeting of stockholders of th local
trading company or bank. He holds
big Interests In both. He la the cat
tlemen's friend when they need
Born In southern Bavaria In 1S5S,
he came to Texas while he waa young.
He got hi start by buying cattle and
land and "selling 'em at an advan
tage." Then he started lending money.
A bachelor, he likes women but
won't cut their hair.
"In the first place. I don't bHve
in this bobbed hair fad," he says.
"It's meant for 'em to wear It long.
Women ought to spend lota of time
with their cooking 'stead o' galll-.
vantin' 'round to bridge parti and
the like."
"Dance, Mdy."
Recently, three women from out of
town, acorn pan led by a local rest
dent, visited Nick, the strangers just
wanting to aee the famous man."
As they entered. Nick snatched a
six-shooter and growled.
"Dance." he commanded on of
them. "Sling them feet."
The woman did. How could she
Later, Nick gave her a shaving mug.
It bore the name of a man who was
killed In a saloon shooting match
here when Nick was young.
(Continued from Vage On)
announced neither board would meet
today. v
Introducing It progress report the
committee of the planning board rec
ommended that the Ideal arrange
ment would be to have first the legis
lative action and then the architec
tural competition, which would re
quire a special session early in the
fall. "The date for the proposed leg
islative session is all Important," the
committee stated.
The progress report recommended a
group capitol plan rather than a
single capitol building. In Its sum
mary on the considerations for sites,
and without making any recommen
dations, the report states:
1. The sit for the future capitol
should be very ample in sire, and In
such shape and location that it al
low satisfactory development of the
3. A capitol group requires even
more space than a single capitol
building. This committee recommends
a group plan,
3. The old capitol site 1 very In
adequate for many reasons.
4. There are only two proposed
sites which, in the spi.iion of this
committee, might satisfy the require
ments: (a) The "Bush pasture" tract or
land approached through It to the
(b) The Willamette university cam
pus. Joined to the old site by con
demnation of a part of State street.
fl. No final recommendation is
made at this time.
PORTLAND. July 8. lp James E
Va.nZe.ndt, commander-in-chief of the
Veterans of Foreign Wars, took occa
sion Sunday to re-state his opposition
to President Roosevelt In an address
before several hundred ex-service men
and their wive.
VanZandt was en route to Newport.
Ore., for the state conclave of the V
of P. w.
The commander also declared that
Senator Charlea McNary (R Ore.)
would not be re-elected, and tnrii.
cated he believed Senator Frederick i
eterwer IR.. Orel waa being consid
ered In the east as a possible Repub
lican presidential candidate.
In reviewing the passage of the
bonus bill In congress and It (ubse
quent veto. VanZandt declared:
"Next year when we go to the polls
we are going to answer President
Roosevelt for plsclng us alongside the
lowest and lousiest slacker In the
World war."
Application of the town of Eagle
Point tor a tie ooo PWA loan lor
construction of a water svatem. nss
been filed with Wsshlngton. D. C
authorities by Attorneys Neff and
Frohmayer. representing the munic
ipality. The Eagle Point council
passed a resolution ten dsys ago
approving the application.
In the event the loan is granted
. P,.nnea 10 install a water ,
Irora ne sin. ;
ford svstem. The water supdIv at :
present la larg-ly frcm wells.
Cat 1U1J, Tnoojrt wajtt i
'4 ?
Mck Mcrsfelrter. who prefers a bi
cycle, Is a Jnck-of-all-trades and a
"big shot" In Jeff Darls county, Tex.
Flight 'o Time
(Medford and Jackson County
History from the files of the
Mall Tribune of 10 and 20 Tears
Tilly 8. 1D3S. .
fit was Wednesdey.)
Heat and cyclones take death toll
In east and middle-west.
County court bans giving of gaso
line to stranded tourists, "with or
chardlsts crying for help to aava their
Dokkie band, under direction of F.
Wilson Walt, to give concert la city
park Friday evening.
rred L. Heath, Sr., Is confined to
his home with a severe bronchisl at
tack. Prohibition expenses In county re
duced during June.
Two trusties escape from the coun
ty Jail, after serving half of sentence
for moonshlnlng.
July . in 1.1.
(It was Thursday.)
Mrs. E. E. Kelly snd family left
yesterday for Ashland, where they
will camp and attend the Chautau
qua. 22 of an Inch of rain fell yester
day, and was welcomed by the fruit
growers. Notice of the county court they
would place a speed cop on the Pa
cific highway between thla dry and
Phoenix, has "Increased the speeding
and recklessness snd yelling at night."
Phoenix resident report.
The city waa In darkness for ten
minutes last night, when fuse blew
out In Riverside sub-station.
The W. H. Oore auto, which rolled
off a grade In the Siskiyou laat Sun
day, was not a badly damaged as
first reportcl. The top end bodv were
wrecked. The car will be as good aa
new when repaired.
When Mrs. Homer S. Cummlngs
tells a story, and she tells many good
ones, her most Intent listener Is her
husband, the attorney general, who
never la far from the side of his
small, plump, dark-haired wife, no
matter how large the party Mrs. Cum
mlngs Is famous for her Infomal Pun
day night suppers where only those
are Invited who can talk brilliantly.
. . . And they do. She likes to deco
rate with shcats of calla lilies . . .
thereby starting a Washington fad
She Is an omnivorous reader, and has
traveled ail over Europe many tlmea.
Governor Laffoon of Kentuck has
Just appointed her 'Admiral of Rock
c.,. rlT,r .. , ..,,
nr "Colonel Pickle"
-pi,-.-,. tv.-
She call him
s-hen asked to
I explain the "Colonel."
Ci Uall Tribune, want aOSV