PXGE TES JfEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OREGON, TUESDAY. JULT 2, 3935. Chapter 48 NEW THREAT T)E QUIET!" Redo put his hand suddenly and roughly across Alison's mouth. "I'll not allow you to ay such things!" Alison tore herself free, pushing blm away. 1 don't cars what you say!" she cried. "If you want to run into a trap, I'm not going to, that's all! And you can't make me!" I He turned, apologizing, "I don't know what's come over her!" Daphno stood In her bedroom door, drawing on her gloves. "It's that man." "Lumley?" he looked startled. Tes. She's seen blm this morn ing. She probably slept at his house last night." Daphne stated It calm ly. "Alison!" He awung round on her accusing. "Hare you been to that man's house?" "Yes. I've been there this morn ing." Alison admitted It proudly. "I tuppose It's no good my saying that ibe's lying about last nlgbt you wouldn't believe me. But If you want lo know, Guy and I are engaged." Daphne's tone was sober, almost the dial, she heard Daphne whisper behind her, "Get her to the train. Bob. She'll be all right then! We can get married by the Consul at Calais!" "Hullo? Is that Scotland Yard?" Who did one ask for, Alison won dered. "Hullo? Yes, I want to speak " "Click! The receiver tell back across Us stand as Daphne's hand closed like a vlbi upon ber wrist: In spite of herself, Alison screamed, for the pain was sharp and sudden. "Leave go! You're hurting my wrist!" the girl gasped. Her father's arm was round her waist now, he was holding ber kindly but very firmly. Daphne's band slid up to All- son's elbow, gripping It ust above the Joint, as she shook her head. 'Let go of me I" Alison tried to writhe free but Robert had ber fast. He pushed her gently down into n chair aa Daphne let go. "No! Sit down!" he ordered, as she tried to leap np. DOB, shall I fetch the maid? Or "give her something sal vola tilewait!" Daphne ran to the door. 'No!" Alison's head dropped on her knees. "Leave me alone!" With a tremendous effort, she checked her sobs, raised her bead and spoke with all the earnestness Rede turned te Alison, lull of contempt. solemn as she said aloud, "I tell you, he's hypnotized herl" "So that's It!" He turned to Alison, full of contempt and anger. "All right, my child! It lust shows that you're not fit to be left hore alone!" "I toll you, my dear, this Is why 1 was uiraia." uapnnes tone was meek. But she had moved to the outer door, was barring It wlthUier body. "Dont worry, Alison's coming mllh us." Robort's tone was grim. I'm not" Alison moved back Against the mantelpiece, held on It defensively. "Yon can tell any lies you like but whatever you say. I'm going to stay nere tell he comes!" Robert started forward but Daphne checked him quickly. 'Are you?" she said. "Then you'll wait a long time, that's all." "What do you mean?" gasped All- sson. I Daphne laughod coolly. ' "I mean that he's probably under arrest," she said. "You see, 1 went round to Scotland Yard early this morning and told them all about your Dr. Lumloy and his visit to Warley!" "OU told Scotland Yard!" All- son was whiter than the paint work behind her. "Then you were cheating me! You tried to make me promise and you know all the time." "I had to keep you quiet." retorted Dnpline. "You held me because 1 said I'd go for the police." Alison was dangor- ously quiet now. "You've lied to me and you ve lied to father well, you won't put this one over!" She dnrted to the telephone. .snatched It from Its rest. "What're you doing?" Daphne Jumped forward, tried to wrest the receiver from her hand but aha held on fight. "I'm going to ring up Scotland Yard!" '"Alison!" Her father Joined In now. was on the ollior side of her. "Pul thnt down at once!" "I won't!" She hold the telephone with her right hand, with her loft flipped orer the pages of the book feverishly. Hnre-li was-New Scotland Yard. Whitehall ISPS. As her fingers found that she could summon, forcing blm to listen. "Father! Please do try and under stand! She's accused him Guy of murder! Don't you see. If 1 go away now, don't say anything, they'll think ho did it! Surely even you must see that!" Robert looked up at Daphne. "It might be best!" be muttered. "Perhaps she'll get mleted down If we go round" "No! If you give way now, Bob, she'll go on playing up like this the whole time!" "Don't you seel" Alison walled, clutching at her father's arm. "Oh. can't yuu see she wanta til in to be hanged? He knowa too much!" "Walt, Bob. I'll fetch the maid. Leave her to us. We'll get her quiet. Honestly, you're only making her worse." "All right," he yielded, shrugging his shoulders. She was guns In an Instant, run ning out to the car. "Father?" Alison raised a swol len, tear-blotched faco. "Won't you please Just lot me stny at borne? I promise I'll do what you want rost, do anything you like If you'll Just leave me behind ?" Haggard, nervous and unhnppy. he met her npponl with silence, lookod towards the door. "Oh. plcaso!" she begged. He could not face her, turned away and stooped to pat the little dog. For a aecond Alison's oyes measured the distance to the telephone but he was too nenr the table, had picked up the boi of chocolatoe and was untying the ribbon shakily. "Father?" She started from her chair. He looked at her miserably, tb open chocolate boi between bis hands, the little dog sitting up and begging at his feet. "Father, won't you lot me stay?" And he answered hurriedly, shame fncedly. conscious of being unfair, "No no, really, dear, you must be reasonable. . . ." Outside. Alison could boar Daphne and the nurse coming ihey were at the door. . . . Tomorrow. Rolrt nrt hfti tlr. j nplt Drool of Anion's ttorv. ' BICYCLE, SKATE RACES JULY 4TH ASHLAND STREET At 9 o'rlork TtiMrtay morn'ng the 4th of July rrowdfl along ti(n utrrrt In A5hltiiid will be trfntrrl to wit rrul old-tlmf cyclf rwv First there will be a rolir j.knt cotitrM, a free for all, young aim p'I. Rlrla and boyt. There will be a swl. able handicap for the girls In all of the rappK. Next the Ultlc tot undi'i im r.u of age will perform un thru tricycle. Then there will be ibrc c la 60 01 blcclp r.u-es, ThoM under U yem of use are In class C, Krnm U to 14 years are m rlnsa B. And from 16 to 'JO years are In class A. The Mart of all racrs will he nr the Junior hitch n'tuml. mid the fin ish will bf at the Firm National Hunk. Thne rash prizes will be award' d in each event. In addition the one riding a bi cycle from thp greatest rtlMtmcc Info AMilanri for the dav will be awarded - caoh prlte. As un addpl attraction 1 members of t he fire department will compete with the police department ( In a tandem race for the honors of the day Just rwfore the parade, j Parallel parking will be In eff-et. on Main street mid provide ample room for the eonfet The races are ten minutes apart, and will be eondurtPd hy tha Ll'h-' tans baseball club. I At 1 o clock this team will play a championship husphali sme at the huh school Held with the VrcJia' team. APPEAL OF BIBLE T Speaking from the topic The Fundamental Missionary Concept In Gospel Aggression," Sunday morning, from the Church of the Nawirene pul pit. Fred M. Weatherford. pastor evangelist, said In part as follows: "The ushering In of the Holy Ghost Dispensation opened the beginning of the great missionary program, mark ing the first outstanding epic In world evangelism, Since the begin ning of ihlB dispensation, on the day of Pentecost. Ood'6 challenge to the church has remained the same. There Is no variableness In the Bible appeal to man. The one element, perhaps t that lends greatest strength to the Bible. as an Inspired book. Is from the fact that Its moral and spiritual teaching for correction, 1b as applicable today, as It was at the time It was given. This test, put to the publishers of text books reveals to us that human thought Is not enduring. Here we find that the best brains of human thought are fluctuating and vaslalat lng. Text books used a quarter of a century ago, In the sciences for In stances, are antedated today. "Sin, In the human heart, remains the same the world round and the remedy for Its removal Is through the ministry of the Holy Spirit, to Indi vidual personality. "The responsibility that Jesus laid upon his first disciples was the great; commission: 'Co Ye, therefore. Into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature. He that belleveth and la baptized shall be saved but he that belleveth not shall be damned.' That commission has never en re voked. It ts incumbent upon all dis ciples of Christ today." INGE RALLY AT BELLEVIEW TODAY A grange rally will be held at the Beltevlew grange hall at 8 o'clock tonight. The program will be pre sented by the Jacksonville grange, aud the cup will be presented by that grange to the Bellevlew grange, who will hold the same until the program in August at the Roxy Ann grange. The cup contest Is continuing to gain Interest. Oranges In the lead are Jacksonville grange, with an av erage of 47 per cent, Phoenix grange 46 per cent and Talent grange 43 per cent. The meeting tonight promises to be one of the biggest yet held. Bellevlew grange1 will serve sand wiches for those attending from their grange. turet were taken by Captain Saun ders of morning and evening forma-1 tlons. barracks life, and recreation, j The movies were the climax of an 1 evening of entertainment which In- ( eluded a supper of fried chicken and all the fixtures with apple pie and ice cream to top It off. Music ana song by members, card tricks, reclta- . tlons and a stream of badinage from Master of Ceremonies Joe Winkler filled out the evening. It ts planned to give a smoker to Wlmer members one week and a dance In the Wlmer grange hall the next throughout the summer. There will be an all-day picnic with swim- '. mlng events early In July for Wlmer. : THE WORLD AT ITS WORST By GLUYAS WILLIAMS WIMER CAMP LIFE CAMP WIMER (Spl.) Movies of Wlmer eamp lite were shown by Cap tain Ouy w. Saunders at the semi monthly smoker last week. The pic- LISTED FOR 17 CITES; SALEM. July 2. (AP) Recreation j programs consisting of organised; games, swimming, crafts, and other i playground activities, are being con-; ducted In 17 Oregon cities, through the use of relief funds, C. A. Howard, state school superintendent, said to day. Howard's department Is In gen eral charge of the recreation pro ject. These cities Include Albany, Ash land, Astoria, Bend. CorvalUs, Enter prise, Eugene, Grants Pass, Hllls boro. Klamath Falls. La Grande. McMlnnvliie. Pendleton, Portland. Salem, Sllverton and Tillamook. WINDOW GLASS We sell window glass and will replace your brolen windows reasonably. Trowbridge Cab inet Works. Phone 542. we'll haul away your refuse. City Sanitary Service. X 2 J 5 7-2, WHEW -friE H0U5E IS CLOSED AMD THE CAR IS PACKED BUf THE D06 SEFUSE6 10 APPEAR, (Copyright, 1836, hy The Bell SyndlMU, iite.) WlU-IAttS S-MATTER pop Payn By Hal Forrest Bv C. M uDD fBDOB rrTpH tiWur"Xi TAILSPIN TOMMY Bullets Getting Close! i I I 'V.H W': 1 IV P V ' J- I L ' ' 1 .! I I stronghold at 4 yAxy h M -Tlyk ' ill SANTOS CAUENTE, Ojy 1 QsH TntuAwi ZS? VV Mf l COMPANY UJ.TH MU VU 5 ; ( I Zb4s. AvV 1. v1 PVi INTENT TO X sS J h - CUJ' tZWV) 7 W I OUT OF V. iNi 1 .M; CAPTURE 6LU6. X if 212' KjWW M,S RAN6E T I ', 'P - and Rescue (TV V feV ftC Quicic-wi: 1 1U- -A vv - , ptwt,...w.M,..,h., ., , ; - ' - opggjf . BEN WEBSTER'S CAREER Safe So Far X""1 " X7 miu, t . Bv Edwin Alger m DEAD GIVEAWAY- THEN HE'D XM W MFSWVt!I5 5 EP NOW WAT 0ME BUT 1 1 A LOOVC AT J COME BACK H&f) 91 M0KE CclN " Y 6 ' K SVT J Q ME DIOMT IT5 COT Jh TH BIRD- ft 14 LJf F V AT U9 LUKE ? JS AINT, 1A , W' - M WONOERlM A RIDER.' 4 S-Zl.rl.'' W V ' I . . Ii s: .-"x ii - r- . RIDE, BOOJELUa-i TUE UOT&L. NJOTUENAm SOM' TO LET LOOkilE.MCL COM SjTq MV vOU400 PDIC IT 3 ( C ;,LL ,T Xli taiLED-io smoke I RECOMMCIODATIOV1 Of MvoU f3ACC I tJESS-i POUKJD i( 0cice- .... ItwTS A LOT ) V secAl-J5e 1 ),;( EMMA'S VOU .8 THAT NWSE K AMD RDTM A 1 TuE MIMINJ& J J QvE VQU A Us:EV BUT lUQXr HM 1 N! ktrmimwcu HOMEsr.NowDOMrV irm-E X V STOCK.'.' AVaroirr yooacmecXaXd jVJOuLDVJTSE,-u,T 1 By Sol Rest THE BUNGLE FAMILY Theories Versus Hartford By Harry J. TuthUJ speak of Oakd.il...and L a bullon uou find at mu door. Ah, like uoii mu. r it is ihe samer'CJL A. color as the i! sun mis m 1htbsi'T, Oakdale W wear. eh-Ji;, R-'r-v..! 41 nr. 'I I.. L Jft mi ir Listen. how coild Hartford lose that bullon here? He wasn't in this house unt i after it f M-'W Ppt.iii. didn't uou sau !-s 'A' Oakjjif ' run Vait somethini about Mr ccmini upstairs to A?t uou a pair of (Moves the I ' 1 evening Ous farxT Mff!$ and Oilier-1- Vi&iflj 'ell ues.he did run upstairs for me.bul... mm m?:4: i:3WaVwT,i'mwj HOW lliriv KM ' 1 , ' I Oh QaAA,, nlaifa ) Tl ietart tt-ni. A. . 1 he UD h?re. rf '.L J hpm hw hnnt .-,.Khnuf mar J " frI ' I truth ran nevor rv, fawtfi hara I ' Gi I t, J hurt an innocpnt !!i feSrl him AvnlAin v7 XII if X:: :X:,:;i! iX -i''Xl. " I ' i r bo! And how tnat feiloiv looked me nM m the eue when he sau he know noth n. about mg f papers, r jl. Ha ha1 J