JIEDFCRD TRIBTJNT:. 5IEDF0RD, OREGON. FKIDXY. MAY 17. 1933. PAGE THREE ER T 10' (Continued from Pagfl Ona.) played any emotion upon the read ing of the verdict. Story .Not Believed. Before pronouncing sentence on Berg. Judge Joyce aald to him: "The awry you told waa not believed one bit. It waa a fantastic tale which other peraons of lesser intelligence than the Jury might have been swayed by." Convicted with the gangster who with Alvin Karpis headed the Barker Karpls mob, were: Harold Alderton, In whose home at Bensenville, 111., Bremer was held prisoner 31 days: Oliver Berg, lifer In the Illinois state prison; John J McLaughlin, 68-year-old former poli tical leader In Chicago, and James J. Wilson, 27-year-old former North western University medical student. Freed were William Vldler, Chicago "rookie" and Philip Delaney, former restaurant and tavern proprietor in Chicago and Intimate fiend of Mc Laughlin for 25 years. The seven defendants were alt tried on a charge of conspiracy under tJie Lindbergh kidnap law, which calls for penalty upon conviction ranging up to life imprisonment. The prison term la discretionary with the court. : PORTLAND, Ore., May 17. (API There was no change In the general dairy products market for the day In the local field. Butter was un changed here. There was a further Increase of supplies from out-state points but a decrease In centralizer churning was suggested during the last few days, although this was be lieved to be temporary, There was no change In either sen timent or prices on the exchange for the late session while on the open market continued premiums over the official" quotation were suggested. Trading In the egg market con tinued of firm character with full prices continued. Portland retained title to being the lowest market along the coast. While there were reports in the trade of a lowering of bids for chick ens, the trade here continued to show a shortage. IN JOINT REHEARSAL In preparation for the annual Spring concert, which ia to be pre sented Monday evening at the high school auditorium, the Medford Glee tnen and the Jackson county teachers chorus will meet for Joint rehearsal tomorrow. Much Interest Is being manifested In the coming recital, and the Glee xnen, under direction of James Stev ens, baritone, promise the best pro gram they have yet presented. Ap proximately 70 numbers are Included In the Gleemen'a library, ranging from classics to popular melodies well suited to the clubb well-blended TOioes. Associate members tickets are good for admission to the concert. PORTLAND. May 17. J" Cattle: 100: steady, unchanged. HOGS: 200: steady, unchanged. SHEEP: 350; steady, unchanged. NEW POTATOES California Gar nets. 91.90 per 50 lb. bag; whites, 91.85 per 50 lb. bag. Cheese, milk, live poultry, onion, new onions, potatoes, cantaloupes, wool and hay, steady and unchanged. CHICAGO, May 17. ;p ( USD A HOGS: 7000: moderately active, steady to 10 higher; better grade 200-260 lbs. largely 99.45-50. top 99.55: 230-290 lbs. 99.30-45: 290-350 Iba. 99.15-35; 160-200 lbs. 9955-50" light lighta mostly 9900-25; sows 98 35-60. CATTLE: 2000:'draggy weak market on fed steers and yearllnga and gocd beef cows; other ahe-atock and bulls about steady; practically no well fin ished steers and yearlings in run: lower grades yearlings and light steers 98.00-11.00 to killers, holding best yearlings around 912.00; vealers strong to 25 higher, selects 99.50 10.00: bulk 98.00-9-00. SHEEP: 8000; active early clear ance bulk 15-25 higher; plainer qual ity of shorn offerings considered sheep dull native ewes weak to low er: five cars choice 81-lb. California spring lambs, unsorted 99.50; deck to small killers 99 60: medium to choice 75-97 lb. Colorado wooled lam be 98.50-9 25; bulk 98 75 upward; merely good 83-97 lb. clipped lambs $7.75 8.00; no choice shorn lambs on sale; shorn native ?wea 94 25 down. SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO. May 17. (AP)-(U. 8. D. A.) CATTLE: 400; fairly active, steady; load and half desirable 873-982 lb. grass steers. 98.85 9; good-choice vealers quoted 98ff9: possibly 99-50. SHEEr -225; good-choice under 80 lb. spring lambs 96.75 7.25, pos sibly above. Portland Wheat PORTLAND, 'My 17. (fl) Qrnln: Wheat: Opn High Low Close May 81 81 80 80 July 80 80 781J 784 Sept 80 80 78 78i Cash: Big Bend bluestem A Dark hard winter (13 pet.) DarK hard winter .(11 pet.) Sort white Western white Hard winter .... Northern spring .... Western red Oats: No. J white. 28.00. Corn: No. 2 E yellow, Ml 00. MUlrun standard. $36.00. Today's car receipts: Wheat flour 7. .S3 W.j .84 .79 .79 .78", .79 .78 Chicago Wheat CHICAGO. May 17. (API Wheat: Open High Low Close May 2!i 02'2 aol Mi) July .93; .94i .93H .9314 Sep. r. .842 .94?, .93 .93!i Portland Produce PORTLAND. May 17. (AP) BUT TER Prints. A grade. 28',c lb. In parchment wrappers. 394c lb. In cartons: B grade, parchment wrap pers, 27'io lb.: cartons, 28',ic lb. BUTTERFAT Portland delivery: A grade, deliveries at least twice week ly, 27c lb.: country routes, 25 37c lb.; B grade, deliveries less than twice weekly, 26c lb.; C grade at market. B Grade Cream for Bottling Buy ing price, butterfat basis, 55c lb. EGGS Sales to retailers: specials, 27c; extras. 26c: fresh extras, brown, 34c: standards. 23c: fresh mediums. 25c: medium firsts, 22c dozen. EGGS Buying prices of wholesal ers: fresh specials, 24c: extras, 24c; standard, 23c: extra mediums. 21c; medium firsts. 19c; under-grade 19c dozen. COUNTRY MEATS Selling price to retailers: yearling lambs, 10c lb.; spring. 12 a 13c lb.; others unchanged. Wall St. Report NEW YORK, May 17. (AP) Infla tionary speculation waned In today's stock market and profit taking de pleted some of the gains established in yesterday's bulge. The utilities, steels, mines and oils were resistant, however, as the remainder of the list churned uncertainly. The close was Irregular. Transfers approximated 1, 650.000 shares. Todny's closing prices for 33 se lected stocks follow: Al. Chem. & Dye 1494 American Can 125'i American & Foreign Power ........ 4 A. T. fe T 1208 Anaconda .......... ..... 17,4 Atch. T. & S. F 42 Bendix Aviation 16 Bethlehem Steel 27s4 California Packing M 33, Caterpillar Tractor 48 '4 Chrysler 48 Commercial Solvent .. .. 20 vt Curtlss-Wright . ' 2K DuPont 69 General Foods 34ai General Motors International Harvester I. T. b T Johns-Man Montgomery Ward - ......... North American ... Penney (J. C.) , Phillips ePtroleum Radio .......... Southern Pacific Std. Branda Std. Oil Cal. Std. Oil N. J. Trans. America Union Carbide .. ... United Aircraft U. S. Steel 32 H 42 4 0't 51 26 13 71V, 22i, 5S 17 15 37 46 6 sat; 134 34 RICHBERG 10 QUI! WHEN NRA EXPIRES IS AM RUMOR (Continued rrom Page One.) San Francisco Riitteriat SAN FRANCISCO. May 17. (API First grade butterfat, 29c f. o. b. San Francisco. FLY CASTERS TO TALK Preliminary plana for the organiza tion of a fly and plug casting or ganization of southern Oregon fish ermen will be discussed at meet ing of all sportsmen on Monday eve ning at 7:45 sharp, it waa announced by those Interested today. The meeting will be held at the Chamber of Commerce building, and all those who have felt the need for such an organization are asked to attend. Sponsors of the club have stated that an Improvement In cast ing ability will automatically result In an Improvement In fishing skill, and a large turnout Is expected. head It. If the new law should not be passed by that date, the ex piration of the present act would put Rich berg's post and the whole NRA setup out of legal existence. Besides Rtchberg. other NRA ex ecutives also are said to be contem plating early retirement. Only yesterday Senator Barkley (D., Ky.) read to the senate a let ter from Richberg saying he had accepted his post only temporarily and wanted to go back to private life. Inquiry in some authoritative circles last night elicited the word that there was no prospect of his early retirement. Today, however, other circles said such a step was Imminent. The Incorporation papers set forth that the organisation Is a "non-profit organization," and lists the Com munity Chest as a source of rev enue. The purposes are listed as etab. llshment of a recreational center for the physical, mental, social, and spir itual betterment of girls and young women In this vicinity. Officers of the group are listed as Mary E. Phipps, president; Margaret Schuler. vice president ; Margaret K-rr. treasurer and Aletha E. Vaw ter, secretary. Directors are named as Sarah Ham mond, Georgia Hollow&y, Isabel Neff, Lillian Humphreys, Ella Pcnnlncton, Marjorle Newbury, Laura Drury. Mar Jorle Kelly. Lillian .Aldrich. Edwina Weishaar, and Lorraine Norris. Sliver NEW YORK, May 17. ( AP) Bar silver firm. o higher at 77c. Delay Girls' Awards The Girl Scout Court of Awards which was to have been held tomorrow. May 1 3, will be held instead the following Saturday, May 25 at 2:30 o'clock at the Junior high school. The girla hava been working hard for troop advance ment and a large number la expected to come up for badges and awards. A program Is being arranged by the badge and award committee with Mrs. J, C. Boyle as chairman. Ashland Visitors Among those from Ashland In Medford Wed nesday were Mr. and Mrs. Warren Newhouse, and Phillip Wendt, ac cording to the Ashland Tidings. Mrs. T. L. O'Hara and Mrs. T. J. OUan were callers here Thursday. Articles of Incorporation of the Girls' Community club of Medford were filed yesterday with the county clerk. Diamond Cafe Open 24 Hours . CIRCUS DAY Stop here after the Dance or Show for some Chop Suey or Chow Mein! 127 East 6th St. Fat Folks Read This She Reduced 14 lbs. in 3 Weeks Paid No Attention To Envious Gosslpers Mr. J. H. Valentine of FTeeport, N T., write: "I lost 14 lbs. with Krus chen and my husband took off 12 lbs. In 3 weeks and Intends keeping up the good work. I think KruscheT la 6lmply wonderful." Intelligent folks like Mr. and Mr Valentine don't listen to gofstpin folks who tell them It's Impossible to reduce safely. Kruschen Salts Is one sate reduo lnj? treatment It's a health treat ment physicians prescribe It Ju?; take a half teaspoonful In a cup ol hot water first thing every morning tastes fine with Juice of half lemon added a Jar lasts 4 weeks and costs but a few cents For sale by Jejmln Drug or any drug store. v Circus Day Special We offer you an old-fashioned favorite like your Aunt Emma used to keep in the cookie jar . . . DATE DROPS Large chewy cookies generously filled with dates and chopped nuts. Grand for picnics and week end trips. SATURDAY SPECIAL Per doz. 23c ALSO Delicious Angel Food Cakes in three flavors: Cherry, Lemon Custard and White. Each 39c TOMORROW IS Circus Day at the PEERLESS FREE BALLOONS FOR THE KIDS! (They must be accompanied by parent) AND THERE WILL BE A 3-RING CIRCUS OF VALUES FOR THE GROWN UPS! THE ORIGINAL LOW PRICE MARKET H SPECIALS ON GRAIN FED MUTTON Legs, lb 15c Shoulder, lb. . 12c Chops, lb 1 5C Stew, lb 8C HAM TaiPr Ore. made, whole or half. lb. STEAKS, lb 15c Tender Beef Sirloin, Rib or Small T-Bone Beef Roast, lb. 12Y2C Shoulder Outs Sweet Mix Pickles or India Relish, pint 1 5C COTTAGE BUTTS, sugar cured, nice and lean, real value . . ..lb.26c Frankfurters, Bologna, LiverSausage -d pm 17 Prime Rib or Rump Roast Boned and Tied No Waste Swiss Steak. Pound . . . . 1 Veal Stew lb. 8c Boiling Beef lb.9c BACON Mild Cure Well Streaked lb. 29c 35 We have a complete assortment of items for your outing or cold plate lunch eon, at a savings, such as cheeses, bulk pickles, olives, radishes, mayonnaise, sandwich spread and a complete assortment of lunch meats. FRUITS and VEGETABLES Lettuce . Bunch VegtaWe Asparagus .2 heads 9c . . .3 for 10c ..lb. 5c 3 lbs. 19c WITH THE VALLEY TRADE IS THE VALLEY MADE E BE WISE BUY WISE AND ECONOMIZE AT Independent SSOKjitOVA YS Affiliations RELIABLE GROCERY W. A. H0LL0WAY. Owner. PHONE 20 !C A Few Suggestions '$i For Your Outing Trips Phone 20. Free Delivery PORK and BEANS BEAN HOLE BEANS, large 27 oz. can. These are baked in pots 3 feet under ground. Something different. Packed by Van Camps. 10 FLAVOR-AID, assorted flavors 3 pkgs. 10o Cal. Home Sweet Midget PICKLES, No. 1 can t5C WAX PAPER, 40 ft. roll 2 for 15c MARSHMALL0WS. 1 pound packngo 1ft PINK SALMON, No. 1 tall MDurkees m A'i ter pt. 25c tqt. 41c 2 for 25 Tuna Fish $ size 2 size .10c .15c Fancy Alaska Red SALMON, Booth's 2 cans 35 Something Different! Tender Baby CUD I1D Hav-A-Salad Brand 1 C jniXllVlr 'The Pick of the Pack'. Can IOC PEANUT BUTTER Wadham's Fancy 8oz. 15c 16 oz. 27c 32oz.45c Tea, Shasta, Green, V2 lb. 25c5 Black, V2 pound 3Qc GRAPE FRUIT, fey. Trupak, No. 1 tall nn. 2 for fcCC SHREDDED WHEAT the original 9C 2 for C3C Postum, Inst. 8 oz. can 40 Chocolate, Baker's Prem. cake 23 S bak'g pan free Calumet Baking Powder lb 25tf Schilling Two kinds percolator & drip. For a fragrant, full-flavored cup of coffee use Schilling's (Kit her kind In Tinium till!) 1 ib 30c 2 ib 59 c Schilling rn-am Baking 12 oz. 30c Tnrtnr Powder 2 o lb. 85c STRING BEANS Fancy Del Rogue No.l tall can 10 SOAP SPECIALS - The largest -telling soap in iht world P. and G. 7 for 25c Oxydol, Ig. pkg. 23c 2 Giant bars P. and G. Free Camay Toilet Soap 4 for 22c Fresh Fruits and Vegetables PEAS, fine quality, lb. . 5c New Potatoes Artichokes Nice Size Jumbo Size Lb. 5c Ea. 5c CARROTS, TURNIPS, BEETS, RADISHES and GREEN ONIONS 3 bunches 1 0 Wax Onions 2 lbs. 15c Strawberries Cabbage ....New, solid heads ... 3 for 25c Lb. 4c fa 3M City Meat Market UdDdB0 A PERFECT SCORE -star vQ&y Was given this market last week by the Meat Market Inspection, Dept. of Ore. State Veterinarian's Office for Cleanliness, Sanitation, Protection o Meats, Neatness and Attractiveness ANOTHER REASON WHY YOU SHOULD BUY YOUR MEATS AT THE CITY Genuine Spring Lamb: Shlds. 15c; Legs 23c More of that good home cured Bacon, lb. 32c Rib Boiling Meat, lb ..12jc 121 North Central PHONE 324 Free Delivery Any size order Al Stewart's Fancy Fryers Hens Rabbits Lunch Meats VI ft 1 ,M(f1