PAGE SEVEN WHAT YOU WAMT fei FOR EASY REFERENCE I MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE. MEDFOlii). OREGOX. MONDAY. MAT 13. 1935. f . '""1 f- - " t i vu 1 v Read every ed od this pose- Vou will probably find el actly the thins yon want to buy or tell, if It Isn't there, advertise. It's Inexpensive, effective. RATES Per word first Insertion (Minimum 25c) Each additional Insertion, per word lc (Minimum 10c) Per line per month without copy changes '-s8 Pfootae 75 FOR WANT ADS LOST AND FOUND LOST If dog mlssinfe. call 1516. WANTED MALE HELP W.m:D Wood" cuttert. A. P. Jor dan, Taienv, WANTED FEMALE HELP . vTT vmahin nt?rson for cen W nSt l DLT VHr I - .,-.- stjite exnerlence "i ',7": m mo. p. o. i uiiu Box 1093. Medford. ATEDYoung lady for house work. Part time. Call 1573-W. Ta"5edZ waitress. None other need appIyHotejIacon JaNTED Experienced girl for gen eral housework. Call H72-J. WANTED Young woman over 10 tot general housework and care of two children. Pleasant home and spend In money. A good permanent posi tion for the right girl, xptirlenre and references necessary. Box 170B. Tribune. "vANTED E xperienced woman or girl for general housework. Small family. Box 1878. Tribune. vJJnTeD Experienced girl or middle-aged woman Tor light house work in country Board and room. $3 a montn. wm tvuu, Beagle. Ore. WANTED SITUATIONS JeSTAANTIjniFORMS. Men's laundry. Mrs. Morgan, 429 S. Cen tral. WANTED--M1SCELLANEOUS WNraDSewlng. quilting, crochet ing. 307 Apple. wlkNTEDTO BUY Turkey chlck3. Address 505 Elizabeth street. Ash land, Ore. Tom Lang. Wa1TET100 baby turkeys. Box 1795. Tribune. wTntelTtOBUY for cash, or trade, agricultural machinery, any condi tion Have good milk cows for sale or trade. Box 1793, Tribune. ACTED Used typewriter. Phone 9S3-R. WANTED Heifer calves. Write Ruby CASH paid for men's, women's and children's clothing Good condition Hnir braids made to order. Useo Wardrobe Shop. 618 E Main. vWNTED Wool mohair See us be fore you eell Wool bnga St twine for sale. Medford Bargain House 37 No. Grape St Ph 1062 WANTED We pay cash tot household goods furniture and stoves We also ouy metals, hides pelt, wool and mo hair MEDFORD BARGAIN HOUSE 27 N Grape St Phone 1062 FOR RENT HOUSES FOR RENT 4 -room house. Call at 817 W. 10th. ' "fofTRENT To responsible tenant. Furnished house. F. S. Carpenter home. 1 ml. west on Jacksonvl'le Road. Perrydale. Reasonable rent Phone 731-R. FOR RENT 6 room furnished mod ern house. Close in. Phone 457-J. FOR RENl - Homes furnished at unfurnished Brown White FOR RENT APARTMENTS MODERN furnished apt., overstuffed furn.. steam heat, garage, Frlgid aire. Butler Apt., 2-Mi So. Grape V"TOR RENT Fine 4-room furnished apartment. 309 Beatty St. Geo. Iverson. VERY modern furnished apartment Electric refrigerator. Chllders. 803 W. lith. Phone 445-X. FURN. APT 4 rooms, sleeping porcri private bath, piano, davenport. M.ivug. garden, berne,. flowers Adults, inquire 312 Portland Ave. FOR RENT Two 3 -room ant, furn ished. One $1000. one $15 00. 2i4 So Grape. FURNISHED apartments. South Cen tral at Twelfth. FOR RENT Furnithed Apt. iue Broen. 10 Quince St. 4-ROOM spartment partly furnish ed, nat. veawr. p::vo:e b:h. car are Will re-dcorat to suit ten ant 915 W. 10th St. I.DVRELL COURT. Phone 873-X for appointment. AV ATI A3I E- -4-r:3i modern jr.furn .id ap Fir ;r..' :r..,'., -:: K'j;. Is FOR RENT APARTMENTS FOR RENT Modern furn apartment FURNISHED APARTMENT Combin ation living and dining room, kit chenette, sleeping room and bath room Water and steam heat furn ished Rent reasonable. Apply Mail Tribune. FOR RENT Corner apartment la Mall Tribune building. Furnished. Sleeping room, fireplaoe. comolna tlon living and dining room. Kitch enette with bullt-lne. Dressing room, bath room. Heat and hot and cold water furnished. Reason able rent. Apply Mall Tribune of fice. 2-ROOM APT., furnished, 339 No. Ivy. BACHELOR apartment. 445 So. Front FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT 5 furnished rooms, close to park, modern. Will be vacant about first of June. Wm. T. Camp bell. 804 East Main St. ATTRACTIVE rooms 404 8- Grape BOARD AND ROOM RATES reasonable at 718 E, Main. FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE 14 A. close In. 13 In pears. Base and Anjou. excellent condition. Good buildings. Clear. Equipment with place. Reason ably priced. Box 1776, Tribune. BUSINESS LOCATION FOR RENT At 33 North Grape street Will remodel to suit tenant, furn ish steam heat If desired Size. 16x60 feet Will rent or l-ise at reasonable figure Call at Mall Tribune (Newspaper) office. FOR EXCHANGE .22 SPECIAL and 17-Jewel Illinois watch, to trade for electric watur pump. A. L. Lehman, Route 1, Box 224, Mediord, Sunset urive. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE APT. HOUSE for sale or trade. 620 So. Fir. 4-ROOM house, 15 acres. Will rent 523 No. Riverside. FOR SALE OR TRADE 33 A., Illi nois valley. Small house, other buildings. 803 Pine St. T A. Ideal poultry ranch. Stock. In cubators, and brooders. Good busi ness start. Excellent chance for expansion. C u m m 1 n g s Poultry Ranch. Central Point, Rt. 1. FOR SALE 480 A. ranch, 8 room modern home, large barn, 36 head of cattle. Cash $6,500, terms also Box 2001, Mail Tribune. BEAUTIFUL SCEINIC HOME for aale 10 A. fruit, 12 A. timber land. 6 rm modern house. Fine water system. Lydia M. Youngs, Old Stage Rd., end Beall Lane, turn north. 4th house. For Southern Oregon property See SOUTHERN OREGON REALTY CO. 44 N. Riverside A REAL SNAP and no fooling. Small modern home, comparatively new. in A-l shape. Priced for quick sale at great sacrifice. Must have cash. That's why the pri is slaughtered Full particular! at 325 S. Riverside. BROWN (fc WHITE are selling some splendid building lots both on pavement and off. at prices from 880.00 per lot up We can offer at tractive terms also. Brown St White. 104 W. Main. BROWN te W H FTE are" "of fe r fng "a Bargain at 420 So Grape. Six room Bungalow, reflnlshed Inside and out. oak floors throughout, new linoleum in kitchen and nook, close In. paved street, clear title, prloe S2500. Only 250 down and 22 50 monthly. Interest 7 Brown Si White Agency. 104 W. Main. BROWN Sz WHITE still have a few of those very choice 5 acre tracts of DEEP FREE SOIL adjacent to PAVED HIGHWAY STREAMS AND FOREST. Our prices are at THE BOTTOM, terms are very reason able These tracts cannot be dupli cated for sol condition, location, water and price. SEE Charles A Wing Agency. Inc. Buy Your Home. to HOUSES FOR SALE OR RENT Jack son County Building Si Loan Ass'n Phone 195 WHEN you think of real estate, think of Brown St White FOR SALE LIVESTOCK FOR SALE: Good young Jersey cow: 500-gallon galvanized tank; good dry wood, n.50 tier and up. Frank Scherrer, pnoenix. By New bry Packing House. FOR SALE Registered Guernsey bull, heavy milking strain. John Deer mower. Phone 697-J-2. 8 HEAD of registered Hereford bull good papers Call 1559 AT STUD Black M&moth Jack Mor gan Saddle Stud 3 miles west ol Talent on An-jerson Creek (Bailey Ranch) Tom Kouna. FOR SALE POULTRY AND EGOS WHITE LEGHORN setting egg 50c C A DeVoe el 523-J-3 FOR SALE DOGS PETS PEDIGREED R. Canaries. 623-J-2. FOR "SALE AUTOMOBILES TOR SALE OR TRADE '27 Dodg tr'i'-jc. motor, tires good condition Trms. Want I-iriWi cntrifugil pump. Box 178.1. Tnoune. PORSALE Truck, wagon. tooU hordes, cwf. nnch for rent. Crops ali in Aio small dairy ranch for sa.e. Inquire Summit Service Sta, t.on. 4 mi out Jacxsoovil.e Hwy FOR SALE OR TRAlQ Nn ill- , 47 jjouUi FU. FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES . . JJ-JVV. FOR SALE OR TRADE 1928 Esse 4 -door sedan. 1327 Dodge-Graham Ha ton truck. Monarch steel range. Inquire 414 E. Main Phone 161. GUARANTEED USED CARS Chrysler and Plymouth trade-ins. 1934 Dodge Sedan like new. 1933 Chrysler Royal Sport Coupe. 1932 Chrysler 6 DeLuxe Sedan. 1931 Chrysler 6 Sport Coupe, 6 wheels. 1931 Chrysler 6 Sport Coupe . whls. 1931 Chev. S Passenger Coupe. 1931 Chev. Sport Coupe, 6 wheels 1930 Chev. Sedan. 1930 Chev. Sport Roadster. 1930 Dodge DeLuxe Sedan. 1929 Packard Sedan, real value. 1929 Ford Town Sedan. Manv others to choose from. ARMSTRONG MOTORS. INC. Lot on East 6th St. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE Hay In shock. Hamilton, Rosa Lane. GOOD used piano, S65.00 cash. Bald win Piano Shoppe. ROCK BOTTOM PRICES on your fishing, camping and hunting needs. Cliff's Sport Shop. 317 No Riverside. LOOK -LOOK -LOOK Ladies' dresses 50c to $2.50. Men's clothes 75c to $5.00. Shoes 35c to $1.50. Children's clothing 10c to 32.00. USED WARD ROBE SHOP. 518 E. Main. FOR SALE Hay rake, good condition W. H. Arnold, Route 1. Box 297. FOR SALE Fordson tractor, plows, disc, ladders, picking buckets, etc. Phone 565-L, FOR SALE: 250-gallon Kardle Js spray rig. complete, hose guns. etc. 3 inch centrifugal pump. Wanted, deep well outfit. Inquire D. M Lowes place, Valleyvlew. FOR SALE Seed corn. J. A. Manke. 3 miles east of Jacksonville. SPECIAL River loam. 3 yds. $2.00 Fertilizer and garden plowing Washed sand. rock, plaster sand Bateman's 1534-Y or 912-J MISCELLANEOUS HAVE YOUR Old Washer repaired! ' tteasonaDie prices. Flck s Hardware. I BUSINESS CHANCES FOR SALE Fountain and lunch room In operation; Lakevlew. Ore , completely equipped; reason for selling, other interests. Write Box No. 10, Prospect, Ore. BUSINESS DIRECTORY JACKSON CO. ABSTRACT CO. Abstracts of Title and ntle Insurance The only complete ntle System in Jackson county. MURRAY ABSTRACT Co. Abstract of Title Rooms 3 and 6, No 32 North Central. Ave., upstairs COMMERCIAL SPRAYING CALL McGonagle, 258-M. Commercial Spraying. Expert Window Cleaners. LET GEORGE DO IT Tel. 1172 House cleaning, floor waxing, ori ental run cleaning St upholstering Transier. TRUCKING fc STORAOE LOCAL an distance hauling. Furniture moving, etc. Reasonable rates. Tel 833, F. E. Samson Co. EADS TRANSFER & STORAOE CO. Office 1015 No Central phone 315 Prices right. Service guaranteed. HAWLEY TRANSFER Expert pack ers and movers Special livestock moving equipment. Prices right 619 North Riverside Phone 615. Money to Lend MONEY LOANED - $50 to $300 for personal or household purposes on House Furnishings or Autos; also Cars Re-financed Loans closed within 30 minutes. License No S 157. See W E. Thomas or E. J Riley. 45 So Central. Painting & pnnerhunglng. JOHN H LOCK. Painter and Deco rator Fine interior work a spec ialty. Competitive prices. Phone 953-R. Res. 124 King. WE CREATE DISTINCTIVE CHARM in colors for your home by paint lng. tinting, paperhanglng HARRY MARX- Route 1. Phone 14-F-4. M. A BLISS Painting &i paperhang- LEGAL NOTICES ORDINANCE NO. 2052 I AN ORDINANCE calling a special ' election in the City of Medford, Ore con, on the 24th day of May. 1935 : submitting to the let?al voters of j ald City a proposed art of muni'':! i pal legislation amending the charter of said City by adding thereto a sec' tion of such charter to be designated as Section 73-E thereof authorizing the City Council to issue bonds to refund certain bonds of the City of Medford and valid!. ng such bonds to be so refunded and submitting to the legal votts or said City a pr-- posd act of municipal legislation amending the charter of said City Dy adding thereto a section to b dtg nated as Section 72-K authorizing the City Council to issue warrants, during the year 1 J;5. in an amount not to exceed $8 000 0o to assist in the relief of unemployment. THE CITY OF MEDFORD DOTH ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. Tnat there be and here v ti called a special city election in and for the City of Medford. Oregon, to be held on the 24th dav of May. 19'j5. for the purpose of submitting thereat to the lftgal voters of a!d City, pro pod arts of municipal lois;nt:on a hereinafter ei lortn and aa;a i6C' tlon is hereby ordered to be held on the above date between the hours of 1:00 o'clock P. M. and 8:00 o'clock P- M as provided by t!;e charter of said City and the State law for reg ular ert:ons .V- t:on 2 Piat ea- :i i;rl m. tie C'.tv of Medford is nc;e y om ,t. e'i Hi a p.rec..c; lijj L.. i.u-; of election and to following polling places are hereby designated as the polling places within said Ctty which said election will be held: I First Ward j Public Market, South Riverside i Avenue. j Second Ward Courthouse, Corner Oa ltd ale and i Main Street. j Third Ward f Flchtner Garage, Corner Sixth and Fir. I Fourth Ward Ctty Hall, Corner 5th and Central Street. Section 3. That the following per sons are hereby designated as elec tion officials for each of the wards above mentioned: First Ward: public Market, South Riverside Avenue Mrs. Leda Hubbard Judge. Mrs. Lucy El wood Judge who will also act as Clerk. Mrs. M. M. HermanKludge who will also act as Clerk. Second ward : Courthouse, Corner Oakdale and Main Street Mrs. Hattle M. Aldn Judge. Mrs. Margaret Lewis Judge who will also act as Clerk. Mrs. Irene Phettep lace Judge who will also act as Clerk. Third Ward: Flchtner Garage, Cor ner Sixth and Fir. Mrs. Arthur Short Judge. Mrs. Lena Roseberry Judge who will also act as Clerk. Mis. Edith Morris Judge who will also act as Clerk. Fourth Wnnl: City Hall, Corner Fifth and Central Street Mrs. Kate Young Judge. Mrs. Prue A. Piatt Judge who will also act as Clerk. Mrs. Katherlne A. Oaddls Judge who will also act as Clerk. Section 4. Each of the said elec tion officials, es aforesaid, shu.ll be paid by the City of Medford, Oregon, the sum of $3 00 as their compensa tion as such election officials. Seetion 5. Notice of said speel al election shall be given by the City Recorder by publication In two-issues of the Mediord Mall Tribune, a newspaper of general circulation pub lished in the City of Medford. Ore gon, not less than 10 days prior to said election, and by causing to be posted at the places for polling said election a full copy of this ordinance. Section 6. That there be and hereby is submitted and proposed to the legal voters of the City of Medford for their approval or rejection at said special election, the following proposed art of munletDal legislation amending the charter of said City aa ordained by the City Council of the City oi Medford by Ordinance No. 2950. Charier Amendment Referred to The People By The City Council An Act To amend the charter of the City of Medford, being an act entitled "An act to repeal an act entitled "An act to repeal and act entitled "An act to incorporate the Town of Medford, In Jackson county, Oregon, and limiting ita powers ana aennina; the duties of Its officers." and to repeal an act entitled An act to incorporate the Town of Medford, in Jackson County, urcgon, approved February 24. 1885." filed In the office of the Secretary of State February 21, 1889, and all amendments thereof, and to incor porate the City of Medford, In Jacx son County. Oregon, and to define Its powers and duties." approved Febru ary 6. 1901; "and to incorporate the City of Medford, in Jackson County. Oregon, define its powers and duties, and to repeal all acts and parts of acts In conflict herewith." filed in the office of the Secretary of State February 7, 1005. and to amend all other and subsequent amendments enacted by the legislative assembly or by vote of the people. BE IT ENACTED BY THE PEOPLE OF THE CITY OF MEDFORD that the Charter of the City of Medford. being an act entitled "An act to re peal an act entitled "An act to repeal Mail Tribune Daily ACROSS Seed coverings Belonging to him boot wars Take up again Part of the day between noon and vsnlng Passed along from mouth to moutb Indefinite quantity Bitter herb Hone Collection of facts In addition Gaello Steal Mhftnlflcent Mock or gibe Hy birth Complement Of a bolt Gladly Name Cut Into small cubes " .... la. la" At home Place on the opposite side of the earth Formerly but not now; prefix Urge on Sum That which gives test Arabian sea port Male of cer tain animals Solution of Yesterday's Puxzli lMLlMpliElRlGllAHk A.DQ RKWl" E g 1ft" A 6 P B. I K pi A jl o nT x JL T phoM'MM 5 3 A 2L l.y.-LT H 1 ifjiL 2. JL JL 11 &. Exist DOWN 66. Hravery I, Bower f8. Particle 1 Course of GO. Likely argument t!2. Masculine S. Tavern name 4. Mother of 61. Timid Helen of C(. Corded cloth Troy 6. As far as I. Oscillate C7 Came together 6. Foi)d 68 Atmosphere 7. Provided Put down I. Smalt utile 7L Engage the at 9. Move wlib a tention be- lever forehand 10. On Indefinitely T4. Fruit of a ear 1L Violent rapid tain tree stream 75. Move suddenly 11 Structure used 74. Neighborly fr human working habitation gathering II. Expression Of 77. Bounds contempt 3 14 J j 14 7 Iff plf ' I" I' '3 7 t: 73 it :.. 3o 3i 3I 33 7THT if 'ZLu -L , ilMl 35 p"TT5r 23 7W-t3 TTi. ZTTl YWM an act entitled MAn act to incorporate the Town of Medford. In Jackson County. Oregon, and limiting Its , powers and defining the duties of Us officers." and to repeal an act en- j titled "An act to Incorporate the ; Town of Medford. In Jackson County, j Oregon, approved February 24. 1885," I filed in the office of the Secretary of J State February 31, 1889." and all amendments thereof, and to incor porate the City of Medford. In Jack son County. Oregon, and to define Its powers and duties," approved Feb ruary 6. 1901; "and to incorporate the City of Medford. in Jackson j County, Oregon, define its powers and duties and to repeal all sr and i filed in the office of the Secretary of I State February 7. 1905; as amended by ell other and subsequent amend ments enacted by the legislative as sembly or by vote of the people. n ana tne same is hereby amended uy I the addition thereto of a section of : the charter of the Ctty of Medford. designated as Section 73-E to read as follows, to-wlt: Section 7S-F The Council of the City of Med ford Is hereby empowered and au thorized to issue, sell or exchange refunding bonds of the City of Med ford. bearing Interest at a rate not to exceed fio per annum for the pur pose of paying, redeeming or retiring any or all of the bonds now or at any time hereafter outstanding of the following Issues of bonds of the City of Medford. to-wlt: City of Med ford improvement fund bonds, orig inal issue $29.000 00 bearing Interest at the rate of 5 per annum and dated January 1st, 1928; City of Med ford improvement fund bonds, series No. 1, original issue $25,757.48 bear ing interest at the rate of 5 per annum and dated July 2nd, 193o; City of Medford improvement fund bonds, series No. 3, original issue $113,793.41 bearing Interest at the rate of 5'fc per annum and dated January 1st. ia9; City of Medford improvement fund bonds, series No. 3. original issue $30,261.71 bearing In terest at the rate of 5'i per an num and dated January 1st, 1930: City of Medford Improvement fund bonds, series No. 4. original Issue $32,935.77 bearing Interest at the rae of 5l2r per annum and dated May 1st, 1931; City of Medford improve ment fund bonds, series No. 6. orig inal issue $8,333.45 bearing Interest at the rate of b2 per annum and dated May 1st, 1931; City of Medford improvement fund bonds, series No 6. original issue $24,981.73 bearing Interest at the rate of b per an num and dated August 1st, 1931: and Refunding Improvement Bonds ol the City of Medford. Consolidated Improvement Fund No. 3. original is sue $49,463.85 bearing Interest at the rate of 6 per annum and dated May 1st. 1932; that may have ma tured but have not been paid or can celled, or which are about to mature and become payable, or are redeem able at the option of the City, or whenever the holders of all or any part of any of such bonds are wlh lng to surrender such bonds, whether or not tlicy have matured or are about to mature or become payable; tne total amount ot rerunding bonds to be Issued hy the Council for such purpose shall not exceed the par amount oi sucn oonos to oe caiien. redeemed or replaced, loss the amount in the sinking fund. If any. applicable thereto. The refunding bonds herein authorized shall ma ture and be in form and shall b sold and advertised and otherwise comply with the laws of the State of Oregon and provisions of the charter of the City of Medford applying thereto. Each and all of the out standing and unpaid bonds hereby authorized to be refunded as herein before set forth are hereby validated and confirmed and declared to be valid, legal and binding obligations of the City of Medford in accordance with the terms and provisions there of respectively, notwithstanding any Cross-Word Puzzle 18. Come to a cIom IS. Acuulre by labor 2. Settled aver sion or dis like 24. Tale 26. Wagtr Jis. Fori i ui j exam Inatlon of account! 39. Grows dim SL Old musical note 33. Nourished 34. Cravat 25. Come on the stage 17. Hue .9. Inclined to re ceive 40. Edged tool 43. Unit of welghi 44. Mineral spring 47. Kind of cotton fa brio SO. One of Uavld'i chief rulers 53. Spanish gen tleman 64. Nothing more than 66. Paris ot shoes 67 Vigilant tt. Bush fi'J. Station 61. Carries: colloq. M. Such: Scoteh 65. Game played on horse back f. Deed A9. Stain 10. V.rr 73. Correlative of either 71. Hebrew letter defect or lrregriarlty In the authori zation. Issuance or nn'e of any there of. The Council shall have authorl'.y j to provide by ordinance such rulte and regulations as may be needed for ; corry'ttg out the terms of tlUs sec- i tlon. The debt limitations contAtned in the charter of the City of Medford shall not apply to the refunding bonds hereby authorized. Sevtlon 7. That there be and hereby is submitted and proposed to the leg al voters of the City of Medford for their approval or rejection at said special election the following prv nosed act of municipal legislation amending the charter of said City is 1 ordained bv the City Council of the City of Medford by ordinance No I 2051 Charter Amendment Referred to The PeopJe By The City Council An Act To amend the charter of the City of Medford, beltv? an act entitled "An act to repeal an act entitled "An act to repeal an act entitled "An act to Incorporate the Town of Medford, in Jackson County, Oregon, and limit ing Its powers and defining the du ties of Its officers," and to repeal an act entitled "An sot to incorporate the Town of Medford. In Jackson County, Oregon, approved February 24. leaa," filed in the office of the Secretary of State FVbruaxy 31, 1889. and all amendments thereof, and to Incorporate the City of Medford, in Jackson County. Oregon, end to de fine Its powers and duties." approve-1 February 6. 1901: "and to incorporate the City of Medford, in Jackson County. Oregon, define Its powers and duties, and to repeal all acts and parts of acts in conflict herewith." filed In the office of the Secretary of State February 7, 1905, and to amend all other and subsequent amendments ensrtd by the legisla tive assembly or by vote of the peo ple. BE IT ENACTED BY THE PEOPLE OF THE CITY OF MEDFORD that the Charter of the City of Medford. being an act entitled "An act to re peal an act entitled "An act to repeal an act entitled "An act to incorporate the Town of Medford, In Jackson County, Oregon, and limiting Its pow ers and defining the duties of iu of ficers." and to repeal an act entitled "An act to incorporate the Town of Medford, in Jackson County. Oregon, approved February 24. 1885," filed In the office of the Secretary of State February 21. 1889," and all amend ments thereof, and to incorooratfl the (City of Medford. in Jackson County Oregon, and to define Its powers and i duties.' approved February 6. 1901; and to incorporate the City of Med ford. in Jackson County. Oregon, de fine Us powers and duties and to re peal all acts and parts of acts in con flict herewith." filed In the office af the Secretary of State1 February 7, 1903; as amended by all other and subsequent amendments enacted ny the legislative assembly or by vote jf the people, be and the same hereby is amended by adding thereto a section to be known as Section 72-K to aa follows, towlt: Section 72-K For the purpose of providing funds to assist In relief of unemployment within the City of Medford during the year 1935 and in addition to any monies heretofore used for such pur pose the Council of aald Cltv is here- by authorized and empowered to Issue warrants against the general funds of said city In an amount not to ex ceed 8.000.00. notwithstanding that such warrants when so Issued shall be in excess of the various appropria tions of the general fund as adopted by the Council for the year 1935 and of the budget for the year 1935 as adopted by the budget committee for said year and notwithstanding any debt limitations contained In the charter. Section 8. The ballot title for the measure submitted by ordlance No 2950 as aforesaid and returned to the City Recorder by the Ctty Attorney is adopted as hereinafter set forth and the ballot title for the measure sub mitted by ordinance No. 2951 aa aforesaid and returned to the City Recorder by the City Attorney is adopted as hereinafter aet forth and the following Is the numher title and form in which the foregoing """""'w win appear unon tn hi. Special city Election Mav 24th. ifiaa Charter Amendment submitted by the city Council by Ordinance N.j. 2960. Mark a croas (Xl between the numoer ana tne answer voted for. Ballot Tlllr Amendment To Clinrter By Adding .Section An act of municipal legislation Kuuiiw section 73-E to Charter tit .n thorlwj the Council to issue- refund ing ooncia at not exceeding fi inter oat to refund Improvement tmA bonds dated January 1st. 1928: July uwumry js&, imv, January 1st, .-oi, iy mi, ihji (rles 4: May 1st, 1931 (series flj; August let, 1931; and consolidated improvement bonds, consolidated fund number a dated May 1st, 19.12. and to validate earn nonds authorized to be refunded. 600 Ye 0I M No Special City Election Mjlw 34.h 10 Charter Amendment submitted by ivy council oy ordinance No 2951. Mnrk a cross (X) by the num ber end the answer voted for. Ballot Title Amendment To f harlr Of City Of .iir.-rn ny waning 1 herein a tlon To He Known aa Section 72-K An art of municipal legislation smendlng the charter of the City of Medford by addln thereto a section to be deslnatrfi as Section 72-K au thorizing the City Council of the City of Medford to Issue warrants on th I general fund of said City during the I year 1935 In an amount not to exceed va.uw.uij ror me purpose of assisting In relief of unemployment. 602 No Passed by the City Council and signed by me in open session in au thentication of Its passage, thla 7th day of May, 1935. OEO. W. PORTER, . Mayor. Approved by me this 7th day of May. 19M. J OEO. W. PORTER. ... . Mayor. Attest: M. L. ALFORD, Recorder. Thri-uten f'ah nrlvrr. MARION, o. (UPj Albert Coop., ri-ler. S3. cb driver, dor.n t like to have a r.ror preww .gainst hit nect. Two pMngr In hl taxi threten fd him i!th one tnd ordered him to Ret out. Me did tnd the pair drove .jr with tin cab. "Blue Rook" Hpurn, Banker.. CLEVELAND. (UP) Prominent bunkers recently Indicted here were omitted frnm the 1P35 Iwiie of the Clpvelnnd Blue Book, register ot the cu'i tGCiety "big namtt." ounwRmefs ,1 , Fern Valley Talent ' FERJi VALLEY, May 13. (ftpll Henry Kantor, Albert Hoffman. Tom- my Hensler and Warren Barnes went swimming party to Jackson Hot Springs Sunday. Harley Dunn of Ashland and brother-in-law Mr. Doyle, of eastern Oregon, were calling on friends in the valley Saturday. Quests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. Benson the past week were Mr. and Mrs. C. Calson of Medford and Mr. and Mrs. Oormer of Phoe nix. Mr. and Mm. Claude Williams of Talent, called at the home of Fred Williams Sunday. Mrs. E. E. Marshall has spent the past two weeks with her husband at the Lucky IS mining claims on the Applepate. Patricia Marshall U staying at the home of her grandparents. Mr. and Mrs. L H. Hughes, during the ab sence of her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Welborn of Tal ent, former residents of Fern valley, are parents of a baby boy born on Sunday. Louise and Ernest Lytle were din ner guest of Norman Williams Sun day, helping him celebrate his eighth birthday. Dinner guests at the home of Mr and Mrs. L. H. Hughe Thursday evening were Mr. and Mrs. Dan and little daughter Onalee. and Mrs. Ern est Beer and son Ernest Lee. of Med ford. Other guests the past .week were Donald Wheeler of Eagle Point. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Steele, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Doud. Ralph Dewltt of Ashland Is spray ing the Walter Jones orchard. Floyd Long of Talent is planning on renting the Toustng orchard. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Steele, Mr. end Mrs. L. H. Hushes attended the fun eral of Mrs. Harley Dunn at Ashland Sunday. Mrs. Ray Ward and Mrs. Vaughn Quackenbush attended the meeting of the Phoenix Thursday club given at the home of Mrs. Maude Dough erty, entertaining the mothers In honor of Mother's day. Geo. Alford sold a bunch of hts white Leghorn roosters and his daug ter, Mrs. Lester Carr, shipped ninety dressed whit teghorn hens to Port land Thursday. Mrs. Oeo. Alford Is suffering from rheumatism. Antelope ANTELOPE, May 1 3. ( Spl ) Mr. and Mrs. Arlen M ill are 1 are the par ents of a baby girl, born May 1. Mrs. J. W. McKlnney of Hemet. Calif., is visiting her daughter, Mrs. B. E. Baize of Medford, who la very ill. Eagle Point Irrigation district start ed running water in the Antelope district May 1. Wilbur Erlckaon of Eagle Point re turned fiom Portland April 27 by airplane, where he had gone as a witness In the Sollnsky trial. Several older girla and boys from Antelope had their hearta all a flut ter thla past week to find their mMl boxes full to overflowing with let ters but were sadly disappointed to learn they were only "chain letters " Mra. B. K. Rlgga and Mrs. pearl Yorton took six pupils from the Ant elope to the dental ollnlc May 7. , Mr. and Mrs. Art Kent entertain ed at a party April 20 In honor of their daughter Helen. There were 20 present. Refreshment were served at 12 o'clock. Mr. and Mrs. Harve Stanley gave a surprise party May 3 In honor of their eon Dsrnel. There were twenty eight present. Refreshment of pie and cocoa were served the parents and a welner roast was enjoyed by the children. Wilbur Erlckson was in charge of the games. Ladles' Social club will meet May 15 at the home of Mrs. Elbert Big ham. Those who attended the home ex tension club at the home of Mrs. Anna Davles from Antelope May 9 were: Mesdames Sarah Riley, Pearl Yorton, Ada Kent, Ruby Rlgga and Myrtle Walsh. Some very Interesting talks were given by several of the ladles on their work this past year Forest Creek FOREST CREEK, May 13. (Spl.) Mr. and Mrs. Jak Crump entertained May 6 In honor of Mrs. Cora Crump or Eugene who has been spending several days here. Fourteen friends and relatives of the honor guest were present. Mrs. Crump returned to Eugene May Q. Mr .and Mrs. Harry Ayres and fam ily were guests of Mr. and Ms. Orle Ayres In Ashland May 6. Mining on the creek Is practically finished and most everyone's atten tion is now turned to farming or log ging. Mrs. John Black and children and Lee Black made a trip to the home of Mr. and Mrs. P. E. Bets ot Eagle Point May 0. Keith Argraves of Phoenix Is visit lng at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Pearce. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Davles spon sored a community picnic and bon- ; fire near their home Sunday evening May ft. A large group of neighbors : enjoyed supper, games and visiting, j Miss Leon a Culy of Beaver Creek 1 was a business visitor here last week, j The women's group will meet with 1 Mrs. Jim Kent In Jacksonville on I Thursday, May 16. Everyone Is urged i to be present. I Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Madsen and family attended church In Jackson- j vllle May ft, 1 TALENT. May 14. (8pl. OrvlD Stephenson, who was Injured while playing on the highway several days ago. was brought home from the com munity hospital at Ashland Tues day. Although he Is only partially conscious, he is believed well on the way to recovery. The sixth, seventh and eighth grade students visited Wagner creek and Anderson schoosl Thursday and participated In the sinning observance of music week. Mrs. Dorothy Morris was Instructor. Talent C. of O. will present Elmer Whipple, Magician, at the city hall Monday evening. A small admission will be charged. Laurence Burnett, who has been In South America for the past six months, returned home last week. The Dramatic club presented "Pink and Patches" at Derby Saturday night. Those making the trip were Mr. and Mrs. Don Montgomery. Mr, and Mrs. W. Barr, Mary Chambers, Dorothy Wells. Mr. and Mrs. F. Harshberger, Ed Learning, A. O. Waterman. Frank Works and the director, Harry Lowe. Mrs. Dunn, who has been a resi dent of Talent for several years, passed away at the home of her daughters In Ashland Friday morn ln. Mrs. Dunn was ill only a abort time. Death was due to paralysis. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hsrshberger. had as their dinner guest Thurs day night Mr. and Mrs. Wright 0 Phoenix. Harry Lowe was called to Eagle Point Wednesday to teach in the Eagto Point high school In the ab sence of Mr. Dav lea. Ralph Bragg, who had visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Bragg, for the past two weeks, returned to Ontario. Ore., the last of the week. Hnrland Lowe attended guard in Medford Tuesday night. Mrs. Frank Smith shopped In Ash land Friday. Ellen May Works celebrated her 13th birthday with a party at her home Tuesday evening. Members of her class at school were guests. Mrs. Joe Putman and Mra. Jessie Sargent of Los Angeles are visiting at the home of their parents, Mr, and Mrs. T. Bragg, Griffin Creek GRIFFIN CREEK, May 13. (Spl.) Mrs. R. R. Ouches gave a lovely birthday dinner recently for her son Ray, and grand-son Charles, their birthdays coming on the same day. The following guests were present: Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Colter, Mr. and Mrs. Alan Doty. Mr. and Mrs. V. R. Ouches and children. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Quches and children. Floyd and Fern Collar, Clyde and Glenn Ouches. The baseball team from school mo tored over to Lone Pine Monday even lng and were defeated. Friday even ing the went to Central Point and won the game, 7 to 4. A number of young folks enjoyed a swimming party at Jackson Hot Springs May B. Mrs. J. D. Brown and daughter, Betty, visited relatives In Jacksonville Sunday. Mrs. R. R. Ouches visited her sla ter, Mrs. Jake Henford, one afternoon recently. Miss Luclle Stearns spent Sunday afternoon visiting at tha horns of Mr. and Mrs. Alan Doty. Mrs. J. D. Brown entertained with a birthday dinner Tuesday evening for her son. Leon. Ten guests en joyed the evening. Several women from here enjoyed the baby show rrlday afternoon Itt Medford. Horsemeut Scarce. Beef to Zoo CLEVELAND (UP) "Let em eat he-ef" this paraphrase of the Broadway production, tells tha meat of the meat situation at Brook side Zoo here. It seems that horsemsat, usually fed most of the animals. It scarce these days, so the carnlvore are to feast on beef, though it's one quarter cent a pound more than old gray mare au naturel. Jubilee Cuirture. LONDON. (UP) A "Silver Jubi lee" hair design has been Introduced here. 1c has a multitude of curia at the back of the head and a row of curls formed In a tiara above tha forehead. It la Intended only for tht evening. RiiMla Sets Hook Program. MOSCOW. (UP) The State Pub lishing House of the Soviet Union has set before It this year a program of 1,300 literary books totaling 22.000. 000 copies. Including tha works of both Russian and foreign authors. HAIL! HAIL! HAIL! WHAT HAIL DESTROYS HAIL INSURANCE REPAYS Investigate this yearns features and rates Hail Department Charles A. Wing Agency, Inc. 109 E. Main St. Phono 728