PAGE EIGHT MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, MEDFORD. OREGON, WEDNESDAY, MAT 8. 1935.' GREAT RICHES Chapter 46 SARAH MAKES A CALL TAMES' second courtship did not " progress 1t leaps and bounds as Miss Julia ami Mcllssy so con fidently expected. He gave the sum mer to It. Most of the courtship took place on horseback. James already had a riding horse, a handsome black gelding with one white foot. He bought a beautiful little bay mare, guaranteed to be gentle, and hunted up a saddle. Al most every late afternoon, occasion ally In the early mornings. Miss Julia would see him passing her house, astride Ted and leading Lady. Leslie was always ready mt wait ing for him. James would dismount, ll.t Les!Je into the saddle and off the.y wv,M go. Leslie clinging tim K!.ly to the saddle horn. James assuring her that there was noth kg t e afraid of. " Once Miss Julia, frankly eaves from her basement win dew heard Leslie say, "I'm an awful oow.ard. But I'm not really afraid m ta-.g as ylf keep close to me. It you get a foot ahead I'm panicky." , scion of the house of Harris. So when James comes here Father sticks around to see that James doesn't." "Humph!" said Miss Julia. "Would It make It any easier if Sarah Stlm- son called on you and your mother?" "It might. I'm not sure. But don't worry, Miss Julia. I'm not the silly young thing I once was." "Leslie," said Miss Julia humbly, "I've always wanted to ask your for giveness for what I did to you and James , , . years ago, going out of my way to Interfere in what was none of my business. I was an old fool. Perhaps you didn't know." "Yes, I knew. It fcurt me . . . rather a lot. But do you suppose I would have let you and Mrs. Millard and Miss Sarah and.the rest of you take James away from me if I hadn't been willing?" "The you dleVt honestly caip for him?" "More than my life. That Isn't as exaggeration. I sacrificed James to my silly, silly pride. It Isn't you I have to forgive but myself. If I could live a thousand years I doo't believe I'd ever be able to forgive myself." You've already done a lot ft make up for it. Why, he's a differonl man these days. But for my part 1 S - .V.....-..1 . , . ... m ...,,., - ..l,.IM - " '! A , ' ',V- .' , i M f fr S (ft -WkvA- 1 Was erf tha aewrt.iftltp t-ss jttvt ts htrseWank, t vjrrsr. I'll m'A& clothe Vntin tWy. It'fi all a iattcif it Ioojm v bH& wffA F"w6i. . Ychi cmiy I tfui& Kkwb fiao rttfM ft'-9 t!oWe.Ta y.sti. ase Y'r.9 wia on tp & to aa iwvjiBaral seRw-Wfto-d"36e( But Itt te't w.rtby f ye-wr IrX-tfl'M&c-n'se ta g a nnc!iBr esWsiwt- frng yu8oV. I fewve you a ToKg ttie. Yob caH yMca a cowaT.fl-, but I,' feec vIwa fertile, "I t-h-l-nk- yea ase t&a bsaiiie iwata I bnow." JAMES aM tfeirWy. ,Eli,M.(.', Anil ll-5te3 Way lat t8 Bn.i'Va. They n-ulo off d(?wa tfos fltiitfett flrfi KI.i-BB Jui'V!a B-toei a U.t.5- tl.ia BfivriKii? of h-er collar wte-Acw. Weetes w.c?.it Vy. Tfete .'stsseKfia'k r.idt'B Jon-t.!tui'&'$, R-Att Binw e'e tteg a5:-er 8'aw.w eftcl-r..g LCfMo natr akHd or w-!SM htT fcitkiw awi mothe-p ok t!.'c-!r sia pck. Tts aace. 059 evfi!.yE- ws wfs ator!ij? Ver Sowers X'tofli JulJi went it nn Ver. '"iWirtra'B Jjnips toaVVt?" nV'. riii. abruptly. "IIor,:s,3, I 8'-;pcy-,3." "Doirs wl.ut?" "Pro'.ubly rerV.b?;" "O'-i a nltiht like this? my fcfc't he here? You can tell James for toe I think he's a nincompoop." "Tell him yourse,' laiiRhed Les lie. "Or yon might," she Hooped to wat(r a drooping snapdragon, "you might Ukn It up with Father." "Your father? What has your father got to do with It?" "A good deal, I'm afraid. Faer 1b determined that no upstart of the name of Stlmsou shall patronlzo a won't feel satisfied until I Bee yoi tw mfely marrloa aai sottlei. Do't lot him walttoo long, Lcwile. Time's pausing." ) BAT tw laf.r Itlfft Juuti wrMt to fitw jWsh Xux'ali ana tteay Jm,t!. a '?ig aU not unacrlmoloni ki4h oveV tfceiv ced ea aid potna oare. lrt tey klfti:d at rtirtlng ail AHsfei AiwA ttiU itiverltgly, "I'S (VVi Jit sn-er. Snt I can't help JU4l ..." ".y tW.V;'w ml rtart col W-'s mighty little I'm asking otyoa, wsjfreclyb tVe UterforN ln1p fr.wWd'towe iare e. t go or not, yost aw 3i Aeeil9. It won't make y real ilforeeo anyway. IKark nty wor.Jame8 fa aolug to marry Lef.l3 Harrip whether you like It r xcit. Tike sooner you make friends wlth b?c tho better." Tie next afternoon MUtt Sarali ! embroidered white lin&n and wkWo silk gloves and a grerti sun- rfMtfle, rang the Harris door belU carS catfe in hand. She hSd meant tm ita at tke most fifteen minutes, S.e EKayed for over an hour. Miss Julia, waylaid her afterward! ani EM'to her tit down on her porch. "Well?" Bflko Miss Julia. "Well, I actually tod a Umbo1 Miss Sarah admitted ee outtfyVSosnetklng tos salal n!titft PaV'Aer and Le?ie began aklg ra qu'6'Mtlorfl. I hft-dn't ha a pood talk ahiiMt Father fcr years. No oae seKMS intctvyatipd. He's almost . . . almost forgotten. Bat Leslie re wf''.ierB him petrfeactly." "So ydti don't tlnk Leslie's sa :mfitl?" "I think she's what Father said sweet. I asked them all to dinner, hut only Leslie accepted. When I think, Julia, that it might have been Leslie all these years Instead of that hard cold-Mooded Jane . . Miss Sarah broke down and crUd and Miss Julia had to take bark all her horrid Insinuations of the pre vious day. And then MelUay brought them tall glasses of lce4 raspberry shrub and cookies sr.d Miss Sarah said she must takd the next car. And didn't. Copyright, 193-, Mntrel R. Farnhcim tomorrow. llttlfl "Inspiring," 10 FEDERAL LAND OFFICE SALEM. May 8 (AP Th district land office In southern Oregon will remain at Lakevlerv for the time be ing. President :oovelt today in formM Governor Martin by letter Protects iifjolnut transfrrtti the office fro;n Lnkerlew to KlamAth Falls liiv txen made, and the pren dent stated "In the light of addition 1 information tending to ahow the ;mov! of the land office to Klam ath Fa 11a would not be in the Inter est of public laud administration in thst district, a further study would be made." in the meantime, he an nounrd. the offlrt would remain nt Like view. WASHINGTON SALE FAX HELD VALID By COURT OLYMPIA. May 8. (AP Judge John M. Wilson of thp county uvte rlor court, today upheld Hip validity of Washington'?, tifw two rer cent pa-on reran Mies tux and the token program of the state tnx commiaMon In a ruling on a fult brought by John D. Morrnw, fVattle restaurant operator. C NO SUPREME COURT OPIMIONS DELIVERED SAI-EM. May $ -(Api... The su preme court Tuesflay m not hand down any opinions. aohMu'.ed for that day. Members are m Pendleton where the spring term ol rourt in SOCIAL SECURITY PLAN UNTOUCHED WASHINGTON. May 8.-AP)-Don-ald Ftlchberg, chairman of the NRA board Informed congressional leaders today that he felt the supreme court's decision against the railroad retire ment act had caM no serious doubts on tho constitutionality of the ad ministration's social security pro gram. President Roosevelt, meanwhile, be gan a atudy of the decision to ascer tain if another railway pension bill could be prepared which would be upheld. There were reports that an effort would be made to get around the su preme court decision by basing new legislation on the federal taxing pow er rather than the right to regulate Intestate commerce. Pelicans Bring Good Cheer For Drought Region WEST POINT. Neb., May 8. AP) A flock of pelicans brought cheer to farmers near this north eastern Nebraska town. The fish -eating birds were re ported seen on roadside ponds and farmers declared they refute the theory that the mlddleweat will become a desert some day. An editor reported the pelicans' visit and concluded "there would hardly be any cause to assume that this section Is doomed for an arid fat." entered the Red Men hall, but were frightened away when Paul Dobrenz, one of the money escorts, disregarded pointed guns and ran Into the hall for aid. Charley Plaas and Wayne Dlllaboy, Dobrenz' companions, were unharmed. SALEM, May 8 ( AP ) Richard Shank of Independence, Mo., was In a local hospital today suffering from a gunshot wound In the abdomen, and Ernest Womack, Russell Springs, Ky., was In the city Jail, following an argument between the two men near the state fair grounds early this morning. , Shank Identified himself and his assailant and told police that Wo mack shot him during the course of an argument, Sergeant Asa Fisher of the local police force said. Shank disclosed further that he and Wo mack had engaged in several pre vious disputes. Both men were employes of the Tom Mix circus, which was in Salem Monday, Fisher ssld. Shank was reported as being in a critical condition at the hospital. ! THE SUN SPOT By GLUYAS WILLIAMS (Copyright. 1935, by Tht Bell Syndicate, Inc.) j3 ues iUiwiN6 or W.L -fue (UIN6& HE'D RKfriERDOlhA ffvKE HI5 NAP BECOMES IrHERESIED IN A REaECIiOM OF SliNUI6H PRNCIN& ON "friE WALL PlrfS HEAP CLOSE 0 EBMIE rf. A SHADOW ANP CftUSlKG SPOY 0 DISAPPEAR- CI LIES DOWN DISAPPOlrKCD, SPOf OF LI&Hf IMMEDIATELY COMMi BACK , VMOH& MERRILY PEODE5 0 CAP1URE l-f CLAPS HAND POWH BUI' DIS COVERS. fUE LISW 5PO 15 VERY ELU5IVE 4. J Use Mali Tribune want ads WM MEN FOIL 1 j i 4. M ,( j : ,j ,y PORTLAND, Ore., May 8. (AP) tywT'liS S I H . - T Z' iTy i Two would-bs robbers escaped with- i L 1 ft 11 LIS JLJ!rJJmm' W " a. i 9 out loot today after an unsuccessful l ft S fVWr, "? mrrS' if f If fteiSpSF V, I jAi NJfC-r ' d ) attempt to carry away a J1300 strike Ml ff& m 11 B l.i I "d-Vjis Mj J vi. v y benefit payroll of the Srewery work- R fffJ ilj--MVM PURSUES II OVER 1"HE WALL IH BRIEF MOMEH "IrlAf )f IS SUN SOES IN , PUfilMS Ar- B "We tw. M ,-ar.rtiy ha foi ' WWW W IXopC't Jf SflU CLAPS HAWp DOWN, ASD iO SAME. COMfjHUES 0 S ay WBa-Wt-'il 04BBSR i:-er...r's View Of It - Bv Edwin AlgW lii" WEOOT EM FULL UP, BEM -TV1EKA CATTLeWI OONT OET YOU, SIDECAR, llvbu GOTI HONEST INJUN, rEM,LOCOMOTlVf?'s'W IMW-ALWAYS FINOS A PAV?! mi ft HEAVY A THE PURPLE CHIPS WA5 BUT IF YOU FEEL LIKE TELUN6 if 'ME XfS JEW LIKE PROSPERITY TO AAE-HE'e 1 w,l ENVELOPE WAITIN' HOR US LmflA ON THE WEW YAWK STOCK EXCWAN6E ME 1 SURE WOULD LIKE TO i A THERE j g ALWAYS AROUND THE CORNER , BUT P W'A EVERY TbAY NIGHT AN' WWMk ilACKJNJHDAYS WHEN MARGINS J HEAR -SOME? MORE 1 & I AIN'T NEVER CAUOHT UP WITH HIM- M f THAT HSLP6 US KEEP WWfi lm7 eriLLAN'ALL,Me M fA CX CURIOSITY Oolw MilwA!1 1 vfliawJ' mbmSBm& mMmmtmm THE MEBB5 I.noky Guy s LOO AT THAT AD, wDl WELL., TMERES OWE WCG V . fa Jl WELL, YOU V& eOT TO S -.r, V l PUT OS'rWVILLE: AMD f THIWS ASOUT THE PICTUUE Of f A . flVE ME CREDIT FD8 I D RATVIER W Ave ( THIS HOTEL OW n-lE MAP i THE BRIDAL COUPLE.VOORE vth r " TAWKJ& THE SIE.L IM WO (, LUCK TWA IO ft, V THERE ASLE MUWDREDS OF MOT INJ IT THEV CUT VOO W f , 'slOD LOOK AT THE FREE SSWERMMEWT UCEIOSH V PAPERS CAIMG THIS STORY I OUT ASJD ENER.V TI MEr-- ' ADVEViTiSlMCS, THIS MOTEL 7 TIDOUGM- JrVcLeAve IT TO L,TTI-E RUDV Toy S THE: CAMERA CLICKED J V ' S GETTINJ6 .VOUyCMtewT )Vf,Tf WER " i ilf ii7ii---. mMmmuy ,-'7 -igi i . BRINGINQ UP FATHER " ,T' 1 . J wcu'e "lumaiius r-- 1 COME WTTM 1 II COSHVOLJ YOU AINT TI "YOU Af TO I YES! AM' THESE I II aN'TWIIC mv 1 ' ? r.. J !L5 ARE , SEEM ANY. P"J..TO..LAl ARE ME rr??Xw 5 MN.dlUU-o wiul. 1 5URETAKIN 1 HlTNLj Tel. vvlrta TH1NJG5 DAUGHTER 5 ikT ZTiW ba' 5 SiMrW A LOT OF THE 5E ARE I M "STATE , THING'S. PUT TwENTyTiF YOU f I'lSI ( UUGOAGETO ROOM TWENTY. 'EM IN STATE- KHs) riNO 5Dfr AncrTr. EUKOPt. TMlNLiS). U 1 ROOM I cpo i-r I 2 11 TTlT ' "T i O-KAY LS, KrH 1 - V ., -S TS I'M , jgSXIWiUH A Sl l 1 y'