PAGE SIX MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUTE. MRDFORI). OREGON, MONDAY. MAY fi. 1935. 8VNOP8I8: Jamew ttimson an. hit wilt Jant havt come, at tasl 10 tltt vartino of tht waut. Jam retumt from two veart in Trait" and And! he cannot tndurt Janet naotjino and tadistto broxbeatinn so ht leaves htr and returns to his Aunt Sarrth and their oUt and beau liul home. Sew Concord it aroused bv the scandal; Jant't lather t horrifl'.d. But James withstand them all He and hi-i 1ather-in-lat iust hart had a sesrton. Cba-jter 44 THE SIEGE B. NURTHRUP bolted Into bl csr and was driven rapidly oil The truth was that James cut a sorry Bg-ure before hla faJnerln-law To bis surprise. Mr. Northrup, though pompoua as ever waa con clliaiory. waa anxious for a recon eiltatton between him and Jane He apologized both for himself and his daughter. Naturally, thoj were both wor ried and upset over James' long and unexplained disappearance. Jane herself bad cooked all James favorite dishes for dinner. She had expected him home not later than five o'clock. James must make al lowances. A wife's feelings, yes, wife's feollngs. If James bad Just teleDhoned. let them know. Her natural anxiety. . . . James cut blm short. He ex plained hastily that he had no In tension or going back and living with his wife. He undoubtedly was entirely to blame, the evening be fore and at all other times. But be would not live with bar. He preferred not to see her. Their marriage was over and done for. Mr, Northrup tut-tutted and re fused to take James' decision as final. James concluded the extreme ly painful Interview by pretense of a pressing engagement Nothing further occurred that day. James bad bis lunch sent In and waa brief and aloof with callers, claiming to be Immersed In his lung neglected business and correspon dence. That afternoon, rather early. he slipped out through a back en trance and went home; home to the Mansion with Nappy limping In his wake carrying hla brief case. But the next morning business was again practically non-existent on Commercial Street when Mrs Northrup, heavily veiled, was seen climbing the steps to her son-ln law's office. The odds against James rose hastily. In all, Mrs. Northrup made six calls at six different hours of the day at James' law office, and stayed and stayed as all of New Concord very well knew. What they did not know and bad no way of finding out. waa that as she opened the outside door, Nappy, on constant guard. pressed a button on the wall throe times as a signal of dire disaster and James thereupon made a hasty ilt at the back and bid In an ad joining and fortunately empty store room. After her final unsuccessful call Mrs. Northrup swallowed her pride and went to see Miss Sarah Slim son. She was told by Aunt Lou that Mlsa Sarey was not at home. She was at home, as Mrs. Northrup very well knew, having seen Miss Sarah at an upstairs window. So Mrs. Northrup pretended to leave, but only went a little way and presently waylaid Miss Sarah In the garden. 1ISS SARAH waa In faded blue percale and a disreputable sun hat. Mrs. Northrup was most cor rectly gowned In black and white China silk and a smart black toque. But It was Miss Sarah who looked the duchess as she Informed her 'caller haughtily (the haughtiness was assumed to cover au almost abject fright and dlamay) that It was Impossible to talk to Mrs. Northrup and remain a lady. Miss Sarah with ahaklng knees, thereupon walked Into the house and actually slammed the door In her visitor's face. Three days later Mrs. Northrup met Miss Sarah turn ing a lonely corner by the Baptist church and cut her dead. Mrs. Northrup waa so pleased with herself that she first boasted of the cut direct to Mrs. Church and then, as Mrs. Church seemed sympathetic, told verbatim the story of her call on Mies Sarah. And how New Con cord relished this tidbit! When James went on living quiet ly with his aunt, when It waa known that hla clothes and about a quarter of Uie wedding preeents had been packed up and sent to the Mansion, those who had backed James with their beta began pressing tor pay ment. VALLEY ARTISTS Ktn Interest Is bring manifest. In the non-Jury art fuhibit bcint planned for this city early In June, according to Jnrqurw Mailaqup. ex hibit manager, with 45 having sl ready applied for application blanks. Local artists In all lines of crafts manship are receiving the Idea fv orably. Matlaque states, this being the first opportunity for artists, both amateur and profe.ulonal, to present their work for public approval. Api:!-atlons arc coming in daily, many from Ashland. Grants Paea. and the smaller towns of tvnuthern Oregon Work to he submitted may be in anv hand-uoft Held, 4iu rt toc4 Utfor mutton ludKAie Ui. Ui GREHT RICHES Finally Jane confided to Her id imate friends that she and Jaraea tad separated tor good. Jane said that her lips were sealed, that she uerer meant to explain the cause of the separation or say a word against James. She intimated, how ever, that if she ever broke this praiseworthy resolution, or James by some overt act goaded her into telling the truth he would b drub bed out of town. This last caused for a time a great deal of intense speculation. But Miss Julia Pratt said bluntly thai Jane ought to put up or shut up. The men agreed with ber. And after a time the women. New Concord finally stopped prying and speculat ing. The matter was settled, the debts were reluctantly paid. James Stlmson bad ceased to be Jane Nortbrup's husband and became a Stlmson again. Ills law practice picked up amazingly. About this time James beard thai the Northrup twins bad got their discharge and were at home. An afternoon or two later Nappy came Into James' Inner office and closed and locked the door behind blm. "The twins is In the front office. Nappy said fearfully. "They kotcbed me when my back was turned and walked In big as you please. I told them you bad Jest this minute went home and they had the Impudence to tell me I was a dawg gonned Mar They each got a stick and they look awful mad. Mobhe 1 better light out the back way and go after the police?" "Show them In," James com manded after a moment's thought Nappy backed out. mutterlnk something about the Guwd damn edest foolishness he ever had hcered about, and presently ushered the visitors In. Nappy closed the door rebellious ly. James knew very well he would remain glued to tho other side with his eye to the key hole. THE twins were looking very fit and brown. They were dressed exactly alike in extremely uatt pongee suits and carried canes James, coatlcss and untidy, re malned seated at his desk facing them. "Well?" he asked. We're under orders to knock your block off." Nate grinned. "I dare sny you could do It." "Consider H done." Norrls said airily. James got up and the three solemnly shook hanU. The twins took off their coutB, sat down, tipped their chairs back, put their feet companlonnbly on Jamas' desk and lighted clgarots. A few minutes later they wore all deep in swan pins war yarns. Ills brothers-in-law carefully re frained from mentioning their Bis ter to James during tho afternoon. But as they got up to go James Bald In a shamefaced way, "1 wonder If you'd mind telling me. Just why . . . Jane wanted me to go back to hor. You know as well as I do that Jane despises me , . ." The twins exchanged glances. Nate said, "A woman, a dog, a hickory tree, the more you beat em. the better they be." And Norrls growled, "We told you to boat hor . . ton years ago." As they reached the door Norrls said wistfully. "We can't know you In public. It would give the family conniption fits. We're being taken Into the business and Dad's already had a slight stroke We don't want to kill him. Hut If we could slip in here occasionally ... If you wouldn't mind . . . "As often as you ploase. Ring me up at any time and I'll arrange to be alono. No one will see If you slip In the back entrance. Come along. I'll show you." Thereafter on many a late after noon the twins sneaked In the back way for more army talk. The twins and Jamos and Nappy believed that these meetings were shrouded In the darkest secrecy. Probably every one in town knew of them, except the twins' immediate family. They remained In Ignorance only because New Concord considered it a good Joke on the Northrups. The three never again spoke of Jane or of James' domosttc difficul ties. James considered the hint the twins had given na to Jane's state of mind from evory posslhlo angle and dismissed it as bosh. The Judge had loft Jamos ten thousand dollars. This James of fered by letter to settle on Jane. Jnne sent bark a stinging roply re fusing to take a cent from him. Mr. Northrup had other Ideos. .CoryHffM 1915 if et ml H. Fnrnhcm Tomorrow, Jnt takti her da partur. work on display will rnnpe from oil paintings to pencil cartoons. Community r-ohocls have sent in applications for grfup work, and the affatr will probably be made a permanent feat tire, Matlaque in timated. An Interesting side-liulit of the exhibits will be the ei lusive art ists entertainment and revrption on the eve of the opening, to give the artlsta a chance to pet acquainted Application blanks nre nvuttahte at the Chamber of Commerce Spring Muli- lete Planned. FKKDFKIC. Wis. il'Pl Tbe fUM annual spring music festival Is being planned for the I'pper St Croix alley. Approximately 300 stu s'.enia from schools at Frederic. St Croix rails. Webster. Urantsburg and Oaceola will participate. Orchestras ptee Clubs, bands and choruses will be featured. lendenre it!i -cn et hiii.,.u t' n (Vanned Corset. Maivm Jeaum ti. 467. PLAN UNION ALL PORTLAND. May 6. MP) Steps toward uniting all branches of Ore gon's extensive dairy Industry lntj one organization will be taken here next Wednesday at a meeting to which 400 producers, producer-distributors, manufacturers and dealer have been Invited. O. O. Simpson, Oregon City cream ery operator, elected temporary presi dent at a recent preliminary meet ing, said the new organisation will coordinate the activities and repre sent the Interests of about 25.000 market and factory milk shippers presently unorganized; the 2.000 producer-distributors and distributors of market milk, who now havs only city or county organizations, snd the loosely affiliated creamery, tee cream, butter and condensed milk operators numbering 500 or more. The chief alms of the organization, Simpson said. Includes improvement of quality, more efficient production, manufacture and distribution, and stimulation of use and development of wider markets both at home and abroad. Dr. Edgar S. Portner of Salem, producer, in temporary vice-presl- acnt. ijevi 01 rcrryaaic, a pru ! ducer, U temporary secretary-trens-f urer. i Vit nllht. Ih l-'uiorHp Flavor. BOSTON (UP) Vanilla Is atlll the nation's favorite Ice cream. Choc olate Is next snd strawberry ranks F . ' By C. M. Payne ' -A j . . fr cPr"ht, 1938. by The Bell Syndicits, Inc.) (WfZA TALbariN iOMMY -.uti..i rt r i ...t 1 vest" I , v--) " 'Ng . Yea- V L"i"" lOELCOrAEWWrltN ARt TiSEO-euT I lWf itrr sxt-STS r V4&! SS? ,-(..' V PsWi Aoett,0LLts W yA colonel. S ready for battle-even ZoJlzaeao ) --J, j"mCj. i like they 0 JL kmoa Rouen von moch-03 nok if necessary, cafw.n c? t35fc -Sm-M mmmm tMmk r!rpm&h BEN WF.P-STFR'S CAREEI? r-" ,P PEM. I'M JE8T A RAWWOE COWROYAlrT f WAIT A MlKlUTeTVffT HM ? I AlKJT I "--TOO FILL ME AN1 ii'lillfelilllllli e.EEN NOWMERES AN I DOM'T KNOW NOTMIN - Eggjggg DUSTY ft ClTnu'COOp ) SIOECAR-NOUVE NCYER LAID EVE ON THE CXJ-5TV IN, WNOA CONFIDCNTIAL 1uftTENS -JM A. 6G0RANT A. A C.A6EBRUSM (MTIPEOE-JWj WAOE5 FROM UXOMOTNE, MET LOCOMOTIVE (jENT-IROiOEREO OU WAS LlkE, ON WHAT ME WAS .ft 51DECAR lZfttfl ,.N0W YA1N1 fWFIN ME.AREr :, 5iO MEB8E IM CHINN1K' J HAVEN'T VOU? Wli CHIEF kl-t COIN' DOWN IN JFr ARE OU TliI CHSlTr YL, RECiAROlN' TrTT-rfiA'WW- OUT O'PLflCB BUT- ,1 lllirVrw L THE-5E FART-5 - iTllff?L. TRYING j 1 if ME TWO Lftl flD LIKE TD DO SOME.- "N f CCKTT TALk: 1VE MORE MOMEV TMAsJ TVIE: " II TMECE THEY SO AKJD'X f ' ' I " ''Ss&&Vn-IKJ(S ROW THECMILDRENIT LIKETHAT. 80V AXIO 1 LOILL EVER. NEED-VM TMAT5 THE PICTURE V lve uvEO MAMV PA,PA-IKJ-LAU)S U rTjBUT MV BUSINESS, AS '-AvVlLLiCT GOikJS TO RJT THE KID M LUiTM YOU WE TRIEO TO PAOEOUrP55 AMD 1 E ARe RENEWIMG J g IpCO MAY KlOOW, 13 IM FIMAMOaQnOO OUT ( IP VOO'uL LETT Me VOO MAKE AMD 1 HOPE IT ulU. )L AtfitTliRE QUITE ' AM OLD FRIEMD- I ? a DiFPlCULTteS. AFTER. ALL TME5E OP TMfltr RADIOS .WELL UJELL PUT A RADIO tMT fnn-L LOOKED LlkTE A ij. VJS f& lEWXlICX3kBOHu;AROTO FEEU LIXE 1 UJAS OUST " ''fSWc TT'Q ' BRINGING UP fATHER " By George McManu, 'I VM SUPPOSED TOCO AvAY PER 1 I ME POOR OLD FEET ARE - ZZ 5 i ARE XOU AM' I I NO. MOTHER ' ' , A REST. BUT BY GOLtV. WE DONE KV.LN' ME. VIA- BET I'VE MAGGIE COIN' DECIDED TO GO IsS SO MUCM WORK GlTTlM' READY. BEEN UP AM' DOWN THE CT7 n KJ TO A TO THE I'M AU, IN, , . J VTAIRS A THOUSAND C-te:v Ptr I. NVbQuERAOE? MOUNTAINS (S "vjiiv, e TIMES. T IF , l , , 1- , J WELL DO LOTS & . TNi- -wT 75 TL rv , H of hiking. Tr?- third In popularity. It was revealed during an Ice cream manufacturers' convention here. Chocolate has made rapid gains In recent years, but va nilla still holds a comfortable lead GLASS, KNIVES EATEN DAILY WITHOUT HARM DU QUOIN. 111. (UP) Here's the dally menu Rolls Clark enjoys most: Breakfast Ground glass and tacks. Luncheon Fish hooks, paper clips and window panes. Dinner Fried razor blades (safety or straight) with ground glass. And what's more, Clark refuses to be a "goat." He makes his living munching tacks and electric light bulba with the greatest of ease. Clark Is 35 years old and a native of this community. He estimated that in the past 12 years he had consumed 180 pounds of glass, 100 gross of fish hooks and a like number of razor blades. IN STAGE DEPOT: VANCOUVER, Wn May 8 (AP A tiny, walling Infant was found abandoned today In the stage term inal here with a despairing note from his mother pinned to hla wrappings. His feeble cries led to his discovery on -the mezzenlne floor. A note printed in pencil said: "He was born the 20th of April. He is Irish and English. His daddy is gone and I can find no work and so I shall give him up and go to Join my husband." Police took the little wriggling bundle to a hospital until anther home Is found for him. They start ed a search for the mother. BROPHY'S JEWELERS, specialize in designing and modernizing you: old Jewelry. CONTEST -feus BJDPV 6EMIS HE K-fs HE caw -Throw a STorTE FARfHER THAU HE CAN on WExf -Throw seat's BUDDY BV FIVE FEEf, STARTIK6 Art ARGUMENT BECAUSE 8UDDV CLAIMS HE STEPPED 01ER IINE If WtlW HIS HETi tfARNS A LINE ON 1H 6R0UND Throws , buddy HIM BVtEH FEEf- SftVS HWblUV (HAT POESNl" COVrH, HIS STONE WAS 100 HEWY BtfH SELECT" NEW STOrJES, LIHE UP, -TAKE DEEP BREATHS AND THROW A6AIK OWING TO TENSENESS, AIM IS ERRATIC, HIS STONE LAND INS on the Wimple porch, AND BUW5 MISSING A 6A WINDOW BV INCHES . (Copyright, IMS, by The Bell Syndicate, Inc.) By GLUYAS WILLIAMS SPENP5 SEVERAL MIKl UTE5 Sp-EC-flKG A STbNE Of THE RIGHT "blZE AMP WEIGHf DECIDE NOT-TO STOP To MEASURE r Una 1