Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, May 03, 1935, Page 4, Image 4

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If the going geU toiigb for Jim
Healy, pugnacious grappler from San
Francisco, thlnga bgln to happen.
and they did In the headline bout
last night at the Armory when the
belligerent San Franciscan found
himself outclassed by Caaey Columbo.
rubbery wrestler from Hollywood.
Healy made the canvas atarle, but
despite his roughness. Columbo was
always one Jump ahead, and the BUP'
pie gentleman mauler eked out the
winning fall via a shoulder butt and
a body press.
Both weighing 318 and both sur
prisingly light on their feet, the
match looked even-up when Time
keeper Vlv Beach dusted off the gong.
But when the bout had progressed a
few minutes, the clever Columbo out
witted his foe by patting Healy on
the back aa If he had won the first
fall. Healy, finding that be had been
tricked, started right then to tear Co
lumbo limb from limb, but through
out the match the happy-go-lucky
Casey was too quick and clever.
In eight minutes Columbo won the
first fall with flying mares and a
body sism. After that Healy went na
tive In a big way and kicked Columbo
Into a pulp, taking the second fall In
three minutes with body slam and
proving that he waa big. bad boy
by kicking his foe In the ribs after
Columbo was down. The last penoa
aw plenty of fireworks, with both
grapplers playing hlde-and-go-seek
behind the pouts.
The first bout was a battle of legs.
Joe Hubka. "Iron Man" from Uni
versity of Nebraska, proving the bet
ter man by winning two straight falls
from aggressive Olen Wade, Corn
busker from Wlnslde, Neb.
Although he waa outweighed 11
pounds by the ais-pound Wade.
Hubka had an edge In speed thst en
abled him to keep Qlen in a hot-box
most of the time. At first the man
from Wlnslde worked persistently on
Hubka'a famous educated legs, tying
them in knots that plainly hurt.
Between the matches, which were
refereed by Fireman Friable, music
was furnished by Bonney Heather's
orchestra. '
Promoter. Llllard 1 negotiating to
bring "Baron" Ginsberg here neat
week for a match with Columbo, who
was the outstanding man on the
Results of the intensive practise
Sessions of the past several weeks are
evident in the recent rcharsala of the
opera Fra Dlavolo which have been
held on the stage of the high school
auditorium. Except for a few rough
"spots" the show Is ready for produc
tion right now. but Ralph Burgess
and Wilson Walt, the stage and mus
ical directors, are determined to pre
sent only a finished performance of
the highest professional type.
Principals and chorus have the
same feeling and as a consequence
averyona la working to give the en
sembles and action that polish which
will rank the production as the out
standing musical event of the year.
The three or four sessions between
now and next Wednesday will be de
voted to these finishing touches
which is assurance that the capacity
crowd anticipated will see and hear
one of the moat interesting operss
competently done.
PORTLAND, Ore., Msy . AP
CATTt.E 90: sfady. unchanged.
HOOS 300: steady, unchanged.
SHEEP 190: steady, unchanged.
HOGS 6000: active, atady to 10c
higher: better grades 100 to 350 lbs.,
19. 19.9 39, top S9.29: 360 to 300 lbs.,
I9.O0-3.19: 300 to 340 lbs., 1890-3 09:
180 to 300 lbs., a9.00-9.30; 140 to 180
lbs.. 40-9 00; sows. a8.lS-8.JS.
CATTLE Steers sod
yearlings more active than Thursday;
steady to strong, all Interests compet
ing; hardly enough offered to make a
market: few lower grade yearlings and
light steers. (8.00-11.(0 to killers;
good 1100-lb. Canadians, 811.39: ahe
stock strong, higher In Instances;
bulls slow, steady to weak: vealers
about steady with Thursday's late
decline: bulk S6 50-7 50: selects. S3.
SHEEP 8000: lambs active, around
steady; spots 15-JOc higher, than
Thursday'a low close; bulk good to
choice 89 to 99-lb. wooled lambs,
17.79-8.00; top, 8.10 for choice 96-lb.
Colorados to packers and shippers;
plainer lots downwsrd to S7.50 and
below with medium kinds aa low as
S7.00; clipped lambs, aged sheep and
spring lambs scarce: wooled ewes, 85
(AP) (U. S. Dept. Agr.) CATTLE:
35; hardly enough available to test
quotations; small lota medium-good
860 lbs fed California yearling steers
9.10; good long-fods quoted toward
8.50; comparable quality lightweight
calves quoted 9.00 down.
SHEEP: 900:' Good-choice spring
lambs nominally quoted around 6 79
7.39; poaMbly slightly higher on under
75 lb. weights; late Thursday, deck
and half common-good. 73-86 lb.
spring lambs 6 00-7.00: steady to
mostly 39 lower.
Wall St. Report
kkw YORK. May 8 (API The
stock market gsvs a convincing
demonstration of Its recuperative
powera today.
Led by industrial shares, gains of
a point or more were well placed
throughout the list with the excep
tion of rails, which fcild about even.
Tie closing tone waa firm. Sales ag
gregated 970,000 shares
Today's closing prices for 33 se
lected stocks follow:
Al. Chem. dc Dys l43i
Am. can 0
Am. Je Fgn. Pow.
A. T. & T.
Atch. T. 4c S. T.
Bendlx Avta .....
Beth. Steel
California Piick g.
Caterpillar Tract. .....
Coml. Solv.
DuPont v -.-
Gen. Foods
Gen. Mot.
Int. Harvest.
I. T. 4t T.
Johns-Man. .
Monty Ward
North Amer.
Penney (J. C.)
Phillips Pet
..z 118
40 ,
- 35 V,
33 i
.. 30,
26 Vt
19 'i
Sou. Pac is'.j
Std. Brands
St. Oil Cal. 34
at. un w. j. ......... ...
Trans. Amer. .
Union Carb
Unit. Aircraft
U. 8. Steel
43 Vi
PORTLAKD. May 3. (U.P.) But
ter Prints, A. grade, 2flc. lb. In
parchment wrappers, 29,jc tn car
tons; B. grade, parchment wrappers,
2714c lb.; cartons, 38 Ho lb.
Butterfat Portland delivery: A
grade deliveries at least twice weekly,
27c lb.; country routes. 23-27c lb.; B
grade, deliveries less than twice week
ly, 20o lb.; 0 grade at market. j
B Orade Cream for Bottling Buy
ing price, butterfat baMs. 65c lb.
Eggs Salts to retailers: Specials,
25c; extras. 25c; fresh extraa, brown.
24c; standards 21c: fresh mediums i
Eggs Buying prices of wholesalers:
23c; medium firsts. 20c dozen.
Fresh specials, 22c; extras, 22c; stan
dard, 20c; extra, mediums, 10c; med
ium firsts, 18c; 18c doe.
Live Poultry Portland delivery.
buying price: Colored hens, over 5l
lbs.. 18-1 tie lb.; under 64 lbs.. 17-18c
lb.; leghorn fowls, over 3Vj lba 15c
16c lb.; under 3 lbs., 15-16c lb.;
springs, 4 lbs. and up, 18 -19c lb.;
under 4 lbs.. 18-lOc lb.; white broil
ers, 14-lSc lb. Roosters, 6c lb.; pckln
ducks, young, 16-17c lb.
New Onions Texas Bermuda, $3.66
to 13.75 per 50-lb. bag.
Cheese, milk, country -meats,
Ions, potatoes, new potatoes, canta
loupes, wool and hay, steady and un
Fights Last Night
ny the A vmw tilted Press)
OAKLAND; Calif. Maxlf Rotwn
bloom. 184i-, New York, outpointed
Homer Brnndts. 180, San Frnnctsco
ST. PAUL Jack Olbbons. 160',.
St. Paul, outpointed Solly Dukelftky.
JfllV Chicatro (10).
TACOMA. Wash. Dick Johnson
160;. Portland, Ore., outpointed
"Red" Gresory. Iti2'a. Hollywood, Cal
(6); Tony Condota. 210. Enumclaw,
Wash., knocked out Bob Price, 210
Oklahoma (it.
DALLAS. Tex. Roy Slice, 133.
Gainesville. Tex. outpointed Cullcn
Williams. 133, Dallas. (10).
Portland Wheal'
PORTLAND, May 3. (AP Grain
Open High Low Close
May .... ...... .83', -82'i .821, .83,
July .82 H .82 .82 H .82
Sept 82 U .83 H .82 14 .824
Ca.h: Big bend bluestem. 93; dark
hard winter. 13 per cent, oil; n per
cent, 871,: soft white. B3'i: western
white, 83'?: hard winter. 82: north
ern spring, 64; western red, 82.
Oats No, 3 white. $28 00.
Corn No. 3 E yellow. $42.50.
Mlllmn standard, $26 00.
Today's car receipts Wheat: 41
flour, 8.
PORTLAND, May 3. Further
cut In the price on butter during
the late session of the produce ex
change tn faoe of a very good and
satisfying demand upon the open
market, has caused much complaint
from operators and has caused the
price on butter fat to ahow a loss of
lo pound all around.
Market for eag was stronger with
no change In general quotations but
a weaker demand waa showing. Of
ferings continued limited with a
strong call for storage.
Increasing supplies have cut tho
price on small spring chicken com
monly termed leghorna or white
broilers. These were finding buyers
around 14c lb. which la 1c less than
While there was a surplus at th
moment of small broilers, a scarcity
of medium, light and heavy hens
continued to be shown. Prices In
the linee. were held fully steady to
Prlcea were being well held in the
market for SAparsgus. Local stock
waa in far best demand.
Two more cars of strawberries are
reported In. one each from Fresno
and Florin and more are due tonight
for Saturday trading. Prices wera
steady and especially for the Fresno
Chicago Wheat
j Wheat: Open H$l Low Close
iMflT 97 P7, 96- 97l
lJuly 97t 97', PS 97
Sept. 97, 98 Ptf 97v,
PENDLETON. Mny 3 (AP, T:ie
' Pendleton Roundup association an
nounced today Helen Hnncll. 21
, daughter of Mnrinn. Hiuill. Athene
; rancher and :orkmsn. has been
; named queen of the Pendleton round
lup for 1935,
Two matches have been completed
In the first bracket of the Spring
Handicap golf tournament at Rogue
Valley course, and players are ex
pected to turn out for the other con
tests tomorrow snd Sunday. The sec
ond rounds will start Monday morn
ing. George Phythlan waa one of the
winners, defeating C. J. Semon. 5 and
4. In the other match that has been
completed. K. W. Kendrick out
stroked Al Llttrell. 6 and 5.
j Pro Jack Hueston announced today
j that an electlc tournament for the
I month of May has started. This tour
I ney is Identical to a ringer tourna-
ment. except that scores for each hole
cannot he changed once they are re
! corded. There Is an entry fee of 25
. cents for this event.
By the AkfcorUted Press.
Stockholders of the Pacific Coast
league, to whom It's a case of the
more the merrier, noted symptoms
of convalescence In the still sickly
circuit today aa Hollywood Joined
San Francisco and Los Angeles in
the battle for second place.
The Stars defeated Gabby Streets
Missions, 6-3, to sweep the series and
tie the Seals for the second berth.
Los Angeles, which took second
place away from the Seals Wednes
day, after losing It to them the day
before, relinquished It a second time
when the San Franciscans downed
them, 6-4.
Despite their own seven errors, the
Oakland Aoorns proved unable to
outfumble Pitcher Dick Barrett, who
practically forced them to defeat
Seattle, 4-3.
Portland got only five bite oft
Bill Hart wig, against Sacramento's
10 off "Hobo" Carson; but managed
to down the Solons, 3-1.
It was "bosses " night at the regu
lar dinner meeting of the 20-30 club
last night at Hotel Med ford, when
members brought tbelr employers to
take part In their activities.
The employers present were Flavlus
West, Standard Oil Co.; Jerry Jerome,
Texaco Oil Co.; Karl Janouch. super
visor of Rogue River national forest;
Andy Anderson. Timber Products;
Chet Leonard, Leonard Service Sta
tions; Ernie Arthur, Standard Sta
tions; Norman Bond, Economy Gro
ceteria. Each of these men made
short talks during the meeting.
The guests present were Cecil Ev
ans, representative of the KIsmath
Falls 30-30 club; Stanley Boggs and
True JAunyon.
"Jerry" Jerome took an active part
In the meeting by acting as Judge in
a trial of members for alleged skip
ping of a date at the Jacksonville
project, which Is cleaning up the
Jacksonville cemetery. Each club
member who had failed to make an
appearance was fined 50 cents.
Ladles of the 20-30 club held their
weekly meeting at the home of Mrs.
Harry Plnneo. who was hostess at
dinner. Besides the hostess, those
present were Mesdames Alton Ander
son. Del Cox, Lyle Llndley, Herb
Brown, Orbln Cooksey and Glen Mas-ste.
Palestine Broils
Under 104 Degrees
JERUSALEM. May 3 (Palcor
Agency) Palestine 'waa broiling un
der a heat ware that reached 104 de
grees in the shade for th second day
In succession, aa many of the (Coun
try schools were forced to close
down snd virtually all normal activi
ties were seriously crippled today.
The mean temperature for May in
Palestine la 65 degrees.
First matches In the ladles club
championship tourney at Rogue Val
ley course were completed yesterday
and today the second bracket are
being played. The semi-finals having
been played by tonight, the 36-hole
finals of the tournament will be
played next Wednesday.
In the championship flights re
sults yesterday were aa follows: Mrs.
J. C. Thompson defeated Mrs. W. S.
Thurlow, 6 and 8; Mrs. F. B. Bunch
defated Mrs. Sam Col ton. 6 and 4:
Miss Anna Mae Fuson defeated Mrs.
from Mrs. Gordon Green: Mrs. D. R.
Wood defeated Mrs. Larry Schade. 6
and 5; Mrs. Aletha Vawtex defeated
Mrs. Leland Clark, 6 and 4; Mrs.
E. C. Jerome defeated Mrs. Wester
weller, 9 and 7; Mrs. George Codding
defeated Mrs. Fred Johnson, 3 and 1;
Mtsa Anne Mse Fuson defeated Mrs.
J. H. Fletcher, 6 and 4. The defeated
players In this flight will constitute
the first flight.
In the second, or consolation,
flight yesterday Mrs. Ooodwln Hum
phreys defaulted to Mrs. Pefley; Mrs.
Mark Miller defeated Mrs. W. 8. Bol
ger,.6 and 5; Miss Stewart defeated
Mrs. M. M. Morris by default; Mrs.
E. F. Coleman defeated Mrs. A. P.
Mansfield, 7 and 5.
FOR SALE Business proposition. The
Convalescent Home, facing park,
Ashland, where people com from
far and near in search of health.
renting cottages, rooms, boarding
or enrolling as patients. Reason fur
Belling, advanced age of owners.
Depression price. Terms .to suit.
FOR RENT 3 room furn. apt. 913.50.
See Mrs. Jennings at Coffee Anne's.
FOR SALE Large building lot, over
looking park. Forty bearing Eng
lish walnut trees, 100. Phone Ash
land, 153.
FOR RENT 2 -room furnished apt
217 W. 2nd.
WfLL pay cash for 33 or 34 roadster.
FOR SALE OR TRADE 30 milk gotta,
74 ricks wood, stump pulltr.
Want aaaket or what nave i you
Inquire Bud Smith. Sams Valley
FOR SALE Thorobred Llewellyn set
ter, 8 mos. or trade for chickens
or what have you. Tel Mi beloM
3 p. m.
PANSY PLAHTS JV doren. Oladlols
and other plants. Mrs. Dressier.
1107 E. Main.
FOR SALE Sewing machine. 1034 E.
Reduced 10 In recognition ot Na
tional Music Week. Buy new Grand
Irom 395 up. Trade In your o!d
ptano. Balance easy terms. Bald,
win Piano Shoppe.
FOR RENT New 3-room house,
plastered, furnished or unfurnlaa
ed reasonable. JO W. Jattaon.
MODERN furnlahed apt. overstuffed
furn.. steam heat, garage. Frigid
aire. Butler Apt.. 34 V4 So. Oraps.
FOR SALE Seed corn. J. A. Masks,
3 miles east of Jacksonville.
MUSIC WEEK, May 8th to Uth.
and to enable children to get staft- '
ed In lessons for the summer term.
Baldwin Piano . Shoppe will offer
many bararatna In new and used
pianos, beginning Saturday. Bald
win Piano Shoppe,
FOR RENT 4 room funuahed house.
uariga. Aamts. 410 Hamilton.
MRS. MARTIN Natural born psychic.
jiusiuy eauraiea psycnologlst. psy
cho analyst. Mind psychology
taueht. Attain vour desires. Satis
faction guaranteed. 413 Hi Ivy.
WANTED Best closed car 70 cash
win ouy. can at 318 So. Peach St.
WANTED Position as housekeeper
Phone 384-J or 827-J.
FOR RENT 3-room furnished house.
-...luire o4. oo. newtown.
Another Big
Elks' Dance
For Elks and Their Invited Out-of-Town
House Guests Don't Miss It!
75c Admission Stan Sherwood, Chairman
Highway Heads To
Northeast Corner
SALEM. May 3. Henry F- Ca- :
bell, chairman of the slat highway '
commission, in company with R. H
Baldoclt, H. E. Smith snd C. B. Mc- '
Collough, chief engineers of the de
partment, will leave Monday for s
tour of highways In the northeastern '
corner of the state.
The party was expected to be ab
sent about a week on the first lap
of & complete Inspection of all high
ways in the state. 'Baldock said. Later
otlier parts of the sttue will be visited
by the new highway commissioner.
Vera Mershon and Harriet Wood
house temporarily located In Cinder
ella Beauty Shop. Watch for an
nouncement of permanent location
WANTED Old gold. Sell to govern
ment licensed dealer. Brophy't
FOR SALE '30 Chevrolet coach. 1132
No. Central.
Calf Lacked Eyes
MOFPAT. Tex (UP) E. M. Owen,
farmer, living near Temple, Tex., has
a calf born without any eyes. The
calf is in excellent health except
where Its eyes should be there are
only two small, partially developed
eyelids, Owen said.
FOR SALE Almost new mattresses
snd springs, carpets, etc. Cheap for
quick sale. 1040 W. 11th.
St. back of Liquor Store, features
complete line of wines In gal. and
bulk. Ginger ale, lime rlckey and
othr cocktail Ingredients. Com
plete line of 7 Up mixers. Delivery
service. Phone 581.
FOR RENT 8 room unfurnished
house at comer of 5th and Hollv
Never bakes out
nor freezes out
amlla. -
rifrhr. MsM. Writes left
CLEVELAND il PI Oral Hllrtf
brsnd. rtsht-hanried ptti'her for the
Clevrland Indians, writes with his
left hand.
1 Jar mr i-
.1 aT V ! I it
Act-0 Ain
tro" - .'.in
V For SaturJav Two
j - ..
Exceptional Values
We are offering two itenu for thrifty value seek
ing housewives at our retail store tomorrow. Put
them on your shopping list and you won't be dis
appointed. First, a delightful, light and exceptionally tasty
cake . . .
Lemon Chiffon Cakes
23c each
Second, we are inaugurating a new type line of
cookies which will give yon greater value for your
money . . . the old fashioned extra large sixe.
New Type Cookies
14c doz.
We want also to call your attention to the fact that
next week end we will feature Specially Decorated
Mother's Day Cakes. Made to order with Special
names, etc Plate vour order earlv.
the First
of Our Down Stairs Store
One year ago tomorrow we
opt ned our Dou nstatrs Store.
Hundreds of customers have
received Real Values by shop
ping In this department Uur
Inf the past year. Tomorrow
we launch our first Downstairs
Anniversary Sale. We Guaran
tee the values you receive Sat
urday will surprise you. Shop
early tomorrow morn Inf. May
9 a. m to 10 a. m.
100 Wash Dresses
New spring styles that sell regularly
from to $1.95
Two Dresses for $1.35
10 a. m. to 11 a, m.
Ringless Silk Stockings
serrlre neltht. New spring
Chirron and
color. Pair
Three pair for $1.00
Extra Special!
Silk Dresses, plain col
ors, lovely prints and
smart stripes. New
spring styles. Values to
S7.95. Sale price
Silk Dresses
Printed silk and plain
shades. Beautiful styles
for spring and summer.
Sizes 14 to 44. Sale
Two dresses for $10.00
More than 300 style to select Irom. Chooee your cotton
dretises from one of the largest tocks in Mtxlford.
Voile eyelets. cr&h. plqut. seersucker, corded fabric
and, many otner new material. Popular plain color
snd cay prints. M.w elies 14 to 20. Women sles
36 to 52.
Wonderful rahiee at
99c $1.8S $1.95 $2.95
Bon Ton Girdles
Tu-way stretch in side
hook and step-in mod
els. Discontinued num
bers. Values to $3.95.
S.ile prir
Silk Hose
Chiffon and service
weight. Sizes 8-i to
10:... Spring colors.
Two pair for SI. 50
Cotton Blouses
riaids, stripes, checks and
plnin colors. $1.00
values. Sale price
Flannel Skirts
Dark colnrs. Kecular SLAS
quality. Snle f 4 QQ
price 9 I ,Ow
Rayon & Taffeta
Bias Slips
Adjustable straps. Colors,
tea rose, and white. Sizes
3-J to 41. Sale QA.
price O0C
String Dresses
One and two piece styles.
Pastel colors and white.
?i?es 14 to 44. gJ QQ
Sale price TiOO
Girdles with
. Brassiere Tops
Tu-way stretch QQasj
models w3C
Tu-way stretch
O if V.T.-..K. of Whit Fc'.tv
Mami'a ."turer's samples.
a"itl verv a'icr.tiv snnei
!..", value
Saturday on!v
n'v 51 95
H:its Goo. I lnokinr au.'l
cry ooi'l.
S.'.mrdnv ciilv
I.ov!y Yid Primmei
Hats. .s,,it paiel sha
"ite and avv Mu.v
52.49 S2tg5