Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, April 11, 1935, Page 9, Image 9

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Local and Personal
Grabs Big FKh Pete Toskon. local
ftfcoe shlnirg artist, yesterday landed
25 -pound salmon at Savag Rapids
Klein Arrives H. W. Klein, general
freight asent for Southern Pacific
lines, with headquarters at Portland
was attending to official business in
Med ford Tuesday.
On Business R. E. Mullany of San
Francisco, representative of the trans
continental freight bureau, was in
Medford attending to business yes
To Revise Constitution Members
of the First Baptist church will vote
on a revision of the constitution at
the close of the service on Sunday
morning, April 14.
On Prunk CharRes W. O. Penning
ton was arrested yesterday by city
police charged with being drunk In
public place. He was fined $10 on
that charge in city court today.
Brady Visits John Brady of Port
land, chief electrician for Southern
Pacific lines, was In Medford Wed
nesday on business relative to the
Installation of new office at the
freight depot on South Front.
Visits Orants Pnss Mr. and Mrs.
Charles Howard and son. Charles Jr..
spent Wednesday in Grants Pass vis
iting relatives end friends. The How
ards, former residents of this city,
now reside In Medford Grants Pa&s
From Carberry Creek B. J. Parker,
project superintendent of Carberrr
Creek CCC camp, was in this city yes
terday ou business.
On Drunk Charge C. I. Roden. ar
rested n a charge of being drunk In
a public place, was yesterday fined
110 In city court upon htf plea of
Auto reck According to ft report
on file at the city police station, the
ear driven by Alva Warner at noon
yesterday collided with the machine
being driven by Dick Isaacs, on
South Central street.
Books Is Topic The topic for talks
at the S.ER-A. public speaking class
which meets tonight at Senior high
school Is. "My Favorite Book." Part
of the class period will be devoted to
parliamentary law. with Attention
given also to speech defects and am
biguous construction of sentences.
The classes 'are free and the general
public Is Invited to attend.
Return from South Mr. and Mrs.
C, C. Furnas returned yesterday from
n vacation In southern California, ac
companied by Mrs. Furnas' mother.
Mrs. I. L Acker of this city, who had
been visiting in San Gabriel and
Temple City, cal., for the past two
months. Mr. and Mrs. Furnas, who
spent 10 days In Los Angeles and oth
et southern California points, report
that the weather encountered was
very bad, and told of seeing great
damage done by high water.
Commission Defers Action
for Information On Ore
gon's Share Many
Delegations Press Needs
PORTLAND, April 11. ( AP) Cat
tle loo: active, unehanitetl.
HOGS 200: steady, unchanged.
8HEEP 100; steady, unchanged.
steadily mounting sales of new motor
care throughout the- United States,
Indication point to a record tourist
season thla summer. Wltn ao verso
weather conditions In various sections
of the United States, the northwest,
with Its countless scenic attractions
and delightful climate should play
host to many of these tourists from
sll parts of the country, Mr. Allen
Wail St. Report
Rialto's Stars
W. W. Allen, head of Pierce-Allen
Motor company. Dodge and Plymouth
dealers, returned this week from a
Tlslt of several days In San Francisco
and Los Angeles. While In the south.
Mr. Allen visited the Los Angeles as
sembly plant where Plymouth cars
and Dodge commercial unita are pre
pared for the western states. In the
southern California metropolis Dodge
drivers are regularly getting from 19
to 32 miles per gallon of gasoline.
Indicating the fact that Dodge econ
omy la recognized by motorists of
southern California, aa well as by
Dodge owners of the northwest.
An optomlstlc outlook on general
business conditions, and especially In
the automotive field was voiced by C.
6. Bash, regional manager for Dodge
Brothers, with headquarters In San
FranclBCO. in his pitervlew with Mr.
Allen last week. According to the
Dodge executive, plants are now at
peak production with an output of
1060 cars daily. The demand for new
Dodge Brothers models far exceeds
this output, In spite of Its amazing
volume, Mr. Bash Informed the Med
ford automobile dealer. With the
WASHINGTON ( UP ) Soms per
sons have a "buzzer" system whlcn
warns them of an approaching ner
vous breakdown, said Dr. Walter
Freeman, professor of anatomy at
Creorge Washington university.
Dr. Freema n defined & nervous
breakdown as "discomfort In Its wid
est sense without underlying organic
cause, leading to a degree of disability
In the patient."
When it happens to a person of
40 or thereabouts, he said. It may be
advantageous since It will cause the
person to "slow down", and thus may
forestall a "fatal circulatory system
breakdown" two decades later.
Grouchlness, sleeplessness, head
aches, pains, and worry all are symp
toms of a nervous brenkdown, Dr,
Freeman said.
Some persons, he pointed out, have
specific "buzzers" which warn them
of the approach of a breakdown or
It repetition. He said a man may.
have a peculiar throbbing In his left
wrist and whenever that starts, "he
knows he must take a rest."
The thrill - packed ro
mance of a Mother a
Daughter and the Man
between !
Associated Press Staff Writer
PORTLAND. April 11. (fl) Insuf
ficient Information on Oregon's share
of the federal highway appropriations
deferred action on the new program
today by the state highway commis
sion, but did not discourage appear
ance of delegations urging expendi
tures of the reported 11.423,000 upon
specific project.
Henry P. Cabell, recently appoint
ed chlrmen of the commission, pre
sided at hla first session which was
featured, In addition to request for
funds, by the opening of bids upon
the smallest amount of work to be
let In more than two years. Contracts
will be let later today amounting to
approximately $71,000.
Fund Details Lacking
Neither the members of the high
way commission nor W. H. Lynch of
the bureau of public roads had re
ceived details of the targe federal ap
propriation for road work, end until
the exact amount has been determin
ed, and the regulations received can
any allocation be made.
In opening the session Cabell de
clared he was glad to welcome the
delegations, learn what the problems
were In various sections of the state
in order that he might "Intelligently
make his decisions." He declared he
would "try to do the beat we can
for all aections of the stste." A com
plete trip over all highways will be
made by him within the .next two
months. Cabell said.
Delegations at the morning session
appeared from Roseburg, Lake county.
Sherman county. Morrow and Uma
tilla counties, and from Forest Grove.
Roselturg Plea Made
W. C. Harding of Roseburg again
presented the plea for Improvement
of the Pacific highway In the Tur
key Hill and Oakland area. Cabell In
formed him all requests would be
given serious consideration In the
allocation of funds.
Judge Fred Reynolds of Lake coun
ty headed a delegation urging work
on the Fremont highway. A 147 mile
road. Improvements would amount to
1.000.000 for the entire stretch.
The largest Job for which bids were
opened today was the 1.38 miles grad
ing and surfacing of the Yamhill
county llne-Stratton ranch section of
the Salem-Dayton secondary highway.
Joplln and Eldon of Portland was
low bidder at $36,110.
A. S. Wallace of Roseburg was low
bidder on the two rock furnishing
projects, one for the Oregon Coast
highway In curry county at $15,225.
and the Pacific highway In Jackson
county at $11,286.
CHICAOO. April 11. (AP)-(U. 8.
D. A.I HOOS: 10.000: active. 6e
10c higher; better grade. 180-240 lbs..
9 25 1 .35. top $9 40, highest In four
weeks; 240-290 lbs.. $9,109.25: 290
350 lbs.. $9 .15; desirable 140-180
lbs.. $8 85 ,g 9.25; good packing sows,
$8 25 .40.
CATTLE : 5.0O0; fed steers and
yearlings slow. uneven. mostly
steady; some weakness on lower grade
light weights: well finished offerings
all weights steady: best 1249 lb. Colorado-fed
steers $14.50; around 1050
lb. yearlings grading low choice
$13.25; most yearlings and light
ateers $9al2; cows, heavy heifers and
lower grade heifers steady: better
grade light helfera weak; beef bulls
strong; sausage offerings weak; veal
ers 25ffl 50c higher; few selects up
to $10.50.
SHEEP: 13.000: fat lamba fairly
active, mostly steady, extreme top
on clipped lambs 100 above Monday;
sheep firm, good to choice wooled
offerings 100 lbs. down, $8.25 $.50;
load good 80 lb. Montanas, $8, top
$8.60 on choice around 90 lb. lambs:
clipped lamba, $7,409.50, scaling
86-88 lbs.; top $7.60 on choice dou
ble around 85 lb. averages to small
killers; native ewes $45, mostly;
best light weights $2.25; feeding
lambs scarce.
NEW ORK. April 11. (AP) Metal
sharea were the favorites In today's
stock market following the govern
ments boost of the domestic silver
price to 71 cents an ounce. There
were other scattered gainers, but the
remainder of the list, as a whole, waa
hesitant. The close was somewhat
Irregular. Transfers approximated
Today's closing prices for 32 se
lected stocks follow:
Al. Chem. Dye 133';
American Can 118s,
American A Foreign Power 3'.
A. T. & T. - 105',
Atch. T. ti 8. F.
Bendix Aviation ..
Bethlehem Steel
California Packing
Caterpillar Tractor
M isisiuiiysxsy PWI-aSllls. Sf
: J K;V -
t ifsti m WiraTwafa aw siisai
Commerclsl Solvent ,
Curtlss-Wright -
General Foods
General Motors
Chicago Wheat
CHICAGO, April 11. (AP) Wheat:
Open High Low Close
May MH 99V, .97 i .98
July .98U ,98Vi 96'4 .981,
Sept. .98!, .9814 .96s, .96,
Portland Wheat
International Harvester .
I. T. Iz T
Johns-Manvllle ...
Montgomery Ward ..
North Amertcan ...
Penney (J. C ...-..
Phillips Petroleum .
Southern Pacific
Std. Brands
Std. Oil Cal. .:.
Std. Oil N. J.
Trans. America
Union Carbide
United Aircraft lHj
U. S. Steel 30 H
36 s,
24 si
31 '4
48 s,
"The Best Man Wins." a spectacu
lar, rollicking film starring Edmund
Lows and Jack Holt, will head the
program at the rtlalto theater for to
morrow and Saturday. It telle the
evcltlng tale of two deep-sea divers
and their adventurous careers on op
posite sides of the law. One becomes
a diver for a smuggling ring, the
other an officer of the waterfront po
lice. Their meeting under water In
the final sequence is said to be one
of the most breath-taking scenes In
recent pictures.
In Roxy Cast
WANTED TO BUY 5 room modern
house In Medford. Give location
and complete description In letter.
Box 81, Tribune.
FOR RENT Pine enclosed garden.
fruit and berries. 121 cottage St.
San Frnnclsro llutterfnt.
First grade butterfat, 34c, f. o. b.,
San Francisco.
PORTLAND, April 11. (API
Grain: Wheat: Open High Low Close
May .83 .834 -83 .83,4
July 80 .80'4 .80 .804
Sept .80 .804 -80 .80
Cash: Big Bend bluestem, 93c; dark
hard winter. 1 2 per cent. $1.00: do
U per cent, ilc; soft white. 84c;
western white, 83ljc: hard winter,
82Vjc; northern spring, 8514c; west
ern red, 83c.
Oats, No. 2 white. $27.
Corn. No. 2 eastern yellow, $42:
mlllrun standard, $24.
Today's car receipts: wheat, 26:
flour, 14; oats, 1.
Portland Produce
CLEVELAND (UP) Go to the
dentist, have your boy friend hypno
tise you, out comes the tooth, and
It's all over, sweetly and plHlnlessly.
This is what happened when a
couple came to Dr. William C. Beu-
teu's at the dental clinic of Western
University School of Dentistry.
"The vounft woman came In to
have two upper Incisors extracted,
atd Dr. Beutel. "Her 'Boy Friend'
was along. I was prepared to give
her the usual novacalne Injection
when the young fellow insisted upon
putting his girl tr sleep by hypno
From textbooks, I had learned
that hy not ism was a common form of
anesthesia 300 years ago and so I waa
skeptical about using It now. But
the patient agreed to be hypnotized
"The young man told the girl she
would feel no pain and that she
should awaken after he had counted
"He began talking In a low tone
and motioning with his hands the
way the hypnotists do In the movies.
"Still In doubt, I was standing by
with my hypodermic when, sure
enough, the girl went to sleep.
"I extracted the two teeth, and
when the young man counted one
two-three-four-five, the girl bobbed
out of the trance.
"She said she felt no pain what'
Jean Mulr Is starred with Cieorge
Brent and Vera Teasdale In "Desir
able." at the Roxy theater for today
and Friday, a modern story of a love
trlnngle between mother and daugh
ter for the same man.
EUGENE. April 11 (AP) Compul
sory military training for freshmen
and sophomores at University or
Oregon was saved Wednesday when
the faculty meeting Dr. C. v.
Boyer, president, voted "no" on a
motion that would have recommend
ed to the state board of education
that the training be made elective.
Dr. Boyer's vote was the deciding
ballot, the vote standing 43 to 43
on the motion made by Charles O
Howard, professor of law.
Had the vote been favorable final
decision on whether or not the com
pulsory feature of the reserve offi
cer's training corps here would have
rested with the bosrd of higher edu
cation. '
The faculty also voted to dismiss
classes at 11 o'clock Friday morning
to permit students to attend the
peace demonstration planned on the
Awards by an arbitration board or
increased wages to seamen Involved
In last summer's coastwise marine
strike found controversy still raging
today on the month-long tanker
strike as a mediation board stood oy
to assist In any negotiations that
may be started.
Announcement of the award iaav
night waa coincident with new
charges hurled by employers that the
attitude of unions Involved in ine
coastwise tanker strike "echoes the
formula of gangsterland."
Prom the strikers' side came tne
announcement of the San Francisco
counsel of marine crafta. represent
ing some 15.000 workers Including
longshoremen, that It had voted
support of the striking tanker sailors
The agreement reached by the
board of arbitration appointed fol
lowing last summer's strike provides
wage increases for 9000 seamen 01
Pacific coastwise and ocean going
passenger vessels and reductlona In
hours. It does not Involve seamen
now striking on the tankers.
PORTLAND, April 11. P Butter
Prints, A grade. 33Vio lb. In parch
ment wrappers, 34140 lb. In cartons;
B grade, parchment wrappers, 33c lb.
cartons, 33 i o lb.
BUTTERFAT Portland delivery: A
grade, deliveries at least twice week
ly, 33c lb.: country routes. 31c, B
grade, deliveries less than twice week
ly. 32c lb-: C grade, at market.
EOOS Sales to retailers: Specials.
24c; extras, 23c; fresh extraa, brown.
23c: standards, 31c: fresh mediums.
21c: medium firsts, 19o dozen.
EOOS Buying prices of whole
salers: Fresh specials, 23c: extras.
22c: firsts. 20c; extra mediums, 19c;
medium firsts, 18c; under grade, no
COUNTRY MEATS Selling price to
ntjum-. country killed hogs, beet
butchers, under 150 lbs., 14!4c lb.;
vealers, No. 1. 13c lb.; heavy. 8-9c lb.:
cutter cowa, 8-lOc lb.: canners. 5-8c
lb.: bulls. 8-8Vic lb.; yearling lambs.
in.l2c lb.: soring. 14-18 lb.; ewes.
8-7e lb.
POTATOES Oregon Burbanks,
$1.80-2.00 cental: Deschutes Oems.
$1.90-3.00; Idaho Oems, $1.75-1.85
NEW POTATOES Florida, $2.50,
50-lb. box.
CHEESE, milk, live poultry, onions,
wool and hay. steady and unchanged.
A fanclfpl and lovely operetta, will
be presented by the students of the
Valley school Friday morning at 11:15
o'clock, under the direction of Miss
Msry Foster, who Is drsma, art and
dancing coach at the school.
The operetta, entitled "At the End
of the Rainbow," gives students at
the school ample chance to demon
strate the art, drama and dancing
they have learned In the extra-curricula
course. The story depicts the
struggle between the frost people and
the flower friends.
All friends and patrons of the
school are Invited.
The cast of characters Is: Dream
Fairy, Susan Vilas; Nurse Nature.
Nancy Day: Bow Wow, John Spalding:
Rainbow Wives, Bob Butler, Harriet
Hart, Mary Lou Lyman, Charlotte
Wing; Jack Frost, Spencer Bromley;
Snow Flakes. Nina Tuttle, Susan Vi
las: Robin Redbreast,. Jean Schuler;
Raven, Jean Wing: Brown BPars,
Charles Braley. Donny Brown; King
Frost. Julie Carpenter: White Bears,
Harlow Carpenter. Gilbert Tumy;
Sunbeams. Charles Braley. Donny
Brown, Harlow Carpenter; Flowers,
Anne Durno, Nancy Newbury, Rychen
Works ..for ..Hershey's Richard
Sleight, graduate of Medford high
school end now .of San Francisco,
submitted art work to Hershoy Choc
olate Co. that waa accepted, according
to a telephone message last night to
his parents. Mr. and Mre. K. R.
Sleight of 40 North Peach street. One
drawing alone netted $250. and It was
understood that the company would
accept more wor',4. Sleight has been
employed by F. W. Woolworth Co. for
the past year and a half and Is now
artist for the San Franctsco stores.
He Is widely known In Medford for
Ills art work, which he has followed
alnce ft student In the Medfard grade
LOST Brown pocket book with val
uable paper and court papers Apr.
9. In Medford or highway to Ash
land. Return for reward to Mrs.
Julte Kllmek. Talent, Ore.
WANTED TO RENT ft room modern
house under (20 per month. Long
term tenant. Box It, Tribune.
TO TRADE For late model car or
tnk. equity in modern home,
furnished or unfurnished. Balance
less than $10 per month. Phone
come property for well located lots
In Medford. Olve size and location.
Box 90. Tribune.
Do you Need Glasses?
Is? Dr. R. M.HOOD
Tel. 283-R Sparta Bid.
40S E. Main St. Medford
LONDON (UP) There are at 111
people, apparently, who believe that
he earth Is flat.
William Edgell, who died recently.
was one of them. He spent his Hf
advocating the flat earth theory. He
even wrote a book. "Does the Earth
Rotate", In whioh he tried to prove
that the earth Is flat, and that It Is
at the center of the system. Hla
arguments, based on the Polestar,
wcro fantastically Ingenious.
Edgel! did not explain why out
ward-bound ships gradually disappear
below the horizon, or why It is pos
sible to circumnavigate the globe, or
why, at a lunar eclipse, the shadow
of the earth, as It encroaches on the
moon, Is seen to be round.
MADISON, Wis., April 11. 'AP)
A charge that the National Students'
League'a campaign for peace waa
disguise to make the United 8tates
"easy prey to Internal disorders' waa
contained today In testimony of a
student witness before a state senate
committee Investigating alleged radi
cal activities at Wisconsin education
al Institutions.
Robert Edgar. 21, Belolt. Wis., a
University of Mlchlgsn student who
attended the university here two
years, said Cyril Oerber, whom he
Identified as the lague's traveling
secretary, was "stirring up trouble"
on tlie campuses of both schools.
He said he had wltneaaed paclflat
activities of the league, and waa con
vinced by statements In "The Dally
Worker." radical newspaper, that the
organisation was communistic.
Skillful Service
Reasonable Prices
NEW YORK, April 11. (API Bar
silver strong. 1 llSnr M-
($13 onampoo
Samaras dandruff
Initantly. Try It
tonisht. 76e bottles.
Special 59a
woons nnro co.
Main and s. Central
Isham Jones Band Reel
Scenic "The Holy City"
Tantalizing Rhythms
Haunting Melodies Sweet and Hot Numbers
11 Colored Musicians 11
Favorites From Coast, to Coast
Grangers Invited
Roxy Ann Dance
Grangers and their friends from all
over the valley are Invited to attend
the spring dance to be held tomor
row night In the Roxy Ann Orange
hall on Spring street.
A new floor has recently been fin
ished and Is said to be excellent for
dancing. Music will start at 9 o'clock,
furnished by "Dlzzle" Murpny ana
his four-piece orchestra.
WANTED One or two passengers to
Stockton, Calif. Phone 4-F-4,
WANTED Old old. Soli to govern
ment licensed dealer. BrophyV
FOR SAIjE Oak barrels 1 each.
Plggly Wlggly, Medford.
IP you have any real estate for sale
or trade. See L. O. Plckell, 304 E.
rras. completely furnished, paved
st ree t , close In. H ard wood floors,
fireplace, plenty bull tins, closets.
Good condition. Attractive neigh
borhood, shade, shrubs. See this
while available for short time at
$2360, total price. Arthur E. Lalng,
19 N. Bartlett, exclusive agent.
OLYMPIA, Wash., April 11. (AP)
The state agricultural adjustment
act, aa passed by the 1933 legislature,
was declared to be unconstitutional
today by the state supreme court.
Ose Mall Tribune want ads.
Kiddles 10c
cm rrrtfi
mw E30H s
Featuring Miss Romaine Thalley
L. A. Cotton Club Artist, Vocalist, Entertainer
Men 40c Ladies 15c
Ends Tonight!
"Servants' Entrance"
Is the Last Day
To Get
Fuller Paints
So hurry! It's a
chance to buy qual
ity Paints for less! .
Fuller Pure Prepared
is the finest "bouse"
paint made. Backed
by 86 years' experi
ence. ( Uuul
.89 (.Tw&rf
Woods Lumber Co.
Jackson at Genesee Phone 1M
I s
I snows I Plr5'???lTTW Mat 25c
I 1:411 I I ' 1 I 3 '1 11 Rves . . 3,tc
I 1:00-9:00 I 11 LasViCTi" Kiddles . 10r
Now! Until Saturday Night!
Bigger! Better! Breezier. Than Ever!
It's the TOP! ... in sizzling ro
mance, spectacle, comedy, melo
dies, stars and the most beautiful
girls in the world I
Um IISII !!- I
k - n u
0 COM I Mi )