JfEPFORD MAIL TRIBUNE. MEDFORH. OREGON. THURSDAY. MARCH 23, IfM. PAGE SEVEN WHEN QUIVERING KEHVES WON'T LET YOU SLEEP Doesn't the night seem an eter nity? You toss and turn try to find a cool Local and Personal Famous Novel on Craterian Bill Un. Batchelder spot on the pillow hear theclock strike downstairs. Today's ex citement and tomorrow' s worry are beat ing through your brain. You count sheep frantically but outraged nerves refuse to relax. Take Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege table Compound regularly for a while. It quiets quivering nerves induces restful sleep makes life a little easier. fit Seemed As If Morning Would Never Come" says Mrs. Emma G. Batchelder of 32 Heard St., Chelsea, Massachu setts. "I was so nervous I could not get to sleep. My husband works hard at engineering and needs his sleep but I kept him awake too. I heard about the Vegetable Com pound and tried it. Now 1 sleep bet ter than I ever have and I feel fine." Get a bottle from your druggist NO IF. Results will please you. At Conimunli M: Bunn Refers of Central Point i a patient at tne Community hospital. To San Fntii('lrn AlbPrt E. Orr t left by tra;n latt n'rht on iu&me I trip to Sin Francisco. " Mrs. Mrt.raw Vlit Mr. T. E. ! McCiraw oi Central Po:nt .va among Medfo.-d shoppers today. Mrs. BruiifiPlit Calls Mrs. Tom Brunlie'd of Jacksonville w. attend ing to business in Mwlford today. Leave for smith Mr. and Mrs. Ray Laeson and small m let; lan night by tram for Oakland. Ca';. Visits Central point Ed Nichols returned this morning from a short, visit at Central Point. Arnspijer Returns Oleu Arnspigor returned thi morning from a short busine.se trip north. Here TueMlar Mrs. John ft Puller of Ashland was m Medford Tuesday afternoon. Itcnrsti (alls Jack Beara of Ash land was a visitor In Medlord Tues day evening. Attorney Ahlf Arrives Attorney V. A. C Ahlf of Grant Pais li a Med ford visitor today, having a.T'ved tt.w morning on the Oregonlan. From Ashland According to th Ashland Tidings, Mls Vlvlenue Wright, employe at the Whatnot Ten Cent store at Ashland, spent Monday In Medford with her mother, Mr. Tom Wright. a w . -a m li'-if 'iiTyt-ti.i'fiWT wrrifrw R I i 9 0 1 AT aw, of r, .f.-.re.'t,,., 1:3 l-S 10 AHYTlMi KIDDIC5 10' iiiHil The Fierce Wakefields Couldn't Take a Joke! They wore out to . . vKiii tne toko &$Wfy- "colonels" from fc-WA Uo Nowth who dor.o wrong by their Nelll vj'k-"- VhT-.J-- v: 5 7 ' ".trf -o?" With Mary Cor 1 1 I. -"Sponky" McFarland Nooh lury Y 3 DAYS! 3 Final Thrilling Chapter - Perils of ypAVUNE EPISODE 12 J CON FU'S SECRET ALSO Pepper Pot Comedy "Wrong, Wrong Trail" CARTOON 'Fanny In the Lion's Den' FOX NEWS -jyi.'gWMjrM'rii,JMil Adults 20d Kiddies 10d Hill (Something Is Coming Life Today A dream' walks as From the pages of Gladys Hasty Car-" foil's golden story' into your arms into your heart in. to your very lifel... Beautiful Into Your Starts Today 3 Big Days! ' . ..... rr'iM'V'Vl !a BMMgJ&m I ( larks In Medrrd Mr. md M-. Tom Clark of Central Point were attending to business 111 Medford U day. Johnson Bark Glenn L. Jackson returned on the Oregonlan this morn ing from a business trip to th north ern part of the state. t'nrtercoefc Operation Miss Iren Btubblefield of 25 South Orange street la a patient at the Community hos pital, where she underwent an oper ation recently. Patient at Hoplta Miss May Mankin of Jacksonville la a patient at the Community hospital,, having undergone an appendicitis operation there. From Seattle L. W. Murriy of Se. attle, repreaentatlve of the Kaiagheu slan Rug Go., arrived t.its morning on the Oregonlan to spend the day here on business. Spies Chinook Ben Swindler of Trail waa a visitor In Modforl today, and report having seen several chtnook salmon in the Rorue rlvev in that vicinity in the p.ist few days Palmer Reroers Eugene Palmer of Fropect, who suffered serious shoulder wound Saturday frcm the cocldental discharge of a .44 rifle, on a hunting expedition, is reported slightly Improved today. He is a pa tient at the Community hosn.tal a Attending Convention - Rev. and Mrs. E. N. Long and daughter Jean left this morning by motor with a j group of young people of the Pr"e ' Methodist church to attend a T. P. missionary convention this viek-end at Newberg. Ore. Roof Fire Sparks from the chim ney set fire to the roof of the Dr. G. A. Gltzen residence. 120 North Grape street, at 7:30 this morning. The fire department, called to the scene, had the blaze under control before any great damage could oe done. Moved to Hospital Allen Casebler, who haa been In bed nearly three months, was removed lnat Friday to the Community hospital in Medford. where he will receive medical aid. At last reports he was doing as well as could be expected. Ashland Tid ings. Inspector Here E. H. McDaniela o? Portland, forest Inspector of O. Je C. lands, is attending to officii 1 busi ness at Evans Creek CCC camp to day, having called at the offices of Rogue River national forest: On Recognizance Survey MUo H. Demlng of Salt Lake City, represen tative of the grazing control division. arrived yesterday by air and returned to Salt Lake City, having conducted a recognizance survey of ECW work at Lava Beds national monument. California, accompanied by a repre sentative of Crater Lake rational park. To Oregon Caves David H. Caa fleld, superintendent, and J Carlisle Crouch, chief ranger of Cratr LaVe national park, are at Oregcn Caves today on official business They were accompanied by F. G. Laiwe of San Francisco, park service architect, who is expected to visit Lava Bds na tional monument, California, before his return to San Francisco. Pension Club to Meet Regular meeting of the Townsend rtub of Medford will be held in the audi torium of the county cov.rthcase, Friday night at the usual hour, be ginning at 7:45 p. m. Dr. Wm. F. Roney will speak on tne subject, "What I Think the Adoption of the Townsend Plan Will Men to toe Medical Profession. Ashland Couple Home Mr. Mrs. D. Perozza of Ashland returned Wednesday morning from a severe 1 weeks' voyage to Panama, according to word received here today. They sailed In the early part of Februaiy on the California, spending four and one-half days at Panama City and Colon before returning. On the re turn trip they visited frlenda and relatives In California. Speaking Class Tonight SERA public speaking class will neet at 7:13 tonight In room 4 of the Benior high school. The topic for alka is "My Favorite Hobby." Talks sbou'd be confined to three minutes each The meeting laat week was the mort interesting the class has anjoyed. Most popular feature of the evenli was the training In leading discus sions. The members participated in a very lively way, and the leaders did exceptionally well. Orgunliwtlon of a group will be taken up this even ing, with strew on the elements ot parliamentary law. Anyone interest ed in speaking or in Improving his or her powers of expression. Is in vited to visit. 1 4 I.- : 1..' 'i t At Studio Charles Laughton. assalted by one of the greatest aggrepatlon of comedy favorites ever assembled for one pic ture, heads the cast of "Ruggles of Red Gap." the picturization of the famous Harry Leon Wilson novel, starting a throe-day run at the Cra terian theater today. Charllo Iiupgles. Mary Boland. Zasu Pitts, Roland Young and Leila Hyams have the chief supporting roles. The picture, jald to be one of the most human and, at the same time, one of the funniest stories ever brought to the screen, Introduces Laughton as Rugples. valet to Roland young, a tiled Englishman. When Young loses his servant in a poker game to Char lie Ruggela and Mary Boland. the valet Is brought back to Red Oap, U. S. A. to create a furore. The new master, bred on the demo cratic principle, introduces "Ruggles" as a colonel In the British army. He became the lion of Red Gap society and becomes Infected with the demo cratic idea himself. He decides to open a lunchroom and be self-supporting. The comic effects derive. from the poker game in which the valet changes masters, his spree with the new master, his arrival In America and his courting of the town't lead ing widow (Zasu Pitts) are some of tho highlights in the picture. . 1 ? - n i ' A 1 1 Fred Wolcott'a Caltfornlans. playing at Dreamland tomorrow night. Caesar Graziano, another featured member of the band, is master of the trombone, guitar and accordion. Attend Teachers' Concert Mrs. O. F. Carson. Miss CI Bribe I Morehouse. Miss Eugenia Carson and MLs Edna Goheen drove to Medford Tuesday ' night to attend the concert given by ' the Jackson county teachers' chorus in conjunction with the Medford Oleemen. Mlsa Alta Norcroas of this city la a member of the group Ash land Tidings. Delicious, Extra Thick Milk Shakes, 10c CLEO'S LAGOS BONAPARTE "Kentucky Kernels" at Roxy PortraylnR two unemployed small time actors. Bert Vh?eler and Robert Woolsey pose as "Kentucky Kernels," i resultlnK in an hilarious comedy hit In the film now playing at the Roxy theater. Rialto Comedy : .V- --i m-i ----- The Irish and the Italians get to gether in a big way In the hilarious pot-pourri of trial and tribulation that marks "The Winning Ticket." uproarious comedy-drama revolving about the Irish Sweepstakes. The picture, which opens at the Rialto theater, Introduces a new com edy team In the persons of Leo Carlllo and Louise Fazenda. with Ted Healy adding to the fun in the roles of a shiftless brother-in-law. Also In the cast are Irene Hervey. James Ellison, Luis Albernl, Purnell Pratt and many other favorites. Back Ht Work W. R. Bullock, jani tor at Washington grade school, re turned to work today, having been ill for the last three weeks with bron chial pneumonia. Jean Mutr and Donttld Woods make their roles live In "As the Earth Turns." the picture taken from the beat selling novel by Gladys Hasty Carroll. It opened at the Studio the ater today. 4 Here Friday Ti LkA ni,ni)ii.dr4fit" Eddie McKean, a featured stage and radio artist, Is director, master of ceremonies and baritone vocalist of .i""-.-. ;,! H:.fr. kasi,liilisi'Ai i1 'i; GRAY PERCHERON WEIGHT 2100 lbs. Was sired hy Maple Ornve Sensntlon (5400 Ihs.), firand Champion at leading western shows for A consecutive yenr. then wan defeated by Lagos Komipurte, a S-year-old who has held this honor since and has never been defeated wherever shown. Has been shown In Oregon, Washington and Panaris. The Clrand sire of lAgns Bonaparte Is the noted Lagos who was World's Champion at the 1915 World's Fair and considered one of the best horses that ever lived. The dam of Lagos Bonaparte Is Flossie, a S200 pound man who was slrrd by Mouton, the Junior World's Champion at the 1015 World's Fair. At the 1:U Oregon State Fair Lagos Bonaparte and his colts won alt the championships but one, which went to a half sister. LAgoa Bonaparte Will Make the Season in the Rogue River Valley WALTER W00LD RIDGE, Central Point, Oregon. Shrr FiTiTTWYT SS:::S 7:00-9:00 I ff flli children. . ioc Schilling d Extract One drop work ougio in a disK of cooked fruit Box Social Dance Eagles' Hall Tomorrow, Frldsy 9:30 P. M. Pynge's Orchestra Men 35c Ladies plain box frt ryiatw'lSrf tiifB t7rr-in 7:00-9:00 jasnaBannmrawaKWaK lil Adults 25c Kiddles 10c A Wsmr int. JEAN MUIR DONALD WOODS' SPECIAL ADDED ATTRACTION . 3 Reel Western Comedy Feiturette BUD 'H' BEN in "Girl Trouble" THRILLS! ACTION! COMEDY! with tarllctit (The Ilore) and Snoner (The Dn tl-n M'ORTI K.IIT WD VFW FrvT Grand Opening Gold Hill Pavilion Saturday Night Dance until 2 o'clock with Tomorrow and Saturday! 0 THE HOWLING SWEEPSTAKES COMEDY! HE WON (50,000 DOLLARS Starting Today for 3 Days! Here They Are . . . Right From the Pages of Harry Leon Wilson's Book! 5 COMEDY STARS IN THE 5-STAR COMEDY OF THE YEAR! Red Oap, U. 8. A. . . . where they wore red flannels, drank "red-eye" and ate red meat . . . Enter Rugglet of London in spats, a valet who talked like a duke, dropped bis "H's" in between his habit of raising "L" and treated the ladies like queens! . . . See Red Oap take to Ruggles I See Rugglei take Red Oap I YIPPEE! ...IT'S RUGGLES' NIGHT TO HOWL!! Dinty Moore AND HIS 7-PIECE ORCHESTRA Soloists Singers Entertainers MEN g Th rlotoii arlvrn- p &fyjnx5s turc of an Italian "-TiT harhcr who rnpturrrt the jtrantl iV,"yr prize . . . antl then lout the win- nlng tlckett with LEO CARRILLO LOUISE FAZENDA TED HEALY A A OS ts' Mf . ft ? wWT k1 V MJ I ?A 1 ADDED TREATS LEON ERROL in J 1 SJZy 'Good Morning, Eve' V fari CARTOON NEWflREKL j-. LADIES 15C