PACE XIXIC WHAT YOU mMcmifiefL FOR EASY RE FERE N C E '8 MF.PFORD MAIL TRIBUXE. MEPFOKM). OTiKGOX. SUNDAY. MARCH 24. 1935. d w.uvuu I vo I vo I U.UUV mmmmm Reud every 6d on this page. You wtn prohahly llnd ex actly the thing you want to buy or sell. If It Isn't there, advertise. It's Inexpensive, effective. RATES Per word first Insertion 2c (Minimum 25c) Each additional Insertion, per word lc (Minimum 10c) Per line per month without copy changes ., $1.20 Phone 75 FOR WANT ADS LOST AND FOUND POUND a wkB. ago. Keys In engraved leather case. Owner call at Tribune. Pay for ad. FOUND Lady's black purse, contain ing keys, etc. Owner may have same by paying for adv. Tribune office. jjtoUNDPalr tortolse-rlmmed glasses owner may have same by paying for adv. Tribune office. LOSTWhtle gold pin 'set with pearls and blue atone. Reward. Phone 132-L. - ; LOST If dog missing, call 1616. WANTED MALE HELP WILL personally Interview men will ing to work hard to qualify for good paying positions In Refrigera tion and Air conditioning business. Prefer men with fair education, now employed to learn while earning. Must be mechanically Inclined will ing to devote some Bpare time to preliminary training to become In stallation and service experts. Write fully, giving ago, phone, present oc cupation. Utllltlea Eng. Inst., Box 4957, Mall Tribune. MAN WANTED for Rawlelgh route of 800 families. Good profits for hust lers. We train and help you. Write today. Rawlelgh Co., Dept. ORC-124-SA-2, Oakland Calif. rt'ANTED Experienced herder for 400 sheep. Prefer single man. 45 to 60 veara of age. Phone Jackson ville 122. SmSmAN WANTED Man to sell Hour and feed for large Portland mill, this territory, on commlss:on basis Acquaintance with bakery and other trade essential. Give address and phone Box 5014. Mall Tribune. WANTED FEMALE HELP LADIES Earn money doing needle work at home. No canvassing Stamped envelope brings particu lars. ROYAL NOVELTY CO., Ports mouth, Ohio. POSITION OPEN Married or single woman showing stunning new spring dresses. 15 weekly and your own dresses Free. No canvassing. Experience unnecessary. Send size. Fashion Frocks, Dept. 1013. Cincin nati, Ohio. ADDRESS envelopes at home, spare time; 5 to $15 weekly. Experience unnecessary. Dignified work. Send stamp for particulars. HAWKINS. Dept. 147, Box 75. Hammond, Ind. WANTED Experienced cook to pre pare dinner each evening. Tel. 885, WANTED SITU AT! "NS CAPABLE GIRL wants work In pri vate home. 375'4 So. Central. WANTED Care of sick, or ny work Mra. Huson. Phone 1345 -M. WANTED-M1SCELLANE0US YOUNG unmarried man permanently employed wishes, room In refined . home fairly close In. Write Box 5098. Tribune. WANTED Phonacraph record. "Just a Memory.'' Phone 746-Y. FURNITURE VAN returning about March 29th from Santa ruz. oh... , n-anu freutht from tiler or 'ty 1 points. Phono 615, Hawley Transfer . - - ! WANTED 250 to 300-il under- ground oil storage tans and pump. pierce Auto Freight. TOBUY Jackson County Bid? and Loan stock. Phone 1223. WOOd"wTntED 100 to 200 cords 4. green fir. Valley Fuel Co. 26 W Main. WANTED Clothing for relief pur poses at Solvation Army Tel 3o6 WAlnEDTobuy 100 rods of used woven wire ence in s.-od condi tion. K. C, Mall Tribune. WANTED Old gold. SW1 to Govern ment Licensed Lealer. Brophy's Jewelers. WANTED Wool, mohair. See us be fore you sell. Wool bar- A: twine for sale. Medford Burratn House 27 No. Grape St. Ph. 1062. WANTED We pay cash .or houer.-jld ?ooda furniture and stove We ai?c ouy metals, tildes, pelts, fool nd mo hair MEDFORD BARGAIN HOUSE 37 N Orape St Pnone 102 DO commercial spraying. McOonagle Phone 258-M INCOME TAX DUE Both state and federal Have had Tears ot eTperl ence in preparing returns Pnone 1277-Y after 4pm Fred L Culvtg Phone 642 Well haul sa youi tuM, City Ssaiurjr Swvic. FOR RENT HOUSES FOR KENT Partly lurn. 3-rooro house. 1024 W. 11th. 7-ROOM house. ao. Water paid. Tel. 1042-Y. FOR RENT A room bouse, newly decorated. Call at 60 Rose. FOR RENT Small furnished house. I 134 bo. Ivy. i FOR RENT 4 furnished houes. 8' J ! Summit. HOUSE for rent. 1232 W, FOR RENT Homes. lurnuned or unfurnished Brown White. FOR RENT APARTMENTS DUKELL COURT Phone 1232-W. SMALL APT. for rent. 801 N. Central. FOR RENT Apartment. 334 Apple. FURNISHED, steam - heated house keeping apartments. Reasonable rates. Phone 457-J. FOR RENT Furnished apt. Light and heat. Adults. 34S N Bartlett. FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT 2 rooms and sleeping porch, downstairs. 344 N. Bartlett. ROOM AND BOARD, t2S month, or quiet sleeping rooms. 220 N. Front. ATTRACTIVE rooms. 404 6. Grape. FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS BUSINESS LOCATION FOR RENT At 32 North Grape street Will remodel to suit tenant, furn ish steam heat K desired. Size 16x60 feet Will rent or kase at reasonable figure. Call at Mall Tribune (Newspaper) office. FOR RENT Garden ground; free water. W. H. Norcrosa. CABINS FOR RENT By day. week or montn. see at uamp witnus. . Riverside. FOR EXCHANGE TRADE Barrel of lime-sulphur spray for wood. McCurtaln Garage, mile So. Talent. WILL accept used bed spring, wood cook stove or small electric refri gerator as part payment on good used car. Write Box 4964, Tribune. TRADE 12-guage Winchester pump gun lor trailer, oiu . uartiett. FOR TRADE 12-gauge Winchester pump gun. for fresn cow Call 834-J FOR SALE RJSAL ESTATE FOR SALE; New 5-room house with 10 acres free soli. Or will consider trade with clear property. Across R. R. at Gas plant So. Pacific highway, or write J. A. Moore, Rt. 4. Box 379. FOR TRADE 15 A. 2 houses, 2-slory hn,iu with hnspiYipnt and 4-room house, 8 acres under cult. Fine spring and gas pump. Plenty wood. Write W. J. GUsan. East Side, Ore gon. MODERN coast home. Fine garden, Sea foods, fuel free for taking. Wat er free. No mortgage. Mill town Want small improved place South ern Oregon. Owner, Box 114 Ban- don.Oregon. c,t3 QiTu no drht.iu acres. 9 room houBe. fruit & berries, out buildings. J. H. Dlttemore, Beall Lane. lfln-ACRE ranch. 40 acres cultivated 40 more being cleared, improved. 35 acres of free water, mce eooi-u. Will trade for Medford house Homeseekers Exchange. 402 East Main. FOR SALE OR TRADE Apartment house. Income MS.00 per month. Want stock or on iry rnncn. 84 Acres, fine soil, good bui'.dlnpa, near Medford. Want smM'.cr place. L. O. PICKELL. 204 E. Main. BRAND NEW HOME AUTOMATIC OIL HEAT OPEN every day. 2-5 p. m.. 1819 E'-st Main St. Beautllul new nome o looms, bath; with no mortgage nor liens to assume; 2 dining looms. 3 extra large rooms with many win dows, fine view; cement biaement. unfinished attic. Priced below cos. No trade-in. Courtesy to tealtors. IMPROVED 14 acres; buildings 4 years old; Ideal location, shnoe tres, all tillable; clear; total 12000 00. Easy terms. V. D. Miller, Ashland, Ore. ioo ACRES, fenced, timber, water free ranee, electricity, chickens. cows. tool. Small down payment; oon.:der sedan. W. 3. Campbell. Gold Hill. BE FN DEPENDENT On this 120-acre farm located In a fertile farming district. Excellent, deep, free soil; 65 acres :n cultiva tion, of which 5 acres are In Com!- pears. 5 acres Bartlett. 5 acres Newtown apples; tree 25 veara old: 50 acres now in wheat; TSlance of land can be cleared wi:a slight ex panse, now In pasture. Attractive 4-room home with; large oarn; chicken house, smokehouse. Equipped with tractor, plo truck, wacon and all necessity farm tools To Ml price sfl.000: 2900 :n casn. with terms on balance See Charles A. Wing Agency. Inc FOR SALE OR RENT 10 A. one mi from Gold Hill on Stage -oed: Utve house and improvements. Walter Holmes. Rt 2. Grant Pass. FOR SALE OR TRADE Hydraulic mine now in operation. All deeded land. Wide pay streak. A steady producer. Boi 2141. Tribune. SFE Charles A Wing Agency, Inc.. to Buy Your Home. FOR SALE Modern 4-room home on eat side fl minutes walk from city center IQO0 will handle, balance oc Boi 4B15. rr:bun HOUSES FOR SALE OR KENT --Jack- son County Building & Loan Aaan FOR SALE REAL ESTATE WILL CONSIDER a leitimst o:!er on I'3-.cre place, beat o( land i good wells. Inquire Hotel Valandra. Central Point. BROWN & WHITE are selling small acreage tracts at prices which you cannot afford to overlook. Fine SOIL. H1QHWAY. WATER. CLI MATE. Close to (Hie HUNTING FISHING, come In and tnvesllRaw BROWN it WHITE REALTORS 104 W. Main. Phone 130 WHEN you think of real estate, think of Brown & White. FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE OR TRADE 1931 Ford pickup, Swapshop, Phoenix. MUST SELL -28 Chevrolet coupe, in Kood condition. Maker offer. Cas- person, Phlpps Auto Park. GOOD USED CARS 30-Day Written Guarantee. REAL BARGAINS 1934 Ptymouth DeLuxe Bus. Coupe. 1933 Chrysler 6 Brougham. 1933 Plymouth DeLuxe Coupe. 11.- 700 miles. 1P33 Dodge Business Coupe. 1932 Plymouth 4-door StMan. 1932 Chev. rumble aeat coupe. 1930 Bulck Coupe. 1931 Chev. Victoria 5-paaa. 1929 Ford Town Sedan. 1930 Chev. Spt. Roadster. Twenty others from 25 up to choose from. ARMSTRONG MOTORS. INO. BAROAINS every one. at 22 So. Fir LOOK at all the used cars before you ouy. w so. nr. DON'T FORGET 22 So. Fit for better used car values. AT A SACRIFICE 1934 V-8 Tudor sedan: small mileage. 22 So Fir. FQR SALE POULTRY AND EGGS FOR SALE White Leghorn chicks ready to deliver Tuesday and Wed nesday. C. J. McCay, Rt. 3. Med ford. Phone 334-J-4. FINE CHICKS Reds, Leghorn. 8c; ready now. Keller, Jacksonville, Sterling road. HATCHING EGOS White Giant and Barred Rock. Dryden strain, heavy laying strains. A. E. Walker, Tal ent. FOR SALE Hollywood Leghorn hatching eggs, (2 50 per hundred; 200 baby chicks April 1, at 9c E P. Ireland, Louie r Lane. WHITE LEGHORN setting eggs 50c C A DeVoe Vel 523-J-2 FOR SALE LIVESTOCK FOR SALE Team and harness. Pep per Taylor Ranch, by Voorhles crossing. PUBLIC SALE Monday, March 25 1 p m. 10 head draft horses. 15 colts; 1 mile north of Ashland. V H. Chapman Ranch. H. V Mitchell owner. FOR SALE Weaner pigs. Tel. 19-x-lO. Eagle Point. FOR SALE Small work horse 05. Otis Garrett, Rt. 4, fiurkshot Hill road. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE OR TRADE Inboard mo torboat. For sale or trade on car. Phone 393. OLD barnyard pulverized fertilizer for lawn and spring planting l1 yds. for $3.50, sandy loam, $2.50. also commercial spraying. Phone 258-R. FOR SALE OR TRADE 2-horse disc. Planet Jr. seeder and wheel-hoe. Harry C. Chase. Beall Lane. YOUNGBERRY 5c each & Red cur rant 10c each. A. E. Walker, Tal ent. FOR SALE Dtnlng-room table and chairs; Kelvlnator electrlo refriger ator; etc. Call 1619-L or Schuler Apt. No. 24. FOR SALE Sprayrlg or engine cheap McCurtaln Garage ml. So. Talent FOR SALE Assorted used cast-Iron fittings for soli pipe, 2 and 4-ln ; 110-gal. storage drum; small wood range. Inquire Hotel Valandra Central Point. FOR SALE Hay. R. V. Beall Ranch BEES and bee hives for ale. Ray mond M. Dalton, Takllma, Ore. FOR 8 ALE Wheat. 91.50 cwt N. J. Garrett. Rt. 4. Box 46. FOR SALE Bed sprtnga, mittresaes. stovea. tables, chairs. Swapshop, Phoenix. We buy. sell and trade. FOR TaLE Man 's dress ault. 219 8 Central. FOR SALE Orchard equipment, good condition: for cash sale. Smudge oil. oil tanks, oil wagon tank, smudge pots, frost alarm and or chard truck mileage 13.0O0. ftne condition. L. A. Salade. Central Point. FISHING TACKLE All kinds. Sport- Intt Goods. Boats. Motors, Guns Boots. Shoes. Etc. Priced right. 317 North Riverside. FOR SALE Hotpoint electric ranae. 3 -plate with oven, cheap. 2ii w Jackson. FOR SALE OR TRADE For good car 32 h. p. Johnson motor, speed Ing cruiser boat and trailer. Phone 8.19 irom 8 10 fi aayiime. FOR SALE Pansy plants, pedigreed Riants, exira line, ouc uut, mis Dan A Howard. Spring St. FOR SALE Beardless barley and Ka nota oata. Monarch 9ed Co. FOR SALE Home-rown aifMfa aed F E By bee. Medford Rt. 2 FOR SALE Grafting wax. Monarch Seed Co. FOR SALE Created wheat ffrww Monarch Seed Co. FOR SALE Lime-sulfur to ?pray fruit trees and berry bushes Mon arch Seed Co. FOR SALE CHEAP Lumr sultan1. for brooder houe Can arrange for monev unfier FHA Plan for ant building r"OMrs Eon nv Lumiej Co . Tel 534. Norta Paclllc Hwj at Court BW FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE Common alfalfa. 119 per cwt. Monarch Seed Co. FOR SALE Poison barley with fruit It kills better. Monarcn Seed Co MISCELLANEOUS EMMA: Received picture. Never saw ou look so well. Your double chin certainly disappeared after chew ing Double Mint Gum. Kate. INDIAN & LINCOLN HEAD PENNIES wanted Will pay up to $2 each If over 10 years old. Pennies worth $53. Latest listing 10c. American Coin Co., Box 219, Grand Rapids, Mich. ARE you hard of hearing. Sonotone hearing and specialist will be In Medford during week of March 31 Home Test Free Write Wm. S. Faugh!. Box 2145. Mall Tribune. BUSINESS CHANCES FOR SALE OR TRADE Good going business on Main St. Value 11500.00. part cash or equity In good home as down payment. Box 2106. care Mall Tribune. FOR SALE Lunch counter. Good steady trade. 327 So. 6tn St.. Klam ath Falls. BUSINESS DIRECTORY JACKSON CO. ABSTRACT CO. Abstracts of Title and Title Insurance. The only complete Title System In Jackson County. MURRAY ABSTRACT Co. Abstract of Title Rooms 3 and 5, No. 33 North Centra). Ave., upstairs. Expert Window Cleaners. LET GEORGE DO IT Tel. 1172 House cleaning, floor waxing, ori ental rug cleaning & upholstering Dentistry. DENTISTRY Dr. I. H. Gove. 325 E Main. Money to Lend MONEY LOANED - 650 to $300 for personal or household purposes on House Furnishings or Autos; also Cars Re-financed Loans closed within 30 minutes under super vision of the Stite Banking Dept License No. 3-157 See W E Thomas or E. J. Riley 45 So Cen tral. 'aiming Hi paiiurhunglng. WE CREATE DISTINCTIVE CHARM In colors for your home by paint ing, tinting, paperhanglng. HARRY MARX. Route 1, Phone 14-F-4. M. A. BLISS Painting & paperhang Ing. Tel 046-W 313 Co Grape. JOHN H LOCK, painter and decor ator Quality work Prices reason able Res. 124 King St. Call 053 -R EADS TRANSFER & STORAGE CO. Office 1015 No Central Phone 315 .Prices right. Service guaranteed. HAWLEY TRANSFER Expert pack era and movers. Special livestock moving equipment PrlceB right 610 North Riverside Phone 615. LEGAL NOTICES County Treasurer's Call for General County Fund Warrants State of Oregon, County of Jackson, ss. Notice la hcrevy given that there Mail Tribune Daily ACROSS 1. Unclose: poetic 4. Traditional 8. One! 12. State of the Union: alibr. 13. Winglike U. Sandnrac tree 15. Before 16. Stale exactly and system atically 18. Follow 20. Containing mtirli in formation: colloq. 21. Sailor 22. Anelont Greek city 34. Book of the Hihle 26. Make a cer tain kind of textile fab ric 17. Mineral spring 10, Pasteboard box 12. Joyous 14. Abstract ex istence 15. Mail 17. Nobleman Solution of Saturday's Puzzla feJojM IMhEwmi n t o G U I L TTyJP L l is TEN aTs EMlJoJ - IM -ITa gWcaIpJaiMr ot R AY. ElNMSlAM E.5. age nt sMbIeJf O re 1A L ci"A G EWE "i 1 E lTiCoTTSlAND Apropos Leaf of a calyx Self-centered person Changes cars Ahove: poetlo At one time Oenui of tbe honeybee New: comb. form Pare L'nit of force Firmament 18. Pivoted lonrua s to keep a rati-net from turn in back- M. ward 55, 'W- 73 HT"" '7 ifT -rvTzT iff To ti1 Ip52 33 ''', ''., i-?f pr mm 4o 4-1 41 A3 44 45 Ale 2 53 1 1 1 Nr 1 1 1 WT 1 1 are funds on hand for the redemp tion of all warrants drawn on the General County Fund, of Jackson County, to and Including April SO, 1934. Interest on the above called war rants, ceases on this the 23rd day of March. 1935. Datrd at Medford. Oregon. March 23, 1935. A C. WALKER. Treasurer of Jackson County. ran fur nids. Call for bids for 60 cords more or lerf 4-foot body fir to be delivered on school grounds before August 1 Bids to be opened April 8. Board reserve right to reject any and ail bids. DISTRICT NO. 4. PHOENIX. MARJORIE WILCOX. Clerk. Public Acceptance Gilmore Gasoline Sets Record Here Never before In the history of the Gilmore Oil company has the Intro duction of new product received such enthusiastic acceptance as that which greeted the announce ment recently made In newspapers of the availability of "The Record Breaker" gasoline, according to re ports received during the last week by the concern. Branch managers In every section of the Pacific coast are reporting an Increase In Red Lion gasoline sales and in many points the gain has been as great as 60 per cent. "One of the Important factora con cerning the Instant success of our new products Is that the public likes real news and this new product pri marily concerns news Interest In that It was developed and proved by the world's greatest drivers," declar ed C. W. Ellis, sales supervisor of the concern. "We have also Intro duced this new gasoline through the most natural channel leading dally newspapers, which, we beTlsve. com prise the best medium for trade In formation that has the element of real news." THE AUTO WAY (continued from page 5) display here in town for several days. You should actually see this car in order to get the full benefit of It large size and luxurtousness. The regular Chrysler Airflow Is a large car and this imperial Is considerably larger than those, so you may have some conception of what kind of a car It Is. The upholstery Is very fine material, nnd the seats are so soft that you seem to sink back Into them. There Is really more than ample room for six passengers and the Interior fittings are complete In almost every detail. Ther Is little doubt that these cars also have a performance to match their beauty. This year's Ford V-8's seem to be getting an even better reception than last year's cars, and they made an exceptional record. Little doubt their roomier bodies, finer appoint ments, better performance, and safer bodlrs have a lot to do with It. Oxen Aid Alaska Farmers SEWARD. Alaka (UP) William pjchtel nnd Albert Fanning, Homer, Alaska, -ranchers, have returned to pioneer methods by using oxen to do their draft work. They claimed the big steers were more satisfactory than horses for work In the north. Be correctly corseted In an Artist Model by Ethel wyn B Hoffmann. Ose Mall Tribune want ads. Cross-Word Puzzle t. Animal's Stomach 10. Cereal seeds 11. Card with three spots IT. Join It. List of actors In a play 2. Raise 24. Expert war aviator 25. Chess piece 26. Be acquaint ed with It. Regular stop ping places SI. Equality t9. Bntlrelr 31, Precious stones 22. Location it. Drowsy tt. Rectangular Inset DOWN 1. Short poems 2. City in In diana I. Voters 4. LeM danger ous I. Medicinal plant C. Plae for rais ing vege tables or flowers T. Limb I. Auctions It. Bod 7 Ot armed men with author ity Halt 41. Eagle Step 42. 44. Broad smll 46. Search 48. System of weights 41. panning fash- Ion St. Marks Church S. S. Bart lam, rector. Holy communion. 8 a. m. Morning prayer and sermon at 11. Church school, 9:45 a. m. Church of Jtii Christ of latter Way alnts. Meet In I. O. O. F. hall. Sunday school, 10 a. m. Sunday evening at 7:30 the ladles of Reltef Srclety will give a play featuring the organization of the society 93 years ago. F. H. Metcalf, presiding. Church of Christ. Servicea will be held in tha new building on 10S6 N. Court street. Morning services at 10:30. Sub ject, "The Two Key Word That Will Open the Gate of Heaven." Evening services 7:30. Subject, 'The Fall. Redemption and Restora tion of Man." All are invited. Full Gospel Tahernarl 11 Newtown Street. J. Logan Stuart, Pastor. Sunday school, 9:45 a. m. Morning worship, 11 o'clock. Evening evaneellstlc meeting, 7:30. The sermon text will be "His Name Shall Be Called Wonderful." Prayer meeting Tuesday, 7:30 p. m. Young people's meeting Friday eve ning. 7:30. The public Is Invited to all meet ings. Medford Company of Jehovah's Witnesses The Medford Company of Jehovah's Witnesses Is broadcasting a lecture by Judge Rutherford dealing strictly with the Bible over KMED every Tuesday afternoon at 1:30. Judge Rutherford's Bible study helps are In book and booklet form and have been translated Into sixty languages since 1922 .All Interested In Watch Tower Bible study are wel come to meet every Sunday morning at 10 o'clock and Wednesday at 1:30 o'clock, 737 South Central street, Medford. Catholic .Mission. A cordial Invitation is extended to everyone of good will to attend the Mission to be given at the Catholic church. 10th and South Oakdale avenue, beginning today, Sunday, at 10:30 a.m., nnd closing Sundny, March 31. at 7:30 p.m. The Rev. Edw. J. Power, C. Ss. R., will conduct the services. The pro gram will Include week day masses at 6:30 and 8 a.m., followed by a brief Instruction; Mission sermon and benediction every evening at 7:30 o'clock and special Instruction for children every afternoon at 2 :30 o'clock. St, Peter's Lutheran Church (Missouri Synod) E. Main and Portland Ave. H. H. Young, paator. Sunday school and Bible class at 10. Lenten service at It. Theme of the sermon: The. Prayer of the Suffering Savior for Salvation. There will be no evening service this evening. The Sunday school teachers will meet Wednesday evening at 8:00. Mtsa Ida Bowman will lead the meeting. Kindly consult the Intermediate Sun day school lesson for next Sunday. , The public la cordially Invited to all services. First Christian Church. Ninth and Oakdale streets. W. R. Balrd, minister. Bible school at 9:48 a.m. Ralph Cook, superintendent. Everyman's Bible claan In court house auditorium at 0:45. Morning worship begins at 10.S8. Anthem. "God Mnkea the Spring time." Wilson. Sermon subject, "The Song of Sprlrw." Christian Endeavor at 0:30 p.m. At 7:30 the choir, under the direc tion of Effle Herbert Yeoman, will give a sacred concert. The program will be found elsewhere In this paper. Thla will be an excellent pro gram. Come early If you want a good seat. Free Methodist Church. 10th and Ivy streets. E. N. Long, pan tor. We begin our worship next Sun day morning by meeting at 9:48 a.m., for the study of the word of the Lord together. "Peter Describes the Christian Life" U the subject for Bible atudy. There are classes for all ages with competent teachers. Are you attending Sunday school anywhere? If not, plan to meet with us. At it o'clock a message will be given which will be helpful. We endeavor to follow the leader ship of the Holy Spirit in these servicea. T. P. M. 8. meeting at :80 p. m under the leadership of Mlsa Orace Andrews. Evening service at 7:30. We welcome you. The First Methodist FpUcopa! fhurni Weat Main and Laurel streets. Sunday school, 0:4A a.m. E J. Neumann superintendent. Come and Join one of our splendid claaaes. Morning worship. 11:00 a.m. The sermon this Sunday morning will be preached by Captain Oeoroe Wood all, chaplain of the CCC. Special music. You will enjoy this service Mr. Don Huckabee organist and di rector. Ep worth leagues, 0:30 p.m. Evening worship, 7:30 p.m. The pastor. Rev. Joseph Knotts, will preach on the theme "The Appeal of Africa's Blood to Ood." Do not miss hearing this sermon. Special music by the choir directed by Mr. Olaf Severaon. Mrs. Lucille Ac hop per t. onanist. Next Wednesday evening at 7:30. instead of the regular prayer meet ing we are to have with us Dr. Henry Stanley Hollenbeck fOT 35 years a missionary In Portuguese East Africa. Dr. Hollenbeck Is a man of considerable experlenr and has spoken In this church before, about seven years ago. Do not mis" hearing him. CHIEF LEADS IN MOBILIZING ft to" 13 1ST JSMiMbti ifttf Among (lie (Int to adopt General Petroleum Corporation'! lURteitlon to MoMliia In 1935 wai Chief Homcvantccwa (Corn Feather In Etilish, hereditary chief o( tha northern Arizona Horif and one of the most noted Indian icturi and lilverimithi in tho Weil. Jack Wood, General Petroleum operator, look on in amusement l tha Chief insists on living bit own car ita first taukful o( Mobile", Methodist KpUcopnl Church South Corner Main and Oakdale Church school at 9:45 a. m. Dr. Frank Roberta In charge. Preaching at 11 o'clock by the pastor, Rev. T. O. Patterson. Young people's service at 8 ;45 p. m. Sermon at 7:30 p. m. All are cord ially Invited to nttrnd. Church of iod. Corner of Haven and Holly streets. Church school, 9:45 a.m. Morning worship, 11 a.m. Young people, 7:00 p.m. Sunday even'n,? preaching, 7:46 p.m. Subject: "Why. the Bible Was Written Aa It Is." Prayer service Wednesday 7:30 p.m. Ladles' Circle Thursdny, 10 a. m. to 4 p. m. All are welcome. D. M. Clemens, pastor. Residence B14 West Second street. First Church of ChrUt, flclentlst Authorized branch ot the Mother Church, The First Church of Christ, Scientist, In Boston, Mass. Services are held every Sunday at II o'clock, church edifice, 313 North Oakdale. Subject for Sunday, March 34. "Matter." Sunday school at 9r30 a. m. Appli cants tinder the age of 30 may be admitted. Wedncwtay evening church meet ings, Including testimonies of Chris tian Science healings, nt 8 o'clock. The reading room, which la located at 401 In the Medford building, la open daily from 7 a. m. to 0 p. m. except Sundays nnd holtdaya. The 11 brarlan Is In attendance from 10 to 4, at which time the Bible and all authorized Christian Science litera ture may be road, borrowed oi pur chawed. The public la cordially Invited to attend the services and ylalt the read ing room. Church of the Nazarene Centra) Avenue at Jackson street. Fred M. Weatherford, pastor evangelist, will be heard from the following topic at the popular Sun day night evangelistic hour, "Ans wering the End Question." As a pre lude to the message proper, he will speak briefly from the topic, "Christ in Christian Living." Special music and enthusiastic congregational singing will be featured In the night program. 'Sanctlflcatlon an Essential Quali fication" Is the topic for the eleven o'clock morning worship hour. Spec ial vocm musiG will also be heard. Sunday achool at 9:46 a. m. Arn old Kornstad, superintendent. Young people's meeting at 6:30 p. m. Miss Helen Scheel, president. Junior society meeting st 8:30 p. m. under direction of Mrs. Fred M. Weatherford. Wednesday evening at 7:30 Is the people's meeting, prayer and praise hour. Miss Helen Wilson, special speaker. A warm welcome Is extended the public. Zlon Ftungellcal Lutheran Church. Fourth St. near Oakd Ave. Oeo. P. Kabele. D. D.. patoi 10 a. m., Sunday school. M Q Paulsen, superintendent. 10:59 a- m i Morning worship. Ser mon, "The Glory of the Cross in the Motive Behind It." Special music: Pipe organ solo by Mark Andrews: (a) "Safe in the Arms of Jeu"; (b "Th Old R;;?ged Cross"; tenor solo, "Open the Oate of the Temple" by David Harris; an them, "Heaven Looking Dnwn on Me" fHujwIns), choir; voluntary, Oene vieve Brown; poatlude, p'pe organ solo, "The Bona; la Eendel but the Melody Lingers On" (Berlin), Jesse Crawford. 8:30 p. m., Luther league devotional meeting. 7:30 p. nv. Evening sendee. Ser mon. "The Divine Riht to Live." flpoolal music: Pipe -gin solo. "Prelude and Fugue In E Minor." part 3 (Bach), (orrtan of Quen'a hall London), Dr. Ibert Svweter; duet with orchestra le rgn. "Abld With Me." 0W'4 WWe and Elsie Baker; anthem, "tide Thou Me' (Lowry), Luther League choir. Wednesday, 7:45 p. nv. Lenten ser vice. The general public Is hoar til j In vited to ail sexvloae. " . Flrt Kaptlvt Cniireh W. H. Eaton, minister. Sunday school, 9:43 a.m. Morning worship. 11 :0O a. m. Tha chorus choir singing, "O Lord of H;Bt," Nolte. The pastor speaking upon "The Unfinished Task." Young people's groups for devo tion and study. 6:30 p.m. Evening worship, 7:30 p.m. A half hour of song and contrlbutlona by the Intermediate B. Y. P. U. group. Sunlight on the Saviour's Way," by Creswell, sung by the choir, Tha pastor giving the second number In the series of addresses on "Tha Signs of the Times." The subject for this evening will be "The Signs In Prophecy." You are cordially Invited to ahara these services with us. SACRED CONCERT AT 7:30 TONIGHT A concert of choruses, solos, duets and quartettes of both male and fe male voices will be given by the choir of the First Christian church tonight at 7:30. This organization has been under the leadership of Effle Herbert Yeoman for five years and has developed Into an organisation capable of doing the best In sacred music, and their many concerts In the past have alwaya attracted large audiences. The officers of this group are; pres ident, Virginia Cook; vice president, L. G. Oentner; secretary. treasurer, M. E. Olson; librarian. Rose Ellen Slon eker and Pearl Wilder. The program for tonight follows: Prelude No. 8, Chopin. "The Lord la In Hia Holy Temple" (a cappela) Banker; "Like Streams That Feed the Garden," Wilson; chorus. "Oh Love That Wilt Not Let Me Go" (duet) Shenk;. aoprtino and tenor, Effle Yeoman and L. G. Oent ner. "My Heart An Altar," (chorus) Rob erts; Incidental duet, Joan DeLosh and Virginia Cook. "One Swetly Solemn Thought. (male quarette) Ambrose; D. E. Mil lard, M, E. Olson, Chester Wendt, John Klrkpatrlck. "Even Song" (chorus1) Cadman; noprano obi I ga to, Eleanor Curry. "The Ninety and Nine" (tenor solo) Campion; D. E. Millard. "The Lord Is My Shepherd" (chorua) Klnsey. "The Silent Voice" (ladles quar ette) Caro Roma; Genevieve Brown Marjorle Gregory, Rose Ellen Slon- eker. Margery Wymore. "If With All Your Hearts (from Elijah) Mendelssohn: tenor solo with chorus accompaniment. M. E. Olson. "The Voice of Jesus" (chorus) Heyser. "The Voice In the Wilderness" (so prano solo) Scott; Eleanor Curry. "A Sower Went Forth To Sow (chorua) Wilson; Incidental solo, L. G. Oentner. ' Ofertory. "O, Worship the King" (chorus) Heyser; incidental solo, Effle Yeo man. Benediction. Director, Effle Yeoman; pianist, Mabel 8! ma. The public Is cordially Invited to attend. Other members than those whose names appear on the program are: Anna Wendt, Marjorle Pierce, Eunice Smith, Alma Wade, Ruth Hood, Oletha Olson, Pearl Wilder. Thayle Ford, Donald Wilder and Floyd Col ter. Mable Sims la pianist. Attention: FrobUerlaii Congreentlon To enable us to make proper prep arations for Church Anniversary Din ner, Friday, March 39th, please write on s card names of the ones you wish dinner tickets for and see Mrs. 8. A. Kro&chel at church or her home or Mrs. Edith Garrett at church or her shop at 115 E. Main St. Kindly do this by Tuesday, March 36th. There will be no eharRe for tickets. I Adv. ANNIVERSARY COMMlirEJL