Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, March 24, 1935, Page 3, Image 3

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Society and Clubs
Meeting of Past
Matrons Club Is
Attractive Event
Missionary Group
Entertained Home
Mrs. R. Sweeney
The Women's MlMionary eoclety
of the Presbyterian church met t
the home of Mrs. R. E. Sweeney
Tuesday afternoon, Mrs. Frank Al
bert, president, presiding during the
business session.
Reports were given of the South
western Presbyterlal recently held in
Roseburg by Mesdames Albert. Iver
son. Clement and Putney. This was
one of the largest attended Presby
terlals ever held in southern Ore
gon, with over 80 ladles In attend
ance at many of the meetings. The
young people of Roseburg took: an
. active part In some of the program
A and Miss Ethel V. Hlgglns of the
Ming Quong Home In Oakland, Cal.,
was the main speaker.
Mrs. Frank Alberts was elected
fir vii-B-nresldent. Mrs. A. R. Clem
ent, treasurer and Mrs. Maynard
Putney, corresponding secretary, for
the Presbyterlal of southern Oregon.
Miss Elizabeth Burr, program chair
man, presented a short program. Mrs.
Carl Bromm'er lead the devotional
hour, which Included singing of the
hymn "He Leadeth Me," scripture
text, 1st Thesselonlans, prayer for
the missionaries on both the for
eign and home field and closing
hymn, "O, Worship the King." Miss
Laura Bailey read a most Interesting
paper on the aliens In America, and
Mrs. J. O. Gould Interestingly told
of the Influence of the Bible on the
lives of two widely different alien
Rev. W. F. Shields spoke of the
influence of the church upon the
peoples of many lands and of those
In our own home land, preceding
tn. installation of new officers ol
the society for the coming year as
follows: President, Mrs. ueorge
ver: first vice-president, Mrs. A. R.
Clement-, second vice-president. Mrs.
Frank Albert: recording secretary.
Mrs. Harry Baker: corresponding sec-
.. m h F. W. Spllver: secre-
'r literature: MrB. R. S. Daniels. of missionary education:
Mrs. A. J. Hanby, membership; Mrs.
Frank Hagerty: stewarcsmp.
.(nnnt tntaRton and over
seas and hospital sewing. Mrs. Belle
Llttrell: treasurer. Mrs. Carl Brom
mer Rev. W. F. Shields very Im
pressively conducted the installation
During the social hour the hostess
was assisted In serving delicious re
' freshments by Mesdames F. G. Car
penter. Nettle Howard and J. H. Leg
gett. Mesdames Carpenter and How
ard presided at the daintily ap
pointed tea table. A large bowl ol
daffodils and candles were used for
the table decorations and other
spring flowers were used about the
large living room.
Gleaner Class
Has Supper Meeting
Gleaner class of the First Baptist
ohurch had a meeting Wednesday In
the. sewing room. Following a supper
)of sandwiches, salad, cookies and cof
fee, Miss Bailey, a guest of the teach
er. Mrs. Chapman, gave an Interesting
talk on "Service", urging each one to
pray and work for the children of
The group adjourned at 7:30 to at
tend the regular prayer and praise
service In the church parlor.
Mrs. Beelby Honored
At Birthday Surprise
A surprise birthday party honoring
Mrs. W. E. Beelby was given at the
home of Mrs. Beelby's daughter, Mrs
M. T. Boshears, 422 South Ivy. Thurs
day afternoon. Lovely gifts were re
ceived by the honor guest. . Refresh'
ments were served by Miss Alma Ruth
Boshears and Mrs. Boshears. .
. Present were Mrs. Van Omen of San
Jose, Calif., Mrs. Florence Ree, Mrs
Arel Spluth. Mrs. L. Miner, Miss Bo
shears, the honor guest and the hos
Wenonoh Cluh
Has Card Party
Huldah Thurman was hostess
j Thursday afternoon at the Wenonah
club social card party. There were
six tables of bridge In play, with high
prize going to Fidelia Piatt. Invited
guests were Mrs. Katherlne Satterlee.
Mrs. F. J. Wolff and Mrs. Alice Lewis.
The assisting committee consisted
of Esther Dooms. Juanlta Thornton
and Carrie Mllnes. who, at the close
of the afternoon, served refreshments.
Next meeting will be the regular
covered dish luncheon and business
meeting to be held at the home of
Elva Gentry, at one thirty o'clock,
Thursday afternoon. April 4.
Plans for the April Frolic being
sponsored by the Wenonah club, are
underway, and an evening or enter
talnment will be promised to those
attending. A one-act play will be
given, and ther? will be various other
things of Interest, such as stunts,
"fish pond", and booths of different
kinds. The date Is Friday evening,
April S.
Covers for Hundred
At Neighbors Party
Royal Neighbors met Thursday
evening In the K. P. hall for cov
ered dish supper. Covers were laid
for over 100. Including members and
their families. Several members of
the serving committee were unable
to be present. Neighbor Frelda
Klngsley was assisted by Neighbors
Cora Bashaw, Blanche Arnold.
Myrtle Arnold, Alice Lewis, Maude
Lovell. Edna Nixon and others.
Following supper a short business
session was held for balloting and
Initiation. The meeting was then
opened to the waiting guests and
Neighbor Clissle Balrd and her com
mittee. Neighbors Hannah, Honner
and Mae Rankin, presented the fol
lowing program, which was greatly
Solo and encore, Margaret Gar
rett; musical trio, piano. Mickey
Pearson, violin, Evallne Cummlngs.
saxaphone. Truth Plele: vocal solo,
Neighbor Clara Hodgklns. accompan
ied by Edith Hodgklns at the piano
and Viola Cleveland with the violin.
Two whistling selections, Kather
lne Grlbble, accompanied by Leneve
Slmpklns at the piano; two vocal
solos, Frank SUva. accompanied by
Neighbor Marie Silva; "America" by
all present, with the oracle, Mar
garet Garrett, at the piano.
The camp will sponsor a chicken
dinner for the public, April 4th at
the K. P. hall at noon.
One of the most attractive club
events of this month was the Past
Matron's meeting of March 30, held
at the country home of Mrs. Elsie
Martin. A I o'clock luncheon was
Birthday Observed
By Rebehah Lodge
Olive Rebekah Kxiie No. 36. held It
regulsr business meeting Monday eve
ning at the l O. O. F. hall. Following
the business session a large crowd
Public Card Party
Will Send Member
Scouts to Jamboree
A public card party will be held by
gathered in the hall celebrating U1.1 Am,rl.n ion. , w,ndy
48th anniversary of the lodge.
The committee, with Mrs. Minnie
j at. the Roosevelt school gym, to raise
funds to wnrt one of the troop mem-
aerved on beautifully arranged tables. ! Bryant, chairman, presented the (ol- ri to (he Boy g,,., of Amenca
Centerpieces of spring flower, aur- flowing program. Mra Irene smcly natJonai JaniborM t Washington.
rcunaea oy ax. rairica atcomuww huws piauu w tue uu;. ttvw.. in August
and original place eards made pic
ture to be long remembered by those
After luncheon, the president. Mrs.
Jinimit Mernn, presided over the
the vis-Uors Chorus. "Old Road,,
u.iS uy inrjudN.ih.iff UI"SF v"": pinochle will be In play
club, under the direction of Mr. Mc- !
Douald with Mis. Mabel Sima at the
oubiuew meeting, ah invnauuu i.u xiageu ana uuve e,.anaK, wx-unipnu- th.t those wishintr to make reserva
the P. M. club of Reames Chapter, ; ij by M:s Conmie Hardwood; men's Uions can gn-j
Contract and auction brirtfte and
nd prize
will be awarded
mr IWe." by Misse Jean 'of tht arrRnsement8. u B request,
Mrs. Jack Swem
Hostess to P.T.A.
At the regular meeting of the
Pa rent -Teacher council Friday at the
home of Mrs. JacK Swem. covered
dish luncheon was enjoyed by mem
bers from Jackson. Junior high and
Washington P.-T. A. units. Mrs. Jack I
Heyland, delegate to the home In-1
terests conference, gave an interest
ing report.
It waa announced that Mrs. Wil
liam Kletzer. state president, will
stop" In Medford on her return from
the national convention of Parents
and Teachers, to be held in Miami.
Florida. She will also visit national
headquarters In Washington, D. C.
Mrs. Carl Bennett, president, an
nounced that from the rummage
sales, $45 was cleared. Mrs. Bennett
thanked those who contributed to
the sale.
George Hunt of the Craterlan the
ater is contributing 645 in tickets to
the Hialtb theater when May Robeson
In "The Grand Girl" will be shown.
The money from the sale of tickets
will be put in the state convention
fund. The convention will be held
in October. Those waiting for tickets
may call Mrs. Stanley Jones April 2.
It was announced that Miss Flora
Thurston, parent education Instructor
in Oregon, will visit the Medford
P.-T. association In the spring.
Matfrlgal Club
Forgoes Practice
Madrigal club will not meet for
regular rehearsal Tuesday evening, so
that all who can may attend the
teachers' concert to be held on that
evening. Practice will be resumed on
the following Tuesday at the regular
time, 7:45 o'clock at the Girls' com
munity club on North Baartlett.
Young People
Invited to C. E.
Young people of Medford are cor
dially Invited to attend the Christ
ian Endeavor meeting at the Pres
byterian church Sunday night at
6:30 o'clock. The topic Is to rii
cussed will be "Does God Guide
People Today." Miss Pauline Champ
lln will lead.
Pleasant Iay Spent
At Home Mrs. Paul Yoctim
A very pleasant day waa spent
Thursday at the home of Mrs. Paul
Yocum of Maple Park Drive, honoring
the birthday of Mrs Geo. Drake.
Covered dish luncheon was enjoyed
at noon. A moonshine cake, baked
by Mrs. George Carver, graced the
center of the table. After luncheon
many lovely gifts including a Friend
ship quilt were received by Mrs.
Those present were Mrs. Geo. Drake.
Mrs. Walter BurdeH. Mrs. Clarence
Mathes, Mrs. A. L Boone. Mrs. Ches
ter Pursell. Mrs. Lee Hedepeth, Mrs
Geo. Garver. Mrs. James McNeill, Mrs
Lawrence Luy, Mrs. Havoe Davis and
the hostess Mrs. Paul Yocum.
Medford, to meet with them Mon
day. April 1, for 1 o'clock luncheon
was unanimously accepted.
Mrs. Gay Husband reported the
drapes made and ready to be hung
in the chapter room. These- drapes.
are beautifully made and Mrs. Hus
band was given a rising vote ol
thanks for all her work. In her re
sponse Mrs. Husband invited the
members to meet with her for the
April meeting.
To Mlsa Alice Hanley. past presi
dent, fell the honor of presenting
these drapes to Nevita chapter at
their next regular meeting as a gilt-
from the past matrons.
At a late hour the ladies departed.
voting this one of the happiest meet
ings of the club. t
Books Reviewed on
Missionary Program
The social meeting of Women's
Missionary society of the M. E.
Church, South, was held at the par
sonage Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. W.
C. McCuiston was leader.
"The Gospel Trails" was the sub
ject for afterncon study. "The Old
Gospel Trail," a story of the work
of William McKendrles and co-workers
carried on between 1790 and
1835, waa also studied.
Mrs. Patterson gave a review of
the work of Tobias Gibson in the
samps of Mississippi. Mrs. McCuis
ton gave a talk on stewardship.
The New Gospel Trails." given oy
Mrs. D. Bills, dealt with the changed
aspects of Home Missions. ''Barriers
to Be Removed." by Mrs. Rice; Trie
Difficulty of the Task," by Mrs. Al
bright, and "The Christian Responsi
bility." by Mrs. Oatman. brought out
the contrast between the old and the
new work.
There was a large attendance. Re
freshments were served by the hos
tesses. Mrs. Rice and Mrs. McCuiston.
chorus, T.nker Song" and
Glory." Mins by ihe Jarit.vnviUe
Grange Mens choais.
Violin duet, "Hungarian Dance"
and "Cradle Song," by Misses Nola
Hardwood and Olive Eldrixipe, accom
panied by Miss Corinne Hardwood;
chonw. 'Sweetest Story Erer Told"
and "Home on the Range." by the
Jacksonville Grange Glee club; vocal
solo, '"God Touched the Rose";' "Your
Birthday," by Mrs Catherine Wendt.
accompanied by Mrs. Mabel Sims.
Odd Fellows and their wives and
husbands of Rebekaha were invited
guests for the evening. Refreshments
in keeping with St. Patrick's day we re
served in the banquet hall by the
committee in charge.
Three Honored At
Progressive Dinner
On Friday Evening
A lovely birthday party and pro
gressive dinner was given in honor of
Mrs. M. L. Daily. Mrs. J. D, Shaffer
Card Party Will
Aid Lunch Room j
A bviiefit card party, proceed c-f
which will go to the school kitchen of ;
Lincoln school, will be held Friday,
March 37, at 7:30 p. m. in the lunch
room at Lincoln school.
A nominal fee of 25 cents will be
charged which will include refresh
ments. There will be tables for bridge
pinochle, and Jive hundred. Prizes
will be awarded.
Anyone wishing to mtjtff rrserrs
tions should call Mrs. A. B. Shirley,
Seion TaMes tn Plav
At T. H. Newhtrom Hwiiv.
Mrs. Lloyd Gaatejibeln Mid Mrs
T. H. Newstrom were Joint hostesses
Wednesday afternoon, at th home
of Mn. Newstrom, 720 West 11th
Following a dainty dessert lunch
eon very ple&wwit Umt en
Joyed at cards with seven tables in
play. Htph, score in brtdpe as
awarded Mrs. Gale. In five hundred
Mrs. Cttace Waketteid won high, scow.
Fat Hose that Wew buy
Ethelwyn B Hoffmann
Bring in yur oJd- gala. 1 py i.h
top cash price. Government Li
cense." Johnson the Jeweler
For a Modern Shave Try the
It saves time offers relief from nicking,
improves the skin and beard and (jives
complete shaving satisfaction.
T -tiiiiiii-tTn r in 'i i
, Activities of
Legion Auxiliary
What the Girl
Scouts Are Doing
Girls' Community club orchestra :
will meet for practice Monday evening
at 7:30 in the living room of the
and Mrs. A. B. Culy Friday evening. Girls' Community club on North
at the homes of Drs. Carlow, Mr. and ! Bartlett. Twelve members so far corn-
Mrs. W. D. Roberts, and Mr. and Mrs.
M. E. Coe.
Lovely fruit cocktails were served at
the home of Drs Carlow, then the
guests were Invited to the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Roberts. There the host
and hostess served a delicious salad
course, after which they were invited
to the home of Mr. and Mrs. Coe for
the next course. There they we e
served meat, vegetables and hot rolls.
The honor guests were then invited
to return to the Crlow home for des
sert, which was cake and coffee.
When they entered the reception
hall they were greeted by 40 of their
friends, whom the Drs. Carlow had
invited for dessert.
While the guests were talking it
-as discovered that oeveral had birth
days in March, and these were given
places, at the table with the honor
guests. The table was decorated with
lovely spring flowers. After dessert
the guests enjoyed a social evening
' and music.
prise the orchestra but any girl Inter
ested may still avail herself of the
opportunity of Joining. "
The new music has arrived and
there will be intensive practice for
the initial appearance of the orches
tra during "Music Week."
Regular social meeting will be held
Monday evening at the home of Mrs. j
Mazle Daily at Hillcrest Orchards. 1
DeVoe's on West Main and the East
Side Pharmacy on East Main have
been designated as the meeting places
for those who wish transportation.
Tho meeting will be at 7:45 o'clock.
The annual Easter Monday ball will
be held April aa.
Pythian slaters
Olve Birthday Party
A birthday party was held Wednes
day evening by Pythian Sisters of
.Talisman temple for Sisters Lillian
Moffett and Emma Jeschke. both or
whom brought pennies for the birth
day fund.
After the temple meeting a birth
day table was arranged in the main
hail, beauuiuuy aecoratea wun large
boutiuets of sweetpeas, pink candles
nnd birthday cakes. Members and
Knights sang "Happy Birthday to
You", accompanied by Miss Cecil Sul-
Ivan at the piano.
It was decided to have a birthday
party at the last meeting of every
month. The next meeting. April 3,
will be a regular social night.
Expert, Economical
Mattress Making
Flower's Mattress Shop
409 V.. Main Tel. MS
Will Ite flu I) Hostess.
Chapter AA. P. E. O., will meet
with Mrs. R. B. Hammond, 205 Cra
ter Lake a vcti tie. Wednesday after
noon at 1 o'clock. Mrs. W. E. Tumy
will be assistant hostess. Mrs. E. E.
Kelly will have charge of the program.
Nu-Way Cleaners
Specializing in
Knitted Garments
New and Old
4(1 S Central Tel. 1216
Savings in
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This is Why :
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5. We offer four different
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Write or call for free booklet
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Phnn. I'l-,
Tlilriy-flve Enjoy
Alpha itcUa Party
Alpha Delta class of the Christian
church met in the recreation room
for a business meeting and St. Pat
rick party. Thursdny.
A very pleasant social hour and
dainty refreshments were enjoyed by
about thirty-five members and
friends. ,
Mrs, KdltU Uerlt
To Be Club Host ess
Chrysanthemum Thimble club No.
223. Neighbors of Woodcraft, will
meet at the home of Neighbor Edith.
Beck, 524 Sotith Grape street, for a
social evening.
Thursday, March 28. all members
are to dress as "kids" and to re
member their "P-nut-slster" with a
gift. All members are urged to at
tend. They will begin at 7:45..
Mrs. Heath WW
Kntertaln Auxiliary
The Woman's Auxiliary of the St
Marks church will meet at the home
of Mrs, F h. Heath on East Main ;
street Tuesday afternoon. Study !
meetings will continue weekly dur
ing Lent. i
Pccaliontas Lodge
Plan Haw-f Friday.
A dance is announced for Friday.
March 29. given by Pocahontas Jodg
at the nedmen hall on Apple street.
Member and their invited friends
are a.;ked to attend and spend an
enjoyable evening of dancing. The 1
Dickeys will furnish the music.
Weatnnkii Council Has
Past Pocultontus Mht.
Past Pocahontas night was held j
by Weatonka council Friday. The I
stations were filled by the following !
past officers : Carrie Mllnes, Poca
hontas; Bernlce Wilson, prophetess;
Wllma Hayes, Wenonah, and Qtis
Hubbard, Powahatan.
Birthdays for the month were ob-
served and those receiving gifts ware
Harriet Watson Dorothy Watklns,
Sarah Tolle, Leda Nordquist, Ruth
Walley, Rose Stnglcr, Mildred Ward
and LeRoy Stagg.
Following the business hour a so
cial card party was held with high
prizes In bridge going to Nellie Pur
din and Jack Dooms.
Low scores were received by Carrie
Mllnes and Nate Thornton. In pino
chle high prizes went to Gladys
Dooms and William Mllnes and low
scores were held by Velma Slngler
and LeRoy Stagg.
Refreshments were served by Ber
nlce Wilson, Juanlta Thornton and
Walter Wilson.
Next Friday night, March 2D, the
team captain. Jack Dooms, has an
nounced Initiation and lodge will
begin promptly at 7:30 p.m. The
attendance gift will also be presented.
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