f I DFOKD MATL TOTBUNE. MEDFORD, OREGON, DIRECTOR, STARS OF FILM WIN ANNUAL AWARD a, 4 t 1 XaAv h K . laaJiL-ViiWir-j-K) fflfriMtia- r I lli ii -ntirf'l For their re:?ct.ve Aork in "It Happened 0n Night," Director Frank Capra, Claudette Cslbert and Clark G-ble received the Academy of Motion Picture! Arta and Sciences awards in Hollywood. Gable Is shown (top, center) receiving his trophy from Irwlrt S. Cobb (right) as Lionel Barrymore (left) looks on. Lower left: Director Capra and his award. Claudette Colbert (lower right) receiving the prize from Shirley Temple. The film was given the highest cinema award for 1934. (Associated Press Photos) THEY'RE THE TOPS' OF ELIGIBLE MILLIONAIRE MALES n&frf- y WOOLWOETH MICHAEL PHIPPSB t&fJT ' Jdm&mm ' It ?A iSt! i&y&A ,. ui t.-: I ALFRED GEORGE f' ' "f nWT vT1 i VAMDEEBILT - VANDEEB1LT I-1$ f tf( ri'jtfi-sri v j? - s w"! ,'."4 4jt - 4 jj 7r I DREAMS COME TRUE FOR ALASKAN COULDN'T STAND RICHES f Wora Engeli (above), German icreen actress, has gone to Erv senada. Men., to await a German 3U0ta number, so she can reenter the United St.ites to seek American ftizenshfp. She was ordered to lave the country after several ex nsions had been qranted on her ia. (Associated Press Photo) it Wf L.'l ., . t-J- . . w t i; m 'rill . ' '', MIX u uC3LBl V. V r-3 . V J-fl A wish of Martin Itzen, owner and operator of the only street car and undertaking parlors In Skagway, Alaska, was fulfilled In Holly wood when he met Mae West, film actress. The Alaskan Is shown at the rc.ir of his "street car", which he took to Hollywood, with ths actress. (Associated Press Photo) Cast suddenly rrom extreme poveny as a -snnawicn - board mn to comparative wenlth when hs was rewarded for finding $42,000 in negotiable securities and returning them to the proper owner, Frank Gregen. New Yorker, Went Insane. Crying he was "God," ho shouted he could kill a nerson with "a look." He turned his gaze on Michael Gryzwacz and Gryzwacz dropped dead. Physicians said Greges' ays tern was unable to stand the rich foods he began eating. The 67 year old street plodder Is shown (left) In his original lowly station In life, and (right) after ho was rewarded with 1 lob In a brokerage firm. CO-F.DS R"DE TANDEM ON AQUAPLANE $r mpjh J 1 ft r- I if i 'If r(rv &2 Slvfe4 "; These three men are the busiest In the J" . world, says Frank O. Salisbury, British . , i . j X-7JX' v portrait artist who painted them all. . i I 1 V W ' He nominated King George V of England V f '"'"! Prmlr Benito Mussolini of f " ? ll f Italy (conter)i and President Roosevelt ' ., , ( "i ) V v (right), "a remarkable personality." (As r ' jf, JV S fift ?'iV : 1 Bfe sociated Press Photos) t, an' ' , , Vm MtfrH .fcr:-..- IMPERIAL VALLEY POLICE TRY OUT GAS ON SELVES There's a distinct scarcity of eligible young men with a bank roll of proportions. The above young men are about the cream of the dollar princes that match the bevy of millionaire heiresses who would follow the old adage of "money marries money." There are the two Vanderbllt boys, George and Alfred, sons of the late Alfred Gwynne Vanderbilt; the Donahue brothers, Jlmmle and Woolvorth, heirs to Wool worth money; and Michael Phipps, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Phipps of Pittsburgh, New York and Palm Beach, and a polo star. (Associated Press Photos) GOVERNMENT OFFICIALS SEE 'BABY BONDS' PRODUCED 1 These mermaids believe it Is more fun to ride two to an aquaplane Instead of the usual one for each. Left to right: Ardis Waldelleh. Sherrlll Rice, Barbara Knox and Barbara Pearman are riding off Catallna Island In Southern California. (Associated Press Photo) YOUNGER GENERATION CARRIES ON . v ..4, . ' . '. 1 4 i, .' V f .1 V3l-frfl v its. 1 f-TM - ' k ir y . tst "- i m t 1 saw 4,2' vh. - z , , J 1 In a tear gas demonstration at El Centro, Cat., center of the Imperial Valley lettuce strike, peace offi cers on duty tried the effect of gas on themselves. Police are shown scurrying from a bursting bomb. The experiment was made to learn the effects of gas on individuals and Its value as a mob disperser. (Associated Press Photo) DANCER FIGURES IN DIVORCE TANGLE ' mi i 1 1 "i ' Off To Orient M-IULUJLJ, i . J.l IIM,, All. J sfmm ft-!.'- J' - if ft &,&&3.i4 ? ii r a 1 :;vr , ,tr.:m Treasury offic a!s v.ent to the bureau of engraving (n Washington, D. C, after the Supreme Court upheld the government in Cause legation, to see the first "baby bonds" rolled off the presses. Be sides r.l,i;-,jicrite Winkcln-.an, employe of tht bureau of engraving, the interested persons were ileft to nghti S:;-eUry f.. orgt.-.'.i'.au. Durenu D. rector A. W. Hall, Acting Budget Director D. W. Bill, Assistant Treasury Secretary L. W. Robert and Undersecretary T. J. Coolidgs. (Associated Press Photo) Fathsr may be famous his name may glitter in the bright lights along Broadway or his fact may provide laughs for millions of movie fans but daughter Isn't doing so badly either. Several daughters of famous fathers and notJb'e mothers of the stage and screen are reach ing toward stardom of their own right for example, Carol (above, left) and Dorothy (lower left), daughters of Fred Stone: Ethel Barry more Colt (above, r.glt, daughter of Ethel Earimore; and Mary Rogers (lower, right;, daughter of the Inimitable Will. (Associated Press Photos) Almee fremple MsPhearsae, b.e AAgeles eva-sjJw, faVraig he twenty-fifth &mxwry In thl ministry by a fettr menths mission try tour to the Orient as she left Seattle, Was, (Associated Prssi Photoi Suzette Tobey (right), a dancer, who once directed a heart t. :.n suit against Walter Emerson, acto'r-wrlter, in a Los Angeles court with Mrs. Jana Scholtz Emerson, for whom the was expected to testify in .he contested divorce ease of the Emersons. The case, being heard be fore Judge Ben Lindsay Involves the Barton Sewells. Emercon, In hit action, named Sowell co-respondent and in a counter-action Mrs. Emer. on fumed Mn, Sowoll tf:rup9ntlQV tA.MvCia.Hd Preie Photg)