PAGE TWO fEDFORD MATL TRIBUNE. MEDFORO, OREGON, SUNDAY, MARCII 17, 1935. IIIIUIIIIIIIIIIIUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIi 4111111111111 I "ii, H.""l llu"Ulp In I !.",iiiiiiiiiiiiiinn' Iin"r I III..'' Mill .("III,, ::iiiii IIIUUIUIIUIUIIUMIUUIIIIIIlll ;;' ,p;::!;:M;:!i::.!r.-:i::ii"'!r.i:si;::'i':;;;;..!!":.:r-!:::'u:r! .iiill1"-"""'!!!!. .f,mu"" i .mniii. -"Hill' nrn. 1miinliimiinniiHiuitiiion,m .iiii"'" '""I.. ..-"iiiii Jiiiirr iiiii,...- ''i .ll1 i.. !. hi-)" Hi miiiiii ;;:::::;;;;u.ii Open House Today To Begin Activities Of New Town Club With the beginning of spring so cial activities, the opening of the new Town club at 1000 West Main street 1b expected to provide a popu lar center for the many teas, lunch eons, bridge parties and dances that are anticipated during the months to follow. The first club function will be the open house today from 4 to 8 o'clock Those In charge welcome everyone to visit the clubhouse, which was for merly the University club. The club was opened Friday after noon for a bridge luncheon at which Mrs. Rychen Paddock and Mrs. Ern est Arthur were the hostesses. The club rooms were decorated at tractively with spring flowers and each table was decorated with an In dividual corsage of rosebuds and vio lets. St. Patrick's day was a motif. Eight tables were In piny, with high scores going to Mrs. David Yale and Mrs. Frank Perl. The guests were: Me&dames A. J. Hauk, Ernest Scott, W. S. Thurlow, J. F. Fllegel, Henry Fluhrer, Olen Jackson. K. W. Kcndrlck, Edwin Dur no, Robert Hart, Justin Smith, Er nest Barnes, Bert Lagewn, A. F. West, A. Cleves, C. Olen Smith, Don New bury, C. Drummond, John Moffatt, O. O. Morrow, h. L. Sanders, Perl. Robert Norrls, Jack Porter, Yale, Ice land Clark, H. Bengtaon. D. T. Wil cox, Foster Cone, Bruce Bauer, H. F. Ford, J. F, Wallace and Verna Bur ton. ,. Parent'Teachers' Council to Meet With Mrs. Swem The Mod ford Council of Parent- Teachers will meet Tuesday at the home of Mrs. Jack Swem, 38 Ross Court. Mrs. Swem, vice president, will preside during the business ses sion. A very Interesting program Is anticipated. Mrs. Jack Heyland, state vice presi dent from this district, has Just re turned from Portland where she at tended a state board meeting of the congress. Bhe will dismiss planB for the state P.-T. A. convention, the dates for which have been definitely et for Oct. 31 to 34. The Med ford council Is arranging a caravan to Crater lnke for delegates and guests at the convention. Mrs. Heyland will also give a re port of the Home Extension confer ence held In corvallls In February. Others who attended the conferences were Mrs. Effle Adams, Mrs. Mary E. Chaney, Mrs. James Hoey and Mrs. Wnyne Keesee. The rnport of the rummage sale, which was successfully held In the Sparta building last week, will be given by the general chairman. The meeting, to be In form of a covered dish luncheon, will begin promptly at one o'clock. Eacli member Is requested to be present as the election of a nominating committee will take place. The Jackson unit will be hostess and asks members to bring their table service. Mrs. Cribble New Chairman of Circle Metrit t Circle of the Presbyterian church met Tuesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. C. C. droves, 607 South Holly. A delicious 1 o'clock lunch eon was served by a committee of six. Regular business session follow ed the luncheon, during which offi cers were elected for the ensuing yenr: Mrs. J. E. Orlbble, chairman; Mrs. James Taylor, vice chairman; Mlsa Ellzaheth McKay, secretary; Mrs, R. 8. Daniels, treasurer. The following were appointed: De votional chairman, Mrs. Walter Fra ler Brown; program chairman. Mrs. B. Fober; publicity chairman, Mrs. R. R. Johnson. The circle is invltfd to the home of Mrs. C. T. Sweeney for the April mretlng. - H'rnnnah Club Pinna Card Party ThnrMliiy. The regular aorlnl card party ol Wenonah club will be held at the home of Huldnh Thurmnn, 723 West 14th street Thursday afternoon, , March 31. at 3 o'clock. MM Mm Club i Meetlnc I' n Joy rd Mistletoe club met Wednesday afternoon at the cheerful rooms of thn Olrlft Community club with Neighbor JeMle Lang as hostess, as sisted by her committee. Neighbors Cora Lewi, Besste Dewey and Mnudie LoveU. The latter wa substituting for Neighbor Edith Deck, who in visit ing her d'tughtrr lAMutle at Mills college In Oakland. Cal. Occupying prominent places were vanes of lovely spring flowers enbane- lng the attractiveness of the assembly mom. Kicnour uianya tinman was re- ported as very HI at her home. Frede rlcka Olascock. who has been absent from th meetings a long time be fiiiw of Illness, was welcomed. Miss Alice Enpllah, a guest, delightfully entertained with two readings. Twenty-seven members and eight visitors were present. The committee served dainty re- ji..jnucuia carrying uie colors lug- grstlvo of St. Patrli'k'a Day. I ANNIVERSAY SALE COMMUNITY CHINA You ave $10 to $30 on complete ser. vices, and 25 on open stock pieces. For a limited time only! REPORTS OF ENGAGEMENT FLY iv . i it p --r si 7. "V V . - -M r . .11 1 'A A K ' V Report, that Everett Sander, (left), eecretary to the lata Calvin Coolldge, and Mn. Grace Coolldge (right), the former President'! wife, were engaged to marry were circulated among frlenda of the couple, although John Coolldge, ion of the late President, denied that the rumor, were true. (Aaioclated Preia Photos) Dinner and Dance Enjoyed by Forty At 'The Colonial' Officers of the Medford CCC dis trict headquarters tttaff and their staff enjoyed an Italian dinner dance Friday evening at The Colonial. The Italian dinner was served In cabaret style during the evening with danc ing between the courses. There were 40 present, Hosts and hostesses were Capt. and Mrs. John P. Merrill, Lieut, and Mm Charles H, Joffress and Lieut, and Mrs. Wm B. Clegg. Russia Is Subject of Post Delphians At Study Meeting Post Delphians club held an Inter esting study meeting at the Girls' Community club rooma, March 14, with Mrs. Laura M. West, president, presiding. Mrs. Rawles Moore, the guest speaker, gave a greatly appreci ated talk on Russian composers and music. She traced the music from the earl iest period and gave an Interesting account of the leading representatives of the dlflerent periods. Her talk was followed by two piano numbers by her daughter, Miss Mart an Moore. "Spinning Song" by You feroff and "Russian Dance" from the Nutcrarkfr Suite by Tchlnkowskl. Mrs. Lenuid Mentzer gave a review of the book by Alexander Wlcksteed. She said the author spent 10 years In educational work In Russia, The speaker brought out various polnU of Interest In the book such aa the many nationalities of the country, differ ences In the languages and standards of living, lack of working material, the scant knowledge of machinery, and the lack of clothing, food and other necessities. Mrs. Mentzer said the five year plan Is no longer an object of ridicule. Members of the club said the review gtven by Mrs. Mentzer was very interesting. Mr. Frank Newman reviewed the book "And Quiet Flows the Don," by Mikhail Shotokhov. She pointed out that the author takes up the subject from the south central portion of Russia and deal chiefly with the Cossacks. The book Is divided into the following divisions, the speaker said: First, the peace period before the World war; second, the World war period: third, the revolutionists against the czar; and fourth, the civil war following the revolution. Mrs. Newman said the author deals with the nome and family life, econo mic .system, education, military equipment, and war service, snd gives many Interesting phases of life of that Motion of Russia. Mrs. New man s study showed careful prepara tion and discrimination of subject matter. The following books were recom mended to the club members by Mrs. West: "Riding the Tls'er" by Harry Carr; "Peace and Honor" by A. A. Milne: "Cry Havoc" by Ueverlv Nich ols; "The fled Network" bv EliwihMh Ollllng; -While Rome Burns" by Wcolcott; "Heaven Mv Destination" by Thornton Wilder, and "Goodbye, .r. tmps- Dy jiimea Hilton. Offli-rr of Royal " . I Nelghlinrn to Meet Hoyal Neighbor officers are request- led to meet at K. P. hall. Monday jafternoon at 3 30 to practice for work jut the Central Point rally Friday eve- mng. Church Young People Plan Cntlejti.ite social The: will be a social, sponsored by the Young Peoj-.lea Endeavor of the First Christian church. Friday eve ning. Mim-h 33 in the recreational hall of the church. It Is to be In the form of a collegiate party. All young people above high school age are In vlted to attend. 3Lji ,.r-,.Jmr:. Olive Rebekahs Will Observe Anniversary Olive Rebekah Lodge No. 28 will hold Its regular business and social meeting Monday evening. March IB. at 7:30 p.m.. at I. O. O. F. hall. The lodge will observe Its 48th anniver sary at this time. A very Interesting program has been arranged by Mrs. Minnie Bryant and her committee. All visiting Rebekahs, Odd Fellows nnd their wives, and husbands of Rebekahs are invited, and all mem bers are urged to attend. Refreshments will be served by the committee. Mary ami Martha Circle Meets Tuesday The Mary and Martha circle of the First M. E. church Aid society will meet at 3 p. m. Tuesday, March 10. at the home of Mrs. Eva McNary, 323 North Central street. Vont Matrons Plan Card Party Wednesday Past Matrons club of Reames chap ter Is giving a card party for the pub lic Wednesday, March 30, In the De Molay hall of the Masonic tempi. Play will begin at 3 o'clock, with both contract and auction bridge. Prizes will be given and refreshments will be Berved. Chrysanthemum Circle Will Meet on Wednesday Chrysanthemum circle No. 84 will meet Wednesday night, March 20 at 7:30 in the I. O. O. F. hall. A social hour will be followed by refreshments. All members are urged to be present. Members are urged not to forget the meeting In Ashland Monday night, March 18. Mm. Rlchurd Deitiiiuii . Curnutlon Club Hostess. Carnation club met March 14 at the home of Mrs. Richard Denman with a good attendance. Refresh ments were served by the hostess. the table decorations being daffodils and shamrocks. Mrs. John Hubler of 850 East Ninth street will entertain the Car nation club on April 11. Miss Culy Klertrd lly Sin lp Missionaries The, Circle Missionary society of the Christian church held its regular monthly meeting Tuesday at the church, in form of a potluck dinner. About forty members of the Circle society and the Hl-Trlaugle were in attendnnce and an Interesting meet ing as well as a social was enjoyed, with Adrian Fraley acting as toast master. Neal Curry. Dorothy Culy. and Mrs. A. H. Gregory who attended the World Fellowship meet at Portland gave reports on the work that took place there. The Medford group was pleased to learn that Miss Culy had been elected state secretary for the j society for the ensuing year. The I group was also awarded a book as j prize a. the convention for having the best poster and this was present ed to the society at the meeting. Frmancnl: 5hampooin MEDFORD SCHOOL OF BEAUTY CULTURE rilONE s. 410', K.t Main Mertfnrd Permanent Waves .00 Finger Wave 25c Comb Wave 25C Shampoo Hot? Haircut . Marcel ... 25C Manicure .J5 Eye Brow Arch.... 2.")" Scalp Treatment 50c Hot Oil 50C Facials 50c ENROLL NOW Class starting April 1. No down payment. Pay as you learn. Students Arriving From College For , Spring Vacations The moat optimistic declare that spring has arrived and with It are many students from Oregon State cellege. University of Oregon and other coast schools to spend the short spring vacation at their homes. Ac tl vl ties of school will again become the talk of the town and It la antici pated that there will be much en tertaining among the younger set during the next two weeks. Students from Oregon State col lege are already arriving, many hav. lng completed their examinations In time to make the trip home over the week end. Others will arrive Tuesday, when examlntalons close. Later In the week students from University of Oregon will arrive, their examinations . complete Friday. The respective vacations will last approxi mately a week. Among those who will arrive from University of Oregon are Max Carter, Dick Sleeeter,' Jeanne Qulsenberry, Marshall Oray, Ona Hendrickson, Bill Prentice, Bob Prentice, Harold Bar ton, Bill Cunningham, Tom Fuson, Tom Em mens, Dick Reum,' John Orlbble, William Estill Phlpps, Paul Wilson, Thelma Hayes, Mary, Bertha and Frances Arnsplger, Durward Oass, Sam Kroschel, David Lowry, Wayne Lowry. From Oregon State college among those who are returning are Wlldon Colbaugh, Earl Llttrell, Marjorle Phythlan, Barbara Jean Field; Suzette Stennett. Gertrude and Margarlte Boyle. Melvln Anderson, Sybil Jean Young, Arnold Young. Robert Mlnear, Elizabeth Esson. Genevieve DeVaney, Robert Kroschel, Evelyn Leonard. Jean Woodford, Ruth Reed. Glenn Slmklns, Leneve Blmklns, Mary Van Dyke, LaVon Dunford. Mary Loutse Elrod,- Evelyn Grlmmett, Edwin Clemments, Ruby Stone, Frederick Younger, Floyd Loomls. Among those attending University of Washington who are expected to return are Tommy White, Harold Ge Bauer, Winifred Jones and Janet Wray Smith. Fidelity Circle " Meets on Tuesday Fidelity Circle of the First Metho dist church will meet with Mrs. Albert Anderson on Ross Lane, Tues day, at 3 o'clock. F. L. Club Has Enjoyable Party F. L. club held an enjoyable card party Monday evening at the home of Mrs. George Laid ley. 513 West Second, with Mrs. Jean Jennings In charge. Twenty members were present. 4-f Wednesday Study Club Will Meet on March 30 Wednesday Study club will meet March 20, it was announced for pre sentation of an Interesting program. A book review, "The New Democra cy," by Harold L. Ickes, will be given by Mrs. B. G. Harding. Mrs, C. A. Meeker will give another book review and current events will be given by Mrs. h, E. Williams. Chiiirh Auxiliary Has Missionary Meet. The Ladles Auxiliary of the First Baptist church held a combined business and missionary meetlne Tuesday at the home of Mrs. R. S. Wilder, 713 Alder street. The presi dent, Mrs. R. L. Hague, presided. ine meeting opened with the song. Leaning on the Everlasting Arms." The 10th chapter of Romans was read, followed with prayer by Mrs. L. H. Knox. After a short business session the missionary chairman. Mrs. E. E. Wtlson, took charge ol the following program: Roll call was answered with some Item of interest concerning the Jews. Romans 15th chapter and 7th verse was read, and a very inspiring tnlk on fellowship was given, followed with prayer by Mrs. Wilson. Seng, "Must Jesus Bear the Cross Alone?" Home study. "Orientals in America." Mrs. Wilson; Chimes work. Mrs. Ed Brock: Some Facta About the Work. Mrs. Boshears; foreign study. "Schools for Japan." Mrs. Ely: Hi nor mo to Girls' School. Mrs. Sten- r.erson; Kindergarten schools, Mrs. Shaffer: Young Women's Dormitory. Mrs. Hogue: The Mlutka Tabernacle. Mrs. Les?er; The Country Gospel Schools. Mrs. Crawford: Prayers, Mcs dames Ety. Hogue and Wilson: song. we ve a story to Tell"; closing prayer. Mrs. Stlckland. Look in old Jenrlrr boxri and cabinet and collect the piece of old mld. Yon mil prohfit.l he nir(r.eil at the number f plus, earring. Hut, watth , chain, etc.. jnu n 111 find. HrhiK them to tropin's and rrceUe hlcueM cah prtcei In return. Do Not Sell YOUR Old Cold to STRANGERS Government License No S 1C 2f3 St. Patrick Party Crater Guild Plan Crater Lake Oulld will have a St. Patrick's party M:nday evening t the home of Mrs. Fred P. King, 304 North Ivy street. To add to the fun of the occasion all members are asked to come in costume, prefer ably Irish, and a prize will be given for the cleverest one. Mrs. C. W. Spencer and Elsie Bashaw will be assistant hostesses. Oregon State Club Plans St. Parick's Party M onday Eve All members of the Oregon State club and alumni, and students of Oregon State college who are home for spring vacation, are Invited to the Oregon State club party to be held Monday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Perl, 311 North Oakdala. The occasion for the party Is St. Patrick's day. Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Relchsteln, Mr. and Mrs. Guy Phette plaoe and Mr. and Mrs. Ted GeBauer will be the committee In charge. Past Nobles Hold Anniversary Meet When Past Ncble Grand club met at the home of Mrs. Orace Hamlin Thursday evening. March 14, the club observed its eleventh anniver sary In an appropriate manner. Mrs. Turner, first president of the club, opened the meeting. Minutes of the 1024 meeting were read and eight past presidents answered roll call with fitting remarks. Mrs. Mar gery Pearson, president of the club, presided over the business session. The social hour, with Mrs. bub Rogers as chairman, assisted by Mrs. Minnie Bryant and Mrs. Julia Greg ory, was in keeping with the St. Patrick's day season. Each past -president was presenter a dainty corsage, and a fitting trib ute was paid each past president In turn. Mrs. Hamlin, assisted by Mrs. Car rie McDannels and Mrs. Ethel H:g- glnbotham. served delicious refresh ments with St. Patrick's day motif, to 36 guests. The next meeting of the cam win be at the home of Mrs. Elsie Mil la April 11. Lady ElkH Plan Meeting Tuesday Lady Elks will meet at the eiks- temple at 3 o'clock Tuesday for bridce. uool and bowling. All Lady Elks are urged to attend. Mrs. Bliss Will Entertain Circle Queen Esther circle of the First Methodist church will be entertained at the home of Mrs. M. A. Bliss. 313 South Grnpo street Tuesday, March 10, at 2 p. m. All members are asked to attend. Matlrlsnl Dnh C.hes Numbers nt LokIiui Dance Madrigal club presented several numbers at the anniversary party given Friday nliht at the K. P. hall by the American Legion which were very well received. The chorus is comprised of a num ber of trained sinners who have been rehearsing since Octobsr and are plan ning to give a concert at a future date. The chorus meets every Tuesday evening at 7.45 o'clock at the Girls' Community club. -i Job's Daughters Mrs. C'nlla Geer Hostess at Card Mrs. Calla Geer was hostess Friday nfternoon a' a very pleasant benefit card party at her home. High score In bridge was awarded Mrs, Lloyd Gantenbeln with high in five hundred going to Mrs. Averll. A no host com mittee . served refreshments. The rooms were tastefully decorated with daffodils and other spring flowers. Royal Neighbors N ill Have Covered Dish Supper Royal Neighbors will have a covered dish supper for members and their families Thursday evening, March 31, at 6:30 p. m. Following supper a pro pram will be given. All members and visiting members are urged to attend. Each member will provide bread and butter for her own family and a salad and dessert, or a vegetable or other j dish and dessert. I Cash for OLD COLD 4 JEWLLERS HEDfORO ORE. Marriage Miss Mary Adamson to Marvin Albert Held Salem Miss Mary Adamson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Adamson of Sa lem, was married to Marvin Albert, son of Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Albert of this city, in a noon ceremony per formed In the fireplace room of the Presbyterian church at Balem last Sunday. Members of the immediate families attended the wedding. The bride was given away by her father. She was lovely in an old rose ensemble with brown accessories and wore a corsage of rosebuds and fuch sia. Both the bride and the bridegroom graduated from Medford hteh school In the class of 1920. Mrs. Albert at tended the University of Oregon and Mr. Albert the University of Washing ton, where he waa affiliated with PI Kappa Alpha fraternity. Mr. Albert la operator of the Rich field service station at Fourth and Riverside streets. They are homo at 118 Tripp street. Mrs, West Head Of Church Circle A most enjoyable St. Patrick! day luncheon waa served by Sunny 61at?ra circle of the Presbyterian church Tuesday at rhe home of Mrs. George west, with Mrs. Laura M. West. Mrs. Wm. Young. Mrs George Alden. Mrs. A. O. Soderberg and Mrs. Ralph Swee ney assistant hostesses. The tables were attractive with Shamrock decorations and a large centerpiece of daffodlla. Each guest waa presented a shamrock favor In scribed with an Irish verse and an Individual cake. Following the luncheon devotlonals were conducted by Mrs. Elizabeth Burr. The following officer, were elected: Chairman. Mrs. George H. West, vice-chairman. Mrs. Loula Brown, secretary-treasurer, Mrs. Geo. Alden. , Mrs. J. A. Perry will be hosteaa to the circle at the April meeting. Altar Society Meers Tuesday St. Ann'a Altar society will hold lta regular meeting Tuesday In the parish hall, at 3:30. A good attendance la requested. Directors Pntnnni Mertlng Indefinitely The regular meeting of the board of directors of the Girls' Community club that was to have been held Mon day has been Indefinitely postponed. It was announced yesterduy. Presbyterian Mlwlonary Society to Meet Tuesday The Women's Missionary society of the Presbyterian church will meet at the home of Mrs. Ralph Sweeney. 1125 West Main street Tuesday afternoon. March 10. at two o'clock. There will be Installation of new officers, and a report from the delegates who attend ed the Southwest Presbyterlal In Roseburg on Thursday and Friday of last week. Thimble Club Has New Members. Chrysanthemum Thlmblo Club No. 223. Neighbors of Woodcraft, met at the home of Neighbor Stella Ander son Thursday for covered dish lunch eon. Following luncheon the regular ousiness meeting was held. Five new members joined the club. Helen McCabe. Martha Gall, Minnie Green, Thelma Cunningham, Nellie Gibson, Elva Blden and Etta Parker. There were 20 membera present and two visitors. The next meeting Is to be held with Neighbor Edith Beck March 28 All members are asked to dress aa kids" and to remember their p-nut" sisters with a gift. Something New For You In Every Department at ADRIENNE'S CATALINA SWEATERS You never have too many wr;itn. and especially thee unmrt angora In several style. While, can an. furhMa. rose. Mher. jockey red. Con corn" blue and (creen. Sl.95-S3.95-S4.95 Gowns & Pajamas ItrRttlar tallies to S-V9.Y t.otrly itlin garment nllh luce trimming $3.95 Easter Permanents Mflke an appointment at Ttirl nne alon ot Beauty for a I rederic Permanent. Of cour, m will wunt one before rr. Phone 577 Mm Guests Entertained At Williams Home Mra. C. H. WllUama entertained at her home, 724 west llth street Fti day night. In he nor of her niece. Mlaa Viola Penland. of Central Point Three tables of pinochle were in play during the evening, first prize going to Llbby Hamilton, consolation to Norma Holland and low to Doro thy Powell. Refreshments were served at midnight with the tables beauti fully deccra'd to carry out the St. Patrick's day motif. Mrs. Williams was assisted by her daughter. Miss I Id a W llllams. Those enjoying the. evening were the honor guest, Mlea Penland, Nor ma Holland, Zada Cash. Dorothy Powell. Llbby Hamilton and Hazel Stagher of Central Point; Nina Pep per of Talent., Maxlne and Avonelle Clemons. Gertrude and Esther Ami don and Ilda Williams of Medford. Music of Russia Heard at Meeting Travel Study club met In regular session Monday afternoon at the home of Mrs. A. J. Hanby, 43S West Holly street. A program of music by Russian composers was an appropriate closing of the study of Russia. Mra. Rawles Moore, who had charge of this Inter esting and deliehtful program was assisted by Mrs. Elsie Carlton Strang. Misses Marlon Moore and Dorothy Oore. Mrs. Moore, with the ease and sim plicity of the artist. Introduced the program with an authentic account of Russian music from its early de velopment to the present time. The program was: National Hymn. "Song of Russia," an orchestra tion. "On the Steppe," a folk song, ar ranged by Oretcheaninoff, Elsie Carl ton Strang. "Caprlccio.H by Winlenwskl, played by Elman. "A Russian Air," by Rachmaninoff, played by Elman. "Spinning Song." by Youfcroff. "Barcarolle," Marian Moore. "Andante Cantnble," by Tohal kovski. Dorothy Gore. Farewell of Boris," Muworgsky. "The Death of Boris," Moussorgsky. sung by Challiapln. Master Lloyd Bishop Entertains on Birthday Master Lloyd Bishop son of Dr. nnd Mrs. W. G.f Bishop of 16 Glen Oak court, celebrated his second birthday Friday by having a number of his little frirnds as guests. Refresh ments were served late In the after noon. Building Bridge Club llntertfilncd Mrs. J. C. Murray and Mrs. W. Clarkson entertained the Building Bridge club and guests Thursday at luncheon deasert Seven tables of bridge were In play. Mrs. A. F. Sten nett held high score. The place cards were hand decorated in green and white In keeping with St. Patrick's day. Mrs. C. A. Hartley and Mrs. A. W. Graves will be hostesses Thursday at 1:30. March 21, at the Hartley home, 406 West Second street. Just Phone 873 WET WASH 4C Ik In Lots of at Least 13 Pounds American 138 South Central me ai.n Manx' C MANX I new C NJAN Innovation!, Service OTgtffggi'tftT '"' 'imiLLL Comfort 1 I " - f"---" f Mo Coiieil ':'"'" 3 .v J"" I ? Tkt Bl AccommodttiOM - y P TK. fm. M..U ' " Hrf T.k j Skow,. B.,k. il"? v 1 " I J ! ' i C..e.l.t,, l. W., I L-I 1 'k Z , I ' AtT..CV,KJOM, "ij I JVX. , J "x " B t!.-V X"N''10' ottLUNi conn mo - - 1 ? --gk AM'G' u,w' " 0o' lf.jSjHAivtr M. 10 . MNAG.NG.ONs-aSii, HAIVEV M m. U.K...-...'- -5 Wedding of Romona Jackson to Gregory Wood Is Announced The marriage of Mtsa Romona Jack son, daughter of Prof, and Mrs. E. P. Jackson of Corvallls, to Gregory Bur ton Wood, soon of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Douclas of Eugene. In a benuttful cor emny solemnized February 23 at the home of the bride's parents In Cor vallis, was announced here yesterda7 to the Interest of many who hav known Mr. Wood. He is a grandson of Mrs. J. F. Greg ory of Medford and the cousin of Gordon Kershaw, and his mother, Mrs. Douglas, Is a pioneer of Rogue, River valley. Mr. Wood attended! grade school In Medford before mov ing to Corvallls and later to Eugene. Rev. Frank B. Matthews, pastor oX the First Baptist church of Corvallls, performed the ceremony In the pres ence of 75 Immediate relatives and friends. Including a number of visit ing guests. The bridal party was preceded by Mrs. Don Wagner, Mrs. Joa Powell, Miss Frank le Downing and Miss Jen nie Jackson, who carried whlt streamers to form an aisle for the bride and her attendants. Miss Es ther Jackson, sister of the bride, at tended her as maid of honor. Edgar Howard of Portland was best man. The bride, who entered with her father, was lovely in white satin. She wore a tiara of freeslas In her hair and carried a shower of freeslas, rose buds and bouvardla. A reception followed the ceremony and refreshments were served In the dining room, where pink topers and a bowl of pink carnations adorned the table. Mrs. Joe Powell served the Ices and Mrs. Don Wagner cut the bride's cake. Mr. and Mrs. Wood motored to Portland on a brief wedding trip and are now at Eugene, where Mr. Wood is a senior in commerce at the Unl- , verslty of Oregon. Mrs. Wood at- k tended Oreeon State college, as did Mr. Wood during his earlier college j'ears. Wou tonka Council Plniis Entertainment. Next Friday evening Wen tonka council, Pocohontas lodpe. will hold Past Pocohantas niht.. with past of ficers filling the stations. This will be social card party evening for the members, and the birthdays occurlng this month will be cb3erved. V. F. W. Auxiliary To Sponsor Caul Party The V. F. W. Auxiliary will sponsor another of their card parties, next Thursday afternoon, March 21. at the home of Mrs. Etna Wall. 1036 Reddy avenue. Prizes wlil be given and re freshments served. Plr.ying will beg:n at 2 p. m. The public la cordially invited. The V. F. W. Auxiliary gave the lat of their public card parties Thurs day afternoon, at the home of Mrs. . Tom K. Flynn, 219 North OakdaIe. Bridge and five-hundred were played1 and prizes were given. Mrs. Etha Wall won first in bridge with Mrs. Harry R. Ingllng. low. Mrs. Walter Surber won first In five-hundred with Mrs. E. M. Lovell low. At the close of play very deltshtfx refreshments were served by the hostess. In the Gay Nineties THIS wa a smart, fashion able outfit . , , All of the hvst dressed ladles wore them , . . Today, the women romliliie smartness with COM MON sense In their dress conifoit Is considered as well a tU: styles In house work hate aKo changed . . . Common ense again asserts Itself and the wise housewife nvalU her self of our convenient, quirk, ecnnomlral laundry service It saves both money and a day of hard work! Laundry Telephone 873 "iu.uwn