MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE. MEDFORD, OREGON', SUNDAY, MARCH 3. 1935. PAGE NINE I GO CRAW jjvUviVLUl ! i Vtt-li I ami m k. 1 I ft ft IH If . ; A V M A A BW ft 'V'a4 HM VI f! IS Bead every ad D thl page- Vou will probably Una ex actly the thine jron want to buy or Mil- " there, adrertue 1 1 t Inexpensive, effective. RATES per word tint lnsertlun. (Mlnlinum 25c) Each additional Insertion, pet word .... , " - (Minimum tor) Pet line per month without copy changes $1.25 Phone 75 FOB WANT ADS LOST AND FOUND LOST If dog missing, call 1516. LOST Black spaniel puppy named Don. Finder please notify Len Bcott, care J. Smith. Gold Hill. WANTED MALE HELP TEA AND COFFEE ROUTE OPEN. Paye up to $37.50 a week. Write Albert Mills. 7082 Monmouth, Cin cinnati, O. WANTED Farm hand. Board and room furnished. State wage expect ed. Box 498. R. F. D. No. 1. WANTED Partner In placer and quartz mine. Box 4629, Tribune. tft.kvihton We will select several young men to qualify themselves In spare time lor imsiuuiw dlo-Televlslon stations. Men select ed will be trained at our expense until actually employed In oroaa cast field. Must be willing to de vote two hours dally to study and be able to supply own experimen tal materials. Address Television Station W9XAL. Box 4809. Tribune. MALE OR FEMALE WANTED Some one to sell daffodils commission. 616 Norm uentrai. WANTED FEMALE HELP LADIBS copy names, addresses for . mail oraer urms. uoou pay. .Ex perience unneccessary, no canvass ing. Write, stamped envelope. Uni ted rtaverw&iiieS" Jl"aU "-., Brooklyn, N. Y. 15 WEEKLY and your own dresses FREE for demonstrating latest lovely Fashion Frocks. No canvass- i lng. No Investment. Write fully. Give, size and color preference. Fashion Frocks, Dept. S-6313, Cin cinnati, Ohio. need $1660 weekly now. No can vassing, experience or Investment. Harford Frocks, Dept. 1466, Cincin nati. t WANTED Middle-aged practical nurse; 2 In family; no children. Also assist with housework. P. O. Box 482. Gold Hill. WANTED SITUATIONS WANTED Housekeeping, cara of children or elderly people. Civ. home nights. 702 W. Palm. LADY wants housework in congenial home. Box 4843, Tribune. Kindly state wages. WANTED Job of plowing with two teams. Box 4625, Tribune. YOUNG WOMAN," experienced In housework and cure of child ten. would like work by the hour. Call 1393-L. MIDDLE-AGED lady with years of experience wants housework for aged people of pieasant Christian character. Small wages considered. Box 4615, Tribune. WANTED Bv high school pirl, work In afternoons clerical office work or housework. Mall Tribune Box 4819. WANTED Sheep shearing and tag ging. Ted Morava, Central Point. WANTED Care oi sick or any work Mrs. Huson, Phone 1345-M. W ANTED-MISCE.LLAN EOUS WANTED Motor boat, good condl tton. reasonable. Tom Lang, 505 Elizabeth St., Ashland. WANTED TO RENT Small apt. close in. completely furnished, Including linens. Box 484o. Tribune, DO commercial spraying. McGonagle. Phone 258-M. WANTED Electric incubators In good condition. 1021 W. Bin, Med ford. WANTED Coal brooder capacity 1000. Oil burner Incubator capacity 120 to 320. J. H. Stanley, Rt. 3. Medford. WILL pay $50 down for small partly Improved or unimproved acreage "preferably on Beal Lane or Sukc Road. Box 4795, Tribune. HIGHEST PRICES paid lor furl, hides ifnd pelts. Mtrilord Bargain House. 27 N. Grape. Tel. 10C2. INCOME TAX DUE Both state and federal. Have had years of experi ence In preparing returns. 12T7-Y after 4 p. m. Fred L. Calvl. WANTED Household gTvis. voves tools or what have you. Medford Bargain House. 27 N. Orape St. Tel. 10;3. SHEEP WANTED To Buy yri-J! Breeding e-ea Leav. yo ir nur.c snd ad.-lresa st o.-ind Hotel. V. J Philip?', or Joan Rcru. W ANTED-MISCELLANEOUS JUNK WANTED We pay cash tor JUNK BATTERIES AND RADIATORS. ALUMINUM. BRASS. COPPER and Junk of all descriptions. MEDFORD BAROAIN HOUSE 37 No. Grape. Tel. 1063 HAVE HOUSE and living on ranch for neat, reponslole middle-aged couple. Oardenliig, odd Jobs and houseirork. Small salary. Give ref erences In reply. Boa 4630. Tribune. FOR R2NT FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT 3 housekeeping rooma, turn. 306 Cottage. WARM ROOM Separate, entrance. 320 No. Oakdala. ATTRACTIVE rooms. 404 8. Grape. RATES very moderate at 716 E. Main. FOR RENT APARTMENTS NEWLY papered, furnished apart ment, ground floor, private bath, garage, Adulta only. 344 Bo. Grape. FOR RENT Furnished Oakdale. apt. 706 Bo. FOR RENT Furnished apartmenta. Durell court. Phone 1233-W. FOR RENT HOUSES MODERN house for rent In Talent, (800. Call E. C. Gardner, 373-R-3, Ashland. SMALL furnished house. 134 8. Ivy. FOR RENT 4-rm. house after March 10. Partly furnished. 721 Narregsn. 3-ROOM furnished, very Adults. 9 E. Jackson St, FOR RENT Modern W. 4th. home at 1132 FOR RENT unfurnished Homes, furnished or Brown White. FOR RENT APARTMENTS FOR RENT Furnished apt. Light and heat. Adulta. 345 N. Bartlett. FOR RENT Apartments. 334 Apple, COMFORTABLY heated furnished apt. 618 So. Oakdale. FOR KENT MISCELLANEOUS BUSINESS LOCATION FOR RENT At 32 North Grape street. Will remodel to suit tenant, furn ish steam heat if desired. Size 16x60 feet. Will rent or lease at rensonable figure. Call at Mall Tribune (Newspaper) office. FOR RENT OR LEASE My property at 207 South Ivy. CABINS ROR RENT By day. week or month See at Camp Wlthua. N Riverside FOR EXCHANGE 32 REMINGTON special, trade hay. Heltkamp, Bonnett Road. TO TRADE For sedan, lltcht truck, or Improved acreage of 400 value. touring car and improved mineral claim, road, cabin, well, fuel, gar den spot, mall routed i mile to school. Box 164, Jacksonville. FOR TRADE 12-gf.uge Winchester pump gun, for fresh cow. Call 834-J. FOR SALE OR TRADE Equity In 1934 Chevrolet pickup for good dairy cows. Inquire 123 Kenwood. FOR EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE FOR EXCHANGE Modern home, sev en rooms, hardwood finish, select ed district, off Grand Ave., Oak land. Cal. Can be diverted Into set of flats very easily. Will trade for residence or Income property Medford. Box 4816, Tribune. TRADE Well Improved 17 acres, close to Medford. Will assume some In debtedueas. Joe W. Johnson. 2'.i miles north on Old Pacific Hwy. Rt. 2, Box 177, Medford. FOR TRADE; By owner. Ten acres six miles south of Medford, small house, 6 acres under Irrigation, bal ance good pasture or vineyard land Will trade for a good home in Med ford. Will not consider any prop' erty that Is Incumbered. V. J Phillppl, Hotel Grand, Medford. STORE BLDG. & fixtures, clear, for ranch or acreage. 112 E. 12th. FOR EXCHANGE Portland apt. house for Medford residence prop erty or Improved acreage near Medford. Box 3281. Tribune. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE 9 arre ranch. Cash terms. H. Schermerhorn, mile west of Phoenix. FOR SALE 5 -room house with sleep lng porch In Eagle Point. 4 lots, or chard, berries, plenty water for lr Titration. Cheap. All clear. Mrs. E J. Hoagland, Eagle Point. A OOOD BUY 115-ocre stock and ;raln ranch, well Improved, good farming district Price 17.000. Terms. ALSO ' Colonial home and acreage located about 3 miles from Medford; paved hlehway; 3 acres of excellent bot tom land, own pump for Irrigation New. modern 5-room Colonial hone latest in dean an1 modern in con veniences. Ideal for anyone having part time employment In town who Is desirous of havinjr own garden. poultry and a few cows. Total nrire f 3500. Terms CHAHLE3 A WING AGENCY. INC 109 E. .Main St. Phone 738, FOR SALE Modern 4-room home on east side. 8 minutes walk from city center $600 will handle, balance 6rr. Box 4815. Tribune I lOR SALE 1 i, acres, city water. 4 r:n. house. All kinds or fruit snd Er.all'h walnuts. I1000.00. L. O. Plckell. 204 E. Main. OOOD modern city homes, ranches. p.acer mines, building lots. Best b'tvs In So. Orejon. Roberts. 720 W 2nd. FOR SALE OR TRADE Apt. nouae for acre;.ee or property In some other city. 525 No. Riverside. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE OOOD quarts gold mine, cheap. Box 4739. Tribune. HOUSES FOR SALE OR RENTJack aon County Building & Loan Asa'n. Phone 195. WHEN you think ot real estate, think ol Brown & White. FOR SALE 160 acres timber In Jackson countv. Estimated between 4 and 5 million feet, aio.00 acre. P. O. Boi S08, Medford. Phone 7-F-12. FOR BALE By owner Bear Creek bottom garden land, close In, also pear orchard. Phone 1524-L. BROWN & WHITE are offering some of the finest soil In trie Rogue River Valley for sale In tracta of t acres or more, this land haa all the advantages of Irrigation, hlgh wav frontage, and close proximity to Rogue River. Our prices are the lowest in tne history oi tnis vawey Terms are reasonable. Now la tnc time for vou to start acquiring that SUBSIST ANCE HOMESTEAD which most of us dream about. BROWN Ss WHITE REALTORS 104 w. Main, Medford. Phone 130 SEE Charles A. Wing Agency, Inc., to Buy Your Home. FOR SALE POULTRY WHITE Giant and pedigreed Barred Rock hatching eggs, also Young berry and red currant plants. A. E. Walker, Talent. FOR SAL15 3 Buff Cochin Bantam roosters. 28 S. Peach St. CHICKS Leghorn, heavy laying strain. Will trade for cow or year ling. Keller, Jacksonville. CALL DRESSLER'S Square Deal Hatchery chicks And hatching. Have added more apace. Hansen Leghorns, 9c; Rocks and Reds, 10c. Phone 1569-Y. FOR SALE Leghorn hatching eggs, Echo Alford. Phone 19-F-3. SUPERIOR quality chicks for 1035. Heavy laying strains. Large type Hansen stock. White Leghorns 9c; Rocks. Reds 10c. Catalog free. Jenks Hatchery, Tangent, Oregon. FOR TRADE Leghorn hens for good fresh cow. Inquire Box 4604, Tribune. HATCHING EGGS, Plymouth Rock, 60c setting. Tel 015. FOR SALE Baby chicks. Hanson strain from B. W D. tested hens Sparlln's Poultry Farm. Williams Oregon FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES 1929 Ford coupe 1928 Ford coupe 1926 Nash sedan 1027 Dodge truck 1931 Ford truck 1026 Buick sedan 1926 Paige sedan 1926 Olds, sedan Marmon sedan Harley motorcycle 1928 Ford touring 1931 Studebaker sedan WALTER W. ABBEY, INC. 123 S. Riverside Phone 303 USED CAR BARGAINS 1934 Stude. Regal sedan 1934 Plymouth DeLuxe sedan 1929 Ford sedan 1931 Essex sedan SKINNER'S OARAGE Buick, pontlao. Sales, Service GOOD USED CARS Chrysler and Plymouth Trade-Ins. . Thirty-day Written Guarantee. 1929 Chevrolet Coupe. 1933 Plymouth DeLuxe Coupe. 1934 Plymouth DeLuxe Coupe, 1933 Dodge Coupe. 1930 Buick Coupe. 1933 Chevrolet Coupe. 1932 Chevrolet Coupe. 1929 LaSalle Coupe 1933 Plymouth DeLuxe Sedan. 1929 Dodge Sedan. 1931 Chevrolet Sedan. 1930 Chevrolet Roadster. 1930 Chevrolet Sedan. 1032 DeSoto Sedan. 1929 Ford Model "A" Town Sedan. 1932 Plymouth Sedan. 1929 Plymouth Sedan. Also several other older model to choose from. ARMSTRONG MOTORS, INC. 38 North Riverside. FOR QUICK BALE 1929 Dodge coupe; motor first class; good tires; water heater. Owner leaving, take $185. Cash. Also 1928 Whippet coupe; good shspe. Quick sale. 945. Phone 341-J-3. LOOK at all the used cars before you buy. 22 So. Fir. AT A 8ACRIFICE 1934 V-8 Tudor sedan; small mileage. 22 6o. Fir. DON'T FORGET 22 So. Fir for better used car values. BARGAINS every one, at 22 So. Fir. FOB SALE DOGS PETS FOR SALE 8 Cocker Spaniel pups and mother. Reasonable. 15 So. Orange. FOR SALE LIVESTOCK FOR SALE OR TRADE Horses, 1 span mules. Phone 838-R. Med. Riding Academy. FOR SALE; Jersey cows, fresh April. Feeder pigs $8.00. Wanted Two way plow. W. W. Large, Williams, Ore. FOR SALE Several head work horses and mules. Oeorge Hilton, Orsnts Pass. Ore. FOR SALE Team of mares, 8 years old. weight 1700 lbs. Well broken. R. E- Klrkland, 1114 Dolorace St., Klamath Falls. FOR SALE One 3 yr old Guernsey bull. Also one yearling Ouernsey bull. Call 1559. REGISTERED Shropihlre sheep, young rams. L. A. Salsde. Central Point. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS DRV WOOD Blscn oak. man?anlta. Lawel. Sunday please. SIS Pennayl vanla. K and E 1031-L. COMPASS, 125.00. Phone FOR BALE Orchard equipment icood condition for cash aale. L. Salad. Central Point. CULL .Vfwtowns Pinnacle No. 4. for cider, cheap FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE OR TRADE 3" piston pump f30.OO or trade for 3" cen trifugal pump. 3-3 h. p. gas engine 112.00 or trade for Ford. Jersey cow. 2 month old Hereford calf. M0 00 . H. S. Springs. Rt. No. 1, Box 122. Central Point, Old Stage Road. FOR SALE Monarch steel range. Will trade for electric refrigerator or bedroom suite. 414 E. Main. PLACER MINERS see the New Mod si Acme Gold Recovery Unit com plete. Washes a pan per minute. Stamp brings folder. 5218 Sunset Blvd.. Los Angeles, Calif. FOR 8 ALE Red wood poets. Satur day and Monday only. Leas than 10c for 7-ft. lrat come first served: limited stock. Volney Dixon, Nat Bldg., 124 N. Riverside. FOR SALE OR TRADE 3 -wheel trailer. 541 Austin St. 200-OAIAOH sprayer, excellent condi tion. W. J. Freeman, Central Point. SALE OR TRADE Electric Atwater Kent radio. Call 301-R-4. NEARLY NEW Underwood portable typewriter, cheap. Box 4829, Mall Tribune. FOR SALE Show caaes and counters. 223 W. Jackson. FOR SAL1S Choice Gladioli, bulbs. W. J. Warner. Tel 349-M. FOR SALE OR TRADE Newtown cooking and cider apples, cheap. Bring containers. Joe Kantor, Rt. 4, Box 237. MIRRORS made to order; mirrors re- silvered; auto glass installed; brok en windows replaced; store front plate glass, table tops; picture framing. MEDFORD PLATE GLASS CO. 36 8. Bartlett. Phone 446 FOR SALE 34 h. p. gas engine and ceutruugai pump. Address j, a. Hohmann. Jacksonville. FOR SALE Good Newtown apples, 30c box. Pinnacle No. 4. FOR SALE Piano, priced for quick sale. 608 Catherine. FOR SALE Alt kinds extra choice perennials. Low prices. 326 S. Holly. Phone 192-L. TIME TO RE-EIRE GET A FISK None Better None Cheaper SUNRISE SUPER SERVICE 12th at Riverside SPECIAL PRICES on river loam and fertilizer. Garden plowing and lawn work, washed sand, rock, ana pias ter sand Phone 1634-Y or 912-J. FOR SALS! White Bermuda onion plants. Monarch Seed & Feed Co, FOR SALE Super-Phosphate, $26 per ton. Monarch Seed 4c Feed Co, FOR SALE Common alfalfa seed. $19.00 cwt. Monarch Seed & Feed. FOR SALE) Poison oarley. Monarch Seed A; Feed Co. FOR SALE Rose bushes 28c each shrubs 29c. Monarch Seed St Feed. FOR SALE The most complete stock of field seeds In So. Oregon, priced right. Monarch Seed As Feed Co. FOR SALE Kanota seed oats, $1.50 cwt. and oat hay, $7 ton. Isaacs, Crater Lake highway, 3 miles out. FOR SALE Sprayer, Robtson, Talent. 300-gal. J. R. FOR SALE Lime sulphur and Bor do spray. Monarch seed & Feed Co. FOR SALE Hay. E. $10.00 ton. B. Hanley ranch FOR SALE Sulphate of ammonia. $43 per ton. Monarch Seed & Feed FOR SALE Wheat and feed oats. $1.60 cwt. Also 0b horse hay. C A. DeVoe. 623-J-2. Mail Tribune Daily Cross Word Puzzle ACROSS I. Statu ta 4. Lumberman'a half-boot T. American Indian 12. Commotion 13. Artificial lana-uaaa 14. Open vocal tone 15. Mnutaln In Manaachu- setts 1. Mrxlolet! 18. Obliterate L'0. Sour 21. Lana 22. Place of dtfH)M ZS. Simpleton Wading bird 2. John an? Not ao good 32. KarhlonM 33. Hy the aide of 34. Thick 35. Color 6. Mother of Don Juan Termite II. On the ocean 42. Fmlntne nam Solution of Saturday's Puzzle L k L A Mo me N 1 O N. E $ M 0 HS EA!fe E 13. Made tlfrht of 47. Inh.iMtant of: aufflx 41. Rat away 4!. Unit of work ISO. Antique rl. Keitraln K2. Bam of llfht 63, French marnhal !lZZl!I M'l is ii '7 Te 7? SIT 11 21 JF23 24 ZS . '( ll!IZl-Zll!! 3o 3i Vm 3Z Wt r-r 33 mi w ,. 'ft TT 4i "r 43 L p3T 44 46 44 -'yg, 4J I .'Wr ' ' . MISCELLANEOUS MOTORING East. Wilt share expens es and promise to keep alert at the wheel by chewing WrUley's Spear mint Gum while driving. Wise Motorist. BUY - SELL TRADE Guns, sport lug equipment electric refrigera tors store office fixtures. New boats for sale. 317 North Riverside. BUSINESS CHANCES FOR SALE Grocery, confectionery, gss pump. Last year's business 112 000.00. Price S2500.00. L. G. Plckell. 304 E. Main. FOR BALE OR TRADE Auto court and cafe making money. Will take small place near Talent as part, balance easy terms. Talent Auto Camp. FOR SALE Lunch counter, steady trade. 327 So. 6th St. a th Falli. Good Klam- FOR SALE Service station equlp Phone ment and lease of site. 1173 -Y. BUSINESS DIRECTORY JACKSON CO. A11STKACT CO. Abstracts of Title and Title Insurance. The only complete Title System In Jackson County. MURRAY ABSTRACT Co. Abstracts of Title. Rooms 3 and 5, No. 82 North Central, Ave., upstairs. Expert window Cleaners. LET GEORGE DO IT Tel. 1172. House cleaning, floor waxing, ori ental rug cleaning & upholstering. DENTISTRY Dr. Main. I. H. Gove, 325 E. EADS TRANSFER b STORAGE CO. Office 1015 No. central. Phone 315. Prices right. Service guaranteed. HAWLEY TRANSFER Expert pack ers and movers. Special livestock moving equipment. Prices right. 610 North Riverside. Phone 615. Money To Lend MONEY LOANED $50 to $300 for personal or household purposes on House Furnishings or Autos; also Cars Re-flnanccd. Loans closed within 30 minutes, under super vision of the State Banking Dept. License No. 8-167. see w. k, Thomas or E. J. Riley. 46 So. Cen tral. Painting & ruperliunglug. M. A. BLISS Painting & paperhang lng. Tel 646-W. 313 So. Grape. JOHN H. LOCK, painter and decor ator. Quality work. Prices reason able. Res. 124 King St. Call 953-R. WASHINGTON, March 3. (AP) NBA today knocked the price mark up provisions out of the retail lum ber code. W. A. Harrlman, Jr., NRA adminis trative of 11 cor. said that the board hoped this move would stimulate the housing program. The average mark-up the differ ence between cost to the dealers and their selling prices since last June has been 20 per cent. Before that It was 41 per cent. r. Varieij 9. Heard of grain 10. Turn to tha riffht 11. Old tlmea: poetic 17. fiailor iti. Severe 22. In bohalf of 'J 3, Mcamire ".'4. CoriBiimed 25. Mnrry 27. Knroll 29. Pertaining to the noise 30. Nominal valtll of atork 31. Flnt name of a fnmnm viol i hint 32. Turkish cap 34. One who dls- trlbutea the carda 37. i9. 40. 41. 42. 4S. 44. 4S. Clear gain Appellation Shabby: rolloq, A nil I Mailt Sharp Hlver bottom llfora Parrel of ground Ata DOWN 1. Riib?(iueiitl7 2. Worahlp t. State ot bHnir a grown girl 4. 8moklnt dev(r 5. Town In Ohio t. Hibr plant 7. L'nuet MBS Church of Jejui Chrlt of the latter hay alnt Convenes In I. O. O. F. Hall. H. H. Metcnlf, Blanch President, Sunday school, 10 a. m. Sunday evening services. 7:30. Priesthood and Relief Society meets Thursday at 7:30 p. m. AiOtnllc Fatlli Mlxlnn 42 North Front Street Services Sunday at 10:30 a. m and 7:30 p. m., also Tuesday, Thursday and Friday nights at 7:49. A musical program by the 17-plece orchestra precedes the Sunday even ing service. Everybody welcome. No collections. Main St. MethodlH Church South N. D. Wocd. pastor. Services for Sunday, March t. Sunday school, 9:45 a.m. Sermon, 11 a.m., by Rev. Shep herd. Young people's meeting. 6:4B p.m. Inspirational service, 7:30. All are invited. Seventh Day Advent. At Church Edwarda and Beatty Streets Regular service Sabbath school (Saturday), 0:30 A. M. Preaching service, 11 A. M. Young People's meeting, 3 P. M. Preaching service, Sunday, 7:30 P.M. Prayer meeting, Wednesday, 7:30 P.M. St. Peter's Lutheran Church (Missouri Synod). East Main and Portland Avenue. H. H. Young. Pastor. Sunday school at 10 a. m. No Bi ble class this morning. Catechism class at 6:30 o'clock. Evening worship at 7:30. Theme. "Why Should We Adhere to the Truth." All visitors welcome. Free Methodist rhurch Tenth ana Ivy Burets. E. W. Long. Pastor. Sunday school meeta at 9:45 a. m.; Plorencs Blass, superintendent. - Morning message by the pastor at 11 o'clock. Subject, "doing Forward." Y. P. M. S. meeting. 8:30 p. m. Evening aervlce at 7:30. Midweek prayer aervlce, Wednesday at 7:30 p. m. Cottaga prayer meeting Friday night. Welcome. Full Clospel Tnhernncle 11 Newtown Street J. Logan Stuart, Pastor. Sunday school, D:4S. Classes for all ages. Morning worship and communion at 11. "The Man of Sorrows" win be the theme of the aermon. Evangelistic meeting at 7:30 p. m., Mrs. Stuart directing the song aerv lce. The text for the evening will be "The Parable of the Bower." Prayer meeting Tuesday evening at 7:80. Young people'a meeting Friday eve nlng at 7:30. A cordial Invitation to all. Church of Clod Cornor of Haven and Holly streets. Bible school. 8:45 A.M. Morning worship, 11 o'clock. Sub ject: "Launch Out Into the Deep," by Oral W. Clemens. Young People'a meeting at 7 P.M. Jean Chapman, leader. Sunday evening preaching, 7:45 P. M. Sermon by the pastor. Prayer aervlce Wednesday, 7:30. W. H. Burch, leader. Ladles' Circle, Thursday, 10 A.M. to 4 P.M. Full aesslon. D. M. Clemens, pastor, 814 Snd street. All are welcome. First Christian Church. Ninth and Oakdala streets. W. R. BBlrd, minister. Bible school at 8:45 a.m. Ralph Cook, atiperlntandent. Everymnn'a Bible class In tha court house auditorium. 0:45. Morning worship begins at 10:05. Sermon aubject, "Unfinished Tasks." Christian Endeavor at 0:30 p.m. Evening evangelistic aervlce at 7:30. Jamea Morgan, minister of the Ashland Christian church, will preadi the evening sermon. Come and hear him. The special music under the dlrec Hon or Ettla Herbert Yeoman will be: Morning anthem. "When I Con aider Thy Heavens," Roberts. Evenlnr anthem. "Thou Comforter Divine," Lorenz. Church of the Xazarene Central Avenue at Jackson. Fred M. Westherford, pastor-evan gnltst. will be heard two times, as he resumes the pulpit today, following the conclusion of the month of Evangelism with Elmer Oar.dy. Aa a prelude to the 7:30 evening message, Mr. Weatherford will speak briefly from the following topic "America's Most Devitalizing Men ace." For the 7:80 evangelistic mes sage, proper, the apeaker will use the following topic for his discourse "The Rein of Sin, the Hatchery of Chaos." A special attraction includes a musical trio from The Northwest Nsearer.:) college, tha Misses Oeral dlna H-mse, Msbel Scheel and Myrtle Mangu.n. At the 11:00 o'clock morning hour tha topic from which ha speaks Is "Ssnctlflcatlon and Self-Abandon, ment." Sunday school at 9:45 AM, Arnold Kornatad, auperlntendent. Special claases. suited to all agea. The Bible Ood'a Holy Word, la our test book W. Invite young and old, If not at, tending elsewhere, to enrols. Young People's meeting at 0:30 Mlaa Helen Scheel, president. A splen did group of sincere young people hava planned a meeting that Is In spirational and la designed for spirit, ual helpfulness. People's meeting Wednesday eve. nlng at 7:30. Prayer, praise and Bible study constitutes tha order of this service. Junior society meeting at 8:30 Sun day evening, under the direction of Mra. Fred M. Weatherford. St. Mark's Church E. S. Bartlam. Rector. Holy communion, 8 a. m. Holy communion and sermon at 11 . m. Church school, 9:4.1 a. m. Medford Cnmp;.n of -Tehovalt's Vt Itneteet The Medfirt Company of Jehovah's Winees Is broadcasting a lecture by Jude Rutherford, dealing strictly with the Bible, over KMED every Tuesday afternoon at 1:30. Judge Rutherford's Bible study helps are in book and booklet form and have been translated Into 60 langnges sine 1922. All interested in Watch Tower Bible study are wel come to meet every Sunday morning at 10 o'clock and Thursday afternoon at 1:30 ata 727 South Central avenue. Medford. First Unptlst Church. W. H. Entrn. mlnlsUr. Bunclny school, 9:4 a.m. Mornln worship. 11:00 a.m. Ser mon by the pastor, "Hurdling th Handicaps." Special muslrnl offerings by th large chorus choir under direction of Mrs. C. S. Plnley. Quarterly rally of the Rogue River B. T. P. U., 3:30 p.m. Young people's gToups for devo tion snd study, 6:30 p.m. Evening worship, 7:30 p.m. Maes singing and special musical numbers by Mrs. rinley and the choir. The pastor gives the fifth and closing number in the special aeries of talks requested by the young people, the topic being. "Bliss or Blister," or, "Is Marriage a Failure?" You are cordially Invited to share these good tlmea with ua. First Churrh of Christ, Scientist Authorised branch of the Mother Church, the First Church of Christ, Scientist, In Moston, Mass. Services are held every Sunday at 11 o'clock, church edifice, a 12 North Oakdale. Subject for Sunday, March 3, "Christ Jesus." 8unday school at 0:30 a. m. Appll canta under the age of 30 may be ad mltted. Wednesday flvenlr.iT church meet ings. Including testimonies of Chris tian Science healings, at B o'clock. The reading room, which la located at 401 In the Medford building, Is I cent Sundays and holidays. The li brarian Is In attendance from 10 to 4, at which time the Bible and all authorized Christian Science litera ture may be read, borrowed or pur chased. The public la cordially Invited to attend the services and visit the readluc room. Presbyterlnn Church 9:45 A.M.: Sunday school, with classes for all ages. Visitors welcome. Dr. B. R. Elliott, superintendent. 11:00 A.M.: Regular morning serv ice, with sermon by Rev. Ralph B. Peterson. Topic, "If the Salt Have Lost lta Savor." Musical program, un der direction of Edith A. Oarrett, choir director, will be as follows: Organ prelude. "Cantique D' Amour" (Sheppard). Anthem, "Sovlour, When Night In volves the Sky" (Shelley). Incidental eolo, Don Newbury, Bari tone. Offertory, "A Bummer Idyl." Solo, "A Song of Pralss" (O. Ooub- ller), Mrs. Spurllng. soprano. Postlufle, "Fanfare" (Dubois). Mrs. Huenergardt la acting ae or ganist during the lnforced absence of Mrs. Marsh, who suffered a aevere accident last Monday. 8:30 P. M. Young People's meet ing- Regular mid-week prayer meeting Wednesday evening at 7:30. First Methodist Episcopal Church West Main and Laurel streets. Jos eph Knotts, minister. 0:45 a. m. Sunday school. E. J. Neumann, auperlntendent.. Again we approach Easter with program ot advancement, com and Join one of our splendid classes. 1 a. m. Morning worship. Spec ial music. Sermon theme, "Mary and Judas The Passion of Devotion." Mr. Don Huckabee, organist. 0:30 p. m. Epworth Leagues. 7:30 p. m. Evening worship. A special service tonight. . Mr. Olaf Severson will direct tha choir In special music. The ladlea of the Prla cllla Circle will present the panto- mine "Entering the Pearly Oates." The psntomlne will be accompanied with music Sermon theme, "Cov ered Bins." This la a service you will enjoy. Mrs. Lucille Schoppert, or ganist. Official board meeting on Monday evening at 7:30 o'clock. Prayer meeting Wednesday at 7:30 P. m. Zlon Evangelical Lutheran Churrh Fourth street near Oakdale ave nue. Oeo. P. Kahele, D. D., pastor. 10 a. m. Sunday school. 11 a. m. Morning worship. Ser mon subject: "Why I Believe In Keeping Lent." Special music: Prelude: Grand organ eolo, "Tha Herd Olrl'a Sunday" (Ole Bull-Mun-aon), organist, L. J. Munson. Solo: "When the World Forgets" (Ackley), aung by Homer Rode heaver. Anthem: "Hla Light Shines On" (Wilson), choir, Miss Oenevieve Brown, director. Postlude: orand organ solo, Three Norwegian Melodlea (arr. by Mun. son): "While the North Sea Rage.' "The Sun Seta," "Sons of Norway." Organist, L. J. Munson. 6:30 p. m. Luther Lesgu. 7:30 p. m. Evening servtce. Ser mon aubject: "A Bin Mor Wicked Than Murder." Special music Prelude: "Fugue In a Major (Bach): organist, Marcel Dupie Duet: "In the Garden" (Miles) sung by Mrs. Asher and H. Rode, heaver. Anthem: "Yield Not To Tempta tion" (Palmer); Luther League choir. Lenten aervlce next Wednesday tt 7:45 p. m. The general public la heartily In vlted. Factory .irie" workmanship In wstch and Jewelry repairing at the lowest posslbl prices. Johnson thel Jeweler. ' NEW YORK DAY BY DAY By O.O. Mclntyre NEW YORK. March 3 6o many wandering pollen of tho -hts, f!uf: of trivia, lodge In a fellow's mini k h 1 1 shaving. flicker a second and shimmer way. No one ;-e-membera an hour nfterward what tit has been thinking. Hia thoughts are ra zored off with his beard. Out of the chi mera, 30 mlnutea Uter, I rushed Just for fun to rhe typewriter to set down what I Its all toruy- could remember. turvey atuff, phantasmagoria. But It's about the only time a busy per son rides the broom-stick. Here'a a reel of It: That blind cocotte dancing in the rue da Lapps. What a grand actre.w Ilka Chaae la. That night at the Garden when a top mounting circus acrobat atopped to scratch his ear. A match seller along The Strand with a love bird on each shoulder. The first rat talled stogie. If Heywood Broun grows any big ger he'll burst. First choice among the lighter shows: "Personal Appear ance." It's hard to believe the Mon golian looking Warner Oland la a 8wede. The dowagtr who htccuped from the heela a tense mo ment of an Ethel Barrymore first night. Mrs. Vincent Astor'a dignity. In That Perfect State, t Imagine, every man will have a full hour at least for tonsorlal aevolra. Instead of a quick scrape and bleeding chin, ahavtng ahould be tne most leisurely of rites the Interlude when man Is the true lord and master with the household on tlp-to. I have alwaye shot the works for shaving acces sories. It's the only extravagance of a Scot who ateama off the uncanceled atamps. On of th New York hltsh-hand-ahake' f lnlahlng achoola la turning out an Irritating typ of exhibitionist. Th girl whose voice a an upper tonalled monoton drag I So patently affected and such a .our Imitation of Hops Williams it becomes a shooting pain In th neck. If we had , daughter who came horn tor vaca tion talking like thJt, we'd not only yank her out but burn down th school house. It la bruited about In publishing circles that Ciena Fowler's next bio graphical binge will be a reveal' ng record ot th Rabelaisian Wilson Mia ner. Fowler haa already dissected Tammen and Bonflla, William J. Fal lon and Mack Sannett, but Mlzner will likely offer more of Fowler's kind of rodder. Th Yerkea-Mlrner wed ding, even told by straight man, la the most exaggerated alios of hu man comedy In American history. A true Hoyt farce, with trimmings. Everybody seems W Ilk th presi dent's new son-in-law, John Boat, tiger. He la winning th asm friend . here he won a a crack In Washington. And a an ally In th Haya offloa he 1 expected to bring much of the experience ot hit trained Journalistic beagling . Twenty year ago O. D. Gibson would hava grabbed him, li possible, for on of hla hand somely profiled heroes who look equally at horn In the riding suit or avanlng dress. You remember th Mr. Plpp aeries. Recently I reversed an established routine by going to bed at 0 p. m. and rising at 7 a. m. I enjoyed th novelty, after several nights of wake fulness. But In two weeks 1 was elid ing the bedtime ahead an hour nightly until I reached the accus tomed schedule. The old dog shying at now tricks. My conviction la now permanent that the gloomleat atretch of daylight la from 8 until 11 a, m. And there are no hours so stimulat ing as those between 8 p. m. and midnight. The next most stimulating; are between 8 a. m, and the first flush of dawn. Dawn la the romantlo time to float off to dreamland. There la win In th air, a tremuloua won der In the akles, tha glad ehlrrup of birds and everywhere the aplrtt of lurking adventure. It should be th most gracious hour, too, to allp through the veil separating our world from what everybody hopea la a bet ter one. Edna Ferber's newest book. "Com and Get It," a rugged romance of Wisconsin logging, la a whls, as la any book from her pen. She la on of th few novelist whose character luaplr a reader to exclaim: "That's the way people really talk I" And where la a patter description than her "a pari Herald Countess?" There's a little throat catch In letter that oame special delivery to day. It la from bleak town In tha Dakotaa. The writer, a girl of 17, wonders with divine naivete If she could make her way In New York "singing to unhappy people." Always, the says, the la bursting with song. (Copyright, -1035, McNaught Syndi cate.) BATHING POOL OUTLET TRAPS DROWNS YOUTH STOCKTON. Cal., March 3 (AP) Sucked Into the outlet of the Oly m pic Baths here last night and trap ped by the water presaure. Booby Cope, aged 10, drowned before Ufa guards could free hla body. Card of Thanks We wish to express our sincere thanks to our many frlenda and nelghbora for their kind eympathy and help, and also for the beautiful 1. r" T. . k 4 I'M Mall Tribune want ads. I 4