MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OREGON, FRIDAY. MARCH" 1, 1935. PAGE FIFTEEN WHAT YplJ;WANT fj FOR EASY REFERENCE, fflj vu I WA.KYUD Icorxovv mi Read every ad on thU pace. Vou will probably find ex aclly the thing you want to buy or tell. II It isn't there, advertise . . ( t ' Inexpensive, effective. RATES Per word first Insertion. Jic (Minimum 25c) Eats additional Insertion, per word lc (Minimum 10c) Per Una per month without, copy changes Il.tS Phone 75 FOR WANT ADS LOST AND FOUND roUND 2 keya In container. Own er may have some by paying tor adv. Tribune office. LOST Sunday eve at Main and Fir. young female cat, light grey. Tel. 1518. Reward. j LOST IX dog missing, call 1516. WANTED MALE HELP TELEVISION We will select several young men to qualify themselves In apare time for positions In Radio-Television stations. Men select ed will be trained at our expense until actually employed In broad cast field. Must be willing to de vote two hours dally to study and be able to supply own experimen tal materials. Address Television Station W9XAL. Box 4809. Tribune. WANTED FEMALE HELP WANTED Experienced cook. Must have hotel and club recommenda tion... Box 4813. Tribune. WANTED SITUATIONS MIDDLE-AGED lady with yeara of experience waata housework for aged people of pieasant Christian character. Small wage considered. Box 4615, Tribune. WANTED By high school girl, work la afternoons clerical 'office work or housework. Mall Tribune Box ' 4819. WANTED Sheep shearing and tag ging. Ted Morava, Central Point. WANTED Care 01 sick or any work Mrs. HuBon, phone 1345-M. W ANTED-M1SCLLLAN fcOUS WILL SHARE expenses to San Fran cisco first of week. Phone 723-H. WANTED Oood electric Masters or Standard Incubator. 1031 W 0th., Medford. WILL pay 950 down for small partly Improved or unimproved acreage preferably on Beal Lane or Stage Road. Box 4795, Tribune. WANTED Small unimproved moun tain ranch, timber, stream. Colin O' Donnell. General Del., Medford. WANTED Rent small farm with good well or spring. 303 Woodstock. HIGHEST PRICES paid for furs, hides and pelts. Medford Bargain House. 37 N. Grape. Tel. 1063. INCOME TAX DUE Both state and federal. Have had years of experi ence in preparing returns. Phone 1377-Y after 4 p. m. Fred L. Colvlg. WANTED Household goods, stoves tools or what have you. Medford Bargain House. 27 N. Grape St. Tel. 1003. JUNK WANTED Wt psv cash for JUNK BATTERIES AND RADIATORS. ALUMINUM, BRASS, COPPER and Junk of all descriptions. MEDFORD BARGAIN HOUSE 27 No. Grape. Tel. 1062 WANTED Coal . brooder capacity 1000. Oil burner Incubator capacity 130 to 330. J. H. Stanley, Rt. 3. Medford. WANTED Old horses and cows for fox meat. Box 3586. Tribune. SHEEP WANTED To buy yoinfi o reeding ewes. Leavi your name and address at Grand Howl.- V. J Phllippl or John Rohr FOR RENT HOUSES FOR RENT 4-rm. hcuse after March 10. Partly furnishes 721 Narregm. 3-RCOM furnished, very clean. Adults. 9 E- Jackson St. FOR RENT 5 -room modern house. 750 Stewart Ave. Larue garden ber ries, stable for cow. City water. Phone Vern Marshall, 779-L. FOR RENT Modern home at 1123 W. 4th. FOR RENT Homes, furnished or unfurnished. Brown White FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS WARM ROOM .Sep irate entrance. 330 No. Oakds'.e. ATTRACTIVE room. 404 S. Grape. RATES very moderate at 7i6 E Main FOR RENT APARTMENTS NEWLY papered, furnished apart ment, ground floor, prr. ate bath, jrarage. Adults only. 244 S). Grape. FOR RENT Furr.nhrd apt. Oakaale. FOR RENT FurnKhfd .;-..:'.. Dureii court. Pnoce lioi-W. FOR RENT APARTMENTS FOR RENT Apartments. 334 Apple. COMFORTABLY heated furnished apt. 618 So. Oakdale. FOR KEnV MISCELLANEOUS FOR RENT Improved 3'j acres, -j mile out on Jacksonville Highway. W. Q. Trill, palm Bids. BUSINESS LOCATION FOR RENT At 33 North Grape street. Will remodel to suit tenant, furn ish steam heat If desired. 3 Its 16x60 feet. Will rent or lease at reasonable figure. Call at Mall Tribune (Newspaper) office. FOR RENT OR LEASE My property at 307 South Ivy. CABINS ROR RENT By day. week or month. See at Camp Wlthua. M Riverside. FOR EXCHANGE FOR TRADE 13-tfp.uge Wlncheater pump gun, for fresh cow. Call 834 -J. FOR SALE OR TRADE Equity In 1934 Chevrolet pickup for good dairy cows. Inquire 133 Kenwood. WILL TRADE fur coat for truck. Bartlett Fur shop. 20 S. Central. FOR EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE FOR TRADE By owner. Ten acres six miles south of Medford, small house, 5 acres under Irrigation, bal ance good pasture or vineyard land. Will trade for a good home In Med ford. Will not consider any prop erty that Is Incumbered. V. J. Phllippl. Hotel Grand. Medford. STORE BLDG. & fixtures, clear, for ranch or acreage. 113 B. 12th. FOR EXCHANGE Portland apt. house for Medford residence prop erty or Improved acreage near Medford. Box 3281. Tribune. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE Modern 4-room home on east side, 6 minutes walk from city center. $600 will handle, balance 6. Box 4815. Tribune. FOR SALE 8 lots and unfurnished 5 room house on Spring street for the exceptional low price of $800. Terms. City water. Electricity and mall delivery handy. Phone 617-L or see Clarence Pierce. - FOR SALE 1 i j acres, city water, 4 rm. house. All kinds of fruit and English walnuts. $1000.00. L. Q, Plckcll, 204 E. Main. GOOD modern city homes, ranches, placer mines, building lots. Best buvs In So, Oregon. Roberts, 720 W. 2nd. GOOD quartz gold mine, cheap. Box 4720, Tribune. HOUSES FOR SALE OR RENTJack son County Building Ac Loan Aas'n. Phone 195. WHEN you think of real estate, think of Brown & White. FOR SALE 160 acres timber In Jackson county. Est t mated between 4 and 5 million feet. $10.00 acre. P. O. Box 308, Medford. Phone 7-F-12. FOR SALE By owner Bear Creek bottom garden land, close In, also pear orchard. Phone 1534-L. FOR SALE 9 acres, (deal poultry ranch; cheap. H Sen erroer horn, mile west of Phoenix. BROWN Si WHITE are offering some of the finest soli in the Rogue River Valley for sale in tracts of 5 acres or more, this land has all the advantages of Irrigation, high way frontage, and close proximity to Rogue River. Our prices are the lowest in the history of this valley. Terms are reasonable.. Now Is the time for you to start acquiring that SUBSISTANCE HOMESTEAD which most of us dream about. BROWN & WHITE REALTORS 104 W. Main, Medford. Phone 130 FOR SALE OR TRADE Apt. house for acreage or property In soma other city. 625 No. Riverside. STOCKED AND EQUIPPED 74 acres fine river bottom, 45 tillable, paved highway, modern bungalow, barn outbuildings. 14 oillk cows, milking machine, horses, chickens, farm ma chinery. $8,000: $1600 down, balance to suit. 15 North FU SEE Charles A. Wing Agency, Inc., to Buy Your Home. FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES FOR QUICK SALE 1929 Dodge coupe; motor first class; good tires; water heater. Owner leaving, take $165. Cash. Also 1928 Whippet coupe; good shape. Quick sale $45. Phone 341-J-3. LOOK nt all the used cars before you buy. 22 So. Fir. AT A SACRIFICE 1934 V-8 Tudor sedan; small mileage. 22 So. Fir. DON T FORGET 22 So. Plr for better used car values. BARGAINS every one. at 23 So. Fir. FOR SALE LIVESTOCK FOR SALE OR TRADE Horses. 1 span mules, phone 838-R. Med. Riding Academy. FOR PALE Jersey cows, fresh April. Feeder pigs $0 00. Wanted Two wav plow. W. W. Large, Williams. Ore. FOR SALE Several head work horses and mules. George Hilton, Grants Pat, Ore. FOR SALE Tram of mares, 8 years old. weicht 1700 lbs. W11 broken. R V,. Kirklar.d, 1114 Dolorace St.. Klamath Falls. FOR WALE Young 1200 lb. mare, Good for either working or riding. Cheap. Phone 334-J-4. FOR PALE Gentle Shetland pony. cheap work team, saddle mare. A-l lovi-intr or pray rig t im. 1151 Iowa St.. Ashland, Ore. FOR SALE One 3 vr old Ouernwy , b il:. Aio one yarllng Guernsey bull tV.i v$. :T.ilh I'EP.EO S -ir-p :c nee p. vo .i:.(i 1 i. us. L. A. oi.sde, Ctntral poi&i. FOR SALE POULTRY FOR SALE Leghorn hatching eggs. Echo Alford. Phone lfl-F-3. SUPERIOR quality chicks for 1936. Heavy laying strains. Large type Hansen stock. White Leghorns Oe; Rocks, Rads 10c. Catalog free, Jtnka Hatchery, Tangent, Oregon. HATCH your own baby chicks. We are offering a few choice mated pens of six young hens and cocker el In dark rlngletted Barred Rocks. The best chicken for a small flock. Carley Poultry Farm, Phone 314-W. FOR TRADE Leghorn hens for good fresh cow. Inquire Box 4604, Tribune. COCKERELS, hatching eggs, ehlcki; Leghorn, Rocks, Reds. Carley. 3 14-W HATCHING EGGS. Plymouth Rock. 60c setting. Tel 516. BABY CHICKS NOW READYHan son strain Leghorns from trapneat td pedigreed stock. Rich dark red Rhode Island Reds. Also dark Bar red Rocks. Individual settings of Hatching Eggs available at all times. Larger quantities on order. Carley Poultry Farm. Phone 314-W. FOR SALE Baby chicks. Hanson strain from B. W D. tested hens Sparlln'a Poultry Farm. Williams Oregon FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS NEARLY NEW Underwood portible typewriter, cheap. Box 4829, Mall Tribune. FOR SALE Show cases and counters. 223 W. Jackson. FOR SALE! Choice Gladlola bulbs. W. J. Warner. Tel 349-M. FOR SALE OR TRADE Newtown cooking and cider apples, cheap. Bring containers. Joe Kan tor, Rt. 4, Box 337. MIRRORS made to order; mirrors re sllvered; auto glass Installed; brok en windows replaced; store front plnte glass, tabic tops; picture framing. MEDFORD PLATE GLASS CO. 86 S. Bartlett. Phone 446 FOR SALE 34 h- P- Rna engine and ceutrlfugal pump. Address J. B. Hohmann, Jacksonville. FOR SALE Good Newtown apples, 30c box. Pinnacle No. 4. FOR SALE Piano, priced for quick sale. 608 Catherine. FOR SALE All kinds extra choice , perennials. Low prices. 325 S. Holly. Phone 193-L. FOR SALE: Used sewing machines all makes; terms If desired. All makes rented and repaired. White Sewing Machine Co. 24 N. Bartlett. TIME TO RE-EIRB GET A FISK None Better None Cheaper 8UNRISE SUPER SERVICE 12th at Riverside SPECIAL PRICES on river loam and fertilizer. Garden plowing and lawn work, washed sand, rock, and plas ter sand Phone 1534-Y or 913-J. FOR SALE! White Bermuda onion plants. Monarch Seed & Feed Co. FOR SALE Super-Phosphate, $26 per ton. Monarch Seed to Feed Co. FOR SALE Common alfalfa seed, $19.00 cwt. Monarch Seed & Feed. FOR BALE Poison barley. Monarch . Seed Se Feed Co. FOH SALE) Rose bushes 28o each shrubs 29c. Monarch Seed A Feed. FOR SALE! Special prices on river loam and fertiliser. Garden plowing and lawn work, washed sand, rook, and plaster sand. Phone 1534-Y or 912-J. FOR SALE The most complete stock of field seeds In So, Oregon, priced right. Monarch Seed & Feed Co. FOR SALE; Kanota seed oats. $1.50 cwt. and oat hay. $7 ton. Isaacs, Crater Lake highway, 3 miles out. roK OaLic Sprayer, 300-gal. J. R. Rob I son. Talent. FOR 8ALE Lime sulphur and Bor do spray. Monarch Seed b Feed Co. FOR SALE Hay. E. B. Hanley ranch $10.00 ton. FOR SALE; Sulphate of ammonia, $43 per ton. Monarch Seed it Feed FOR SALE Wheat and feed oats. $1.50 cwt. Also aTto-xJ horse hay C A. DeVoe. 623-J-3. MISCELLANEOUS BUY SELL - TRADE Guns, sport ing equipment electric refrigera tors store office fixtures. New boats for sale. 317 North Riverside. BUSINESS CHANCES FOR SALE Grocery, confectionery, gas pump. Last year'a business $12,000.00. Price $2500.00. L. O. Plckell, 204 E. Main. FOR SALE OR TRADE AUtO court and cafe making money. Will take small place near Talent as part, balance easy terms. Talent Auto Camp. FOR BALE) Lunch counter. Oood steady trade. 327 So. 6th St., Klam ath Falls. FOR SALE Service station equip ment and lease of site. Phone ni73-Y. BUSINESS DIRECTORY Abstract JACKSON CO. ABSTRACT CO. Abstracts of Title and Title Insurance. The ' only complete Title System in Jackson County. i MURRAY ABSTRACT Co. Abstract! J of Title. Rooms 3 and 6. No. 32 ' North Central. Ave , upstairs. j Expert Window Cleaners, LET OEOROE DO IT Tel. 1173.' House cleaning, floor waxing, ori ental ruf cleaning Ac upholstering. DLNTISTRY l M1Q. Dr. Z. H. C-Q'.t, 3i& I BUSINESS DIRECTORY IADS TRANSFER & STORAGE CO. Office 1016 No. Central. Phone 315, Prices right. Service guaranteed. HAWLEY TRANSFER Expert pack ers and movers. Special livestock moving equipment. Prices right. 610 North Riverside. Phone 615. Money To Lend MONEY LOANED $50 to $300 for personal or household purposes on House Furnishings or Autos: also Cars Re-flnanced. Loans closed within 30 minutes, under super vision of the State Sinking Dept. License No. S-167, See W. E. Thomas or E- J. Riley. 45 So. Cen tral. Painting A Faperhanglng. M. A. BLISS Painting St paperhang lng. Tel 646-W. 81$ So. Grape. JOHN H. LOCK, painter and decor ator. Quality work. Prices reason able. Res. 124 King St. Call 953-R. LEGAL NOTICES Summons. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the county of Jackson. Thorn us C. Ward, Plaintiff, vs Roy Ward, Jane Doe Ward, his wife, if married; the Unknown Heirs of Roy Ward , U deceased : Aug ast Petard. N. H. Latimer, R. U Ray. Jackaon County, a body politic: also all other persons or parties unknown, claiming any right, title, estate. Hen or interest in or to the property hereinafter described, Defendants. In the name of the State of Oregon: You and each of you are hereby required to appear and answer the Complaint of the Plaintiff oh file herein agilnst you or otherwise plead tntreto within four weeks from the date of the first pub lication of this Summons. And you are hereby notified that If you fall to appear and answer the Complaint of the Plaintiff aa hereinabove re quired or otherwise plead thereto, the Plaintiff will take a decree against you for the relief demanded In S4ld Complaint, to-wit: That the Plaintiff title to and possession of all of said real estate hereinafter described to the extent and In the manner claimed In the Complaint be determined, establish ed, confirmed, and quieted In uhe Plaintiff In this suit, his heirs, sue ceasors, and assigns forever against all adverse claims on the part of each and all of the Defendants In this cause and as against all persons who may now or hereafter claim under or through them or either of them, and that all apparent imperfections or clouds upon the Plaintiff's title to said land be now and forever removed and that the title and possession f said Plaintiff be declared firm and effectual forever in the Plaintiff as the fee simple owner of said prem ises and that all of said Defendants and each of them be barred and for ever estopped from having or claim ing any right or title In or to smd real estate adverse to the Plaintiff herein. The property herein referred to is situated In the County of Jack son, State of Oregon, and more par ticularly described as follows, to-wit: The Southeast Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of Section 33 In Township 34 South of Range 4, West of the Willamette Meridian Tlila Summons Is published In the Medford Mall Tribune by order of Honorable H. D. Norton. Judge of too above entitled Court, duly made m the 8th day of February, 19S6, re quiring the Summons to be published once each week for four consecutive week and that said Defendants ap pear within said time. The date of the first publication of this Summons Is the 8th day of February. 1935 J. F. FLIEGEL. Attorney for Plaintiff 32 North Central Avenue, Medford, Oregon. Mail Tribune Daily ACROSS, Self U.Urra,nean sailing vessel Japan eee sash Action at law Meddlesome, opinionated, or matter-of-fact Snarling- or of dust Large plant Units of force 1001 Measure Inserted In tht text of a pae Lamb's sobriquet Sign Square of one Smile In a silly manner Custortian Serpent F.xistef! Madnwi Sign o fire On tne ocean Agsfn: prefix Plnna?) of Ice In a glacier Course of eating Solution of Yesterday's Puzzle P QPBlASERDjwl J ANliEXP L 01V L E LA. iiYliiN E T io. liilEliEN A RE S A n i mat i o rTSo a t m: ma Kelated Potion of forge tf ill ness Cultured ma Numbir ef manual digits KurnrifMn country abhr. p i3 gf p h f a iyy 'I wi 15 i ' -I'M- -a-. M.ia, . ..,';.. 21 fr22 23 if 24 2r niiziF 5- 37 36 H35 22 '' l ;.; 42 43 44 jL . 46 7""" 47 4f ''-'h S4 it 3? (QUNTYRIEFS " IgfTiT 7 OakG rove OAK OROVE. March 1. (Spl.) Oak Grove Community club gave a very Interesting entertainment and box supper at the school house on Washington's birthday. The follow ing program was given: Reading Mrs. A. E. Brockway. Musical number Violin, Phil Sim mops; mandolin, Mr. Hey wood; piano. May Green. Song by the Semley family. Vocal solo Mrs. Merrlman. accom panied at the piano by K. Raymond. String ensemple Mr. Semley. Mr. Gober and Mr. Simmons, with May Green at the piano. A reading In Negro dialect Mrs. F. O. Sander. Musical trio Mr. and Mrs. Brill and daughter, Alice May. Duet Mrs. Merrlman and Mrs. Ralph Raymond. Negro playlet Mr. and Mrs. Bern ley and Mr. Semley, Sr., and Mr. Llchman. Black race Jig Mr. Llebman. Song Loran Ml near and Herbert Myres, accompanied by the guitar. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Green nd daughters. Mary and Ruth May of Klamath Falls, are visiting Mr. Green's mother, Mr. A. P. Green. Mr. and Mrs. U. H. Roberta spent the week-end visiting friends In Yreka. Mrs. Dean Salt marsh entertained the women employes of the Bear Creek Packing house with a covered dish lunch. There were 12 guests present. After the luncheon the guests enjoyed a skating party at the armory. Mrs. Eva Page of ML Hebron, Cel., la visiting her sister, Mrs. P. O. Whitlock. We are pleased to report Dorothy and Clarence Hansen are Improving. Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Mlnear and sons, Lorcn and Ronald, went to Grenada Sunday to visit Mr. Mlnear's father, who has been 111. Mrs. P. A. Whitlock and sister. Mrs. Page, and mother, Mrs. M. G. Lollar. were visiting Mrs. Lollar's son, O. Lollar and family In Grants Pass February 34. The 4-H Cooking club met at the Oak Grove school February 28. Fay Morris and Marjory Rich demon strated salad making. The sixth, seventh and eighth grades of the Oak Grove school fin ished their six weeks spelling con test February 28. The seventh grade won by having the highest average. The sixth and eighth grades will treat the seventh grade to doughnuts and cider March 1. Some very good spellers are expected to be developed In the school if this system Is par ticipated in. Doctor Hooks Duck While Out Fishing PECOS, Tex. (UP) Dr. J L, Kin cannon, Pecos, went fishing recently. He cast his line into a lake near here and got a string strike. Then his line went skywards, and he found that he had hooked a duck, not a fish. The bird struggled desperately. Dr. KJn cannon finally i.ed his line to a bush and shot the Ird. WINDOW GLASS We sell window glass and will replace your broken windows reasonably. Trowbridge Cab inet Works. Cross Word Puzzle Stained with egg Two ens Instrument foi examining the ear FiuKinont Congeals, water Word m the close of a prayer Mnke another chart of BasehHll team ralilii-ldrtda Lacerated Brought to light Concise Impressive Pieces out Pitcher Liquid part of fat: variant Flower fluster County In Delaware Ul!-ril regions PillKetd Feminine name fJrow old Know: arrhato Animal's foot Terminate: Place of the eenl: ahhr 26. 78 fH. Cooka slowly 41, &). Plnrt th nurn Of 48. DOWN 1. Unit of work 2. Heathenism 3. Olarial ridtres 4. Krollf! . ifirvrie. for two Fern Valley FERN VALLEY, Mareh 1 (Spl.) ! The program planned by the school and parents will be given at the j Phoenix Grange hall March 15. A full evening's entertainment is prom- Ised. The school will feature a color ful springtime play called "Clnderel-1 la's Oarden." The play, given under the auspices j of the ladies of the community, la a j one-act comedy. "Getting Off." Char- i sclera are: HUdegarde, the romantic! young sister, who Is anxious to see Julia s romance perfect, taken by Zeis ' Lowden; grandma, a nosey old per son, whose Ideas on romance date back to a Victorian age, by Mildred Marshall; Mrs. Cummlngs. the moth er, like all mothers, wanting to help all she can, Mary Marshall; Nona, the older sister, with no Ideal of romance after two yeara of marriage. Helen Kautor; Julia, the pretty young modern, asking only to be left alone, Lillian Kantor; the boy, Louis Mar shall. MlM Alice Hensler, who Is teaching near Grants Pass, spent the week end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Hensler, here. Mrs. Ethel Hughes and son. Merle, of Redding, Cat., who are visiting relative In Ashland, called on rela tives here Sunday. Guy Corliss of Phoenix wss In the community on business Wednesday. Zola and Viola Lowden were host esses to a large party of thetr friends Saturday evening. Lillian Kantor entertained at a party Saturday evening. Guests were Misses Alice and Mary Hensler, Row ena , Smith, Verle Conner, Anna Dickey, Virginia Porter, Mabel Har deaty, - Anna and Helen Kantor; Messrs. Allan Buasey, Ivan Heel rick, Burnell Hatch, Bill Wright, Lloyd Barnes. Harry Steele, Bob Cherry, L. C. and Wiley Hill, Tom Hensler. War ren Barnes. Floyd McHarry, Shorty Daugherty, Roy Brownrlgg and John Kantor. , Mrs. Lorn Hughes gave a birthday dinner for her son-in-law, Ernest Beer, Wednesday evening. Those pres ent were Mr and Mra. Ed Marshall, Patricia and Joyce Marshall, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Beer, Ernest Lee and T. R. Hughes. Muriel Williams returned to school Monday after a couple of weeks' ab sence. Miss Frances Benson celebrated a birthday February 31. Her guests for the afternoon were Mr. and Mrs. Col son and Mr, and Mrs. Frank Ander son of Medford. Mrs. L, H. Hughes was a guest at a birthday dinner recently for Mrs. Chas. McClaln at the McClaln home at Phoenix. Other guests were Mr. and Mrs. Geo. McClaln and Mrs. Mol- lle Witcher, Mrs. McClaln'a sister. Thompson Creek THOMPSON CREEK, March 1. (Spl.)- Miss Lets OUlson, who has been working for Mrs. Oeorge Btepen. left. lest week for San Francisco to see her brother, who is In the navy. F. P. Quick, who took up a home stead on Thompson creek this win ter, was a business caller at the Applegate atore Friday. Friends of Ralph Swingle received the good news that he had been seen In the barber shop at Thompson Creek one day last week. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Elmore were Sunday dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. S. L. Johnston. Mr. and Mrs. William Henry and Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Bailey, all of Medford, were callers at Nine Mile last Friday. Frank Decker came home last week with an extra large bobcat. Mr. and Mrs. William Jordan of Ashland spent the week end with friends on Thompson Creek. Mrs. George Kendall and her moth er. Mrs. Ella Bingham, visited the school Friday. Applegate Grange resolution com mittee met at. A. S. Edwards' home Sunday afternoon. Miss June Rudd was 111 with a cold Saturday and Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Knutawn were business callers In Medford Febru ary 30. Mrs. H. Lund and E- B. Hawkins were seen at the court house Feb ruary 31, Misses Ada and Eva Johnston walked over the hill to Williams creek after their horse on the old Jacobs place. The Porter family of Nine Mile creek Is moving onto Mrs. Henry Knutzcn's property at Applegate. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Sullivan and little son were shopping in mm ford Saturday. Miss Blanch Runnels, the county nurse, celled Friday at the school bouse. Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Lewis of Prospect were visiting their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Warren Mee, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. John Swartzfager and family visited relatives In Ashland Sunday. The Csrmon brothers of Medford were looking for cattle on Thompson creek February 35. DERBY, March 1. (Spl) Due to the lllneM or absence of different ones planning to contribute to the program of last Saturday night's Community club gathering, an Im promptu program was arranged by Miss Shirley Chaplin whlrh proved very successful and gained much praise. Combined Intcrenta and co operation In our own and the many other cornmunltlee represented at these gatherings have aivays made I these regular gatherings a pleasure. I Tht usual danct and. midnight I Derby lunch followed, ninety-six being present. Mrs. Charles Sanderson of Beagle lias kindly consented to solicit en tertainers from her locality for the next meeting and It Is planned by the program committee to select one member from other communities to solicit entertainment from their lo calities for the different meetings In order to give change and variety since so many from the outside at tend and have been splendid In helping our only means of recrea tion be such a huge success, Don and Arthur Phelps from Klamath Falls attended the Satur day night entertainment. Don sang following the midnight lunch. Lor in Smith accompanied on the guitar. The songs were greatly enjoyed as Don has a splendid voice and nat ural musical ability. Elmer Phelps left with his broth ers for Klamath Falls Sunday, hop ing to get work In the mills, some of which are running. Mrs. Clyde Drlskell has been quite 111 at her home the past week. Murl Dun Is able to be about after nil severe Illness. It Is reported the John Low man family have traded their ranch for the one recently occupied by the Garners. 4 . Griffin Creek OIUFFIN CHEEK, March 1. (spll Mrs. VorsI gava a aururlae pnrty February 30, honoring h daughter Beulnh'a birthday. A large crowd enjoyed the evening of danc ing with refreshments served at midnight. Mrs. Charlie Hoffcclt. who was op erated on February 18 la reported getting along Battsfaotorlly. Mrs. Roselma Morrison passed away Wednesdoy at her home. Mrs. Morri son iiaa lived on arlffln creek for many yeara and louvea a host of friends besides her son. Oeorge risk, and family to mouru her passing. Friends and neighbors Join In e tcmltng deepest sympathy to the bereaved family. Mr. Davis of Oklahoma Is spend ing soma time here at tha Oeorge I Flak home. He Is an old friend of tha fomlly. Mr. Davis and Oeorge wero neighbor, whan small boys. E. E. Keep and family have rented Mrs. Jones' place and are now living In the skinner house. Mr. Swart and grandson Clarence Kookhart. recently returned home from northern California where they had been on a tile sotting Job. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Boswlck and sons of near Ashland were recent Sunday guests at the homo of Mr. and Mra. a. O. Btearna and family. Several from thla community at tended the operetta "Chlmea of Nor mandy," presented by the students of the Senior high school Tuesday and Wednesday evening, and think that everyone should be congratu lated on auch aplendld work. P.-T. A. met Friday evening at the school house. On the program was the pageant honoring tha 38th year of the P.-T. A. During tha social time refreshments were served. Executive committee of the P.-T. A. will meet on March IS with Mrs. D. A.. Wood. ... Radio club will meet March with Mra. Alice Lamb. Home Extension unit will meet on March 8th, the place to be an nounced later. It was reported that Mra. Hood waa one of the ladlea who went to Corvallls but Mrs. T. R. Skeins want In her place. After the terrible acci dent of that Saturday evening Mra. Hood stayed to be with ft lends In their time of grief. Lone Pine IjONB PINE, March t. (Spl.) Roxy Ann Orange will give a dance at the Orange hah Saturday evening Mr. and Mra. John Alllaon of thla district have moved and Mr. Rupol and family have moved here from El Paso, Tex. Mr. and Mrs. Davis and two chil dren, Dorothy and Billy, went to Crescent City Saturday. Mr. Cllnto and family plan to move Into the Lone Pine district. Mr. and Mra. Henry Johnson and son Marlon are muvlng from thla district to Medford. Tho glrla of the 4-H aewln? club met at the home of Nftille Murphy recently. Members present were Dor othy Haynea, Wanda Konkel. Ima and Etolle Forsee. Emelie Nahas. Bertha Van Ortwlck and their local leader. Mlas Mecum. Mrs. Anna Mitchell and son Har mon arrived In Medford recently from Tacoma and, acocmpantcd by Elsie Mitchell, continued their trip aa far south aa Snn Bernardino, returning to Medford February 24.. Mra. Mitch ell and son will return to Tacoma thla week. A Oeorge Washington program wsa held at the achoolhouae February 2a. Parents and friends attending were Mra. Medly, Mra. H lvey. Mrs. Mod rell. Mrs. Anderson, Mra. Parsons. Velma Van Ortwlck. Prank Rytel. Wilbur Sexton and Clyde Van Ort wlck. Mrs. Lulu Plank of Roue River visited Sunday at tha Ezra Meaaer.jer home. Mr. and Mra. Harold E. Toll, for merly of Medford. have taken up residence In the Roxy Ann district Mr. and Mra. Oeorge Franks have moved their plac of residence from Beatty street In Medford to Spring street. Mr. and Mra. Cecil Nordqulat and two children were recent callers at the Robert Helvey home. Mr. and Mra. Morris and daughtera Juanlta and Luclle, from Jackson ville have moved to the Von Stein house In this district. Mrs. Delta Dole of Prospect spent two days lsst week In the Warren Dunaaan home. Mr. and Mrs John Vincent of Butte Falls vi.lted at the home of their son. Dewey Viucvut, live, laat week. 8! 1 pupils hat enrolled In the Lor.a Ptne school in tha last ak. They aj wuliRm. Thomas, John and Ann-a Ruple and Jack Wataon. JACKSONVILLE SCHOOL 10 PRESENT OPERETTA For the pat week the caat for tha "Toreadors," Jacksonville high school operetta, haa been finishing up the fine points for presentation in the pioneer town tonight. The "Torea dors" caat Includes nine principals, as chorus iingera, and three Spanish dancers. Aa the stern father. Paul Heaa, senior, and atudent body president, doea Justice to tha part. He haa tit excellent voice for alnglng his solos. Tha pans of Beneta and Juuilta are characterized by Shirley Cantralt and Madeline Metager. They sr. heard In several dueta. Taking part In a achool production for tha first time are Bud Mitchell, Henry Head, Prank Mea and Wayna Martin. Although they are Inexpert, enced, they portray tha parte of lover, and toreadora with marked ability. Alloa Walton and June Wllconsln display much talent In their rolea aa friends of Beneta and Juanlta. The chorus and 8panlsh dancers also have their parts well perfected for tonight's performance. Prepara tions are being made for a record crowd and It la expected tha school gym will be filled to capacity. i . . I I KNOXVn,U5, Tenn (CP) When the snow melt from tha Smoky mountalna between hare and tha Carolina, one of tha strangest expedi tions a hunt for hidden plrata treia ure will begin. It will be led by whlt-halred Sam Edgar, retired Knoxvltla lumberman and contractor, who believes his pil grimage will produce bars of altver that ware hidden In th- mountalna back In tha days of Captain Kldd. "I've been planning thla for 5 yeara," said Edgar. "With two help era and a set of magnetic, needlea that, can loeata either illvar or gold. I. bellev I can find a .burled treasure In thoae mountain tops According to a traditional atory. a plrata ahlp ransacked a sllver-ladened vessel hound to Spain from Mexico. ' A storm beached :he plrata ahlp. however, and tha craw took what sil ver could be handled off tha boat' on Carolina shores. Edgar possesses map that lndl-' catea tha pirates burled It In the Smoky mountalna. He said tha map 1 fell Into his hand, about 35 yeara ago while ha waa a traveling sale,., man in that section. j LADY PAYSTOR PEAR : : : TAKEN 20 YEARS AGO OREErJFIELD, O. (UP) A plump little pear rested 30 yeara ago In a1 basket In front of Jenaro Wolle'a grocery atore here. It waa plucked from the basket by a woman who later became a preacher. . Wolfe received a letter the other, day. In It was a dime and a letter. The note said. "I took your pear 30 years ago. When thinking of restltu tlona I might need to make, I have not found any pressing upon my con science but the little pear. If It was worth more than 10 rente, I will send you the remainder." Wind Does Much Toil For Farmer CLEBURNE. Tex. (UP) L. P. Sharp eta the wind do moat of the work around his farm. An Ingenloua ar rangement that attaehe. tn hi. wind mill geta the following thlnga done . "by wind": pumping water, lighting the farm, turning the cream eepara tor, churning cream Into butter, iron-' Ing clothea. curling his wtfe'a and daughter's hair, and fanning the fam ily on a hot day. with a few old auto mobile parte, some .ttcka of wood, a hinge or two and some springs. Sharp built the apparatus, which rune an electrlo generator. i Vet Thought Dead Has 93rd Birthday WASHINOTON (UP) Ellaaaph D. Oodfrey, who waa left for dead on the Chancelloravllle battlefield, cele brated his 93rd birthday recently. Oodfrey 'a birthday celebrations were almoat al-ruptly ended during the Civil war when the war depart ment reported him officially dead af-: ter tha Battle of Chincellorevtlle. Cigarette Taxes , , Help To Kansas TOPETCA, Kan. (UP) Kansaa, which until recent yeara outlared the aale of cigarette, collected f678, 200 In taxea on them laat year. Thla . waa an Increase of 33 628 over th, tax collected the prevtoua year. On th basis of tax paid it waa 478.200.000 elgarettea In 1034. Pet Duck Frnzvn Into Pond PORT WORTH, Texas. (DP) Oluck-Oluck, the pet duck In Forest ' Park too. haa a terrible time In the winter. Twice alnce the cold weather started he haa been found frown Into the Ice on his pond. A good thaw restores him to tale quacking 1 normal