VMEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE. MEDFORD, OREGON. FRIDAY. FEBRUARY 8. 1935 PAGE THREE NEWER RELEASED AS ATTORNEY FOR Move Conforms with Policy of Martin in Ending Spec ial Attorney Employment by State Departments SALEM, Feb. 8 (AP) Arthur K. McMahan. chairman of the state liquor control commission, announced here today that the commission, con forming with the policy of Governor Charles H. Martin relative to the employment of special attorney by stat departments and establishing ft policy for the liquor board. Is dis pensing with the services of George Neuner as special attorney for the commission. "Mr. Neuner has been employed on a mcnth-to-month basis and the ac tion of the commission In relieving him is entirely agreeable to him," eald McMahan. Ban Canadian Liquor. At the same time Chairman Mc Mahan announced that the commis sion at Its scheduled meeting here this afternoon would Issue an order directing Its administrator and pur chasing agent, Frank A. Spencer, to purchase no more liquors from the British Columbia Distilleries com pany, from which the state has been buying Monogram and Deluxe Bour bon brands of whiskies. "We are Informed by acents of the United States government that the British Columbia Distilleries com pany Is now In litigation with the United States government over un . paid taxes and penalties on liquor 1 llleged by the government to have been Illegally Imported Into this rountry," said McMahan. Taxes I'npald. "A suit Is pending In the federal courts for the collection of these taxes and penalties and we are in formed that two former officers of the company are fugitives from Jus tice from the United States. "Under such circumstances the oommlssion does not feel Justified In continuing to purchase liquors from a foreign corporation which flaunts and defies the authority and laws of the United States." The liquor control commission would meet here this afternoon pri marily for consideration of the pol icy to be followed by the commis sion in relation to pending legisla tion proposing amendments to the state liquor control act, with particu lar attention to be given to the changea recommended by the former commission. Cocktail Bill Walts. There was no indication as to what position the new commissioners would take with relation to the so-called ) cocktail bill to . legalize the sale of ' mixed and hard drinks by the glass In hotels and restaurants, which 1 now in the hands of the house com mittee on alcoholic control. The former commission made no mention of the "cocktail" bill in its recommendations to the legislature, although the proposal has been ac tively agitated by Portland hotel and restaurant men for several months. Members o the new board ex pressed a generally favorable attitude toward the former commission's rec ommendation that all alcoholic bev erages containing more than 3.8 per cent of alcohol be handled by the oommlssion, with the state acting as wholesale distributor for beer and wines containing not less than 3.8 or more than 14 per cent alcohol. They also indicated that they will oppose the pending bill to in crease from 14 to 24 per cent the legal alcoholic content of wines which may be sold by the bottle or glass by restaurants and licensed retailers. LlTMtOCk. PORTLAND. Pb. 8 IAP Cattla 35; calvas, 35; nominally steady, unchanged. HOGS 300; steady, unchanged. SHEEP as; nominally steady; un changed. SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO, Feb. I. (API (U. S. Dept. Agr.) Cattle: 300. load and hair 1111-1133 lb. short fed steers as 3s and 16.00 respective ly: odd head common-medium un der 1100 lbs. averagea H.50-7.00: good fed steers absent, under 600 lb. weights eligible toward 00: com parable quality over BOO lb. quoted aa.50-75; comparable quality light weight vealers eligible S8.00 to pos sibly 9 00. SHEEP: 475: generally asking to around $8.35 on four-deck string well-bred fed wooled Idaho lambs. Wall St. Report CHICAGO, Feb. 8 AP (O. S. Dept. Agr.) Hogs: 11.000: good to choice weights above 300 lbs. $8.15 35. top $8 30: new high: most 350 lbs. up bids $8.15; 180-300 lbs. $8.00 35: 140-180 lbs. $7.50-8.00; 100-140 lbs. $5.75-7.50: 80-80 lba. $5.00-50; plainer lots down to t4.7B; sows $7.60. CATTLE: 3,000: steer crop com psratlvely plain, best 1119 lb. offer ings $13 00: bulk lower grade year lings and light steers $7.00-10: better grade heifers practically absent: holding good western cowa around $8.50; choice vealers $8.00-50; odd head $0.00 to small Interest; bulk light kinds $6.00-7.00. SHEEP: lljOOO; good to choice na tive and fed western lambs bid $7.75 8.50; good to choice aged native ewes $4.50-5.00; nothing done on feeding lambs. Portland Produce PORTLAND. Ore.. Feb. 8. (AP) Butter Prints. A grade, 36c lb. tn parchment, 37c lb. in cartons; B grade, parchment wrappers, 354c; cartons, 36'3c. BUTTERFAT Portland delivery. A grade deliveries at least twice weekly, 36-37c lb.; country routes, 34-35c lb.; B grade delivery less than twice week, 35c lb.; C grade at market. B grade cream buying price of distribu tors, 65c lb. EGGS Sales to retailers: Specials, 26c; extras. 35c; fresh extras, browns. 25c; standards, 34c; fresh mediums. 24c; medium firsts, 23c dozen. EGGS Buying price of whole salers fresh specials, 23c; extras, 2tc; extra mediums 20c; pullets, 16c; un der grades, 16c dozen. CHEESE, milk, country meats, live poultry, onions, potatoes, wool and hay, steady and unchanged. NEW YORK. Feb. 8. (AP) Led by rails and Industrials, stock mar ket prices again moved Into higher territory today. The pace wi still slow, however, as many traders wait ed for further confirmation of the upturn. The closing tone, was firm and transfers approximated 570.000 shares. A rally in commodities, together with an Apparently brighter outlook for business generally, helped to im prove sentiment In the equities di vision. Rubber and hides developed strength, while grains and cotton came back. Secondary rail bonds found ft substantial demand and the dollar firmed in relation to leading foreign exchanges. The commodity markets appeared to have shaken off their nervousness following advices that the difficulties of some London dealers were not so serious. Today's closing prices for 32 secect- ed speks follow: Al. Chem. St Dye 135 Am. Can 114 Am. & Fgn. Pow. . 4 A. T. & T. . 104 Anaconda 10H Atch. T. & S. F. 44S Bendix A via. . 15, Beth. Steel 29 California Pack's 39i Cataptllar Tract ............ 39 Chrysler 38 Coml. Solv. 20 Curtlss-Wrlght 2 DuPont 94 Gen. Foods , 34i Gen. Mot. - . 31 Int. Harvest. L 40", I. T. Sz T 8 Johns-Man. ..................... 50 Monty Ward . 26 North Amer. .. 11 Penney (J. C.) .. 68 Phillips Pet Radio Sou. Pac . Std. Brands .w..................... St. Oil Cftl. . .... St. Oil N. J Trans. Amer. Union Carb Unit. Aircraft ... U. S. Steel 15 5 15 17 30 40 'i .. 5 46 13 36 RUDY'S WIFE ILL; SUIT FOR HIGHER E (Continued from Page One) Mrs. Vallee. who is seeking more maintenance money ftom the orchra- tra leader, expressed profound solici tude for Vallee'i weal. We don't want him to die today," Sheridan said. Then he rested his ease, explain ing: 'Mrs. Vallee is confined to her home under medical care, and this concludes the plaintiff's case." The move greatly agltatd Bushel. After spluttering and prancing about he requested a recess until 2 p.m. to prepare ft motion. He did not dis close what his motion would be. The courtroom quickly cleared, but Vallee tarried. He went up to the phonograph on which his records of conversations involving his wife had been played and put a record on but no sounds either of voices or of music were heard from the wheery machine. SEATTLE Js$g at S!gnh, India, beat jack Washburn. Boston, two out of three falls: Julea Strongbow. Okla homa, tossed Harry Kent, Corvallls. two. out of three falls. Special Communication of Medford Ledge No 103. A. F. fc A. M.. Friday. Feb. 8th. at 7:30 p. m. Work in M. M degree. Visitors Invited. FRED PURDIN. W. M GEO. ALDEN. Secy. Portland Wheat BXS FRANCISCO Lord Lansdowne. London, beat "Bull Dog" Jackson. New York, on a foul m the odd fall. PORTLAND, Feb. 8. (AP) Grain: Wheat Open High Low Close May 83", .83'. .82VJ .83'. July .IB't .lO'i .'!4 Cash: Big Bend bluestem. 89; dark hard winter. 12 per cent. Bl'i; do 11 per cent, 88; western white. 81; soft white, hard winter, northern spring, western red. 82. Oats, No. 2 white. $32.50. Corn. No. 2 E. yellow, $40.75. MUlrun standard, $24.50. Today's car receipts: Wheat. 20; flour, 7; hay, 1. ' Chicago Wheat FALL IN MINE SHAFT FATAL FOR LABORER BEND, Ore., Feb. 8. (AP) A fall of 100 feet down a mine shaft brought death last night to Donald J. Telfer, 38, Jefferson county resi dent. Telfer was working on the 500 foot level of the Oregon King mine near Ashwood. His foot slipped on a wet timber and he plunged down the 600-foot level. He died soon after he reached a hospital here. His widow and four children survive. Summons. In the Circuit Court of the Stat of Oregon for the county of Jackson. Thomas C. Ward, Plaintiff, va Roy Ward. Jane Doe Ward, his wife, if married; the Unknown Heirs of Roy Ward, If deceased; August Petard. N. H. Latimer, R. L. Ray. Jackson County, a body politic: also all other persons or parties unknown, clalmine any right, title, estate, lien or interest in or to the property herelnarter aescriDca, Defendants. In the name of the State of Oregon: You and each of you are hereby required to appear and answer the Complaint of the Plaintiff on f Ha herein AtTllnftt YOU or ' otherwise plead thereto within four I weeks from the date or trie nrsc pud llcatlon of this Summons. And you are hereby notified that if you fail to appear and answer the Complaint of the Plaintiff as hereinabove re quired or otherwise plead thereto, the Plaintiff will take a decree against you for the relief demanded In said Complaint, to-wlt: That the Plaintiff's title to and possession of all of said real estate hereinafter described to the extent and in the manner claimed in tVe Complaint be determined, establish ed, confirmed, and quieted in ihe Plaintiff In this suit, his heirs, suc cessors, and assign forever against alt adverse claims on the part of each and all of the Defendants in this cause and as against all persona mho may now or hereafter claim under or through them or either of them, and that- all apparent Imperfections or clouds upon the Plaintiff's title to said land be now and forever removed and that the title and po&.&ion f said Plaintiff be declared firm and effectual forever in the Plaintiff as the fee simple owner of said prem ises and that all of said Defendant and each of them be barred and fur ever estopped from having or claim ing any right or title In or to said real estate adverse to the Plaintiff herein. The property herein referred to is situated In the County of Jack son. Stat of Oregon, and more par ticularly described as follows, to-w:t: The Southeast Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of Section S3 in Township 34 South of Range 4, West of the Willamette Meridian. This Summons Is published In the Medford Mail Tribune by order of Honorable H. D. Norton. Judge of tne above entitled Court, duly made ,m the 8th day of February, 1935, re quiring the Summons to be publish d once each week for four consecutive weeks and that said Defendant, ap pear within said time. The date of the first publication of this Summons Is the 8th day of February, 193.S J. F. FLTEOEL. Attorney for Plaintiff 32 North Central Avenue, . Medford. Oregon. 3 WITH THE VALLEY TRADE IS THE VALLEY MADEg TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY 3 ROOMS, furnished; very clean. Adults only. 9 K. Jackson. FOR SALE 44 rabbits, cheap. 721 Beekman Ave., 1 block from Wash ington school. WANTED Man with caterpillar trac tor to do some logging. Phone Jacksonville, 352. FOR RENT Furn. apt. 718 Welch BE WISE BUY WISE AND ECONOMIZE AT 100 Independent No Affiliations HOLLOVAYS RELIABLE GROCERY W. A. H0LL0WAY, Owner PHONE 20 y S3 February Feast of Food Values FOR SALE 3 1-3 acres, improved, Joining city limits: 3 blocks school $50 cash, balance monthly. Inquire 741 McAndrewa road. FOR SALE Delicious apples, cheap Bear Creek Orchard. FOR SALE -Purebred wire-hair fe male terrier. An ideal pet for chil dren. Sw this fine dog at Jacluon County Humane hospital. FOR SALE Large Eastman camera and case. Inqulro Blue Front Pool Hall. ' WILL the lady who took a pair of black kid gloves by mistake at the Building Bridge club please notify Mrs. J. C. Murray. FOR RENT Small modern house at 104 S. Oakdale, next to courthouse. WANTED To rent house. Must be reasonable. Phone 564-R. WARM, pleasant room, separate ent rance. 220 No. Oakdale. FOR RENT Furnished house. . at 321 Apple. Call CHICAGO, Feb. 8. f AP) Wheat: Open High Low Close May .95 .98 .96 .96 July .88 89 .88 .89 Sept - .89 .87 .86 .87 San Franrlsru Rutterfat. SAN FRANCISCO. Feb. 8. (AP) First grade butterfat, 38c f. o. b., San Francisco. lfinM.miaS II Ul tef alL2fc ni SIlTer. NEW YORK. Feb. 8 (AP) Bar silver steady and unchanged at 53. Butterscotch Angels We will feature a new cake tomorrow which Is made from a home recipe and is a real treat. It is a delightful combination of delicious Angel Food filled with nuts and iced with a tempting Butter, scotch icing. May also be had uniced. Will gener ously serve ten persons. Butterscotch Angel Food Loaves 19CPkin 23 ed We are also featuring the new Date Nut Bread be tag featured by Good Housekeeping This too is a prize housewife's recipe. IJ tS 'M A i ! m ill llTl i aTreiTTfrfTrTira OUR MEATS MUST BE GOOD or we could not consistently advertise them. Our advertisements are a guide to value and they are your guarantee of Quality meats. Shop this advertise mentit will save you time, save you tireless searching and SAVE you REAL MONEY! THE ORIGINAL LOW PRICE MARKET Smoked Picnics Mild Cure Exceptional Buy !b. 1 7e Leg of Genuine LAMB Lb. 22c BEEF Pot Roast A Real Buy Lb. 8C GROUND BEEF Fresh Ground. No rerral. Our wime high nnnllty 3 ibs. 25 Steaks lener s'ir'',n' . lb. 12V2C pound Frankfurters and quart Kraut, all for 23c FRESH OYSTERS Solid pack. A grade OPf Willapa. Pint CUU Veal Stew. Lb 5c Veal Roast "' ot. lb. 0c Veal Stew "' cut. lb. Qc Veal Leg Roast, lb. 12V2C Smoked Country Style Sausage, lb-1 7V2C SHORTENING Vegetable O OQf Base b lbs. C-dv Rump Roast Boned and Tied No Waste lb. 15c FRESH FRUIT AND VEGETABLES V WITH THESE if Whole Beets CraOr Lake. Nn. ran String Beans Crater Lake Fancy. No. 2 can Grapefruit MI1on brand. No. 1 Kraut Castle brand. Large No. 24 ran Salmon Pink. No. 1 tall ran Tuna Flakes No. 14 ran Pumpkin Royal Club. Large No. 2H ran Corn Meco brand. No. ran Tomatoes Crater Lake. No. standard Spinach R. C. No. V, 2 - 25 This friendly home owned store offers a grand opportunity for thrifty housewives to save in a big way on their food budgets. Our great volume buying and selling, phis a low overhead enables us to offer finest quality foods at saving prices. d li n ii c on For ood Food I II U si L a4 U 4 Free Deliveries Daily Prompt Service-Personal Attention Ovaltine 3f0r$1 'Reg. 50c size, ea. 35c Catsup Del Monte, large 14 oz. bottle 15. Jello, any flavor. 3 for 19c Corn, tender sweet. 3 for ... . 25c Mackerel, No. 1 tall can 10c Hominy, Van Camp's. No. 2V2 can . . 10c Prunes 1Q Fancy Petite. . J IDS. I Til Raised at Myrtle Greek Crisco cq. Still some left at 3 II). C311 O U PERCOLATOR 1 pound can 31 Schilling r tvy DDL 2 pound can 60c Corned Beef Marshmallows Libby's, can Jc Mb. pkg. 5c Flour Kitchen Queen or Snowbird, hard wheat 49 lbs. $ 1 ,79 SALMON Fancy Red Alaska Sockeye. No. 1 tall can 2 for 35c Corn Flakes 3 pkgs. 23c Lux Toilet Soap. 3 for ... . 20c nxIS Mnvlf Slar riinto Fire wllh S bars! Lifebuoy Soap. 3 for 23c Rinso. Large package .... 23 C lux. Large package 23c FINEST FRESH FRUITS AND VEGETABLES The Way to a Man's Heart is to make sure that he gets fresh and tasteful fruits and vege tables, prepared to his liking. You will go a long way toward that point by ordering from the finest and freshest produce which we buy under rigid inspection. Bananas Grapefruit Oranges Fancy Fmit Coachella Finest rcy Southern Navel Lb. Kc size 4 for 19c size, dozen 33c I Italian Broccoli. 2 lbs 5c Artichokes, Jumbo. 3 for . 1 9c Sweet Potatoes, very fey. 6 lb. 25c GRAPEFRUIT. Large 64 size, fancy. Doz. . . 49c SQUASH, cut to suit you. Pound 2V2C CABBAGE, solid heads. Pound 2V2C CAULIFLOWER. Large solid heads. 2 f or . . 25c Rhubarb, extra fancy. 2 lbs. 25c Lemons, Sunkist, 360 size, doz. 15c Onion Sets, U.S. No. 1. 2 lbs. 29c Carrots, Turnips, Beets, Radishes, Green Onions. 3 bunches 10c Caligator Pears, extra large each 10c APPLES a? NEWTOWNS NEWTOWNS Jumble Pack 89c box NEWTOWNS For Cooking 8 pounds .... 25c POTATOES U.S. No. 1's 25 lbs. 31c U. S. No. 1's 50 lbs. 62c U.S.No. Vs100lbs.S1 .20 S.79 Fancy, box Extra Why buy No. 2's When 1's Are So Cheap?