PAGE SEVEN WHAT YOU WANT Classified FOR EASY RE FE RE N C (g ( VO BORROW MEDFORD MATL THIBUNE. MEDFOKD, OREGON. TUESDAY. FEBRUARY 5. 1933. WiNVlilil d WtXIiYttl j I I vu I -d I Bend ever; ad on this pate. You will probably find ex actly tbe thins yoo want to buy or Kll- II It isn't there, advertise . 1 1 " Inexpensive, effective. RATES Per vrorri first insertion. (Minimum 25c) Each additional Insertion, per word - (Minimum 10c) Per line per month without copy changei .... .11.35 Phone 75 FOR WANT ADS LOST AND FOUND LOST Small lox terrier, name Bobby. Call 554. LOST Brown suede purse containing keys, coin purse, etc. Reward. 323 Medlord Bldg. LOST Lady 'a white gold square wrlt watch with black band. Reward it ' returned to Mall Tribune. LOST II dog missing, call 1&16. WANTED FEMALE HELP WANTED Girl lor general house work and assist with enre of two children. References. Box 3130. Tribune. MALE OR FEMALE WANTED City, county and district managers. Matured women and men who can qualify. Opening District office Medforo this week. Box 876. Tribune. WANTED SITU ATI0NS EXPERIENCED orchard man wants position as caretaker of orchard In return for place to live, with gar den privileges. Box 3207, Mall Tri bune. INCOME TAX DUE--Both state and federal. Have had years of experi ence In preparing returns. , Phone 1377-V after 4 p. m. 'Fred L. Colvlg W ANTED--MISCELLAN EOUS WANT TO bedrooms, 4-P-3. ' RENT House with 3 on East side. Phone WANTED Horse about 1500 for or chard work. Phone 611-J-6. WANTED To rent melon land. Ivan Norrls, DUlard, ore. WANT young cow, fresh. Box 3216. Tribune. WANTED Wood range, few pieces furniture. Must be reasonable. Box 3139. Tribune. WANTED 1000 red cedar fence poata Must be 6" by 8" length 7 feet- prefer 8 feet long. Quote lowest cash price. C. V. Barton, Merrill, Ore. WANTED Amalgamation plates. Medford Pipe and Machinery Co. WANTED Transportation Omaha. Nebr., or vicinity about March 10. Share expenses. Write Box 637. Oold Hill. Oregon. WANTED or 1 h. p. electric mo tor. Phone 1232-W. WANTED 3 or 4 room modern house, partly furnished. Box 3381. Tribune. WANTED To buy hay rake, trunk for rear of car (Karl-Keen). K. C. care Mall Tribune. tf WANTED One 3-horse grain drill J E. Weaver. Star Rt.. Gold Hill. WANTED Household goods, stoves tools or what have you ' Medford Bargain House. 27 N Grape St. Tel 1062. HIOHEST PRICES paid for furs, hides and pelts Medford Bargain House 27 N Grape Tel 1063 JUNK WANTED We pay canh for JUNK BAlTERlEb AND RADIATORS ALUM1NJM BRASS COPPER and Junk f all descriptions MEDFORD BARGAIN' HOUSE 37 .-ii Grape I'd iW FOR RENT-HOUSES FOR PENT 3-room furnished house. Lipht. water "d prin. S9.00 month. Oak Grove district. Phone 4-F-2. FOR PENT 6-room furnished house. 821 No. Central. FOR RENT 209 So Oranice. fl-room unfurnished home Fireplace. Hard wood finors. Areola hot water heat ing system. Electric range. $35 00 Including water.' Cha. R. Ray Realtor. Medford Bldg Phone 3i2 FOR RENT -Furnished house. 604 W 10th. FOR RENT Nice 7 room notice, un furnished. Call 817 W. 10th or phone 621-R. FOR PENT One 3. 2. 1 room houses furnished. 812 Summit. FOH Kb Nl Nnm unmrmstiM Bruwn i tarnished Oi White FOR RENT APARTMENTS FOR PENT Furn. 2 -room apt. 618 So. Central. FURNISHED 2-room apt 604 W 10th FOR RENT ROOM-BOARD hAiES , iiwc.ate ai 710 v jau& FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS WARM pleasant room, separate en trance. 320 No. Oakdale. ROOMS 153 No. Oakdale. UTKACTIVF rooma Ot 8 trap FOR KENT MISCELLANEOUS CABIN with unimproved 4 acre, in quire 1137 W. Main. FOR RENT 60 Acres In Beetle DUt.. Just south ot Antloeh school, about 15 acres tillable, balance small tim ber. Ideal ror turkeys. Very modest rent. Phone 1473-W. RENT OR LEASE Business lot close in. on highway. Eleanor Maule. Jacksonville. Ore. CABINS ROR RENT By day. week or month See at Camp Wlthua. N Riverside. POH REN1 Room 16x60 adjolrurw Mail mbune Job department on Orape street WU1 remodel to suit permsnent tenant Phone 76 or ap ply at Mall rrtbune I DO ws paper) ot Hce FOR EXCHANGE . EXCHANGE any complete course In ternational Correspondence Schools for used car In good condition. P. O. Box 924, Medlord. ELECTRIC Brooder to trade for co-d brooder or Incubator. Box 3136. Tri bune. FOR TRADE 1928 Sedan for light oar or truck, win pay cash differ ence. 525 N. Central. Phone 586. WILL trade corn for posts. Box 3201. Mall Tribune. TRADE for wood, drop-head Singer electric pnonognsph. play 11 rec ords. 009 Beatty. back of Camp . Wlthua TO TRADE For wood, used model A Ford wire wheel, tire and tube com plete. Write Box 788. Tribune WILL TRADE my equity in modern 7 room house for 5 rooms or for Copco stock. Box 3102. Tribune. FOR SALE OR TRADE Model M Samson tractor. Write J H Stan ley. Route 3. Medford. FOR EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE WANT TO TRADE a 160 acre farm 20 mi. S. E. Denver. Colo, all In wheat, no Improvement except fence. Want land In Rogue River Valley, s. E. McClung, Rt. 1, Rogue River, Ore. COLORADO land for trade, situated In the San Juan Basin of Monte zuma Co. 400 acres sage with 100 acres cleared. Good grazing. One improved quarter section, irrigat ed. Excellent alfalfa, potato, wheat, bean, and beet land. A good atock farm. Live springs. For further In formation address C. M. Dowd. Sams Valley, Oregon. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE Modern, nicely furnlsh- ea oungaiow, close in 91750. Easy terms. 5 acres, close In, excellent - free soil, attractive modern im provements, trade clear for clear, for modern late bungalow, close In Several stocked and equipped ranches, sale and exchange. Gainer Realty Exchange, 16 N. Fir. ' AAA A A INVESTIGATE S230D 71118 attracUve- modem v 5 - room home,, large screened In porch, laundry tube, excellent bullt-lns. House In per fect condition. Good lot with plenty of shade. Oarage. Total price $400.00 down and good terms on balance. ALSO $1250 31 Acre Rogue River Bottom soil, fenced, 37 acres under Jrrtgation. beautiful building site" 63500.00 property, some terms. This la well worth your consideration. CHARLES A. WING AGENCY. INC 109 E. Main fit. Phone 728 FOR SALE In Boagle district, Just south of Antloeh school, 60 acres, about 16 acrea tillable now, more easily available, balance small tim ber. Fenced, good grazing, fine for poultry. Only $500 for cash, term to good people. Phone 851-R-3. FOR SALE Must sacrifice Memorial park lot Box No. 601. Tribune. INVESTIGATE This attractive modern 5-ioom home, large screened in porch, laundry tubs, excellent bullt-lns. House In perfect condition. Good lot with plenty of shade. Oarage. Total price 2300.00 $400.00 down and good terms on balance. 31 Acres Rogue River Bottom soil fenced. 27 acres under Irrigation beautiful building site. $2600.00 property ror eiaou.w. some terms. This Is well worth your considera tion. CHARLES A. WINO AGENCY, INC. 109 E. Main St. Phone 738. SAQRIF1CE SALE HOME. 3-story furnished or unfurnished, a baths, desirable neighborhood. Very prof itable for apartments. Tel 1256-X. STOCK AND DAIRY RANCHES, Pear Orchards, acreage homes, city homes, building lota, placer mines. Everything In real estate. Roberts, 720 Wert 2nd. FOR SALE Modern oome, 7 large rooms, basement and oil furnace la rge lot with p len ty trees and shrubbery. Box 3011. Tribune. STOCK AND DAIRY RANCHES. Pear Orchard, acreage nome. city homes building lots, placer mine Every thing in real estate. Rdberte. 720 West 2nd FOR SALE 9 acres, ranch Cheap. H Ideal poultry Schermerhurn, mile west of Phoenix FOR SALE OR RENT Near town. 100-acre ranch; B0 acres 25-vear-old trees: balance alta!:; good build:ng. electricity, water. Bat Ci;n for quick sale Box 740. Mail Tribune HOUSES FOR SALE OR RENTJack son County Building & Loan Ass'n Phone 195 rOR SALE OR TRADE Li rge lot clear some buildings near grad nd nvh 4Ch)i Klamath Pall for :itv aropirts x;Ia oi without paiiao. MtUCe Uj 174, fxJuue FOR SALE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE OR RENT Modern home; 1 large rooms, large screened porch bathroom and pantry, lota at bullt tns. fireplace, hardwood floor, large lota with plenty ol trees and shrubbery; paved street. C. A. De Voe. phone 523-J-2. WHEN you think or real estate, think or Brown Jt white. FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES FOR 6ALE 1926 Dodge roadster good running condition, 50 ca&h. Geo. Scott. Rogue River, Ore. FOR SALE 1931 Chevrolet coach. 1930 Chev. sedan. 1930 cnev. ooacn. 1939 Chev. coupe, 1927 chev. sedan. 1927 Chev. coach. 1927 Chev. road ster. 1926 Chev. aedan. 1929 Ford roadster. 1927 Butck sedan. Sec John. 206 No. Riverside. USED CAR BARGAINS Chrysler and Plymouth Trade-In. 1930 Chevrolet Sport Roadster. 31930 Chevrolet Sedans. 1929 Chevrolet Coupe. 1933 Dodge Coupe. 1933 Plymouth Coupe. 1932 DeSoto Sedan. 1933 Plymouth 4 Sedan. ARMSTRONG MOTORS. rNC. 38 No. Riverside. Tel. 18. LOOK et all the used car before you buy. 33 So. Fir. AT A SACRIFICE 1934 V-8 Tudor aedan; small mileage. 33 So Fir. DON'T FORGET 33 So Fir for better used oar value. BARGAINS every one, at 23 So Fir. FOR 8AI.B DOGS PFT8 FOR SALE Coach pupplea. Monarch Peed Store. P. D. Lofland. Central Point. PEDIGREED Springer for sale, reas onable or trade. Pete Pomeroy. Central Point, Ore. FOR SALE Pedigreed Roller canaries Call 302 Mrs. Nellie Finney. Jack sonville. FOR SALE LIVESTOCK FOR SALE Pigs, $3 50 to 85 00; ap ples, 35c a box; 8-h.p. gaa engine. 840. Ted Fish, Phoenix. FOR SALE POULTRY FOR SALE Baby chick. Hanson strain from B. W. D. tested hens, Sparlln's Poultry Farm, Williams. Oregon. A FEW Hollywood cockerel; pen took first prize Ashland poultry show Booking orders (or chicks. White Wing Poultry Farm. Phoenix. COCKERELS, hatching eggs, chicks; Leghorn Rocks. Beds Car ley 814-W FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE Fine quality seed grain. Konoto oats, 81-50 per 100 lbs.. Success beardless barley. CI. 60 per 100 lbs.. Federation wheat, M.bO per 100 lbs.. Federation wheat re cleaned, $1.60 per 100 lbs., Hennch en barley recleaned. (3-00 per 100 lbs. alfalfa seed, 18c per lb. Henry Nledermeyer, one mile North J' vllle, on Old Stage road. Phone 364. J'vllle. FOR SALE Fifty dollar Iver Johnson bicycle, custom built. Price $36. Alexanders Grocery. FOR SALE 2 electric brooders. 16-ft counter, tables, gas beater, etc. May be seen at 317 No. Riverside Ave. Must sell quickly. H. G. Moore. Trustee. FOR SALE 63 tons 2nd out alfalfa hay. 116 ton first out alfalfa nay Elinor Han ley Bush 836 East Main St. Phone 903. FOR SALE Baled oat hay. 7-F-14. Phone MIP-RORS made to order; mirrors re. silvered; auto glass Installed; broken windows replaced; store front plate glaw. table tops; picture framing MEDFORD PLATE GLASS CO 36 S. Bartlett. Phone 446 BARGAIN in 3V'3-in. Sterling centrif ugal pump, with 4-b.p motor. Terms and' trade 33 So Fir, or Phone 377. FOR 8ALE Used sewing machines all makes; terms If desired All makes rented and repaired White Sewing Machine co. 24 . Bartiett. FOR SALE Apples, or trade for any thing you have. Phone 132-L. TIME TO RE-TIRE GET A FISK None Better None Cheaper SUNRISE SUPER SERVICE 12th at Riverside. FOR SALE One windmill and red wood tank. J. E. Weaver, Star Rt. Gold Hill. FOR SALE Sand, gravel lawn dirt. fertilizer teaming, pnone bu-j BUSINESS CHANCES FOR SALE Sacrifice, filling station and cabins, close in. Doing a good business. Also houjte clear, to trade for improved acreage. L. G. Plckell. 304 E. Main. Call 1580-J. erenlngs MONEY making proposition, not of ten found. Leaving Oregon and must sacrmce. box auuo. Trioune. MISCELLANEOUS JAN SPECIAL Driveway material, 8 alzea of rock 9 $1 50 per yd deltf ered on drive Aflk for price on small order, granite or buckshot Bateman. Ph 1534-Y-912-J. IS YOUR HEARING IMPAIRED?! nave to: ai or trade a late model A co u t icon which as to oeneH.d my nearing that I nave no furtbei un tor iv r n &err raaeni. ore KINDERGARTEN Sparti Bldg Mu sic and dance. Phone 1545 or 1346- w. Rutb Luy Alio Holmback. BUSINESS DIRECTORY Money To Lend MONEY LOANED $50 to $300 for personal or household purpose on House Furnishings or Autos; also Cars Re-flnsnced Loans closed within 30 minutes under auper vision of the stale Bankina Dent License No 8-157 See W E Thomas or t J Riley 45 Bo. Cea lti. BUSINESS DIRECTORY abstract -IM'hSON CO. ABSTRACT CU. Abstract ot rule anu fit: Insurance rb OnJV complete Iltlt System to Jackson County MURRAY ABSTRACT CO. Abstracts j of Title. Rooms 3 and o. no l Nortb Central Ave., upstairs. Expert window Cleaner. LET GEORGE DO IT Tel. 1172 House cleaning, floor waxing, ori ental rug cleaning de upholstering Dentistry DENTISTRY Dr. I. H- Gove. 325 B Main. Painting A Paperhanglng M. A BLIS3 Painting fe paperhang Ing. Tel 648-W 313 So Grape JOHN H. LOCK, painter and decor ator. Quality work. Prloe reason able. Res. 134 King St Call 0&3-R Transfer. EADS TRANSFER & 8TORAQE CO. Offlce 1016 No Central Phone 316 Prices right. Service guaranteed. HAWLEY TRANSFER Expert pack ers and movers Special livestock moving equipment. Prices right 619 North Riverside Phone 616 LEGAL NOTICES SIMMONS Suit to Quiet Title. In the Circuit Court of the Stat of Oregon for Jackson County. Frank Edwards, Plaintiff, va. Mamie Nelson: J. H. Lark In. the un known heirs of J. H Larkln; W H Humphrey, the unknown heirs of W. H. Humphrey; Wm, P Isaacs: Lillian Agnes Merrill and Norman Merrill, wife and husband: Charles W. Isaacs: W. H. Spellman, the un known heir of W. H. Spellman; William H. Spellman. the unknown heirs of William H. Spellman; Mnry M. Chllders, the unknown heirs of Mary M. Chllders; Sarah Grazer, the unknown heirs of Sarah Grazer; Phylls Grazer Millard, the unknown heirs of Phylls Qrazer Millard; Alti Grazer, the unknown heirs of Alta Grazer: also all other persons or parties unknown claiming any right, title, estate, Hen or Interest In or to the real estate described In the Complaint herein. Defend ants. To each and all of the above named Defendants: In the name of the State of Oregon, you and each of you are hereby re quired to appear and answer the com plaint filed against you in the above entltied suit on or before the list day of four weeks from the date of the first publication of this summons. and if you fall to so appear or answer said complaint for want thereof the plaintiff will apply to the Court for thf relief demanded in his complaint, succinctly stated as follows, to-wit: That a decree be entered adjudi cating any and all right, title, estate, lien or claim which you. or earn of you, have, or claim to have In, to or upon the real property, or any por tion thereof, situated In Jackson County, Oregon, and described as fol lows, to-wlt: Beginning at a point situated 266 35 feet East of the point of in tersection of the South line of West Fourth Street and the East line or the County Road (now known as Columbus Avenue) in the Southeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of Section 25 in Township 37 South, Range 3 West of the Willamette Meridian, and from aald beginning point, run thence East 50.67 feet; Mail Tribune Daily ACROSS V Nail used to mark sta tions in underground survey ins; I. Aside 10. ftoast 1. Sneet of glass 15. Shaving Implement If. Air: comb, form 17. Frugality 19. Corrupted 21. Imps ZZ. Brother of Abel zS. Oriental ship captain 24. Contiuined 2t. Musical instrument tft. You and I !T. Small liland- 19. Depend SO. Burns Solution of Yesterday'! Puzzl S1A1C'MI1L jjlMlAlT I toIdares wj g h PIER mTa N E U T O E WbN6Wjr grip PRE VE NTgp Mj"RS LkE lAlREA Sp I L I NpS MELT P A E S 5 H AIM E N sbteese R pjEn T E K ElD E SI. Period of tims , , . 14. Fence of stone l,ni P' of or brick leather It. Pertaining to . Engllab school ... chisar xs? ur of dii- Short for a tance man1 name IT. Worker to it. Metal wood i9. Rani; of It. Southern state: knowledge abbr. 50. Sea bird W, Cal! for a 52. Sandarac tree repetition 6X. Dikes It. Cnexrected 16. Small orna device or mental stratagem cloths for It. Alrohollo the table liquor II. Keenly 1 y 3 y pif i6 y ie iy wo r 2 r z8ZI "Z n i 1 i23 pp m pii fff 33 j3 p3 SZZ H!!ZZ ZlLZZIlZ 5o 51 W 17331 S4 ft 2 S3 .zr gfp thence South 100 feet: thence West 50.67 feet; and laence North 100 i feet to the point of beginning, &1! ! betn In the City of Medford. j and declaring ajiy and all auch claims j to be null and void, and decreeing that the 6ald plaintiff la the owner In fee almple of said prrmlM'a and of j the whole thereof, free and clear or ny and alt rUht. title. vta-e len i I or Interest of the said defendants. I or any of them, and that each and all of the defendants herein, and each and all persons claiming, or to claim, i by. through or under tnem. or any or them, be forever enjoined, restrained and barred from averting, attempt ing to establish or claiming tny right, title, estate. Hen or Interest in or to said property, or any portion thereof, and that plaintiff's title to said premises be forever quieted and set at rest. The date of the order for publics- tlon of this Summons Is January 39, 1R35; the time prescribed for publi cation or this Summons is onoe each week for four consecutive weeks; and the date of the first publication of this Summons Is January 39, 1936. KELLY & HAMMOND. Attorneys for Plaintiff. 119 North Central Avenue, Medford. Oregon. Notice. In the County Court of the State of Oregon In and for the County of Jackson. r In the Matter of the Estate of W. H. Fisher. Deceased. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has filed with the Clerk of the above entitled Court her Final Report as executrix of the estate of said decedent, and the said Court has set the hour of ten o'clock a. m., on the 35th day of February. 1935, at the Courtroom of said Court in the Courthouse of Medford. Oregon, as the time and place for the considera tion of said Report, the closing of said estate, and the discharge of the undersigned executrix. All persons Interested In said estate are hereby directed and required to appear at said time and place and show cause, if any they have, why such relief should not be granted. Dated and first published this 29th day of January, A. D. 1935. , CLARA T FISHER. Executrix of Estate of W. H. Fisher, deceased TRAIL, Feb. 6 (Spl.) Dare Peter son has returned to his home at the Mountain Lumber company, after spending a week at the D. E. Hutch inson home on Elk creek. Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Ash are busy remodeling their home. They are partitioning the front room to make a bed room. Mildred Childreth called briefly at the Matthews Cabin, also at the Jess Garber home January 30. Friends are very sorry to learn of the accident Lincoln Pence suffered last week. Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Ash were din ner guests at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Jess Garber. Little Joan Zlmmer was a week end guest at the home of Donald Young. Ervln Hutchison called on relatives In this vicinity last Sunday. Flossie Parker Is expected to ar rive In Medford soon after an ex tended visit with friends and rela tives in Idaho. Mrs. Parker haa been vacationing for seven weeks. Charles Foellers called at the Mat thews cabin January 30. Charles Ovelman Is visiting with George Schermerhorn of the P. & 8 ranch. Sam Parker is recovering nloely irom his recent siege of sinus trouble and la able to resume his work. Cross Word Puzzle . String of car 10. Forbid 1L Place of retlr' mont 11 Extent of surface 13. Superhuman beings It. Smallest wholf umber 20. At horns 22. Gatherer 2R. Axelst 2. Withstand Oil 27. I.osfi 28. Godly person W. scarce 3V Stair 31. Stiff 32. Strutlnlses 34. Twlnt out of shape It. Render sense less S7. Kind of fuel 35. Mlddsy 41. Pertaining to the skull 48. Army officer 46. Runs out 4. Venerate 45. OoiliieRH of peace 49. Small barrel 60. Kind of cheesa 61. Assumed character fit. Three-toad sloth It. Maid 64. Ancient Ores city IS. Since: Scotch 57. Permit fit. Refore ei. By L I MERER 60. Wlnsa If. Approach Shower si as?, Rockies . other DOWN 1. Went swiftly 3. Step 3. Irregularity 4. Signify 6. Weapons . Re profitable 7, Symbol for nitrogen I. Revolving Trail (OUNTYlkllirS Eagle Point i EAGLE POINT. Feb. 6 (Spl.) Mrs. Donna Ash pole and Mrs. Pearl Hen derson have both been ill with very bad colds. M . ... A meeting of the extension unit was held at Mrs. Flar- Throckmorton Friday. The unit co-operated upon the project, "Bread making." with Mrs. Ousterhout and Mrs. Tlngleaf ma leaders. A much shorter process of baking than that used by most members was explained, also the making of liquid yeast. Next meeting on menu planning will be held March I. Mrs. Hannaford and daughters. Mrs. Msry Weldman and Mrs. Hattle Rob ertson, left Wednesday to be with Mr. Hannaford, who is still receiving treatment in Portland. Regular Sunday school February 10 at 10 a. m., followed by services at U a. m. Rev. Oldenburg of Medford will occupy the pulpit. Everyone in vited. Mrs. Lula Ward Is Improving rap idly and is glad to have her friends call to see her at the Sacred Heart hospital. The primary grade school was closed last Wednesday for the remainder of the week because of a few cases of scarlet fever. It was expected to re open Monday. Dr. Drummond and Miss Runels were out Thursday examining the high school pupils. They found quite a number having flat feet. Mr. and Mrs. Robert LaRocque and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Voting and chil dren spent Sunday In Klamath Falls Everyone Is cordially invited to at tend the play given by the ladles of the exteusion unit at the Grange hall Friday evening, February 8, at 8 o'clock. Light refreshment will also be served for a small admission charge. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Seaman and chil dren visited Sunday with Mrs. Sea man's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Roblson, of Talent. McLeod McLEOD, Feb. 5. (Spl.) Lee Col Ungwood, who haa been laid up the past week with stomach trouble, is somewhat Improved at thla writing. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Kurtu are moving to Long Beach, Cel., where Mr. Kurtz has secured work, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Kurtz are moving to Long Beach, Cal., where Mr. Kurtz has secured work. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Taylor spent Sunday with friends at Butte FA lis. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Roberts were week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ted Smith and family. Jack Casey arrived Saturday, hav lug been called home from the army service to assist in caring for his father, who is quite 111. Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Johnson were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Co burn Sunday. Mrs. E. D. Hoag haa been ill with a cold the past week. Mr. and Mrs. Otto Jeldness spent Sunday on their place here and visited McLeod friends. Mr. and Mrs. H. M. yon Stein end children spent the week-end with friends In Medford. 4 Ante'ope ANTELOPE. Feb. 6. (Spl.) Ben Oswald spent a few days last week on his ranch near Antelope. He has been trapping near Climax this win' ter. Mr. Jesale Allen entertained at a birthday party January 20 In honor of her small son, Bobby. Refresh ments were served to the following children : Nellie Balxe. Alice Dey, Barney Riggs, Jr., Barbara Culbert son. Dale Bigham, Ethel Lawrence. Teddy Yorton. Mary Allen and the honor guest, Bobby Allen. Valentines were given to all. Dairymen of Antelope are highly pleased at the price of butterfat, and are in hopes the price will stay up. The Eagle Point Irrlgntldn com pany has started men ot work clear ing ditches end getting things In shape for the spring Irrigating. Orchard work 1 also in full swing in this district. Antelope Literary club will give an entertainment Friday, February 8. the proceeds to be used to buy lumber for a etage. Every one 1 wel come. The program will start et 8:00 o'clock. Mr. end Mrs. Bob Lindsay and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. James Mc Dowell, Mr. and Mr. Wallace Mc-D-twell and Harold Burton visited Mr, and Mrs. B. K. Riggs the evening of February 4. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Cowden end daughter, Mrs. Ragsdale of Eagle Point were recent dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Art Kent. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Houston at tended church at Central Point Feb ruary 3, Ear) McKay of Medford ha been holding a meeting at Eagle Point. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Hatlett and Mr. and Mr. Earl Bigham of Sams Valley vlalted Mr. snd Mrs. Elbert Bigham February Mr. and Mrs. B. K. Riggs spent January 37 with Mr. and Mrs. 8. W. Balre of Medford. Cecil Culbertaon. who ha been under the care of a Medford doctor ror the past six week 1 reported ta doing fine end hope to be home tn a few day. e Oregon Weather. Fair tonight and Wednesday, but with valley fogs; moderate tempera ture; moderate east apd northeatt wind off the coast. Use l&aU Tribune want ad. Gold Hill GOLD HILL, Feb. A. (Spl.) Una Kay Blankenburg. one year old. and Charles William Gilchrist, three, en tertained their small friend January 31 at the home of Mrs. R. E. Blank en burg. Their guests were Polly Anne Peck ham of Medford, Jocelyn and De nise Maurler. Oonna and Joan Cen ters, joan and Carol Ann Comeron. Stanley and Thomas William Newn- ham, Paul Eugene Holderneaa. Oordon Lee Ramsey, Ernest Llngren Jr., Ron ald Biles, Jimmy Smith, Donna Gor ham. Georgle K. Baker, Loleta Routh and their mother. Birthday night of the Emethyst Re bekah lodge was spent at the Coy home, hostesses betng Mrs. Maude Robinson and Mis Bertha Coy. A pleasant social evening was spent and refreshments served. Mrs. Vella Hayes and Mr. and Mrs. Van Nuys of Grants Pass left Sunday for San Francisco on a buying trip for their Grant Pass Golden Rule. Eugene, and Yvonne Quackennush of Medford spent the week end here with relatives. Mrs. Lola Reed spent Thuarday here with relatives. She Is employed at the Jackson hotel coffee shop In Med ford. Mlsa Zelda Smith of Medford spent the week end here with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Smith. I Miss Fay Stanley end George Brown visited at the Tom Smith home Sunday. Mrs. Mayfleld, who works In Med ford, spent Friday here with her fam ily. George Hague of Grant Pass spent the week end here visiting friends. The benefit dance at the Odd Fel lows' hall Saturday night was well attended. Mr. Trannah, who has been quite III, Is slowly improving. Howard Lawd of Grants Pass spent the week end here with friends. Mr. and Mrs. M. B. Merrtman and Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Blair left last week end for Portland. They will return Tuesday. Mrs. Anna Faulk of OrovtUe, Cel.. Is here visiting her sister, Mrs. D. H. Norton. Among Medford shoppers Saturday were Mrs. Geo. Hammersley and Jeanne, Mrs. John Smith and Jean, and Hazel Kendall. Evangelist meetings are being held each night this weak at the Method ist church. Rev. Wllllngs of Wilder vtlle Is In charge of the meetings. Iolene Mornlngstar of Medford spent the week end here with Francis Davis. Mrs. Cecil Johnson was In Salem on business last week end. 4 Tolo TOLO. Feb. 5. (Spl.) Edward In mnnn has Joined the glee club at CCC 1565 on Evans creek. Sebastian Apollo 1 the Instructor. P. A. Tracy and Everet Hogue of Medford have returned to their homes from Almeda. Thoy found trapping there . unprofitable on account of anow and high water. The clouds stayed away Sunday morning Just long enough for many here to study, through smoked glasses the partial eclipse of the sun. Tracy Muse left on the stage Sun day for Fort Douglas, Utah. He came by way of Sacramento and returned by way of Portland. He will report for duty at the army post on the 0th. Mr. and Mrs. Otto Mercer and children, Alford and Francis, who have Just moved to Medford from Olympls. Wash., also Mrs. Mabel Mer cer of Medford visited at the Tracy home Sunday. Miss MarJorle Davis la expected home soon from the. Medford Com munity hospital. Mrs. Denver Davis will entertain at her home the Tolo Community club February 14. Thla meeting was to have been held at the home of Mr. H. D. Hamor. but as the busy season Is approaching for Mrs. Davis she graciously exchanged dates with her. The sound of a county road grader is music to local ears today, a Oold Ray dam road gets a much needed "going over Sev ?al Tolo farmers are having land plowed now and every one seems to feel that spring is Just around the corner. Blue birds are here and meadow larks are singing. Anderson Creek ANDERSON CREEK. Peb. . Bpl.) Mr. Clark and son, George, are dig ging well for Mr. Pine at central Point. Mr. and Mrs. Pot nd son spent Friday In Medford, Mis Clark spent rriaay aiternoon with Mlsa Ruth May,. Mis Ruth May and Edward smith spent Sunday In Ashland. P. M. Center wa up on tne cree Sunday. Prank Marques and family spent Saturday in Medford. Httve Lunak was In Ashland m- dy with some wood. Mr. Bchgler It hauling cut wooo from Prank Casey' ranch. Jsmri Marques called at the May home Friday. WINDOW OLASS W sell window glaaa and will replace your broken window reasonably Trowbridge Cab met Work. Authorities In Jacksonville, Pl have Inaugurated vlgorou antl. plstol-carrylng campaign as mean of combating crime. A farmer whose real nam It Blue Brown lives near Cello. Hun. L BE HALTED BY Steps were taken today by the county court, to prohibit mining op erations on county road rights-of-way, and to this end an order haa been prepared for service upon three or four miners operating In the foot hill sections of the Phoenix district. The order is based upon sections of the Oregon law prohibiting mining operations on county roads and road rights-of-way. District Attorney Codding said to day, "It Is all probably due to a mis understanding." Reports reaching the county au thorities state that the miner "pan alongside the roads, where water flows or has settled, and In sime in stances have dug into the main road. They fill this up. with soft dirt, which settles, and leavea a "chuck hole" a condition not entirely due to mining, on any number of routes. Complaints have also been filed, that adjoining land Is damaged slightly, by undermining. There have been no reports of the miners making any rich hauls, but it 1 presumed there 1 some monetary reward, or the operation would not continue. Courthouse News iFunUahM DJ Ui JacfcsoD Oount Abstract Co. 13) B Siitb Strwt! Marriage License Vernon Handsaker and Florence Green. William McK, Foley and Eula L. Benson. Circuit Court State of Oregon vs. Ivan Myers, forgery. C. H. Chrlstner vs. a. M. Kuber et el, foreclose contract. Laura Daley v. Edward R. Daley, divorce. Real Estate Transfers Medford Irrigation District to Mur ray D. Agate, W. D lot 0, Stewart Acre. Emma Moore Wilson to WUda Buck man et al, W. D., land In DLO 70 Twp. 86S. R 1 West. Emma B. Carlson et vtr to Bertha S. James, W. D., lot in block 2, Ban" Add., Medford. Smrna . Hall et vir to Frank E. Hall, Q. C. D Vt of W ot NW of NE Sec 30 Twp 368, R. 4W. Frank E. Hall et ux to Alice M. Bacon, W. D., 10 acres In Sec 39 Twp 30S, R. 4W. Bertha L. Stevens to W. N. Carl, W. D., land In sec. 17 Twp 383. R. 4 west. City of Medford to 0. F. Retchsteln et ux, W. D., lot 9 block 33, Med ford. L. Emma Humphrey et Tlr to O. F. Relchsteln et ux. W. D., lots 10 to 18 block 3, Central 'Subdivision, Medford. A. A. Sohranun, superintendent of banks to J. E. Weaver, deed, W. 8a acre of N'4 of NWK Sec 81 Twp 368. R. 3W. D. E. Millard et ux to Mary F. Whitman, W. O., lot 80 In Rogue Acre. , - - . , H. L, Bromley to State of Oregon, W D lota 7 snd 8 block 1, Bryants Addition, Medford. Sheriff to State of Oregon, sheriff deed, lot In block a, Barr'a Addition, Medford. Merle B. Roblson et ux to Roy El liott, W. D lot In block "U,M Rail road Addition. Ashland. Cora E. Baldwin to C. I. J. Porter, Q. C. D., lot on 6k id more Street, Ash land. PORTLANDUPHELD IN TOLL FOR POLL LINES ruKiMNu, reD. 5. (AP) Port land' levy against th Pacific Tola phon it Telegraph oompany for use of city streets for It pole and lines wa, In effect, upheld In federal court here Monday. Federal Judge John H. Mcl.ary ruled that the city ha a right to exaat , "reasonable" toll from the utility. The court granted the tele phone company 10 day in which to file an amended answer Intended to show that the 0 per cent gross levy I "unreasonable, confiscatory and In violation of tht defeudant' constitutional rights." COMPLETE JURY LIST FOR 1935 THIS WEEK The county court la expected tr.1, week to complete the Jury Hat for 1935, consisting of 990 to 300 names, drawn from the poll book and tax roll of the county. The Hit will be ready for us during the February term of circuit court, tuning Mon day. February 35. Only tfall portion of the name will be used at each term of court. Only once In the his tory of Jackson county during the ballot theft trials has the Jury list for the year been exhausted. Since 1B18 total of 1.084 grad crossing have been eliminated In safety campaign of the Text high way commission. Sardy Deacon, noted Indian medi cine man reputedly almost 100 yean old, died recently near Holdenvllle, Okla. I ' Oat alaJ mono tnv to