MEDFORD MATL TRIBUNE. MED FORD. OREGON. SUNDAY. JANUARY 13, 1935. PAGE NINE Barbara Stanwyck at Rialto Garbo Heads Cast Craterian Hit Young Stars Teamed in "Two Alone" Based on Wllla Gather's interna-' tlonally famous novel, Barbara Stan wyck's newest starring picture, "A Lost Lady" 1 at the Rialto theatre for today and Monday, with Ricardo Cortez playing an Important role In the supporting cast. Others Include Frank Morgan, Lyle Talbot and Phil lip Reed. Taking a rather novel twist from Miss Stanwyck as a woman torn be- tween her love for a man with whom she has become madly Infatuated and her love for her husband, a hus band who had married on the basis of friendship and trust, rather than love. Combining gayety and laugh ter with sheer drama, the film has been set against the background of Chicago's famous Gold Coast and the pUu-...-. 1IM.S "tw- - 1 p- L : SSZasSta JsSssis! JIT Two Alotw' bring, two of Hol lywood young eat celebrttlu to the Studio tcmn today in a (tor; of a lov that endured through the cruel- tee of the mountain farmer who held the young couple In bondage. The William Hammett Moves to Larger Quarters in City Work ta progreulng rapidly on re modeling at 325 West Main atreet pre paratory to William Hammotta oocu- th ordinary. "A Lost Lady" shows picturesque Canadian Rockies. . LOCALS' Jimmy Elliott Improved Jimmy Elliott, son of Dr. B. R. Elliott, who has been lit for several' days, "was reported much better yesterday. New Officer Arrives Captain E. W. Gruhn, 30th Infantry, San Francisco, has arrived In Medford and was re cently enrolled at Medford district headquarters. Lieutenant To Leave First Lieut. Howard A. Malln, 30th Infantry, will leave for San Francisco next week It ww announced at the Medford dis trict CCC headquarters, where he has been a member of the staff. Back to Portland Mrs. John Pat terson left yesterday for her home In Portland after spending several days ?iere visiting her sister. Mrs. N. S. Oatman, and family at 222 South Central. State Organizer Here Mrs. Shadoln and daughter from Corvallla are vis iting for a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Cheater Parker of the Ham b unzer Inn. Mrs. Sh a dol n la s tate organizer for the Neighbors of Woodcraft. Five Coyotes Killed Applying for bounties on coyotes and bob cata killed were Bill Walch, Eagle Point, for two coyotes; William Kantor, Phoenix, two coyotes; Harvel Owlntts, Rogue River, one coyote, and W. R, Chlldreth, Trail, one bob cat. These were all reported in one day, Friday Back from Madera Mrs. T. M. Ben- ford returned Friday from Madera Cal., where she hns been visiting for the paat three weeks with her moth er, Mrs. A. McRae. Mrs. McRae Is acquainted with many In southern Orecon, as she has visited here on several occasions. From Out of Town Out of town business visitors yesterday included: A. B. Mead of Central Point. Mrs. Lester Sparlln and daughter Jean of William creek, Leland Surrels or Williams creek. Frank Wort man of Phoenix. Mra. LdIs Young of Central Point, Janioe Bailey of Ashland, Jke Walsh of Antelope, Rose Gillette of Bag:e. Minor Accident An accident In volvlng Mrs. W. Bagley, 341 Souh Oakdale, and F. C. Cone. 44 Newtown. which occurred Friday afternoon the Intersection of Main and Cen tral, was reported to city policy. Mrs. Bagley, who was driving Medford Flower shop truck, reports that the rear bumper of the machine 6he was driving was torn off. Camp Clerk VW Orle Moore, clerk at Elk Creek CCC camp, was araory? Medford bxislness visitors on Saturday, and called at the offices of Roaue River national forest. He reported a steady snowfall in the Union creek area that had increased the depth two inches Friday, bring' lng it to approximately 20 inches at the Diamond lake junction, Tells of "Black BIlT.rard" Herb Koerner, who left South Dakota after the severe dtut storms last June and now makes his home In Medford, commenting on the snow Saturday aavs the people of southern Oregon do not appreciate the wonderful cli mate. Mr. Koerner has Just received news of the dcaUi of t'.vo friends. who were farm boys living near Hur on. South Dakota. In a freezing black blizzard. The boys lot their way In the ehoV.ruz dust storm and were froaen to death. Shore Leme Expire C. F. Yongua officer In charce of the Medford rwva: reerultlryr district, said yesterday thrtt nn the 6th of February h-ls fliore of two! h" and tahat he will then r relrered t the local naval nrii;r '.rJ orr;- Ton$';e Hit-ends to return to fi a that. time, s'.tho-igh h has served hi 20 year and could retire from the sen-ice if he so wished. H- plan to take the AHan cruise in We late spring, wr.en the entire fet will aa'.l fJT the Hawaiian isianda on maneuvers, tr.ta return to Aii-xa and sutn a.rg the w;tJl tie excep'i--.n of the it :-"J-" YO''je's servii-f hi. t"e:i en'irf- y ; Visit Ashland Amy Elliott, Betty Vtlm and Phyllsa Phythlan were among Ashland visitors Friday. MM, Bra ley Better Mrs. C. Rease Braley, who has been ill at the Community hospital for a week, is now recovering satisfactorily at her home In Siskiyou Heights. With Herbert Marshall playing the role of her husband, Garbo'a new pic ture "The Painted Veil," taken from the novel by Somerset Maugham, starts a three day run at the Crater ian theatre today. George Brent, as the "other man," Jean Hersholt, War ner Oland. Cecilia Parker. Beulah her recent pictures. The story n been set against the ever colorful background of China, with the lure and Intrigue of the Orient always an Important part In the development of the plot. It Is here that the youug doctor takes his bride, to fight against the cholera raging In the country. and promptly forgetting her for his Bondl and many other well known i scientific research, and, with time players appear in the supporting cast, 'hanging heavily on her hands, she be- In this film play. Garbo Is shown as a modern type of woman, a more glamorous, more alluring and Infin itely more human role than In any of comes enamored of the hnndsomo George Brent, leading to the compli cations In the triangular problem that suddenly rises to face them all Shows Today 1:45 3:00 - 7:00 - 9:00 Adults 25c Children 10c . " ' ' v - -f Hriri iiTiriii iailL D Th tnrM U' " - 'r fe?r?'J i lib wuni f- --mXih Brsndeil',: jm& ' ff Nr ff m I II ... "a lost lady" If 'Jfr' ff tW9 ...but a million 'J fetf women will see in . v ;i "V'X'A" j her -the woman j . '"V A.'tTi' they wanted to be1 vJSxt I ''V willa Cather' celebrated novel of a worn- S , " ; , i . ?Jb an wno tried to make marriage take the ' ,' K place of love, comes to the screen in j;TTvJi, . ' glorious triumph! A . EXTRA I. iFHTrl Shirley Temple in "Campus Hoofers" oll,l5i!4l:l!lftl Ll jl- I Breezy Comedy Opens at Roxy ' l'j uxlay wltH girl, a roie played by Jean Parxer, the Beth of "Little Women," was an orphan who knew little of life be yond the broken fences of the di. trlct. Tom Brown has the role of a run away boy. patlon of this location which Is sched uled for January 15. Hammett's new headquarter will provide more space for plumbing supplies than the present location on North Bartlett street. Business Is be ing conducted as usual through the old office until the West Main place Is completed. A charm.iirt. bree. . - ..itmy-.u-mance about a girl who pretends t be what she Is not, full of chuckles, sly humor, bright dialogue and su perb acting. "Thirty-day Princess" utJv,iO ail, h.aU lnAy UltlttH Sylvia Sidney and Cary Grant in the leading rolls. Miss Sidney, who p'ays the dual role of princess and pretender, ap pears gorgeously gowned. Quaker Bumoll circulating heaters,' featured by the Hammett Plumbing company, will be stocked In greater quantity In the line, new plumbing store. Wlllam Hammett la one of Med ford's best known business men, hav ing pioneered here in the plumbing buslnesi.. The move to larger quar ters at 336 West Main street is an Indication of his faith In Improving economic conditions and Is In lint with his progresslveness, SCOTTIBH RITE Stated Lodge meeting 1:99 p. m.. Jan. 14th. Electloa of officers and fifth de gree. L. K. WILLIAMS, Secty. Dm Mall Tribune rant ad Shows Today 1:45 3:30 7:00 - 9:00 iPMf O IJ - m - - - Mats . ... 25c Eves . . , . 35c Children , . 10c "The Woman of yiame" $n J Electrifying! Fascinating! A liming! The moat glamorous Garbo you have ever known . . . warm . . . compelling . . . soul thrilling ... her smoldering passion rising to a cres cendo of emotion in this story of love and high adventure in the Orient! W. Somerset Maugham's intense drama of woman's soul torn between two loves .... with a fine supporting cast including Herbert Marshall George Brent WARNER OLAND JEAN HERSHOLT Aimr.Il ATTRACTIONS Thelma Todd-Patsy Kelly in 'Til Be Suing You" fiEWMlEEL '.U KICA. LAND OF COM BAST"