Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, January 13, 1935, Page 1, Image 1

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    Medford Mail Tribune
The Weather
Forecast; Sunday unsettled with
rain or snow; continued cold.
Hifihrot yetterday 36
lowest .eslerdav 30
Pulitzer Award
FOR 193
No. 250.
Twenty-ninth Year
new budget was
not a very peace
ful Affair.
Certain bulge
may stilt be not
Iced la the treas
ury and White
House roofs,
caused by the
e o n c u ssion of
conflicting opin
ions among Mr.
Roosevelt's bud
get scientists.
The main "con
flict was over
the $4,000,000,000 lump sum relief ap
propriation. The budget advisers arc
supposed to have contested generally
against a lump sum. They thought
somo general breakdown of Its pro
posed use should be offered.
The only reason one was not of
fered was because the emergency re
lief agencies declined to submit
es'lmatea to the budact bureau. Some
agencies (the AAA particularly) re
plied that they could not tell of their
spending In advance. Others profess
ed ignorance as to what Mr. Roose
velt was goin$ to do about their op
erations next yeor.
There was nothing left to do ex
cept to take a rough lump sum guess
and It will have to stand until Mr
" Roosevelt decides exactly what he is
going to do about each emergency
The fault of the lump sum system
la not the political one which con
gress l'i howling about. Budgeteers
did not even consider the possibility
that congress might call Mr. Roose
velt a dictator for trying to get all
that money without strings on It.
What perturbed them was the fact j
'that the emergency agencies have beeni
getting away with budget murder j
from the start. These agencies nave
been subject to no control except
review by Comptroller McCarl, who
Is so overloaded with work that he
may be months catching up. Callers
at the comptroller's office have not
iced piles of expenditure records on
the floor occasionally, there being no
room for them on the desks. By the
time McCarl catches up slips made
by the emergency agencies, the money
has long since been spent.
The president started to control
this loose system last spring. He is
sued an executive order requiring
emergency agencies to get McCarl's
approval for expenditures In advance.
AolatPd Press Staff Writer)
(Copyright, inss. by the Associated
Press )
OAKLAND, Cal., Jan. 12. lAPi
Amelia Earhart Putnam ocean-con
quering aviatrlx flashed Into Oakland
today to complet the first solo flight
ever made between Hawaii and Cali
fornia and hastily combed her tou
sled blonde hair before turning to
fare a madly cheering milling crowd.
AI'm tired," said the famous holder
of many aviation records, as she pop
ped her head out of the cockpit, saw
the crowd and reached for her comb.
18 Hours, 1G Minutes
The wheels of her swift red mono
plane touched dry land at 1:31 p. m.
(P. S. T., (4:31 E. S. T., Just 18
hours and 16 minutes after hr cxclt
ing takeoff from Wheeler field, 25
miles out of Honolulu. Two hours
. . 1 I ;
I Nehys IMAN IS FIRST I Aviatrix Reaches for Comb on Landing MAR
Mtd IN SOLO FLIGHT ikiftfrifsrsi 1
IfflMJ FRfiP0N0lllli;iltei!'4 . HANG
bt pail Mu.t.oN Famous Aviatrix Combs
(Copyright. 1935. by Paul MUvn i ' JP I '
Washington. Jan. 12. it can Tousclcd Head As First 1 t JV j,: I ' ,
now be rrtaWd that the backsta;o , II IS
preparation of President Roosevelt ACt Of! ReaCflina mainland L. , , 3 li'liJ . 1
j& "1 HONOLULU. Jon. 13. (api I ! kr ., J.Y? fl V '"" V- "3 V.,...
hV vfl riwi reaction of husbands to wivea f& w V 4T iflv''
B Vf,"' ' thBt ' wcrM no !onser- f vf 1 ... - vvY .
E fiW-jr 1 1 T"k' " ,rom Georsc p'mer " j I ..''.- J '
jLni jf? Putnam, husband ol Amelia Ear- k r it 'V I e
f - J nail. "I'd rather have a babv." w ' II I .
&LMi II That was Putnam's first torn- II U- I .2
I ment after the noted Amelia had I '-y , M, Sb 1 : I
Panl SUIIon lifted her heavy plane from I TT ..mTVS I- "i I-
Wheeler field last night and head- I ' t. J-'H ' I' k' v A M
rd for California. jfi I ' ' -SAN WwiB "
"I'm llreil." miIi Aint-lhi i:.irl:ari I'lilnain (lrfl us she popped hi'r louslcd hmd out or the rock pit ol
lite l;utr In tthich M)c lijttl linidctl In O.iklirml sit t::i( p in. ;i(nrtuv iitr n Ininv-I'urlfir flight from IIuiiii
luhi. Then the famous nia1ri rc:n he,i for a comb. Her red monoplime Is .-.liown In flipiit ut right. Inset In
a map sliowtng- the Islatidn with retrrpiiee fo the Pacific roat. (Aswtclafrd rhott).
uinu DcmucDC eniiTucDM nDcnny
nil UuLUUIl
.Opening of Legislature Mon
day Will Signalize Advent
of New Governor
Meier to Review Reign
Bird Pays Visit
To Bruno in Cell
Flemington Jail
PT.F.MINOTON. N. J.. Jan. 13.
ll'PI The small bird a starting
r blackbird which, flew Into Ihe
county Jail dunn-; the fag yester
day, still flitted about Richard
Rruna Hsiiptinaim's cell lass
night. t
Huitmaim a said to be
pleased by the vlatt. which he
recardfe as a good cmen, The bird
lurched on a cornice outside his
cell Bll night, (mania said they
were "ton busv" to chase It out.
(Continued on Page Twelve)
PARIS, France, Jan. 13. (APJ A
snowstorm combined with massed
battalions of police broke up a march
of discontented Jobless persons on
the capital In defiance of the gov
ernment's prohibition of demonstra
tions today.
There were skirmishes In which a
number of heads were cracked, but
no fatalities.
The marchers, estimated to num
ber 1200. never reached the chamber
You may recall that the order wal0f deputies, which was their goal, but
rescinded a few daya later wnen in
terior Secretary Ickes yelled about It
These deficiencies may be partially
ofOet by an unnoticed promtae In
the budget mewage. Mr. Roosevelt
wrote that In June, after congress
adjourns, he will make public the
actual budget for the coming year
The one heoffered last week was
only an estimated budget. Congress
now will consider the estimates and
make appropriation. eliminating
some and adding others. The real
budget will come Just before the next
fiscal year starts July 1.
You can s?e what result thia will
bring. Ilerwilter. the New Deal wilt
have budget accounting every six
months Instead of yearly. There will
then be no -rax-a and no excuse
for lump &umml;ig in June- Each
item will have to be specified.
Also, public attention will a?ain be
centered on apendlng and HcttatMii
for curtailment will be accelerated
were scattered by police at the meet
ings at widely separated halls In the
Cries of "Work or bread!" and the
chant of the Internationale accompa
nied the charges of demonstrators on
massed police in suburban parls. Red
workers from communist strongholds
in the capital and suburbs were
among those wounded in the clashes
with police.
muiiiLRo ouuiriL
PARIS. Jan. 12
firm Rtenai tonleht to forrstnll
the Saar plebiscite tomorrow as the
old fear of eventual trouble between !
France and Germany cropped out on
the eve of the voting. !
Stmultaneoxuly with the ciepartsire i
of Saar-bound trains packed to the J
guard rails with French Saarianders ;
en route to vote, 12 "flying aquads"!
of republican guards and the crack
national police were sent to reinforce
detachments guarding the 67-mile
Refugees will be forbidden to stay
near the border. Instead they will
be taken to Strasbourg for strict In
vestigation, after which they will be
sent to the south of France.
By Melvln K. Wblteleather
(Copyright, 1935, by uhe Associated
SAARBnUECKEN, Saar Basin Ter
ritory. Jan. 13. A ding-dong, rough-and-tumble
campaign, in which
Adolf Hitler and his Nazi regime were
the mam issue, at an end, the Saar
After having been out from 3:30
to 9:10 p. m., in the caae of the Stat'.j '
(vs. High, Friday the Jury. Fred
J W. Green, chairman, brought lr, a i
fAP) France, took) verdict of "Guilty as eharied."L
an against the two defendants. C-eorce
qnd Robert ("Bab"v Htstlv-
UOSEBURG, Ore.. Jan. 12.-(ape
cialj All southern Oregon highways
were open to travel today except the
i"v eV-i At .Y i i! Crater Lake and Oregon Caves roads,
, t , , according to a rpport from the dlvla-
Multnomah county, on a charge of , ntTln n.f ,,
. , ion oiiicc of the 3tatc highway de-
having unlawfully set fire to a large! . , h hi m,.(i .
IConUnued on Page Twelve)
barn on the Balfour Guthrie tract
near Ashland on the night of January
4, 1533. are out on bail. The court
will continue the matter of sentence
without setting a date.
Attorney Roberts of the defense
was allowed 40 da,s !n which to file
for a new trial, rind 60 days for an
appeal, in case a new trial is not
It was announced yesterday that:
Roberts had not yet decided whether I
he would appeal. !
The cae has been In court since;
January 1 and crated a great deal
of Interest here and In Ashland. .
where the brothers arc well known.
way crews are working with snow
equipment on the Pacific highway
from Canyon pass In the southern
part of DougUa county to the state
line, and also on the Green springs
mountain and Redwood highways. AU
main roods, It was stated, are open
to two-way traffic.
Reports to the local office this
morning stated that the snow Is IB
inches In depth on the Siskiyou pass,
with about four Inches on the low
er portion of the road between Ash
land and Grants Pass. There Is about
12 Inches of snow at Sexton moun
tain, north of Grants Pass, and about
6 Inches at Canyon pass. Snow depth
at the Hayes hill on the Redwood
highway Is reported to be about 12
Associated Press Staff Writer
SALEM. Jan. 12. (AP) The first
of the administration measures will
be introduced in the house of the
Oregon legislature Immediately fol
lowing the inaugural address of Gov-
jcrnor -elect Charles H. Martin when
I the 3Rth assembly opens at the state
capito! next Monday morning. It was
learned from authoritative sources
here today.
At least three bills, sponsored by
the new democratic offlei&J wiH be
in the hopper with the first number
attached and probably wtll be refer
red to commit t era the initial day.
And Martin uiU go further than
sponsor their introduction at, the,
outset; he will urge their adoption'
by remarks following his prepared
address, reports hero stated, while
both houses arc still In Joint session.
Inaugurated l. M
Martin's Inaugural ceremony has
been set for two o'clock Monday af
ternoon, and ho wltt be sworn Into
office by Chief Justice .J. U. Camp
bell following the farewei address of
Governor Julius L. Meier. His pro-
pared address will officiary open the
legislative business for the assembly
with all representatives and senators
In attendance. ,
Details of the measures could not
be learned, but reliable informants
declare they will provide lor the per
manent organization of his planning
commission, county unit system for
public educatlo In the state, and
the initial introduction of some form
of a propohed cabinet form of gov
ernment by providing for several de
partment consolidations.
Committees of the house will go
work at once on these proposals.
ready declared drown. John E. Cooter,
who will b ftpeaker of the house, an
wldo revision of the present method
or handling air and ocean mall con- 1
tracts has been recommended to Pres
ident Roosevelt.
From high official quarters, -rd
came that proposals had been brought
forward to:
Change air mull contracts from a
one to a two or three year basis with
a new transportation commlsMon to
ietermine when rate should be
Grant oufrlghfc subsidies to ocean
carriers instead of the present sub
vention through mit contracts, wits
the new commission to determine
the basis and the amount of the subsidies.
Th first prpesal came from the
pos toff ice department. It was tied
In with a report of a transportation
policy conr.nltte. The second came
from an interdnpartiuental commit
tee on ocean mail carrying policy and
was linked with extensive hearings by
the pcetofflcfl department.
For airmail, the department plau
ned to recommend that contracts bo
let for two or three years after bid
ding that would fix tifa maximum
amount to be paid under contracts.
(Continued on Page Tweivi
highway reported that road open as
far as Union creek. No attempt will
be made to clear the Oregon Caves
MEXICO, D. F.. Jan. 12. (API Two road as long as equipment la needed
tonpeopl undPd n the religious j on the main highways. It was rc
clash at Tacubaya said by a news- ported.
NEW YORK. Jan. 12. (API A
calmer appraisal of the gold clause
litigation before the supreme court
was reflected in a moderation of the
selling wave In the stock market to-
Patrolmpn art vis the tori office
that plows arc keeping the hlRhwaya I Although the mining equltiea met
near, although anow was st!!S falling ' nni" '"" selling. Smum Ke
heavily at the time of the morning -on(lnrd to fraction, among leader,
rrnnrt. r'rewn on th. Prater Ij.k.'Of thla group, while American Smelt
ing reve;'ea ina irena lor a net gain
of 'i.
HOLLYWOOD, Cal.. Jan. 12 (API
'paper said to have been Incited by
,the Catholic clergy, die late today
John Gilbert", picture attl! adorn j11 hospital and two ouicra 01 ern
the dressing room of his estrnnqed j Injured were reported In a critical
wl(e. Virginia Bruce. condition.
The tall, slim North Dakota clrl 1 Keporia Ol omcr acauis cre iaeij
still lives with her family In the To-; circulated but unconfirmed.
Two-way traffic Is being maintain
ed over the Green Springs mountain
road, it was reported, although the
snow Is 18 Inches deep at the summit.
Six of Answers Will Be 'No'
I Wife to Follow Kidnap
Suspect On StandStory
of 'Double' Is Discounted
Avmrlatrd Pre Staff Writer.
(Copyright, 1035. by the Associated
FLEMINGTON. N. J., Jan. 12 (AP)
Bruno Rtc hard Haupt mann'a w It-ne.-s
st raid fight against the electric
chair, his lawyer announced, tonight
wilt constat of answers to seven ques
tions and six of the answers will
be "no.
Hauptmann's wife, Anna, will fol
low her husband to the stand, and
the defense expects the state "to ac
cord her th same consideration th
defense has shown Mrs. Llndbrgh,"
mother of th baby for whose mur
der Mauptmann Is now on trial.
Seven ttestii.
Said Edward J. Rellly, Hauptmann's
chief counsel, tonight?
think we shall ask Hnuptmann
only seven collections, Th tjueet!ona
and their expected answers, are:
"1. Did you kidnap the Lindbergh
baby? A. No.
22. Were you In Hopewell, N. J.(
the ntght of the kidnaping? A. No.
"3. Did you make the ladder (which
the state contends was used In gain
ing admission to the Lindbergh
nursery? No.
"4. Did you go up that ladder to
kidnap the Lindbergh baby? A, Ko.
"5. Were you In New Jersey tha
night of the kidnaptog? A. Ks,
"fl. Did you write the ranaom
notea? A, No
"7. Where did you get tha money
that was found In your garage?
From Isador Flsch."
Expert long Crons-Etam. :
Although Hauptmann's direct ex
amination, as outlined tonight by
Ms counsel, might require hardly
more than a minute, the cross-ex
amination by the state ts expected; to
take longer.
RHJfy itffJ net Indicate what teatf-
mony Mrs. Hauptmann would give.
Impartial budget authorities
acree among tiie mac Ives that
WASHINGTON, Jan. 12. (AP) An
extension of federal control over the
bituminous roal and other mineral
industries to provide for filing both
minimum and maximum prices was
recommended today by a committee
which studied the auhjert at Presi
dent Roosevelt's Instance.
The purrhae and withdrawal from
of unprofitable bitumt
nver heard or a midget nxe t-"'3
rtn ir u-aj obv:ousi devised to con-
r - Wi,' vnritii:! fit- production
uarion. ThrV brhce it Is franltw m.nn .nr
thsn the last one. cscrpt a to the mineral policy committee of the n
, .vtrm tionaj resource board, which pre-
lump sum, and the L. . ,horte of olt wlthln ffIf.
cether. But they can see c;cor:y wl
lura Lake houe that Jack built.
"I wish he wanted to se: the baby
more off?n," she said today.
The newspaper El Naclonal, whir
supporta the government, chargi
that Catholic clerEJ. "dellberatply In
Beeause of these thincs. Intimate i citing tne people to aew oi aenuion. i
friends of Miss Bruce believe that, planned last night's outbrrak In the!
she still hones lor a reconelliaMon ; suburb. The newspap-r
Mr. Roosevelt is up to.
He U solng to continue to m5'(
red lteins (emerrncy expenses) into
the b!a-'k column (ordinary govern
ment co.stsi during the course of the
nrtt few years. In the end. he will
have s regular budget of about six
pillion dollars. That toUl is about
half way between the old four billion
dollar ve:nmint budget and tho
e:;ht b '.lion dollar ons we hav !-,ed
lately. I', wi'.l take him three or four
more years to accomplish the grad
ual transformation which he has al
ready ?:artd.
That means you can expect taxes
to be ro-Khly tliird higher :n tie
end than they were or fore the de-pre.-;on.
!ten years.
.Save for coal, however, the com
mittee said It favored "retention ol
the system of private operation" ol
the mineral Industries "with govern
ment supervision when necessary."
with the handsome dark-haired Ro
meo of the screen, from whom slv
separated a short time ago.
PORTLAND. Ore.. Jan. 12. fAPl
The 11th traffic accident fatality In
Portland since December 1. start of
the new police year, was report!!
today when Nick Josal. fi5. died from
injuries whn he was struck by a
rar driven by Russell Kurk. 27.
said five
I prrfona were willed in the fiehtinff.
that three bodies were in a hospital
and two others carried off serretly
Tha Washington Post sp.ys James A.
Farley, postmaster gpn?rat, Is bing
i mentioned as a possible successor to
Will Hays as "ry-ar" ol the movies,
I There are reports, the paper says,
that a movement If gaining headway
I to supplant Hays f.s president of the
motion picture uroduccrs and dla
i favor of some one more
Stocks which finished with losses
of a point or mre were Allied
Chemimf, American Can. Eastman
Kcdsk Preferred, Johna-Manvtlle Pre
ferrerf. for!llard PTforrrtt, and Cnron
Pacific. U. S. Steel lost at 37',i.
General Motors was off at 31
General Electric gnve up l,j at 21'.
Trading w fairly brisk at fffi842C
shnrrs, compared with 404,470 last
Saturday. The Associated Presa aver
age of 00 selected stocks wk.. .46
lower at 3942.
RORFBURO. Ore.. Jan. 12. fAP)
Roschurg residents awoke thl morn
Inr: to see the first fall of snow in
this vicinity since February 3 193.1.
The snow, which amounted to .6 of
hi Inch, according to the weather
bureau report, melted from the low
sections soon after daylight, but sur
rcmnrftHjf hlJi remained covered with
FtESHNGTOH, H. J., Jan. 12.
f UP) The mystery of Sheriff John
H, Curtlsa" ordering every tlckret
including the flaming red ones held
by the press taken up t the door
of the Hunterdon county courthouse,
was solved last night.
It was done to prevent speculation.
"We found that certain persona
were coming In here and sending
their tickets out by messenger boya.
and selling them to others in the
crowd for $5 apiece." he said. "That
was the reason for the tremendous
crowd here.
"PrJday ae adopted the new sys
tem, and found that six of the white
tickets held by ordinary frpeetaters,
had been sold In that fashion. Some-
j body mad a& out of It, and they
were apparently making hundreds or
dollars out of the old system."
Monday, he promised, and hereaf
ter, the red preas tleketa will not be
taken up. but the white ones will.
"I discovered the press Is honest."
he said.
(Continued on Page Twelve)
Representative Mott (R.. Ore.) waa
strolUng atong through She ijsea&er
lobby off the house chamber when
a Democrat le member stopped t
congratulate him on the birth of his
third daughter,
"Make her a good Democrat," the
member of the majority party coun
seled. "Can't," replied the Oregonlan.
"IVe already announced she la going
to be the first woman president and
b elected fn After this ad
ministration gets through, she
wouldn't hare a chante to gain the
if flee on that party."
BAJ.FM, Ore., Jan. 13, fAPS Two
circuit court Judge, were assigned by
the Hat supreme court today to try
cases outside their districts.
Cnrl Wimberly, newly electee Jude
from Roseburg, was assigned by Chief
Justice J. U. Campbell to try two
mortgatre cases In Jackson county in
(Wi lte. Srveral Inches of snow were j which Judge H. D. Norton was dK-
Jreported at some of the runf com-j qualified, and Judge Charles ETIls of
HILLS BO FlO. Jan. 12.' (AP)
Wounded by the accident! dlscharga
of his revolver when he slipped on
the porch of hla home. Wllmer H.
Klnuer, 28. died at a hospital here
Friday. Kinner had stepped to the
porch to take a shot at an owl.
Automobile Sales Lead
Rise of Business Flood
I Funeral services will b held Mon
i day for Claus A. Spreckles, 47. mem
t bfr of a widely known California
! family and former Snn Diepo pub
I lihT. who died here today.
i finrW! Krf- mp !!1 thrp months-
go and In December came hTe from KLAMATH SUFFERS IN
San Digo for treatment. At his oea
side when he died was his wife, Mrs.
acceptable to President Roosevelt.
Nicholas Bchenrk and Harry M.
Warner, the reports continue, have I
obtained a commandlna position on
this organisation's board, and Hays' I
. displacement, the prmt heard. Is only
a matter pt time;
munlties having hlgl -r
than Roseburg,
elevations Burns was assigned to Baker to take
the place of Judge C. fr. McCulJoch.
Tlie o:.:
the budj'
Wall ?Tr.
;nd'..' ;.'n.
The I'lfl.i
fd. aitJiou
ir,'. t,".e
spree -i ,
unexpe-'tryl thir: aDOUt
rescati'n was t'ne wiv
t.-k it Tne rroner b.-"-'s
rVi VJ i-e;Viv the-, fl.d
i-.v,' ;r ti-.'i:'. Ti're re
th-.' d.T no, itr.o et
B Rtni.B VJM.fcT buying, have given this Industry a
A--ociated press Financial Writer sharp boost in the nwny quiet
j The nation's business, like u slowly , t urn -of -i he-year period,
rising flood, advance! la'.t week Building, however, remain a heavy
through numerous breaks In the do j weight upon the durante goods Indus
precslon d:V.e. but many barriers j tries generally, statistics which ap
rhertced the spread. O reared fr December were well under
i pteel continued to leftt. the recov-! both the previous month and Deeem-
! erv movement, with production In her of la.-t yesr.
e first full uce)t of the new year Prtt,"it report
Bills Moon Spreekle. who rushed KLAMATH Ore.. Jan. 13.
home from Europe. j fAPt The temperature dropped to
In addition to wide social and In-1 the lowest point of th winter here
dustrial Interests. Sprcckles was ft j pnrly this morning when It regi.sterrd
yachtf-man. golfer and muMrian, He.jj dptces above rero. Many emmty
was connected with the sugar busi- f communities recorded sub-zero
ness his grandfather. Claus Spreck- i weal tier.
Move to Avert Chaos if
Gold Clause Is Upheld
les I. founded in 18.9.
- r.
rra. -hi;'' tbe b-t. le-.ri for till? per
lod si tire jrt0. Sale? M the Nw York
automobile Fhow wr-re estimated by
n.o- ' Aut"mt3ile Manufacturers' as
;ot "yc'ir j foc.ation as the best since 1W9.
i,r;f! inrreKid rfulre---.
of far
-0!f,e fronl N1
nfo v. hole i-nic i
b'r.ern are fioejcme
largest numbers In years to k up. Weather ou'lo'k
merchant shelves left bare bv the. week: Oenerall;
PAN FR ANt'LVO. Jan. 12 -(A?i
for 'he r o m I n f
unsettled and
active holiday trad.
A brisk mow storm enveloped this
i-lty this afternoon.
rHICAOO. Jan. 12 (L'P: Thomas
.T. Smart, 42, amounting rierk chars:
i t v.f
abl with temperatures below ed with embezzling 123,000 from his
n.ii Histrihution is holding well: normal. Occasions snows In tne f employers, ieaniea toay ne nao ucru
abn-'e eurl-. Januan' of U t vear. ac- 'mouriV.Ina and P I a t e a u districts. tPd for promotion to office- man-
.., :, .v hithoufc-n a . . ii'inioin along the Pacific -'r t. tore his firm discovered the
Hr Rff ifWtn r. TJ Ht R
AssiK-iafed prr Staff Writer
Quick congressional action to erape
from what adminisiratlon spokesmen
have called possible "chaos" was pro
Jrcrted in Washington today a
likelihood should the supreme court
overt-tra the RoeveR monetary pro-
gram In the "gold clause" cases.
Home- and they were, not confined
to thoe who merely speculate tion
suh problem-ne Id that, regardless
of the forthcoming verdict, the treas
ury could make no change in It
present method of redeeming bonda
until congreaa so orderea.
Even though a probable month of
e rMmiiiB before the nine high
gold tinge wss given to much of the
nwa of the day. In Wati street
prices declined sharply, but later stiffened.
Although official would say nothing.-
and privately expressed confi
dence that th court would decide fn
favor of the government, the subject
waa gone Into on Caplto Hill, espe
cially among the Inflationist bloc,
and In administration rmarter a
A derision agalnal tlv government
would mean, in short, that gold bonds
and contracts would ba worth in
present devaluated currency .160 per
cent of their face value. The result
would be to increase the outstanding
ulir and private debt from around
SANTA .MONICA, Uh!., .Ian.
1 i. A (its patch in ttto paper to
day: "Kont employs 10,01X1
more men, highest since tlie
ttnsU ui '.y", mn the sato slsow
licrc ami in New York wns
Ijooniini! Now how does it
come that tlie auto industry
don't just sit still and holler,
we cotiM m-wvpr tf the srsv
eminent would just lay off us
No industry is restricted and
taxed more thnn nutns. so th
s.'n-erssmsnt eertssnly sin't
"laying off them."
Say, see where the supreme
court is about to put the gold
hack in the dollar, didn't know
it had Swen out of there til! I
went to Europe (where I didn't
have any husiness anyhow).
Anyhow wc nre living duting
an exciting week.
tjvuuc uda down Utt Uecuion, vUluHAI.Uo.oaQ 1,00000,00 I ItCXS4ilt tVfiti". tefc.