Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, January 10, 1935, Page 2, Image 2

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Hauptmann Counsel
Fails to Shake Story
Lindy Go
(Continued irom Page One)
the l&dy that waa with her that you
knew the kidnapera to be four In
number?" demanded Reilly.
"Not to my recollection," replied
"You won't &ay you didn't aay It?"
-I won't aay either until X am aure."
Mra. Koren Uvea on a larm near
Hopewell. Mra. Buach waa identified
aa a woman living near Flemington.
Breckinridge Called
Col. Henry Breckinridge, Lindbergh's
attorney, waa called .alter Dr. Condon
had ben excused .
Breckinridge aaid he had known
Col. Lindbergh aeven year and that
"I advlted and conaulwd with him
alnce March X, 1932," the night of the
Breckinridge aald he had met Dr.
Condon, whom Wllente described as
"the gentleman who waa Just on the
Breckinridge said all parties con
cerned Including Condon had oa their
objective the return of the child.
He described Condon's night at the
Lindbergh home.
"We came back to New York to
gether and proceeded to Dr. Condon's
home where I stayed for several
weeks," Breckinridge said.
"I waa at Dr. Condon's home when
the sleeping suit arrived," he con
tinued. He Identified the faded rotogravure
section In which it waa said to be
wrapped. i
Q. Who waa present when that
package waa opened?
A. Dr. Condon, myself and Mra.
Ralph Hacker.
Q. What did It contain?
A. The sleeping garment and at
leant one letter. ,
Q. To whom was it delivered?
A. Col. Lindbergh.
Q. So If the package contained
one or two notes or whatever there
was In there, It was delivered for Col.
A. Yea sir.
lilt M Iks lug Nule Claim
This line of questioning waa aimed
at the defense assertion that one of
the two ransom notes which came
with the sleeping suit waa missing.
The state thus brought out that
Lindbergh took custody of the eniiie
WIlentE aaked him If Jafsie had
operated under him In the ransom
Q. Did he comply with instruc
tions and suggestions given him by
A. He did.
The lawyer alao stated he waa In
the Condon home when Joseph Per
rone, the taxi driver, brought the
meKfmge from John
Q. Did a note arrive while you
were present In Dr. Condon's home?
A. Yes. air.
Q. The note waa Instruction?
A. Yes, air.
Q. You expected Instruction?
A. Yes, sir.
Q. You had Inserted an ad in the
paper to got those instructions?
A. Yes, air. It waa inserted In a
morning and evening paper.
Aa Col. Breckinridge related the
period of waiting. Col. Lindbergh
leaned forward, cupping hla chin in
hla hand.
WUentjs continued:
Condon Not paid.
Q. Waa there ever one cent psid tn
Dr. Condon for hla services?
A. Not one cent.
Q. Did he ever request It?
A. No. sir.
Breckinridge said that 170.000 had
been brought to Condon's home on
April 3 by himself and Col. Lind
bergh. Breckinridge described the acene at
Dr. Condon's the afternoon before the
ransom pay-off,
The situation was what we might
expect from those awaiting such n
event," he said, speaking of how Col.
Lindbergh, Jafsie and himself wait
ed for the note giving the final ran
som negotiation Instructions.
"The money was packed In the
(ransom money) box. In packing the
box it split a little.
"Sometime after 9 o'clock p. nv.
as I remember, the expected note
"Dr. Condon received the note In
the preience of his daughter. Mrs.
Hunker." he said.
Left for BeudcETous.
Ten minutes later, he said the col-
onel and Jafsie departed together to """Ptmann has claimed that Llnd
pay the ransom to "John." !1rrRn """"n money found In his
Wllentr. showed him one of the,"""" Kvcn im Y "sen
ransom notes.
"You received this in your office?"
he asked.
A. Yes. sir.
He showed him another.
Q. This you received with the re
quest that it be delivered to CjI
A. Yes, sir, and It was delivered.
Breckinridge said the letter was
delivered to him by James Phelsn.
whom he did not further identify.
Wllentr. asked htm if It was on
Jafsie a suggestion the SO 000 wns
brought to Condon's Bronx home.
"No. sir."
the ransom?"
Breckinridge assrrted that on the
contrary Jafnie had advocated no ran
som payment unless a C. O. D trans
action could be arranged, whereby
the money would be turned over only
upon actus) safe receipt of the baby
WllentK tsked about the heart-
breaking flwht to se in search for
the Llndoer.vh bahy. Condon ti
to the r unworn collector. ch ruing
aouDie-cros. tne raci mat tne bsoy w panned by "the chief." Jafsie
did not appear alive again. i paid, It waa planned bv Colonel Llnd-
Querled dm Mmhirt. beA h and his friend and tttornev
He was then turned over to Re.Hy Henry BieckinrldKe. and built by a
for cross-examination. I wtvM rarver and box maker In N
Reiliv started in on the ransom no'' York,
aymbnis. I rialm Note MUatn.
Q Now. Colonel, it was not en- During the luncheon recess de
emlly known that tlit-re wen symbols fense attorneys aald they would (1
on the random u-Mea? ;mnd of the tt that it produce
A. No, sir.
- Between
Q. Do you remember when it first
appeared In the press?
A. I believe there were some ru
mors of it in the press late In March.
Reilly questioned Col. Breckinridge
In passing about police activity In
the case.
Then he asked if any ransom note
had ever been received from Wil
liamsburg, Brooklyn.
The lawyer answered that the sec
ond kidnap letter received by Lind
bergh was postmarked March 4, in
Then he asked about Jafaie.
Q. In your contact In the begin
ning you did not know Dr. Condon?
A. No. air prior to that we did not
know him.
Q. A a member of the bar. of
course you wanted to know more
about him?
A. Yea, certainly.
Copyright, 1939, by the Associated
FLEMINGTON, N. J., Jan. 10.
Counsel for Bruno Richard Haupt
man attempted unsuccessfully today
to show through Dr. John P. (Jafaie)
Condon that the Lindbergh baby
was stolen by a gang.
Questions of this line hammered
at the state's star accuser of Haupt
mann by Edward J. Reilly produced
only negative answers.
The aged educator, who yesterday
Identified Hftuptmann as the mys
terious "John" of the Lindbergh ran
som, dldn t remember ever telling
anybody that he believed a gang
kidnaped the baby, and he denied
the attorney's assertion that he had
told a newspaperman the baby's body
had been brought back to the spot
where It was found in the woods a
few miles from the Hopewell home
or the Lindberghs.
He also ignored the attorney's use
of the term "the chief," when ask
ing If the box, in which the ransom
money was plnced had been planned
and ordered by "the chief." Jafsie
said the box waa ordered by Colonel
Lindbergh and Attorney Henry Breck
inridge and built by a New York
le Is Roused.
Reilly brought up hla ire by ask
ing htm why he made no attempt
to have a bua driver run down the
man he saw on the street In the
Williamsburg section of New York
In August, 1934, a man he said he
recognized as "John." Identified by
him as Hauptmann. Jafsie waa on a
bus at the time.
"Did you call out to the chauffeur.
'Oet that man'?
"No, it was none of my business."
Jafsie replied, and this brought from
the attorney:
"So, it Is your sworn testimony
then that you made no effort to
capture the man to whom you say
you gave $50,000, the man who double-crossed
you on the rsnaom?"
"I didn't say that." parried Jafsie.
explaining there was too mi"h traf
fic to permit a chase.
Jafsie denied ever telling anybody
that he thought a gang which kid
naped the baby had headquarters on
City Island.
Shortly before court recessed for
lunch at 13:31 p.m.. Reilly brought
a woman forward In the court room,
and asked -Condon If he knew her.
Her name was given as Mrs. Ferraln
and Jnfsle remembered her only as
a woman who came to his house with
another named Mrs. Buach.
!pittr Show! nit Letters.
Reilly held up two letters, and
asked Jafsie if he did not show them
in i ne nnii iwrmiiK oi mf Kidnapers
"No, I did not," he declared,
"Didn't you tell them you knew
the k Id n (i per a were four In name?"
"I don't re member."
A nd hr fore t he session's end was
.about a purported transfer as prtnel-
pal of a public school In 1902 be
cause "of conduct unbecoming a
gentleman with a woman teacher."
"No, sir." Dr. Condon snapped.
Attorney General David T. Wllenta
charged Reilly waa attempting to aa
sasMnate Dr. Condon s character "by
Reilly pounded again on the "hol
low rough" that the mysterious
"John" had when he sat on a park
hench with Condon for an hour to
discuss the ransom. The defense may
contend that Condon talked, not to
Hauptmann, but to Isador Flsch who
died of tuberculosis In Germany.
lor saieKeeping.
Dr. Condon readily admitted that
he told hi neighbors he waa the
"Jarale" of the Lindbergh ransom
No l.BHRhler.
The business became primmer than
before. Today there was no laughter
when the educator demanded the at
torney "speak English. ' For the at
torney returned. "1 can't speak baby
talk for you. doctor."
Though Jafsie appeared without
the flashing fire of yesterday, he
nevertheless gave back to hit cross
examiner in the manner that he re-
I, - ih
........... nn mrj xnr.
An early clash betwen him and
the man he rails "The Bull of Brook
lyn" iReillyi came over the making
of the box In which the M.0OO was
paid over to "John."
"Don't shovO." Jafsie demanded of
lie booming attorney. "I am not
(,faf t 0(in nf fVery syllable you
utter If you use vour lips"
Reilly wanted to know if the box
an allegedly nussini note. Tne de
(Continued from page one) (Continued page one)
pheay where the bnby would be All the lmldere below the blgheet
found, and that It would be found one are trying to find out who la
dead. going to head the new employment
And ,he further prophesied that j program aet-up for Mr. Booaevelt.
Colonel Henry Breckenrldge, colonel Apparently none of them (Meeara.
Lindbergh's attorney whom she ad-ilcke,, Hopklna, et al) has an Inkling.
dressed as "Mr. Breckenrldge" It means much to them because
would get a letter from the kidnap- i Hopkins Job Is being abolished and
era at his New York office. Ickes will lose the PWA under the
The following day the first of the nr '-uP-letter,
to Colonel Breckenrldge waa! beit u" tm ' ,h,t bo,h
received at his office, and It was d-;HI""n and Ickea will be appointed
dressed to "Mr. Breckenrldge." Thls ion b0,rd wttn o10 10 hndle
never was explttjned. tne funda and that Prank Walker or
-I will go Into court and swear that imeone of hla pacific type will be
Mary Cerriu told me this," Prof es-1 m"de eh"'""! to maintain peace,
sor Hector said. ' Frlende of your old pa), Genera)
"Did she give you the message by ' Johnson, have been mentioning his
way of 'spirits' or by word of "" ,or chairman, but he hae aald
mouth?" Dunnlnger asked. h wou'(1 no accept another govern-
"She told mo by word of mouth. !ment Job-
She asked me for my Impression and
I told her this was my Impression"
Professor Hector touched his tem
ple "that there were four persons
Implicated In the Lindbergh case.
But that came from 'spirits'."
This coincided with the stntemcnt
er and the writer: "There are four81 bm S"' D
in thia case-and one of them is !know? what d
dpftd ml&ht be sent up here for cabinet
Information?" Hector was asked
"The spirits told her I believe
Both the Rev. Blrratella and his
wife spoke of Violet Sharpe and said
they "knew of her," but when Dun
nlnger asked If Miss Sharpe was a
member of their church, Mary said:
"No we don't know any of those
people I"
Dunnlnger, an authority an hyp
notism, made several testa on Mary
In the presence of the writer to con
firm his belief that Bhe Is a "hypnot
ic subject."
"The spirits did not toll her where
the Lindbergh baby would be found."
he said. "She was given the Informa
tion by some natural means and
through hypnotic suggestion."
While professor Hector was the
only member of New York's "Ortho
dox" spiritualistic dries who was
willing to be quoted on the matter,
other "mediums" recall that Miss
Sharpe was a follower of the Rev.
Police suggested following Miss
Sharpe's suicide that she might have
had knowledge of the kidnaping
which she feared to divulge. When
first questioned she was nervous and
when the baby was found dead she
committed suicide.
(Continued from page One)
the finance commutes predicted the
senate would sustain It.
Compromise Favored
The survey emphasized, however.
that sentiment runs strong in the
senate for some kind of a compro
mise. Many of those who said they
would oppose outright and Immediate
cash payment of the 2. 100.000.000
suggested alternatives.
Few expressed themselves as dead
set against any change in the bonus
law, out almost everyone hnd his own
idea of how It should be liberalized.
President Roosevelt has never flatly i
announced he would veto a bonus bill
but It la generally conceded amonp !
his advisers on Capitol Hill such
veto would be forthcoming,
fense charged a note was sent to
JafMe by the kidnaper along with
the sleeping suit of the baby which
was relumed for pvoof of possession.
'That note has never been pro
duced by the state and we are ask-
inn why?" nald Frederick H. Pope of
the defense staff.
"There are 110 notes missing." de
lared Attorney General Wllents.
Wmii J festal
II Mrs I
A way to keep the cabinet from
breaking up over the auto Issue
may be found In Mr. Hopkins' re
cent receipt of Information that his
unemployed boys In Florida are
rounding up wild horses which were
tame when abandoned after the
War Secretary Dern Is one officer
who got a new car last year, but
lit only cost 92500, which loaves him
little better off than Wallace.
Llterateurs liked the style of the
dissenting opinion of Supreme Court
Justice Cordoza In the oil case. It
was reminiscent of that brilliant dis
senter, retired Justice Holmes. Cor
doza la expected to come nearer fill
ing Holmea" toga than anyone else
on the bench.
The crtmfhal division in the Jus
tice department costs only 102.000
a year, while federal tax prosecu
tions cost 9500.000. In other words,
the government spends five times
as much chasing taxpayers as It does
pursuing all other criminals.
Organization plans were perfected
last night for a membership cam
paign by the local lodge of the Fra
ternal Order of Eagles It waa an
nounced by officers today.
The purpose of the present cam
paign la not only to Increase the
membership of the lodge but to pre
sent a large class of Initiates to
Grand Worthy President George
Douglas who will be In Medford on
February 9th.
Every Aerie in southern Oregon Is
putting on a campaign for members
and substantial prizes are being of
fered for high men and winning
teams. The local campaign will be
conducted by two teams, the "Smart
Alecs," Pat Shea, chairman, and the
"Dumb-bells," Ralph Parker, chair
man. Over fifty members have so far
, been assigned to the two teams and
the campaign will be conducted not
only In Medford but in Central
Point, Eagle Point, Prospect, Gold
Hill, and Jacksonville.
It Is hoped by Shea and Parker
that the class for February 9th will
be the largest ever Initiated by Cra-
ter Lake Aerie, No. 3093.
Having spent the last year and a
half in Klamath Palls, where he was
sub-dlstrlct manager for Metropoli
tan Life Insurance Co.. Howard
j Scheffel, well known resident of Med
: ford for many years, has returned to
, make his home In this city and re
i sume his position In the Medford
jTomaTO juice
$20 vaue
DEADWCOD, S. D-, Jan. 10. (AP)
Six children were killed and 13
others were injured, three of them
critically, as the result of a bus
truck collision on a narrow bridge
on U. S. highway No. 16, near Pied
mont, 25 miles southeast of here.
The accident occurred late yes
terday when the driver of each ve
hicle apparently believed he had the
right-of-way on the bridge. The bus
had nearly cleared the bridge when
it struck the truck, laden with mo
lasses. The- left sides of both machines
were virtually torn off and the bus
upset. Smashed barrels of molasses
spread their sticky contents over the
wreckage, hampering rescue work.
The children, members of world
war veterans' families at a CCC
Metropolitan Life offices, as special
ordinary department representative.
Mr. Scheffel, brother of Fred Schef
fe), city superintendent, served for
several yeara on the school board be
fore moving to Klamath Falls. He
and Mrs. Scheffel, their daughter,
Carol, and two sons, Howard Jr., and
Billy, will make their home at Or
ange and Eleventh streets.
A social dance will be held at the
Eagles hall, by the Fraternal Order
of Eagles tomorrow night at nine
o'clock, it was announced this
morning by Aetna Carr, entertain
ment chairman. The Oregon Lum
berjacks will furnish the music and
all Eagles and members of the auxil
iary are invited to attend.
WAYNE, Kan. (UP) Politicians In
Grant township have been tipped off
to get acquainted with the Camp
bells before seeking office. The fami
ly form a bloc of 50 votes In the
Special Communication of
Medford Lodge No. . 103, A.
n I. A M CVtHnn Tan 11
at 7:30 p. m. Work in the
X r. aerre. vimmie
ere Invited. FRED PURDIN, W. M.
Notice of Sheriff's Sale.
Bv virtue of an execution In fore
closure duly Issued out of and under
the seal of the circuit court of the
State of Oregon, in and for the Coun
ty of Jackson, to me directed and
dated on the 31st day of December,
1934, In a certain suit therein, where
in Western Loan Building co., a
corporation, as plaintiff, recovered a
decree against Geor?e Iverson, George
B. Phegley and Louzetta Phegley, His
wife, and G. A. Sherk, there is due
and owing to said Western Loan Si
Building Co. the sum of One Thousand
Three Hundred Forty-nine and 99-100
Dollars, with Interest thereon from
September 28. 1932, at the rate of ten
per cent per annum, witn costs una
disbursements taxed at $17.80. and
the further sum of 125.00 as attor
ney's fees, which decree was enrolled
and docketed In the clerk's office of
said court in said county on the 31st
day of December. 1934, and further
decreeing that sal a amount was a
I valid and subsisting first and prior
j Hen upon the real estate hereafter
I described and ordering the sale thore-
of for the satisfaction of said decree.
Notice is hereby given that, pursu
ant to the terms of the said execu
tion I will on the 9th day of Feb
ruary, 1935, at 10:00 o'clock a. m- at
the front door of the courthouse In
the City of Medford, In Jackson Coun
ty. Oregon, offer for sale and will sell
at public auction for cash to the
highest bidder, to satisfy said Judg
ment, together with the costs of this
sale, subject to redemption as pro
vided by law. all of the right, title and
Interest that the said defendants,
George Iverson. George E. Phegley and
All Winter Stock Must Go
Regardless of Cost
Only 12 Left
$5.95 to $22.50
49 in All
$1.95 to $8.95
Of Quality at Rock Bottom Prices
Sweaters, Blouses, Skirts, Robes
and Pajamas at Clean Up Prices
''The Store
223 East Sixth St.
camp near Calcite, near Piedmont,
were being transported from the
school to the camp. Darkness set In
shortly after the crash, further hin
dering rescuers.
Killed In the crash were Douglas
Kltterman, 9, Wall: Morris Clawlck,
12, Hurley: Brama Btetler, 8. Olivet;
Merle Cassady, 13: Alice Person. 12:
Miller and Tuila Trumbo, 14, Lead.
All of the injured were taken to
a hospital at Rapid City, about 20
miles southeast of Piedmont. In criti
cal condition were Ruth Stetler, 12.
Olivet, arm Ruth Jones, 15, Smlth
wtck. A. F. Ltndahl. the bus driver, and
Blanche Amburn and Jack McBrlde.
school children, were the only per
jsons on the bus who were unhurt.
jEldon Morris, the truck driver, also
escaped Injury.
Louzetta Phegley, his wife, and G. A.
Sherk had on the 1st day of Septem
ber. 1928. or now have In and to ihc
following described property, situated
In the County of Jackson, State of
Oregon,' to -wit:
Lot Number 11 in Block Number
3, In Summit Avenue Heights Ad
dition to the City of Medford, Ore
gon, according to the official plat
thereof now of record In said county
and state.
Dated this 10th day of January,
1935. .
Sheriff of Jackson County. Oregon.
WANTED Office desk: roll or flat
top. Address Desk, care Mall Trib
une, stating price, kind, condition,
where can be seen.
MODERN furnished half duplex. Key
at 219 S. Ivy.
FOR SALE Sand, gravel, wood.
WANTED High school girl for gen
eral housework for two. Four
blocks from high school. Room and
board. Box 1021, Tribune.
300 BARTLETT and Bosc two-year
trees, cream separator, large wood
heater, mower, rake, wagon, orchard
disc. E. Speaker, Rt. 3, Box 80.
15 A. BEAR CREEK land, close In,
$1,750; good terms. Arthur E.
Lalng. 19 N. Bartlett.
PARTY driving to Oakland and Mo
desto next week wants 1. 2 or 3
passengers to share expenses. Care
ful driver; comfortable car. Box I
619, Mall Tribune. I
FOR SALE: Hentlng stove and trailer. !
Good condition. 416 So. Grape. !
Phone 930-X.
FOR RENT Attractive room. 416 So.
Grape. j
SAVE MONEY Haul your own wood.
Dry manzanita, $1.50 tier. Good
highway. Applegate Store.
WANTED About 40 seres general
farm and poultry. Trade Income
property In La Jolla Beach near
San Diego. Soon worth double
pwsent value: $3750; owner's loan
$2600. Will assume on your prop
erty and If behind pay off taxes,
etc. Rt. B. Box 202. Phoenix. Ariz.
Stop Celt lug I'p Nights.
To harmlessly flush poisons and
acid from kidneys and correct Irrita
tion of bladder so that you can stop
"getting up nights" get a 35 c?nt
1 package of Oold Medal Haarlem OH
I Capsules and take $hem as directed.
Other symptoms of kidney and
der weaknesses are scant, burning or
! smarting passage backache leg
cramps puffy eyes.
saves you money"
Phone 939 r
With All Latest Devices
Regular $9.75 NOW
Including Mattress
and Springs.
$12.50 Value
Closing Out! Our Entire Stock Children's
DISHES Two for the Price of One
Leatherette Club Chairs for Children $1.88
See Our 20-Foot Table
of Baby Things Choice
l or caby irang$ uoice
S With a 50c Handker. A fl
I V chief. $1.00 Value &J, C 1
( 50 Sets of Sugar J
li V and Creamers 2 Jm Q J
y 85c Values feri J
1 1
6 Cups and 6 Saucers 54c
1 9RnAn..UM.l...kL. (..107! ti nn
Q -'V-'Vrv iTltllI
land-made Children 'b
lautifully Embroidered
Dresses, Rompers, Etc. J.
ezze Self Help Garments -F
Boys' Hand-Made J-
Blue - Pink - White - Yellow X
and Various Color Combinations
jfuit uxiiitJJitrir
6 Months to 6 Years
Dressing and Bath
Large 24-Inch
l OlUJa i KJl L JJJy vf) 1 JI