The Weather forecast: Cloud tonight and trtda;; little change In temperature. Temperature lll;lie-t r.terlay 4i l.nft thl morning ; M Mail Tribune WINNER EDFORD Pulitzer Award FOR 1934 Tweaty-uuitli Year MKDFOKB, ORKCiON", THURSDAY, JANUARY 10, 19:53. No. 248. l illillilMlr 1 ; By PUI. MAI.l.OS (Copyright, 1935, by Paul Mallon) WASHINGTON. Jan. 10. Tl blB gest social. financial and moral ques tion Inside the new deal now Is whyl5 .vldence. Hauptmann Counsel Fails to Shake Story Lindy Go -Between PLEMINGTON, N. J., Jan. 10. (API Justice Thomas W. Trenchaid ruled today that samples ct Bruno Richard Hauptmann's handwriting, made while he was held In a New York police station were admlssable Unfurls Banner State Secretary Hull Is going to -et 1000 for a lew auto and agriculture Soc etary Wallace Is Mly allowed (1500. No one cares ibout the lour billion dollar deficit, the thirty-four billion Dollar public debt or even the Llnd hereh case when fwM The prosecution considered It major ooint In Its drive to send Hauptmann to the electric chair, it Is upon the comparison of these handwriting samples with the hand writing In the ransom notes that the state's experts are prepared to testify that Hauptmann was the writer of the notes. Court adjourned at 4:07 p.m., as a parade of witnesses was being pre ented as the state laid Its ground work for linking Hauptmann to the actual kidnaping. -SELECT AS CIRCUIT JUDGE FOR 9TH DISTRICT the inner circlo closes the outer door and considers the grave consequences of class distinction, disclosed in the budget allowances for cabinet cars. You will need a lorgnette- to find the root of this Issue in President pooseelt"a budget message, but it is there and It Is not merely a question of Hull versus Wallace. Madame Per kins has allowed herself a modest $3500. .apparently for somo sort ot modest new model, and furthermore there appears to have been collusion between Madame Perkins and At torney General Cummlngs. for he has made a budget claim for a new car for exactly the same amount. Tt. would not be so bad if cabinet cars were not always lined up together outside the same tens, dinners, diplomatic receptions, and In Mr. Roosevelt's driveway on cabi net meeting days. Then the foul budgetary play would not be so ap parent. There would be no opportu nity for comparison between the in ferior shay Mr. Wallace will get for $1500 and the elegant plush chariots anticipated by Messrs. Hull and Cum mlngs and Madame Secretary. As it is, Mr. Wallace, probably will have difficulty finding a chauffeur who will bear the constant snub he will get from the other chauffeurs, for. after all, a few thousand dollars in automobiles makes a lot of dif ference to chauffeurs, as well as cabinet officers. And the difference may be even greater than In the cited figures be cause each official will be permitted to turn in his own car on the new one. Hence, the plush trio may look I'aiil Millon n.v "Milan. A. Kinney (Copyright, 1935. by the Associated Press.) FLEMINGTON. N, J.t Jan. 10. Dr. John P. (Jafsle) Condon of the Lindbergh ransom negotiations com pleted his dramatic testimony against Bruno Richard Hauptmann today after he had been confronted by one mystery woman and questioned about another. The dcfen&e, falling in cross-examination to show that a gang was in volved In the Lindbergh kidnaping, and falling also to shake his identifi cation of Hauptmann as the mysteri ous "John" who collected the 850.000 ransom for a baby already dead, cx- thc jcused him at the opening of the afternoon session, and the prosecu tion needed only 23 ;nore minutes to clear up the loose ends of his testi mony. The mystery women were injected Into tho trial Just before the lunch eon recess by Edward J. Rellly, chief 1 district. of the defense counsel which Is fight ing to save Hauptmann from thi electric chair as the kidnaper and j murderer of baby Charles A. Lind-1 bergh, Jr. Letters Kxlilbltcd Reilly waved letters before Condon j and asked him If he had not shown i WASHINGTON. Jan. 10. ( AP)-- The nominations of more than 1500 federal officers appointed during the recess of congress. Including that of Joseph P. Kennedy cf New York as chairman of the securities exchange commission, were sent to the senate today by President Roosevelt. The huge batch of nominations in cluded the members of the new com munications commission as well as the securities commission and Marrt ner S. Eccles, of Utah, as governor of the federal reserve board. Annlng S. Prall, former reprcsenta-ti-rf from New York, was named to the communications commission for the term expiring next July to suc ceed Hampson Gary, of Texas, re signed. Judicial appointments Included : William Den man of San Franclsso, circuit Judge for the ninth Judicial lit 3 Jtv? ri BONUS OPPONENTS SENATE CLAIM dlFISH OFFERS TO LEAD COUNTRY FROM DEPRESSION UFFICIEN VOTES Roosevelt Policies Hold No Survey Shows Present Line- Hope Says Dictator Would Wipe Out All For tunes Over Three Millions Iliicy P. I-nnp, Louisiana illctutor. In a ratlin address last night which car ried the earmarks nf a Mil for the presidency, declared "There Is no iw to unit three mure years. It Is not UmiM'velt or ruin II Is Itooctrll "s ruin." BOOST PRICE ON them to the two women, named as Mrs. Hcrmlna Koren and Mrs. Busch, and told them they were the hand writing of the kidnapers. The 71- year-old educator remembered such incident. Mrs. Koren. dressed In green, was brought forward in the courtroom. Jafsle recognized her as one of two women who came to his home in the Bronx to discuss a real estate trans- FOG CONTINUES GRIP ON EAST'S ITER TRAFFIC up Enough to Sustain Presidential Veto of Im mediate Cash Payment WASHINGTON, Jan. 10. wpi Hury P. Long turned his face toward 1938 today with a cry that the Roosevelt policies are beyond hope, and a call to the country to follow the kins fish, wipe out all fortunes above three or four million dollars, and make "every man ft king." Unfurling what looked, to many ob servers, like a presidential banner of hts own, the Louisiana dictator told a radio audience last nlht: "We are in our third year of the Roosevelt depression, with the condi tions growing worse." The senator's language for his tin- j tona seen audience was more tempered than the recent senate speech in which he spoke of "imps of hell," and Bought to link dispensers of fed eral patronage In Louisiana with a red-lltfht district, but he was strong in his denunciation of the adminis tration. No Hope from F. U. "I can hope for nothing rurther from the Roosevelt policies." he said. "And I call back to mind that what ever we have been able to do to try to hold the situation together dur ing the past three years has been forced down the throat of the na tional administration." "All the time." he said, "we have pointed to the rising cloud of debt, the increase in unemployment, tho gradual slipping away of what money the middle man and the poor .man NEW YORK. Jan. 10. (AP) Ship ping was paralyzed again today in J B 1,.- V, henrii it tho hl0 m has blanketed the Atlantic seaboard ' tlm0 we havc ycd and since Sunday night. shouted, begged and pleaded, and now Through the night visibility ranged i we hear the message once again from from ao feet to 100 yards. Ship fog j .ennn ri while the best that poor Mr. Wallace can expect , action. He remembered also that the Will pruu.iuiy uv v-"w. In all seriousness, you can readily are a five to two ratio like that rather makes a permanent inferior of Wallace. "And did you say to this lady and .Continued on Page Two) The other cabinet officers appar- ( ently have only an academic interest , in the matter. At least they did not I n.nMnn nn HOW cars in tllCl budgets. They will use the old cars inherited from their predecessors or purchased earlier In the new deal. , Let scoffers remember that the government furnte cars to all high officials because they arc needed In business and some of the cars sre getting old. Mr. Hull, for In stance, is five years old. His turn In consequently will be les. Mr. CumnilnpR I lour years old. but the age of the others is not a'ated. However, it is not true that the new $5000 machines in contemplation PORTLAND, Ore.. Jan. 10. (API no pie fanciers here are taking it on the chin. J The Oregon bakers' control board has boosted prices from 1 to 5 cents each on the pastry, to offset increase In cost of materials. Thus, four-inchers, or individual pies, will be 6 cents each, instead of 5 cents. The big 0-inch, or restau rant sl7 usually Served In five cuts at 10 cents each are 34 cents. In stead of 31 cents. The 10-inch mam moths are 43 cent, up a nickle. Shortening prices have increased 100 per cent, the state depsrtment of agriculture announced: berries are 200 per cent higher, and other filling Ingredients have rocketed in similar proportion. BEATRICE SACKETT circus wagons are coins to red. white and blue limousines, are they to be oulti'terl with hones. Those arc false rumors. are to be Just the ordinary :00U vehicles, with simple radios, silver elcnrette travs and the other ordi nary nr e-.slties of cabinet motoring life. - :-criou.r,- :IN LIQUOR STORE PORTLAND, Jan. 10. (Pi A warn ing that all beer dispensers must, by February 1, display 1P35 licenses in their places of business, has rxvn Issued by the Oregon liquor contiol commission. The commission, uneasy because of the slow response to previous warn ings, declared no further leniency would be shown. In 1934 6 600 licenses of all elates wen? Issued. Up to yesterday, only 3.000 applications for 1935 Ilcenws or! bad been received, and about 700 of board of hBher educaMon to succeed Nor these were held up for farther in- George B. MrLeod. who resigned. Her cal- j vrsupuion or oecausc nwy were noi trrm wl fxplre Marrh a They properly filled out. i Announcement of the horns moaned In the harbor as In coming vessels, some of them more than a day overdue, rode their an chors off quarantine. Sailings were Indefinitely postponed as ships remained tied at their piers, hemmed in by the siege. The pall already has cost more than $1,000,000 to harbor shipping. It Is the worst, in Intensity and du ration, In many years. (Continued on Page Three) II j- NATHAN UOm.KTSON AvticlHted Pre Staff Writer WASHINGTON. Jan. 10. (AP) A survey of the senate Indicated defi nitely today that. If the present line up on the soldiers' bonus issue con tinued unchanged through the ulti mate roll call, a presidential veto of full and immediate payment would be upheld. This disclosure, which recalled pre dictions by administration leaders such a bill would be beaten In the senate, came as Frank Belgrano, na- commandcr of the American Legion, was hurrying to the cnpital from San Francisco to press the fight for the bonus. 3,"i Will Vole No Interviews with senators showed 35 of them toklng ft stand Indicating that barring future changes of mind they would be virtually certain to sustain a veto. Thirty-three "nay votes would block the bonus, for It takes two-thirds to override a veto. Twenty-one others were non-commit tal. Including somo who have voted against the bonus In tho past. Twenty-nine senators recorded themselves positively for the bonus payment. Some were unreachable be cause of absence or illness. The big question mark heretofore In all discussion of what congress would do on the bonus has been whether the senate would sustain President Roosevelt If he vetoed a cash payment bill. Congressional 1 leaders have conceded the house would probably override a presiden tial veto, but Chairman Harrison of Slick Reporters Fall For Ancient Racket At Trial NEW YORK. Jan. 10. ( AP) The Nw York Post, in ft speMsl dispatch from Fleming ton. says although the pick of worldltuess and sophist Ira t ion Among news papermen Is In New Jersey for the Hauptmann trial some of them have fallen for one of the most elementary rackets of country car nivals. "The other night two reporters, homeward bound, let themselves be goaded by two yokels who mocked them with "city slickers! city slickers!" the Post said. "The two men of the world put down their case of beer and gave chase. While they were so doing, a third yokel came up and mndo off with thplr case of beer." OF LAYS TROUBLES TO Informer In Ashland Barn Burning Case Demanded $200 for Silence, Ed High Claims on Witness Stand OF CHICAGO, Jan. 10. ( AP) Ending a three-day paralysis, transcontinen tal air service was resumed today as the longest period of fog in recent flying history terminated with wea ther conditions permttttng a west bound plane to take off In early morning hours. W. P. Day, U. S. weather bureau forecaster, said the fog period was the longest on record si nee use of the air as a major avenue of transportation. ATTEMPT TO 'SPRING' CONVICTED MURDERERS ACTION ON GOLD WASHINGTON, Jan. 10. (AP) Ways ot speeding the administration's vast legislative program. Including so cial security and four billion dollars for relief work, today was a White House conference topic between Pres ident Roosevelt and congressional leaders. In their own austere chamber un der the dome, supreme court Justices heard more arguments for and nKAtnat the validity of federal action In stopping gold payments, even on contracts. The entire new deal mon tary program was a stake. SALEM. Jan. 10. ( AP) Governor Julius L. Meier late yesterday offi cially named Beatrice Walton Sack ett. secretary to the last three state executives, as a membrr of the state DRDHAM. Mass., Jan. 10 t"Ii A daring attempt to deliver the Mllln brothers, convicted slayers, from Di-il-ham Jail was frustrated today by po lice and Jail guards, after a shotgun blast had brpn fired through a )ail window and Murton MUlen. one of the brothers, had thrown a flfit full of pepper In a guard's face. M 1 1 lc n was o vc r po w e re d and Ed ward C. Frye. 30, of Boston, was ar rested outside the Jail wall. JUDGE ARLIE WALKER UNDERGOES OPERATION McMINNVH.LE. Jan. 10. (API Circuit Judge Arle Walker who was stricken suddenly with appendicitis while hearing a manslaughter trial here yesterday, was reported to bo making a good rrcovery today after an emergency operation had been performed. Judge Walker was hearing the trial of Lawrence J. Malloy, accused of manslaughter. (Continued on Page Two) IS LA GRANDE, Ore., Jan. 10. ( AP) Attempting to lay ft foundation for Impeachment of the state's star wit ness, the defense in the trial of Dan iel C. Bowman, charged with murder of Fred Lumpkin, Pendleton pub Usher, called Charles Goodyear to the stand this morning fourth day of the trial. Goodyear went over testl mony he gave for the stato yesterday with practically no variations. The defense then Introduced number of witnesses who testified friendship between Bowmai Lampkln previous to the shooting. which occurred at Tony Vcy's ranch In the Blue mountains November 0. Dr. Dow w. Stone, prominent Mcd ford citizen and veterinary surgeon, passed away at 10:30 o'clock this' morning" at his home. 1128 West Main street, following a stroke Tuesday morning which left him critically til. The stroke came when Dr. Stone was out on a call. He received a serious cut on the forehead In tho fall which resulted and never re gained consciousness. Although he had not previously been attacked with heart trouble, he had been un well for some time with asthma, but had carried on with ' the veterinary work to which he had been devoted. His death comes as shock to the community, in which he ,was highly regarded. He leaves his wife. Mrs Elsie L. Stone; ono daughter, Ruby and two sons, Vaughn and Dow Jr. In the Immediate family. I A complete obituary and funeral announcement will appear In 'this paper Friday. Fl PORTLAND, Ore., Jan. 10. (AP) William Stout, hospital attendant at Vancouver, Wash., was today sentenc ed to nerve five years in state prison when he pleaded guilty to a charge of Involuntary manslaughter growing out or the death of a woman and her daughter In an automobile Accident. Stout was declared by the prose cutor to have been, drunk when his autrmobile crashed Into and killed Mrs. Betty Burkhardt. 35, and her small daughter, Yvonne, last Nov. 18. Ed High of Ashland, testifying this morning for the defense In the trial of his brothers. George High and Rob ert N. (Babel High, charged with an incendiary plot to collect $16,000 in surance on the model barn near Ash land, destroyed by fire on the night of January 4. 1933. painted Joe B. Holland, Astoria, Ore., butcher, and chief witness for the state, as s blackmailer. Ed High recited that he had driven to this city with George High and tho latter told him: "Joe Holland is trying to blackmail me. He says If I don't give him S'iOO he will tell that I burned the barn." The witness then declared: "I said, 'Whero is that guy? Noth ing like that goes. He Is going to see George Nellson right away." Holland pointed Out Tills conversation, the witness said. took place while ho and George were in an auto on Riverside avenue. He said Holland was standing on the street and George High pointed him out. It occurred In January, 1033, a short time after the barn burned. The Highs had come to this city from Ashland to attend to legal matters. Later the same day, Ed High testi fied, they returned to the home of their parents In Ashland and Holland was there seated by the stove, and said to him: " 'I want to see you.' " Thereupon, Ed High and Holland went outside and sat down in an auto, and High asked about, the al leged blackmail threat, and told Hol land : Nothing like that goes. You're go ing to an officer right now," Holland replied, the testimony ran: itlflcd to1 III an and 1 1 hi Khootlnz. II ' 1942 governor's Sackett a rompanicd by a recommendation member of the education board as his from city or county authorities. last official act before retirement. was made by the Associated Press a Rich license application must be I intention to appoint Mrs. fuming That ites not alter new of dangerous social disttnetior i md the latest word from tn y front 1 that Mr. Roosevelt, or at lesst Louis Howe, may take the situation In hnnd. There Is a prcb nbtlity that Mers. Hull and Cuni mlnes and Madame Secretary will be curtailed to $2000 cars or Wallace will be ordered to take a $.VM0 one. whether he want it or nrtt. me one ray of hopeful llcht under the hood of this ailtn 5iUia'ln 1 being offered bv Vice-Prcidnt Gar ner. ' You may recall he d-ellned to use a government or as speaker nf the house. He ncrepted one as vlee rr"?!dent. but In the new budget he hns recommended that the ap propriation for its operation he cut frvin Pono a year to Mnoo, The ex planation apparently I that the vice-president ds nt arc to take Ms official car bark to Vvalr during ;;-.e rei-e"; of cencre- Another succeMi -n of A n-pefui rv hfts hern worked nut bv Treas ury Pe.-re?a-v Mnrce:-.hiu He u The com m iss io n a n nou n red tod :t y two new stores will be opened here, and that alterations will be made In .tores at Salem, Med ford and Ash land. week ago. I Mrs. Sac Ice, fa appointment mut I be confirmed by the senate. It was ; stated here, I Maids Mystery Suicide Linked With Spirit Cult Involved in Lindu C - K ase HANZEN RESIGNS POST AS BUDGET DIRECTOR! GOVERNMENT RESTS IN PIQUETT PROSECUTION SALEM. Jan. 10. ,p Henry Hin- CHICAGO. Jan. 10. fAP) The gov en, state budget director, said here , eminent rested Its case against Louis today his reslgtifttion was being for- Qiqurtt late today after two women. xarded Ht once to Charlea H. Martin, surprise witnesses, and five special agent g.-.- f -;-,!-', I'M -h'"1 Sr'V.-.lly P-i' 1 e minor tre :rv fSed booCCT rare. When In NV -a- a;;d . o Ma effective the firt or next wectc. nan- en st3t-d he wished to devote h:s time afrer that on his publication. ;n Portland, recently obtained, and to soek ''"u ce-s tis an Individual ctti en " BAE WESTs ROBBER MUST GO TO PRISON LOS ANGELES. Jan. 10. (API T..e state supreme court today held Edward H. Friedman, who oonfewwsti he robbed the screen actress. Mie Wwt. and f. en ipt:d:atM his state ments, niiift srve i-U term of nne .ear to l:f In sn Q-jentine prlwn. P-ei, B:-calh;z Mid Frle.. o T)rr. to Sin Q-jen' :;i p he re.-er.ed the comrr.r.- :r.ent papers. witnesses, and five of th rilvlnlon nf in vest (ga ily HIKON KlfillT I niled Pre- Muff Correspondent. NFW YORK. Jan. 10. ( UP) Violet Sharpe, mystery suicide Lindbergh kidnaping Investigation, today spiritualist cult lmolved in the care, maid at the home oi i mnlhcr flt Knzle-t"-' was linked with the In the Harlem NEAR SAYS WIRE The following telegram was re ceived today by. Attorney Porter Neff representing the Medford Irrigation District, from Senator Frederick Stel wer. in Washington. D. C. "Washington, D.C. "Conference with Frank Keenan and communication to Mr. Schramm indicates that at last RFC Is about ready to close your loan (stop) I think you will be advised of final action within short time (stop) Re gards." This will be welcome news to the property owners In the Medford Irri gation district, for In Attorney Ncff's opinion. It means that the refinanc ing of the district will be definitely -eltled within the near future. SOUTH BEND, Ind.. Jan. 10. ( AP) Three bombs early today wrecked a restaurant and did widespread dam- age to a dozen stores and a theater at the principal intersection in South Bend's business district, scattering streets with debris and rousing cttl wns from their beds for blocks around. The palace restaurant, a night club at the corner of Colfax avenue and Michigan street, was wrecked, and the Palace theater was badly damaged Miss Sharpe, Anne Lindbergh's (tverr '"V."' I SEATTLE- Jan. 10. I AP i Pre1 dent L. P S;e; of the University of j emergency 1 WA-hir.Eton today announced tuition of Havana went on strike today. All ''.e. a, the ',:n:v:ity win fc In-' the Institutions thus Uft without tlon had testified that the attorney woort N. j., t1rank poivin after bein; was guilty of harboring John Dlllin-j questioned In the kidnap investiga ger while the latter was a fugitive. tlon shr hfrv i fiiriovd to have been connerted with the Rev. Peter J. Blrratcllas "pyehic" cult, from which a prediction came a week after the Lindbergh baby was stolen, tell ing where he would be found and that he was dead. The fact that the English girl as so'tated with the cultlfts was reveal ed t-i the United Press by 'Professor" Robf rt L. Ileetor. a psychic" belong I ins to the regular fold of Ne Yurk j spiritualist. She was a member of the P v Btr I rateila r rh'irch." He--fe,r fId the i wri'er a;.d .i""!'!! Hum! "u-er. noted foe nf fake r-pirlt ualt This confirmed by Mary, the pastor's wife. LEGISLATORS CAN GET DRINK UNTIL MIDNIGHT SALEM. Ore.. Jan. 10. ( AP) State liquor headquarters here announced today that as an accommodation during the legislative session which ! opens Monday, the state liquor store here will remain open from 9 a. m until midnight every day exempt Sun I days and holiday, with permlion J of the sta'e liquor comro1p1nn. havanaphys7c7ans ; walk out on strike HAVANA, Cuba. Jan. 10. (APi About 200 phyMetana attaehed to the ind municipal hosiptals PORTLAND DEPRIVED OF -FREIGHT DIFFERENTIAL (Continued on Page rhreei 934 FRUIT QUOTA Blrratella on March 8. 1SD2 i a week after the kidnaping and told New Jersey authorities where the ! Lindbergh baby would be found. 1 "It is on the heights abov well' and two mon 'the baby was found In almost the ! o.act location. i Here are the strange links binding' PORTLAND. Ore.. Jan. 10. (AP , the Harlem church, which is an "un- ; Success today crowned the long cam- remgnied" spiritualistic group, to Pe" to the 10 per cent dlffer I to the Lindbergh case: ! ential Portland and Vancouver. I . The church Itself is directly! Wash., enjoy over Puget Sound ports across the street from the former. railway grain shipments from ; residence of Iadore Flsch. one time Columbia river basin points south of ! friend of Bruno Hauptmann, accused t,)' Snake river. 'a murderer of the Lindbergh baby. battle Hn loomed a 1 It is less than a bloek from the gaso- Portlander. loathe to relinquish line Mat ion where the Lindbergh ran-jbat they termed their natural ad hor.i note, that trapped Hauptmann , vantage, carefully considered their annearen. I next steps. 2. Violet Sharpe was, according to i Five railway llnea serving tho area Iltor. vlMtov to the Harlem spr. Ol etaini ever. pmall trei "She came to me recently mr an-1 rn,)rrn vice. She told me Miss Sharpe had 3 Marv cemta. medium at the church who conducted many meet ing. before tl'e Lindbergh kidnaping :,e t h"ie t'iii.t ,,, none Mr.rr was able 'o pro It 'A i., Mar;, t... a M been a member of her church, ak.ed me to glic her tr.y imre: and t on 1 announced late: yesterday that differential would be abandoned. the i9i 4 5 1ea 10 lt" 4Aaaifi uiwi uejiU9a. I wLo went lip How tul j;Coiiuuua t P1 rtenrrlnr from Fall Mrs. W. II Ft linker is recovering from Injuries '.r r'erd after having filnted and li.'a .n tUy. at her home, ( 1046 wb SI eve nib aueet. UNEMPLOYED WILL TAKE UNEMPLOYMENT CENSUS LANS I NO, Mich., Jan. 10. (UP) Unemployed persons in Michigan will itart January 14 taking a thorough census of unemployed persons In Michigan. Dr. William Haber. state relief administrator, announced the census today and said that 2250 enu merators will be necessary. They will be obtained from county and munici pal relief rolls. GRIFFlfiTwiLLTbTRECT HOUSING ACT IN OREGON WASHINGTON, Jan. 10. (AP) E. Griffith of Portland. Ore., was ap pointed director for Oregon by the federal housing administration. At one time he was employed In the Denver bureau of the Associated Prrw and later was Associated Press correspondent at Salt Lake City and Portland. SEVEN OF FAMILY DIE WHEN CABIN BURNED SOMERSET. Ky.. Jn. 10. 'AP) A family of Bven pron vm wlpwl out today by fire tint dMlrojred Lhi'tr to-rootn rsbln noma t public. The victim were: Othel Harprr. 3S. farmer and miner: h!a wife. Nellie llrper. 3t: tjyir five children. Milton 10; Wanada ; Elmer, S; Denver, 3. and Beryl, one. NEW YORK, .Ian. 10. I UP) Six ty aeven namea were added to New YorK'a "red Mood" reglater during the last year, the board of health re. -aled today. There arc now 3111 Wo-xl donor; Ibh year there were iXHi. Quit ievea v woman. AIM WJIHJRANCE WASHINGTON, Jan. 10. (AP) Senator Schwellenbach (D., Wash.) said today the state department was seeking an arrangement with the French government whereby the quota for Pacific northwest applet and pears shipped Into France wou'.d be placed at the same figure as lor 1034. Numerous protests have been re ceived by the senator, as well as other members of the Washington delegation from We na tehee and other fruit centers of Washington, against reduction from a 1034 quota of 200, 000 bushels to approximately 60,000 bushels for 1935. The difficulty now, Schwellenbach said, Is to find some French com modity which would not cause a hardship to some American Industry by being placed In market here. BETTY "GOW'S FRIEND WILLING TO RETURN OSLO, Norway, Jan. 10 P) Henry Johnaon, located here today, asserted he waa willing to return to the. United States to testify In the Hauptmann trial at plemlngton, N. J., If hia fare were paid. The erstwhile friend of Betty flow, Baby Cimrlea Lindbergh's nurse and the last person to see him alive, wai living In humble surroundings on one of Oslo's main street. SANTA MONICA, Oil., Jmi. II. 1 told you there would be mine news popping this week. Well, it exceeded all expecta tions. President Itoosevelt made the bijrirest toiieh in history, "lirotheis enn you spore eight nnd one Imlf billion?" Heity Ciow wins the decision over llaiiptniimn's lawyer. She hrnke him of jjettinir sarcastic. Much Johnson after devil in is the life out of bii business, fin ally joined 'em. Then to top things off the su preme court went Republican and said "There is nothing yon can do about the oil business by law." So it wns s great day.