MEDFOTiD MAIL TRTBTINT:, MEDFOKD, OREGON. SUNDAY, DECEMBER 23. 1934. PAGE ELEVEN (WA.IMVU&I. dvCVIilil Vtt : I Vft auv : I SELL WHAT YOU WANT Classified FOR EASY REFERENCE V Rend every ad on thll page. Vou will probably find ex actly tin thine you want to buy or selL If It len t there, advertise . . . It', Inexpensive . effective. RATES rer fjord first lnsertlon......... (Minimum 25c) Each additional Insertion. per word (Minimum 10c) Per line per month without copy $1.28 Phone 75 FOR WANT ADS LOST AND FOUND FOE RENT-APARTMENTS FOR SALE POULTRY FOR RENT Apts. 334 Apple. FOR RENT Ltrg and mull furnish ed apartment. 700 80. oaual FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT Furnished sleeping room. 875 So. Central. FOR RENT Nicely furnished rooms and gang storage at moderate rates by week or month 33o South Riverside avenue. RATES van moderate at 716 S. ad.ln ATTRACT1VF rooms 404 8. Irape. FOR KENT MISCELLANEOUS FOR RENT Room 18l60 adjoining Mall Tribune Job Department, on Drape street Will remodel to suit permanent tenant. Phone- 70 or ap ply at Mall Tribune (newspaper) of. flee. FOR EXCHANGE FOR TRADE 2 double beda. good springs, mattresses fo) twin beds ol day beds. Rt. 1. Boi 348. Medlord FOR EXCHANGE 1929 model A Ford sedan and 3 lots In Medford for late model ford V-8. Tel 407-V EXCHANGE Furn. re-upholstorwa tor lumber, wood, nsn poies ano reels. Phone 969-R. LOST Left In Chevrolet coach on So. Front Prl. night, barracks bag. Week travelling btg. brief case containing CCC clothing personal effects and corres. lessons. Liberal reward. Return to Tribune. LOST 2 keys on ring In front of Court House. Leave at Tribune. LOST If dog missing, call 1516- waotedmale" help MAN WANTED for Rawlelgh Route of 800 families. Good profits for hust lers. We train and help you. Write today. Rawlelgh Co., Dept. ORL-27-SA. Oakland, Calif. MAN WANTED A HU6TLER for Jackson county to Handle surest, easiest selling articles. Go home very evening with money In your pocket. Experience uOv necessary Good reputation essential Write Mr Close. 617 Stock Exchange Bid. Portland. Oregon. FOR SALE OR TRADE White llec trio aewlng machine for light Se dan Box 638, Tribune. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS PIANOS A few wonderful values :n new Studio Upright and Grand Pianos. Christmas delivery. Very easy payments. No carrying charge ' Elhart's, Ashland Piino Store. FOR SALE Pure Bronze turkey tonis and hens for breeding, 200 10. Parrlah stock. Free of any disease. Adoli 8chula, Beagle, Ore. FOR SALE 6 Rhode island rv-1 cockerels, quality stock, Bunny field strain, blood tested. Cum mings poultry Ranca. 6 miles out Midway road. SACRIFICE SALE Rhode Island Red cockerels. $1.50 each. Fine for roasters or breeders. Mrs. R. S Carley, Phone 314-W. FOR SALE Full-blooded White Leg horns. U. V. VanHoin, Rt. 2, B.ix 424. PURE Bronze to ma. cockeran'a price stock 5 Jesse Nell. Rt 1. Ashlan-t FOR SALE LIVESTOCK CHOICE cow to freshen, bargain. Will trade for young beef. Keller. Jacksonville. DRY WOOD Fir, mannanlta. oik Phone 71 or 516 Pennsylvania. FOR SALE Jersey cow. cheap. 830 Bennett. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE Pear wood. Tel 744-X. FOR SALE OR TRADE Apples. 25c to 60 at ranch. Old No. Pacific Hwy. Phone 268-J. FOR SALE Sills and toboggan. 303 Vancouver. 75 QT3. canned fruit, cheap. Box 3962, Tribune. FOR SALE Hand-made embroidery. Excellent Christmas gifts. 625 No. Riverside. Apt. 3. FOR SALE .22 Remington rl.lo. model 12; like new; 12.00. 1158 Court St. BUSINESS DIRECTORY Dentistry. DENT1S1RY Dr. L B. Gove. 234 C Main. Hall Paper Cleaning. WAIL-PAPER CLEANING lo per w ft. Mr Black 310 N Bartlett. Expert Window Cleaners LET GEORGE DO 11 Tel lira House Cleaning Floor Waxing Ori ental nig cleaning and upholstering Money To Lend MONEY LOANED - 650 to 3O0 toi peraonal or household purposes on House Furnishings or Autos; ale Care Re-flnanced. Loana ciomo within 30 minutes, under super vision of the State Banking Dept License No. S-157-M. 160. See W. B Thomas. 45 So. Central. MONEY LOANED Cecil Jennings. Painting and Paperhanglng M. A. BUSS Painting and paper Hanging. Tel 646-w 313 S Orape LET HANSEN SOLVE YOUR DECOR ATING PROBLEMS. Tel. 289-J. 619 King. LEGAL NOTICES Shareholder Meeting First Federal S. & L. Aw'n. The regular .annual meeting of hare holders of First k-edentJ Saving and Loan Awcmtion oj Medford win b held at two o'clock P. M., January 5th. 1835, at 27 North Holly Street, Meaiord, Oregon. FRED h. HEATH. President. B. F. KYLE. Secretary. FOR SALE Beautiful raccoon .'ur coat. Phone H8-X. FOR SALE Saxa phone. Conn C mel ody, gold bell, pearl keys, all rer in strument Good as new. Cost $145 Sell for 90. Make a dandy Chnat maa prewnt. Phone 1473-W, evenings. BARGAIN, MINERS 22" Sterling pump for sale; terms Call 750-W. FOfc SALE REAL ESTATE BARGAINS Outdoor Clothing, Boots. Shoes. Typewriter, Golf clubs. Sad dles. Buy, sell, trade. Guns, Boats, Motors, Sporting Goods. 317 North Riverside. WANTED FEMALE HELP WANTED Olrl for general house work for two. Room, board. Box 8974, Tribune. WANTED SITUATIONS YOUNG MAN Experienced grocory clerk, fountain lunch, driver, wants employment. Consider anything 113 Cottage St. UNINCUMBERED middle-aged widow wants practical nursing or House keeping. Boi 461'i WANTED-MISCELLANEOUS WANTED 10 to 20 A. pear orchard. Give full detail. Ray Tasher, Tren ton. Wash. WANTED Passenger to share ex penses south. 160 California St., Ashland. RABBIT 6klns. Angora wool buyers. LI FARM PRODUCTUM, Rosedale. N. T. WANTED Transportation for two to Klamath Falls and return Chrlst mea. Chamberlain at Newbcrry'a. WANTED One passenger to Pasa dena, Dec. 36. Share expenses Phone 1253. WANTED Ride to. or part way to Malad, Idaho. Will shsre expense!, help drive. 809 So. Nswtown. WANTED Have a desirable client for 6 or 6-room furnished home, i0 to 627.50. Charles R Ray, Realtor. Medford Bldg. Phone 802. WANTED For cash. Set of drums with or without came ana mow, James Davis, Jacksonville. WANTED 100 persons, any age. to receive a free demonstration les son in the Modern Way of play ing the piano new, easy, quick and correct. Dec. 26 to Dee 31. Make appointment now. Halght Music Studio, 318 Liberty Building. Medford, Ore. EMPTY furniture van going to Los Angelea wants load both ways. ro. 615, Hawley Transfer. WANTED TO RENT Two room furn ished house in city limits of Med ford Must be cheap. Box 308 Maul Tribune. FURNITURE rs-upholatered. 969-R Thlbault. Phone wanted Household goods, 'toves tools or what have you Medford Bargain House. 27 N Orspe at. lei 1062. HIGHEST PRICES paid for furs. hldea end pelts Medford Bargain nouse 27 No Orape rel 1062 limn UfaNrlfll W pay esab for JUNK BATTERIES BRASS. COPPER and unk jf all descriptions MEDFORD BARGAIN HOUSE 27 .o Orape rl iMU SMALL RANCH SACRIFICE OOrfin 20 A. excellent land: 13 daJULlU A. Irrigated. 12 A. splen did alfalfa; family orchard and grapes; comfortable 4-room modern house; bem; also one other set 'ru provements go with place. All for $3500; (1500 cash; easy terms on balance. An Ideal amall dairy and diversified farm, only one-half mllo from school; 3 miles from Medford. Good road. CHARLES A. WIfJU AGENCY, INC. Exclusive. 4 H. P. DRAG SAW tor sale. Cass Auto Wrecking. Phone 780. FOR SALE OR TRADE Lsrge lot. clear; some buildings; near grade and high schoolsi Klamath Falls. lor city property with or without buildings. Address Box 174, Tribune. A BARGAIN My lsrge lot, on Ben nett St. excellent soil, fruit, nut trees and berries Will sacrifice on terms or cash Bos 66, Tribune WHEN you think of real estate, think of Brown 6c White. FOR ALE Must sacrifice Memorial park lot. Box No. 601. Tribune HOUSES FOR SALE OR RENT Jack son County Building & Loan Asa'n Phone 195. FOB SALE AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE 1932 DeLuxe V-8 Ford coupe. Good rubber. A-l mechan ical condition. 1935 license. Cash Only. Box 162, Tribune. LATE MODEL TRADE-INS ON "85 MODEL DODOE & PLYMOUTH AUTOMOBILES '34 Model Plymouth DeLuxe Sedan fully equipped, very small mileage. beautiful gun metal finish. 33 Model Plymouth Tudor, new rubber, driven little, looks and runs like new. 32 Model Ford DeLuxe Sedan with trunk and heater, runs fine. 32 Model Chevrolet Spc. Sedan, many extras, completely over hauled. All priced to sell quick. Full price for your car in trade and easy terms. PIERCE ALLEN a'OTOR CO.. INC. 112 South Riverside. Phone 150 ALL MAKES of washing machlnea re- Main. GOOD USED CARS 94 Studebnker Sedan 82 Plymouth Sedan. 30 Chevrolet Roadster 81 Chryaler Sedan. '31 Bulck Sedan. 31 Essex Coach. '28 Ford Roadster 28 Bulck Sedan. 27 Bulck Sedan. ' '26 Dodge Sedan. SKINNER'S OARAGE 143 So. Riverside. Phone 102. your Buicfc-PontlM Dealer. LOOK I THE GREATEST XMAS PRESENT YOU COULD MAKE We have 3 New Master Sedans also I New Standard Sedans, assorts colors, at a nice discount. Look these over before It Is too 1st. P.OGUE RIVER CHEVROLET, INC. 32 N. Rlvemlde. FOR SALE Light coupe; jod pali.t; 75 00. 207 No. Peach. FOR SALE 1929 rord pickup; good tires, motor excellent, new paint; trade and terms. Ca'l 750-W. FOR RENT HOUSES FOR RENT After Dec. 27. partly furnished 8-room home at 315 South Riverside. 620 per mi-nth. Including garage, water paid. Csll at prop erty for lnpectlon or 325 Sou'h Riverside for owner. FURNISHED home for rent. 1122 E. Main. Call between 2 and 4. FOR SALE Light etudebaker Sedan Tel. 431-J. FOR SALE Model A and T Pitrd . Sedans. Schults Bros . 137 North Central. : FOB SALE 1930 Chervorlet Coupe I Will trade and terms. Tel. 750-W FOR RENT r).rooro modern noise rurnlehed: fireplace snd piano in quire 826 W 6tn St W B E-.rf- , hard ' VERY MODERN furoleaed cottage; , reasonsbia price 9ra' rates to ( ingle peron falar.-1ra Hotel and. Cottages. Central Point fXH KKN1 i.irnitie) j unfurnished Brown While 1 FOR 8AI.E-n"ttS - PFT8 tam vtAju. tu-m w-j-i, i GOOD USED CARS LOW PRICES IPSO Ford Mode A Tudor Sedan. 1931 Model A Sedan. 1935 License 19'4 Chevrolet Town ixltn t34 Plymouth .oedsft lPiJ Plvmouth 2-door Sedan 103 Desoto 8dan 1929 Chevrolet Coip Wi Plymouth DeLuxe Coupe lf32 Plymouth Sedan. Also several older models. Oppn Evenlrjta. ARMSTRONG MOTORS, INC. 33 No Riverside. Tel. 18 V-8 KORD VICTORIA 1M3 Vlll ssthi svmoo fq-ntv for S20000 or will trad lor liht car. Ftcht Br Oaraf. MANZANITA wood, 12" and 16" $1.60. and 51.25 tier. Fred Powers. Inquire at Applegate Store. FOR BALE! Wheat $1 bushel, oats $1.50 hundred. 704 No. CentraL A-l CEDAR POSTS 12c; A-l sugar- pine, heart snakes $8.75 per M, delivered. Write C. J. Akers, Eagle Point, Ore., star Rt. No. 41. 10 TONS baled hay. $12 per ton. Would consider good cows In ex change. J. E. Leigh, Eagle Point, Butte Falls Rd. RE-POSSESSED Brunswick 10-tube radio with electric phonograph. Will trade. 1000 W, 11th St. FOR SALE Copper carbonate for treating wheat. Monarch seed Co. FOR SALE Rose bushes at popular prices. Monarch Seed Co. FOR SALE 5 doz. mixed daffodil and narcissus bulbs, 79c. Sacrifice prloe Monarch Seed Co. FOR SALE Morton's emoke salt and aausage seasoning. Monarch Seed Co. FOR SALE Useo sewing machlnea all makes; terma If desired. All makes rented and repaired. White Sewing Machine Co. 24 N. Bartlett. FOR SALE Closing out my entire stock or bicycles, ocnuits Bros.. 13 No. Central. WHEAT or FEED OATS. $1 50 rrt.; mixed barley and alfalfa hay. $11 ton. C. A. DeVoe, 3 miles west snd Vi mile south of Medford. Phone 523-J-2. FURS Cash paid for furs, hides, pelts Johnson Produce Co., 6th and Front Sts. TOES fit. Mark's Church S. 8. Bartlam. Hector. Holy communion. a. m. Morning prayer and sermon at 11 o'clock. Church school. 9:45 ft. m. HIGH SCHOOL LEAGUES HOST TO SILL TOTS AT CHRISTMAS PARTY The Olrls' and Boys' leagues of the Medford high school conducted their annual Christmas party December 10. Every year the Boys and Girls leagues give a party for at least 135 children In the first four grades. TOyB wrT6 uCuatctl wj the Students. Those who had cars brought the children to the party and took them home. The Benson studio sponsored a gypsy dance and an acrobatic stunt. Lois Llttrell and Betty Phillips gave Christmas readings and Christmas carols were led by Mrs. Leake. Santa Claus was ushered In to the tune of "Jingle Bells,' and old Saint Nicholas gave a toy, ft box of candy and an apple to each child present. A Christ mas tres was featured. The social service committee was In charge. The members are: Anna Scheel, chairman; Virginia Porter, Dorothy Hopkins, Betty VUm, Aline Fowler. Margaret Elliott, Peggy Reter and Lois Prazee. The committee In charge of the program was Mary Kem, chairman Prankle Rlnabarger, Lois Nichols, Amy Elliott, Elizabeth Van Fleet, Aklko SaJto. Clara, Beth Powell and Betty Faske. Miss Maurln Carroll and Miss Carln Degermark are advisers of the Olrls' league and Wilson Walt Is the boys' adviser. Pull Go pel lahernale 11 Newtown Street J. Logan Stuart, Pastor Sunday school, 0:45. Morning worship. 11. Theme, "The Spirit of Christmas." At 7:30. the Sunday school will give a Christmas program. Tne public Is Invited. Main Street Methodlt"church, South. N D. Woods psstor. Services In our church this Sunday will all- be conducted in the spirit of the Christmas season. 0:J a. m.. Sunday school. 11 a,n.. Sermon by the pastor. 6:30 p. ra.. Young Ptople'a 7:30 p. m-, Christmas pageant ftnf; program. The Salvation Army. 411 East Main fit. Captain a. R. Durham, command ing officer. 11 a. m.t Holiness meeting. 3 p. ra.. Company meeting. 3:15 p. ra.. Young People's Legion service, led by Dorothy Hammond, secretary. 7:45 p. m., Special Christmas pro rTTam of music and sortR, followed by the presentation of the Christmas play, "Dust of the Road " The public U cordially Invited U attend all these services. Morning worship at It. Christmas service. Sermon theme, "The Birth of the Savior." Anthem by the choir directed by Mrs. C. H. Paake. Don Huckabee, organise. Ep worth Leagues, 6:M p. a. Evening worship at 7:30. The con cert to have been given by the choir la postponed one week. Sermon theme, "Christianity Disturbing Force?" Special music Mrs. Lucille Schop pert, orgs nlet. The favorite Xmaa gtrt Miss Say lor Ccooolatea. East Side Pharmacy. Main A Riverside. WINDOW GLASS We sell window glass and will replace your broken windows reasonably. Trowbridge Cab tnet Works. Medford Comiwuy of Jehovah's Wit ileuses Tine Medford company of Jehov ah's Witnesses Is broadcasting a lec ture by Judge Rutherford dealing strictly with the Bible over KMED every Tuesday afternoon at 1:30. Judge Rutherford'a Bible study helps are in book and booklet form and have been translated into sixty languages since 1923. AH Interested In Waich Tower Bible study are wel come to meet every Sunday morn ing at 10 o'clock at 845 West Sec ond street, Medford. First Baptist Church, W. H. Eaton, minister. 0:45 a. m- Sunday school. 11 a., in.. Morning worship. The special Christmas mualo for this aerv- Ice will be: Two anthems by the choir, "Pilot of aalllWv" and "Star of Bethlehem. and, the ladies' quar- tet singing. "Ring the Bells. Tbe pastor will speak under the oaptkm. "What It's All About, or the Meaning of Christmas." 0:30 p. m.. Young people's group meetings. 7:30 p. m., Christmas pageant ar.rt musical program by ths Senior B. T. p. U. nd the choir. You re cordially Invited to sha.s these programs with us First Church of Christ, Scientist. Authorized branch of the Mother church, the First Cnnrrh of Christ. Scientist, In Boston, Mass. Services are held every Sunday at 11 o'clock, church edifice. 313 Nortn Oakdale. Subject for Sunday, De cember 23, "Is the Universe. Includ ing Man, 8x01164 by Atomlo Force? Sunday school at 0:30 ft. m. App'.l- cants under the ftge of 90 may be admitted. Wednesday evening meetings. vhl?h include teatlmonlala of Christian 6.1- enoe healings, at a o'clock. Tbe reading room, la located at 401 in the Medford building, is open dally from 7 . tn to 8 p. m , exoept Sundays and holidays. The librarian la tn attendance from 10 ta 4. at which time the Bible nd a.l authorised Chrtstlsn Silence litera ture may be read, borrowed or purchased. The public Is cordially Invited to attend the services ar.d visit t ie reeding room. Free Methodlft Church Corner Tenth and Ivy Street. E N. Long. Psstor. a nhristtmaa messag wilt be brought by the pastor Sunday morn ins at U o'clock. The Sunday school meets at 0:46 for the study of the beautiful Christ mas lesson found In Luke 3. The Y. P. M. 8. meeU at 6:30 and the evening service at 7:50. Special music at both services. The Sunday school will gtve a most impressive program Monday evening beginning at 7:30. First Christian Church. Ninth and Oakdate streets, W. R. Balrd, minister. Bible school at 0:45 a. m. L. O. Centner, superintendent. Everyman's Bible class In court house auditorium at 0:45. Morning worship begins ftt 10:66. Sermon subject, "If Every Day Were Christmas." Christian Endeavor ftt 6:30 p.m Evening evangelistic servlcs at 7:30. Sermon subject, "The Prince of Peace. The choir, tinder th direction f Effle Herbert Yeoman, will alng special Christmas numbers t both morning and evening services. First Methodist Church West Main and Laurel Streets. Joseph KnotU, Minister. Sunday school. 0:46 a. m. E. 3 Neumann, superintendent. Christ- mas Sundsy. Everybody come. Mail Tribune Daily Cross-Word Puzzle ORA1N 8ACKS Jackson Oouotvi Feed Co.. 4th and Bartlett Sta FOR SALE Sand, gravel lawn dirt fertilizer, teaming. Phons 012-J FOR SALS Whlta sewing machine Angora rabbits 814 Willamette FOR EXCHANGE 30-80 Carbine eal- ued at 110.00 tor light car Across from Medford Riding Academy. MISCELLANEOUS PIANO TUNER D. C. DURHAM, real dent phone 332 or write P. O. Boi 838. LOW PRICED guaranteed Radio Serf. Ice. Phone 8d7-T. BOAT TRAILER, Cash Register Add ing Machine. Typewriter, Boots Shoes. Hunting.Flshlng Equipment 317 North Riverside. IS YOUR HEARING IMPAIRED' 1 have for aale or trad, a Lau model Aooustlcon which has so DeneMud mi heart that 1 nave no further use for It. T. N Kerr. Talent. Ore KINDERGARTEN Sparta Bio I Music and danos Paone IMS or 1358-W Ruth Luy - Alloa Hotmoaca. BUSINESS DIRECTORY Abstract, J 4 kso.N CO. AIISIKACl CO. Abstracts of mis and Title Imuranct The oolj complete Title B.item Id JackaoB county. MURRAY ABSTRACT CO. Aoatratt. M Title Rooms t and 6 Ho tl north Central Ara upstslra Rlalto Phona 1616-T KADS TRANSFER a STORAGE JO Odin 1016 No Central Phone Ho Price, ntbt Seniee guaranteed HAWLEY rRANSPTR - Expert pec, era ind movers Special 11Ttoc moving equipment Prlcs .aot if Porta KlvtrsaM, Pbooo eJO. ACROSS Equalltr Agreement Harvest Potm Sm.ll Press Cut off Harems Maltreat Number Interpret: ' archale Siberian rlrer Likely Insertion Thin cake Humbled Peopls of edu cation and f:ood breed Famous Fence of shruba Wond.r and fear Medicinal slant Formerly Heavenly bodr lis sea I In, name corned F.ztit Wild o Persian fairy Light brown Solution ef Yesterday's Punle 5ICglMrVgfATPl IslLhlTft? Wl D E gT H I N E jig H OUT E A VE RgSRANKSAUTE YjElA gjBOp i P A J T EC MLOOP 5 jfc AVE lM SRKg l?J AJ PfoEHOVATS WAR laT!Pj"' DpEDAN APARgapTc LAY LI I HlO G 5 "Hie A" D A I D PV PIOIL L ETn P L E N Dp R AWT eMp C AW Sgjf-?E RlE L) B E Jo t ac I 0 51. Lsrgs mass ef floating Ice It. Ut It stand !. Concealed DOWN 1. Pertaining t the points of the earth's ails t. gun-drled brick t. Disclaim or disavow . Attltuda I. American author I. Musical In. stmment T. Itrlng of cars I. Oovsn I. Silkworm 10. Past II. Footllke part 17. Ate away gradually 19. Intelligence ::. Guided 23. 8econd raowlna In the same stason at By 3a. Attempt 17. gc-bsr and It. Uterary frag ments IL Form of greet Ing It. Turn to the right li. Pugnacious Insect 17. Bourcea of artificial light II. Oriental rest houss 4. Inclination 41. Men's party 43. l?repara for publleatlc-a 41. Publla vehicle 44. t'nlly 41. And net 44. Before an offe.rtng and presentation of white gifts for those who otherwise would have no Christmas. Christmas program Sunday, T p.m.: Processional by reefed Junior Choir, "O Com All T Faithful.' Scripture. Song. "The First NoeS." Prayer. Songs. Primary Department, Mrs. C. C. Hartley, superintendent. Bong, "Silent Night." Part n. Play. "A "eThlts Christmas Characters: William Marshall, John Barker: Kate Marshall, hla wife. Naomi Montgomery: Bob Marshall, tl.elr eon. Ned DeVrlea: Carolyn Mar shall, their daughter. Addle Boles; Janice Marshall, small daughter. Jean May Hayse: Charlie, Chines serv ant, JUYilor Way; John Liang, Chl- atudent. Jim Newlln: Chinese child, Ruth Humphries; Mrs. Milton Craig, Virginia Porter. Part III. Offering and presentation of Whits Olfts. Part IT. Caroling by Christian sTndesvor groups. Those who desire ths Caroler, to stop at their boms win please place a candla In their window. Presbyterian Church At 8 4s . m. special Christmas program In the Sunday school. Vlelt ors welcome. Mrs. W. 8. Gllmor. superintendent. At 11 o'clock regular morning serv ice. Christmas sermon by Rev. w. r. Shields. former naator of the church. Topic "Olad Tidings to AU people." The muslo. under direction of Elsie Carlton Strang, choir dlrec tor. and Eva Hanelrlgg Marsh, or ganist, will be as follows: prelude and Chrlatmaa Pastoral (Biggs): chimes: anthem, "Hark, Hark My Soul" (Shelley); Incidental aolo, Edna Elfert; offertory. "Idyls" (Mailing) bsrtlone solo. "The New Bom King" (L'Espolr); postlud, on AdeiM Fldeles (Loretl. At 6:30 p. m. Christmas service by tbe Young People's lesgut. Topic "Why Did Christ Com7" On Sunday. December (0, it I p m., the choir will give Its annual Chrlatmaa oonoert, to which ,11 mem bers and friend are cordially Invited. The principal number of the program will be ths cantata,, "The Incarna tion." 7 U 3 "v4 s o 7 I . Is )ff ' I" . '. m ;, ' t;' -m --r, Ti 25 3o 31 ; 32. Is " 3a7 37 3i J7 40 43 44 45. 4I 4l :''.:, 49 1 ;,rw,s '.' ' '.' I . I ' ' ' 1 -' 1 ' - Federated Church Centrsl Point. Sundsy school at At. The Isason will bs the Chrlatmaa lesson and tat text will bs found In Luke's gospel, 2nd chanter, Bth to 8th verses. Preaching services will bs at 11 o'clock, at which time Rev. F. L. Bel knap of Medford will bring ths mes sag. Rev. Belknap was the first Das tor after tn churches war united A very eordlal Invitation 1 extended to everyone to attend thla and all the services of the day. In the evening at 1:30 the young people will have charg or tn aerv toes, to which you are Invited. Monday evening at 7:30 In their room In the basement the men of th church will sasembl for their regular prayer service. Tuesday afternoon at 2:30 the la dles' Bible study class will meet, with Mrs. Davteeon as teacher. I Wednesday evening at 7:30 th rel ular mid-week Bible atudy and prayer service In the basement rooms. Thursday evening at 7:80 will be th regular choir rehearsal. Let ev eryone who sings try and b present, Church of the Natarene Central Avenue at Jackson Street. Fred M. Weatherrord. paator-evan gellst. will be heard from th local pulpit today. At th popular 7:80 Sunday night evangelistic hour chorua of twenty-five or thirty voice will present a musical cantata en titled "Th Quet of th Magi,- un. der direction of D. C. Millard. This Christmas season mark tbs first time for th preaenatlon of this esntata, written by Haldor Ullena and L- A. Reed. At the conclusion of th can tata th pastor will bring brief gospel messag from th topic, "Mak lng Christ Ufa's King .- Eleven o'clock morning hour eer mon topic, "Christ In Miraculous Wonder." Barred Chrlatmaa carola. In keeping with th Christmas lesson during this hour. Sunday school at 45 a. ra.; Arnold Kornsutd, superintendent. Com with us and atudy th wonderful lesson of Christ's advent. Ashland ha the lead over us thus far thla month. We need recruits to put us out In the lead today. Young people's meeting at 4:10; Miss Helen Scheel, president. A beau tiful candlelight service, In associa tion with the Chrlatmaa theme, will be presented. Young people are eape clslly welcotn. People meeting Wednesday at 7:80 p. m . th order of thl aervtc being prayer, praise and BlbU study We cordially Invite and welcome strangers and friends. Church of nod D. M. Clemens, Pastor At corner of Haven and Holly Sts. church school. 8:45 a. m. Morning worship, li a. m. Subject, The Merits of Christ." Sunday evening, 7:80. Christmas program by church school and young people. O. W. Clemens In charge. Special muslo and singing. Treats for ths children. Prayer service. Wednesday, 7:80 p. ., Mrs. Amy Beers, leader. All ar Invited. Come and bring your friends. Son Evangelical Lutheran church. West Fourth St., nesr Oakdal Ac Geo. P. Kabele, D. D , pastor. Th Christmas pagsant. "Lsstlng Glory." will bs given by th Sunday school snd choir of th Zlon church on Sundsy at 7:30 p. m. Many char acters In costume will beautifully present th Christinas story and scenes la costume, lnterspereed with Chrlatmaa carols by th choir, M as Oenevlev Brown, organist. White Olfts for the King will be presented following tbe pageant. Pageant com mittee: Mrs. a. p. Kabel. Mrs. A'l Brewold, Mrs. Elisabeth Fluhrer. Miss Bernloe Crow and Mlas Ruth Dem mer. Th seen wss painted by Har- c!4 Brewold. Ths oeneral nubile w'l. bs heartily welcome. A Chrlatmaa some which will be especially appreciated by all who wilt come at a midnight canoleltght Christ mas service to be held on Christmas night, beginning at 13 o'clock, sharp. It will mak Christmas more real to celebrate it at this hour to us. Hie service will be limited to about 30 minute and will Include th singing of th beautiful Christmas carols and brief sermonett on "Joy to tn World, tha Lord Is Cornel" Tbe gn era! public Is Invited. Sunday morning th sermon sub ject wlU be: "The Herald's Cry tn th Wilderness." anthem by th choir directed by Miss Oenevlev Brown; Tidings of Oreat Joy." by Wilson. Sunday school beg 1 us Sunday at 10 a. m., and will Include final prep arations for th Christmas pageant. Th church la beautifully decorated with Chrlstmaa trees, wreatha, tc. Decorating eommlttMiv Mrs. Marun Weatvong. Miss Amelia Hartman, Mrs. Martin Paulsen, Mrs. Hertagcr, Mm. Fred Konner. Th Christmas party for th Sun day schol members, with presents to them of gift from tn school, w.ll be held In th Sunday school rem next week, Wednesday afternoon. Th Sunday school and Christian Endeavor of the Jacksonville Presby terian church will present a Chrtet- " mas program of pageantry and aonis Monday evening at 8. -00 o'clock, l th church auditorium. A Herald announces each ef th seven scenes, which era also related In song. Th order of th program 1, v follows: Been I Bethlehem. Seen 31 Mary and Joaeph... Scene 8 Th star. Seen 4 Th Shepherds. Been ft Th Angels. Scene Th wise Men. Been 7 Th Intent King. Members of th Sundsy sctioal take th leading part. Th En. deavora are largely responsible for ths decorations. Ths choir of ths First Presbyts risn church of Jacksonville will pre sent th Christmas Cantata, "Th Star of th East," by J. B. Fearl. thla evening at 8:00 o'clock. Th program Is as follows: 1 PreluOe. 3 "Rise Shine." tenor solo, women's chorus and choir. S "Th Stranger Star." contralto olo and baritone solo and choir. i "Th Angel's Song," soprano and tenor duet. 1 "Sing o' Heavens," baritone sol and choir. "Beautiful Star," soprano aolo. 1 "Awsks, Put on Thy Strength," solos snd choir. 8 "Bethlehem." chorus for women's olees snd choir. -"Lesd Thou Me On." bartton solo. 10 "There Shall Be Night No Mart," contralto aolo snd choir. 11 "Rejolc Orestly," tenor solo and choir: Ths personnel of the choir is as follows: Director Mr,. Alena He. Accompanist Virginia Pick. Sopranos Mrs. s. H. Jones. Mrs. O. O. Bsndsn. Mrs. Mary Novell, Mrs. Henry Nledermeyer, Altos Mrs. Roy Martin, Mrs. Bay- mond Hunsaker, Mrs, Frank Hens-peter. Tenors Henry Nledermeyer. Wrnax Arnold. Bass Roy Martin. Otto Nleder meyer, Wm. Jo Nee, Christmas Play Tonight at 7:30 At Nazarene Church Th chorus choir of tn local Church of th Nasaran, Central Ave. at Jackson 8t. will present a Christ mas cantata, entitled, "Th Quest of the Magi," tonight at 7:30 under the direction of D. E. Millard. Of th chorua. composed of twenty-five or thirty-flv voices, will also be heard over station KMED Monday night, Chrlstmaa eve, from 70 to 7:80. Those singing sueda! number. during th musical presentation In clude; tenor solo, "Where Is He that Is born King of th Jaws?" by John Jennings. , Duet, "Has th Oreat Messiah Come?" by Harry Lylea and Miss Helen Hayes, Trio, "Behold th Star," by Misses Freda Lalng, Anna and Flora Scheel Bass solo, "No Room la th Inn,' by Fred Hall. Solo, "Olfts of Lovs," by Miss Lots Herman. Tenor and contralto duet, "Th Wis Men Hav Oon," by Joba Jen nings and Miss Anna Bcheel. Solo. "Mo Place But a BUM," by Miss Helen Scheel. At th church tonight, th pastor, Fred M. Weatherford, will bring brief message at th conclusion of the esntata rendition from th topi, "Making Christ Life's King." Th publlo Is cordially Invited. Pboenll Presbyterian Ctinrrti. Ralph B. Peterson. paUr. Church school. 10 a.m. J. O. N. Poling, superintendent. Morning worship, 11 a.m. Sermon. '"Following the Star." Special Chrlat maa music by choir. Chrlstmaa program. 7 p.m. Misses Elaine DeVrles and Hsrrlet White In charge. ' ttm (b erggna mhc U1 t AT BT. FALLS SCHOOL BUTTE FA.'.L5. Dee. 33e (Spl.l An etnlt Chrlstmaa program was enjoyed Thursday evening at th Butt Falls high school. Numbers by the school orchestra and chorus opened the program and were fol lowed by sornts by th first and sec ond grades. Recitations were given by Bobble Albert, Lowell Patton and Leland Ellis. A play. "The Olft," was presented by a cast of high school students. Including Fred Heef. Opal Wooley, Esther Moore and David Cleveland. Appearance of Santa Clatu cli maxed the evening's entertainment. Bicycles new and old get tlx M(rt4 nv IS SANTA CLAUS Under th direction of Commis sioner Benjamin Orsmeev ths Salva tion Army will play Santa Claus thl year to thousanda of children, women and destitute men throughout tha western territory, comprising th 11 Psclflo Coast states snd Hawaii. Chinese, Japaness, Scandinavians snd other nationalities In th larger cen ters, and prisoner la tha Jails wtu not be overlooked. Tbe Salvation Army make muck of Christina time around th world. For more than fifty years la this territory th Army has consistently maintained Its gift giving custom to th poorest families discovered by It relief worker In their flelly call and Investigations throughout th year. Yule Services at St. Peters Church 7:30 P. M. Monday Th Sunday school and choir of St. Peter" Lutheran church. East Main and Portland avenue, wilt ren der the usual Chrlstmaa program oa Christmas eve, at 7:30 o clock. Th program followe: . Processional. Opening service. "From Heaven Abov to Earth I Com," "Th Happy Chrlstmaa Come One More," Csrols by Bundsy school. Th Birth of Christ In Prophecies. Vngemsch's Responsive Service, by' th psstor and choir.. Th Birth of th Christ-Child. "No Room la th Inn," by th choir. 'Luther's Crsdl Hymn," by th Sundsy schoo'- Th Shepheids. While Bher. herds Watched Tt.ttr Flock," by r,c Sunday school. "Ellant N ght. Holy Night," by th Ladles' Trta. Ths Shel herds Oo to Bethlehem. "Silent l ight. Holy Night," Carol by th But day achool. Th Wis Men Oo to Bethlehem. "Th Orphan Boy oa Chrlstmau Ere." musical reading. Address by th pastor. Closing servlcs. Chrlstmss morning st 11:00 a fes tival serrlr will be held. Th pastor will address ths congregstloa on "Ths True Christmas Joy." A special Chrlsimss selection will be sung by E. J. Nichols. Th public I cordially Invited t sit services. CHRISTIAN CHURCH TO REPEAT YULE PROGRAM Owing to tr.sny requests, th Chrlstmaa program presented at th Christian church Friday evening win be presented tonight. Th pageant shows the eomlng of the Christ In prophecy snd In His birth. The Tlsli of th Wise Man and th shepherds to th Bethlehem manger I very beautiful. A full house witnessed the presen tation Friday evening and a largs crowd la expected tonight. Th pro gram will begin at S o'clock. Those wishing good seats ar advised to come early. J , in sUU TttMja waul ads.