Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, December 13, 1934, Page 5, Image 5

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'y-'- '
I-! .
Ws ,Mr
- That CRY and
Usually Sell for $1.25 to $1.50
One o the Most Sensational of Otisr Toy Values
Composition head, arms, lees,
are waterproof and may be
washed with damp eloth.
Ilodles arc sort and lirellke. quality mohair wig la
,st.EI on.
Clothes are well made and
tailored Just to (It this pretty
little lady.
Lifelike eyes close when dolly
fcs laid down.
Cries like a real hahy.
Delicately tinted face and
This value is so unusual
that we are making spe
cial preparations to han
dle the crowd. These dolls
will be featured on our
main floor. See them in
our windows.
All Steel Wagon with
Shiny Nickeled Bumper
Exclusive with Wards! Speedy red wagon
with disc wheels and rubber tires I For children
up to four years old. A Ward low price!
Streamlined for "Greater Speed!"
Modern! A pedal bike for chil
dren up to 3 years old! Heavy
20-gauge steel, enameled ,
a bright red. Durable. See it!
117 So. Central
Telephone 286
Hurry for one of these sensational values! We bought hundreds of those dolls
but they won't last long and we will be unable to supply any more at the
special price when our present stock is gone.
Choose Now
Pay Later
Wards Toy "Lay
Away" Plan makes
it possible for you
to choose now . . .
to get Christmas
buying done early
... to choose from
full assortments I
A small deposit
holds your items un
til you want them
. . . any time before
December, 20.
Steel Tool Kit
Imiigtnr, It pieces hi a strung
steel chest nt this price! . Well
made tools, durnhlel
VSapie Stained
Doll Furniture
4 for 98c
Chair. Can be used by
a 2-year-old. Strong.
Table. Pits 2-year-olds!
10', in. high.
Rocker. B i g enough
for a 2-year-old.
High Chair. For dolls.
Bed. 13M in. long,
solid paneled ends.
S BV:is-V.;-!S
Enameled Steel
j Disc Wheels,
J Rubber Tires
Imagine, a full size,
well built scooter at
this remarkable price I
There's s parking stand
and a hardwood plat
form, secured to frame
by heavy bolts. 31 in
ches high. Durable I
Engine Puffs Harmless Sparks
A realistic traint Engine, tender, 2
passenger coachet, observation car.
Extra -parking Mint included flint
laiti 300 windings. Wind-op motor.
Toy Steam Shovel
K let" trie swivel spotlight, frank
con train nprnitlonsl 0 In
long, or heavy steel.
Toy Farm Truck
Strrnnillneil! Keniovahle ftltlew,
clritrlr lienriHghts. 1U" long,
of heavy steel.
Table Tennis Set
4 pad file Mlifled on both aide,
4 hiilU, and (ifl-ln. net. Orrat
uport at a low prlre!
'I V
New Duma Truck
liart ran be eomplrtely dtimp
ef, : IOhyt teel; hrafllljthli.
1 f -4 Inrheft lonj.
, t..,,;-,,- inm , rmr nllMn
M f vx ' ' ,1 I. rim I rlulih KfUR
I i
4 ''tm X 1
If- V
ev if
x 8 1 ,V
c4 V
i NEW YORK, Dec. 13, (AP) Jesse
11, Jones chnllenged the New Torlt
I banking and business community to
jday to set up a $50,000,000 corpora
tion, with federal aid, to help "un
freeze the mortgage situation.'
The chairman of the reconstruc
tion finance corporation told tha
bond club at a luncheon:
"We nt the RFC have been trying
to Interest bankers and businessmen,
not only In New York city, but
j throughout the country. In establish
ing or rebuilding mortgage institu
tions, and I nm ashamed to admit
the lack of interest and co-onera-,tlon
To improve the real estate altua
tlon. he said, the RFC had offered
to buy preferred stock and capital
.notes In trust companies that would
Isnoclali? In real estate mortgages.
"No one seems to be willing to, go
i into the business as a business,"
i he complained.
He suggested that New Yorkers
form a ncw.sound company, with a
minimum capital of C50.0OO.OOO to
lend on first mortgage certificates of
mortage concerns "no longer able
to assist their investors" and also
to meet maturing mortgages and fi
nance new buildings.
"If you will organize such a com
pany." ho said, "and actually Invest
S25.000.000 In Us capital and give
it sound management, the RFC will
buy a25.000.000 of CRpttal notes, and
if necessary we might go further.
Also, as long as the RFC has money
to lend, we will co-operate with
such a company In making loans.
As to conditions In general, he
said "business Is better" and that
If private Interests continue their
co-operative attitude and "all pitch
in with confidence, the fight will
soon be won."
Then, he declared, government
gradually will withdraw from partlcU
patlon In business. t
Hook and Ladder
Rig lO'V lnnjc! Two ladders,
red and green electric lights.
Toy Wrecking Car
Can .be converted Into .peril
nnconl V - t.vie uilnlKlileld.
clrrtrlc light. 2.1" lung.
Blackboard with
Chalk, Eraser,
and Chair
This blackboard opens
to a desk- and both
chair and board fold
flat. Board is hard
Gypsum the bestwrit
ing surface. S tjf o n g,
durable; 3 5 '4 inches
high when it's closed.
Rocket Ship
Ruddy Rogers' own ship. See
It In action. A new toy sen
sation. 98c
Steel Truck
Made for baby In ride on.
It ublter 1 1 red wheel.
Chrysler Airflow
rirrlrb- lights 'n' eterjtblng.
strnng oprlng motor.
Speed Roller Skates
nmilHt! Thb'k trr. ball
brarlni abreN. Hub tier cush
ioned truck. Low priced!
s' en at
ROME, Dec. 13. (AP) Venezla
Palace, the dignified edifice where
the stern-faced Benito Mussolini
spends his office hours, was dis
turbed today by ten minutes of
laughter on the part of a grim -vis -aged
guard who makes It a point
nover to smile.
' "This Is most unusual," was the
comment of listeners but, out In
California, Eddie Cantor, had heard
that remark before.
The hilarity was caused by tha
banjo-eyed comedian who arrived at
the palace for an audience with II
Duce. Cantor waa properly accom
panied by John L. McBrlde, tha
Un I ted States commercial attache.
but most of the proprieties ended
right there.
Cantor had forgotten his audience
"Who are you? demanded tha
hard-boiled guard.
"I'm Eddie Cantor."
"Where'a your ticket?"
"I forgot It," admitted Hddle. I
left It at the hotel."
"Where's your' passport?
"I left that In the hotel, too. But
I'm Eddie Cantor, all right.
To prove It, the comedian rolled
his large eyes and did a fascist
salute to the right and to the left.
The guard wavered, uncertain aa to
whether he should put Cantor in
the cooler or kick him out.
Then McBrlde came to the rescue-
and telephoned for the audience
ticket. For the next ten minutes
Cantor entertained the guard.
After the ticket arrived, Cantor
was conducted with due formality
of ushers Into the presence of Pre
mier MussoHnl, and they talked to
gether over Cantor's plana for making
moYtee in Italy with American
AMARTT.I0, Te. UP) Mystertou
cavlnga and cracks In the earth's sur
face sr worrying farmers and high
way officials, who fear that there
may be a gigantic underground cai
ern beneath the plains In this terri
tory. The affected area Is near highway
No. 5, sbout midway between Clauds
and Goodnight, at tha point whera
the highway drops down off tha cap
rock. Ten years ago, In this same local
ity, a four-foot chasm suddenly opened
across the highway and ran through
farms for about a mile. It was so
deep that fence posts dropped Into
It could not be heard when tm,y
struck bottom. It closed gradually,
following heavy rains, but traces of It
still are visible.
The new crevice Is much smaller
than the first, but highway offkunls
are worried for fear a major chasm
may open suddenly across tha main
highway. The crevice parallela tha
road for about 100 feet and la about
four feet wide.
Unltko the old crevice, tha new
one was not caused by a dividing of
the earth's surface, but rather by a
aluklng of tha earth aa though a
section of the ceiling of some under
ground cavern had given way.
A small dog Mved from a burn
ing houe In Paducah, Ky., by Plra
Chief John Slaughter waa adopted
na the mascot of the firs depart
ment. He waa named "flmokM."