MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, MEDFOKD, OREGON, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 13, 1934. PAGE ELEVEN V I it IS St -4 hi I vu SELL. WHAT YOU WANT Classified FOR EASY REFERENCE WfcKVIsD VO PS53 KVvF Si -SLaSMfc3 Rend every ad on this pate. You will probably find ex actly the thins you want to buy or Mil. If It Isn't there, advertise . . . It's Inexpensive effective. Per word first Insertion (Minimum 25c) Each additional insertion, per word . (Minimum 10c) Per line per month without copy changes $1.53 Phone 75 FOR WANT ADS FOE RENT APARTMENTS FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES ! BUSINESS DIRECTORY NEWLY decorated 2. room apt at 918 w. 10th, between 11 and 1 or 6 and j 7 p. m. MODERN furnished cottages; rouon-; abla price. Special ratea to single : person. Valandra Hotel ana cot t&gea. Central Point. LOST AND FOUND LOST Blue zipper purse with foun tain pen valued as keepsake. Please return to Grand Hotel Barber shop. FOB RENT Apt.. 808 W Main. FOR RENT Large and small furnish ed apartments. 70S So. oakdale FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT SUITE OP 3 ROOMS, housekeeping and garage. 327 N. Grape St. PURN1SHED sleeping room and apt Call 136S-W. FOR RENT Furnished sleeping room. 376 So. Central. FOR RENT Nicely furnished room and garage storage at moderate rates by week or month 82d South Riverside avenue. FOR RENT ROOM BOARD RATES very moderate at 718 8 J-ai ATTRACTIVE rooma 404 8 Orape FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS BAOHELOR CABINS 445 S. Front. LOST Chow dog. black tongue, ward. 301-R-4. FOR RENT Room 18x80 adjoining Mall Tribune Job Department, on Grape street Will remodel to suit permanent tenant. Phone 75 or ap ply at Mall Tribune (newspaper) office. LOST A.gate Keystone watch charm Reward. Leave at Tribune office. LOST If dog missing, call 1618. WANTED FEMALE HELP WANTED Girl to cook and do house work for two: 3 week; board and room. Box 254, Tribune. WANTED MALE HELP WANTED Several young men to start Immediate training to service, Install and operate Dulsel equip ment. Two years employment serv ice. See Walsh, Hotel Holland, altemoons and evening. WANTED Woodcutters on old Bow den ranch. 3 mllea out of Jackson ville. Bowen. I MAN WANTED A HUSTLER for Jackson county to handle surest, easiest selling articles. Go home every evening with money In your pocket. Experience not necessary Good reputation essential Write Mr Close. 617 Stock Exchange Bldg.. Portland. Oregon. FOR RENT Holiy Court. No ( Jackson Co. Bldg & Loan Assn Phone 195. FOR EXCHANGE FOR TRADE Good overcoats, sues 44 end 38, for .22 rifle. Box 3003, Tribune. STUDEBAKER'S DSED CARS 1934 Dodge ton dual long W. B. truck 1929 Chev long W. B. truck. 1929 Studebaker sedan 1185 00 Cbev. coupe. A buy 63 00 1931 Pontlac sedan 3S0 00 STUDEBAKER SALES at SERVICE South Riverside - r- USED CAR BARGAINS 11933 DoSoto Sedan 1 1931 Chrysler Sedan. 11931 Essex Coach. 11931 Bulck Sedan. 11929 Ford Sedan. 11138 Ford Roadster. 11928 Bulck Sedan. SKINNER'S GARAOE Bulck and Pontlac Sales and Service. Dentistry. DENTISTRY Dr. Main. 1. U. Oove. S35 E USED CAR SALE Chrysler and Plymouth Trade-lna. With 1935 License. 1934 Plymouth DeLuxe Sedan. 1934 Plymouth DeLuxe Coupe. 1933 Plymouth Sedan. 1932 Plymouth 4 8edan. 1934 Chevrolet Town Sedan. 1932 DeSoto Sedan. 1929 Chevrolet Coupe. ARMSTRONG MOTORS. INC. 38 No. Riverside. Tel. 18. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE OR TRADE 2 34x5 Fire stone truck tires, almost new, trade for wood. Jake Myers, Central Point. FOR SALE Mahogany dining table, 4 chalra. Call 435, daytime. FOR SALE White electric sewirw machine; good condition. Tel. 148-X. FOR SALE 3-wheel trailer; condition. Phone 1222-R. g od FOR SALE Week-end Piano Sale, Friday and Saturday. Dec. 14-13; 1 fine used upright, good tone, easy action, 969.00: 2 studio pianos, like new, at big aavlngs; 1 player plaao. high grade, beautiful tone, free rolls. Rental terms will handle Free delivery. See at 111 N. Fir St. . D. C. Durham, agent Cline PUno Co. MONEY LOANED Cecil Jennlnga. Palming and PaperliMiislne M. A. BUSS Painting and paper Hanalng Tel 648-W 313 8 Grape BADS TRANSFER s STORAGE OO -Offlce 1016 No. Central Phone 16 Prtcea right. Service guaranteed. RAWLEY TRANSITU Expert pae. ere and movera. Special livestock moving equipment. Prlcea i.ttnt 619 North Riverside. Phone 615. Wall Paper Cleaning WAI L-PAPER CLEANING Ic per iq ft Mr Black 310 N Bartlett. Expert Window Cli-anrra LET OEOKUE DO 11 Tel 117a Rouse Cleaning Floor Waxlna Ori ental rug cleaning and upholstering BUSINESS CHANCES FOR SALE A bargain; garage equip ment. Burton-Rogera battery charg er, electric drill, grease dispenser, automatio tube plate, eet Crltchley reamers, condenser tester, chain blocks, electric motor and grinder. Hi ton Rex Jack, blacksmith out fit. Would sell equipment, stock and lease or sell building. Box 249, Tribune. LEGAL NOTICES FOR TRADE Young Jersey cow for truck. Fred Powers, Phoenix. FOR EXCHANGE 36-6 truck tlte; Ford pickup, and fence stretcher, for wood or what have you. Phone 615. FOR TRADE 2 double beda. good springs, mattresses fo) twin beds oj day beds. Rt 1. Box 348 Medford FOR EXCHANGE 1929 model A Ford aedan and 3 lota In Medf-vcJ for late model ford V-8 Tel 407-Y EXCHANGE Furn. for, lumber, wood, reels Phone 969-R. re-upholstering fish poles and MALE OR FEMALE WANTED Passengers to share ex pensea to San Francisco. Tel. 1298. WANTED SITUATIONS UNINCUMBERED middle-aged widow wants practical nursing or house keeping. Box 4612 WANTED-MISCELLANEOUS WANTED 10 to 20 A. pear orchard. Give full details. Ray Taaher. Trenton. Wash. WE PAY up to S3 each for LINCOLN PENNIES over 9 years old; Indian heads, 125. Send dime for buying catalog. Hollywood Coin Co., Holly wood, California, IF YOU have any real estate for sole or trade, eee L. G. Plckell, 204 E. Main. Phone 1580-J. WOULD BUY A. T. & T. stock. An swer Box 255, Tribune. WANT TO BUY 2 bantams with fea thers on legs. Write Box 3000. , Tribune. WANTED To buy cheap work ho.-se, weight about 1600 lbs. C. H. An drews, Gold Hill. WANTED 104 rods woven wire, about 47 inches high. Phil Hannaford. Eagle Point. W.NTED To buy a used sidewalk bicycle. Must be In good condition Box 331, Tribune. CASH PAID for live poultry. Johnson Prod. Co.. 6th and Front Sta. WANTED TO RENT Two room furn ished house in city limits of Med ford Must be cheap Box 308 Mti Tribune. FURNITURE re-upholstered. 969-R. rhlbault. Phone WANTED Household gooda. tovea tools or what have you Medford Barcaln House. 27 N. Grape St. TeJ 1062 HIGHEST PRICES paid for furs, hide and pelts Medford dargaln House 27 No Orape ret 1062. JUNK WANTED We pay cam for JUNK BATTERIES A N U KAUIA1UKS. ALU nun JN BRASS. COPPER and Junk it all deJcrtpMuna MEDFORD BAROAIN HOUSE 27 No Orape Tel 1063 FOR RENT HOUSES FOR RENT Furnished house, with oil heat, electric refrleerstor, 3 b-?d. room. Inquire 203 Genesee St. rho.-ie 173. FOR SALE OR TRADE White ;leo trio sewing machine for light se dan Box 638. Tribune FOR EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE EXCHANGE Wyoming 40 acres, im proved, clear, for equipped puce around Medford. Will assume. General Service Sta., Bx 155, Talent. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE HOUSE BARGAIN Combination 6 room atrlctly modern late bunga low, east side, clear; only 31250. 15 N. Fir. Also two ranchea for rent. FOR SALE 6 acres, 2:4 miles out. Will take piano aa down payment. Box 257, Tribune. FOR SALE; Bear creek bottom gar den land, close In; also pear or chard. Phone 1524-L. 6 AND 10-ACRE TRACTS 10 DOWN, 5 MONTH On pavement; plenty water, electricity and phone available. Phone 1231. Montgomery, 116 North Riverside. FOR SALE 1 acre, close In; small house, family orchard, berries, La dlno clover; value 9450. Will take light car as part payment. Inquire 145 N. Central. A BARGAIN My large lot. on Ben nett St., excellent soil, fruit, nut trees and berries Will sacrifice on terms or cash Box 66. Tribune WHEN you think of real estate, think of Brown 6b White. FOR SALE Must sacrifice Memorial park lot. Box No. 601. Tribune HOUSES FOR SALE OR RENT Jack son County Building & Loan Asa'o Phone 196. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS FOR SALE -Saxaphone, Conn C mel ody, gold bell, pearl key, silver In strument. Good aa new. Cost 14!S Sell lor 160. Make a dandy Chriftt maa present, phone 1473-W, twn-lns. FOR SALE Donkey engine. Address Box 3898, Mall Tribune. FOR SALE -U sea sewing machines aJI manes; terms u desired ah ma ices rented and repaired White Sewing Machine Co 24 N Bartlett. DRY CORN By the hundred or ton $1.40 per hundred. mile aaat Voorhles Crossing. fllO-J-8. B. C. Corn. ' FOR SALE Apples, or trade for any thing you have. Phone 133-u Notice of First Meeting of Creditor. No. B-19011 In Bankruptcy. In the District Court of the United States for the District of Oregon. In the Matter of O. R. Trosham. alio known as Otto Ray Tresham, Bank rupt. To the creditors of O. R. Tresham, also known as Otto Ray Tresham, of the City of Central Point. In tne County of Jakson and District afore said, Bankrupt: Notice la hereby given that on the 10th day of December, 1934, the Mid O. R. Trexham, also known as Otto Ray Tresham. was duly adjudicated 1 bankrupt; and that the first mec'tng of his creditors will be held In tne office of the Referee, Medford Center Building, Medford. Oregon, on the 27th day of December. 1034. at 3:30 o'clock m the afternoon, at which time and place the said creditors may attend, prove their claims, appoint a Trustee, examine the bankrupt, a ad transact sucn otner Dusmess as may properly come before said meeting. HARRY C. SKYRMAN, Referee In Bankruptcy. December 13th, 1034. MYWPFS Forest Creek FOR SALE; Baled hay, Lofland ranch, Central Point. WOOD -FOR SALfi Oak. laurel, pine. dry or green cor a wood and poles. See J. C. Dusen berry, Sams Valley. FOR SALE Closing ou. my entire stock of bicycles. Schulte Bros., 137 No. Central. FOR 8 ALE Sand and gravel, 50 o pei yard. Phone 401-J-l. DRESS for leas by the Style Kraft plan. See Mrs. Wade de Rycke. 222 '4 G. Mam. Tel. 1203. FOR HIGHEST QUALITY pear tro-S. peach, apricot, cherry apple, al mond, filbert, and walnut. trees roses and shrubs at lowest prices. Phone 851-R-2. or call at W B Barn urn's. 3 miles south of Medford on bwy next to Evei Shady Auto Camp Car i too Nursery. Carlton. Or ALL MAKES of washing machines re paired. Flck's Hardware, 131 West - Main. WHEAT or feed oats $160 ewt.: ground barley and alfalfa hay 13 50 ton. C. A DeVoe, 8 miles west and mile south of Medford Phone 533-J-2. FURS Cash paid for furs, Johnson Produce Co.. Sta. hides, pelta 6th and Front PORTRAITS. Christina cards, kodak flashing, very reasonable. E Hay- den Jones. 607 West Second Phone 1JB2-M. Hours 11 to 7. TURKEYS AND POULTRY DRES3ED and delivered at your reach. Phone 403- J-l. FOREST CREEK. Dec. 13. (Spl ) Mrs. Arthur Da vies was hostess to the women's group at the regular covered dish luncheon, December 6. The afternoon was pleasantly spent sewing and playing bridge. "White elephant" gifts were exchanged, whloh caused much amusement. Next meeting wll be held with Mrs. Zv&n Davie, De cember 20, when there will be a Christmas tree for the members and their children. At a school board meeting Friday, December 7, It was decided to pur chase stage curtains, a new flag and an Aladdin lamp for the school. Miss Mary Davlea attended a teach ers' council meeting at Ruch Decem ber 7. Mrs. O. O. Dorothy of Jacksonville spent several days with her daughter last week, and was & guest at the women's group luncheon. Russell Ayres of Jacksonville was transacting business here December 3. A. B. "Doc" Ayera, who hos been 111 at the home of his parents, Mr and Mra. John Ayres of Medford, arrived for a visit at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Avers, December 8. His condition Is much Improved. Shoppers and business visitors In Medford Saturday, December S, In cluded Mr. and Mrs. Harry Ayres and family, Mra. George Pearce and Va lerie, Mr. and Mrs. John Black and family. Mr. and Mra. Paul Pearce and family, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Dav'es and W. A. Meeds. Having completed the task, of trans porting materials for the emergency fire lookout to the top of Mt. Iv bell, Charlie Knutesen took the string of six pack mules back to the Star ranger station December 8. The car penter crew Is still at work on con struction of the building. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Pearce made i business trip to Grants Pass Decem ber 3. While there they made brlsf calls on relatives. Friends of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Van Dyke may be Interested to know that they are living In Ashland for the winter, having spent the last year in Klamath Falls. 1 1:1 Trail TRAIL, Deo. 13. (Spl.) Mr. and Mrs. Frank Walker left for their home In Seattle this morning after pending a month with their niece, Mrs. Harry Harding. Mlsa Dorothy Harding accompanied them to Se attle where she will spend the holl days with relatives and friends. Miss Dorothy Harding was the hostess to a delightful surprise party given her by friends who gathered at her home Monday evening to wish her well on the voyage north. Those present were Miss Erma Glass. Mnfge Conner and Eileen Berry. Mr. Frank Boothby, Howard Aravll. Guy Merrtman and Alvln Til ton. TOLL-FREE BRIDGES MEAN STATE BURDEN PORTLAND, Dee. 13. (fP) The agitation to make the Oregon Coast highway bridges toll-free wu erltl clzled here yesterday by Leslie M. Scott, chairman of the state hlxn- way commission, In an address be fore the chamber of commerce. If the tolls were abolished. said, the bonds would have to be added to the indebtedness of the state. Further, he said, the consent of 78 per cent of the bondholders would be necessary before the bridges could be made free. . WINDOW OLASS We sell window glass and will replace your broken windows reasonably. Trowbridge Cab. met Works. ! a Phone (43. We'll haul away youi refuse. City Sanitary Service. Long Mountain K5dnfplng Frustrated i i LONO MOUNTAIN, Deo. 13. (Spl.) Mr. and Mra. H. O. Short and Grace Holman attended the Jackaon vllle Orange dance Thursday evening. Mr. and Mra. W. R. Holman mo tored to Butte Palls Sunday on business. Mr. and Mrs. Haley and daughter, Ruth, and son, Dale, of Medford were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jack stowell and family. Mr. and Mrs. Gregory of Klamath Falls were week-end guests at the Short home. . Mr. and Mrs. Bill Ferry and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Smith and children and Mr. end Mra. Nick Young, ill of Eagle Point, were Sunday evening callers at the George Lawson home. Mr. and Mrs. George Stowell, Peerle Stowell and Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Short spent the day at the home of Mr. and Mra. I. R. Kline Decem ber 7. Delbert Mongold of Lakeside, Ore Is spending several weeks visiting his mother, Mrs. George Stowell. Mail Tribune Daily Cross Word Puzzle GRAIN SACKS Jackson County, Feed Co.. 4th and Bartlett Sts FOR SALE Sand, gravel lawn dirt I fertilizer teaming Phone 8I3-J FOR SALE White sewing machine Angora rabbits 314 Willamette FOR EXCHANGE 30-30 Carbine val ued at ,20 00 tor light car Across from Medford Riding '(Academy MISCELLANEOUS LOW PRICED guaranteed Radio Serv ice. Phone 857-y. FOB SALE POULTRY FOR SALE White Leghorn pullet. Phone 4-F-4. PURE Bronze tome cockerac, prist i too It as Jesse Nell Rt 1 Ashlan I FOR SALE LIVESTOCK FOR SALE Young hogs. Cash or trade for corn. Phoenlx-Jvllle road. Box 486, Rt. 1. Mrs. McOrath. FC.l 8ALE 5 Angora wool rabbits 1. H. Ralston. Rogue River, Rt. 1. t Wtmer. FOR SALE weaner pigs. J. A. In man, 3 miles west of Phoenix. FOR RENT Small 139 No. Holly. furnished house. DRY WOOD Fir. manzaniu. Phone 7L or 316 Pennsylvania. FOR RrTNT 5-room furnished bouse, j 2nd ,27 50. Cull Harold H. Brown, iii, alter 3. 1670. FOR SALE Weaner pus. 1130 West FOR RENT rt-room modern hojse furmctiM. fireplace and piano In q rre 326 W 6th St W H Ever, hard FOR SALE Jersey cow. Cheap 330 Benoett FOR SALE 0003 PETS BOAT rRAlLER, Cash Register Add ing Machine. Typewriter, Boots Shoes. Hunting. Fishing Equipment 317 North Riverside 13 YOUR HEARING IMPAIRED? I have for aale or trade a late modol Acouaticon which has so benefited mv bearing that 1 have no further use for it T N Kerr. Talent. Ore LET HANSEN SOLVE YOUR DECOR ATING PROBLEMS. Tel. 389-J. 913 King. KWUERGARTEN Sparta Bldg Music and dance Phone 1345 or ia50W Ruth Luy Alice Hotmback BUSINESS DIRECTORY JAI KNO.N CO. ABM BALI CO. Abstrscts of rule and fit! Insurance rc only ooroplete Title System In Jackson county MURRAY ABSTRACT CO. Abitracts of Title Rooms 3 and A No. 3 N-mh Centrtl Ave., upstairs. Rlalto Phone lIS-r FOH REST 5-room bungalow, quire HAmDurr-r Inn. m-1 VERY MOD. CottJ!. C FUN HUM - Mr- 1 -- df FOR SALE Roller Canarlea Ideal ChrhtmM present Mr Bert Hon- er 2 i2 lUvrn St. i i ----- . . ROLLER CAN AR1E3 Ptiont 623-J-2 Money To Lend ACROSS 1. Most axcellent I. Sailor t. Kind of rubber It. Cupid 15. Turkish com- mandar 14. Prenently 16. Varlsty of bean 16. Winnur of a medal M. Attlra 30. Small drink 21. Substantia used in making ionp 81. American poet 25. Timber tre 27. Thlnir 28. Rrpcnta 22. Rented 34. Mowing Imple ment I. Tardy 27. Speak 34. Melody 39. Blevrllat 43. Stuff with i oft sub atanc 4. Af 47. 8a etrlea 10. PMllpplna head-hunter fl. Plunge Into water Solution of Yesterday a Puzzlt SLOPE NA 1UR A L 10S EC DE 0 IP. 0 A Li P"Ri!S illH. E. I C E SM A S SjlTH O R lKela t $m Hli! S L 6 O R A N T S ili!ilE 1(1.1! A wnee L IE SjWH 0PjE"T A lb.rMb.a js lMr a p VOlS AMNlT E DlNO DORSE MR C. UR EYE LET SjY EAST B4. Moiran rock 5a. Product ot naturat dis tillation HI. Short Jackat f. fcxtrscted ts. Dutch city I. Poverty DOWN S. Without hair on tha head L Arabian chief tain I. To a certain dfJtrrt, i. Rubbish 5. Head covering a. Representa tives T. naif dlameten S. Crony a. Indigo plant 10. Red 11. Poker terra 17. Copy 19. Father 23. Masculine nick nam 34. Beam 26. Kntlre amount Huge wava 29. Tin pyrites 30. Greek letter 31. East Indian weight 31. Stitch 34. Halt 36. Hut-lopped flower cluster 17. Occupying ft chair 40. Pronoun 41. Wear away 42. Fores! In "As You Like It" 43. Uncultivated 44. E'llhle sub- stiinre de rived from seaweed 45. Plffeon 43. Cry of fha an cient bao chanaU 49. Transmit SI. Uncooksd (2. Female antes TRAIL, Deo. 13. (Spl.) Honoring Mrs, Francis Ash on her birthday, December 11. her son, Howard, and family of Elk Creek; her daughter, Mra. Irma Custiman, and little daugh ter, Melba, had dinner with the Ashes. Mrs. Florence Watson shopped In Medford December 13. Jack Casey who has been In the army for nearly two years, stationed In Utah, near Sale Lake. Is home for a visit with his parents, Mr, and Mrs. lm Casey of Casey's camp. Jack, who was a graduate of the Prospect high school, la meeting many school mates and friends while hare. Ha will report back to San Francisco near Christmas time, where he takes a boat to aall for Honolulu on December 36. ! Mr. and Mrs. Boyd Tucker visited with Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Watson Monday evnng December 10. The Watsons are enjoying a new radio. Mefidamea Alma Merrlman and June Hutchinson attended the Home Ex tension unit at the home of Mrs. Henderson In Eagle Point December 7. Mrs. Henderson and Mrs. Ward gave a very Interesting demonstra tion on the buying of abocklnga. Mrs. Callle Pry, Mrs. Earl Pry and little daughter, and Mrs. Howard Ash and two daughters all called on Mrs. Mary Warner Tuesday afternoon, De cember 11. Mr. and Mrs. Sampson and daugh ter and son of Medford called at the S. w. Hutchinson home Sunday, December 9. Wllber Tucker and Miss dene Whitney of Medford were week-end guests at the home of his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Boyd Tucker. Trail Sunday school la preparing for a Christmas program to be gtven Sunday evening, December 33, to which every one Is Invited. Mra. Newton, the teacher at Trail, went to her home near Medford overnight, December 11. Mrs. Callle Pry and little son, and Mr. and Mrs. Earl Pry and little daughter were visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Ash De cember 0. Trail school Is preparing a Christ mas program to be given Friday, December 28, at the school house. Mrs. C. Porter of Medford la Breach ing at the mission here during the absence of Mr. Ed Malcemua, the regular pastor, who la in California for several weeks. There Is preaching service every Sunday morning after Sunday school and every Sunday evening. The aona and sona-ln-law of Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Ash are addlns some improvements to the home for them, Including a bath room. The many friends of B. B. Ash are glad to know he la gradually improving In health. He la able to get around on crutches quite well now. O. Morgan was an overnight guest at Boyd Tucker's December 8, and at the E. E. Ash home December 9. On Monday he went to Medford to spend a few weeks with his daugh ter, Mra. Nellie Pat ton. Mr. and Mra. H. B. Merrtman and son, Ray, and .Carroll Wateon were dinner guests December 11 at the Boyd Tucker home. BRITISH DIVORCE 100 EASY NOW IS OFFICIAIJELIEF Adultery, Only Grounds Per mitted, Easily Arranged With Professional Co-respondents, Is Complaint A purported plot to kidnap Eu genia H. Grew, 17-year.old adopted daughter of Randolph Clark Grew, wealthy Bostonlan, failed when the girl1, mother flooded tht grounds of their Manchester-by-the-sea homa with lights and the would-be kidnap ers fled. (Photo Copyright by Bach rach from Associated Pressl Thompson Creek 1 cottage; "how?," for sale-automobiles "tnncl VU.14. FOR SALE lf;n Crtt'V r-Li. 1 R. VY:reo, Boa it 4, Pfcittu;. MONEY LOANED - SiO to K0 fori I personal or household purposes on House Purnihlns or Autoe; also Cars R--linand Loan closed within 30 minute, undrr super Mj:on .if fie BnK.n,i Mnw H-1.H7-M. lVl fere W, g Taoo., a 6o. tatrL 1 7 I2 p K (ff5 Y" 17 Bp8 I? 0 I" 25 Zio ".; 23 2f 3o 31 32 33 Wl5 3s W'W" Wa 7" T 1" W 4? 4Z ' "'j - ' 43 AA 45 :., aT , 41 49 4f To tt 'Jz""s5 54 t ' ..... . THOMPSON CREEK, Dee. 13. (Spl.) There was a very good at tendance at the Thompson creek Sunday school last Sunday. The Southern Oregon Turkey Growers' association received over 1600 turkeys 8a turd ay. S. L. Johnston was In Medford Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. John Bwartsfager and family have moved on the Dan Waters place. Those attending the Joint meet ing of tho Applegate Community league and the Orange Executive committee Sunday evening were George Coffeen, Herbert Elmore, Mr. and Mra. F. D. Knut-on, Tom Mee, Mr. arm Mrs. Harry Brown, Walter Miller, Henry Kublt, George Harriott, Mr. and Mrs. Ei. H. Taylor and Wil liam Ludwlg. W. H. Holt purchased a horse on Will lama creek December 10, The Applegate Grangers attending the Phoenix food fair and dance were Mr. and Mrs. B. H. Taylor, Mr. Thomas, Bernard Andern and Ben Ellis. Frits Ruoh of Medford who lived for 40 yeara on Thompson creek was visiting friends here Monday and Tucsdny of this week. By II. I,. Perry United Presa Staff Correspondent. LONDON (UP) Divorce may be harder to obtain In Britain In the near future. Plana are being prepared to put atop to what Ls called "hotel evi dence.' The authorities say that there are too many "arranged" divorces. That Is, that the husband "acta the gentle man" and manufactures evidence by staying one night In a hotel with an unknown woman, and then sends the bill to his wife so that she may have the necessary circumstantial evidence of adultery the only grounds on which a divorce la granted In England at present. Judges Lead War Some Judges have attempted to frustrate this type of collusion by demanding the name of the co-respondent. Others have threatened to disregard "hotel evidence" altogether. Neither method has proved practical. Now the authorities visualize some plan whereby the unsupported evi dence of hotel witnesses such, as the manager, the reception clerk, and the chambermaids will be Insufficient If there ls any doubt about the bona fides of the petitioner. In such cases the name of the co-respondent will have to be given, or the failure to do no satisfactorily explained. This will mean the disappearance) of the "unknown woman" In divorce, and with it the break-up of the pro fitable and highly, organized business . of agent. Divorces Arranged These agents,, for substantial fees, arrange" divorces and manufacture evidence. They enlist the service of professional co-respondents, who make a big income by being party to the preparation of suitable divorce evidence. There are offices In London where a man may go, and discreetly hire a personable young woman as his com panion for the week-end to aid the divorce plan. Wagner Creek WAONER CREEK. Deo. 18. (Spl.) Mrs. Roy Holllster of Rogue River vlsltd the school here Monday and entertained the children with numer oua drawings. Mrs. Charley Loos visited her son and family, Mr. and Mrs. Wra. Loos, of Phoenix recently. Mrs. I. T. Sawyer visited the rabbit and poultry show December 8 at Ash land. Mr. and Mrs. Olln Barlow are the proud parents of a big baby boy, born December 8 at the Ashland hospital, Mother and baby are reported to be getting along fine. Little Barbara Barlow la staying with her aunt, Mrs. Chester Knlghten, until her mother comes. Homer Nell spent Saturday visiting Harry Lynch. Wagner Creek was well represented at the Ladles' Aid supper at Talent Tuesday evening. Ladles of Wagner Creek P.-T. A. started serving hot lunches to tho children Monday. The ladles raise the money by having carnivals, plays and socials. A special menu Is made up each year and each member takes her turn cooking the lunches. Mrs. Fred Ooddsrd, who taeaU dropped a dish on Tier fcnffTe snd broke one of the bones, has her foot In a cavft yvt and la not feeling very well. Mrs. Wlllard Sargent from Anderson Creek visited her mother, Mrs. Char ley Loos. Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Ray, who have been living at the 1. T. Sawyer place, moved to Ashland Monday. Mrs, Powers put a new front porch on her house last week which Im proves It very much. Mrs. Burnett of Talent vlHd Mrs Abbott of Wsgnr l"rek tV'-ember 7 Courthouse News (Furnished by (be Jaokaon Uouniy abstract Co. 131 Slltb Stlssci Marrlatjn- Licenses. Ray M. Arthur and May I. Richer. Stewart Kinney and Mina Plnaon. Donald L. Silver and Juanlta j Handley. . Sally Circuit Court. Euftens Neon Sign Co. Cola et al: for money. Alicia Riihl, minor; guardianship Vlda B. Hurst vs. Ira Hurst: di vorce. Big Pins, lumber Co. vs. Maggie Hanscsm; Hen. P. R. Hardy assumes business nama of "Hardy's Cash Hardware." Ash land. Probate Court. Ifetate ot Elisabeth Tull, deceased; probate. Us, Mai) TUbun, isat ads. Rnl ENtate Transfers. Smma Kyle to Roy Kyle; W. D. to Lot 13, Blk. 3, Page Add. to Medford Thoa. B. Konkle et ux to D. B. Millard; Q. C. D. to land In Sec. 39, To. 88 8. R. 4 West. Thos. E. Konkle et ux to D. E- Mil lard; W. D. to NE of SW, Beo. 38, Tp. 33 S. R. 1 W. Harry L. Connerley et al to H. T. Ounter et ux: W. D. to hot 1 Blk. 3, Lot BUc 3, Csrdwell Add. Jackson ville. Hester P. Davis to Charles W. Davis; deed to BW4, Sec. 30 m Tp. 33 S. R l W. Joy A. Walker et ux to Walter It. Bergman ,t ux; W. D. to Lot 13, Blk. 1, Oak Orove Sub-dlvlston, Medford. Elisabeth Tull to Irene Florence VanAusdsll; w. D. to part Lit 1 B'.k 8, Barr's Add. to Medford. Elisabeth. lull to Irene VanAusdill: deed to land In Sec. 3, Tp. 37 fl. R 3 W. Elizabeth Tull to Irene VanAusdsll; W. D. to t acre In Sec. 33, Tp. 34 S R. 1 E , and W', of SW. NE of SW. Sec. 33. Tp. 34 8. R. I E. Bessie Rathbun et al to Oorg H. Drake et ux; w. D. to 48 98 acres In DI3 68, TP. 37 8. R. 1 W. T. A. Culbrrtson t ux to B. M. y ot nx; W. D. to 30 sores in Sso. 37, Tp. 38 8 R. 1 W. Earl J. Nunn to John H. RolsWn t ux: W. D. to Vi acre In Sec. 31. TP. 38 8. R. 3 W. Andrew 8. Chrlstennn to Marian L. Chrl.tensen; . C. D. to land In Aeo. 14, Tp. 38 8. R. 3 W. F. L. Maasey it ui to J J. Dtakvn; Q. C, D. to Lot 4. Blk. 81, Summit Add. to Ashland. J. J. Deakln et ux to Roy PtakIt; W. D. to Lot 4. Blk. 91, Summit Add to Ash land. Vadlua olU. or r.idio. lic. tlic; wv.l ui.'ir ct hcn jet throw'! ,'TiuUts c.a do It." fbon, 31. T RULE MOVIE FOLK IN FIRE SALVAGE By ALEXANDER KAHM (United Press Staff Correspondent.) HOU.TWOOD. (UP) If your homo were arm and you could asvs only one thing, whst would It bo? That's the latest "If" stickler being brought up at the film colony parties almost nightly. The answer, given by leading star, and executives ar. often surprising, many puislng up article, of value fit sontlmontal keepsakes. Cecil B. DeMJlle. with a houseful of antiques, would make dash for an obsolete motion picture camera used on "Squaw Man," first film he ever directed. Mse West would save tn old minia ture of bar mother as a girl, Francis Lederer, asked whet he would rescue, tapped his coat socket. He refused to reveal what he kept there, but observers believed It was a mysterious luck piece he always kisses before going Into A difficult scene. Bylvle Sydney has another luck piece she'd save locket containing ti old ooln. But Sylvia also refuses to explain what make, the locket so valuable to her. Carl Brlsson would save a allver-sna-gold cigarette ease given him by Rasputin, "Mad Monk" of Russia. Blng Orosby'a choice would be a pair of 18 drumsticks he used In the Oonzega university band when a wophomore there. Oary Cooper would save a gold cig arette case, the first present given him by hit bride, Sandra Shaw. Blr Ouy Standing, who paints as a hobby, would save one of hi, can rsses; he can't decide which one. 'Probably I'd be burned to death while deciding." he says. But J. P. McEvoy, the humorous writer, says he wouldn't have to think it over at all. The first thing fie would seise If the house were burn ing would be his bathrobe. CM. Wl'EWAN FIRED ao nnnncncj Mo NEW YORK, Deo. IS Captain John J. McE-ff-ea. former Oregon and Holy Cross football coach, waa re leased Tueaday aa coach of the Brook lyn Dodgers ot the National pro (out ball league. Owners of the Dodgers, declaring the olub lost 313.000 this season, said thsy already have lines out for out standing stars, Including Stan Kostka ol Minnesota, former Oregon fullback, snd Welnstock ot Pittsburgh. Tricycles get them repaired or lisinted tor Xmss Medford Cycle. 33 N, nr. .Cm Us4 ftibua rw 4 j