PAGE EIGHT MEDFOUD MAIL TRIBUTE, 1IEDFORD. OREGON, WEDNESDAY. L.XEMBER 12. 1934. By VICTOR BRIDGES SYNOPSIS: Nicholas Trench is fust acquitted of the murder of John Osborne when he learnt thtit Osborne had stolen a valuable formula tor a new metal, and that a good many people believe yicholas has the formula. Two Russians almost murder him; he it saved by the rightful owner of the iormula. Molly O'Brien, and now lolly has fotned forces with him to try to find the valuable paper. They are about to have breakfast in Trench's apartment. Chapter 14 BREAKFAST TOGETHER 'ROB'S fetching tha breakfast," I U announced. "I expect he'll take about ten minutes, 10 If you would like what we call a wash and brush np now'a your chance. That's the bath-room, next door." "How about you?" she asked. "Wouldn't you rather shave first?' 1 shook my heal "I'll wait and let him In. It would be better for him not to tee you. The lower orders are very easily shocked, and, be sides, he might talk about It at the pub." "May I borrow a towel?" she In-Quired. "By all means," I replied. "There ought to be one In the bottom drawer unless the police hare pinched It." She smiled indulgently. "I'll Ind It," she said. Left to my own devices, I set about the job of straightening up. I wheeled the sofa back to lta former position, redistributed the cushions, and since It was sot likely to be re quired in the Immediate future, dis mantled my highly effective booby trap. This done, t proceeded to lay the table. The kitchen, which was a very small one, opened out of the studio, and from the miniature dresser, where my charlady had last tidied them away, I disinterred such neces sary objects as knives, forks, cups, plates, and a moderately clean cloth. I had about finished my task when the slam of the outside gate an nounced the fact that Bob had re turned from his shopping excursion. The next moment there was another rap at the knocker, and on my open ing the door I found him standing there loaded up like Father Christ mas. "Got the 'ole bllnkln' lot for yer," he said triumphantly. "Seventeen pence It come to, so there's one and a penny change." "You can keep that and buy some breakfast with it," I replied. "After all this exercise you'll be quite hungry by the time they open." I relieved him of his burdens, and carrying them gingerly Into the studio, found my fellow conspirator In tha act of descending the stairs. Fresh, smiling, and with her copper colored hair now under control, she looked more beautiful than ever. "Here's our breakfast," I Bald. "You'll find the tea and sugar In the kitchen." She peered Inside the bag of eggs. "I'll make you an omelet It you'll trust me. I'm supposed to be rather good at them." "Go ahead," I returned. "And If Jerry should show up In the mean time. Just let him In and Introduce yourself." A quarter of an hour later, washed, shaved and arrayed In a clean shirt and collar, I was seated on the opposite side of the table watching my guest approvingly while she poured out the tea. "Do you Ilka milk and sugar, Mr. Trench?" she Inquired. "Both," 1 Informed her; "and don't you tblnk now that we're part Eers we might aa well begin calling each other by our Christian xmes? It's frightfully exhausting to say Mlsa O'Brien every time I speak to you." SHE laughed. "But It won't help me much. You see Nicholas Is al most as long as Mr. Trench." "Make It Nick." I suggested. "All my best pals cut out the last two syllables." "I think perhaps I might do the same then." She handed me my cup. "After all one can't borrow a per son's bedroom unlei one's on fairly friendly terms with him." "It's a step towards being better acquainted." I tasted the omelet and found It excellent "Amatlng how cheerful and optimistic I feel this morning," I continued. "It must be your Influence entirely. About six o'clock yesterday I was In a miser able state. I was foaming wltb rage Inside and everything looked so black and hopeless I'd almost made up my mind to go over to Paris and Join the Foreign Legion." "Well, I'm not surprised. When 1 think of all you've been through and of that horrible court . . ," "Oh, It wasn't being tried," I Inter posed. "I'd got hardened to that long before the end. What upset me was a little conversation I bad wltb my cousin Seymour. I don't know whether you've ever heard of him? He's got some minor Job In tbe Gov ernmentquite an Important per sonin his own stuffy way." She nodded. "I've seen his same mentioned In the papers. Tell me about It" Between mouthfula of omelet I proceeded to do so. I gave her what I think was quits a fair and Im partial version, for by this time any lingering tracea of resentment that I had cherished against my dis tinguished relative bad gives place to a kind of half amused lndltfer ence. "I was an ass to lose my temper with him," I finished, "but I sup-, pose when one's Just escaped the gallows one's nervea are apt to be a bit sensitive. It waa his own silly fault sending for me Is such a hurry." "He must be a selfish pig!" she exclaimed Indignantly. "If I ever meet blm I shall tell him so to hit face." "He won't believe you," I replied. "He's frightfully skeptical about that sort of thing. Unless a miracle happnna he'll go down to his grave thinking that he'a behaved with ex traordinary generosity." She pushed back her plate, and leaned forward across the table. "A miracle will happen," she said: "I'm absolutely sure of It. We're not only going to get back the formula, but we're going l. find out who killed Osborne aa welL Then all these peo ple like your cousin, and Lord Red land, will have to admit how stupid and wrong they're been." "It's a good program," I agreed; "the only trouble Is that It may be a little difficult to carry out." 1 PRODUCED my pipe and began to fill It "Things are a bit clearer sow we've got your end of the story aa well aa mine," I went on, "but even so we don't seem to have made the least progress towards spotting the actual murderer. It couldn't have been either Stellman or Dlmltrl. They must have believed that I was the man they wanted, or they'd never have run the risk of coming here and giving themselves away." She frowned thoughtfully. "He wasn't a fool Osborne. He wouldn't have told anybody unlesa It was someone be was trying to sell It to." "Exactly! And for all we know he may have been negotiating wltb two or three different people." I got up and going over to my desk came back with Sir William Avon's let ter. "What do you make of this?" I asked. "I found It here when I came In last night." She read It through quickly, and then wltb an excited light In her blue eyes glanced up Into my face, t "But I've heard of Avon and Sons" she exclaimed. "My father has mentioned their names aeveral times. They are one of the best known firms In tbe world. "Oh, yes." I remarked. "They're the big noise all right so far as British engineering goes, anc. It Sir William takes th trouble to write a letter like that he must have some very particular reason for wautlng to see mo." "You don't think . . ." "I don't think he'd commit murder and burgle a sate," I Interrupted, "but I do believe be waa on the track ot this Invention and and that," I added, as the door In the outer fence banged again, "sounds to me uncommonly like Jerry." Jerry It was sure enough. I could hear his familiar whistle while I hur rled across the hall, and wbe 1 1 flung open the door and his cheery grin and alx toot two ot bone and muscle confronted me on the threshold. I felt so relieved I could almost have embraced him. . "Hello, Nick," he began with a characteristic chuckle; "how are you, old lad, and what's all this ridiculous nonsense about?" "Come In, Jerry," I said, "come In side and try to restrain your exuber ance. I've got a young lady having breakfast with me, and she's not used to enthuslastlo baronets." "A young lady! What, at this time In the morning?" He deposited his hat on the table. "Where has she come from?" he demanded. "From New Orleans," I replied, "and her name Is Molly O'Brien. I've told her all about you. so yon needn't be nervous." I pushed hlra Into the studio. "Molly," I said, "this Is Jerry Mordaunt." (Copyright, tPSl, Frnn Publishing Co.) Jirry oU an tarful, tomorrow. E An Inter-citing talk by J. J. Hand Baker, associate secretary of the National Council for Prevention of War, waa a feature of Tueeday'a lunch, eon meeting of the Medford Rotary cl ub at the Hotel Medford . In hia brief discuselon of war preven tion, the speaker forceably brought home to the Rotarlana the atake the large and email bualneaa man has In the prevention of war and the re tention of valuable foreign aa well at home market. "War muat be 'out If we expect any measure of prosperity, Mr. Handsaker eald after citing, as an ex ample, the present state of Germany, once a large and valuable market for products of the northwest. Eco nomic depression following the world war waa pointed out as a forceful proof that war does not psy. The speaker briefly reviewed his visit to Europe and spoke of the steadily growing unpopularity of the United States, due to the raising of tariff barriers. Resultant boycotts of American-made goods have caused great hardship for American Indus tries, Handsaker . said. The activi ties of munitions makers, during and since the world war, were also briefly reviewed. The Rotarlana were Invited by Mrs. Root, who attended Tuesday's meet ing to enjoy the gathering at the Ho tel Holland last evening, when Mr. Handsaker spoke In behalf ot the alms and activities of his organi sation, tha National Council for the Prevention cf War. Preceding tha main addreu. Lee Bishop gave a very Interesting talk on St. Nicholas. At tha next meeting of tha Med ford Rotary club, Bishop will dlacues tha legenda and myths that have given birth to an nual Christ maa observance In this and other countries of the world. Dave Canfleld. new superintendent of Crater Lake National park and member of the Rotary club, was In troduced at the meeting. CALIFORNIA TO BACK PORTLAND EXPOSITION PORTLAND, Ore., Dee. 13. IJP) Word that the congressional delega tion of California and the large cities there will support any plana Portland makes for an exposition to celebrate the completion of the Bonneville dam In 1937 or 1838, was received here Monday. The California delegation will co-operate with Oregon In seeking federal funda for a series of coast ex positions, it waa announced. Phone 542. Well haul away your refuse. City Sanitary Service. PLANS DRAFTED Initial steps for tha taking of the agricultural census of Jackson county, aa. required by national law, have been taken by the county agent and county clerk. Notices advising farm ers are due this week, and will be posted soon thereafter In rural are.iv No word aa to appointment of census-takers has been received by Ooun ty Agent Robert O. Fowler. Pre dispatches recently stated that appli cations for appointment aa cenau enumerators should be filed In Wash lngton, D. C. The last farm census was taken In 1925. A sample copy of the four-pae questionnaire to be answered by agri culturists haa been posted on the courthouse bulletin board. The ques tions cover all phases of sgrlculture. Including value of land, length of tenure on farm, acreage, number of livestock, and laat year's crops. NEW METHODS By GLUYAS WILLIAMS r MOTHER IS AIL OPSEf BECAUSE SHE HAS JOSf 6LTN READIK6 THE lAffSf BOOK.- ON -m CARE AND FEEDIH& OF INFANTS - WHICH IS DIFFERENT FROM TOE WAV SHE HAS BEEN BR1W6INS HIM UP . AvID THAT WAV, IM TOfJW, UP& CAUSED NUMEROUS BATTLES Wffrt 6KAHDWA WHO SHAKES HER HEAD AMD DOES NT KNOW WHAT THIN6S ARE COMlNS TO - v BECAUSE WHEN MOTHER WAS A BABV THE1 WOULDN'T HAVE . DREAMED OF 05INS SUCH METHODS - AND HE REAuV DOES NT SEE WHY fHEV WORRV SO BECA15SE IN SPITE OF BABIES SEEN TO KEEP ON 6R0WIN6 CP WEa AND 5TR0K6I (Oopyright, 1534. by The Bell Syndicate, Inc.) IZ-IZ S MATTER POP Bv 0 M Payna SEAL SALE ENDS Under the ausplree of tha Jackson county Health association, sale or entl-tubereulofia Christmas sesls Is well under way throughout the coun ty In a campaign carried on by an efficient corps of workers supervised by MIm Helen Bullls. The sale wss started Sunday, De cember 10, and will continue until December 32. The stale are being sold in MM ford at booths located in the main postofflre and at the substa tion in Medford Furniture V Hard ware store. The workers under Miss Bullls' su pervision are: Mrs. J. C. Mann, Mrs C. O. Lemmon, Mrs. R. E. Green, Mrs. Louis Humphrey, Mrs. J. P. Reynolds, Mrs. F, O. Thayer, Mrs. Edwin Jan ney, Mrs. Ccrbln Edgell. Mrs. George Roberta and Mrs. Howwd ttlll. , FLEM I NOTON. N. J . Dec. 1J f? Bruno Richard Rauptmann. the stolid Bronx carper.ter, stood handcuffed In Hunterdon county court yesterday for IS minutes he listened Vj prellmli ary arguments In his attorney's de mand on the stata for a bill of p.r tti'ulara on the Indictment that h murdred Charles A. Lindbergh. Jr The argument waa short lived, for Supreme Court Justice Thomae W. j Trenchard. who presided, postponed hearing in the matter until Thursday i I when the defense requested that he fix a date when Edward Rellly. Chief defense counsel, coiild be present. WINDOW QLSS -veeell a-lndo glass and will replace join Broken indt reasonably. Trowbridge CaD met Work. ' ' "' moumwws, ' 13u-r it -MV We s & 112, 111 ) V TAILSPIN TOMMY Betty "Steps on the 'Gun "I ' nv Hal Forrest I PiWE O VX THE Mv fMlIlK '. S SHOOO L SSfe- f v ( 7M4T Siesr aZ I 'JGrykli&.r.infi' 7ZJX jfT s, 1, 1 - -.-min WWtu??2?C&&s Z8ZS..iS ) fc&&es7- I, BEN WEBSTER'S CAREER The Story or Willie By EDWIN ALGSR iT'wELL BRIARSIK rT 11 ( POOR WIUIB, HB WA9 f . . f 'PKP HE WrVl.BeM hEr(7' WHEN YOU KNOW MLLI6, TfTTP : WW&TB Zi l'rZ'rl, uA 'fl NEAR .STPRVED TO DEATH- X Wfl4 V flW THflT WW HB If &ew, YOUtl UKe HIM-HE'S U " ' ''tllWv4&ffi 100 1 CIBC04 -fiX , WV, Me KEN IN THE CODFISH HAPPENED TO BOMP 1 0 WNE 60Y-HI POTHER L'Aj,!C-r MCiTlwS B GROWINC-VJEVe GOT L-Ci J VJOODS FOR THREB CHARLEY INTO OS-AND WE U PUT f0 ANOTHER,, PETER AND f J9 ihUfi 1X6 WILD &OY0F6ORNEO f &f ) 7Z PBYS-fM WWKIN'HIW) AFTER. A WIOCH SPACE BeTWEEN PECj6V POTTV, WEBE CIRC04 fi-iU. JUST TELL y -' ' THE NEBBS Enter the Heits ' ' : ' Pi a',s r hg.l.v.0, poucsN f welloTN 'V "X f vweul, yve sot Tom.vanws Bur we All D,"r attemtionJ s. DAV . MORTVMLLE J I M-VyKI.M& J COBkJEJ ft REST.IFWE WERE TE PLOTTED AMD wOMFK Sjl V- rL S AT - SUITE LI&HTAWD jtOOWMS PCS SOCETV FIOSETS LATELV-EVERV- sL E,?MTc 1 i CZ" x-fN "T-V. AVJO VO- J WE'D HOve SONJG TO ITWIM& VOO DO W HER. (f srr-,r.r T . ' ' j- f iA 1 S J -y. help iwrrf ome piace WITH CLASS . "S WROM& AMD ICVOU T)D ; Jtt?I ;. V)" Inrfrri Vesjocw rry a resost which wooioy dout do awwims It TjP .TtfZTi i iVlENTS BRINGING UP FATHER By George ftlu.. la Tf I T-l I I ' I I 1 JM!I . , MOTHER". WMV I MIM MY BROTHER GRACIOUS' WHAT A ARE TOO MO' I'M ALUFJiCMT MOW 1 I AREVOUSOSAO? SO-I'M WONOERIMG 16 THAT ? IT I ILU- I JUST DREAMT THAT ThYWAVO TO,CHTHC,A SOUNDED LIKE , fcO,5EE WHAT J FATHER? MACcTe9 ORTHERAT THCEnXJ? J "S- -l A,rH A ren 5 father moaninc! happened-i l I ; ht, ., ..... J wuz BACK .m Tovm am' 1 HRIS DAlg STt WCHA FRAIL I , DOMT WAMT 1 i .'t, :,. LSTT TuiT I imw am' cnon t 1 KlOW- JLTprJ LITTLE FELLOW- tSHf H?TOtZ R .,j !; I JkLRTort V KM "VST Altf' I CRVINC-HURRV-J - j i j.l I 3$dl WuT ROBBED Y , y S AmMMdi LK Vu