MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OREGOX. SUNDAY. DECEMBER 9, 193-1. PAGE NINE (VtfAKVIilil Vv'A.UlYlili. vu I va liUV I SIeLL WHAT YOU WANT Classified FOR EASY REFERENCE j '"' 1 11 ' 11 11 I I I i T r i 1 Til I I mi' Tl lllf L. U.UHV VV&NYliO GC'tUlOW 1 Head every ad on thli pate ' trill prubahlj flno exactly toe tnins mot w J Isn't there. adver tise .. . ,neI' pensive, effective RATES Pu word flrt insertion (Minimum 38c) &eb additional insertion. pel word . (fiintmiim 100) Per line pet month without . copy ohangea Fhs ,75 FOB WANT ADS WANTED-MISCELLANEGUS FOR SALE REAL ESTATE WANTED To buy a used aldewalk bicycle. Must be In good condition. Box 331. Tribune. CASH PAID for live poultry. Johnson Prod. Co., 6th and Front 6ta. WANTED To buy small modern home In Medford, terms like rent, by eteadlly employed party. Bo 381, Miill Tribune. WANTED TO RENT Two room furn ished house In city umite of Med ford Must be cheap. Box 308. Mail Tribune. FOR SALE New modem bungalow. The housewife's dream. One of the neatest and best arranged homes In Medford at a real aacrlilce. Also have some good buys and leasea In placer ground. Trade 40 A. good land, with Im provements, on Crater Lake high way near Rogue river, tor catue, sheep or car. L. O. PICKBLL 304 B. Main. Phone 1580-J. FOR SALE-MISCELLANEOUS PURN1TUKE re-upholstered. 969-R. Thinault. Phono WANTED Household goods, "tores tools or what have you. Medford Bargain House, 31 N. Drape Bt rel 1062. BIOHEST PRICES paid for furs, hides and pelts Medford bargain House 37 No Orape. Tel. 1082. JUNK WANTED We pay cash tor JUNK BATTERIES AND RADIATORS, ALUMIN JM BRASS, COPPER and Junk of all descriptions. MEDFORD BAROAAIN HOUSE 37 No Orape. Tel 1083 FOR RENT HOUSES FURN. HOUSE and garage. 604 west 10th. VERY MODERN furnished cottages: reasonable price. Special rates to single person. Vatandra Hotel uid Cottages, central Point. 4 ; t v it LOST AND FOUND LEFT at Groceteria, a Paf e con taining large square black silk muf ter. child, white toed small nb doily on top ol box or groceries on und Wed. A. M. Dec 6th. Please leave with Groceteria cashier. LOST LadVs homespun hand bag with metal top, containing Mtwu amount of coin, scissors and other articles. Reward. Phone 9B-J. LOST Billfold, containing money and papers. Liberal reward. Leave at Trib une office. M J FOR RENT New modern 4 -room j house; adults. 208 Peruana Ave. ! FOR RENT 6 -room modern house. furnished; fireplace and piano, in quire 326 W. 8th St. W. H. Ever-hard. FOR RENT Holly Court No. 8. 419 w 2nd. 829 W. Utn, 1004 E. Jack son, 1115 E Uth. Qall Jackson Co Bldg. & Loan Association. 195; after 5. call 1670. tTbpal brooch with elk head. Rf word. Mrs. F. E. Powell. Phone 124-J. LOST If dog missing, call 1516. WANTfcD MLEHELP AMERICA'S finest and best equipped Diesel Schools. Endorsed and ap proved by leading Diesel manufac turers for supplying men to their trade. Men MAKE APPLICATION NOW for training. Special rates. Diesel Power Eng. Schools, Box 397. Mall Tribune. r'OR RENT Neat 5 -room modern house, garage. Key at Monarch Service Station, W. Main. FOR RENT Homes .urnished or unfurnished BrowD & White FOR RENT APARTMENTS FOR RENT -3 room furnished apt., hot. cou water, bath, garage; ground floor. 831 W. 10th St. MODERN furnished cottages; reason able price. Special rates to single person. Valandra Hotel ana ooc tages. Central Point. FOR RENT Apt., 806 W. Main. RELIABLE MAN with car. Distribute and collect 100 stores your county. Brand new confection. No selling. Large earnings, Manager, Box A., Florin, Pa. j6UAWrrOPPORTUNITY. Want man to service 200-customer gro cerv route. No capital required. Ev erything furnished. Write Alber, Mills, 6685 Monmouth, Cincinnati, Ohio. FOR RENT Large and small furnish ed apartments. 706 So. Oakdale FURN. apt. 229 No. Ivy FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS MAN WANTED for Rawlelgh Route of 800 families. Good profits for hust lers. We train and help you. Write immediately. Rawleigh. Dept. ORL-37-SAE, Oakland, Calif. SALESMAN for Hobart compressors, car washers, battery charger, etc. Ample commissions. Easy payments allowed purrhr Iad furnished. Hobart Brothers. Troy, Ohio. WANTED Man to build small log cabin with stone fireplace In ex change for nearly new .30-30 Sav age. Write Box 21, Mail Tribune. MAN WANTED A HUSTLER Tor Jackson county to handle surest, easiest selling articles. Go home very evening with money In your pocket. Experience not necessary Good reputation essential Write Mr. Close. 617 stock Exchange Bldg.. Portland. Oregon. FOR RENT Furnished heated sleep ing room. Private enhance, very reasonable. 132 Almond St. FOR RENT Furnished sleeping room. 375 So. Central. FOR RENT 3 housekeeping rooms 327 No. Grape. FOR RENT Attractive sitting room end bed room. Suitable for two adults. 620 So. Oakdale. FOR SALE 76 acres wood land oik and laurel), 5 miles from Medford, going (at $860. Some good bench land on It. I have a buyer with cash for 10 acres good land; deep soil. 8 Acres land on Pacific highway; all cultivated; 9 miles from Med ford. Forced sale. 4600. WOOD FOR SALE Oak. laurel, pine, dry or green cordwood and poles. See J. C. Dusenberry, Sams Valley. FOR SALE Monday morning, for de linquent storage, 3 dressers, bed. spring, elec. wash, machine, electric mangle, cedar chest, 3 tables, mir rors, landscapes, lots of books, cook ing utensils, dishes, table linen, sheets, plllowcams, curtAlna. towels, women's coats, misc. clothing, new bedspreads, several empty trunks. Open evenings. EADS TRANSFER, 1015 North Central. MISCELLANEOUS IS YOUR HEARING IMPAIRED?! have for sale or trade a late model Acoustlcon which has so benefld dit hearing that 1 have no furthei use for it. T. N. Kerr, Talent, Ore CARD READINGS, oOc. 320 Apple. KINDERGARTEN Sparta Bldg Music and dance. Phone 1645 or 1356-W Ruth Luy Alice Holm back. FOR SALE Baled hay, H3.00 per ton. C. R. Natwlck, Eagle Point. Phone 5-F-14. H Acre on Thomas road; 3 -room house, all In splendid condition; automatic pump, garage, woodshed, hen house and stable. Party mov lng to Eugene; 635; terms. 300 Acres, 90 under the ditch, with free water right! splendid soil. Go ing for $55.00 an acre; terms; 55 acres alfalfa, 35 A. clover. Practically new 5-room house; 3 bedrooms, sleeping porch, oak floor; strictly modem; $2700; easy term?; 1 1-3 acres land. B. J. PALMER Real Estate Broker. Main floor Jackson Co. Bank Bldg. Phone 311 FOR SALE 4-h.p. air-cooled gas en gine, suitable for mining, pumps, gene rators, air compressors, or mid get auto. Hi-WAV EXCHANGE, 80. of Phoenix. FOR SALE Apples. Phoenix, Ore. Bert Stancllff, FOR SALE Closing out my entire stock of bicycles. Schults Bros., 137 No. Central. FOR SALE Sand and gravel. 50c per yard, pnone 40W-1. FOR SALE Must sacrifice Memorial park lot. Box No, 501, Tribune HOUSES FOR SALE OR RENT Jack son County Building St Loan Aas'n Phone 195. DRESS for less by the Style Kraft plan, see Mrs. wade de Rycae, 3221 E. Main. Tel. 1202. FOR HIGHEST QUALITY pear tro-e. peacn, apricot, cnerry, appie. al mond, filbert and walnut trees, roses and stn-uba at lowest prices. Phone 851-R-3, or call at W B Barn urn's. 3 milea south of Medford on hwy next to Ever Srtedy Ante Camp. Carlton Nursery. Carlton, Or FOR SALE POULTRY FOR SALE Red pullets ready to lay. Tnornton place, uucKsnot run road. FOR SALE Few choice cockerels. B W. D tested. Mahood Keds. Pedigreed White leghorns. Mrs. R. E. Carley. EIGHT turkeys, nearly grown, $100 each. 629-J. PURE Bronze toms. Cockers n'e prist stock $5 Jesse Nell Rt 1. Aahlanl FOR SALE LIVESTOCK FOR SALE Weaner pigs. 1120 West 2nd. FOR SALE Jersey cow. Cheap S30 Bennett FOR SALE DOGS PETS FOR SALE Roller Canaries. Ideal Christmas presents. Mrs. Bert Hook er. 203 Haven St. ROLLER CANARIES. Phone 523-J-3. FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES STUDEBAKER'S USED CAi S 1934 Dodge ton dual long W. B, truck. 1939 Chev. lone W. B. truck. 1929 Studobakef sedan $185.00 Chev. coupe. A buy 85.00 1931 Pontiac sedan 350.00 STUDEBAKER SALES at SERVICE South Riverside FOR SALE 1929 Ford roadster. Ex ceptional terms. First house So Bear Creek Packing house. Pacific Hwy. FOR RENT Nicely furnished rooms and garage storage at moderate rates by week or month 32o South Riverside avenue. WANTED FEMALE HELP LADIES' earn $13 weekly, at home, mailing circulars for Mail Dealers, experience unnecessary. .Stamp brings particulars. Wilson Co. Tuc son, Ariz. mauToITfemale MAKE MONEY COPYrNO NAMES, addresses for mail order firms, spare time. Experience unnecessary. No canvassing. Write United Advertis ing. 1114 DcKnlb Avemie, Brooklyn. N. Y. STEADY WORK GOOD PAY Several choice openings in country and towns for reliable men or wo men. No cnpltol or experience re quired. Write MR. THOMAS, Sunt., 4i6 Third St., Oakland, Calif. ADDRESS Envelopes at home, spare tlmel $5 to $25 weekly. Experlenco unnecessary. Dignified work. Send stamp for particulars. HAWKINS. Dept. 222, Box 73, Hammond, Ind. WANTED SITUATIONS OWNER of caterpillar tractor and tools wants work. Price reason able. Tel. 571-R-2. FOR RENT ROOM BOARD FOR RENT Room, board, at 153 N. Oakdale. RATES very moderate at 716 B. M-m ATTRACTIVE rooms 404 8. Orape. FOR RENT-MISCELLANEOUS BACHELOR CABINS 443 S. Front. FOR RENT Room 16x60 adjoining Mall Tribune Job Department, on Grape street Will remodel to suit permanent tenant. Phone 75 or ap ply at Mall Tribune (newspaper) office. FOR RENT Holly Court. No. 3, Jackson Co. Bldg. Ac Loan Assn Pbone 195. FOR EXCHANGE FOR SALE OR TRADE Chevrolet truck, O. M C. truck, 1926 Chrys ler 70 sedan. Will trade for wood Bowman place, Central Point,- FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE Apples for what have you? Tel. 258-J. FOR TRADE 3 double beds, good springs, mattresses fol twin beds ox day beds. Rt 1. Box 348. Medford FOR EXCHANGE 1929 model A Ford sedan and 3 lots in Medford for late model ford V-8 TeJ 407- IN HOMES F.xp. dressmaker, clever alterations. Pay-week. References. DreA.mak?r. Hotel Jackson, room 423. Tel. 309, UNINCUMBERED m:ddle-a?ed widow i wants practical nursing or house ! keeping Box 4612 j WANTED MISCELLANEOUS WANTED 104 rod woven wire, about 47 inches high. Phil Hannafo.'d. Eaftle Point. WANTED To borrow $600. For far ther information write to Mill Trib une. Box 233 WANT to PENT StTk ranch on share basis. Inquire B'jd S'ammen. Rouie 1. Box 1RT. EXCHANGE Furn. re-uphoistertni for lumber wood, (lab poles and reels Phone 6B9-R. FOh SALE OR TRADB White ilec- trie sewing machine for light se i dan Box 638. Tribune. FOR EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE OR TRADE for Medford house and lot. clo in. A. Oood buildings, fruit and berries. 701 N. Riverside. FOR TRADE 10 A. on Columbia Hwy Some limber. For small modem houe. Wiil awume small tnort gitae. Phone 582-R. FOR SALE Oakland sedan. Cheap at $125,00. Flchtner's oarage. Sunday ana Monday. Phone luo. USED CAR BARGAINS I 1933 DeSoto Sedan. 1 1931 Chrysler Sedan. 1 1931 Essex-Coach. 1 1931 Bulck Sedan. 1 1929 Ford Sedan. 1 1928 Ford Roadster. 11928 Bulck Sedan. SKINNERS GARAGE Bulck and Pontiac Sales and Service. CAR BARGAINS 1927 Cher. Coach $40 00 1923 Ford 2 -door Sedan.... $18 50 1923 Dodge Roadster $20 00 1923 Ford ton Truck; extra transmission $40 00 HI-WAY EXCHANGE, So. of Phoenix, BEAUTIFUL V-8 Victoria DeLuxe Fold 1933, 11.000 miles. Price $550 cash Will take light car In trade. &ee car at Flchtner'a Garage. FOR SALE 1933 Chev. DeLuxe Sedan; trunk, wire wheels. Sacrifice. B R. Warren, Box 34, Phoenix. USED CAR SALE Chrysler and Plymouth Trade-in. With 1935 License. 1934 Plymouth DeLuxe Sedan. 1934 Plymouth DeLuxe Coupe. 1933 Plymouth Sedan. 1933 Plymouth 4 Sedan. 1934 Chevrolet Town Sedan. 1933 DeSoto Sedan. 1929 Chevrolet Coupe, ARMSTRONG MOTORS, INC. 38 No. Riverside. Tel. 18. FOR SALE 1929 DeSoto Sedan. Cheap for quick sale. Flchtner'a Garage. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS Fine, sweet -toned old violin; re bargain at $35 00. Very fine vlollncello, In ease, with bow and Instructor. Cost $135; bargain for $50. Conn silver-plated baritone horn In case. Exceptional bargain at $40. Large set IVagan Marimba phones. Cost $150. and like new. Your lor only $S5. Term offered to repontbIe pix ties. See owner and Instrument 104 South Oakdale. DRY WOOD 50 tier laureL 50 fir 515 Pennsylvania. ALL MAKES of washing machines re paired. Flex's Hardware. 131 west Main. WHEAT or feed oat. $1.50 cwt.: ground barley end alfalfa hiy. $12.50 ton. C. A. DeVoe, 3 milts west and H mile south of Medford Phone 523-J-3. FURS Cash paid for furs, hides, pelt Johnson Produce Co.. 6th and Front Sts. PORTRAITS, Christmas cards, kodak flnshing. very reasonable. E. Hoy den Jones, 607 West Second. Phone 1282-M. Hours 11 to 7. TURKEYS AND POULTRY DRESSED and delivered at your reach. Phjne 403-J-l. GRAIN SACKS Jackson County Feed Co.. 4th and Bartlett Sta. FOR SALE Sand, gravel, lawn dirt fertilizer, teaming. Phone 912-J FOR SALE White sewing machine Angora rabbits 314 Willamette FOR EXCHANGE 30-30 Carbine val ued at $20 00 for light ear Across from Medford Riding Academy MISCELLANEOUS LOW PRICED guaranteed Radio SorT. ice. Pbone 837-Y. BABBIT SKINS, angora woo buyer., 1.1 FARM PRODUCTION, Rosedale, N. Y. BUSINESS DIRECTORY Abstracts JACKSON CO. AHSTIIACT CO. Abstract ot Title and Title Insurance. The only complete Title System In Jackson County. MURRAY ABSTRACT CO. Abstracts of Title. Rooms 3 and No. aa North Central Ave., upstalre. Rlslto Phone 1615-Y. Palming and raperlianKliia M. A. BLISS Painting and paper- Hanslng Tel 648-W 313 a urap PERSON Ai REV. EVEIjYNN MARSHALL Read ings dally. 315 so. Riverside. Money To Lend MONEY LOANED 50 to 300 tor personal or household purposes on House Furnishings or Autos; also Cars Re-Ilnanced. Loans closed within 30 mlnutea, under suppr vlslon of the State Banking Dept. License No. S-157-M-160. See W. E. Thomas, 45 So. Central. 8(. Marks Churrh. B. S. Bartlam, rector. Holy communion, 8:00 a.m. Mornlnj prayer and sermon, 11 a. m. Church school, 0:45 a.m. Church of Jesus Christ, Latter Pay Snlnta. F. H. Metcalf. branch president. Services In Seventh Day Ad vent 1st chapel, corner Edwards and Beatty. Sunday school 10:30 a.m. Evening service. T:30 p. m. Elder Robert Brallslord, new mis sionary In this district, wilt be prin cipal speaker. Everyone Is welcome. Main Street McthodHt Church, South N. D. Wood, pastor. Sunday school, 8:46 a.m. Sermon by the pastor, 11 a. m. Young People'a service, 6:30 p. ra. Inspirational service. 7:30 p. m. Wednesday evening. 7:30, BiNe study, prayer service and song practice. A cordial welcome is extended to all who may wish to attend services at this church. special guests to see charter members' ! slffn the Christian Endeavor pledge. : Tins will be a candlelight ceremonial. Weldon Sloan will sing a solo. j Evening worship. 7:30. ermcm:j "The Christian Endeavor pledge." j Junior-Intermedlatea and their par ents are especially Invited to this service. The First MethiHlKt Church. West Main and Laurel Streets. Joseph Knotts, minister. Sunday school 0:45 a.m. B. J. Neu mann, superintendent. Morning worship, 11 a.m. The pas tor will deliver a special sermon this morning, observing the 400th anni versary of the translation of th4 Bible by Martin Luther. The sermon theme la "Martin Luther." Anthem by the choir, directed by Mrs. O. H. Paske. Epworth League services, to which all young people are Invited, 6 :30 p.m. Evening worship, 7:30 p.m. Ser mon theme, "One Sinner Surprised and Converted." The male chorus will sing. Come aud enjoy thl$ in formal gospel service. Prayer meeting Wednesday at 7:30 p. m. MONEY LOANED Cecil Jenntnge. FOR SALE Used sewing machines all makes, terms tr desired All maaes rented and repaired White Sewing Machine Co 24 N Bartlett. Medford Coinpuuy of Jehovah's Witnesses. The Medford company of Jehovnh'a Witnesses la broadcasting a lecture by Judge Rutherford dealing strictly with the Bible over KMED very Tuesday afternoon at 1:30. Judge Rutherford's Bibta study helps are In book and booklet form and have been translated Into 60 languages since 1623. All Interested In Watch Tower Bible study are wet come to meet every Sunday morning at 10 o'clock at 845 West Second street, Medford. Wall Puper Cleaning. W AH-PAPER CLEAN1NO 1c per tq ft Mr Black 310 N Bartlett Expert Window Cleaners LET OEOHOE DO !T Tel 1173 House Cleaning Floor Waxing Ori ental nig cleaning end upholstering Dentistry. DENTISTRY Dr. I. H. Gove. 235 E Main. First UaptUt Church. W. H. Eaton, minister. Sunday achool, B:46 a.m. Morning worship, 1 1 :00 a. m. An them by the new chorus choir. Ser mon by the pastor, "One Matter That Is Settled." Young people'a atudy and devo tional groups, 0:30 p.m. Evening worship, 7:30 p.m., an evangelistic service. Singing of cho ruses and favorite songs. Solo by Mrs. D. V. Piatt. Sermon, "Taking the Testlmeny." You are cordially Invited to enjoy these services with us. EADS TRANSFER & STORAGE OO -Offlce 1016 No Central Phone 916 Prloea right.. Service guaranteed. HAWLEY TRANSFER Expert pack ers and movers Special livestock moving equipment. Prices .(tnt 019 North Riverside, Phone 615. LEGAL NOTICES WIN $2,500.00 Can you make 5 three lettor word using the letters m the word PARAMOUNT"? Rush your answer to Paramount Products, Inc., Dept. R, Des Moines, Iowa and you will be given opportunity to win 93,500. BOAT TRAILER, Cash Register A.dd lng Machine. Typewriter. Boot Shoes. Hunting-Fishing Equipment 317 North Riverside. LET HANSEN SOLVE YOUR DECOR ATING PROBLEMS. Tel. 289-J. 319 King. Call for Warrants, school District No. 60. Notice la "hereby given that there are funds on hand for the redemp' tlon of Warrants Nos. 307 to 368 in clusive. Interest ceases on this 6th day of December. 1034. Warrants pay able at Farmers & Fruitgrowers Bank, Med feu d Ore. CLARE W. SHORES, Clerk, School Dlst. No. 09 TALENT LADIES' AID WILL SERVE DINNER The Ladles' Aid of Talent M. E. church will serve a chicken dinner, Tuesday, Deo. 11. at city hall- from 5:30 to 8 p. m. The proceeds will be used to resh Ingle the church. Use Mall Tribune want ads. Mail Tribune Daily Cross -Word Puzzle ACROSS Color Highway Wasp convul sively Pemlnlne nams Invest or cloths Smallest even number Sharptnsd Stays Tree In that cabs Fin Pertaln'ng to the ear Open court Preposition Incarnation Biblical priest Mors tart Praised Writing ftuM Vegetable ex- udatlons Norss god VsHt-al Swimming bird Owned Ventllats Negative Secured Wooers Shaped like a tore Sea sagls Device tor sitting French cola Cravat Solution of Yesterday's Purzle W. RIO A Wgjj l N 0 NgggA L I V E " MIOIPJOP E N pms E V Elft 24. SjTlolo p I N G i PjE V EIRlF 2- AlRIC H E SMl E MNAIP S w a Tpo A Rr0MomE w- T TpjA R Tj Qw IrT E R 9 plow ETL u DIG E Lt0 ' A LOW SML A WElLO PIE COVE f fgojv E Rgjl C E "S" sIeIbIInIeIsIsIcToIrin u. 43. a. IS. Olossr silk fftbrla St. Terminal DOWN 1. Hasten I. SubduM pitch of voice I. Bird of prey 4. Anarch I it ft. rpn I. 8 ' m dim eulty or dancer T. Payable I. Paitem con. stating of ae.janite objeotH I. M1r'd with a circular motion IS. Acknowledge 11. Genus of Hie cow . Typs measure II. Southern constellation dated fliedly Fertile spot In a desert To the other aide Cotton fabric Height Helped 100 stjuare meters of land Grade Soviet republle of south cen tral Europe Ourselves Coloring of the sky when the sun sinks be low the horizon Proper Equine animal Sea In the Antarctic Depart Adjust Swiss canton Lone narrow Inlet of the sa Twice five That which a mmlnant chews Sis WANTED To to"vw curtty. Bx 2?4. Tr:: sc- WASTED O-Tvor, f.r 8 B.-I 3613 Tribun WANTED To hrr from someone in Medford wi.'i:n;; to trsrt delin quent tu prxrtv f-r wood UuJ Rt. 1. B.i 35, Mflfjrd. WANTED TO RKNT by re.!:l-V party furr::!.f d Ive. 3 n.iroorr- witiun ws.jc.r.: ii .ni-x o: n achoo Bx aiol, T.wUiie ; FOR SALE KEAL ESTATE FOR PAU? 9 arr.. fMrnuh.d hr'i., I c..p Ca.h. trM. Wms. &h'-f. i m-.'iorn. ra:v w.t. of Pho.nlx. 30 00 3-room hoL-.. a. ftome and voo4. Tuomaa at fitewarl Ate. a bahoain M lama ioi, on Ben nett 9t.. eir.iifni noil fniit out Ir. ant, twrrlM Will sacrifice on t.rni. or cash Bot M rrlb'.in. . ,!ih.' ;.:u t.'iiuk ut leal ealale, Uuus I (4 Brows. 6 Wblt . BIO ALLOWANCS on all u-0 piano. in this wrek. BALDWIN PIANO 8HOPPE. Phone 335. FOR BALK-MISCELLANEOUS POR ALE V-ru hatrcla. .ic.lnt condition, 1tn blan of cosl.i Reasonable. Phone 491-L ; TOR fAl,E Violin Pnone USJ-R. with cv. Hi ' POR SALE Newtovn tppipa. oonuinera. Joe Kantor, RouM 4, Box 337. POR SALE Apples, of trade for any thing jrou have. Phone 133-L. . POH SALE V:i;ie w;n macnlke; , easonsnia, ti . 9iape 1 z 3 W 5 K 17 IS I X 'o 'i 12 . tip3 W'4 . IT 2 ZT.2S IT 27 32 33 34 13 4e4J So TT" "r Presbyterlun Church, Sunday school, S:4S a.m. Classes for all agea. Visitors welcome. Mra. W. S. Ollmore, superintendent. . Regular morning service 11:00 a.m. Rev. D. A. Thompson, of Portland, synodlcal executive for Oregon, will preach. The musi, under direction of Elsie Carleton 8trang, choir di rector, and Eva Haitelrltsg Marsh, or ganist, will be as follows: Organ prelude, 'Communion . Baptiste Anthem, "How Lovely are the Mes sengers" m Mendelsaohn Offertory. "Offertoire" Baptlate 8olo, "O Love that Will Not Let Me Oo". Barker Esther Merrltt Sanderson. Postlude, "Postlude" Baptlate Young people'a league 6:30 p.m. Wednesday, 7:30 p.m. Regular mid week prayer meeting. Full Gospel Tabernacle. Newtown St., off Main. J. Logan Stuart, pastor, Sunday school, 9:45 a. m. Morning worship, 11 o'clock. Sub ject, "Spiritual Mlndedneas. Evangelistic meeting, 7:30 p. m. "A Bartered Birthright" will be the ar- mon text for the evening. Prayer meeting, Tuesday 7:80 p. m. Friday evening 7:30, the young pea- pie have charge. This la an Inspiring service. The young people of the olty are Invited to attend. A cordial Invitation to all meetings la extended to the public. First Christian Church. Ninth and Oakdale Sts. w. R, Balrd, minister. Bible school at 9:45 a. m. L. O. Oentner, superintendent. Everyman's Bible claaa In courthouse auditorium at 9:45. Morning worship begins at 10:68. Sermon subject, "Cheerful Givers." Christian Endeavor at 0:18 p. m. Evening evangelistic service at 7:90. Sermon subject, "Simplicity in Christ.' Special music by the choir under the direction of Effle Herbert Yeo man, both morning and evening. Mid-week Bible study on Wednes day evening at 7:45. First Chnrch of Christ, Scientist, Authorized branch of the Mother church, the First Church of Christ, Scientist, In Boston, Maaa. Services are held every Sunday at 11 o'clock, church edifice. 313 North Oakdale. Subject for Sunday, De cember 0, "God the Only Cause and Creator." Sunday school at 0:30 a. m. Appli cants under the age of 30 may be admitted. Wednesday evening meetings, which include testimonials of Christian Science healings, at 8 o'clock. The reading room, which li located at 401 In the Medford building, Is open dally from 7 a. m. to 6 p. m. except Sundays and holidays. The librarian la In attendance from 10 to 4, at which time the Bible and all authorised Christian Science litera ture may be read, borrowed or purchased. The public la cordially Invited to attend the services and visit tno reading room. CHRISTMAS POTS READY DEC. 1 5TH The Salvation Army, according to announcement Saturday by Captain G. R. Durham, commanding officer of the Medford corps, has completed plana for relief of the needy at Christmas time. The army Intends to see that no needy family goes hungry on Christmas day. In previous year Medford citizens have enabled ths Army, through their gifta In the Christmas kettles and by donations of food -stuffs, to take care of all families reported to them. The Christmas kettles will go on the street December 15. All Medford citizens are urged by the Salvation Army to "keep the pots boiling" for tne neeay of the community. Ket tles will also be stationed in Ash land, Central Point and Jacksonville and citizens of those communities will be asked to help the Army in providing Christmas cheer for their newly. The Salvation Army Is co-operating with all other agencies giving Christmas relief, according to Cap tain uurnam. Names of families ac cepted by the organization for Christ ma relief will be submitted to the Christmas exchange, being operated by the Chamber of Commerce at the suggestion of Captain Durham. in addition to providing baskets of food, tops will be given noor children reported to the Army, pro viding they are not being taken care of by any other organization. The Army aske that persons know ing of needy families living In the community report the name and ad dreas. A worker will investigate the merits of the ca and arrange to send a basket. Phone 358, or drop a note to Captain O. R. Durham, Box 487. While the Salvation Army la not making any special aolicltatlon. ex cept through the Christmas kettles, persons wishing to spread Christmas cheer may send In donations of food stuffs, clothing, toya or money to assist with the work. The more given, the more the Army will be able to give out. "Medford citizens should remem ber that the Salvation Army may be , called not only at Christmas time, but are on duty 868 daya each year and may be called any time of the day or night to assist with emergency prowems of relief," says Captain Dur- nam. Free Methodist Church. 10th and Ivy streets. E. N. Long, pastor. Sunday Is World Bible Sunday. Come and study the Bible with us at 9:45 a.m. Morning message at 11 o'clock. Subject: "The Holy Spirit." "Shall We Grieve Hlmt" Y. P. M. S. meeting, 8:30 p m Evening service at 7:30. Subject: What Will Ye Do With Jesus, Which Is Called Christ?" The all day "Holiness Association" meeting will bs held at thla church Friday, December 14. Services at 10:30 a.m., and 3:30 p.m. Banket lunch at noon. Church of God. Corner of Haven and Holly streets. Church school, 9:45 a. m. Morning worship, 11 a.m. Subject: 'Why Should a Christian Give? What Should They Oivef And to Whom Should They Give It?" Musical program by young people. 7:30 to 8 p.m. Sunday preaching service 8:00 p.m. In charge of O. W. Clemens, son of D. M. Clemens, pastor. Mr. and Mrs. O. W. Clemens have recently motored from Anderson, Ind., where they at tended the Anderson College and Theological Seminary, graduating from thla Institution in June, 1934. Mr. Clemens was a member of the college male quartet and traveled throughout the United States, sing ing on radio programs and to large audiences. He will have charge of the song services morning and evening. He will also preach at the Sunday evening service. Subject, "How to Obtain and Keep Eternal Life. Prayer service Wednesday at 7:30 p. m. Mrs. Bessie Davis, leader. Alt are urged to attend. Come and bring your friends. D. M. Clemens, pastor. Residence at B14 West Second street. Zlon Etnngellral Lutheran Churrh, Fourth street near Oakdals avemie. George P. Kabele, D. D pastor. Sunday school, 10 a.m. Christmas decorations In church and Sunday school rooms. Classes for all, with good teachers. Morning worship. 11 a.m. Sermon by the pastor: "The Fruit Ranch ot the Coming King." Anthem by choir: "My FVet Shall Stand Within Thy Oates." Luther league, 7 p.m. Leader. Ray mond Pederson. Topic: "Improving Our Community." The general public Is heartily In vited to all our services. St. Peter's Lutheran Church. (MJMOurl Synod) I. Main St., and Portland avenue. H. H. Young, pastor. Sunday school at 10:00. Let ua have a perfect attendance. The Christ ass program will be rehearsed. No Bible Claes this mnrnlntr. Morning service at 11:00. Theme: "Christ's Conversation With Hia Church." Y. P. S. business of the congregation after service. No evening service. A Christmas ssle and dinner will be given by the Ladles' Aid Wednes day evening at 7:00 in the church bssement. Come one, come all! The public Is always welcome. IMioeriln Preslt.ierlnn rimrrh. Rilph S Pfterson, pastor. Churrh t hool. 10 a. m. J. O. H Poling. sujerlntnnnt. Morning worship, 11 a. m. Sermon, "perpetuating peutrooat." The morn ing service will be In observation of Universal Bible Suwlny thla year com memorating the 400th anniveraay ot the translation 01 t;e Bible by Mar tin Luther. Chrlt!on Endeavor groups. 8:30 p At the J'.mior-Int:medUt so ciety, pastuta of Uie members will be Church of the N'nzarene Central Avenue at Jackson Fred M. Weatherford, pastor-evan gel lit will be heard two times during the day. At the 7:30 evangelistic hour the toplo from which he speaks Is, "The Hell from Which God Seeks to Rescue Man." At this popular evangelistic hour speclnl muslo and enthusiastic congregational singing wilt play a prominent part. At the II o'clock morning worship hour the toplo from which the speak er wilt discourse la "The Bible and Its Message." Being Universal Bible Sunday, sponsored by the American Bible society, this church la sharing in the concerted effort to further in terest In the Sacred Volume. Bible school at 9:48 a. m. Arnold Korntad, superintendent. Did Ashland bent us last Sunday? Yes. for the flrat time since the tnl tlatlon of the competitive program Will they do It today? Nt if our forces exercise vigilance. We Invite strangers and friends to help us do It. Young People's meeting at 6:30. Miss Helen Scheel, president. A splendid hour la offered you In the Inspirational and helpful pro gram sponsored by this department, Our door la open with a cordial welcome to all visitors and friends. Whitehead to Make Trip Around World R. H. Whitehead, retired Medford banker, wired his daughter. Mrs. Homer Pellett, here yesterday that he expects to leave San Francisco soon on a trip around the world. Mr. Whitehead, who Is now 88 years old, la an Oregon ' pionerr. and waa engaged In the banking business here for over a years. Radios old. or radios nc, they wtrk their best when we get through "PrulUs can do It." Prions 33. HANDSAKER TALKS AT M. E. TONIGHT J. J. Hanonaker, associate secret rr of the National council for Preven tion of war of Portland. Oregon, who addresses the Epworth League of the Methodist Episcopal church today at 0:30 p. m., Is no stranger here as he frequently visited here while direc tor of the Near East relief. Mr. Hand aaker will discuss the Investigation of the munitions traffle and what results should be expected from It, announces Miss Helen Power, Ep worth League president. Mr. Handsaker recently spent summer In Europe studying the anti war movements during which time be was three weeks In the city of Genera studying at first hand the lntsmatlonar labor organization, wnlcrt America has Just joined, and also the League of Nations. In sev eral of the European capitals, he met the peace leaders of Europe and dis cussed with them the outlook for war and peace and the efforts being made for the peaceful settlement of International disputes. THE GRANGE Enterprise Grange met In regular seaalon Friday night for the purpose of annual election of officers. The following were elected: Master, Frank Jackson: overaeeer, Roy Moore; lee turer. Dorothy Steward; chaplain, Emma Darland; secretary, treta Jack son; treasurer, Neva Moore; steward, Wallace LcMolne; assistant steward, Blltle Baker; gate keeper. Lee HlUls; Cerese, Nola Aune; Flora, Ruby Hougham; Pomona, Eva Steward; lady assistant ateward, Colesta Johnson; executive member, Floyd Darland. The ladles of the H. E. C. recently put new curtains at the windows of the Grsnge hall, making a btg Im provement in appearance of the halt They have been giving supper -dances every two weeks which are very well attended and enabled the club to add neat sum to th a Grange treaatiry. The executive committee recently put a large new heater In the hall. In appreciation of her past good work, Neva Moore was again made chairman of the Home Economics committee for the coming year. All of the officers-elect were In stalled Sunday In Joint installation with other Granges at Central Point A. A. A. Made in Medford. Suite that will please you at 130 00 to Mfl OO. Klein the Tailor. 13S E Main Upstalra. Phone o43. We II haul away yoiii leiuae. Ciij 6a.trj Aorylo. MONEY Available for Conservative LOANS ON HOMES In Medford District First Federal Savings & Loan Assn. of Medford 27 No. Holly St.