BEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, MEDFOUD, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 21. 1934. PAGE NINE 1 I Vtt j: -J 1-l SHUL WHAT WU WANT Classified FOR EASY REFERENCE; S ( WiXKVIill VO ISOtUlQW PierjiearawBsrtea 1 iiead every ad on CMt page 1" -OS probably ftno exactly the thing job want to D) at mU . ... U II ' isn't there, sdver ties . . . pensive, effective RATES word first uuMtloo : (Minimum 85c) acb additional Insertion. (XT word u (Mlptmtim 100) ptr une per month, without copy changes 11 JC Phcme 75 FOB WANT AD 8 LOST AND FOUND LOST 'If dog miasm, call 1616. WANTED MALE HELP VwANTET A reliable nan 41111 wl"' 1 with equipment, to raise turkeys on shares. Have good turkey ranch with plenty of green teed. Exper. er.ced people preferred. Mrs. A. D. Helms. Klamath junction, Ashland. Oregon. . MAN WANTED A HUSTLER for Jackson county to handle sures,,, easiest selling articles. Oo home every evening with money In your pocket. Experience not necessary. Good reputation essential. Write Mr. Close, 617 stock Exchange BWg-, Portland, Oregon. WANTED School boy or elderly man to help milk cows on small dairy farm four miles from Medford. M A, cr Mall Tribune. FOB BENT BOOM BOABD BATES vary moderate it 116 t. Man ATTRACTIVE rooms. 404 8. Qrape. FOB RENT APAETMENT8 FOR RENT Partly furnished l-rom apt. Close In. 30 8. Fir. 3-ROOM apts, 635 No. Riverside. JOB RENT MISCELLANEOUS FOR RENT Small orchard. CtU after 6:00. Phone 850-J-t. . BACHELOR CABINS 145 S. front. FOB SALE POULTRY FOR SALE We have only 15 Bronw Toms left suitable for breeding pur- , poses. If you are looking for heavy breasted, short legged market type birds you will find these hard to equal. Weight from twenty-two to twenty-five pounds now. A few spat birds among these. H. M Von Stein. Trail. PURE Bronze toma. Cockera n's prise stock 66. Jesse Nell. Rt. 1. Ashland FOB B ALU-MISCELLANEOUS FOR RENT Room 16x60 adjoining Mall Tribune Job Department, on Grape street. Will remodel to suit permanent tenant. Phone 76 or ap plv at Mall Tribune (newspaper) of, : flee. SHELLED WALNUTS Dean Ranch, Old Stage road. FOR RENT Floor sanding maohlne Economy Lumber, No. Riverside. FOR RENT Holly Court. No. . Jackson Co. Bldg. It Loan Assn Phone 195. FOB EXCHANGE FOR EXCHANG8 Krohler day bed w'lth baker cut velour for double bed and springs. Phone 885. FOR SALE OR TRADE Oat and wheat hay. Isaacs, neirt to Radio Station. FOR TRADE 3 double beds, good springs, mattresses toj twin beds or day beds. Rt. 1. Box 348. Medford FOR EXCHANGE 1939 mode) A Ford sedan and 3 lota In Medford for late mode) ford V-8 Tel 407-Y EXCHANGE Furn. re-upholstering for lumber, wood, fish poles and reels Phone 969-R. PON SALE OR TRADE White Ilea trio sewing machine for tight se dan Box 838, Tribune. FOR EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE TRADE 5 A. auto camp: cabins, house, fruit stand; 3 miles south of Ashland, Pacific Hwy, Good Income. Trade for farm. Box 115 O, Ash land, Ore. WANTED FEMALE HELP 'WANTED Capable woman to keep house for Mrs. Malmgren, Phoenix. MALE OR FEMALE WANTED Immediately, reliable, con scientious pianist, able to quickly all types of music. Box bll, Tribune. FOR EXCHANGE Fine store business block, nice Inoome, leased, for Sou Oregon, country or city. C, h, Mitch- eltree; Beaumont, Cal. I HAVE a buyer for a small atck ranch, 70 to 100 acres; also 6-room house on 3 to 5 acres, near Medford What have you? B. J Palmer, Real Estate Broker, Jackson County Bank Main Floor. TURKEYS AND POULTRY DRESSED ana aenverea at your reach, rnone 403-J-l. WANTED SITUATIONS HOUSE CLEANING 250 per hour. Leave order at 710 Palm St. UNINCUMBERED middle-aged widow wante practical nursing or house keeping. Box 4613 W ANTED-M1SCELLAN EOUS WANTED Army officer desires 5 or 6-room furnished house. Reason able rent. Close In. Box 3709, Tribune. , ,-,-,.- WANTED To rent modern, unfur nished 6-room home, close in. Reasonable rent. Phone 383-M. FOR TRADE; 16 A. highly Improved; best of soli: 3 miles out. Want smaller acreage close . In. L. Q. Picket!.' Phone 1580-J. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE WANTED Good cabin trailer. Must be cheap. Inquire Apt. 1, Riverside Apts. WANTED Someone with buzss-saw to cut 5 cords wood. Tel. 1066-Y. 35 Myrtle St. WANTED Fence rails and poles. Tel. 565-L-a. WANTED A Splnnett desk, walnut or mahogany finish. Must be in good condition and reasonable. Ad dress Box 3700, Tribune. FURNITURE van going south wants load both way Phone 333 CONVALECENT HOME. Ashland. Ore cares for Invalids and aged. WANTED TO RENT Two room furn ished house in city limits of Med ford Must be cheap Box 308 MhII Tribune. FURNITURE re-upholstered. Phone 969-R Thlbault. JUNK WANTED We pay cash tor JUNK BATTERIES AND RADiATORS. ALUMINJM BRASS, COPPER and unk of all descriptions, MEDFORD BAROAAIN HOUSE t 37 No Orspe. Tel. 1083 WANTED Warrants Redden Jt Co WANTED Household gooda. 'toves tools or what have you Medford Bargain House. 37 N Orspe St Tel 1063. ( HIGHEST PRICES paid for furs, hides end pelts Medlord Bargain House 37 No Grape. Tel 1063 FOR RENT HOUSES FOR RENT 8-room modem house and one acre In Berrydale. Ben Vlmont, old Pacific highway. . irvpimMTKHEn. newlv finished. 4 rooms; hardwood floors, tile, Frl Idalre. electric range. Holly A;ita. 135 N. Holly. ,,-,, , . nivpl i-H.nff. VO'.lf future rent recelpU lor a home of your own. Have a home built to vour own satisfaction Small pay ment down; balance like rent. Fr.-d Powers. Builder of Better Honvs. Inquire E. Gould. 403 W. Jackson i:. FOR RENT Monies furnished or unfurnished Brown A White FOR SALE OR RENT 54-acre dairy ranch, stocked and equipped. W. W. Hlttle, Rt. I, Gold Hill. FOR SALE 6-room house, newly dec orated, hardwood floors, furnace, basement, garage, fruit trees; chaap for quick sale. 710 No. Riverside FOR 8 ALE Nice modern home with small acreage In Grants .Pass, or will trade equity for small grocery. Address Box 4180. Main Tribune. WHEN you think of real wtate think ot Brown & White. A BARGAIN My large lot, on Ban. nett St, excellent soil, fruit, out trees and berries. Will sacrifice on terms or cash Box 68. Tribune. HOUSES FOR 8ALE OR RENT Jack- son County Building & Loan Ass n Phone 195. FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE Ford late '31 DeLute Coach; fender well, 6 W. W.. trunk rack. Best 31 Ford In Medford. Inquire Flchtner'e Garage. USED CARS '38 Ford Coupe. '33 Ford Coach. '33 Del. Sedan. '29 Ford Coach. '31 Ford Pickup. 33 Chev. Coach. '30 Chev. Seflan. '29 Chev. Roadster. '30 Dodge Sedan. 32 DeSoto Sedan. '33 Bulck Sedan '28 Chrysler Sedan. C. E. GATES AUTO CO. Used Car Dept. 6th and Barttett. USED CARS Chrysler and Plymouth Trade-ins. LOW PRICES 1934 Plymouth DeLuxe Sedan. 1933 Plymouth Sedan. 1932 Plymouth 4 Sedan. 1934 Chevrolet Town Sedan, 1B33 Ford V-8 Sedan. 1930 Ford Model A Town Sedan. 1933 DeSeto Sedan. 1029 Chevrolet Coupe. ARMSTRONG MOTORS, INC. 28 No. Riverside. Tel. 18. JUST TWO 1934 TERRAPLANE8 left snd st a big discount to make room for new '35 models to be announced In December. Eakln Motor Co Hudson Dealer. FOR SALE Model T truck: good con. ditlon: new tires. Woods Lumber Company, FOR 8 ALE LIVESTOCK FOR SALE Cows, fresh and coming? frtAh. H. C. Best, Phoenix-Jack arm vllle road. FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS FOR 8AI.F 70 to 80-lb. shosta. M P Barlow, Tslent. FOR HIGHEST QUALITY pear tre', peach, apricot, cherry, apple, al mond, filbert, and walnut trees, roses and shrubs at lowest prices. Phone 851-R-3. or call at W. B Barnum's, 8 miles south of Medio! on hwy. next to Ever Shady Auto Csmp. Carlton Nursery, Carlton, Or. FOR SALE All kinds of hardwood; unlimited amount. See E. Gould, 403 W. Jackson St. FURS Cash paid for furs, hides, pelts. Johnson produce Co., Ota ana front Bts. FOR SALE Baled straw. E. H. Nled- ermeyer. PORTRAITS. Christmas cards, kodak flnshlng, very reasonable. E. Hay den Jones. 607 West Second. Phone 1262-M. Hours 1 lto 7. VERY SPECIAL BUY on a few 8-foot DeLuxe Electric Refrigerators. Dou ble door models with all latest fea tures. Buy one on easy terms for the family Christmas present. See John Denlson at 101 Crater Lake Avenue. BUSINESS DIRECTORY EAD3 TRANSFER & STORAGE CO. Office 1010 No. Central. Phone 816 Prices right. Service guaranteed. HAWLEY TRANSFER Expert pack ere and movers. Special livestock moving equipment. Prices i aght 619 North Riverside. Phone 1044-X Wall Paper Cleaning. WAI L-PAPER CLEANING, lo pW sq ft. Mr. Black 310 N Bartlett. PERSONAL EDITH MONAHAN READINGS DAILY. Grand Hotel. REV EVELYN MARSHALL, spiritual readings daily. 815 So Riverside. LEGAL NOTICES Warrant Call. Notice ta hereby given that School District No, 49, Jackaon County war rants No. 12991 to 13330 lnclualva are called for payment. Interest to cease on November 34, 1934. War rants to be presented for payment at the office of the District Clerk. City Hall. Medford, Oregon. REBECCA JENSEN, Clerk School Dlatrlot No. 49. Call for Warrant, School District No. 8. Tli ere are funds on hand for the redemption of Warrants 646 to 676, Inclusive, Interest will oeaae on Nov. 31 1934. Payable at First National Bank, Medford, Oregon. GUY TEX. Clerk. FOR SALE Wheat and kanota oata Isaacs, next to Radio Station. FOR SALE Send and gravel. 50c per yard. Phone 401-j-i. FOR SALE Model A parte. Phone 7-F-14. FOR SALE Bulltwell bed davenport; breakfast set. Call 910 Vancouver Ave: ' FOR SALE Ben beardless seed bar ley. Wheat $1.60 cwt. R. C. Benson. Rt. 3. Phone 498-Y. FOR SALE Wood, all kinds,; dry. A better wood. City Fuel Office, Lain ' Real Estate, 19 N. Bartlett. Phone, 1496. FOR SALE Window glass, cedar shin gles, woods Lumber Co. CONSTIPATION, intestllnal self-pois oning yields to VIAVI EMULSION, a new and effective bowel hygiene Remarkable results, priced low Inf free Vlavl Dealer. Mrs. E H. Hurd. 1136 W. 10th St.. Medford. FOR SALE Used brick. South end Cottage St bridge Call at S Chll ders, 631 Spencer St. ALL MAKES of washing machines re paired. Pick's Hardware, 131 West Main. DRY WOOD 60 tiers laurel. 60 fir 615 Pennsylvania. GRAIN SACKS Jackson County feed Co., 4th and Bartlett sts. FOR SALE Sand, gravel, lawn dirt fertilizer, teaming. Phone 912-J FOR SALE White sewing machine Angora rabbits 314 Willamette FOR EXCHANGE 30-30 Carbine val ued at $20 00 tor light car Across from Medford Riding Academy. FOR SALE Apples. Phone 133-L. BUSINESS CHANCES GROCERY STORE Will sacrifice If taken at once. Box 4251. Trlbuns MISCELLANEOUS IS TOUR HEARING IMPAIRED? I have for aale or trade a late model Acouatlcon which has ao benefited my hearing that I have no further use for It. T. N. Kerr, Talent. Ore Notice to Creditor. In the County Court of the State of Oregon in and for the County of Jackson. Tn the Matter of the Estate of An ton la B. Dlaa, Deceased. Notice is hereby given that the in- derslgned has been duly appointed and has qualified and la now acting as the administratrix of the estate of the above named decedent; all per sons having clalma against said es tate are hereby notified and required to present same, duly verified as by law required, toHhe undersigned ad ministratrix, at the office, of F. J. Newman, in the Palm Building, a. Medford, Oregon, within six months rrom the date of the first publication of this notice; all persons owing aatd estate are directed to make payment at said office, the said F. J. Newman being the attorney for said estate. The date of the first publication of this notice la November 21st, A. D. 1934. LAURA E. DIAS. Administratrix of the Estate of Antonla B. Dlaa, Deceased. Application to Foreclose Cert f leal c of Tax Drllnqmtticy, Summons. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon In and for Jackson County. k. s. Murray, Plaintiff, vs. R. D. Porter and R. D. Porter as Trua tee for Norrls K. Porter and Eras H Porter; Norria K. Porter: Ellas H Porter; E. H. Porter and Josephine Porter, husband and wife; Lincoln National sank of Lincoln. Illinois. a corporation, trustee under the. last will and testament of Carrie R, Orton, deceased, and by appoint ment of the Circuit Court of Logrji ucunty. Illinois: rmnKiin Cleveland Orton, trustee under the last jvlll and testament of Carrie R. Orton. deceased; Albert Dougherty; Flor ence Porter; also all other persons or partlea unknown claiming any right, title, estate. Hen or interest In or to the real estate described In the Complaint on file herein. ueiennanis. To the Lincoln National Bank of Lincoln, Illinois, a corporation, trua tco under the last will and testament of Carrie R. Orton. deceased, and by appointment of the Circuit Court of Logan County, Illinois; Franklin Cleveland Orton, trustee under the last will and testament of Carrie R. Orton, deceased: In the name of the State of Ore gon: You are hereby notified that tne a oove named plaintiff. R. S Murray, is" the owner and holder of Certflclate of Delinquency No. 0068. Issued by the sheriff and Tax Col lector of Jackson County, State of Oregon to the aald R- S. Murray, dated and tuued the 9th day of June, 1933, for the sum of 8332.39, same being the amount then due and de linquent for taxes for the year 1029. together with penalty. Interest and coats thereon, upon the following de scribed real property of which' R. D. Porter and R. u. Porter trustee lor Norria K. Porter and Ellas H. Porter appear of record to be the owner of the legal title thereto; said property being situated In Jackaon County, State of Oregon, and particularly de scribed as follows, to-wit: The North one-half (N) of the Northwest (NW) quarter. Section 37, Township 36, South !nge One West of the Willamette MnldUn, containing 80 acres more or leea. You are hereby further ivitlfltd, that the aald plaintiff, R. 9. Murray, paid taxes upon said above described property for years subsequent to aald certificate and subsequent to the taxes for which aald certlflcatt wu issued, as follows: Year's tax, 1930, full; date paid, June 9, 1932: tax receipt No. 338t.3; amount, 8298.46: rate of interest, 8. Year'a tax, 1931, first half; date I paid, June 9, 1032; tax receipt No. 8243; amount, $122.10; rate of inter est. 8. Year'a tax, 1931, second half; date paid. Nov. 26, 1932; tax receipt No. 16196; amount, $121.39; rate of Inter sex 8. Year'a tax, 1031, full; date paid, Dec. 28, 1933; tax receipt No. 13210; amount, $169.79; rate of interest, 8 tear's tax, 1933. first half: date paid, Sept. 17, 1934; tax receipt No. 10663; amount, $86.11; rate of Inter est, 8. Years tax, 1933. second half; date paid, Sept. 17, 1934; tax receipt No. 10863; amount $83.58; rate of Interest. Interest on the last half of the 1933 taxea at the rate of & per an num to commence on November 8. 1934. That all of the aforesaid taxea no paid by said plaintiff, a aforesaid, for the aforesaid respective dates of payment, and the aald certificate of delinquency for the aforesaid date thereof bear interest at 8 per ..n num, and the amount of aald cer tificate and the said taxea ao paid with the Interest thereon as aforesaid are now due and owing the plaintiff herein. You and each of you are hereby summoned and required to appear in the above entitled court and cium within sixty (60) daya after the date of the first publication of this Sum mons, exclusive of the first date of publication, and defend this action or proceedings or pay the amounts due as aforesaid upon said certificate of delinquency and taxes as aforesaid thereon, respectively, together with the costs of this foreclosure, and In case of your, failure to do so, Judg ment and decree will be rendered and entered in the above entitled Court and matter, adjudging and decreeing the aforeald amount of aald certifi cate of delinquency, with Interest thereon as aforesaid, and the amount of the aforesaid taxes, with Interest thereon as aforesaid, and the coats of this foreclosure, to constitute valid Hens upon the property described In Certificate No. 0968 and foreclosing said liens and ordering the sale of sQia property ror me satisfaction of saia ..tens, in accordance with the statutes in such cases made and pro vided. That the name of the legal owner of the title of the property described In Certificate of Delinquency No. 0908 as the same appears of record In Jack, son County, Stste of Oregon, la R D. Porter and R, D. Porter trustee for Norrls K. Pofter and Eliaa H Porter: that the said property described In swa ceruncate or delinquency and included therein, unon th umu. ment rolls In the office of the aald Tax Collector and Sheriff of Jackssn county, Oregon, to. the following re spective psrtiea for the following re spective years: 1929 Lincoln National Bank of Lin coln, Illinois, 1930 Josephine P. Porter, 1931 Josephine P. porter, 1P32 Josephine P. Porter. 1933 Josephine P. Porter and R. D. Porter, a the owners thereof upon the assss ment rolls In said Tax Collector's of fice. ' Tills Summons la published In the Medford Mall Tribune by order of the Honorable H. D. Norton, Judge of the above entitled Court duly made the 14th day of November, 1934. All papera and process In this pro ceedings may be served upon the un dersigned attorney, at 126 East Main Street, In the city of Medford, Jack son County, Bute of Oregon, and which Is his poatofflce address. The date of the fliat publication of this Summons la 14th day of No vember, 1934. O, H. BBNGTSON, Attorney for Plaintiff. 136 East Main Street, Medford, Oregon. Notice for Publication. Department of the Interior, General Land Office at Rose burg, Oregon, October 37th, 1934. ' Notice la hereby given that Clarence A. BsJcer, of Rt. 4, Box 16, Medford, Oregon, who, on June 1st, 1932, made Homestead Entry, Serial No. 019789. for Si 6W,, Section 18, Township a? B Range I k Willamette Merld lan, has filed notice ot intention to make final thwe-year Proof, to tb Hah claim to the land above desert b ed, before Victor A. Tengwald. U. 8. commissioner, at Medford, Oregon, on me tun tay or December. ms4. Claimant names as witnesses: Clarence 0. Pierce, of Medford, Ore gon; Jamas Hill, of 813 Portland Ave., aiecuora, ure,; aamuei Hay, or Rt. 4, Box 183, Medford. Ore.; Arthur An derson, of Medford, Ore. WILLIAM H. CANON, Register. (OUNTIreFS Evans Valley Foots Creek Notice or Sheriff, Rale. By virtue of an execution, Judg ment order, decree and order of sala issued out of the Circuit court of trie stata or Oregon, for Jackaon County, in tha casa entitled Arthur Sriort, palntlff, and John J. Cunning ham and Julia Cunningham, husband and wife; C. A. Meeker; George Por ter, doing bualnoss under the as sumed name of "Porter Lumber Com pany," snd Stata Industrial Commis sion, Defendants, In the above en titled Court, duly directed arid dated November aoth, was, upon a Judgment rendered and entered In aalu Court and cause on November 19th, 1934, In favor of tha plaintiff, and aaalnat said defendants, for tha sum of loo.oo, together with Interest thereon at the rate of 8 per annum fr m December nth, 183J; for the turttHi sum of 181.0S, with Interest thereoo from October 9th, 1934. at the rate of 10 per annum; for the fiirtntr sum or 129.00 attorney's fees, and for his coats and dlaburaementa taxed at 139.79, together with the costs of and upon this writ, commanding me to make aale of the following described real property, to-wlt: The south 109 feat of Lots 8 and 9 in Davla' Subdivision of Lot a In Block 9 of Oalloway'a Addition to tha Olty of Medford, Oregon, as shown on the official plat thereof, now of record. Now, therefore, by virtue of sal.1 execution, decree and order of sale, ond In compliance therewith. 1 will. on Friday. Deosmber aist, 1934, at 10:00 o'clock a. m., at tha front door of the Courthouse, in Medford. son County, Oregon, sell at public aucuon. auoject to redemption, to the uiBnesi, oiaaer, xor cash in hand, nil the right, title, and interest which John J. Cunningham and Julia Cun ningham, husband and wife, had on the 17th day of December, 1931, !h date of the mortgage herein fore cloaed, or since aald date had or ac quired by them or any of the other defendant In or to the real property described herein, to satisfy said exe cution order and decree, Interest, costs and aocrulng costs. Dated this 31st dav or 1934. First publication November msi, maa, ijaat publication Decem ber 13th. 1934. WALTER J. OLMSOHBID, Sherlfr of Jackson County, Oregon Mail Tribune Daily Cross Word Puzzle KINDKRT1A 11TRN Rn.rf. RMb M,iI. and dance. Phone 1949 or 1256-W I Rutb Luy Alice BolmOack. I LOCAL AND LONO DI8TANCE haul- nig rniea on luroiture moving, -ic. We have first-class equipment for handling large or small Jobs. Let us figure with you on your next move Job. Insured csrrlers. F. E SAMSON CO. Phone 833. 339 N. Riverside. BOAT TRAILER, Cash Register A.dd . lng Machine. Typewriter, Boots Shoes. Hunting-Fishing Equipment 817 North Riverside. BUSINESS DIRECTOR? Ah, tracts JACKSON CO. ABSTRACT CO. Abstracts -of Title and Title Insurance. The only complete Title 8 y t a m In Jackaon County. MURRAY ABBTRACT CO. Abstracts of Title. Rooms and 9. No 3l North Central Ave., upstairs Rlalto Phone I6I9-Y. Dentistry. DENTISTRY Dr. I. H Oove. 339 E Main. Painting and Paperhanelne M. A. BL1S9 Painting and paper. Harming Tel 648-W 313 8 Orspe PUREBRED Chester White Me fcnd 3 g'.Its. C. J. Logan, Orchard Home Drir. FOR SALE Few cow. and one helf'r. All fresh in spring. Pfloe 7J 00 Phone 857-L. FOR RENT Furnished sleeping room Also apt Call I398.W a.OR RENT Furnished sleeping rocm ' Cell 1368-W. FOR RENT Nicely furnished rooms snd (isrxe torte ,1 mersie rstes t. wees or month (31 South CLia.da aveuu. : FOR SALE weaner pig. 1130 West J 3nd FOR SALE Jersey tow Cheap 830 j Bennett FOR SALE-DOGS PET8 Expert Window Cleaners LET OEOKOE DO IT - Tel 1173 House Cleaning. Floor Waxing On. ACROSS Young sslmon Knob at the center of a shield Sun (lreat Lake Oozs Firnt woman Discount Side pieces of barrels Bustla Parts of steam engines Sacred Season of the year Advanced In yeurs Vandal Qoddens of peace Jumbled type Coarsest Pronoun Soft drinks: CoIIoq. Tree Tavern Buries Title of Athena :teral glvlna Kntlre amount Brlalit or all very white Solution of Yesterday's Purrle tlXlil.OkiB.I. K EYSlP E A5 ANT5 S OW I SLf 6Al E E N 0p F O JM T A L O N !I!t!ll s mel lIeId SELECT 1 ElRjEElla eQ9 t i o n sNgula T I PH A R E AtjA C I D AlTlELlElTlSl H. Shrwd 4". Undo rut Hint 4. Long flht t0. AlRBtMJllne nnmi 81. Owns I. Nolir and pro fane 4. In condition to ant Immtdi Heir I Employ 63. civ. off fume. ?; DOWN I. Inclination te ' Br , see the 2- l-lt bright .Me t Rigorous 10. At an end 11. Not so much It, Sign of the In finitive II. Vigilant 20. Artificial ob stacles on a golf course '41. Jumps on one foot II. Part of a min strel show 21. Orb ot day 6. Hurried 27. Baseball team HI. Volcano 30. Mountain chats ill. Elevatod nil nays: colloq. 34. Mournful tune, 24. Light up: poetic II. Compound ether l. Ohnnge tn Whip violently 41. Extent of sur, face 41. Libs ii. Serpent S. Cravat . Animal of the deer family 41. B.hold . Courthouse News I Furnished Dj the Jackson County Abstract Co. 13! suth streeti Money To Lend MONEY LOANED ON FLRNITURh CARS ETC Prompt service snd le gal rates. W E Thomas 49 8 Central State license No 8 181 FOR 8A1.E Used sewing msehlnes all makes, term, if dniired All make rented snd repaired White Stwim' Machine Co 34 N Bartlett FOR SALE Shepherd stock dof and J aplta, 4U S. 3th. I MONEY LOANED on sn'Ulti I Cecil Jennies, o' ' MJ I im 7 w r r ,X -'" : m'l ', '' I1!LZ!l!L. ' " 1 a"- msms. -eaaaaaaaa. niiini i H iUtdi .eanaaaH aaaMi . .i . 11 l" II V M 1 1 1 f 1 . 1 1 IE5 Marriage M rentes Orli 6. Ooble and Betty A. Schau tale. Jamea W. Kelthley and Dorothy M. Sanderson. Herbert A. Oo(f and Merna X. Wetherell. Jene Mathlaen and Helen Phillip. Wlllard Sargent and Evelyn h. Loos. George L. Johnson and Emma M, Bohl. Adolf C. Larson and Mary Croft. Joseph BrUlnskl and Evelyn Mc Kee. - EVANS VALLEY, Nov. 31. (8pl. Johnnie Palmer, Jr., wu visiting! friend tn Wlmr several daya ejj. He is not attending school thla year but working In a hospital at Cres cent City. He expect to go to col lege In Spokane next year. Archie Stewart and two frlenl from California are building a house and other Improvements upon his homestead that Join Mrs, Law's ranch on the north. He expect to do soma mining soon. Morris Sdelmuth received a nloe cake from New York, from hi broth er and wife, who sent It la honor of lir. Sdelmuth'a birthday. Mrs. Catharine Norman Law and Mra, Bar to entertained the H. E. elub of Enterprise Orange Wednesday. Fourteen sat down to a dinner, after which Mrs. Alice Bowman conduct'. an Interesting buslneas meeting. The next meeting will be at Mr. Adele Furrier's, December 13. Each mem ber 1 expected to bring one or more quilt blocks ready pieced and answer roll-call by telling "What the Granvje haa done for me tnia year." Mra. Eugene Moor haa been the most aotlve H. K. C. chairman that Enterprise Orange haa had for some time, giving dances, suppers, ate, and making considerable money for the Grange, closing a profitable year, Johnnis Aune and Wallaoe L Molne are over at Lakevlew cutting Christmas tree to be delivered In California later. The mother of Mra. Jaak SUwa.-t la again very 111 In the Orant Pau hospital. Evans Valley art and culture claaa, under the leadership of Mra. Vivian Norman Bar to. ,meet each TueadAy ?"r!dy for a three hours lesson at Mrs. C. N. Law's. At present they are studying art appreciation, reading the uvea of masters of the aoth cen tury and making some attractive holi day greeting cards snd gifts, 8 intern pupils have enrolled. An enjoyable danoe was held at the Enterprise Orange hall Friday night The H. E. club gives an Informal party at the Orange hall twtoe each month, on the second Saturday fol lowing the Orange meeting, which ts always held seoond and fourth Fri days of every month. Next dance will be December 1. Mrs. Caroline Miller entertained at dinner In honor of her cousin, Llew ellyn K&th&n, one day last week. Most turkey growers in thla vicin ity are busy these days preparing their birds for market. Mr. and Mrs. Nick Heller have re turned to their home and Mrs. He liar went on to Seattle to be with her sister, Mrs. Alice Oosper, whose health la not good thla winter. Mr. and Mrs. Wler and Mr. and Mrs. Bovee from Anaheim, Cal,, have purchased and moved onto the Robt, Clugston ranch. The sale was put through by Wm. Boys of the Boye Real Estate Co. - Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Clugston have moved onto a farm near Klamath Fall. - Mr. and Mra. Dover are In Port land atte:v&lrg to buslneas matters. Mr. and Mrs, Dover are making "Singing Pines" into a beautiful and artistic home. When they finish clearing and cutting brush below the road, they will have a park along the creek that will add greatly to the enjoyment and comfort of themselves and friends. A baby was born at the Simpson home last week, the parents being the daughter and son-in-law of Mr. and Mrs. Simpson. Miss Iris Bush Is spending a wek with her sister, Mra. Dick Richmond. The roads are rough along Evaits creek. FOOTS OREEK, Nov. 31. (Spl.) Live Oak Orange held election of officers November 19. Elected werr: Master, Perry Watt; overseer. Franc Greenwood; lecturer. Olive Kierscey; treasurer, Effle Badley; steward, Mr. Hall; chaplain. Pearl Greenwood; sec retary, Nora Wait; assistant steward, Chaa. Ross; lady assistant steward. Lora Carter; gatekeeper, Rollln Stelht; Ceres, Sybil Walker; Pomona. Let Miller; Flora, Mrs. Plank; executive committee, Kierscey, - Whipple and Furnham. Lloyd Miller Is erecting a barn a hi property. . Nick Struve of Medford was visit ing friends here November IT, The freshman class of the Gold Kill high school gave a return party f-v the sophomores November 18, Those attending from here were Kenneth Ward, Wallace - Bollng, Ralph BUoa. Bob Korth, Donald Skelton, Cleo Hutohlns and Phyllis Mller. Oeo. Drummond fell from a ladder at his home November S. and suf fered a sprained ankle and internal injuries, but la Improving at thte time. Aurel Mounter of Gold Hill was RlvU caller November 18. Mr. and Mrs. Marlon Lance were In Gold Hill November 14, looking after their property. Louis Dm If was a Medford shopper November 10. Mr. Keeney and Miaa Sweeney of Medford were Riviera visitors Novem ber 14. Among Medford shoppers Saturday were Wm, King, Mr. and Mrs. ttd Ouetslaff, Mra. R. L. Miller and chil dren, Rowland and Phyllis and H. Messenger. Mrs. Effle Blrdaeye returned horn from Medford November !7, having completed her work of supervising the canning kitchen there for the past three months. Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Cook of Gold Hill spent the week-end at the Co jk, and Row mine. Lorraine Tompkins was unable to be out a few days thla week as ahe was suffering from ton! litis. The placer mines on the creek hav not yet had sufficient water to be gin operations, In spite of the rain fall during the past week. Live Oak Grange la giving a rum mage sale at the Girl Scout hall la Rogue River, November 34. Mrs. Floyd Bowers and Mr. ani Mrs. M. O. Boomsllter attended the show In Grants Pass November 10. Circuit Court Estate K. Nelson, deceased; pro bate. Orion Glass vs. Ladena Olass; di vorce, George Renker vs. Ida M. Renker; divorce. Credtt Service Co. vs. J. L. Camp bell; for money. George Lowd vs. F. N. Inslnger, et al; hen. O. B. Weley vs. F. N. Inslnger, et si; lien. Deaver and McCur!ty im. Hans EitRett, et al; chatOI Hen. Estate of Fred Rhodes, deceased: probate. A. C. Hardy vs. Bally Cole, et al; lien. " Jackson County vs. Wm. M. Brlggs, ft al; for money. Jackson County vs. Wm. M. Brlggs, et al; attachment. State Industrial Accident Commis sion vs. Welborn Beeson; for money. State Industrial Accident Commis sion vs. Carl L. Magerle: for money. L. D. Hodgklns assumes business name certificate of "L. D. Hodgklns and Sons." Real F.ttate Tranfvrs Floyd Dickey, et in to A. I. Ton ner, et ux. QCD. $1.00. Pt. Blk, 6, Ashlsnd. Janet W, Booth, et ux to Cecils C. Wilson. WD. 11,00. Lot on Oak Street, Ashland. Henry E. Boules. et ux to Chsrles A. McKee. et ux. WD. 110.00. Lot 10, Hi sent sub-dlvtston, T. J. Yooom, et ux to John R. Ayres, et ux. WD. IA00. Land In DLC 78, Twp. 8? 8. R. 3 West, Mry Eakln, et vlr to Thomas J, Boren. et ux. WD. 10 00. 6 Of BE of NW See. 83. Twp. 38 S. R. t West. Us Mali TaUbui want ada. Climax CLIMAX, Nov. 91. (Spl.) Frank Hurst of Medford spent Saturday and Sunday at his ranch here. He was accompanied by Ernest Cox. Mra. Lucy Ortssom dressed her tur keys Sunday. Mlsa Madeline Corns toe It ha gone to Portland to attend school. Miss Nadlne Gold haa returned home from Medford. L. H. Werta went to Central Point Saturday and returned Sunday. Mllroy Charley attended the box social In Eagle Point Saturday night. Lloyd Adamson la carrying the mall at this end of the route. Carl Hanson la staying with rela tives In Central Point. There Is snow In the nearby hllU but It does not ieem cold. Ssm Coy went to Eagle Point yes terday and will return Wednesday. Riviera RIVIERA, No. 91. Spl.) MISS Minnie Byerly was In Medford No vember 15. Mrs. John Biles has been visiting thla week with her daughter, Mr, Ososr Joelson. They are moving from Medford to Ashland, where Mr, J04I- son haa employment. Mlsa Lorraine Tompkins haa been on the slrk list thla week. Frank Wooldredge of Centrsl point was transarting business at Riviera November 8. Mrs. Clay Bllea and daughter. Bon nie Jean, were visiting November 14 with Mra. Oeorge Lance. Mr. and Mrs. H. Korth ars vlaltlng In Seattle. Mra. Roy Tompkins, son, LeRoy, and1 daughters, Lorrslne and Loretta altrndrd church In Rogue River No vember 11. Mrs. Bertha Foyer spent Novem ber II at Uie Blrdseye bom. Eagle Point EAOLE POINT, Nov. 81. (Spl.) The first pool of the newly organ ized turkey association waa held No vember 8 at the warehouse In Med ford. The next shipping datra are November 33 and 34 for the Thanks giving market. .. Mesdames Amy Brown, Jessie Mlt- telstaedt, Rita Myers and Prultt at tended the meeting of the first dis trict Federation of Women's Clubs of Oregon held November 14 In Talent community hall. A covered dish luncheon was served to 60 women and a very Interesting conference waa held by Mrs. Roberta, president, and Mlsa Chamberlain, secretary. The next dlatrlot meeting will b, held In January at Rogue River. Regular meeting of Clvlo club was held In Brown's hall November 15 with 3S membera preeent. Mra. Bertha Young and Mrs. Rita Myers attended the regular monthly meeting of the county extension com mittee Saturday In Mlsa Malm's of fice at the court house. Miss Malta served tea to the member, following tha meeting. An Interesting recreation school was held Monday and Tuesday nights In tha court house auditorium. Mtaa Oertrud, Skow of Oorvallla waa In structor. Mrs. Mabel Mack, who haa returned from Corvallts to make her annual report, will be In the office thla week. Those attending the school Monday evening were Mesdames Lulu Taylor. Rita Myera, Rose Crawford of Bams Valley, and Miss Minnie ; Putman. Mrs. Rose Crawford of Bams Valley la spending a few days wltt Mr. and Mrs. O. E. Myers. Meadamea Maust, Plckel, Wilcox, Denser, Knudaen and Hartley, snd Watklna of Phoenix spent November 18 with Mra. Rita Myers. Mesdames Leila May Ou,terhaut, Bertha Young and Myers assisted In making drew forms for the Phoenix lsdlea. The apeclsl services for. National Orange Bundsy were well attended. Regular Sunday school next week at 10 a. m. 10 LIVE IN ASHLAND GRANTS PASS, Nov. SI. (Spl.) S. C. Hunter, for many years lata night repeater attendant and opera tor at tha local Western Union office, haa retired on pension and has moved to Ashlsnd, where he will reside. A. Q. Montln of Umatilla. Ore., baa been appointed to fill the vacated position. Tha chatter of telegraph keys ho been dally muslo for Mr. Ounter M 43 years. He was employed In the Ashland repeater office previous to the removal of the repeater station to Oranta Pass In IB IV. Ha will live tn Ashland with Mra Ounter, a son, Merl, and a daugh ter, Ida, who Is teaching school. A ton, Oerald, Uvea In Ashland. For mo"den fuel" oil dellviry phone 331. Relnklng Trucking Co. Da, Mall Tribune want ads.