MEDFORD MATL TRIBUNE, MTSDFOttD, OREGON. SUNDAY. NOVEMBER IS. 1934. PAGE NINE Vli Vtt suuu WHAT YOU WANT Classified FOR EASY REFERENCE 1-0 HUtiV vvzua-uu vs? Utma "'fry id tbli pe . . . foo trill probablj (loo met); tb mint on tnot to ) 01 U . . U 11 Unt than. Hrr tlM . . I" """ pensive, ttlertlw RATES Pat word tint insertion- (Minimum 3&c) Caen sKiluonsJ LiMrtlon. pa word . (lAinimum too) F Una pot month. 1tuou oopj chn Phone 7S TOE WANT AD 8 !. LOST AND FOOND lost Lsdles dark brown coat swea: . .! 44. somewhere In business action of Medford. last Phone 701-J or call at 325 s. imar- elde. . .. 1.111. i uoHfnrrf Thurs day. Finder please phone Charles Clngoade, Eagle rt. LOST Lady's black leather purs, with 8. P. McDonough driver; li cense and some change Finder please Phone S56. Ashland. WANTED-MISCELLANEOUS WILL THE DRIVER ot Chevrolet truck please return leather coat, picked up on highway near Fair grounds, to N. T. Hodges, No. 34. Mistletoe. WANTED Fines rails and poles. Tel. 665-L-i. FOR EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE WANTED To rent S or 4-room fur nished ncuae on north side. Phone sa-j-3. RANCH wanted to rent. 40 acres or more, on shares. Wm. Meek, star route, Jacksonville. WANTED Late model used car. Phone 7-F-14. WANTED Two business women to room and board with lady living alone in nicely rtunlshed home Box 4189. Tribune. WANTED To lease, buy or trade city or country property lor smalt, nicely furnished apt. house. Box 413S. Tribune. DnEoSMAKINQ 11 8o. Orange. WANTED A Splnnett desk, walnut or mahogany finish. Must be in good condition and reasonable. Ad dress Box 3700, Tribune. TO EXCHANGE SUBURBAN FOR CITY. We have several suburban, well Improved acreages that can be traded for Medford property. See Charles A Wing Agency. Inc., 109 E. Main St. FOR SALE 198 acres. 70 acre under cultivation, 60 acres under irriga tion and creek bottom. Very prv ductlve soil. 6-room house, barn and other buildings: fenced; 8 ml. from Medford. Total price 8500 3S00. cash, balance 10 years and only 4 per cent Interest. See Charles A Wing Agency, Inc., 109 E. Main St FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE Bulltwell bed davenport; breakfast set. Call 310 Vancouver Ave. FOR SALE Ben beardless seed bar ley. Wheat 41.50 cwt. R. C. Benson. " Rt. 3. Phone 40B-Y. IFOR SALE Wood, all kinds; dry. A j better wood. City Fuel Office. Lalng Real Estate, 19 N. Bartlett. Pnono, j home, 911-J. i FOR SALE Wicker baby buggy. Tel. 4-F-13. MISCELLANEOUS TRADE Equipped farm. Talent dist rict for small acreage near Medford. Write Box 595, Tribune. WANTED Indian sidecar. Box 3668. Mall Tribune. PUHNITUKE van going south wants load both ways. Phone 333. CONVALECENT HOME. Ashland. Ore. cares for Invalids and aged. WANTED TO RENT Two room furn ished house In city limits ot Med ford Must bs cheap. Box 308. Mall Tribune. FURNITURE re. upholstered. Phone 969-R. Thlbault. JUNK WANTED " Wo pay cash for JUNK BATTERIES AND RADIATORS. ALUMINJM BRASS. COPPER and unk of all descriptions MEDFORD BAROAA1N HOUSE 37 No Drape. Tel. 1062 WANTED Warrants. Redden & Co FOUND Lady'a light tan glove Own er can have same by calling t Tribune and paying lor ad. WANTED Household goods, -toves tools or what have you. Medford Bargain House. 27 N. Grape St. rel 1062. LOST If aog trussing, call 1518- MALE OR FEMALE HIGHEST PRICES paid for furs, hides and pelts. Medford Bargain House 27 No Grape. Tel 1061. FOR RENT HOUSES MONEY copying names, add ressee for mall order firms, spare time, experience unnecessary. No canvassing. Write United Advertis ing. 1114 DeKalb Avenue, Brooklyn. N. Y. . . . STEADY WORK GOOD PAY Several choice openings in oountrj and towns for reliable men and women. No capital or experience re quired. Write Mr. Thomas. Supt.. 426 ThlrdSt.. Oakland, Calif. WMi PAY 100 CASH rto Jackson County hustler getting I 100 Household subscriptions (Just 3 ' a day) before Xmas. Easy with val ue you offer. Rush reply to H. D. Gray, 5692 Capper Bldg.. Topcka. Kansas. ADDRESS ENVELOPES at home spare time. S to 35 weekly. Experience unnecessary. Dignified work. Send stamp for particulars. Linden, Dept. 265. Box 75, Hammond, lnd ' WANTED MALE HELP WANTED School boy or elderly mm to help milk cows on small dairy farm four miles from Medford. WAOTlSMIddle aged man. Intelli gent, neat and Industrious, who en Joys gardening and likes animals. Permanent employment, 50 00 mo Reference required. Box 4163, Tribune. FOR RENT 5-room. all modern, su burban, stucco dwelling; gar,ige. cement drive, chicken house, ?-ir-den land. One mile from high school. Rent 917.50 month. Earl Tumy. Liberty Bldg. FOR RENT 4-room house. $10; water paid. 1517 N Riverside. FOR RENT Homes furnished or unfurnished. BrowD & White FOR RENT APARTMENTS FOR PENT 2 housekeeping rooms. 1 22 Almond. 1 1 FOR RENT Fumlaned 3-room apt. t 616 No. Central. 3-ROOM apts, 525 No. Riverside. i FOR RENT Furnished apt., 204 So. Grape. - FOR RENT Furnished apt. 706 80 j Oakdale. FOR RENT Apt., furnished, and Bleeping rooms. 375 So. Central. FOR RENT ROOM BOARD RATES very moderate at 716 E. M-ln TTRACTIVT rooms 404 8 Orape FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS MAN WANTED tor Rawlelgh route of 600 families. Good profits for hust lers. We train and help you. Wi..e Immediately. Rawlclgh Co., Dept. ORK-27-Sa, Oakland, Calif. MAN WANTED with fair education, mechanically Inclined, now employ ed, desiring to better his position by qualifying as an INSTALLATION expert and SERVICE engineer on all tvpes of ELECTRIC REFRIGERA TORS. No experience necessary, but applicant must be willing to train during spare time for a few months Write giving age. phone, present oc cupation and address. Utilities Eng.. Box 572. Mall Tribune. WANTED FEMALE HELP UNENCUMBERED WOMAN for gen eral housework. Give age. reference and wages expected. Box 566, Tri bune. $15 WEEKLY and your own dresses FREE for demonstration latest love ly Fashion Frocks. No canvassing. No- investment. Write fully. Give stte' and color preference. Fashion Frocks, Dept. R-7160. Cincinnati. O. FOR RENT Furnished sleeping room Also not. Call 1368-W FOR RENT Small orchard. Call after 0:00. Phone 950-J-4. FOR RENT Furnished sleeping room Csll 1368-W. FOR RENT Nicely furnished rooms and garage storage at moderate rates by week or month 325 Soutb Riverside avenue. FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS BACHELOR CABINS 445 S. Front. LADIES. EARN 5 to 25 DOZEN Embroidering .SCARFS. Write ImmM lately. Art Embroidery. 924 B?if?.i Jersy City. New Jersey. LADIFJS Copy names and addrevev spur time for Mail Order Firm, v Good pay. Exp. unncc. 'Jtsmp hrhiss detail. James Cutler Service. Hid ing. Perm. - WANTED Olrl for light housework. Oil 746-R. FOR RENT Room 16x60 adjoining Mall Tribune Job Department, Grape street Will remodel to suit permanent' tenant. Phone 75 or ap ply at Mall Tribune (newspaper) office. FOR RENT--Floor sanding machine Economy Lumber No. Riverside. FOR RENT Holly Court? No J Jackon Co. Bldg 6e Loan Asm Phone 195. FOR EXCHANGE WANTED SITUATIONS WANTED QulHlng. p'.ain or fsruy. 614-R-9. FOR EXCHANOE Krohler day bed with bkri cut velour for double bed and spring. Phone 855. FOR EXCHANGE Fine store business block, nice Income, leased, for Sou, Oregon, country or city. C. L. Mitch eltree. Beaumont, Cal. FOR SALE 20 ton good hay. Tel 1221. TURKEYS AND POULTRY DRESS RD and delivered at your reach. Phone 4C3-J-1. FOR SALE Filbert. 15e lb. .Mrs. D. J. Steiner. near Howard school. rOR SALE Beardless barley. Federa tion wheat, Kanota oats, ear corn. Henry Niedermeyer. on Old Stage road. Phone J'ville 354. I HAVE a buyer for a small stck ranch. 70 to 100 acres; also 5-wwm house on 3 to 5 acres, near Medford What have you? B. J. Palmer. Real Estate Broker, Jackson County Bank, Main Floor. FOR TRADE 16 A. highly improved: best of soil; 3 miles out. Want smaller acreage close In. L. Q Pickell, Phone 1580-J. FOR SALE Window glass, oedar shin gles. Woods Lumber Co. FOR SALE Dressed turkeys, ducks and fryers. Phone 351-R. FOR SALE KEAL ESTATE FOR SALE OR RENT 3 room house. 3 acres. mile west of Phoenix. Alice Cole. FOR SALE OR RENT 16 acres, mod ern home, barn, large poultry ho;we, team and tolls; 3 miles from Med ford. Box 565, Tribune. WHEN you think of teel estate, thin of Brown Az White. A BARGAIN My large lot. on Ben nett St.. excellent soil, fruit, nut trees and berries. Will sacrifice oo terms or cash. Box 66. Tribune. HOUSES FOR SALE OR RENT Jack. son county aunoing on uuaa ah u Phone 195. FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE 1927 two-door Whippet coach. 23 Elm St. USED CARS '33 Ford Coupe. "33 Ford Coach. '32 Del. Sedan. '29 Ford Coach. '31 Ford Pickup. '33 Chev. Coach. '30 Chev. Sedan. '29 Chev. Roadster. 30 Dod?c Sedan. '32 DeSoto Sedan. '33 Buiok Sedan. '28 Chrysler Sedan. C. E. GATES AUTO CO. Used Car Dept. flth and Bartlett. USED CARS i Chrysler and Plymouth Trade-Ins. LOW PRICES 1934 Plymouth DeLuxe Sedan. 1933 Plymouth Sedan. 1932 Plymouth 4 Sedan. 1934 Chevrolet Town Sedan. 1933 Ford V-8 Sedan. 1930 Ford Model A Town Sedan. 1932 DeSoto Sedan. 1929 Chevrolet Coupe. ARMSTRONG MOTORS. INC. 28 No. Riverside. Tel. 18. FOR SALE: Model T truck; good con dition; new tires. Woods Lumber Company. JUST TWO 1934 TERR AP LANES left and at a big discount to make room for new '35 models to be announced In December. Eakln Motor Co.. Hudson Dealer. rOR SALE 1927 Hudson Custom Brougham tdo.OO. Eakln Motor Co. Hudson Dealer. FOR SALE Lightweight drag-saw. reasonable. Ed G itches, 22 Berry dale Ave. FOR SALE Miner's screens every size and mesh for placer and quart cut to exact size. Ship anywhere. Great saving In price Volney Dixon. 124 No. Riverside, Nat bldg., Medford. CONSTIPATION, lntestilnttl self-poisoning yields to VIA VI EMULSION, a new and effective bowel hygiene. Remarkable results, priced low. Inf frw(Viavl Dealer. Mrs. E. H. Hard. 1136 W. 10th St., Medford. FOR SALE OR TRADE Fordnon tractor for good team of horses. Phone 417. FOR SALE Used brick. South end Cottage St bridge. Call at S. Chll ders. 531 Spencer St. ALL MAKES of washing machines re paired. Flck's Hardware, 131 West Main. DRY WOOD 50 tier laureL 60 fir 616 Pennsylvania. GRAIN SACKS- Jackson County Feed Co.. 4th and Bartlett St. FOR SALE Sand, gravel, lawn dirt. iertmzer, teaming, rnone bz-j. FOR S .LEWhUese 'chTne Angora rabbits 314 Willamette FOR EXCHANGE 30-30 Carbine ral lied at HO 00 for light car Across from Medford Riding Academy. FOR SALE Apples. Phone 132-L. MISCELLANEOUS WILL STORE PIANO for use of same, Box 565, Tribune. IT PAYS TO LOOK WEIi 60c HAIRCUT FOR 35c HOTEL MEDFORD BARBER SHOP WIN ft2.250.OO Can you make 5 throe letter words using the letters In the word "PARA MOUNT"? RuAh your answer to Pata mount Products. Inc., Dept. E, Ds Moines, Iowa, and you will get oppor tunity to win 3, 350.00. LOCAL AND LONG DISTANCE haul- I ln rates on furultuie moving. . tc. We have first-vlass equipment to. handling large or small Jobs. Let us figure with you on your next move Job. Insured carriers. F, E SAMSON CO. Phone 833. 229 N. Riverside. ARCHITECTURAL draftlnp. Ho-lse plans and details. 323 , Keunet. Be rr yd ale. rTTTTTjrnrc BOAT TRAILEH, Cash Register A.dd- lug Mai-ruuo. Typewriter, Boots Shoes. Hunting-Fishing Equipment 317 North Riverside. KINDERGARTEN Sparta Bldg Music and dance. Phone 1645 or 1J48-W Ruth Luy Alice Holmoack. BUSINESS DIRECTORY Abstracts JACKSON CO. ABSTRACT CO. Abstracts of Title and Title Insurance The only complete Title System In Jackson County. MURRAY ABSTRACT CO. Abstracts of Title. Rooms 3 and 6 No. 32 North Central Ave., .upstairs. Rialto Phone 161S-V. Dentistry. DENTISTRY Dr. I. H. Gove. S35 E Main. Painting and t'upt'rtuinRluB M. A. BLISS Painting and paper Hanging. Tel. 646-W 313 S. Grape Expert Window Cleaners LET GEORGE DO IT Tel 117a House Cleaning Floor Waxin On- Money To Lend MONEY LOANED ON FURNITUHfc. CARS. ETC Prompt service and le gal rates. W E Thomas. 45 S Central State license No S 157. FOR SALE Used sewing machines all makes, terms if desired All makes rented and repaired. White Sewing Machine Co. 34 N. Bartlett. Trnnsfer. EADS TRANSFER & STORAGE CO. OIHce 1015 No Central Phone Mb Prices right. Service ttuaranteed. HAWLEY TRANSFER Expert pack era and movers Special livestock moving equipment. Prices i .Kit 619 North Riverside Phone 1044 -X St. Mark's Church. E. 8. Bart lam. Rector. Holy communion. 8:00 a. m. Morning prayer and sermon, U;00 i. m. Church school, 0.4b a. m. Main Street Methodist Church. Sunday. November 18. N. D. Wood, pastor. 0:45 a. m., Sunday school. 11 a. m.. Sermon. Q:30 p. m., Young People's meeting 7:30 p. m.. Sermon by Rev. T. S. Wheeler, presiding elder of the Port land district. 7:30 p. m. Wednesday. Prayer meet Everyone welcome to all of these services Bright Business Outlook Result Concerted Action Full Gospel Tabernacle, Newtown St., off Main. J. Logan Stuart, pastor. Sunday school, 9;40. Morning worship, U. Sermon text, Disclpleshlp. The evening evangelistic meeting. 7:30. Subject for the evening will be "The Door of Mercy." Tuesday and Friday meetings at 7 :30 p. m. Tho public Is cordially Invited. KEY YORK. Nor. 17. AP De velopments In general trade, the more concerted action by business men to hasten recovery and the momentum gained by retail distribution, said the Dun and Bradstreet weekly trade review today, have made for a de cidedly brighter business outlook. "Stocks hav moved out at such an accelerated pace." asserted the summary, "that complete clearance of many of the most popular grades has placed unexpected calls on wholesalers and even manufacturers for fill -in requirements. With supplies In many lines run ning low and expanded estimates being made of future requirements, an abrupt widening of manufactur ing schedules appears In prospect, Spiritual Science Church 315 South Riverside Drive Rev. Evelyn Marshall, Pastor Services Sunday, a p. m. Subject "Temple of the Living God." Healing and spiritual message by co-workers Tuesday, a p. m. and ThusrdP.y at 8 p. m. Message circles Healings 'and messages by Rev. Mar shall and co-workers. The public Is cordially Invited. Church of God. Corner of Haven and Holly streets. Church school, 0:45 a.m. Morning worship. U a.m. Subject. "Divine Healing of Soul and Body." Sunday evening service, 7:30. Sub Ject. ' The End of the World." Prayer service Wednesday, 7:3U p. m. Ladles' missionary circle, 10 a.m. to 4 p. m. Thursday at the home ol Mrs. Clemens, 814 W. 2nd street. All are welcome. Wall Paper Cleaning. WAIL-PAPER CLEANING 1c per sq ft. Mr Black 310 N Bartlett. PERSONAL EDITH MONAHAN READINGS DAILY. Grand Hotel. REV EVELYN MARSHALL, spiritual readings dally. 316 So Etiverside LEGAL NOTICES TURKEY SHOOT. Sunday, November 18. at Fred Sander's ranch, 3 miles north of Medford on. Crater Lake highway. Shotguns ' and rlfies Shootint? starts at 10 a. m. money loaned on anything of value. Cecil Jennings. On 1 1 for WiirrantH. School District No. 0. There are funds on hnnd for the redemption ol Warrants 821 to 845 In clusive. Interest will cease Nov 18. 1034. Payable at First National Bank Medford, Oregon. GUY TEX. Clerk CALL FOR WARRANTS School Dlst No. 20 Notice is hereby given that there are funds on hand for the redemption of warrants No.'s 408 to 505. Inter t ceases November 18th, 1934. payattte at Farmer's A: Fruitgrowers Bank. S. S. ABBOTT. Dlst. Clerk. Mail Tribune Daily Cross Word Puzzle St. Peter's Lutheran Church. (Missouri Synod.) Ea-t Main and Portland Av. H. H. Young Pastor, Sunday school at 10:00 a. m. un der the able leadership of Mr. B. Hueners. No morning worship this morning. Catechism class at 8:30 p. m. Evening worship at 7:30. Theme of the sermon: "A Man's Religion Put to Test." The public Is always welcome. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS FOR SALE Organ oo storage bill Gold Hill FOB SALE POULTRY FOR SALE Plymouth rock pullets 6 months old. 75c each. 818 N. FOR SALE Rhode Island Red pul lets from trap-nested stock; laying. C. F. Smith, Rt. 1. Box 10. Cent.-al Point. FOR SALE Guineas, 60c each. F. A Spltzmlller. Rt. 4, Box 35. TURKEYS Narragonwtt. breeding stock. W. W. Gregory Crater Lake Hwy. PURE Brouzs tome. Cockeran's prlw stock 90 Jesse well. Rt. i, Asmani FOR 8 ALE LIVESTOCK FOR SALE Wesner pigs. 2nd houe north lower Griffin Creek school-house. FOR SALE Weaner pigs 1120 West 2nd. POR SALE Samson tractor or trsde for milk cows. Aim Guernsey bull for sale. L. C. W'.lson. Box 208. Earle Point. FOR SLE OR TRADE Oat srifl whtil hay. Isaac, next to Radio Station. FOR SALE Jersey cow. Cheap 830 Bennett. FOR SALE DOGS PETS FOR SALE Pox trrr P'.ips; sm'l toy brel. 807 6o. Ontrsl. Phon ! 2P3-J HOUSE CLEASINO 2Se pr Lesve ordr st 710 Ps'.m St. I EXCH.ANOF Oood hstlnc stove for hour. vood. Box 4148 Tribune. WANTED Quilting, plsln or fsn?j 6:4-J-a EXCHANGE Wnner ptes snd feeder si'.oats to trade for heifer ca. Bechtold. Ul house rorth of No " Piioemi school. AUTO MECHANIC Steady or part . .. , time: ne or-percent.w. Box TRADE Horws for model A Pord 4133. Tribune. I Phone 838-R. MIDDLE-AGED lady vsnt hoiv- FOR SALE OR TRADE Snw msndle keeping or prsctlml nursing. Bex j Re,r 1013 No Censrsl. . ' . ' FOR TRADE i double beds, jyyl CXINCl'MBBRED m:ddle-sged wldo I sprlnfJ. msttressei foi twin beds o; vtnts prsrtlcs! nvirslng or douse. dsy beds Rt I, Box 348. Medfvd r.eepin Bbx 46ia - . Full EXCHANOE ma mocel A WANTED-MISCELLANEOUS j VeTod,;- rord'vV "MVj' FOR SALE Shepherd stock dof snd puppies. 840 E. 0th. THOROUGHBRED Chnw pups for S N R. DrWit, Box 234. Rt. 4. Fern Valley road. FOR BALfc MISCELLANEOUS VERY SPECIAL BUY on a few 8-foot I-Luxe E.e-nrlc Hf r.rstors. Dou ble door models with all ltt f t'lrrs Buy one on rany irm for the family Christmas present. See John Dfnon at 101 Crater Lsxe Avenue, WANTED True, not la'er than 1VU EXCHANOE rurn rouphoistunit y. model. Lor. wheel Mut be in (or UTWr wfod fish polft and ARMY orHCRR des:re S or 8 -m fOh SALE OR TRaDE Wbiie fee urr.lned l-.o'i F.tft .rie j-ferre trtr in? irechine for Ui3t se Res9ons3 Box 1M, Tribune Can Boi 63d, Tributes, FOR SALE Appr. 2V, Wc, 15c. Tel. 258-J. O. V. Myers. POR SALE Whret and kanota oats, Uftscs. next to Radio Bution. FOR SALE Snnd and gravel. 60c per yard Phon 40I-J- FOR RALB Model A parts. Ph.Kve ACROSS Food often served frr breakfast Stands ill racily oppo site Only Defy Not sleeping Bow of a boat W i iiftl i It Set too low a prke on Narrates acalo Flat oops Slug!! tnlng Foundations Cooks In an open pan Sailor Withered Small river Island Aspects ' Depend Card fame Clans of ad vanced students Human race Kind of pen polM ChnnK- the name of American Indian flsrman city Legal action Animal's neck coverings Cook over Ih coals Solution of Yesterday's Puzzls CON0ONEW0RST AVE RR E DE LJ T E D U L YMW Jjjniftp A RN E L Ufa R A TIE 5 pS ) T Egc ARgLOBTjPE WM. A Nlfl- OUOER 9. L E A N SjIjL A N G kfrA AnA5 Q.!iMp WtTt yK l i IklMljAjY 1A V 0 ETA PEM"Prr op O 5 "E lbn i InjaIsIsIeInItIs 51. Teierami colloq. S4 Small flshss 7. Wrltlnxs which ridi cule 60. Dcclurfnjr nolemnljr 63 Mctitslly sound 4. Paciiny j. llnrnnnT r.. Kind ff Jacket . T. Colored Percolat' 6'J. Ilird hums DOWN 1. Biblical tower t. High w'nd I. Without cost 4. Calm 6. iJefect 6. Ueanls of grain 7. Conternplibis person I Plecs ojt K. Native of Herlm 0. More thinly stl!ed U. Wrenth bear ing a knlRlit's crest IS Plumny fellow 13 Kemsl hlieep 19 Five-dollar hllln! coiloq. il. Spenks Imper feetly ?A Small. Hunt, cloee-llttlnf teel hcl met 75. Scorifn nf notion ih- Untrue H. Tumiittiious dtunrilfrs t. Animal hand lers 30. Pav si Purr ur .12 Units of fores 25 I'rotioun 30, Short fi.r a man' name 41. Pend payment iZ Clii.led ve hement ty 47. Phort letter SO. AecndM UonVteya 63 Money re'-elvec1 for work f flstend S Unsfech C.. Mower f- Cut suddenly it. GranOsoo of Ada m ft. ni-nntrned t! lidlf itrm tt Aner f' Z 3 U Y A W j7 s If , 11 '3 i I I i i I i inimJi 1 ii LimwiIiiib In ' " . , First UaptlH Church, W. H. Eaton. Minister. Sunday school, 8:40 a. m, Morning worship, 11:00 a. m. Musical service, directed by Evan gelist Huflsel Case. Sermon by Evan gelist Henry E. Burke. Young people's groups, 0:30 p. m. Evangelistic service, conducted by the Burke party, 7:30 p.m. This Is the closing day of the present campaign, and a great dsy Is anticipated. You are cordially in vlted to worship with us. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day bulntl F. H. Metcalf, Branch President Services held In Seventh Dsy Ad' ventlst chapel at Edwurds and Beat ty street. ' Sunday school, 10 a. m. Evening service, 7:30 p. m. Priesthood and Kellef society Tuesday evenlrg, at 7:30. The Relief society has now taken up a winter course of study work which Includes theology, literature and social service. These lessons are both Interesting and beneficial and every one Is cordially Invited to at tend. Medford Com puny of Jehovah's y WUneftses The Medford coi.iany of Jehov ah's Witnesses Is broadcasting a lec ture by Judge Rutherford dealing stric:ly with the Bible over KMED every Tuesday afternoon at 1:80. Judge Rutherford's Bible study helps are In book and booklet form and have been translated Into 60 luiittuagea since 102'i. All Interested In ' WAtch Tlwer Bible study are wet come to meet every Sunday morning at 10 o'clock at 648 West Second street, Medford. with a nonccmmlttant stimulation of raw material buying. Extending the upward movement, which started In September, the in vigorating Influence of colder wea ther carried detail distribution u new heights for the season and to the largest volume recorded since thej Easter shopping period. "Volume for the country, ss whole, was 8 to 13 per cent ahead of the preceding week's, and 16 to 30 per cent in excess of the total for the corresponding 1933 week. "On the strength of the current situation and because Inventories in many trades have been reduced sharply, the sustained movement Into consuming channels Is beginning to penetrate to the manufacturer. gellftt. will be heard two times Sun day. At the 7:30 Sunday night hour the topic from which he speaks Is "Seven Cogent Essentials, Pertinent to Christ's Second Coming." Two special musical numbers, be sides congregational singing will be heard, prior to the message. "Faith as a Seed" constitutes the toplo from which he speaks at the U o'clock hour. Special music will also be heard. Sunday school at 8:48 a. m., Arn old Kornstsd, superintendent. Much activity Is centering around this de partment In competition with the Ashland church. Visitors, new mem bers, Bibles, offerings and on time, All come tn for the point calcula tions. If you arc Interested In seeing us win an outstanding victory, come with us next Sunday. Young People's meeting at 6 :30. Miss Helen 8c heel, president. Live and Interesting programs are being sponsored by this department. A cordial warm-hearted welcome Is extended to friends and visitors. Phoenix Presbyterian Church Ralph 8. Peterson, minister. Church school 10 a. m. J. O. N. Poling, superintendent. Mornlag worship. 11 a. m. Sermon, "A Solvent Life." This is Orange day at the church. The Phoenix Grang ers will meet at the Orange hall and will come to the church In a body. Following the morning serv ice, there will be a covered dish dinner and an afternoon of fellowship. Christian Endeavor, 8:30. All three societies are holding regular meet ing. Tli ere is a place for everyone. Evening worship. 7:30. Sermon: "Chrlst-Uke Living." A cordial wel come Is extended to all. The First Metliodlit Church. West Main and Laurel 6ts. Joseph Knotts, minister. Sunday school, 0:45 a. m.; Mrs. E. 3 Neumann, superintendent. Efficiency dopends upon regularity, promnnws and preparation. Let u be efficient Morning worship 11- a.m. Sermon theme "Calamity, Sin ard the Bible.' Anthem "By Babylon's Waves," Oou nod; sung by the chorus choir direct' ed by Mrs. C. H. Psske. The Junior Department of the Sunday School wilt attend church this morning and lug several songs. Hear them. Bp worth Leagues, 6:30 p m Evening worship. 7:30 p.m. Sermon theme. "Food That Christians May riot Est." Special number by the double male quartet. Prayer meeting Wednesday 7:30 p.m Friday evening st 6:30 o'clock there will be held a pot-luck supper In the gym. All members and friends of the church are Invited. Bring your own service, sandwiches and one covered dish. Communications complete demoralization of exist Ins; game protection, In order to appease the greedy element. If these gentle men have their way. My contention Is that the gam commission, guided by the wishes of sportsmen with the welfare of wild life at heart, should direct the poll cles of game control. JOHN H. HECKNER. Brownsboro, Ore.. Nov. 18. ton Evan cell cal Lutheran Church Fourth St. near Oakdale Ave. Geo. p. Kabele, D. D., Pastor 10 a. m. Sunday school. U a. m. Morning worship. Sermon: "What Is Christ to Me?" 7 p. m. Luther league devotional service. Leader, Miss Ruth Dcmmer, Topic: "Church Music." You are Invited to attend where the way is made plain. Presbyterian Church. Sunday school. 0:48 a.m. Classes for all ages. Mrs. W. S. Gilmore. superintendent. Regular morning service 11 a.m. Sermon by Rev. F. E. Bancroft. Music under direction of Elsie Carlton Strang, choir director, snd Eva Hazel- rlgg Marsh, organist: Prelude. "Idylle" Buck Anthem. "Sweet Hour of Prayer"..- Offertory. Air from Orpheus, Glues' Solo, "I Heard the Voice of Jesus Say" Parsons Catherine Wendt, soprano. Postlude, "Postlude" .... - Shelley Young People's League, 6:30 p.m. Wednesday evening, 7:30. mid-week prayer meeting. (Conttnueo page one) help. Similarly nearly all state laws require long reside ncs periods for eligibility. It Is a ten-to-one bed that no federal proposal will be ready until congress meets in 1036. The real reason that active reserve officer went back on the Inactive list recently Is thst he went out campaigning In Ohio for Republican Senator Fes. Some ardent Ohio Democrats wrote in asking how corns. Flmt ChrUtltin Church. Ninth and Oskdale fits. W. R. Bslrd. minuter. Bible school at 0:48 a. m. I. O. Ofntner, superintendent. Everyman's Bible class in court house auditorium at 9:48 a. m. Morning worship begins at 10:88. Anthem, "My Refuge and Fortre" ( BarneA). Sermon. "Reverence for Ood." Christian Endeavor st 6:30 p. m Evening evangelistic service st 7:30, Anthem, "Turn Again Our Captiv ity " Sermon, "Tne Coming of Christ's Khvdom. Study In Book of Revelations on Wednesday evening at 7;4A, Flrt Church of Christ, hrlentlU Authorized branch of The Mother Church. The First Church of Chrlrt, Scientist. n Boston, Mass. Service r9 held every Sunday at 11 o'clock, church edifice, 313 North Oakdale. Subject for Sunday, Nov ember IB. "Mortals and Immortals. " Sunday school st 9:30. Applicants under the sge of 20 may be admit ted. Wednesday evening meeting, which Include testimonials of Christian Science healings st 6 o'clock. Tit reading room, which Is locat ed st 401 In the Medford building Is open dally from 7 e. m, to 6 p. m , except Sunday and holidays. The librarian Is In attendance from 10 to 4. xt which time the Bible snd all suthorl'd Christian Science lit erature may be read, borrowed or purchased. The public Is cordially Invited to attend the services and visit the reading room. htifeh of the Sara re ne Central Avenue at Jackson Fred M. Weather lord, putor-tvan Hang lllm Anyway, To the Editor: I have been re-read Ing an old fa vorite, Samuel Lover's Rory O'More, written a century ago. Chapter 44. Ironically entitled "The Glorious Privilege of Trlsl by Jury," tells of Rory's trial for murder, during trou led times in Ireland. The trlsl wis slmost ended when In walked the (allegedly) murdered man. There upon the Judge, as a matter of form ordered the Jury to return a verdict; he was scsndalleed to hear ths ver dict, "Guilty." Asked for sn expls nstlon for so preposterous a verdict the foremsn said, stubbornly, "The prisoner ought to hsve been hung long ego!" There, Mr. Editor, you have In a nutshell the Tom Mooney esse. The witnesses whose testimony convicted Mooney hsvs since proved themseive disreputable snd perjured. But Mooney had bad previous record as an agitator, snd the atate of Califor nia says, stubbornly or would say If It were honeat like the foreman In Rory O'More "The prisoner ought to hsvs been hung long sgol" T. V. WILLIAMS. Medford, Nov. 16. A Warning to Hunters. To the Editor: Perhaps you read In the comment column by Frank Jenkins the story of 1300 cars, averaging 3t hunters per car, which passed a kledding checking place In FOUR HOURS. haded for the Shasta Cascade Won-de.-land. Also the other figures pro vided by Tom Stanley, of the Won derland association, In which S3.8O0,- 000 in NEW MONEY was spent by 63,280 deer hunters. Well, Oregon sold Jmt 387 non-resident licenses in 103:) (no figures available for 1934 1 so Oregon's shsre In the new money Is nothlni; to get excited shout, Mr Jenkins sr:d Tom forgot to mention s fw th I nts like that. Just previous to the opening of the duck seamn snd goose season, ir Jenkins fired a mia-dlrecfed shot at the gsms commission. He wanted the duck seaton opened earlier, claiming OreKon would lose money unless this ehanga wss msde. Now h w-iita the der season In mid summer. H and Tom want to gather in more outsiders' coin. I In plain language this means the The best example of the Roose velt technique lately was his sel ections for the unemployment in surance committee. It was supposea to represent everyone. Including in dustry, but the Industrialists have discovered that Messrs. Swope. Tesgls and Folsom. their represents lives on the committee, are all ardent sdvocatei of unemployment insurance. Consult MISS LOUISE OOFF. New York figure-stylist, for "correct cor seting" during November 19th, aoth, 3 1st, at ETHELWYN B. HOFFMANN. Better clothes for Less. It will py on to ehmb mi stsirwsv. Klein Ins tall or, 126 East Main, upstairs. In 'Showdown' Fight 1 jiwew mggmmmtm EE ' ' Oov. B. B. Mosur of Arlions sctsd In what he termed a "show down" battle when he sent troops to a desolate patch of land along the Colorado river In Ariiona's forts ta prevent construction of the Parker diversion dam across the stream. Arlions sssks an agree ment by which the stats would share In hydro-elsctrte power to bs generated st the proposed dam (Associated Press Phot