MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUXE. MEDFORD, OREGON. SUNDAY". NOYEJirBER 11. 193 1 PAGE SEVEN EffifEST r START! AY AT MED THEATRES! H T 17 T 17 J? Z? 17 17 ft D 17 such an array of star talent . . . such engrossing stories . such direction and nroduction. Never before such clean oictures for the entire family. And believe us! never before such a delight to theatre managers . . these are the sort of pictures they have fought for , begged for . . . prayed for . . . the sort of pictures you too have waited for! vxmmaprcMJi mi MnmiM'm ii in rln a Today and Monday! A STAR STUDDED MUSICAL SENSATION! pulsing with Youth and Beauty! . . . GIRLS and GIGGLES GALORE! THE TARS IN and Hit HMuanM The story of a girl made a movie star against her will . . . shoved ' into the limelight by a fast-talk. in? press agent in this riot of romance . . . melody . . . and (nappy action! WITH WILLIAM HAINES mar i JUDITH ALLEN JOHN MIL J AN Joseph CAWTHORN TED FIO RITO and HIS ORCHESTRA SHAW and LEE WARREN HYMER Vince BARNETT Andre BERANGER Franklin PANGBORN RAY MAYER The Hudson-Metzer DANCING GIRLS & llMIMIIIIMIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIlMtlllllllMtllltllMIMIIMII "I" Dllt t unit I HllltllHIIIHIHIIIIIIIIHIf ADDED ATTRACTIONS - j HARRY GRIBBON in "A RURAL ROMEO" "Bosom Friends" Novelty Movietone News I IMIIIIIIIIIIMIIII o COMING NEXT I Shows Today and Monda' 1:45 3:15 7:00 8:00' Adults 25c Children 10c Lee Tracy in Damon Runyon's "Lemon Drop Kid" . . . May Robson, Pranchot Tone in "Straight I the Way" . . . Irene Dunne and John Boles in "The Age of Innocence" . . . Wheeler and Woolsey in "Kentucky Kernels" . . . Pitts and Bummerville in "Their Big Moment" . . . Leslie Howard Kay Francis 'British Agent' And Here Are Just a Few More Soon to Be Shown in Medford! Airth,iVi1tfi'iiiVi-4yli&wiii-.Tli nWiit ilftiilil il iMiirtM frUilieyfiHiii Starts Today for Three Days! YOU THINK Wue GOT TROUBLES? mi ii i K ,i it Did you ever lose your only friend? Did anybody ever try to turn your dad against you? Did you ever have to play with HOR ACE? . . . Man or woman . . . you'll take Bill Peck into your heart 1 . . . you'll want to stop his tears with kisses . . . you '11 want to share his happy laugh ter I I, ? i. ' f THOMAS MEIGHAN JACKIE SEARL 0. P. HEGGIE Dorothy Peterson 4 1 ? i - . V,- Ear Phones Available for those with defective hear ing . . . at no extra ohargel Ask the usher. EXTRA ADDED ATTRACTIONS Musical Comedy "A Duke For A Day" Novelty "Attention, Suckers" - Newsreel D up" i" n - ....r"1 i '') " "" ''-i 1 'i ' wf i l jj i? niaoBoaMaHHBBi Mats ..... 25o Eve 35o Children . . 10c COMING NEXT I Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers in "Gay Divorcee" the great successor to "Flying Down to Rio" . . . Claudette Colbert in Cecil B DeMille's "Cleopatra" . . . Norma Shearer, Charles Laugh ton, Fredric March in "Barretts of Wimpole Street" . . . Helen Hayes in "What Every Woman Knows" . . . Maurice Chevalier and Jeanetto MacDonald in "The Merry Widow" Grace Moore in "One Night of Love" . . . All Star cast in "The Captain Hates the Sea" . . . Frank Capra's "Broadway Bill" with Warner Baxter and Myrna Loy . . May Robson in "Mills of the Gods" . . . Dick Powell and Ruby Keeler in "Flirtation Walk" . . . Al Jolson in "Casino de r.iree" . . Joe E. Brown in "6 Day Bike Rider" . . . Will Rogers in "The County Chairman" . . . Warner Baxter in "Hell in the Heavens" . . . Gloria Swanson and John Boles in "Music in the Air" ... L. Barrymore, Charles Laughton, Edna May Oliver in "David Copperfield" . . . Greta Garbo in "The Painted Veil" ... the stars of "The Thin Man", Wra. Powell and Myrna Loy in "Evelyn Prentice" . . . Gene Stratton-Porter's "Keeper of the Bees" . . . Bing Crosby and Kitty Carlisle in "Here Is My Heart" . . . Max Baer in "Kids on the Cuff" . , . "Pursuit of Happiness" (which introduces "bundling" to motion picture fans) . . . Gary Cooper and Franchot Tone heading a huge cast in "Lives of a Bengal Lancer" . . . L. M. Montgomery's great novel "Anne of Green Gables" . . . Ann Harding in "The Fountain" . . . Miriam Hopkins in "Richest Girl in the World" . . . Katherine Hepburn in "The Little Minister" . . . Margaret Sullavan in "The Good Fairy" . . . Charles Dickens' "Great, Expectations" . . . Thome Smith's "Night Life of the Gods" (directed by Lowell Sherman) . . . James Cagney in "The St. Louis Kid" . . . and many, many others make this a "New Deal Year for Motion Pictures."