PAGE SIX MEDFORD MATL TRIBUNE. MEDFOKP. OREGON, SUNPAY, NOVEMBER 11. 1934 Medpord Mar, Tribune "Evtiyont tn SoulMrn Or in Rftdi thi Mall TribuM" Dally fciupt ftaturdif PufclUhrt toy MEIIKURP I'KINTINU CO. a6-'JT--J9 N. Kir BL BOB till . WJHL, Editor Ad Independent Ntnptptf Enured u leeood elm nittar it Msdord Orefun, under Act of kUreb S, 18T0. SCBRCKII'TIUN BATES Br Mill In Altne Dai), one rW 15.00 Daily, ill monlhi 2 . Dally, on Bonto R0 Bj Curler In Adtaoea Mdfofd, Aibtand, JirUoorllli, Central Point, fnwnU, TaJent. toW Bill and on Blghtaja. Hall), on rear Pally, !i monlhi 8 '6 lUllr. ona month 80 All iff mi, cub In tdianea. Editorial Correspondence Official ui(r of tha City of Medford. Official paper of Jaelaoo County. HKMBKH Ob TUB AB80CIATEI) PUtflfl llrcelvlnit ITull Leaied Aire 8rrlc The AMocJaled I'reai la aiclmltely milled u tha ma for iwtiueation or an newi awvuam credited to It r oUierwlia tttonta in inw papa nri hn, in the local nrm aufillihed herein. All -IghU for publication of ipeclal dlipaUbw berHn ara w retenM. MKMHKH OP UNITED PNKU MKMHKIt OP AU1H1 BUHBAU Ok C1KCULAT1UNB Adterttitng Kepreten tallies M. C MIHiENBEN 4 COMPANY Officea In New York, Chicago, Detroit, Ban rrancltce Lot Ancele Seattle Portland. MEMBER Ye Smudge Pot Hy Arthui ftrrj- The campaign and election la over (prolonged cheering) and all are once again happy. Including the candi dates holBtcd on tholr own petarda. Mr. Verne Canon, the ett-.nally en raptured Democrat. Tuea evng. gave returna right out of hie oi.n head, be fore any votea were counted. A number of local victims of the Mid West drouth, who went to Cali fornia to spend the rest of their days eating fried chicken, furnished by U. Sinclair, have returned, Just aa sad and no wiser. The sturdy yeomanry of the rural areas complain that city huntera are shooting everything with wings, and hitting everything that has no wings. The city police alortly nabbed a drunk man who was singing on the Main Btem Thurs, but he was only fined for his Inebriation. ' Roval Brown of E. Pt towned thrice last week, and wa Irked, peeved, angry, irate, disgusted and mad. Some of the Urschel kidnap money was found In this vicinity last week, causing a great deal of excitement. Many of the leading corner econom ist! and governmental experta became department of Justice agents, and high powered sleuths. They solved the crime. Just like they do all prob lem of state. While detectives they ceased cussing the corporations, banks, and Hoover. O. Porter was' elected burgomelster, with one hand tied behind him. He put up a terrific struggle against himself. t This la Armistice Day. which will be celebrated tomorrow. The veter ans of the dreat War, do not get around aa apry as they- did, and do not cut aa much Ice aa the year after they made the world aafe for De mocracy. N. . The youngest element haa started talking about Santa Claua. the one at the North Pole, not Washington, D. C. ... Last Mon. was a warm day. with doora opened, vest unbuttoned, and house files a gay a mid-May. t The hs. kids rallied M.. and made more nolce than a lone motorcycle starting up on a frosty morning. Considerable hammering la going on In the community, both on the Idea of houses and on the reputa tions of eltlrcns. Plowing Is the order of the day among the farmers, and their oldest boys. SAN FRANCISCO, Calif., Nov. 9. Called to San Francisco on urgent business. Have just pniprsrcd from the first important conference to find with SURPRISE, there is a box fight at Dreamland tonight and a football game at Palo Alto tomorrow. Fear tonight's symposium on the Canadian newsprint situation will prevent our witnessing the contest between H&ttling Baler ino and Mickey Farino but may be possible to drop in on the struggle between Stanford and Washington for a few n,uartcrs. Not that there will be any particular disappointment if business matters should interfere. For we sec by the San B'rancisco papers that this isn't to be much of a game. With eleven All American stars at Palo Alto the odds are three to one on the Cards. These "pgor boobs from the lumber camps of Pugct Sound," are expected to be only good for a workout. However as little important business can be transacted in San Francisco on Saturday afternoon, it may be worth motoring Jo or 20 miles, to see. t t It is amazing how soon political excitement dies down. Were it not for the weather-beaten bill boards depicting a fat, bald headed gentleman protecting a California bungalow with one hand and preventing the invasion of a bcwluskered Kussiaji horde, with the other; no visitor would suspect that the most tempestous political campaign in California s history only ended three days ago. The fat bald-headed gentleman is Governor Merriam who as everyone knows was elected over Lpton Sin clair, "the menace from Moscow I" Merriam and Sinclair, Bat tling Balcrino and Jlickcy Farino I So the world wags on! .... The great change since our last visit to the Golden Gate metropolis is the tall piers rising out of the bay, their red tops piercing the low hanging clouds. These piers will carry the new seven and one-half mile bridge from Oakland to San Francisco. Coming over on the Berkeley fcrrv we could also see to the west one of the piers for the new Golden Gate span, which as we recall will only be about a mile long, but seven or eight hundred feet in the. air. More government spending, and local spend ing also. The ferry boat attendant, who with a fire extinguisher m his hand, inspects the motor cars, volunteered the information that he will probably be out of a job in two or three years when the new bridges arc opened. Ferries can't compete with motor cars running over bridges. Quitp true. Then again in two or .three vears, it mav not be so hard to get a new job as it is today. Nevertheless Progress doth her custom hold let unemployment- say what it will. For one however we shall miss that ferry trip from Oakland to San Francisco, the gulls flapping in the wake, the travellers on deck looking toward the thrilling San Fran cisco skvline 1 No political news in the papers here. Everyone is tired of polities. How QUICKLY newspapers respond to a change in public sentiment. The main interest now appears to be the Uig Game between Stanford mid California two weeks hence and the opening of grand opera the week after. Hotels nre-placard-cd with dinners and dances after the Big Game, and the stores arc falling over each other to advertise what to wear at the opera. We note in one ad that full dress is preferred to a dinner coat and the collapsible ojyra hat is still the thing. The collapsible opera hat such a nice thing for little Rolla to play with! We supposed that passed out with the Gibson girl and the Inverness! Football and grand opera have this in common real football fans and real nuisio lovers, comprise only about one-half of ono percent of the assembled multitude. The big game this year promises to be no contest at all from a football .or sporting standpoint, Stanford with one of her strongest teams in history, California with one of her weakest. But most of the people, we repeat, don't go to see football. They go to see the spectacle, the people, view the stunts between halves, and join for the cocktail hour after the whistle has blown. The real football enthusiasts will go to Palo Alto tomor row and probably sec a real game between the only two unde feated teams in the coast conference. But there will be many vacant seats, just as there would be at the opera if those who attended had to know the difference between an aria and the old oaken bucket. R.W.R. Personal Health Service liy William Urady. M O. Signed letters peilalnlng to personal health and hygiene not to dla ease dlugnutls or treatment Hill be answered by IJr. Urady If stamped Misaddressed euvelopc la enclosed. Letters should be brief and written In Ink. Owing tu the large number ot letters rerelvrd only a few can be answered- No reply can be innde to queries not conforming to Instructions Address Or. William Brady, 263 CI (.amino. Beverly Hills, Cat. AITL'.MN r.UTIONS FOR WINTER COUCHER9 For more than 30 year the vener able no, I mean Inveterate conductor of this gentle. Innocent column has ground out the miserable stuff dally and never mlaaed firing That's a terrible total of at least t?!B-p. CI ;1 7.900 articles, yu . .M I counting week- ,;7''ira I .. - a. j tTSk&&r - 1 trft ltm8, Tiie 1 V ST dally bitch of IVV'-- I bla-bla contains, ay. 600 word, I 4 Including the ! mwtmrn wttmnim questions answer. ed In print. That makes a henloiw total of lees than five million words; which -a taciturnity Itself compared with the letters I have written to readers. If I had It to do over again I'd palm off carbon copies of the whole works, save l-10th of one per cent, which I do wish I had never written. Oct. 1, 1914, I Issued a first annual warning to elderly folk against cod dling. Tried to make It as gentle as I could without taking all the force out of It. Titled the talk "The Bu;?.s In Grandfather's Chest" and opcn?d with a pertinent question : "Why do so many elderly people have chronic 'winter cough' chronic bronchitis? Then dealt concisely with the etlolo- glc factors excessive clothing, lnsvif- flclent outdoor life, overeating, habit ual dependence on alcoholic bever ages, and finally the habit of wearing additional clothing on the chest cr about the throat In the delusive be lief that It will "protect" these "sen sitlve" or "weak" places agal-ut "cold." Elderly folic, like young folk, h'.'re in Yan keel and. take an extensive course in physiology, hygiene, path ology, therapeutics, bacteriology, etc. disabuse in the back pages of magi zlnes and elsewhere, and after many years of such study they think thoy know more than the ordinary family doctor does about such things. It Is difficult to dlsbuse a young wiseacre of his cut and dried notions acquired in that way. It Is vtrtually impos sible to change the mind of an olu one about a fundamental question. The hardened old wiseacre has i alow metabolism, a lowered rate of oxidization, a less-active elrcluatlon than be had when young. Of course he feels the coU! Of course lie en Joys the temporary flushing of hl5 Kkln with warm blood from within while the brief spurt lasts; but how he pays for the dissipation when the after depression comes, as the ephe meral effects of the bracer, cock u 11. highball or eye-opener fade and con sciousness of the hard, cold reality of existence returns. 'Of course the elderly Individual finds excessive warmth agreeable Can't keep he place overheated enough to please him. He likes to bundle himself with all sorts of x ceaslve clothing, on any possible pre text he can trump up, and he doe not hesitate to use fashion, custom or convention to favor his own de sires In this. QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS Aprocryphal Caws Man had fingers frozen. When he took off his gloves the frozen fingers came off with them. In another cast man had fingers frozen. Went Indoors and placed hand on hot radiator. Whm he lifted hia hand his frozen flngors were left on the radiator. (Mrs. M, W.) Answer Some people are careless and forgetful, but I think both yarns are Just yarns. You'd be astonished how difficult It Is to sever the fingers by any means. Preventing Goitre. Is there any truth In the say log that eating sea foods will prevent goitre? (J. H. B.) Answer Iodin in food is the natu ral preventive. Sea water Is the orig inal source of all lodin. pish, shell fish, sea weed or moas are all rich In lodln. So there Is truth In the saying Even canned sea fish or shell fish re tains considerable lodln. Canned sal mon, for Instance. Is a good source of lodln and a fair source of vitamin D. Rv o1ly, a Bin moo: I have been a devoted reader of your column for 15 years. Now I em look ing forward to the arrival of my first baby. I want your baby book . . (Mr. L. H. W.) Answer Makes me feel ashamed to take the money., but never mind send a dime and s. a. e and ask 'or "The Brady i-:aby Book." (Copyright 1934. John P. Dille Co.) COIN GROUP FACE T Flight o Time (Medrord and Jackson L'ouniv History from the files of Thr Mall Tribune or 30 and 10 real. Ari). d. Note: Persons wishing to i-oimminlc-nte tilth Or. Hradv should send letter direct to Dr. tVllllnm Brnily, M. D., 203 El Camlno. Beverly Hills. Cal. Booze Tariff Cut Looms In Congress WASHINGTON, Nov. 10 (API A movement, long heralded, to slssh the taxes on liquor drastically was formslly announced today. Represen-' tallve Emsnusl Celler of New York, ranking Democrat on the house Judiciary committee, said that on the first day of the new congress In January he mould Introduce bills to: 1, Cut taxe and tariffs on liquor In half. 3. Abolish the federal alcohol conlrol administration. He aald many ot his colleagues hsd agreed to support the legisla tion at the January seaslon. Cutting Ahead 1000 In Arizona Count SANTA FR. N. M. Nov. 10. M'i Senator Bronson Cutting, Republi can Independent, apparently ha been re-elected. The Associated Preai tabulations of Tuesday's elections, with only 13 of the ntnte't 701 precincts miss ing, vnve CuttlUR 74.622 votea. hts Democratic opponent. Congressman Dennis ChMr, 7,l.40fl. a lend lor Cul M up of 1 1M. Om Mail ltlbuua aa atu NEW YORK DAY BY DAY By O. O. Mclntyre 3 Jy NEW YORK, Nov. 10. Purely per sonal piffle: Wherever I am at twi light seems the most romantic place In the world. No criminal ever a u g g e s ted the hunted animal like Hauptmann. Mae Wesfa art In a phrase ennul-toned nss allty. Never heard Will H. Haya speak dls naraglngly of a J human being 1 Nobody can - j chin the sky i and pat nunaeii on the back so neatly aa Mussolini. Latest stage crush Ilka Chaar. NO word expresses disdain like shirty. A slate pencil pulled through the teeth makes my nnse twitch rabbit like. I usually try to get otf things before hat check and news-stand girls. When Grandma got angry, she ex claimed: "Law me. pool" Favorite walk: Harlem Speedway at dusk. The only capsule mustache that never annoyed me was that of Paul Whlteman. Most smartly dressed New York Isily: Mrs. Byron Foy. America's No. 1 Col. Charles Lindbergh. Percy Hammond on a word drunk la high In contemporary Journal ism. And Prank Sullivan. In a nutty mood, can put me in stltchea. Season's fastest going melodrama so far: "Smart Miracle." I like to pronounce "Ipso racto" and the name of the author Ruth Suckow. pronounced Sao-Koo. letter Is from Donn Byrne dated the day before hie tragic passing. The St. Louis union atatlon Is most romantlo of all to me. It'a the first I ever saw. You could chln your self on the garlic aroma of the only East Indian prince I ever met. No one ever aung darkey acngs like Esther Walker IS years ago. Or danced so nimbly aa Jack Donahue. All my life I've had a mad dealre to Jerk the bell rope on a fast train. They are giving Al Smith a great big hand at the news reels again. Most Interesting museum exhibit to me was that of Billy the Kid at Santa Pe, N. M. The Hague has the moat fashionably dreased men. Royce Brier, 8sn Prsnctsco reporter, has written the best recent news paper novel In "Reach for the Moon." Irvln Cobb's father traded hie In terest In a condiment compsny for a sldewheel steamboat. That share of profit today nets a million a year. The only time I ever let any one else completely writ my col umn. I discovered later It was a famous English essay. And did l sit staring out the wlndowl I'm the early bid that usually arrivea at parties with the hired butler. Wil liam Phillip simma Is the best dressed newspsper correspondent. Our town had a barbershop witn three of the proprietor's daughters bsrberlng. Popeye the Ssllor has at tained my Mickey Mouse enthus iasms. I stood In a drirele three hours once to see James Onrdnn Bennett enter the Herald building I nrock Pfrnberton's new stsr, Olsdys O'orge. gave the sesson'l pattest first night performance. reform. In which real property will be accorded the relief to which it la unquestionably entitled. In behalt of the Tax Limitation League ol Oregon, I accept that proposal, ana pledge the cooperation of our or ganization: provided, the principle of tax limitation Is recognized and Incorporated In such revised tsx plan. I wish to thank In the name ol the taxpayers of Oregon everyone ol the many workers throughout the state who contributed such splendid service In the tax limitation cam paign. Yours very truly. TAX LIMITATION LEAGUE OK OREGON, INC. J. O. Elrod. president. Portland, Nov. 9. 1034. SILVER PLAN HIT By GOLD INFLUX WASHINGTON, Nov. 10. (API Huge Imports of gold and scanty offerings of silver on International markets have combined to slow the treasury's progress toward the three-to-one ratio In gold and silver hold ings, aa ordered by congress. To the relief of those In teres tea In seeing the three-one ratio at tained, the franc hits strengthened in the last 34 hours to the extent of halting the movement for the time being at least. Nevertheless, the last fortnight has seen the treasury's gold holdings Increase by 14.0OO.000. SPECIAL TURKEY DINNER SutuUy a nd Mond a y at Amy's Place. Jack sonvllle. Tel. 293. NEW YORK, Nov. 10. (AP) Pro fessional mannikins, tifter waging war for weeks against debutantes who they, say poach on their Jobs, plnnned to lay their trouble? before the government. "President Roosevelt has settled many labor disputes." said Miss Ger trude L. Mayer, leader of the fight ing models. "He should now settle ours." Miss Mayor said she would go to Washington Wednesday to seek official aid In arranging a code for mannikins. Use Mall Tribune want ads (Conttnueo Irom page one.) A few .hours earlier a mtssle, be lieved to have been a DuUet. cracked the windshield of an automobile in which Mrs. Margaret Hurtienne, sister of Mrs. Feldman, was being spirited from Eugene to Portland. Mrs. Hurtienne was housekeeper for Alvln H. Scott of Med lord and botn are charged with conspiracy in con cealing ransome pajd for release of Charles P. Urschel, Oklahoma million' aire kidnaped In July. 1933. Mrs, Hurtienne was arraigned at Eugene, Ore., before a United States commissioner late yesterday and ba'.l was set at (25.000. The apparent sinister assault was made a few miles north of Albany just aa United States Marshall J. 9 Summervllle with hts prisoner spKl past a parked automobile with a man on the running board. The mlss'e richochettcd off. The prisoner became almost hys terical and Insisted an attempt had been made on her life. She also ex pressed concern lest an attempt be made to "deliver'' her Ister, cla-a Feldman. "I do hope If they get Clara they have a good big bunch of fellows to protect her," Summervllle quoted Mrs. Hurtienne as saying. "I know they will kill some of our family be fore this Is over." TEN YEARS .UiO TODAY November 11. 1021 (It Was Tuesday) City celebrates Armistice day. with suspension of all business, and a huge parade. 'elks band will play u in armistice parade i Members of the Kks band will meet at the city park In uniform at 10:30 ' Monday morning to participate In the ' rm!rir dav oarade, according to announcement made Walter Corniauy. manager. ROSEBURG, Ore.. Nov. 10. (AP Alvln H. Scott of Medford, whoe automobile accident here November 2 led to the discovery of Urschel ran some money In his possession, wiMi the subsequent arrest of him elf and four other persons for conspiracy, is reported to be making satisfactoiy Improvement from his critical Injur ies. Scott, his physician. Dr. E. J. Wain scott, believes. Is out of danger ar.J will survive the Injuries suffereJ when his car swerved off the highway at high speed north ot Rose burg. He la still suffering from 'brain concus sion and Is In a somewhat dazed con dltion, in which ho appears to hae suffered a toss of memory. Rational periods, however, are said to be In creasing In frequency and duration. Warren Butler, well known Medford business man, has assumed owner ship and management of the Soutli Central Service Station at the corner of South Central and Ninth Streets In this city. This station, offering G 11 more gasoline and Lion Hn-i motor oils, In Medford's newest ser vice station, nonntrueted along mori ernlstlo lines and featuring the la-it word In motor service and Gilmore "Chack Chart" lubrication. A full-line of Gilmore products are featured In Mr. Butler s station as well as gen eral tire repair service. Warren Butler, proprietor of the new station, Is widely known In southern Oregon having been associa ted with ihe Medford Furniture & Hardware Company for several years. He Is active tn business and fratern.i circles of this city and has a hast ot friends who wish his success in his new enterprise. The vry latest In service stattjn equipment Is featured In Mr. But ler's South Central Service Station. Better clothes for leas It will Pi you to climb my stairway Klein tht Tailor. 138 East Main, upstalra. I wish Hrrrlman would quit mis placing quotation marks In those grand Krai? Kat cartoons. Most conspicuous of the season's turning the other check : Mr.a Hart who lampooned the Rockefeller In a Mage nklt. hired to do Radio City's operetta. Owen D. Young's middle hair part haa the fixity of a port hole, Kay Francis rarely ever pro nounce her l's. r's and w's. Every girl I've known called Frankle haa been a redhead. Slick est of the iUgcn smart talkers, on and off. is Frank Kay. Memorable breakfast waffles with honey and KaiiMge with fried apple rings at the St. Charles In New Orleans The only time I ever tvik r they jinked the wrong turk A valued Communications Mr A S T H M 11Vy SPASM TONIGHT ASMOLAC nf A Mil ma No cont If ASMOI.AC roll to relieve the awful, mifft( ntlnp. nhecKlng, nml choking nensntlon. Enables tou to breathe freely and easily and sleep oundlv lit night, sold nn money back 1 guarantee. Trice WKSTPRN THRIFT STORK 13 lnt sixth St. A Moral Victory To the Editor: j We read the defeat of the tax j limitation amendment at a great 1 moral victory. Four months ago the ! overtaxed property owner of Ore- J gon were still unorganlred and tax limitation was little known or un- J drrstood. In thla brief period, de-' spite a solid front of newspaper1 opposition and the desperate re ' slut a nee of tha tax-spending public officials and employe. w hare ed- ' ucated the people and polled the 1 vote; the l of which Is proof that this la the Uvest single issue ! In Oregon today. . 1 During the campaign the opposi tion repeatedly proposed that the' measure In lt present form be Tot- ' ed down and that after the vote. ' we should ail get together to orx ' out ft c cm pre .letulta j?laa of tag 1 DANCE MONDAY ARMISTICE DAY DREAMLAND DINTY MOORE AND HIS ORCHESTRA Men Ladies 35c 10c 20cN. 1 1 I Anytime Adults r I 111 .sislMa Kiddies 10c Anytime TODAY and MONDAY Continuous Shows Today 1:45 P. M. to 11:00 P. M. Here You Are Folks! The Charming Star of "Manhattan Melodrama" and "The Thin Man" Her Most glori ous screen tri umph ot' . . -s!I ! t. .1 Beaatiful f rP! A II H AH ' .... j i B.W B M n jm nuaai. BOH W M Tif - .J ou auav are plating a man's game . , . ton rirtnsrrnu for a nontan. If you are caught . . It mean death. You he loug to me . . not to a flag." Lionel Atwill Added Screen Entertainment Pepper Pot "LOVE THY NEIGHBOR" "THE HEART OF PARIS, n Traveltalk "SPORT SLANTS" PATHE NEWS REEL B.239 votes the largest in the his tory of Jackson county cast in last election. Red Cross drive starts tomorrow. Contribute to Chest Officers.' and enrolles are being given blanks, that they might contribute to the Com munity chest If they o desire. .The contributions are being handled by Captain M. Milton Potter. Be correctly corseted in an Artist Model by , Ethelwyn B Hoflmann. Poison moonshine blamed for In crease In blindness In America. j I Freezing weather prevails upstate. : Medford defeats Ashland. 14 to 12. before a crowd of 4000. Eddie Dem mer's punting and Conrad's llno bucklng save the day. Gov. Al Smith of New York, rated as "sole hope of Democratic party In 1928." TWENTY YEARS AGO TODAY November 11. 1914 (It Was Wednesday) County will prosecute "two lazy husbands, who have not worked for six months and do not Intend to work for six months more, if they can j get out of It." Action will be taken j under the 'Mazy husband law." ! New Evans creek bridge nearly com pleted. Espee to run special train to Ash land Saturday on account of the Ash land -Med ford football game. j Potato prices Jump $1 per ton. Day of quiet on the battle fronts of Europe. , i MARRIED WOMEN Tie CERTAXB the NEW, AD VANCKt), proven method for Feminine HjKlene. Recommended by tJoctorm, iralarl hy women every, niter ho line It in preference to an thing else, Pure, imn-lrrllatlnnr, Inexpensive, ftxeollrnt too for Minor Vaginal Irritations. ilft CKRTANE today. May he had in either Jelly. C'onea or 1'owder form. MONEY BACK GUARANTEE Western Thrift Store., CfiRTANE IS SAFE Don't miss the crand values at Ad rienne'a 9th Anniversary Sole, be:n ning Tuesday. In presenting dance numbers Eve Benson wishes to state that each of her pupils has been taught exclusively by her. She docs not-advertise and present as her own. pupils in dances and with technique arquired und.:r more experienced teachers, as fre quently happens. Ose Mall Tribune want, ada DEPENDABLE III II.IMSII AKVIt B BIG PINES LUMBER CO. I Kmijom j ta-vM SHE P $t rTi'K 1 " dhiscem I j I I I STARTS TODAY Continuous Shows Sun. 1:30 to 11 THIS LITTLE BIT OF EM-SENT JOY Changed their lives from fear to fortune, from sorrow to paradise! I SHIRLEY TEMPLE JAMES DUNN . CLAIRE TREVOR AUN D!NrHRT ALSO Pictorial March of the Year News