MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE. MEDFORO. OREOOX, SUNDAY. NOVEMBER 11, 19.1-1 PAGE FIVE Local and Personal ' To Portland Mr. Helen Orttacn m expected to leave Saturday mom lug on the Bhasta lor Portland. Return from Eaat Mr. H. A. Stan ley and Mrs J. W. Curry returned on trie Shasta Saturday from Washing ton, D. 0. Shopping Saturday Aire. Maude Potter, ol Ashland, waa In Medford yesterday chopping, having arrived on the morning 'rain. . Report) Theft Harold Croucher, ol DeBarr avenue, reported to city police that hi bicycle, painted black, was stolen Friday night from the armory. navtd Don Here David Don. ol S lem. 1 spending a tew days here on business, having arrived Saturday morning on the Oregonlan. J. From Dayton Charles Doud. 91 Dayton. Ohio, arrived yesterday to visit for a few weeks with hla brother. W. H. Doud. of Talent. At Crescent City Miss Lillian Rob erta, executive secretary ol the Red Cross, Is spending the week end at CTescent City. 3 Plan Fishing Trip George Webb and Ed carlon are planning to leave this morning on a Ilshlng trip to the Chetco river. Allen In Portland W. W. Allen, manager of the Plerce-AUen Motor Co.. Is In Portland attending to business this week end, having left Friday night. Arrives from 'Frisco Miss Oladya Rahe. of San Francisco, arrived on Saturday morning's train, to visit here over the week end with Mrs. O. R. Hutchinson. . Crate to Repair Permit for repair ing a root was obtained Friday from the city building department by the Craterlan theater, with cost of the work estimated at 100. Visits Friends Here Mrs. Albert Hoffman, of Butte Falls, was a Med ford visitor recently, spending Thurs day and Friday here visiting with friends. visits Ashland Lola Reed, who Is from Gold Hill, was In Medford yea terday on business, and left on the Oregonlan for Ashlsnd to spend the remainder of the day. ... Here for week End James W Leake, of Portland.' arrived on the Oregonlan Saturday morning to spend the week end here wun nm wiie, m. Bsther Church Leake. . t Ashland Mrs. W. B. Auatln. demonstrator for Borden'a ProducU apent yesterday In Ashland on busi ness, leaving Medlord on ine morn lng train. Visits Relatives Mrs Mary A. Mc Klnnls. of thla city. Is spending the week end In Ashland visiting her sla ter, Mrs. Catherine E. Slltcr. and her sons, P. H., and W. C. McKinnis. Here .for Week F.nd Charles O. Gould, storekeeper at crater lake na tional park and In charge of the win ter crew, la In Medford over the week end. Here from Klnmath Mrs. M. Myers, of Klamath Falls, visited In this city Friday night with Miss Nina Matney. and left Saturday morning by train for Riddle. Ore., on a five day trip before returning to her home. Leave for Rosehurg Masters Don ald and Alvln Wymore left on the Shasta yesterday morning for Rose burg, and their parents. Mr. and Mrs O. O. wymore, left on the evening train for the same city. Leaves Saturday J. B. Speed, of Lo Angeles, of the State Mutual Build ing and Loan association, left yester day for Eugene and Portland, on the Bhasta, having arrived In Medford on business Friday afternoon by stage. At ParK Saturday W E. Robertson, auperlntendent of Crater lake nation al park during the absence of David H. Canlleld, acting superintendent who la attending a meeting of park supervisors at Washington. D. C. made a trip to the park Saturday. Runawavi Held Gordon Beers, 18. of 336 Beatty street; Charles Derrick 18 of 135 Edwards street and Donald Snyder. 18. of 823 North Central, were being held yesterday by Ashland po lios, having run away from their homes Friday morning according to local officers. Duggan Visits D. P. Duggan. prom inent Sams Valley farmer, was a Med ford visitor Saturday, transacting business. Graves Returns C. C. Draws, of thla city, route agent for the Railway Express Co., returned on the Oregon lan yesterday morning from Coos Co.. where he had been on official busi ness. t . Engineer Here F. L. Bolssonnault, of San Francisco, engineer In the na tional park service, la In Medford for several days on business, having ar rived Saturday morning on the Or?- gonlan. Goes to Portland Miaa Clara Young er, of the forest service offices, and Mrs. Birdie Cogglna. employed at the Toggery,-left by motor Friday night to attend the football game at Port land. - . Expected to Arrive Mra. Elden Gal breath, and children, Bonny Bea and Douglas, were expected to arrive yes terday from Madera, Cal., where they have been apendlng the summer. They will make their home In this city with Mra. G. E. Neeley. ... Attend Game -Mrs. E. L. Basford Mrs. E. E. Carlon, Mrs. Lovldo Mann and Miss Georgia Webb left by motor Friday evening for Portland and at tended the football game there Sat urday. In Portland they met Miss Pit Carlon, daughter of Mrs. Carlon, who Is attending school at Seattle. 1 Society and Clubs D. A. R. Notes GEO. A. HUNT OPENS TOO LA1E 10 CLASSIFY WANTED To buy or lfce orchard or farm. Box 4083. Tribune LOST BI leather tipper purae. in business district Sat. night. Mrs A G. Dunn, 1007 Roddy. Phone U8W. Reward. WANTED Gentleman want ride east. Share expenne. Clyde L. Staf ford. Rt. 3. Medford. 1931 STUDEBAKF.R DeLuxe aedan. 22.000 mi-wige, 1400. Inquire at 124 So. Grape. TOH RENT Furnl.hd duplex. Adult only, 312 So. Central. Key at 240 do Grape. FOR SALE 4-tube all electric Mldpet radio: aluo 6-tube battery eet. III- Wav Exchange. So. Phoenix, pnooe 34 1 -J-3. FOR SALE OR TRADE 27 Chev. coach; '26 Overland 6 tour.: Pard T sedan: 2 trailers. HI Way Ex change. So. Phoenix. Phone 341-J-3 Mrs. C. C. VanScoyoc will be hos tesa to Crater Lake chapter Daugh ters of the American Revolution on next Saturday. November 17. at her home. 209 South Orange street. Mesdamea H. E. Armstrong. W. H. Rucker, Virginia Riggs and C. V, Murray will be assistant hostesses and Mrs. M. J. Norrls will speaK on "International Relations." Members are asked to bring their gifts for the Angel Island Christmas box to this meeting. A few sug gestions for gifts are: needles, thread, thimblea, scissors, percale or gingham in two and one-half t five yard lengths, yarns or any ma terial for occupational work. Also towels, soap, combs and brushes, oi any toilet articles or supplies. Pen ells, crayons, drawing materials, books, balls and toys are suggested for the children. Members of Crater Lake chapter are asked to meet at the corner ol Ivy and Main streets at 10:45 on Monday, November 12, to take part in the Armistice Day parade. Ever-Ready Circle Meeting This Week The Ever-Ready Circle of the Presbyterlfyi church will have a cov ered dish luncheon Tuesday at the : home of Mrs. Tom Waterman at 100 South Ivy street. j Wenonah Club " To Meet In Ashland The regular social card party of the Wen on ah club will be held at the home of Bernlce Brown In Ashland on Thursday, November 15. Eight Tables In Play Wetlnesdny Eight tables of bridge were In play Wednesday evening at the party given by the ladies of the Sacred Heart Catholic church. Prizes went to Mrs. R. L. Lewis, Dr. Rossi, Dr. Doble meier and Mr. Sullivan. 4 Business Women's Meeting Thursday V Business and Professional Women will meet for dinner at 6:30 o'clock Thursday evening at the Jackson hotel, after which the regular meet ing Is to be conducted. Miss Gladys Whltson Is chairman. Pythian Sisters" To Have Roll Call The Pythian Sisters held their reg ular meeting Wednesday evening. Nov 7. A pot luck supper was served be fore the meeting. There will be annu al roll call at the next meeting, Nov 21. On Nov. 14th they plan a card party at the K. of P. hall. Plnochla five-hundred and bridge will be play ed. High and low prizes given and re freshments are to be served. The public is invited. Royal Neighbors Plan Novel Party Royal Neighbors will give a benefit parcel post party at the K. P. hall Thursday evening. Nov. 19, at 7:30 o'clock. Each member Is Bfiked to pro vide one or more packages to be de livered C.OJ. at the postal window that evening. These articles will be reasonably priced. j Refreshments in keeping with Hal- lowe'en season will be served during I the evening. 1 Believed to be the finest lineup of feature attractions ever offered to the public, have been contracted for use during the coming year at the Craterlan and Rlalto theatres, ac cording to an announcement made by George A, Hunt yesterday. "Never, in all my years of motion picture exhibition." said Mr. Hunt, "have we had such a stellar array of combined star and story entertain ment, backed by real direction and production. "For years, every theatre manager In the country has balked at some of the film product he has been neces sitated to run." Mr. Hunt continued, "and now It begins to look as though It has finally brought a result. I have , never seen such an imposing group ot star material In stories that will ; bring out their greatest talents, as in the pictures now set for produc tion. Not only are the producers be- : coming more "choosy" in their comb. Inatlons of story and star materia) ; ut they have come to the real 1 Ration that "clean pictures," suitable fut the entire family, are the ones that reap the greatest returns. Consequent ly, I'm glad to say that the forthcom ' lng year will see a return to mor-3 j films of this type than It has been j our pleasure to show prior to this : time." The entire output of leading sUi ! dios, which Include every star of any ; importance, have been contracted for. i In addition to this, a selective deal i has been made with the Independent j producing companies that will allow 1 a choice selection of their best pro- j ductlons. Pictures soon to be shown In Med ford at either the craterlan or Rlalto theatres Include "The Oay Divorcee. ' featuring the stars of "Flying Down to Rio" Fred Astalre and Ginger Rogers In the screen version of ttu famous musical comedy sensation: Claud ette Colbert in Cecil B. DeMllle's newest extra vagahza, "Cleopatra.' with Warren William and Henry Wil coxon in supporting roles as Caesa and Marc Anthony: three Motion PirT ture Acadamy Award winners. Norm Shearer, Charles Laughton and Fred ric March in "The Barrett of Wlm pole Street": Helen Hayes in "What Every Woman Knows," the play she made famous on the stage; Maurlco Chavaller and Jeanette MacDonald In the Ernst Lubltsch production of Franz Lehar's Immortal "Merry Widow": Grace Moore, famous opera ! star. In "One Night of Love,' which has been shattering box office record all over the country: Joe E. Brown in "6 Day Bike Rider": John Boles and Irene Dunne, together for the first time since "Back Street" in "The Age of Innocence"; Wheeler ann Woolsey In their new musical comedy. "Kentucky Kernels"; Lee Tracy as the "Lemon Drop Kid," from the story of the same name by Damon Runyon; Leslie Howard and Kay Francis ;n the much discussed "British Agent". Ann Harding's new fllmplay, "Tho Fountain." one of the best-sellers lt fiction; "Anne of Green Gables," the famous story by L, M. Montgomery, "The Captain Hates the Sea," with a cast of star players in a different type of comedy-drama; "Flirtation Walk" atarrinst Dick Powell and Ruby I Keeler and filmed at the colorful en vironments of West Point: Frank Capra, with "It Happened One Night" and "Lady for a Day" already to his credit, is now making "Broadway Bill" with Warner Baxter and Myrna Loy featured; Will Rogers, always one of the screen's favorites, in another film play typical of his greatest suc cesses. "The County Chairman"; Janet Gaynor will be shown In a picture as yet untitled; Gloria Swnnson makes her return to the screen with John Boles In "Music In the Air"; Warmr Baxter will be shown In "Hell in the Heavens," a story of the war In th air; the famous play "David Copper field" will be brought to the screen by such favorites as Charles Laugh ton, Lionel Barry more and Edna May Oliver; Garbo will be shown soon In 'The Painted Veil"; Myrna, Loy and William Powell, which turned out to be the most successful starring como inatlon of last year, will be together again in "Evelyn Prentice"; Wallace Beery, Clark Gable and Robert Mont gomery will be together In "Mutiny On the Bounty. Blng Crosby's newest will be "Here Is My Heart"; Max Baer, world's heavyweight champion. Is now mak ing "Kids on the Cuff": Gary Cooper and Franchot Tone will be seen In "Lives of a Bengal Lancer": Gene 8 tratton-Porter's "Keeper of tne Bees" Is listed for an early showing; Katherine Hepburn will be starred in "The Little Minister." said to be the finest film role this sensational star has yet had; Thome Smith's riot of Imagination, "Night Life of the Gods' is now In the making with Lowell Sherman at the directing helm, Charles Dickens' "Oreat Expectations " Is soon to be released and, vate prevltw held last week In Med ford, was acclaimed as a feature sen sation; Margaret Sullavan's new pic ture will be "The Good Palry" with Herbert Marshall and Frank Morgan featured; James Cagney is said to have an Ideal part l. "The St. Louis Kid"; Paul Muni will be shown in "Bordertown," which has already been six months in making: and practically every star of any consequence will also be shown in roles that have been particularly chosen to enable them giving of their best tulcnts. To support these fine attractions the theatres will aiso have selected short subject with comedies, car toons, musicals, novelties and scenic chosen with an eye of balancing u,: each program. Truly, as Mr. Hunt ex pressed It, it is going to be a "New Deal year In tho motion picture field." Go to San Francisco 4.1 ia Doro thy Rogers, employed by the Califor nia Oregon Power Co., left by train Friday evening for San Francisco. On Flhtng Trip E D. Herndon; of Tracy. Cal , Is In Medford for days, and went on a stcelhead fish ing trip on the Rogue Saturday, WINDOW OLASJyv sen Wtndott giaas and will vplace four broker xtndows reasonably rrowbridge Cao met Works ADRTENNES 9th ANNIVERSARY at a pn- eue starts Tuesday, Nov. 18. Ore and Bullion Purchased Llcenird by Stat. .1 C.lllonila B't.tttHked 1V WILDBHRG BROS. SMHLTINO at RliFINING CO. OiScm: 7 M.rkct St..S.n Fr.ncuta PI mt: Simh fin Pi'insl, SCOTTISH BITS Stated meeting Lodge, 7:S0 P. M.. Not. 11. L. E. WILLIAMS. Secretary. MILL FUELS mean ECOH0MY Slabs Blocks Sawdust Kindling Phone 7 Timber Products Co. Edward Oywater M. D. Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Surgeon Cataracts and Sinus Surgery a Specialty Grants Pass - - Oregon For the Love of Pete! AND For the love of the other members rt'your family, get covered with idequate automobile Insurance If ;ou are not already covered. IT'S TOO MIGHT Not If you are a careful driver and can buy It from the Farmers Auto mobile Inter-Inauranca Exchange. Here'a an example: Ford, Chevro let, Plymouth and can In this price class: Fire and Theft, Public Liability (up to S20,aQ0) Property Damage (up to S5.000) First S months, 7.60 Ench 8 months thereafter. Collision Insurance and personal accident Insurance corresponding ly low. H.B.DUNCAN Liberty nldg. Phone lon Medford, Oregon Rated A-Excellent by Allord M. llfjt. endorsed by State and National Orange. TURKEY DINNER Armistice Day Monday Noon at ZI0N LUTHERAN CHURCH Fnurlh St. near Oakilsle t. ilnll 4K Children T" M ( rnzwu ME Turkey Shippers For Best Results Quick Returns Consign Your Turkeys to Cudahy Packing Co. II SAN FRANCISCO Wcsrds 1935 Dse War da exclusive 8 Feature Instant Dial to en joy tho new world range I World-wide reception la yours with a Ward 1935 Ra dio. Tune in and listen I Radioa go direct from maker to Wards 489 storea costa cut you save I N Instant Dialing. See how 8-Feature Instant Dialing helps you to get foreign station how it simplifies, improves, makes more fascinating all radio reception 1 Enjoy the new range of powerful 1935 Ward Radios! Thrill to mar velous, life-like Ward tone I Get cabinets built like finer furniture styled by foremost artists. How Yoo Save Vz See how you save ! There are reasons . . . facts . . . why Wards bring you America's finest radios at savings up to $701 Hri they are: Radios go direct from maker to Wards 489 stores; no dealer's profit, no extra handling charges. Wards sell more radios than any other retailer in the world. Such huge volume cuts costs I It's because of volume-selling that Wards can keep a technical staff searching for improvements can afford to maintain highest quality standards, yet sell to you at sensationally low prices ! Come in I Pay a little down and a little a month. Small carrying charge on deferred payments. All Ward Radios Licensed by R, C A and Hazeltine y-" ."m --n r-T " s68-95 S79.95 : A u .. , 1 - rJ V - i 1 lllWlp 1 i. h' k ' 1 1 ; f- K i E 1 r tv ti 3 ' k g t rj ml S1-yM f(frf"'Jr"'",'Jt"l'JM't ' iaaaaytiiirTMii Lr i fn 1u liirlrin BaHery 9 Tube . . Save $35 Never a finer battery radio, we believe. World range. 8-Feature Dial, Performance like electric. sv. Super 12 tube . . Save $50 Ward's finest. Super powered. Mntchlesi tona. 8 feature dial. q $29-95 5 Tubci . . . Save Vi fo V2 Compare it I Each feature a qual ity point the way Ward do It. Fine tone; generous volume , Jfi, 7-Tube Console With World- Wide Range jr a ftiiiW .V', S3950 Save Up to $50 Here's an example of what Wards enormous buying power brings you in value I You must spend as much as $50 more to get many of these 1935 features as well done! Compare its marvelous tone; its thrilling short-wave performance. Come in and see it! Hear it! , . for 7-Tufee Mantel World-Wide Range Get foreign countriel t Range coast-to-cout on ihort w&veil Enormoua distance-getting power. You wave up to $351 117 SOUTH CENTRAL ,,WUl1iMiilsie MEDFO RD, ORE. TELEPHONE 280 r