MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE. MEDFORD. ORECOX, SUNDAY. NOVEMBER 11, 1034 PAGE THREE Society und Clubs Wampus Baby Stars at Rialto Woodcraft Lodges Well Represented At Conclave Here Chrysanthemum Circle No. 84, Neighbors of Woodcraft was host n.t Wednesday night to 108 members of Woodcraft. A large delegation from Orantfi Pass, Phoenix, Ashland and Klamath Falls was present, alto Or ganizer Beatrice Shadoln and daugh ter, Miss Ted Shadoln, of Portland. District officers, visiting guardian, neighbors and all members were wel comed with tho honors of the circle Charter members present from Grants Pass were: Mesdamea Dean and Stlne baugh: Phoenix, Mary O. Carey; Ash land, Mrsdames L. A. Roberta and Martha Tlce and Katherlne Walt of the lecal circle. Each being presented respective circles. Phoenix officers and guards put on the opening ceremony. Captain Dolley and his drill team put on the flag ceremony, then the chairs were vacated and the officers and guards of Chrysanthemum circle of Medford Initiated a large class of new members. After the business of the evening, Organizer Shadoin gave a short talk and complimented the officers and guards on the splendid way the work was performed. Ashland circle put on the closing ceremony. After the close of the meet ing, the Grants Pass drill team put on a military drill and Miss Daven port of Klamath Palls favored the group with several, vocal selections Refreshments were then served, sing ing and speeches being given In the banquet room. Sunny sisters Announce Meeting A one o'clock covered dish luncheon will be held Tuesday, November 13. in the women's parlor of the Presoy torlan church by members of the Sunny Sisters' circle. Mistletoe Club Has Interesting Meeting Mistletoe club met Wednesday afternoon at the home of Neighbor Jessie Lalng with Neighbors Pranct-s McConochie, Katie Palm and Nora Glascock assisting. Following business the committee provided a highly amusing game and this enjoyable program: Humorous reading, Katie. Palm; two lovely whistling selectionE, Miss Grlbble; several lnstrun i ntal piano numbers by Margaret Garrett Refreshments In keeping with Hal lowe'en were served to a large num. ber of members and friends. The club extended welcome to Miss Blanche Arnold who has just returned from a visit in southern California. A Woman's Figure Is the calendar of her years - - 1 Lmm rii i m m ii J John Miljan, William Haynes and Judith Allen have three of thj prin cipal roles In "Young and Bsauttful" playing today and Monday at ;h-; Rialto theater. The film also Intro duces the 1934 Wampus Baby Sta'-s, given a running start on their way to success on the screen with this picture. The story tells of the romance be tween a studio press agent and a Wampus Baby star. By exerting eve-y high-powered stunt he knows, the publicity man pilots the girl to rhe very heights of movie stardom. The curious part of It. however, is that the girl would far rather be Just a wife and mother rather than a pic- Make no mistake about that and choose your foundation garment with painstaking care. The new BON TON can be depended upon to slim your waist, flatten youx abdomen, smooth your hips and give you uplifted, youth ful bust lines.. See these popular Garments to-day! Burelson's Mi:tll"OR! WILDING NOTICE! We are obliged to discontinue baking Cheese Rolls . for a few days as the bulk supply of grated cheese in Medford is exhausted. MODEL BAKERY fa Vh 'A ture star. How they finally solve their differences forms the climax of the story. Through It all runs a musical back ground supplementary to the story It self. Ted Flo Rlto, with his famous orchestra, serves the melody wlt'.i many stage and screen favorites con tributing to the fun, the dances, the song numbers. One of the highlights of the picture la the introduction of Adolphe Menjou, John Barrymore Jimmy Durante, Joe E. Brown, Wal lace Beery, Eddie Cantor, George Ar Has, Buster Keaton and Laurel and Hardy acting as escorts for the Baby stars. There's a catch In It whin Just makes It that much more en tertainment from a novelty angle. Benson Pupils In Dance Revue At Craterian Friday A few of Eve . Benson's talented pupils will appear In a short dance revue at Hunt's Craterian November 16, between evening shows. The program follows : Ballet: "Les Papillcnnes" (Butter flies). Barbara Bevan. Gretchen Mc Allister, Joan Buchter, Ruth Slorah. Pattt Mattlson, Betty Green and Aklko Satto. Spanish Gypsy Life" Reglna Parsons. Audrey Kullberg, Joan Mole. Alice Taknhlra, , Helen Rubinstein Barbara Brooks, Sybil Hagcn. Gretta Hansen, Barbara Earl. Jacqulyn Morris and Ruth Slorah. "Rhythm Tap" Gretchen McAl lister. Barbara Holt, Pattl Mattlson. and Durell Adams. Acrobatic group Aklko Saltc, Bar bara Bevan. Joan Buchter. Alice Takahirn, and Joan Mole. Tap, "Dancing Queens" Barbara Holt and Gretchen McAllister. Russian Gypsy solo Elaine Brophy. Les Petltes Ballerinas' Joan Mole, Reglna Parsons, Alice Taka hlra, and Audrey Kullberg; Joan Butcher, Ruth Slorah, and Jewel Deter. Music for the occasion will be ably rendered by Mr. . Sebastian Apollo and Miss. Margaret Osen- brucge. Previous to opening a studio In Medford, Eve Benson traveled cx tensively, almost completing the circle of the world. She has studied under some cf the leading artists In Russian ballet, character. Oriental acrobatic and tap dancing. During childhood in India, she was an en thuslastlc acrobat and soon afcer developed Into a dancer. She has taught In Medforu for several years, endeavoring to give only the best to her pupils through her wide experience and constant contact with the finest professionals In various phases In the art oi dancing and showmanenip. Robersons Leave For Arkansas Mr. and Mrs. T-Yank J. Rotorsoi: and son Jack left Thursday for Perm. Arts., where they plan to remain for three or four months visiting rela tives. Play RehPrtrsiil In Church Parlors Rehea:al of the W. H.M. S. play will be held Monday evening at 7.:ia o'clock in the church parlors, ac cording to announcement. Study Club Meeting Postponed to lot li The meeting of the Travel Study club to be held at the home of Mrs P. Albert, 435 Beatty street, will be postponed until November 19, it was made known. Mrs. F. Hagerty will speak on the religions of the orthodox church ana of the, Greek church of Russia. "Tol stoy and His Philosophy" will be pre. sen ted by Mrs. Fred Cummlngs. "Peck's Bad Boy" Opens New Show Year 1 15 w 4 - 1 hnr y 7 - ff V - N -i r1 China Is Subject At Post-Delphians Members of the Post-Delphian Study club enjoyed a most Interest ing and instructive study of China during the Thursday morning meet ing. "History of Old China" was given by Mrs. Myron Root and "Arts and Crafts of China" by Mrs, C. I. Drum mond who brought a number of articles to Illustrate her subject. Mrs. R. W. Sleet er gave the book review "River Supreme," a novel, the Dramatized Review At Mission Society A very Interesting and Instructive program was given at the regular meeting of the Women's Missionary society of the Christian church on Wednesday afternoon. A short prayer service was closed with a prayer song by Mrs. James Grlgsby. after which ' the prwident conducted the business period. Mrs. Ralph Cook and Miss Gene vieve Brown sang a sacred duet and Mrs. Archer gave a most impressive devotional service. Mrs. Julia Gregory, group leader. made a splendid Introductory speech on the Home Missions theme. Orien tal Americans, and the following numbers were presented: Where we have shared," a sketch of the work among Orientals through the year, Mrs. Halite Saunders; Churches sharing with Orientals." Mrs. C. M. Hon; "Meet My Friends,' stories of Oriental Americans, Mrs. Ford: "Orientals in American Life," a dramatized review of Dr. Palmer's book. Mrs. Cora Wilson. Mrs. Ralph Cook. Mrs. James Gvigsby. Mrs. Car ence Pierce, Miss Dorothy Culy. The society benediction closed the program and refreshments were served to 37 mymbera, and three visi tor. (inicp clrrle . T .Meet Tuesday On T'.iPfsdny at one o'clock, mem bers o: Grace Circle of the Presby terian church will meet with Mrs O. L. Overmyer at her home, 61J South Holly street. Huildlnc Bridge Club To .Meet nt Kellehors Building Bridge club met at the hqme of Mrs. K. N. Moty for desseit and bridge. Thursday afternoon, with six tables of contract and auction being In play. The next meeting Is to be this Thursday with Misses Kath erlne and Anna Kellehor as hostesses at their home on South Oakdale ave nue. Dessert will be served at 1:30 o'clock. Arts and CraTts Class Changes Meeting Day Mrs. Lina Wright who c n:lucts the class In arts and craft on Wednesday night has announced that hereafter the claa will be held on Thursday night of each week in the club house at 7:30. The work presented consists of block printing, crayola tapestry mak ing and other crafts that are of spe cial interest in making of Christmas gifts, card, etc. Several business women have ex pressed their Intentton of Joining this das. When one considers the pleaa ant meeting place, the expert Instruc tion and the fact that these classes are free, one feels that married women, and girl are missing a pleas ant and profitable experience In not Joining thla class. other classes in athletics and Bible study, are held during the week, of which announcement win do mic later. One of the most popular storks ever written, or rather series of stor ies were those of "Peck's Bad Boy '' At the Craterian theatre, starting '.o day for three days. Jarklc Cooper 18 shown in the role of young Billy Pack, with Thomas Meighan, Dorothy Peter son 'and O. P. He&gle in chief sup porting roles, leading an array of stel lar attractions booked for that theater ior the forthcoming year. "Peck's Bod Boy" Is said to be de lightful in Its simplicity and humor. Laughter and tears a remixed to gether In thla story of tne youngster, whose boyhood la so filled with ad venture. Made with an eye of dliect appeal to adults as wen as children It show Jackie a the adopted an of Melghan. AH goes well until the arrival of an aunt and her small n. Horace, who Immediately set out to break up the ralttlonanip between Billy Peck and hi "dad". The many little tragedies the boy suffers, aloo? with the more hilarious complications that ensue, make the picture ideal for the inauguration of new attraction for the coming year At Roxy Today n4 0 6 Vi Baby. Take a Bow.- starring Shir ley Temple. James Dunn and Claire TtCOl, UJVllO Nil the RuAJ lllWWf U day. It's a sparkling comedy-drama tin; get under way in the first few scenes and maintain a rapid tempo to Vi exciting finish. The story deals wi:l the struggle for happiness and sue cess of ft young man Just out of prU on. a girl who marriea him because she believe In him. and the result of their union, an adorable baby girl who Is the pride and Joy of their hearts. After an exciting sequence of events, stolen gems arj recovered, the culprit captured and Shirley is lite heroine of the hour, with a goodly reward In prospect and the removal of all suspicion from her daddy. Elect Officers at Missionary Meeting The South Methodist Missionary society held an all day meeting v the church Tuesday, Nov. 6. The morning session and part of the after noon were devoted to the study of the book "Japan Speaks for Herself ' At the business meeting a report of the group meeting at Myrtle creek and McFarland was given. Election ui officers was held a follows: Presi dent, Mrs. Taylor; vice-president, Mrs. Prestridge, corresponding secretary. Mrs. Wood; recording secretary. Mrs McCulston; treasurer, Mrs. Bills; sup erintendent children's work. Mrs Roberta: superintendent study, Mrs Fillmore: superintendent publicity Mrs. Oatman: superintendent C. 8 R.. Mrs. Abby Thomas; superintendent supplies, Mrs. Joe Thomas; superin tendent world outlook, Mrs. RIim: superintendent local work, Mrs. Starkey. 4-f (uests at Glnn Home To Los Angeles Mrs. Bertha Olnn and her daughter Miss Vashtl Glnn, who have been vis iting at the home of Mr. and Mia. G. W. Glnn. left yesterday for their home in Los Angeles accompanied by Mrs. Peggy Glnn. who will spend e short vacation in San Francisco. For MODERN FUEL OIL delivery Phone 332, Relnklng Trucking Co, At Studio Mi; . VVj setting of which 1 the country and life along the Yangtze River of China, During the business meeting mem bers were reminded that absence for three consecutive meetings without good excuse Is equivalent to resignation. Music for any occasion. Phone 788. Stamboul Quest." which open to day st the Studio t neater, presents My ma Loy In the entrancing role o( "Frauleln Doktor," Germany's most valuable spy In the World war. George Brent la cast a the reck lea young American who becomes entan gled In the International apy web. Phone 642. We'll haul away your feuse. City Sanitary Service. LADY CAROU'" Silverplate in sterling designs Wed like to howyou the authentic pattern! fn Gorham Silverplate . . . "the next thing to sterling." It It the highest quality plate made. A full lifetime of splendid service Law re nee s Carrying .the same high grade merchandise rnind in the best stores In larger cities. mK ANNUAL WORLD RUISE EmprrssBritain Sil wy into Sprng tumhln tn th Emprttf cf Britain. Thit piUtidl ship cf tut, tptrd nd $PACf fhrd$ fuMuricut apart mtnti, baffrccmt, cu6 rvomt, ttnnit m tqu4ih ceurtt mti NFIT YORK u tount,i'tt....Pltttjnt 4td t9YPt, InJ, and Ctyhn, Cmi kedit tnd ancient Angkor.,,. Sitm .... J and Borobotdett h-.BAU, tht lttini PartdiM..., Chin, including Piping..Jp n in chtrry blossom time, fartl from &I50 (Apartment with tth. from S38QQ) JncfuJins itancfard ihore program. NEW RUISE Imprrss-Australia AFRICA SOUTH AMERICA WEST INDIES MEDITERRANEAN A new cruht Mcditerraneat ports.,.. Palestine, Egypt, Mom basa, Zaniibar, Dar-Es-Salaam, lourenco Marques, Durban, Canetewn. Ruenai Al, A video, Rio de Janeiro, the Weil fndes..,.S ports in 4 score of new lands, tailing en the spacious Emprcif of AuitrJu. fares from St.lfO (room with bath, from SS7CO) including standard short program. All details from your M Travel Agent, or W H. Deacon, Cen'l Agt. Past'r Dept., 6t6 SW. f Broadway, BR 0637, Portand. I U PORTS 96 DAYS From NW YORK JAN. ll Benefit Card Party By Royal Neighbor The Royal Neighbors will hold the third of a series of six benefit card parties at the K. P. hall Thursday afternoon, Nov. IS. Anyone enjoying cards Is Invited. Playing will bejin nt 2 o'clock. 44 filrl Scout (iroup Change Its Name The Girl Scout Community com mittee the name of which has been changed by the National Olrl Scout body to Girl Scout council, held Its November meeting the past week, and Mrs. J. C, Boyle was accepted a o new member. ll Art U&lrdre-fjerx Al S. Central Phone 363 The house that beauty built Personality Permanents ... Let us give you a Wave that will be the most flattering to your type. Why not make an appointment for a Perma nent before Thanksgiving. The Needle Arts Shop Announces A "Hand Knit" Fashion Show at the v ?m m II II Save Money Elec. Wirin? and Repairing Phone 00 Medford Electric B . Ill Ml. nnnrr llj i-mml. Mc1(ml HMt- Presented by Mrs,. Eunice Farris, of New York City, representative of Famous Bear Brand Yarns, Tuesday Night, Nov. 13 at 9 o'clock All Hand-Knitted Garments Shown On Living Models The NEEDLE ARTS SHOP IN THE MEDFORD BUILDINO The Cinderella Beauty Salon EIGHTH AND CENTRAL Offers Special .. This Week Only! Our Finest .PERMANENT WAVE for' $5.00 and with' this you will receive a $2.50 Renee Facial Appointments must be made this week. Time limit for work December 1st ... . Call CINDERELLA SHOP 265 Medford F?THLUlliV 1 1 u B. Hoffmann FIVE O'CLOCK COSTUMES the very newest and smart est creations for semi-formal LACE BLOUSES VELVET SKIRTS Tailored In many comblnfttlona of lacea and metallic. Skirts to the floor and silt In the modern dtrectolre manner. For Pine Hose That Wear, Try NOLDE It HORST g Beauty and color-fire . . . a fine Diamond has both The supreme jewel a dia mond would be her choice, W'l;twsi should you consult her .... fC Ana certainly no omer gm expresses so completely your deeper sentiments Special This Week Engagement and Wedding Ring Sets. Special $14.50 Silverware Specials 8a nd w Ich Tr a ya Bon Bon Tray Ire Tuba Candle Holder. ii Diamond Rtnt in a uid thou oj tUsitru tt5 -$60-$100 9M : Vl Price jewelers fi Armistice Day Armistice Day is observed to celebrate the Peace that ended the most devastating war in history; and to commemorate the sacrifices of those, living and dead, who fought in that terrible conflict. It i3 a day dedicated to the Peace of the world lasting peace for all nations and peoples. In observance of Armistice Day, this bank will be closed Monday, Nov. 12, a legal Holiday. Medford National Bank MEMBER FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE FUND MEMBER FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM