Ti PAGE TWO MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE. MEDFOIil). OREGON, SUNDAY. NOVEMBER 11. 1934 : Society and Club Events Reviewed for Week ! Japanese Costumes Many Local Folk ' Edited by Irva Fewell Edwards Mrs. Bartlam Is Honored Guest At Saturday Luncheon Mrs. Ernest B. Bartlnro wan guest of honor yesterday at b luncheon given by Mrs. H. D. McCaskcy at her country home. Besides Mrs. Bartlam. the guests were Miss Carlton, Miss Mao Carlton, Mlsa Anne Livingston, Mrs. John C. 8. Wellls, Mrs. P. Corning Kcnly, Mrs. Alex Sparrow, Mrs. Worthmg ton and Mrs. Thomas V. Vllllama- Card Party Friday At Cluh Rooms The Wenonah club puhllc card party will bo held at the Rcdmen hall on Friday evening, Nov. 10 at 8 o'clock. Those enjoying an evening of card are cordially Invited to attend. Invitations Issued Wedding Thursday Invitations have been Issued to the wedding Thursday morning at ten o'clock of Miss Ellow Mae Wilson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. O. Wil son, and Charles N. Call of Roseburg. son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles R. Oall of this city. The wedding will be a, the Wilson home, 7 Chestnut, Baptist Ladles' Group To Meet Willi Mrs, Jones The Ladles' Auxiliary of the First Baptist church wilt hold a combined business and missionary meeting Tuesday, Nov. 13, at 2 p.m. at the home of Mrs. W. L. Jones. 343 Apple The devotional period will be con ducted by Mr. H. E. Burke. All members and friends are urged to be present as an Interesting meet-, Ing Is anticipated. f v 'T K"i""ut t v7 A. s 4 4 Ilvfl Forget tf Ilk' ' -"fi z ' f HEIP THE DBSABLED MONDAY LAST DAY K.D. ROSS Company Pittsburgh Paint Products ' Wall Paper Window Glass 132 W. Main Phone 640 'Medford's Exclusive Paint and Wall Paper Store" Watches Diamonds Silverware Quality Jewelry Honestly Priced flAjEWnLERS HIOFORD.OIlt URK For Auto Tops and Canvas Come in and see us in our new home Medford Tent & Awning Works 314 EAST MAIN GU THE $ SUITS TO ORDER 25to$45 120 N. Central . THE PINE CONE BAR-B-QUE Dine, Dance. Romance All Dny Most of the Night Big 50c Turkey Dinner Every Sunday Chicken, Steaks, Sandwiches i One of Medford 'i Bost j Eating Places i NORTH RIVERSIDE j Just past city limits Miss Oathes Weds Mr. Patrick Today , In Portland Church At 13:30 o'clock this ' afternoon Mlu. Mildred Oathes of Medford daughter of Mr. and Mrt. N. Oathes of Canby, Ore.. Is to wed W. L. Pat riclc of Portland. The ceremony la to be performed at the Flrat Methodlat church at Twelfth and west Taylor streets In Portland. The bride will wear a dress of blue detailed In silver, with a short train, and her hat and slippers are In cor responding colors. Her bouquet will be gardenias and lilies of the valley. Among guests at the wedding will be Mrs. Essie McAllister and Miss Claudia Constable of Medford. and Dr. and Mrs. Jay Patrick of Wenat- chee, brother and sister-in-law of the groom. The couple will return to Medford after a two weeks' wedding trip In the north. Study Club Hears Talks and Reviews Wednesday Meeting A moat Interesting meeting of the Wednesday Study club was held in the club rooms November 7, with the president, Mrs. George Harding, In charge. Mrs. H. O. Wortman was In charge of the program, and gave an Interesting paper on coal mines and miners, explaining the different methods used, the grades of coal and the areas where found. She used pictures to Illustrate her talk. A review of the book, I Went to Pit College," was written by a young graduate of Smith college. Pit la not a college, but a, graphic description of the coal miners, and Is an index of this Industry. The current events cenflucted by Mrs. . B. Plckel', showed a wide , range of topics. ' W. H. M. 8. Meeting At Belknap Home The Women's Home Missionary society will meet with Mrs. Belknap Tuesday, November 13, with Mrs. Van Dyke and Mrs. T. O. Heine as assist ant hostesses. Those wishing trans portation, or those having room tvr others In their automobiles, are re quested to telephone either Mrs. C C. Darby or Mrs. E. C. Koppen. Tiies day Is also thanks offering day. Phoenix olrl grouts Conduct t'amporal The annual mother and daughter banquet of the Olrl Scouts of Troop 8, Phoenix, was held Saturday eve ning In the form of a camporal. The parlor of the Presbyterian church was beautifully decorated with small tre-s and sprays of varied autumnal color Ths fireplace was converted Into a campflre with, a black Iron ketti .suspended from a crane. The white covered table was decorated with aut umn leaves. The entire lighting of. the 'room was from candles placed in holders made of apples. Music was enjoyed and talks glvm by both mothers and daughters, Pol. lowing dinner the company of some thirty mothers and daughters gather, ed about the campflre and enjoyo i stories and aonga. The campflre pro gram was completed by a beautiful and Impressive fagot ceremonial and the singing of taps. -Mrs. Burroughs Hostess Carnation Club Members The Carnation club met Thursday evening In regular session with Mrs. Burroughs at her home, 1001 North Central avenue. Mrs. Bessie Hubler, newly-elected vice-president was In charge, due to the absence of the president, Mrs. Kempke, who was 111. Eighteen members and guests were present. During the business hour, plans were completed for the Decree of Honor Juvenile club to meet with Mrs. Ethel Blgler at her Laurel street home, with their dec orated bicycles and participate in the Armistice day parade November 13. They were asked to meet In front of the court house at 10:30 o'clock. The evening was spent tn em broidering tea towels for Miss Ellow Mae Wilson, whose wedding la to be an event of this week. Refreshments were served by Mre. Burroughs, assisted by Mrs. Mathilda Dietrich. The next meeting will be the evening of December 13 at the home of Mrs. Mamie Seller. The Bride and Groom Associated Press Photo) Only members of the Keleher fam- ALBUQUERQUE, N. M., Nov. 10. tly were present, Mrs. Keleher attend (AP) Ellen McAdoo, daughter of lng the bride and Keleher acting as Senator W. O. McAdoo, and Rafael best man for the groom. De Onate, screen actor, were married j The wedding took place In the soa- here this morning at a simple cere mony at the home of W. J. Keleher, Albuquerque attorney and close friend of the McAdoos. Arriving here by plane last night from Los Angeles, Miss McAdoo spent the night at the Keleher home, and De Onate stayed at a hotel. At ten o'clock this morning the couple met In the home of the Kele hers and were married by the Rev. George J. Weber, Congregational minister. clous living room of the Keleher home. The marriage license was obtained Just a short while before the wedding after the Bernalillo county clerk had been called to the Keleher home. Utmost secrecy guarded the wed ding and Mr. and Mrs. De Onate would not announce their plans. It waa understood they would leave here In a special plane at noon for some un an nounced d est 1 n a tl o n to spend their honeymoon. Korean Missionary Guest at Medford Methodist Society Willett Students To Be In Recitals On Wednesday and Thursday eve nings, November 14 and 15, students Miss Marie Churchill, missionary of ; from the piano class of Rosa Black- uiuio ujbib irum dacitson ana josa phlne counties, will appear in two recitals, at the Baldwin Piano shoppe next to the Rivoli theatre In Gran's Pass, These are the first of a series of recitals which will take place In Med ford, Grants Pass and the Ashland Normal school. These recitals are to Korea, now home on a furlough, was honor guest, Thursday afternoon, at the W. p. M. S. of the First M. E. church. A one o'clock covered dish lunch eon was served In the church parlors and tne afternoon session followed with Mrs. Wiley In the chair. Devotional period was conducted be given at Intervals throughout the by Mrs. Lyman, opening with singing 1 season, Mrs. Willett has stated. the hymn, "O Matchless Worth," the study topic, "Contemplation of Own ership" with Bible references from both the old and the new testament wss given. Miss Churchill who Is principal of the Girls' college In Ewa, Korea, gave an address full of Interest and de scriptive of the work and progress In Korea, as was also a report of the executlvo meeting held recently tn Washington, D. C. They are now making plans for a new college build ing, costing one hundred thousand dollars, to replace the older building. whlph wilt be used as a high school. Miss Churchill visited Medford some yesra ago, at which "time the local society subscribed to a fund for furnishing beds for the dormitory of this school. After school hours, Miss Churchill addressed a group or high school girls gathered in the parlors. Miss Churchill Is the house guest of Mrs. E. C. Koppen during her stay here. Socialites Meeting To He Held This Evening The meeting of the Socialites which was previously announced 'or next Tuesday, will be held this eve nlng at the Sacred Heart Pariah nail on South Oakdale. All members are urged to be present at 7:30 o'clock Reantes Chapter Officers To Kntertaln Wednesday Reames Chapter No. 66. O. E. S., Is to have a most enjoyable evening Wednesday, Nov. 14, at the Masonic Halt when the officers entertain with a program and refreshments. Ail members and visiting: members re urged to he present as a most enter taining evening Is promised. Among the advanced students ap pearing on these programs are Kath leen Bratton, Norma Nelll, Iris Lewis Amy GUmore. Carmen Dean, Jim Lulm, Jr..' BUI Lonlgan, Jr.. an-1 Prltu Guetzlaff. Mrs. Wlllet has extended a cordial Invitation to all music lovers. Cla6 To Meet At Junior High The class In adolescence will meet Tuesday evening from 7:30 to 9:00 p. m at the Junior high school. The physical and social aspects ol adolescence will be the topic. The meeting Is to be conducted In room 19 of the school. Worn by Speakers, Crater Lake Guild A most Interesting meeting f the Crater Lake Guild was held at the beautiful country home of EathtT Merrit Sanderson, Monday evening Hostesses were Mrs. Frank Haggerty, Mrs. H. E. March and Mrs. Sanderson. The topic for consideration was Japan. Clever decorations and re freshments were In keeping with the subject, Mrs. Florence McElhose and Mrs. Sanderson entertained with a num ber of Japanese songs, both native and modern, which were Joyfully re ceived by the group. Discussion of the various aspects of Japan followed: Political, Helen Wilson; education, Dorothy Barr; culture. Irene Grigsby: religion, Buelah Fabsr; and Japan's contribution to other nations, Dellah Walker. All participants In the pro gram wore typical Japanese costumes The next meeting of the Guild la to be held at the home of Emily Brown, continuing the study of this country but from a different and equally Interesting point of view. Fisks are Hosts to Pythians at Party A Pythian party was given at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Flsk of Voorhles Crossing Thursday eve ning. Nov. 8. The evening was spent in playing cards with four tablea of bridge and three of plnoche. High score In bridge was won by Elizabeth Temple, low by Darrltt Sullivan; high in plnoche by Susie Yost, low by Ruth Walden. Prizes were presented them. The honor guet . Mrs. Charles Cook was presented with a gift and bouquet of flowers. There were thirty persons present, the hosts, their two daughters and Mr. Flsk's mother. At a late hour refreshments were served and every one enjoyed a pleasant evening. Loyalty Club t To Met't Wednesday The Loyalty Club of the Eagles will meet at the home of Justine Peder son, 744 West Jackson street, Wed nesday afternoon, Nov. 14. All mem bers are urged to attend. Pen pus hers Are Guests Of Mrs. Wlnterhahler Penpushers club met Friday eve ning with Mrs. Anna Wlnterhalder Roll call was answered with pertinent phrases, takes from books and maga zine phrases. Mrs. Olive May Cook scored the highest number of points in the or ganization, having had two magazine articles accepted. Poetry criticism was the topic of the evening, and members of ths class are looking forward to the fed eration meeting in Talent November 14. ' Dancing Party Enjoyed by Lodge An enjoyable, evening of dancing was held for members and their Invited friends of Pocahontas lodge on Friday evening with Dickey's fur nishing the music. The committee m charge of entertainment consisted of Nellie Purdln, Zilpha Armstrong, Esther Dooms, Jack Dooms and Geo. Armstrong. Refreshments were served by Sarah Tolle, Ethel Bish. Irene Shirley, Fran ces Moffatt and Ed Shackel. A Thanksgiving dance will be held on Priday, November 30. Journey to Game The usual local Interest In the an nual football game between Univer sity of Oregon and Oregon State col lege, played yesterday at Multnomah stadium In Portland, was manifested In the large number who made the Journey north. Among those who left by train Friday night, out of nearly forty persons who made the trip In the evening and thirty who left Fri day morning, were: Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Fluhrer and party, who took a special car, Dr. and Mrs. Charles Lemery, Mr. and Mrs. Max Pelrce, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Mann, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Lee Barnes, Miss Alice Malln, Miss Ruth Ottoman, Miss Mary Hayes, Miss Peail Wardel, Sam Colton, C. M. Brewer, J. C. Boyle, Dr. E. R. Durno, Ben Trowbridge, S. Tuttle, Guy Conner, M. Morthland, Dr. Bert Lageson, B. F. Wymoreu F. W. Chausee, Bob Otto man, Mr. Sharp and A- 8- R&en baum. Circle Meeting At Mrs. Leclerc'i Priscilla Circle of the Methodist church will meet with Mrs. Harry Leclers at 615 West Second street Wednesday afternoon at two o'clock. All members are urged to attend. Altar Noddy Plans Festlvu! The St. Ann's Altar Society la mak ing p'pms for a harvest festival No vember 20 and 21, with a dinner and card party on Wednesday, Miss Norrlg 7 Visits in Eugene Miss Helen Norrla Is spending week In Eugene as the house guest of Mr. and Mrs. Wendell Van Loan, former local residents. Miss Norrli made the trip north with her brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Rob ert K. Norris, who continued to Port land to the Oregon-Oregon State football game. Mesdames Oliver, Coo! Present Papers, P.-T. A. An Interesting mfietlng of the Jun ior High Parent-Teachers' association was held Friday afternoon. Mrs. Oliver and Mrs. W. G. Cool presented papers of much Interest. A city P.-T. A. council meeting was announced to be held at the home of Mrs. Fred Purdle on West Holly street Tuesday afternoon. Nov. 30. There will be the usual covered dish luncheon at one o'clock. i The membership, ways and means and the welfare chairmen made in teresting reports. The Junior High carnival will be held Friday evening, Nov. 33, it was announced. The next regular meeting of the Junior High P.-T. A., will be the second Friday afternoon In Decem ber, which is the 14th. Mr. Warner Addresf-es Garden Club Meeting The Garden club held Its postponed meeting Thursday evening, with William J. Warner giving an Interest ing talk on gladiolus bulbs. He espec ially stressed the fact that thrlps, the; insect which so recently made i'.s appearance In Jackson county glad gardens, should not discourage plant ing of the bulbs. With proper care, beautiful flowers can be produced and the pest In time eliminated. Mr. Warner was infdrmd by Inspectors that all flower gardens in the city will be given thorough in spection some time during the winter or early spring. For the average glad grower, napth alene flakes are a fine disinfectant, he said. The club wilt plant vines along the buildings facing on Bear creek, across from the municipal playgrounds, It was announced. L. L. Peabody had an interesting display of winter bouquetc at the meeting. be beautiful in comfort at nenne s Salon of Beauty v Screen Stars endorse. Frederics method oP rennanent Waving . . They find It essential to have hair with nnttml-looking waves,, soft and lustrous. Frederics Imitates noture's own method of producing curly hair. Frederics Waves $5.00 $3.75 and $7.50 Zotos Permanents $10.00 Alpha HODOKINS Ithea IIOOVEK IIA1K CITTINO Women's and Children's FRED FRY Adrienne's Anniversary Sale Starts Tuesday Don't miss the grand bar gains in Dresses, Coats, Hats, Lingerie and Accessories! Enjoy the Famous Exhilarating Drink from South America kkMAf TE" The Daily Drink of Everyone-Make it Yours TRY IT TODAY The "Dally Drink of Millions" Imported Direct From South America. Mailed or Delivered on Receipt of check, money-order, stamps, cash, or sent C.O.D. on order. JIST PRINT NAME AND ADDKKSS HKRE and check size desired Si th 3Jc, M lb. 10c, 1 lb. V, K lbs. SI .00, 6 lbs. $2.00 Mall Coupon to IVANIIUK, Bos 114. Medford, Ore. Phone 96 Office 20 S. Central Unique Gleaners & Dyers Courtesy - Quality - Service The Party YouVe Waited For The Legion ARMISTICE DAY BALL AT THE ORIENTAL GARDENS-MEDFORD MONDAY NIGHT! A Joyous Jamboree-Confetti Serpentine Noise Makers 'n' Everything EVERYONE IS INVITED! AUSPICES MEDFORD POST 15--American Legion heii't jliei f eat I 15 iJ? mm f ' 1 Jf Fr -XT f 7 1 4 4 A THE NEW GOTHAM CqLd STripi . STOCKINGS Free From Ringsl -Free From Shadowsl Per feet1 on on your leg si BURELSON'S MEDFORD BUILDING its 1,1 irtn The Finest Christmas Gift for a Man Schick Dry Shaver in