MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, MEDFOKI), OREGON'. SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 4, 1931. PAGE THIRTEEN Vti U.UV lull ill I " VO B0UJR.0VV 1 Head every ad on this page 0D will probably find exactly the thini you want to OBJ or kU . . U ' in-t there, advrr tlw . . . H' lnM" pensive, effective pa word first inaectlon ( Minimum aoc) titto additional Insertion. pei word . (Minimum 10c) Par Una per month without eopy change '" FOB WANT ADS LOST AND FOUND roSTkeyT"l black leather con Miner. M A. Perkins. 244 No. Ivy. WANTED-MISCELLANEOUSl FOR SALE KEAL ESTATE CO.N'VALECENT HOME. Ashland. OtS.. care for Invalids and aged. WANT TO RENT A 8 to J-cre farm near Medford and achool. 6ee Mr Wright, Rt. 1. Box 9-A. WANTED TO RENT Two room furn ished house in city Umlta of Mod ford. Must be cheap. Box 808. Mall Tribune. FURNITURE re-upholatared. 808-R. Thlbault. Phone JUNK WANTED Wa pay cash for JUNK BATTERIES AND RADIATORS, ALUMINUM BRASS, COPPER and Junk of all descriptions. MEDFORD BAROAA1N BOUSE 37 No. Orape. Tel. 1083 WANTED Warrante. Redden Co WANTED Household goods. toves tools or what have you. Medford Bargain House, 37 N. Orape St. Tel 1063. KODAK PINISHINO Easy-to-pay prices. E. Hayaen Jones Photo Stu dio, 607 w. 2nd. Phone 1383-M. Hours 11 to 7. HIGHEST PRICES paid for furs, hides and pelts. Medford Bargain House 37 No. Orape. Tel. 1082. WANTED To lease 40 A. or more. Some alfalfa. Suitable for dairy ing. Oeo. Wright, Eagle Point. WANTED To communicate with any one who owna or knows the where abouta of an ebony Matteschuck piano In this valley, write Box 4338., Mall Tribune. COW for feed and care this winter H. J. Hlnderer. Rt. 3. Box 314. FOR "ENT BOUSES irT Pair lady's blue kid gloves, "batoned; gauntlet top. Finder please call llutf- In ' NICE clean modern furnished cottage; gas. electricity, fuel Included: gar. FOR RENT 6-room modern house, 147 N. Holly, 827.50 to permanent renters. FOR SALE 41.000 equity In Berry- dale home. S300 cash or trade lor good used late model car. 10 Bcr rydale Ave. CORNTSR 3-acre Income property, on pavement; modern 3-room nouac, garage, city water. Just outside Medford city limits. Consider some cattle. 308 So. Holly. STOCK RANCH Forced sale: 160 acres. 47 cult.. 87 good free water right; fair Improvements, excellent location for stock; hard surface road. Price 81800 cash. 18 N. Fir. IF YOU HAVE any real estate for sale or irade, see L. O. Plckell. 304 E. Main. t AND 10-ACRE TRACTS 810 DOWN. $5 MONTH; On pavement: plenty water, electricity and phone available. Phone 1281, Montgomery. A BAROAIN My large lot, on Ben nett St., excellent soil, fruit, nut trees and berries. Will sacrifice on terms or cash. Box 88. Tribune. WHEN you think of real estate, think of Brown It White. 63 ACRES near Applegate P. O.: 11 A cultivation, free water rlKht; bat ance timber; Improvemente. Pau' Erdman. Appiegate, ure. HOUSES FOR SALE OR RENT Jack son County Building & Loan Aas'n Phone 185. FOR SALE UVESTOCK FOR SALE Purebred Shropshire ram. L. A. Salade, Central Pom' FOR SALE OR TRADE Chester White brood sows with pigs: will trade for good work horse or what have you. S. B. Hill, Rt. 1, Box 334, Central Point. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE Corn, 81.40 hundred; wheat, 1S0 per hundred. Ouy Pruett. Phone 4-F-9. Eagle Point. FOR SALE Buescher Melody C saxo phone, battery radio. 85 Eastman Kodak postcard Blze, portable vie trola. 7 golf clubs and bag. house hold appliances, fruit jars and tools. 822 Cedar. FOR SALE OR TRADE Baldwin psr lor grand piano. Cost 61500. Would consider auto or cattle. Tel. 1288. DRY WOOD 50 tlera laurel, 40 fir 615 Pennsylvania. ALL MAKES of washing machines re paired. Ftck's Hardware. 131 West Main. ORAIN SACKS Jackson County Feed Co., 4th and Uartlett Sta. FOR SALE Used sewing machines, all makes; terms If desired. All makes rented and repaired. White Sewing Machine co. 24 N. Burnett. FOR SALE Sand, gravel, lawn dirt, fertilizer, teaming. Phone 912-J. FOR SALE White aewlng machine Angora rabblte. 314 Willamette. FOR EXCHANGE 30-30 Carbine val ued at 120 00 for light car. Across from Medford Riding Academy. FOR SALE Solo trumpet. New never been used. Cheap for cash. Box 4128 Tribune. FOR SALE Apples. Phone 132-L. MISCELLANEOUS keys Reward. LOST Thursday night, 8 black leather keytainer. Return to Tribune. LOST Rrf.l of bedding. 1 -ml. south Pacific Hwy. Phone 144. LOST Wednesday morning. Water man pen. corner of 6th and West Main. Reward. Marsh'. Grocery. LOST Man's wrlstwatch with two colored crvstal.. Reward. Safeway Market. Holly and Main. LOST If dog missing, call 1518. WANTED SITUATIONS WANTED General office work, tyn Inr. bookkeeping, posting. Local references. Write Tribune. Box 43.3. MIDDLE-AGED w08"2"..11'',", work of any kind. Box 424, Mall Tribune. age; very moderate price for couple or bachelor. Hotel Valandra. Cen tral Point. PEDIGREED ANGORA Wool Rabbits and hutches for sale cneap 1150-W. FOR RENT Homes furnished or unfurnished. Brown St White. FOR SALE OR TRADE for cows, one 1300-lb. horse. Lloyd uamon. Le Creek. FOR RENT ROOM BOARD ROOM AND BOARD Private family: close In; garage. 331 S. Holly. ROOM. BOARD 153 No. Oakdale RATES very moderate at 718 E. Man ATTRACT1VF rooms 404 8. Orape. FOR RENT-MISCELLANEOUS FOR RENT Floor sanding machine Economy Lumber. No. Riverside. ,y man or RESPECTABLE man a share home with el'.' woman. Phone om-;. UNINCUMBERED tiil.-idle-aged widow wants practice r.uralng or house keeping. Bor 4013. wife to ; FOR RENT Holly Court. No. 3 MALE OR FEMALE ADDREsTlNO Mailing Clrculara at horn, for Mail Dealers. Earn i good nay Experience unnecessary. Stamp b .ngs particulars. Wilson Co.. Tuc son. Ariz. WArTrElT" Peppy musicians at the Brass Rail. South Riverside, Mcd- Jackson Co. Phone 195. Bldg. Ac Loan Aasn. FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS VERY DESIRABLE sleeping room with large private bath. Automatic oil burner with hot water rediatlon 1501 W. Main. GRAND HOTEL announces their low winter rates. Cozy steam-heated rooms now available. WANTED Solicitor with collection experience. Box 3982. Tribune. WANTED MALE HELP MAn"waNTED for Rawleigh Route of 800 families. Good profits for hust lers. We train end help you. Write immediately. Rawleigh Co., Dept. ORK-27-SA. Oakland, Calif. WANTED for Medford vicinity Ca pable District Representative for the most attractive saving plan ever presented. Jamas A. Rodman, 414 Miner Bldg., Eugene, Oregon. MEN Interested in making far above average earnings operating route of cigarette and penny gum machines Exclusive territory. Small Invest ment required. Redco ProduW Corp. La Crosse, Wis. LOCAL MANAGER WANTED by reli able manufacturer. No selling. Oood for 645.00 weekly to right man 8300.00 csah required, secured and returnable. Give phone or address. District Supervisor, Box No. 39b6, care Mall Tribune. WANTED FEMALE HELP WANTED Girl or woman for house work. Must have good references. 624 Dakota. 115 WEEKLY and your own dresses FREE for demonstrating latest lovely Fashion Frocks. No canvass ing. No Investment. Write fully. Olve sire and color preference. Fashion Frocks. Dept. R-5638, Cin cinnati, Ohio. FOR RENT Nicely furnished rooms and. garage storage at moderate rates by week or month. 826 South Riverside avenue. ROOMS Well furnished, heated Phone S04-L. FOR RENT APARTMENTS FOR RENT 2 room furnished apt. 40 Quince. Phone 641-W. FOR RENT Furnished apt. 845 N. Bartlett. FOR RENT Holland apte. BACHELOR apartment. 445 8 Front. FOR SALE DOGS PETS FOR SALE Shepherd atock dog and puppies. Phone 582-R. FOR EXCHANGE FOR EXCHANGE Labor for milk cow, or heifer. Rt. 1. Box SOS. FOR TRADE 2 double beds, good springs, mattresses for twin beds or day beds. Rt, l, box aso, Aieatora TRADE d-cyllnder truck and semi trailer. 8-wheel. for good team tnd cow. Can be seen at Elk Creek at Sugar Pine Creek road. For Infor mation phone Fred sturgls. Trail, Ore. C. R. Horn. Trail, ore. WANTED Reliable person for gen eral housework; private family In country. References required. Ad dresa P. O. Box 1093, Medford. WANTED Experienced, capable wom an for housekeeping in modern country home; small family. B"ix 4244. Tribune. WANTED-M1SCELLANE0US OENTLEMAN wants to share expenses for transportation to San Francls-j and return. J. L. Campbell at Oasis In Mont. Ward Bldg. WANTED To buy buzz-saw. Falls. O. Faake. Box 43. TRUCKS FOR HIRE Furniture mov Ing etc. Rates resonab'.e. F. E SAMSON CO.. Phone 833. 229 N. Hlteralde. WANTED Place close to Medford Pay with 8400 contract, payable to per month. J. I. Feuton, Talent. FOR SALE OR TRADE 1 '4 Inch can trlfugal pump. E. O. Cunningham Phoenix. FOR SALE Weaners. feeders, fat hoga and registered O. I. c. orooa sows. Tel. 268-J. O. V. Myers. MONEY value. LOANED on anything Cecil Jennings. BUSINESS DIRECTORY Expert Window cleaners LET GEORGE DO IT Tel. 1113 House Cleaning. Floor waxing, on. Money To Lend MONEY LOANED ON FURNITURE. CARS, ETC Prompt service and le gal rates. W. 8. Thomas. 48 8 Central. State license No. 8 167. PERSONAL TRUE ADVISER Does not tell things Just to please you. but tells you what ahe sees for you. Good, bad and what la best. A trial will convince you. Satisfaction guaranteed. Cabin 1, Rogue Motor Court (formerly The Hat), 1 block south Rogue River bride at city Umlta, Orants Pass. EDITH MONAHAN READINGS DAILY Grand Hotel. REV EVELYN MARSHALL, spiritual readings dally. 315 So. Riverside. Wall Paper Cleaning. WALL-PAPER CLEANING. 10 per eq. ft. Mr. Black. 310 N Bartlett. EADS TRANSFER Al STORAGE CO. Office 1016 No. Central. Phone 816 Prices right. Service guaranteed. HAWLEY TRANSFER Expert pack era and movers. Special livestock moving equipment, trices 819 North Riverside. Phone 1044-X St. Mark's Church. I. A. Bartlam. Rector. Holy Communion. 8:00 a. m. Holy communion and sermon, 11HA) . m. Church school, 1:48 a. Matin Street Methodist Church. Seetn. If. D. wood, pastor. Sunday services: Sunday achool, 0:48 6. m. Sermon by the pastor, 11 a. ra. Young People's aernoee. 6:30 p. m. Inspirational service, 7:30 p. m. The Spiritual Science Church. 816 South Riverside Drive. Her. Evelyn Marshall, pastor. Services. Sunday 8 p. m. Subject, "The Fulfillment of the Prophesies.' Co-workers' mid-week message air cle. Thursday evening, I p. m. The publlo la always welcome. Free Methodist Church. Corner of 10th and Iry itreeta. E. N. Long, pastor. Sunday school, 8:48 a. m. Class meeting at 11 o'clock. Y. P. M. 8. meeting at :S0 p. m Evening service, 1:30. Subject "Es caping From the Fire." Prayer meeting Wednesday evening. 7 30. If. Evangelists End Services m V . vv. A Y'"" JV Jpwy.i, 45w: HAIRCUTS, 35cl shaves, 25c. Hotel Barber Shop. BOAT TRAILER, Cash Register A.dd Ing Machine. Typewriter, Boots Shoes Hunting-Fishing Equipment 317 North Riverside. KINDERGARTEN Sparta Bldg M'lslc and dance Phone 1545 or 1256-W Ruth Luy Alice Holmback. FOR 8 ALE Weaner pigs. 2nd. FOR SALE 34 rabbiu and hutches Third house south city ban jaca FOR SALE Jersey cow. Bennett. Cheap. 830 FOR 8ALE POULTRY TURKEYS Narraganaett. Breeding stock. W. W. Gregory, crater Laxe Highway. FOR SALE Beautiful pure white Muscovy drakes. L. A. Salade, cen tral Point. FOR SALE OR TRADE Pullets. 403-J-l. FOR SALS Bronze toms and hens, fine stock: also feeder pigs. Rob ert Oilman, Route 3, Medford. PURE Bronze toms. Cockeran's prize stock 66. Jesse Nell. Rt. 1. Asnian'i MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS for" SALE Orgsn on storage bill Gold H1U. FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE OR TRADE 1930 Chev truck, for Vj ton trucx. ueo. mar tin. Rogue River. LATE '39 Graham Paige Sedan. 674. Tel 1934 Pontlac and touring sedan. 1933 pontlac 4 -door sedan. 1932 Ford coupe. 1930 Studebaker coupe. 1929 Pontlac coupe. 1928 Bulck standard coupe. 1928 Bulck sedan. SKINNER'S OARAGE Bulck and Pontlac Sales and Service FOR SALE Equity ovo tiaven. In house. Call DOGS examined free. and Ba.blett. Dr. Stone, 4th RADIO SERVICE EXPERT RADIO SF.!1 ICE FK'K'H HARDWARE Prices Very Reasonable. DON'S RADIO SERVICE Repairs Sales Rentals. 423 E Main St. Phone I BUSINESS DIRECTORY MATTE AS DRINK Abstracts JACKSON CO. ABSTRACT CO. Abstracts of Title and Title Insurance The only complete Title 8 y s t e m In Jackson County. MURRAY ABSTRACT. CO. Abstract of Title. Rooms 8 and 6 No. 32 North Central Ave., upstairs. Rlalto Phone 1615-Y. Dentistry. DENTISTRY Dr. Main. I. H. Gove. 236 E Palming and Paperhanglng M. A. BL1S3 Pnlntfnu finri nnnir. Hangme Tel 646-w 313 8 Gran occasions The Paraguayan ambassador, Snr. Enrique Bordenave. who la conduct ing an advertising campaign In the interests of matte, the famous drink of South America, mentioned Presi dent Franklin Roosevelt, chief Jus tice Hughes of the United States su preme court, governors of several states, famous movie stars and writ ers among the large number of dis tinguished Individuals of all classes and social activities In the United States, who are dally consumers of the oelebrsted South American pro duct, according to word received here this week by Oracle Lou Ivanhoe. distributor of matte. The ambassador praised the quall tlea of matte, the dally drink of mllllona of healthy people In South America and Europe, stating It Is an excellent drink according to chemt cal analyals, and advised that the Importations of this product Into the United States are being rapidly in creased, and its popularity Is grow Ing by leaps and bounds. Ambassador Bordenave also sug gested use of matto by the United States army, due to Ita proved su periority as an Invigorating, nutri tious, sustaining and pleaaant drink, hot or cold, with so many people prominent In publlo and private life In America already enjoying the ben efits of matte. Snr. Bordenave pre dicted a generous Increase In Its use throughout the entire United States within a comparatively short period of time, particularly when people realize that these energetic and thoughtful leaders of the country find In matte the Ideal drink tor all Phoenix Presbyterian Church Ralph S Peterson, minister. Church school 10 a, m. J. O. Poling, superintendent. Morning worship 11 a- . Rev. W. Hall, pastor of the Ashland Meth odist church, will speak In the ab sence of the pastor Christian Endeavor 6-0. Evening worship 7:30. Sermon: "The Voice In the Garden," by the pastor. Zlon Evangelical Lutheran Choreh. Fourth St., at Oakdale Ave. Oeo. T. Kabele, D.D., Pastor. Sunday school. 10 a. m. Classes (or all. Momlng service, 11 a. m., dedicated to the family. The whole family la specially Invited to be present In a family pew. Sermon aubject: "The Christian Home," with a brief fam ily altar service In connection with the sermon as a practical demon stration of how to eonduct such a service In the home. Anthem by choir, under the direction of Miss Genevieve Brown "The Homeland of My Heart," by Stelnsh Luther League service by the young people, 7 p. m. Leader, Mrs. Everett Blngman. Toplo: "Religion and Art." The gonsral publlo la heartily in vited to the church that makes the way plain. Her. Otho and Blllle Schwab (above) will conclude their evangelistic ministry at the Church of the Naxarene today. In speaking for the church, Fred M. Weatherford, pastor, atatea that these evangelists have conducted one of the most successful series representing a lo-day pe riod, tn the history or the organization. A large rlasa of new members It being received Into church fellowship today. They will be heard at 6:48 and 11 a. m., also at 6:!0 and 1:80 p. m. Oood Used Cars SPECIAL PRICES 1933 Plymouth sedan. 1933 Ford V-8 sedan. 1932 Plymouth sedan 1931 Chevrolet coupe 1932 DeSoto sedan. 1929 Chev. coupe 1930 Dodge sedan. Also several old models at cheap prices. ARMSTRONG MOTORS, INO. 38 N. Riverside FOR SALE-MISCELLANEOUS LADIES' fine Chardonlze Hose, dull lustre, 5 pslrs 61-00, postpstd. Sit lefactlon guaranteed. Economy Hos iery Co., Asheooro, N. O. WILL TRADE apples or pears for po tatoes. Ala Vista Co., So. Fir. FOR SALE OR TRADE 8 cows. H. C. Mulr. FOR EXCHANGE 1929 model A Ford sedan and 9 lots In Medford for late model Ford V-8. Tel 407-Y EXCHANGE Furn. re-upholatrlng for lumber, wood, fish polea and reels Phone 969-R. FOR SALE OR TRADE White ilec trie sewing machine for light se dan. Box 638. Tribune. FOR EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE WILL EXCHANOE business property centrally located for email modern residence In Medford or Klamath Falls. Box 4349, Tribune. WANTED To buy secondhand cider mill. Must be cheap. J. t. Fen'.on, Talent. FUhNITURI van going south wants load both ways. Phone 333. WANTED Endcste grtln broadcaster : with sprocket attachment for wig- i on wheel. Box 3981. Tribune. I BUILD s home first Your bulidinx sr.d repairing done on mat ii.ment pun Fred Powers, Prarol'.. or aUircsa Af;'.0i'A EXCHANGE Oarage and service sts. t'.on. stock and equipment worth 63 600. Will trade for clear prop erty or farm to 11.500. balance csah and terms. Health needs chance of climate. Address 8. C. Bond, Cros well, Ore. FOfTtraDE Sms'.l ranch f'r acreage or smsll plsce near Meoioro. rrea Powera, Appiegate. EXCHANOE Small bouse on good lot Vi'.ue 8150 00. rot lint car. inquire 145 N Centrsl. HEATINO stove in fine condition, equipped with hot water pipes. Will quickly furnish an soundsnce oi hot water and eliminate your gas bill this winter, 318 N. Central.. FOR SALE Ear corn, 81.00 hundred. Phone 671-J-S. Mail Tribune Daily Cross Word Puzzle OPEN wire fencing 20o rod. Ted Fish. Phoenix. GET YOUR wlntr lupply of Newtown apple now. ai& vut co. so Fir. FOR SALE Newtown apples, or will trade for anythlrw you hve. Briny containers. Joe Ktntor, Rt. 4. hot 237. ACROSS t- Par (a of flowers I. Siaticrtiiry mo cha nlcal parti II PrHi(lenfi boy of advisers II. RcHtaiirnnt 11. Short for man's name II 1M scon rteoui IV First man 0. Mother II. Ocean-going pa in.? riser teamer (!. Nee ft (Iv.) 26 T.iBta 37 After lotiR 18 Incision II. Omit In pro nouncing 10. Mexhcd fabric 11. Mlnuta animals II. Air comb. form 14. Destitute of teeth IT. Rente ft jut I) M). Electrified nartlcla U. Brichti-M In a con- atall.itioD II. Sour ilka vincaar II. Pernn with ver? loud voire II Bhnrt 1ep 11. paMiEes out Solution of Yesterday's Puzzle TALESpP0DpRQW Q l J yp MM iMa y e w' A N E pfH s "e I n Jets' j s O NjsMg A RTF Rp M fcjSjf EIEPaTw A gD5 A DEptMN IfJ0A N Y s l k EEs t on? eJd QADE N CEfAR E N A ON E EARI5 j r y P fW&m ElNTSp HJA S IfjE fiS Heversfs 64. Odor 67 llelnrs r,I Perls 60. Followed by scent 61. Partial sannplper 61. flubmnrlns star 13 I'rottotjn r,l llomhimle talk fifl I'nr.nt 88. Symimi for tantalum IS. Dlreri roult 71. Desrrtptlvs afllefilve 71 Expr..fM contempt 74. Set free DOWN L Trlnnule with three un- e'lunl slries I. Club-footed I. Jewish month 4. Sttiok In tbs mud I. Accustomi var. t. MaitcuMn nloknnm T. Perforated printing rieslen I. rn.pers . Urchin 10. Mumble 11. Mexican dlshi var. l Alternative It. Make am 14. Those Who rase Im peril nentlr 12. Musical onarecter 24. Not al bom ii. Hmau bottle il. 1'araonate 32. Faottons 16. Insect's sag 3 Also 31. Front of lb toot 39. Sea eafls 41. Famous liar 41, Coloring pig ment of plants 44. Gplo poem 15. Cut fortb 48. Mors pre cipitous 47. Edible tuber 41. Salt, of olel arid 4. 8s strain or dtrrrnUr M. Angr 66. European blackbird 64. Last name of the hero of I Scotch song 61. fleholar 69. Diminish 66. Compses coin 67. Copy 70. Note of lb sosls Tl. EzclsmstloB Church of God. Comer of Haven and Holly street. W. M. Clemens, pastor. Bible achool. 9:45 a. m. Mornlryr worship period, 11 a. m. Sunday evening services, 7:30 p.m. Tha First Methodist Church West Main and Laurel Streets Joseph Knotts. Minister Sunday school, 0:48 a. m. Be sura to be on time aa vre have general assembly this morning and a fin Prayer service Wednesday, at T:3U program, followed by th regular p.m. Ladles' circle Thursday. 10 to 4 p.m., at th horn of Clemens, (14 W, 2nd street. All are urged to attend. First Christian Church, ninth and Oakdale 6t. W. B. Balrd, mlnlaUr. Bible achool at :4S a. m. t O. Ontner, superintendent. Sveryman' Bible class IB court house auditorium at 0:4e. Momlng worship begins at 10:S5. Contralto solo, "Teach Me to Pray (Jewett), Roe Ktlen slonlker; an them. "Th Lord's Prayer" (Law-rene). Sermon subject, "Teach TJ How to Pray." Christian Bndeavor at A:30 p. m. Evening evangelistic service at 7:30. Anthem, "Blessed Be the Lord Ood of Isrsel" (ahrord). Sermon sub ject, "The Forks of the Road." Study In Book of Revelations Wed nesday evening at 7:45. Bring your Bible and study with us. Watch for our big program one week from today, when we celebrate the fiftieth anniversary of thla church. first Church of Christ, SHentlut Authorliwd branch of The Mother Church, The First Church of Christ, Sclentlit, In Boston, Maaa. Services are held every Sunday at 11 o'clock, church edifice, 313 North Oakdale. Subject for Sunday, Novem ber 4: "Everlasting Punishment." Sunday school at 9:30. Applicants under the age of 30 may be admit. ted. Wednesday evening meetings, which Include testimonials of Christian Science healings at o'clock. The reading room, which la locat ed at 401 In the Medford building, 1 open dally from 7 a. m. to 6 p. m except Sundsy and holiday. Th librarian Is In attendance from 10 to 4, at which time the Bible and all authorized Chrlatlan Science lit erature may be read, borrowed or purchased. The publlo le cordially Invited to attend the services and visit th reading room. PIANO BAROAIN S We have seve-ol fine new and used plsnos located here In Medford to be sold st BID savings: very Ubersl terms csn bs arranged. Extra discount for cah. For location and Inspection priv ilege, write H B McNeil, cllr.e Piano Co.. 333 Market St.. San Frtn Cisco, Cal. FOR BALE Apples. O V. Myers. Telephone 358-J FOR SALE Meadow hey. measti-ed from stack. 10 ml. from Medfjrd near Crater Lake mad. No lot leM thsn 4 tons, 110.00 ton. Csll 704 24. Centrsl. FOR SAlJt Chslrs. bed. dinette, other pieces of furnlttire. Phone 1169-X. nnlw after ). or anytime Satur day and Sunday. 008 So. Newtown DRY "wcODFlrTiaurel. Tel. 7iJ. FOR SALE Uaed brick. South end Cotleve St. bridge Call st S Chll ders. ti Spencer St. LA ROE 8-room nous in good condi tion 1 Blocks from University In I r-.itfi-ne fr tmsll house In Medford I wo i'.d conuder dn:rn: Ashland I WHEAT r OATS for tale, 11 SO Bun p.-aper:;. Picas 4J4-J-2, Medjord. (fed. 704. No, Central. 7 12 I? 14 L5 16 7 lje I? I'O I' 12 13 14 :iIiZiZ-.iI Ii -i K I -3 - uuu sM- MiiiM JaUi ZZIZZZZIiIEZZZilltS 41 y 22T As ''fifo1' &J 46 41 ZZZSS3rZZSSZZZ T 'MjX - j -gas ,73 $1.14 a.m. Mrs. Medford Company of Jehovah's Witnesses The Medford company of Jehovah's Witnesses Is broadcasting a lecture by Judge Rutherford dealing strictly with the Bible over KMED every Tuesday afternoon at 1:30. Judge Rutherford's Bible study hslps are In book and booklet form and have been translated Into 00 languagea alnce 1033, AH Interested In Watch Tower Bible study are wel come to meet every Sunday morning at 10 o'clock at 845 West Second street, Medford. Full Gospel Tabernacle Newtown atreet, off Main. J, Logan Stuart, pastor. Sunday school 8:46, Mrs. Stuart, superintendent. Morning worship and communion, 11:00. "Seven Major Accomplishments In the Atonement," will be the ser mon text. Th evening meeting at 7:80 will be evangelistic. The subject for the evening will be, "The Master Is Come and Celteth for Thee." The meetings nf the week will be prayer meeting Tuesday, 7:30; young people's meeting Friday, 7:30. A cordial Invitation la extended to all. c. Peter's Lutheran Church (Missouri Synod) . Main St. and Portland Ave. H, H. Toting. Pastor. Sunday school this morning at 10:00. Ho morning worship. Catechism clsas at 6:30 o'clock. Evening worship at 7:90. This serv ice will be a commemoration of tha 400th anniversary of th translation of th Bible by Dr. Luther. Th psetor will speak on the subject: The restoration of the open Bible demands a reconaeoratlon unto the Lord. The Ladles Aid meets Thursday afternoon at 3 '00 In the church basement. The publlo Is cordially Invited. olasa period. If you do not attend Sunday school elsewhere you are In vited to come and Join one of our line classes. Morning worship, 11 a. m. Sermon theme, "Incline Your Ear." Anthem by the oholr directed by Mrs. 0. H, Peeks. Epworth League at 6:80 p. m. At 7:30 tonight th oholr will put on a aacred concert. All lovers of fin muslo ar Invited to attend. Mrs. C. H. Paske will direct and Mr. Donald Huckabee will be the organ ist, come end enjoy this worship In muslo. Prayer meeting Wednesday, 7:8s p. m. The ladlee of the w. J. M. S. will hold a special one o'clock luncheon next Thursday In honor of Miss Marie Church, returned missionary to Korea. The Church of the Naiarene, Central Avenue, at Jackson. Otho and Blllle Schwab, evange lists, will be heard at all of the ser vices of the day Sunday. A great rally Sunday morning at 8:48 1 an nounced for the Sunday achool de partment. This depsrtment hss en tered Into a competitive program with the Ashland church. Load the family In tha car and help swell our ranks, If not attending elsewhere. A growing Sunday achool with a mis sion. Mrs. Blllle Schwsb will pressnt sn object lesson from the "Mystery Can." At It t. m, Evangelist Schwab will apenk from the toplo "Knowing the Will of Ood." At thla hour seve ral converts of the meeting will be received Into church fellowship. At 6:30 Mrs. Blllle Schwab will spesk to the Toung Peoples' society. At 7:30 p. m. Rev. Schwab will bring his closing evsngellstlo mes- sag from tne topic, -me ureas Anslxe." These evangellatle workers have conducted one of the most sue ceaaful ten-dsy series In the history of the church. Wednesday evening of title week, Rev. 0. t. Harding and wife, evange list of nation-wide reputation, will be with us for the service of th evening. Thursday evening of thla week Dr. 1. E. Bate, district superintendent, and Rev. W. Eckel, recently from Japan, will be with us for an all day service at 10:30 a. m.. 8:30 and 7:30 p. ra. First Bsptlut Chnrrti W. H. Baton, minister 8:45 a. m. atmdty school. 11 a. m. Momlng worship, large chorus oholr, under the direc tion of Mr. Ruasel Csse, will sing, Make Me a Blessing," by Schuler. Th sermon will be by Evangelist Henry Burke, "A Prayer From Three Words." 6:80 p. m. Toung people's group meetings. 7:80 p. m. Evangelistic service under direction of the Burke party. Mr. Oaae will conduct another of the spirited song services that have char ecterlted the evening meetings. Spec ial musical numbers will be offered by the members of the Burke party, and Mr. Burke will speak on, "Whst Is th Oospel?" These special meeting will coo- tlnue through the week, and you are cordially Invited to enjoy them with us. EVANGELIST DECLARES 1 RESPONSIBLE FOR V . :tf Henry E, Burke. The Baptist church was filled wttfc an attentive audience Friday night to hear Evangelist Henry E. Burke give a stirring message on "A the New Deal Pall What Then?" Mr .Burke stated ae the be I ginning of hi message that thle was not a point, cal message. He stated. "I am a up porting my president 06 J per cent, I am stilt leaving out the 8.3." Declaring that he earnestly hope for success of the New Deal, but adding "It 1 peculiar that the earn men who vowed one could not regu late human conduct by law, through the ISth amendment, believe they can legislate human uneelflshnes. The cause of thla depreaslon Is sin. ss an American people, In turning away from Ood and living In sel fishness. While we might have a temporary return to prosperity, this question cannot be settled definitely until the American people return to Ood, and forget their selfishness. What we need te not return to prosperity, but a return to Ood." On Sunday morning Mr. Burke will speak on the unusual subject, "A Prayer From Three Worlds." sun- dsy evening hla aubject will be "What la the Ooapelt" The Inspiring song service 1 led by Mr. Case, with Mrs, Burke at th piano. Special musical selection will be given at the Sunday services by the party, and a large chorus choir will sing. Prs.hrtertan Chnrrh 8:48 a. m., Sunday school, clssses for all ages. Mrs. W. S. Ollmore, su perintendent. 11:00 a. m th regular morning aervtc. with sermon by Rev. Ralph S. Peterson, psstor of tha Phoenix church. There will also be a five minute presentation of the claims of the Community chest. The organ numbers played by Mrs. Marsh at this service will be In memory of the noted English organist, Edwin Lemare. who passed away recently. The lovely "Andantlno In D Flat." which haa always been a favorite with the public, will be used aa the prelude. As sn offertory number Mrs. Marsh will play "Chant de Bon. heur" and for poetlude, "Song without Words." title Carlton Strang, soprano, and Edna Etfert, contralto, will ting a duet by Sohnee ker, "In His Hand Are All the Cor ners of the Earth." Tha anthem, un der direction of Mrs. Strang, will be "But the Lord It Mindful," by Men delssohn. 8:80 p. m . Voung People's League. On Sunday, November It, th Rev. W. F. Shields will preach. E KUOBNK, Nor. 3. AP) Strong opposition to the proposal of th Oregon t4t planning commission that tha Ortifon and California and Coot Bay grant lands ba placad un der tha management of tha national fores( service was voiced at a con ference of members of the county courts from the land grant countlee In western Oregon at a meeting held at the (jane county court house to day. Eleven of the 18 counties were represented. Opposition was based on the ex pected curtailed taxes any such to. tlon would entail, It waa said bf Judge Victor P. Moses, chairman of the counties' association. A number of lumbermen, member of the Wlllametta Valley Lumber men's association, alto Joined tha protest. tIMRRKLL.9 repaired and recover ltd Medford Cjclery. as. H. Pit.