MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OEEGOX, MONDAY. OCTOBER 22, 1931 PAGE SEVEN HBHl WHAT YOU WANT Classified FOR EASY REFERENCE, , aj WA-btVUB I i-a I HUUV BOOfcOtt.' Bead every ad 0D this psge 0D eriu probably Una exactly tut thing yon want to bay 01 kU . . . U Isn't tbera. edTer Um . . . It's ln" pensive, eflectle RATES Ft word ant insertion (Minimum 35c) d&ob additional insertion. mi word ' - 1 - (Minimum 10c) Pet line pet month, without copy change .81 Jo Phone 75 FOB WANT ADA LOST AND FOUND LOST -Lady's brown purse containing bus ticlcet from Medford to Seattla and some money. Suitable reward. Mrs. John Millard, SS cottage street. LOST Little glrl'a tan beret at Cra- wrlan theater. Saturday morning ' Finder pleaae call 985-U LOST Lady's brown hat, under brim orange. Finder pleaae return to Tribune office. LOST If dog missing, call 1516. FOR KENT MISCELLANEOUS FOR BENT Ranch on highway; new 'buildings, small house; good well, spring: 40 acres ready fall crop. Mrs. A. U Reed, one mile south, 1 mile east Beagle P. O. POR RENT Floor sanding machine Economy Lumber. No. Riverside, FOB EXCHANGE FOR SALE OR TRADE Wood truck and trailer. 814 West and. TRADE: 1924 Ford for corn or wheat. Write Box 85, Butte Falls. 36x6 truck tire for wood. Tel 1044-X. TRADE New lumber for fresh cow N. L. Hawk. Rt. 1, Talent. FOR EXCHANGE 1929 model A Ford sedan and 3 lots In Medford for late model Ford V-8. Tel 407-Y EXCHANGE Furn. re-upholsterlng for lumber, wood, fish poles and reels. Phone 969-R. FOR SALE OR TRADE White Jlec trla sewing machine for light se dan. Box 638, Tribune. FOB EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE EXHANOE Oarage and service eta tlon. stock and equipment worth 2,500. Will trade for clear prop- erty or farm to tl,500, balance cash and terms. Health needs change of climate. Addre&s 3. C. Bond, Cres well. Ore. EXCHANGE Small house on good lot Value $350.00, or light car. Inquire 145 N. central. LARGE 8-room house in good condi tion. 2 blocks from Dniver<y In Eugene, for small house in Medford Would consider desirable Ashland property. Phone 424-J-2, Medford FOR SALE REAL ESTATE WANTED FEMALE HELP WANTED Woman for general house work. Must be good cook. Private family. Give references. Address Medford. P. O. Box 1124. MALE OR FEMALE DRIVING to Sacramento Tuesday morning. Would like to have one or two passengers share expenses. Call 661-Y. W ANTED MALE HELP MECHANIC with wide acquaintance wanted by factory, sell and Install. $85 guarantee and commission. Write Box 4370, Tribune. WANTED SITUATIONS LADY wants work In store, factory, office. Box 4354, Tribune. UNINCUMBERED middle-aged widow wants practical nursing or house keeping. Box 4612. CHILDREN cared for In my borne. 840 E. atn. WANTED-M1SCELLANE0U8 WANTED Galvanized water tank, 2000 or 3000 gallon. O. P. Sullivan. Route 2, Box 188, Beall Lane. WANTED 5 or 6 pack burros. W. Fox, Dlxonvllle, Ore. WANTED Cow for feed and care dur ing winter. Will buy If satisfactory. B Rogers, Gen. Del , Medford. WANTED 2nd hand furniture. We buy. sell and trade. Berrydale 2nd Hand Store, 1303 N. Riverside. Tel 266. WANTED TO RENT Two room furn ished house in city limits of Med ford Must be cheap. Box 308. Mall Tribune. FURNITURE re-upholstered. Phone 969-R. Thlbault. JUNK WANTED We pay cash tor JUNK BATTERIES a u n DinTirnnfl at.ttminjm BRASS, COPPER and. Junk of all descriptions. MEDFORD BAROAAIN HOUSE 27 No. Grape. Tel. 1062 WANTED Warrants. Redden at Co WANTED Household goods, -toves toots or what have you. Medford Bargain Bouse. 27 N. Orape St. rel 1062. FOR "ENT H0USE8 HOUSES FOR SALE OR RENT Jack son County Building & Loan Ass n. Phone 195. S AND 10 ACRE TRACTS H0 DOWN, 5 MONTH; on pavement; plenty water, electricity and phone available. Phone 1281 Montgomery. CHOICE Willamette Valley farm; no irrigation required; excellent tree silt soil; good Improvements; fine location; 10 cattle. 3600-lb. team. 40 tona nay, good farm machinery Total price 95.000; good terms. See our selective list Oregon farms for sa ,e and trade. 15 North Fir, Med ford. 20 ACRES for sale or rent; house, good barn, well, fenced. See Wlckle at Fluhrer's Baaery. FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES 1933 TERRAPLANE 8 DeLuxe sedan: 6 wheels and Karl-Keen trunk. Looke like new. Attractive price. Eakln Motor Co. 6TUDEBAKER SALES 44 SERVICE South Riverside 1934 Chevrolet 1', ton truck like new 1929 Studebaker sedan 1225.00 Chevrolet coupe 135.00 1933 Terraplane 8 DeLuxe Sedan 1934 Terraplane 6 Coach Demonstra tor 1934 Hudson 8 Sedan Demonstrator Prices right for quick sale. Tride and terms. EAKIN MOTOR CO.. So Riverside FOR SALE-MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE Dresser with large mirror. two bedroom chairs. Apt. 2 Holly Aptmts., 135 North Holly. Phone 256-X. FOR SALE Tokay grapes, 2o. Hartley 9-F-5. FOR SALE: No. 1 perfect cedar shlng les, 335 8. Riverside. FOR SALE OR TRADE For grain or alfalfa hay, 75 head of good breed ing ewes. Call evenings. W, H Brotherton. Orand Hotel. FOR SALE; Cook stove used less than a year. Reasonable. Telephone Cen tral Point, 141. 'FISHERMEN, learn to tie your own files. Our Instruction boox of 10 Illustrations teaches you how for the small cost of ai.oo. Pacific Coast Supply Co., 721 Main Street, Oregon City, Oregon." BUSINESS DIRECTORY Money To Lend MONEY LOANKI). radios, typewriters electric refrigerators, washing ma chines, guns or on anything of real value. CECIL JENSINUS No. 6 S Front. MONEY LOANED on Homee: monthly payments. Medford Federal Sav A: Loan Assn., 126 E. Main. Tel. 195. MONEY LOANED ON PURNITURt CARS, ETC. Prompt service and le gal rate. W. E. Thomas, 45 S. Central. State license No. 8 157. Painting and I'aperhanglitg M. A. BLISS Painting and paper Hanglng. Tel. 646-W. 313 S. Orap-e EADS TRANSFER & 8TORAGE CO. Office 1016 No. Central. Phone 316 Prices right. Service guaranteed. HAWLEY TRANSFER Expert pack era and mover. Special livestock moving equlcment. Prices light 619 Noith Riverside. Phone 1044-X Wall Paper cleaning. WALL-PAPER CLEANING, lc per sq. ft. Mr. Black. 310 N. Bartlett. LEGAL NOTICES BEAUTIFUL Beige Lapln fur Jacket, size 36. Bargain. Camelo Cleaners. 211 W. Main. Phone 1260. FOR SAIJS Wheat 81.50 hundred. 4 ton hay, near Talent. 637 Pine St. Phone 387-J. FOR SALE Gas range; Ruud gas heater, bed and springs. 2 linoleum rugs, breakfast table and chairs. 132 Vancouver. GET YOUR winter supply Newtown applea now, Ala Vista Co., So. Fir. FOR SALE Bosc pears. Just right for eating or canning, 50c box. Ala Vista Co., So. Fir. FOR SALE: Hammered alfalfa hav. Jas. A. Woods, Phone ll-X-41, Eagle Point. FOR SALE Wheat ana oats, 8150 100 lbs. Call 704 N. Central after 4 p. m. LARGE Colonial range stove with res ervoir, like new. Phone 1335-X. DRY WOOD Fir, laurel. Tel. 722. HOME FOR SALE Near park. quire 207 So. Ivy. FOR SALE 10 acres good Irrigated land. O. C. Boggs. FOR SALE Several farms for sale. O. C. Boggs. IF 14 EARNING on $2500 Invest ment In two houses on one very large lot In east Medford interests you, then write Box 4621, Mall Tribune. FOR SALE In upper Sams Valley. 60 acres, close to good school, build ings are not so good, but the land Is good and there'a a good spring and some timber Could be made a nice place. Price $700, half cash V. R. Bonhem, Phoenix, or Phone 851-R-3. WHEN you think of real estate, think of Brown & White. A BARGAIN My large lot, on Ben nett St., excellent soil, fruit, nut trees and berries. Will sacrifice on terms or cash. Box 66, Tribune. 63 ACRES near Applegate P. O.: 11 A cultivation, free water right; bal ance timber; Improvements. Paul Erdman. Applegate, Ore. FOR SALE POULTRY FOR SALE OR TRADE White Rock breeding cockerels from 8 years trspnestlhg. O. R. Jackson. Stewart Ave. 2 houses west Orchard Home Drive. PURE Bronae toms. Cockeran's prize stock $6. Jesse Nell. Rt. 1, Ashland FOR SALE LIVESTOCK FOR SALE Weaner pigs. 1120 West 2nd. FOR SALE 2 fresh milk cows. Cum mlngs Poultry Ranch. 6 ml, out Midway Rd. Central Point. TWO. three, four, houses, furnished, water. 812 Summit. FOR RENT Furnished 4-room mod ern house. 410 Hamilton. FOR RENT 931 Queen Anne Ave Four room unfurnished stucco home, hsrdwood floors, fireplace plpelesa hot air furnace. Charles R. . Ray, Realtor, Medford Bldg. Phone 302. 3 -ROOM furnished house. 134 S. Ivy. FOR RENT Furnished S-room bun galow. 911 South Grape. FOR RENT Homes furnished or unfurnished. Brown At Whit FOR RENT APARTMENTS FOR RENT Furn. apt. Call 1368-W. FOR RENT Furnished apt., 706 So Oakdale. BACHELOR apartment. 445 8. Front. FOR RENT ROOM-BOARD ROOM. BOARD 153 No. Oaadele RATES very moderate at 716 C Main ATTRACT1VF rooms 404 S. Orape FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS FOR SALE Extra good weaner pigs. Whitman, Coker Butte Road. FOR SALE 24 rabbit and hutches Third bouse south city hall Jack- FOR SALE Registered Shropshire rams. L. A. Salade. Central Point. FOR SALE: Fresh Durham cow, a .so 2 cows; will trade for work horse or young stock. W. E. Mann, ml. north Four Corner Service atatlon. Midway road. FOR SALE Jersey cow. Cheap. 830 Bennett. FOR SALE DOGS PETS FOR SALE Shepherd puppies. 840 K. 9th. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS FOR SALE Organ on storage bill Oold Hill. FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE Chevrolet four passenger club coupe, 1924 model but driven only twenty three thousand miles, good condition, five good tires, semi balloons, front ahock absorbers. Phone 843 or 256X. ORAND HOTEL announces their low winter rstes. Cozy steem-hested : rooms now available. j FOR RENT Nicely furnished rooms, and garage storage at moderate ; rates by week sr month 325 South -R:versidt avenue ROOMS - Weil furnished, Phone I64-L. heated USED CAR SALE REDUCED PRICES 1932 Plymouth Sedan. 1931 Chevrolet Coupe. t933 Ford V-8 Sedan. 1933 Plymouth Sedan. 1932 DeSoto Sedan 1930 Chevrolet sedan. 1928 Chrysler 62 Sedan. I o j Chevrolet Coupe. 1929 LaSalle 5-pasa Coupe 1930 Stutt 8 Sedan 1927 Chevrolet Coupe. ARMSTBONO MOTORS. INC. 28 No. Riverside. Tel. II. FOR SALE Solo trumpev. New never been used. Cheap for cash. Box 4728 Tribune. FOR SALE Rebuilt Fordson tractor, cneap for quick sale. Jacksonville Garage, FOR SALE Grapes, J. A. Manke, four miles west of Medford, adjoin ing Clancy Orchard. tf' GRAPES and grape Juice for sale imi&uii vineyard, rnone oiu-rt-1. DRY WOOD 50 tiers laurel, 80 fir oio Pennsylvania. FOR SALE Tomatoes, cent and a half a pound. Ted Fl6h on Anderson Road S. W. of Phoenix. GRAIN SACKS Jackson County rccu mj, i,n una aaruett sis. FOR SALE Grapes and grape Juice. at tne ueu vineyard, Rt. 2, Medford FOR SALE Buescher Melody O saxo- pnone, oattery radio. $5 Eastman Kodak postcard size, portable vie trola. 7 golf clubs and bag, house hold appliances, fruit Jars and tools. 822 Cedar. ALL MAKES of washing machines re- pmicu. ticks narawaro, lill west Main. FOR SALE Used manes; terms ir desired. All makes rented and repaired. White Sewing Machine Co. 24 N. Bartlett. FOR SALE Sand, gravel, lawn dirt. leruiizer, teaming, pnone 912-J. Notice to Creditors. In the County Court of the state of Oregon for the County of Jackson. Zn the Matter of the Estate of E. . J. Mulr, Deceased. Notice la hereby given that I have been duly and regularly appointed Administrator of the above entitled estate under and by virtue of an order of the County Court of Jackson Coun ty. Oregon, duly made, rendered and er.tered upon September 15th, 1934. and all creditors having claims against said deceased are hereby notified to present the same duly verified, with vouchers thereunto attached, and all persons owing said estate are notified to pay their said Indebtedness to me at the office of G. M. Roberta, my attorney. In the Medford National Bank Building, Rooms 201-203, Med ford, Oregon, within six months from the date of thla notice. Dated at Medford. Oregon, this 22nd day of September, 1934. HENRY O. MUIR, Administrator of the Estate of E. J. Mulr, Deoeased. Notice of Warrant call Warrants of School District Number 9 to and Including No. 294 are here by celled for payment October 23. 1934. Interest on said warrants will cease on that date. EDITH WEIDMAN, Clerk School District No. 9. WESTERN AUTO SUPPLY STORE IS BURGLARIZED A burglar was busy again at West ern Auto Supply, 101 South Riverside Saturday night, according to city police. He attempted to break open the safe some time after 11 p. m., but failed after knocking off the combi nation. Saturday's third entrance was made the same way that waa used the first two times, despite a glaring arc light that has been lntsalled In the rear of the building. A amall panel was broken from & window, enabling the robber to reach the opening bar. Use Mall rrlbune want ads STEIWER ADVISES LEGION AGAINST BLAMED BY MATES ON RESCUE SHIP (Continued iron psge one.) that a demand for immediate pay ment would Intensify animosities and arouse an organised opposition which win make favorable action more difficult." Preservation of the guarantees ot the constitution, the senator said. Is "the first duty of citizenship." He lashed out at "those who would follow a will o the wisp In quest of social betterment ... In behali of a program of political experimen tation." Would Limit Opportunity "They seek Innovations," - he de clared. "They believe that the con cepts of American tarn have not prov ed sound. They would limit or deny the right of private property. They would limit opportunity elsewhere. They could cast all men In a com mon mold and thus take away the unequaled privilege which has be longed to the boys and girls ot America to build themselves up from humble beginnings to positions ot honor, affluence and power." MIAMI, Fla.. Oct. 22. (AP) Un der bright, sun-swept skies, the six teenth annual convention of the American Legion was called to order at 10 a. m. today by National Com mander Edward A. Hayes In Bay Front park. Thousands of neatly uniformed Legionnaires. Including the approxi mately 1,200 official delegates and hundreds of other visitors and home j folks were gathered around the flag- draped amphitheatre In the palm-1 dotted park aa the gavel feu open-i lng the Initial session of the con vention at which the bonus ques tion stands aa the paramount Issue. Many View Meeting The park, which extends westward from the boy front to Blscayne boulevard, was packed with specta tors. Governor Dave Sholta officially welcomed the delegates In behalf of Florida, after being Introduced by Commander Hayes. In his address, he said "It Is our responsibility as Legionnaires to be eternally vigilant and constantly alert In time of peace to protect thla country from communistic prop aganda and from sinister Influences." Thomas H. Healy, assistant dean of Georgetown University's school for foreign service, told the Legion that a disarmed United States would be a menace to the peace of the world. Arm For Safety He declared that the surest way to prevent aggressive action by other nations Is to be armed In advance. Withdrawal of Ray Murphy of Ida Grove, Iowa, as a candidate for national commander, was a last minute development before the In itial session today. Murphy announced that he would support Frank Belgrano, Jr., of Ban Francisco, the. man well-Informed circles say Is the most likely to succeed Edward A. Hayea, Incumbent. .. it' v V It pi;.' r ' Mail Tribune Daily Cross-Word Puzzle Officer! and members of the crew of the Dollar liner President Cleveland, which went to the aid of the flaming Morro Castle, war. questioned at the federal Inquiry Into the dlsaater. The master of th. President Cleveland, Robert E. Carey, la shown as he gave his testi mony. Later other officers and members of the crew testified that he mishandled hi ship and delayed launching lifeboats and aa a result failed to make any rescues. (Associated Press Photo) Gandhi Woman Disciple Here To Talk of Her 'Adopted' India FOR SALE White sewing machine, POR EXCHANGE 30-30 Carbine til- ued at 12000 for light car Across from Medford Riding Academy. MISCELLANEOUS BOAT TRAILER, Cash Register A.dd Ing Machine, Typewriter, Boots. Shoes, Huntlng-Flshlng Equipment S17 North Riverside. KINDERGARTEN Spsrta Bldg Music and dance. Phone 1545 or 1350-w Ruth Luy Alice Holmback. A SO-CENT turkey dinner will be served at First M K church, Tues day at 6:30. Oood program. FOR SALE Equity In house. 620 Haven. Call D0O8 examined free. Dr. Stone, 4th and Balett. RADIO SERVICE DON'S RADIO SERVICE Repairs Sales Rentals. 433 E Main St. Phone 688 BUSINESS DIRECTORY Abstracts JACK HON CO. AIIHTKACT CO. Abstracts ot Title and Title Insurance. The only complete Title System in Jackson Coun". MURRAY ABSTRACT CO. Abstract of Title. Rooms a and 6 No. 32 North Central Ave., upstairs. Rlilto Phone 1015-Y. D.Mitlitrj. DK.VTIHTRY Dr. I. H. Oore. 236 B Main. Mpert 1 Inflow Clranera LET OEOROE DO IT Tel 1173 House Cleaning, floor Waxing On- ACROSS L Minute ma rine animal I. Stumble 10. Spend time In Idleness 11. Winged 15. Went up 16. Ant;lo-Saion Slavs IT. Inner parts of a temple or palace II. Feminine name 20. Turf 21. Playing cards 22. Beef raited for slaughter 21. Mark of a blow 2(. Fragments 01 a brittle aubs Lance 26. Arctic 29. Oriental skiff 32. Cossack chief 24. Noxious plant 35. Title of a monk IS. Meaningless repetition Bf. Angry 1L Waste part ot metal ore 47. Golf term 45. Agitate 44. Second child hood 46. Reaulred l. Roy attendants 49. .Make precious 12. Slats posi tively 1, 14. Fist cap Solution of Saturday's Puzzle R A1GII A I IRIS CEjOT hTeIR iR6T.BEgasTEELE AT E 1MB I n I WML 1 1 se r 1 PHI v I6 BF J. PjN A 1 1 I n I S jjaAlRI i e s jsui Identical Masticatory Small nail Turn to a jsllyltks aunsta-nee Malign God of war Part of an automobile engine Sand MM: English Place to write Fat DOWN Explosive da- VICSB I. 8utrr substi tute I. Psrt of a shoe 4. Devoured I. Permit 6. flexions T. Part in a play I. Egyptian goddess 9. Vegetable 10. Pertaining to a penitential sea ion 11. Willow 12. Made a pre llmlnnry wager II. Is afraid It. Flowed 22. Food flsti 22. Matron 24. Historical period 25. Velocity 26. Portion 27. Hlouan Indian Us. Tardy :10. Cognizant 3U Encountered 33. Bait peter 36. Banner 36. Fury 37. Grows old 40, Dliencumbtr 41. Asterisk 43. Place to sit 46. Unclose: poetic 46. Sewing im plement 47. Kind of fine linen 46. Flowed bark (0. Give strength to II. Flow off gradually IS. Animal doctor: colJoq. 66, Dry 66. Malt liquors 67. Bunted animals 68. flhoMtr.neaa Indians II. Nothing more than (1. Roam about 62. Japanese statesman 61. Pen point REV EVELYN UARSHAIX. spiritual null aee dAUj. 115 fio. a; versed. I ' 2 3 4 5 'Wit P 8 P M V 2 3 '7 ' If'? mwm w w'r ipil 4ii iin I1 54 WWLlL 53" ip)'" u. tf E DRIVEN ASHORE (Conttnueo from page one.) ing the gale, and several persons were Injured by flying glass. At Seaside waves reported from twenty to thirty feet high crashed over the cement sea wall at tha end of the city's main street. Roof were torn from downs of beach side cottages and strewn along ths beach. Several fishing boats were lost when they were carried out to tea) by the fore of the gala. Carrying only scanty baggage, confuting chiefly of ft khsddl cloth handbag, Madeline Blade. English-born disciple ot Gliandl. cornea to the L'nlted Htntce to lecture. She plans a two weeks' stay as the result of an Invitation by the Rev. John Haynes Holmes. New York paator and president of the All-World Gandhi Fellowship. "I shall sry-Rk all over the states about my master Gandhi and my beloved adopted country of India, she said before she sailed from London. (By the Associated Press) Her English society friends knew her as Madeline Slade; to Indie, ahe Is Shlrmatt Mlra Behn, and to Oan dhl, whose disciple ahe la, her name la Mlrabal. Madeline Blade, the daughter of Sir Bdmond Slade, British admiral, who went In for fox-hunting and sports, dancing and pretty clothes, "died." she says, November 7, 1035, and In her place waa born Mlrabal. She decided that Oandhl waa the "light for which I had been search ing." and to prepare herself for dls clpleshlp, ahe lived in seclusion with poor peasants, studying, spinning and weaving. Now she la to tell Americana about India and lta teeming millions, from her own first-hand observations. Miss Slade, who has been twice im prisoned by the British authorities, is now 41. She Is six feet tall. After a year's probationary period, ahe was accepted as a full-fledged member or Gandhi's Ashram, or college, at Ahm edabad. She presents a striking con trast to the little man who la seeking to make India Independent of the scepter of Great Britain. She accompanied the Mahatma to the round table conference In L01 don In 1031. at a time when hi spir itual movement, with lta boycot of foreign textiles, had affected the great mill centers of Lancashire. She wears a Hindu ahawl which shields her head. Her hair la close cropped in token of her vow of cell bacy. White drapery covers her body. and her feet are shod with aandals, "I ihall speak all over the states about my master and my beloved adopted country of India," she aatd Just before sailing from London. want to apeak to the American pub lic about conditions in India aa I know them myaelf." She was Invited to make the trip by the Rev, John Haynea Holmes, New York pastor who Is president of the All-World Oandnl Fellowship. Her bsggsge, when she sailed, wis scanty. It consisted chiefly of a khaddl cloth handbag. SKATTtX Oct. 33. (AP) A real lng gale, approaching hurricane pro portions, which blew out of th southwest at daybreak yesterday, to day had left a death toll of at least 17 and caused uneatlmated property damage In the Pacific Northwest, The wind reached a recorded ve locity of 83 miles an hour at Tacoma. while 70 miles waa re corded at Boeing field here. Clouda scudded through dark and angry sky- while the wind bit and tore at buildings, trees and, shipping and Intermittent rain lash ed the earth. Two Cities Flooded The gales subsided today but two flooded cities, damaged shipping, wrecked buildings, power and com munication lines tangled, much fall en timber and the death list re mained, A revised death list follows: Capt. Bernard Thomas and tout members of the crew of the amall purse seiner Agnes, which sank off Port Town send. The others lost were Leonard Torget, Leonard Berg, M Peterson and Howard Anderson. Ail were of Seattle, Jun Took Tung, Chinese, killed; when a aide of the Alkl hotel here collapsed. Charles N. Olbler, 95, killed ott the road south of Port Orchard in Kltaap county when & tree fell on him as he was clearing logs off th road, blown there by the storm. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Christiansen each 45, of Tacoma. A power line fell on a radio antenna they were -repairing. Mr. and Mrs. John Dybal, who operated a fish trap at the mouth of the Skagit river. It waa wrecked and their house oa the piers went down. R. M. Hal vers on of Portland, guest at a BelUngham hotel, who waa working on the roof when an edge gave way, Halmer M. Lee, 41, of Bremerton. A tree fell on him after he had gotten out or his car on the navy yard highway and itarted to clear logs away. Chris Paetow, 35, of Portland. Hia boat overturned while duck hunting. Waldxon Larson of Belllngham drowned while duck hunting on the Skagit river. George Placldl, Indian youth. drowned off Fish Point. An unidentified man, also believ ed of Belllngham, drowned In the same party with Larson. An unlden titled man from Everett Is missing. The bodies were found by a group looking tor Mr. and Mrs. John Ryno vi oravkiv, wuu UBU uron f Cxjr boa missing, but who were picked up on the B tan wood jetty by a truck. Seven cows on the farm ot Mar tin McQue near Stan wood were kilt ed when the barn collapsed. Lifter Sinks Blver Boat The liner President Madison which sank the stern-wheeler Harvester and damaged other aa It plunged from lta moorings here yesterday was warped back Into position at pier 41 today. Striking with fury shortly after daybreak yesterday morning, the storm awept over this region ail day, not subsiding until after night fall. The 83-mlle an hour velocity waa recorded at the Tacoma munic ipal airport; a velocity of 70 mile waa recorded by government Instru ments at Boeing field here, and ft 60-mlle wind at the downtown weather atatlon. At the Orays Harbor cities of Aberdeen and Hoqulam, residents to day relived the flood days of last December, after yesterday's flood had risen to within three Inches of the height at that time. Lashed by the southwest gale, the waters at high tide flooded both business districts and a large part of the residential districts. With sis feet of water at South Aberdeen, resident were either res cued by police in amall boat, or remained marooned till the water fell. More than half the houses in Hoqulam were also flooded to ft greater or leas degree. The gale wa the most severe ever recorded there. Freak Kitten Born SOUTH WINDSOR, Conn. (UP) A fresk kitten waa born In a Utter here, with eight legs, two bodies, one head, and one half male and the other half female. Three legs were In front and five In back. It died within a fev days Two other kitten la th aame litter were normal, BELLINOIIAM, Oct. 32. (AP) While on canoeing party Saturday night at Sliver lake, 00 miles eaat ot here, Nlrholss Schwsrte, 38, mar ine editor of the Seattle Dally Jour nal of Commerce, drowned. His com panion wss saved. BALEM,15ctT" 23. (AP) Governor Julius L. Meier, who has been con fined to his home near Portland with a hard cold, announced through the executive offices here today he woi;Jd be at the capltol for a meet ing of the board ot control tomor row. Huge Cantaloupe Grown OODEN, Utah (AP) A cantaloup 3d Inches long waa grown here by Mrs. Marie Sparhawk. The melon was twice the six of the ordinary cantaloupe. McMINNVILLB, Ore., Oct. 33. (AP) John P. Wolf, 81, of Amity, died In hospital here last night from a aktill fracture, suffered when he waa struck by an automobile driven by Lawrence Loban, 17. Mr. Mabel Nichols, merro -soprano, a new resident of Medford will be heard over KM ED Monday evening. October 33. at seven o'clock. In a group songs by Fred Alton Height: "I'm In Love With Someone," "Mo ther Little Honey Boy." and "When You and I Were Kids Together. Better clothes for leas. It will piy you to climb my stairway, Klein to Tailor, 128 East Main, upstairs. INDUSTRIAL ART CLASS TO OPEN Th Unirsrslty of Oregon axttnslon class In Industrial Art tor Bglnnera will most Tuesday atenlng, Octotxr 93, at th high school beginning at 7:11, It was announoad today. This court, waa discontinued but arrange msnts bar. ban madfr to norganla It. In addition to thosa who hav. al ready .nrolled, oth.ra Interested la th. work ara United to attend Tues day's session, alias Marian Ady la th Instructor In charge. Th tiunslon art oours will In. clud stencil, batik, block print and toy making and la designed particu larly (or teachers and bomemaker who desire to study color, .and Una,