PAGE TWO MEDFORD MAIL TMBUXE, MEDFORD, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 17, 1934 F HOLD 50 PER CENT !E! Approilmately 50 per cent of the registered rote of Jackson county 1b centered In Med ford and Ashland precincts, according to figures com piled by the county clerk's office. In the 31 Medford precincts there are 0,330 voters and In the ten Ash land precincts 3,171 votes a total of 9,607 out of a registration of 18.804. Medford precincts show a gain of 374 voters over the May primary and the Ashland precincts a- gain of 309 voters. Haven precinct In this city showed a gain of 33 voters over May. The leading Ashland precinct was Oak, with a gain of 35. Gold Hill, with a November regis tration of 528, showed the largest gsln. IU primary registration waa 4(14. The Increase was 04. Every precinct In the county show ed a gain with the exception of Wat kins, where there were 07 voters listed. eHavlest rural gains were made In north county pjrecincts: Poota Creek, 17; Rogue River, 23; Wlmer, 19; Trail, 37; North Contrnl Point, 30; South Central Point, 31; Willow Springs. 34. The two Phoenix precincts gained 10 voters, the two Talent precincts SB and the two Jacksonville precincts also 36. Copy for the Jackson county bal lots was received this morning by the county clerk. The names of 32 state and county can a Ida tea, four supreme court Judges, and three In itiative measures will be thereon, as well a the city tickets of Incorpo rated towns of over 3000 population. The Ashland precinct ballots will have the local option amendment. The ballot will be smaller than for several years. The county clerk has announced that the voting precincts for the general election will be the same as In the May primary. FRENCH 10 ATTEND 1L OF BELORADB, Yugoslavia, Oct. 17. f AP -Scenes reminiscent of the World war were enacted here today as France's large delegation to the funeral of the slain King Alexsnort arrived. The size and distinction of the French delegation were regarded as a political demonstration by France in tended to mollify Yugoslavia's bit terness at the failure of the Mar seille police to prevent Alexander's assassination last week and also as a testimony on the part of France that the French-Yugoslav friendship remains unshaken. In the French delegation, besides Lebrun, were three cabinet minis ters, military officials, 35 aviators, 10 naval officers, 300 sailors, and the brass band of the 115th French In fantry regiment of which Alexander was honorary chief. This bsnd will play at the king's funeral tomorrow. , t Apples In AH stages SHOSHONE. Ida. (UP) The Dr rah ranch near here boasts an "ever bearing" apple tree. The tree was discovered to be bearing ripe apples, small green newly formed apples and blossoms all at the same time. TOO LA1E 10 CLASSIC roR SALE Llewellyn setter, wry rea sonable for quick sale. Mrs. Ctattou, 1160-R. TIRE SACRIFICE Thursday, Friday and Saturday On'j. ALL NEW FRESH STOCK BAIX1EH BALLOON TIREa Buy one, pay 91.00 extra take two or Buy one 33 discount. Includes free tube. We also aell new and used part and uaed ears. CLEMENTS AUTO WRECKERS 330-34 North Rlveralde Ave. Phone 43t, Medford. FOR SALE Creased ducka. 3J1-R. WANTED Wood sawing. Mm to cut wood on ehftres. 809 So. Newtown. Ruggedness Car Starts Sensational Run V til VfONOM siATTU IK- mimii'om pj jR tvl -. .' fCOu r1"' ,.,Jllr,lw TUOaNi . & -.(& - 1 TMMuk vuwiiioM it;:- -A , j -J en., ; . r J 1 rURTTANDT MUWOt&B GtllHAM 1 Oii&oh 0TI u GUWOil T1MNVUJ 1 fr'Wi ft 1 fv Following Impresslva ceremonies In which Governor Clarence D. Martin of Washington played an Important role, the Hudson Terraplane Ruggedness Run car "Cascade Express" left Se attle on the first lap of Its 14 day schedule of continuous day and night driving over a tough 3.10A mile circuit. The car had already been driven more than 18,000 miles by a previous owner and another y nlleage will be added u the ear covers again and again the course which covera Washington, Oregon and Idaho. Photo above ahowa the "Cascade Express." route map, picture of E. L. Leaf of Portland whose car Is being used In the run, and scene at christen ing ceremonies held last Tuesday. Interested motorists and spectators throughout the route will be Informed dally of the cars progress by newspaper advertisements and radio announce ments, , FIDDLE HOCKED FOR $3 S STOLEN AMATI WITH PORTLAND. Ore.. Oct. 17. (AP) A pawnbroker squinted critically, de cided IS waa too much and gave a youth 3 for an old, worn violin stolen from B. A. Sutllff who values the Instrument at M000. The violin, described by the owner as an Andrea Amatl made In 1661, waa pawned for $3 while a police de tective watched the transaction and felt sorry for the boy he believed waa parting with the fiddle only because of the stress of the times. The next day Sutllff reported the theft and Detective Thaeher checked back to the pawn shop. Sutllff was told he could recover the instrument without coat, but he gladly reimbursed the proprietor for the 93. "X was chump enough to feel sorry for that kid when X saw him selling his old fiddle," Detective Thatcher mused. "X thought he was a college student because of his clothes. He wore a polo coat with 'Corvallts' (where Oregon, State college Is locat ed) on the back of It." TROJANS HOME FROM PANTHER TROUNCING LOS ANGELES, Oct. 17. (AP) Apparently none the worse for wear, the University of Southern California football squad returned home today from Pittsburgh where they were May Figure In Crisis t&y, ih w' General Para Zlvkovich (above), poimcai -sirong tnan' of Yugo slavia, waa expected to be Influen tial In shaping the nation's policies after the assassination of King Alexander. (Associated Press Photo) beaten by Pitt's Panthers last week, 20-0. Getting back In heavy down pour of rain, the Trojans were met by- only a handful of students but the big university band blared away with the rousing U. S. C. marching song. CATHOLICS AFTER WASHINGTON. Oct, 17. ( AP) Letters demanding retirement of Jo sephus Daniels aa ambassador to Mexico are being received at the state department from Catholic organiza tions. A speech Daniels made last July to a group of American teachers and students visiting Mexico, D. P., start ed the controversy. Catholic organi zations In the United States have In terpreted the speech as approving "plans of the Mexican government to eliminate religion from the schools and Institute 'socialist' Instruction." Daniels explained to the state de partment that the-speech was simply a declaration of his faith In universal education and did not "even remote ly" touch on the character of educa tion lh Mexico. and Parker were quarreling oyer dog. Better died ajcnaay uignv. Washliifton Apple Yield Good WENATCHEE, Wash. (UP) Despite fears that annormsl weather would, damage the central Washington ap ple yield, early varieties clung to the trees and matured to a deep red a harvest season opened. Growers Es timated a larger than ususl per cent would grade "extra fancy" standard. Time in Tonight 7:15 KMED Hear the Facts Concern ing the Tax Limitation Measure, paid Adv. Tax Limitation League LEADS TO STABBING PORTLAND. Ore., Oct. 17. (AP) A fatal knifing during a quarrel over a dog Is basis for second degree mur der charges against Harry L. Parker of Portland. Olaf Setter's brother, Alfred, sign ed the complaint which alleged Set ter was fatally stabbed while he HOTEL GRAND Low Winter Rates Why live in a cold room when you can get a nice warm one at the Grand? Winter Driving Is hard on the llnttery. Play Sots with a Severln Long Life. KXPKBT AUTO ELF.C. WORK 8EVLKIN mTTKRY SBRV1CE 15J2 No. Riverside, Phone 390 VANDERBILT CASE NEW YORK, Oct. 17-(AP) The curtains were tightly drawn today over the Vanderbllt-Whttney court drama, but Supreme Court Justice John F. Carew quickly ordered them parted. Public and press have been ex cluded from the hearing on whether Mrs. Gloria Morgan Vanderbllt Is en titled to the custody of her daugh ter Olorla, 10-year old heiress. Jus tice Carew day before yesterday dis continued his practice of sum mar Ic ing testimony for the press. And today when the litigation was resumed, pieces of blotting paper were pasted on the windows of the swinging doors of the court room. Justice Carew ordered It removed. RED CROSS CONCLAVE WILL BE BROADCAST Miss Lillian Roberta, executive secretary of the Jackson county chapter of the American Red Cross, today received word from A. I Bcha fer, manager, that arrangemenu have been completed with NUC whereby a lfi-minutes program will be picked up from the International Red Cross conference at Tokyo, to be broadcast at 4 p. m., P. 8. T on October 10. The speaker la to be Judge John Barton Payne, chairman of the Amer ican National Red Cross, and chair man of the board of governors. Prince Tokugawa, head of the Japanese Red Cross, and Colonel Pabra of the In ternational Red Cross committee will also speak. UNSATISFACTORY MOUTOAUKS Individuals holding unsatisfactory mortgages on Improved realty, where ine property owner is behind in lui payment on principal. Interest or i Uxm, nmy exchange thew moreffatc 1 under the p. N W. plan and secure i sutMLantlnl and Inerottsiii income with maximum safety. Your mort gaite problem analyeod without ob ligtttlon. Writ details to N. B Crittenden, Suite 1334, American Bank Bldtg., Portland. Orton. LOtfT Whit fox terrier dog. Dean fitacy. Hilkrest road. FOR SALE -Sacrifice for cash. Chrvs ler tourlrw Phone 1138-J. or csll st 519 Crater Lake Ave. HOME FOR S A I .F, Nearpji7kT IrT qulre 207 So. Ivy. WANTED To bur IfJO or '37 model T Ford roadttUr or coupe. Third houe rut from Orchard Home drive on Stewart Ave. FOR RENT Apartment. 334 Apple. FOR 6ALB Hammered alfalfa hav. .las. A. Wood. Phone ll-X-41. E-itfie Point. FOR AI.E Freh Durham cow. ais.i 3 row: will trad for work hO'e oryoung stork, w E Mann. S mt north Four Corner Service station. Midway road. FOR RENT Ranch on highway; new butldlnis, small hou; ood well sprirm; 40 arroa rely fall crop Mn A. L Reed, one mile south, 1 mile esAt Bea.e P. O. FOR HA1.C RftftMered Ahronshtre rams. L A. Sslade, Central point FOR 8 ALE 5-year-old w.trk hore. 13.V) lb a ml west of Table Ro.k aWre. J. C. Haakit. tlurlnl In Vtrdillng suit 1 BLUE SPRINGS, Mo. UP) Riley Johnson waa burled In the dark unit, white shirt, collar and tie In which he was married 5A years ago. He wore the clothes only three times at his wedding, his 80th anniversary and at his funeral. Mrs. Vanderbllt Sobs Leaving the guarded courtroom during the hearing over the custody of her 10-year-old heiress daughter, Mra. Gloria Morgan Vanderbllt (above) went into an adjoining room and broke Into tears. (Asso elated Press Photo) FRESNO, Oct. 17. Upton Sill- j clalr, Democratic candidate for gov- j emor of California, speaking at a i campaign rally here last night, relt- crated his pledge to pardon Tom Mooney, San Francisco bomber. If he Is elected governor. Sinclair appeared ! with Sheridan Downey, Bourbon lieu- I tenant-governor candidate, who also j spoke. I "I do not know whether Mooney' Is ! guilty or Innocent. I waa not there at the bombing and I do not have acceaa to Mooncy's confidence, but I do know that all the testimony Bffalnat him waa perjured. That la enough for me." Sinclair said. MT. CAR MEL, Pa. ( UP Edward Laconkte. 30. saw visions of liberty when he climbed down a manhole at the Northumberland county Jail. But his hopes dimmed when he discov ered the manhole led to a six-Inch pipe. He was returned to his cell when guards found him In the manhole. SECOND APPLE CROP SEEN IN LOCAL TREE At the noma of Mrs. Farley at 107 j Gtnesee, a large apple tree now haa! Its second crop of this season, with I the apple now about the size of a golf ball. A brunch from the tive was brought to the Mall Tribune of fice today. The first crop matured, and some of those apples remain In the top of the tree, where they have either rot ted or dried up. illl ill LLSl lA'T-V Ue Mat) tTtbuie want sds MONEY TO LOAN -on- First Mortgages on Homes U f I iIiederalSavings vU'LANO LOAN ASSOCIATION x if 126 E. Main St. Phone 10S EtrryE. hcstliman Manager ID r -4 mm Two Hotels Thot Afford ALL Comforts at Rates ALL Can Afford! E2 Convenience and economy Stop in 0KI.N! Hotel ssn ahlo offers: Comlort without Kxtravacance Central Location RATI'!: I-M to l 16 fhi r, aRat Motn.HN coh-ie siiur Directions lo Hotel: 5ts on Main HitrtMSi (!sn t'shto ATrnue) dlrrrtl) lo iUtlt St. Msnnfrmrnt HRM ti STKANO AUTUMM SALE Prepare or Winter NOW and SAVE EVERYTHING FOR YOUR CAR AT A SAVING Goodrich FAN BELTS "V" Type FAN BELTS 49c .And up On many cars the generator Is driven by the fan belt. A worn belt may mean a run down bat tery, EXPERT VULCANIZING and REPAIRING Bruised nnd punctured tires completely repaired at reason "hie prices. .CAUSES. 1 BLOW-OUTS' THIS J LIFE-SAVER GOLDEN f 1 rl" RISISTS HtATI SMOOTH TIRES S-L-I-P NEW SILVERTOWNS G-R-I-P Tires wear slowly in cool weather. Do you know that you can enjoy safe traction thru the winter months and still have good tires for next summer's driving by putting on Silvertowns Now? Goodrich Tire Prices Are Low 4.40-21 $4.45 4.50-20 . 4.50-21 . 4.75-19 . 4.70 4.90 .5.20 Ask For Price On Your Size Goodrich ACCESSORY BARGAINS Reg. Price Sale Price 6 oi. cans Polish and Cleaner oSc 27? Vi pt. Deluxe Top Dressing 0c 33c4 Rad. Cleaner, 10-oz. can iSs 37 Liquid Radiator Solder, 10-oz 50c 41 Touch Up Enamel, Brush Top Can BOs 41, Friction Tape, 4-oz. size .?. 20o 13 FELT BACK FLOOR MATS INSTALLED tteg. Prlre Sale Price CHEVROLET $1.55 $1.09 FORD MODEL A 1.40 .99 ALL OTHER CARS.. 2.00 1.49 Keep out winter drafts with these high grade Felt Back Rubber Mats HERE'S REAL BATTERY NEWS! An entirely new principle of design and construction built IntothisOoodrich ElectroPsk Battery gives you protection against troublesome short cir cuits. Get long, troublefrec service, and save up to 20 on cost per month besidei. Put this depend- ( as low as batteryinyour S4 . 7 5 and old bat. car today. Goodrich Electro -Pak AUTOMOBILE HEADER Onlv INSTALLED (Thermostat Extra) CHIEFTAIN HOT WATER TYPE A great big new Hot Water Heater that will really hoat a car. It is fine looking and is by far the best buy on the market. May be compared with, heaters costing several dollars more. Best copper tubes, and fins and brass tanks used in this heater. Rheostat switch provides regulation of heat. Adjustable Deflec tor. You can't afford to be uncomfortable when you can buy this heatcf at this low price. EVERREADY PRESTONE $2.95 Gal. Why buy cheap anti-freeze? The safest and cheapest is Prestone. No odor not harmful to car finish will not boil away. Requires less to give full protection. ARE YOUR BRAKES SAFE? FREE INSPECTION RADIATOR Of" ALCOHOL COG Qt. PLYMOUTH, FORD AND CHEVROLET Winter Grease Special DRAIN TRANSMISSION and DIFFERENTIAL and Refill with Correct Winter Lubricant. $1.50 DRAIN CRANKCASE AND REFILL with Winter Grade Oil (Penzoil or Lionhead) 1.20 LUBRICATE CHASSIS WITH HIGH GRADE Lubricant. Proper type for each point 1.00 VACUUM CLEAN UPHOLSTERY and INTER IOR OF CAR 50 $4.20 ALL FOR THE SPECIAL PRICE S3'1 WE HAVE COMPLETE TRICO WINDSHIELD SWIPE SERVICE PARTS REPAIRS EXCHANGE If Your Swipe Doesn't Work SEE US p. s. If You Forgot Those New SAFE NON-SKID SILVERTOWNS Phone 1300 For WRECKER SERVICE Day or Nite LEWIS' SUPER SERVICE STATION Eighth and Front Sta. MEDFORD'S AUTOMOTIVE SERVICE CENTER" "WE NEVER CLOSE" TOWING AND WRECKING SERVICE W. L LEWIS, Mgr. Next to Jackson Hotel. Phone 1300