MEDFORD MATL TRIBUNE, MEDFORU, OREGON, SUNDAY, OCTOBER 14, 1934 PAGE ELEVEN vu U.UV E3 WHAT YOU WANT Classified FOR EASY REFERENCED SI I I I " '.-i 'I -i '1 i "i ' iV-1" ' - v.. i r n.inii iih I''" r.ii.i. ill 1 ..- .- i - I' i ii i imii I 1 - i i 'f Vliiil 1- . . " . . kaa Kead every til n IhU page T irll) probably H xactly lb mini oo want to u . . u n Isn't trier. anf tls . . . " pensive, effectlv RATES Per word first insect!' 4cb sdditlonal Insertion. (Minimum loo) Per line pet month without copy change lJ, Phone 75 FOE WANT ADS LOST AND FOUND LOST-GW .trlped igor kitten months old. Call J451-Y. LOST If dog missing, coll 1S16. WANTED FEMALE HELP SreCIALENIPLOyJIEn' lor married women. 18 weekly and your own dresses FREE representing . .ui. vnvt Nn can sliy Known . 7.7ii vaselnff. No Investment. Send drew size. Fashion rrocs. j-- Cincinnati, Ohio. MALE OR FEMALE ADDRESSING Mailing Clreulsxs. at home, lor Mall Dealers. Earn 15 weekly. Experience unnecessary. Stamp brings particulars. Atlas Sys tem, Tucson, Ariz. WANTED MALE HELP MANWANTED tor Rawlelgh Route or 800 lamllles. oooa prouw ' .. 1- an4 hftln VQU. Writ immediately. Rawlelgh Co., Dept. ORJ-27-SA, Oakland, Calif. DISTRIBTORS WANTED Exclusive protected franchise for your town for electrical iwutumwH. pensive specialties; vuwie stint attention: recognized need and price make quick sales; going over big In New York and Eastern cities: long profits on small mer chandise Investment: A real oppor tunity to get In business for your self For particulars address CATJ FORNIA DISTRIBUTORS, Suite 201 an. 6513 Hollywood Blvd., Hollywood, Cal. . . WANTED SITU ATIONS WANTED-MISCELLANEOUS WANTED Warrant. Redden Co. WANTED Household goods, "toves tools or what have you. Medford Bargain House, 37 N. Orapa St. Tal 1062. FOR RENT H0DSE8 SMALL furnished house, 134 S. Ivy. FOR RENT Four furnished house keeping rooms at am King St.. u. FOR RENT S-room furnished house, modern, shipshape: lawn, shrub bery; close In. Also new 3-room furnished house. 204 W. Jackson. FOR RENT 931 Queen Anne Ave.. 4 room unfurnished home; basement, furnace, electric range, hardwool floors: eas, plus watr. Charles R Ray, Realtor, Medlord Bldg. Phone 302. FOR RENT Homes furnished or unfurnished. Brown White. FOR RENT ROOM BOARD ROOM. BOARD 153 No. Oakdale. RATES very moderate at 716 E. Main ATTRACTIVE rooms. 404 S. Grape. FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS FURNISHED front first floor apt. Private bath and garage. 604 W. 10th. ONE well-furnished sleeping room, with privilege of using library for sitting room. School teacher or business, woman preferred. Call 321-R. ROOM FOR RENT Hot and cold water In room; breakfast If desired. 11 S. Orange. FOR RENT Nicely furnished rooms and garage storage at moderate rates by week or month. 325 South Riverside avenue. ROOMS well furnished, heated Phone 364-L. FOR RENT APARTMENTS FOR RENT 2-room apartment; one bedroom with twin beds and par lor. Phone A02-L. evenings. CLEAN furnished apartment, 217 W 2nd St. FOR RENT Furnished apartment, 125 N. Holly. BACHELOR apartment. 445-S. Front. FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS FOR RENT Floor aandlng machine Economy Lumber. No. Riverside. FOR EXCHANGE YOUNO MAN going school mornings wants work after 1 :00 p. m. and Sat urdays. Have car, excellent driver. Box 4590, Tribune. EXCHANGE Red pullets for nay, Route 1, Box 395. Medlord. TRADE Good coupe for household outfit. Phone 258-W, leave address. I will call. FOR EXCHANGE Woods hydraulic dump-bed for light car.. Inquire ma w. lutn. FOR EXCHANGE 1929 model A Ford sedan and 2 lots In Medford for late model Ford V-8. Tel 407-Y COMPETENT housekeeper desires work In home by day or hour. P. . O. Box 263, Central Point. WANTED Plowing or otheT work with tractor. Have good equip ment. Box 4572, Tribune. RESPECTABLE. Intelligent widow wants to keep house for gentleman. Write or call 1191 Olive St., Eugene. Oregon. CHILDREN cared for In my home. 840 E. 8th. WANTED-MISCELLANEOUS WANTED Pew shares Jackson Co. Bldg. t Loan stock. W1U pay 60 ' cash. C. S. Butterflcld. WANTED Small closed car. Must be cheap for cash. Model A Ford pre ferred. Wilson, rear of 325 East Jackson. WANTED Apartments or room'ns house, by responsible couple with local references. Rental or com mission. 1122 W. 8th. WANTED Several tiers of dry body fir. Will pay cash or trade. Hlway Exchange, south of Phoenix. WANTED To rent 3-room unfurnish ed house. Phone 1645-Y. WANTED To buy or rent grain drill. Call 7-F-14. EXCHANGE Furn. re-upholsterlng lor lumber, wood, ilsb poles ana reels. Phone S69-R. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE A BARGAIN My large lot. on Bon nets ot., excellent soil, iiuii, mn trees and berries. Will sacrifice on terms or cash. Box 66, Tribune. 53 ACRES near Applegat P. O.; 11 A cultivation, rree water ngni; oai ance timber; Improvements. Paul Erdman. Applegate. Ore. FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE 1928 Bulck 8edsn. 1929 Ford Roadster. 1928 Chevrolet Sedan. 1933 Pontlao Sedan. 1934 Chevrolet Town Sedan. Skinner Oarage, 143 So. Riverside. Bulck-Fontlao Salea and Service. USED CAR SALE REDUCED PRICES 1932 Plymouth Sedan. 1931 Chevrolet Coupe. 1933 Ford V-8 Sedan. 1933 Plymouth Sedan. 1933 DeSoto Sedan. 1930 Chevrolet Sedan. 1928 Chrysler 63 Sedan. 1929 Chevrolet Coupe. 1929 LaSalle 5-pass. Coups. 1930 Stutz 8 Sedan. 1927 Chevrolet Coupe. ARMSTRONG MOTORS. INC. 38 Nt. Riverside. Tel. 18. 1930 NASH Sedan, good condition. Will take car In trade and gtvo terms. Reasonable. 517 N. Central. FOR SALE LIVESTOCK FOR SALE OR TRADE 20 acres well Improved, for coast or S. Dakota property. 35 nut trees In bearing. A J. Hornby, Route No. 1. Medford. FOR SALE 3 fresh milk cows. Cum- mlngs poultry rtancn. o mi. out Midway Rd. Central Point. THRIFTY weaner pigs. Turn In at Howard school. J. p. Toad. FOR SALE 150 ewes, 10 rams. W. L. Lewis. Phone 825, Medford. MISCELLANEOUS FOR- SALE FOR SALE Seeds for fall planting. Prices right. Quality the best Monarch Seed 4s Feed Co. ALL MAKES of washing machines re paired. Pick's Hardware. 131 west Main. BUSINESS DIRECTORY Expert Window Cleaners LET GEOROE DO IT Tel. 1173 House Cleaning. Floor Waxing. On. FOR SALE Used sewing machines, all makes; terms If desired, ah makes rented and repaired. White Sewing Machine Co. 24 N. Bartlett. FOR SALE Sand, gravel, lawn dirt, fertilizer, teaming. Phone 913-J. FOR BALK White aewlng machine, Angora rabbits. 814 Willamette. FOR EXCHANGE 30-30 Carbine val ued at 120.00 for light car. Across from Medford Riding Academy. RADIO SERVICE DON S RADIO SERVICE Repairs Sales Rentals. 423 E. Main St. Phone 668 MISCELLANEOUS 'DIESEL NEWS" Amazing facts and pictures, latest developments and opportunities for trained Diesel men. Free copy. Writ "Diesel News," 3131 sn Fernando Road, Los An geles, Cal. CHANGE OF LOCATION This la to notify by friends that I am no longer connected with the Riverside Service station, but may be found at the Richfield Highway Servl-e station. 4th and Riverside. Always giao io see you. Drop in. John Can trail. EADS TRANSFER Ss STORAGE CO. Office 1015 No. Central. Phone 316 Prices right. Service guaranteed. HAWLEY TRANSFER Expert pack ers and movers. Special livestock moving equipment. Prices l.ght 619 North Riverside. Phone 1044-X. Piano Instruction. FRED ALTON HAIOHT Pianist, com poser, teach of plsno and harmony. Original MELCHORD method, mod ern piano playing. Studio. 918 Lib erty Bldg., Medford. Ore. Main Street Mrlhodlst Church, South N. D. Wood. Psstor. Services Sunday. October 14: Sunday school. 0:45 a. m. Serman at U a. m. by Rev. Patter- aon. Young people's service at 6:S0 p. m. Workers' installation service and program at 7:30 p. m. Prayer service at 7:30 p. m. Musis Writing and Song Service Full flospel Tabernacle Newtown street off Main. J. Logan Stuart, pastor. Sunday school, 0:46. Morning worship, 11. Evening evangelistic meeting. 7:St. Prayer and pralsa meeting Tuesday evening. 7:30. Meeting Friday evening. 7:30. The young people will have charge of this meeting. The public Is to all meet ings. Frr Methodist Church Corner Tenth end Ivy streets. B. N. Long. Pastor. Sunday school, 9:46 a. m. Flor ence Blass, superintendent. Morning message at 11 o'clock. Subject, "Characteristics of the Car nal Mind." Y. P. M. 8. meeting, 6:90 p. m. Evening service at 7:30. Prayer meeting Wednesday evening at 7:30. You are cordially Invited to attend these services. HAIOHT Muslo Writing and Song Service. Composing, arranging Song lyric. Publishing. Copy right. Mimeograph copies of mu sic. 318 Liberty Bid., Medford. Ore sola Rug Cleaning epeotalty Wall Paper Cleaning. WALL-PAPER CLEANING, lo per sq. ft. Mr. Black. 310 N. Bartlett. MONEY LOANED ON FURNITURE. CARS, ETC. Prompt service and le- gal rates. W. E. Thomas, 46 S. Central. State license No. fl 157. Medford Company of Jehovah's Witnesses The Medford Company of Jehovah's witnesses Is broadcasting a lecture by Judge Rutherford dealing strictly with the Bible over KM ED every Tuesday afternoon at 1 :30. Judge Rutherford's Bible study helps are In book and booklet form and have been translated Into 60 languagea alnce 1932. All Interested In Watch Tower Bible study are wel come to meet evry Sunday morning 10 o'clock at 846 Wst Second street, Medford. FOR SALE Equity In house. 528 Haven. Call FOR SALE Weaner pigs. One mile northeast 401 Ranch, Rt. 9. E. w. Gebhard. FOR SALE 20 weaner plga, cheap. Everett Bailey, Talent. FOR SALE 1350-lb. work horse: full blood Cochin bantams. White Leg horn hens. Phone 193, central Point. FOR SALE Feeder pigs. Dolph Phlpps, 301-J-l. FOR SALE Two burros, pack saddle. Phone 488-J-2. SHEEP RAISERS ATTENTIONShrop. shire. Cornledals and Rommy Marsh bucks. Outside stock shipped in Reasonable prices. J. J. Osenbrugge FOR SALE Jersey cow. Cheap. 830 Bennett. MILK COW for aale. 2nd bouse south Howsrd school. TWO JERSEY heifers, coming fresh in spring, and coming 2-year-olo colt. Priced reasonable. Inquiie at W. B. Medley's. Rt. 4, Box 156 Medford. FOR SALE 24 rabbiu and nutcbea Third house south city hall Jack- FOB SALE POULTRY PURE Bronze toms. Cockeran's prize stock $5. Jesse Nell. Rt. 1. Ashland FOR SALE DOGS PETS FOR SALE OR TRADE White jlec trlo sewing machine for light se dan. Box 638, Tribune. FOR EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE TRADE 120 A., new 5 room house and ouuuinga near meaiora. wver a mil lion ft. fine saw timber. W. A. J., Rt. 2, Box 133. Medford. TO EXCHANGE Small nicely fur nished spartment house, steady In oome, in Portland, tor modern resi dence In Medford or on small acre age near Medford. Bos 4801, Tribune. EXCHANGE Small house on good lot Value 4350.00, tor light car. Inquire 145 N. Central. LARGE 8-room house In good condi tion, 3 blocks from University In Eugene, for small house in Medford. Would consider desirable Ashland property. Phone 424-J-3, Medlord FOR SALE REAL ESTATE WANTED Pay cash for used piano. 231 Greeham St., Ashlsnd, Ore. WE WANT USED CARS Highest price In the carda allowed on used cars t3ken In trade jn New Year ahead Studebakers. Prices ss low ss 6832 00 here. SANDERSON MOTOR CO. WANTED Used Stsr or Durans In good condition. Phone 1648-R. WANTED Best light closed csr 1100 cash will buy. Ask for Kenneth at Moore's Central Service, 9th and Central. WANTED Wool See J. J. Osenbrugge. 133 s. Riverside. WANTED Cow for feed and care dur ing winter. Will buy If satisfactory B Rogers, Oen. Del., Medford. WANTED 2nd bsnd furniture. We ouy. sell and trade. Berrydale 2na Ftvi fitore, 1603 N. Riverside. Tel HOME WITH SHADE 4-room strictly modern SI 000 home- ' bedrooms, kltch en, living room, screened In porch. Ts of an acre, located :n Phoenix, with exceptional shsde. shrubs and lawn. A real buy at 1.000 00 with good terms. FREE WATER RIGHT A 160 acres, 50 seres under K ihllll cultivation, balance tlm www ww Der and pasture, about 15 acres alfalfa, free creek bottom soil, splendid free wster right. Oood 5 room house, lsrge dairy bam. Well fenced, running stream through place. Total price 33600.00 6900.00 cash, bslance very reasonable. See CHARLES A. WING AGENCY. INC. 109 E. Main St. Phone 728 FOR SALEl 6 Scotch terrier pups. South Albert. Irvln Mann. FOR SALE Boston bull pup; also Whippet coupe. 105 East sth. FOR SAUS Pedigreed Roller canaries. - Mra. Jack Thrasher, Jacksonville. Phone 173. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE Paper ahell Franquette English walnuts. A. J. Hornby, Rt. i tio. 1, Medlora. BOAT TRAILER, Cash Register A.dd Ing Machine, Typewriter. Boots Shoes. Huntlng-Flshlng Equipment ii i iiurtn mversiae. KINDERGARTEN Spsrts Bldg Music snd dance. Phone 1545 or I256-W Ruth Luy Alice Holmback. DOGS examined free. Dr. Stone, 4th BUSINESS CHANCES FOR SALE Property EARNING 13 ssi. " you are sstisned with 2, 3 or 4 for the use of your money, this investment will not appeal to you. C. S. Butterfleld. . BUSINESS DIRECTORY Abstracts JACKSON CO. ABSTRACT CO. Abstracts of Title and Title Insurance. The only complete Title System In Jackson County. MURRAY ABSTRACT CO. Abstract ol Title. Rooms 8 and 6. No. 32 North Central Ave., upstairs. Rial to. Phone 1615-Y. Dentistry. DENTISTRY Dr. I. H. Gove. S35 E Main. Money to Lend. MONEY LOANED, radios, typewriters, electrlo refrlgerstors. washing ma chines, guns or on enythlng of real value. CECIL JUNNINUS No. 6 S Front. Persona. REV EVELYN MARSHALL, spiritual resdlngs dally. 316 So Riverside Painting and Panerhanglng M. A. BLISS Painting and paper Hanglng. Tel. 646-W. 313 S. Orape St. Mark's Church X. 8. Bartlam. Rector. Holy communion, 8 a. m. Morning prayer and sermon at 11 o'clock. Church school at 10 a. m. The Spiritual Science Church 815 South Riverside. Rev. Evelyn Msrshsll. Psstor. 8unday services at 8 p. m. Sub ject, "The Sermon on the Mount." Spirit messagea by co-workers. The public Is Invited. Christian Church, Phoenix M. Brownrlgg, Pastor. Bible school at 10 a. m. Preaching at 11 a. m. and 7:30 at night. After Sunday the morning services and Sunday school will be changed to the afternoon. Watch for an nouncement In this paper. Church of the Naxarrne Central Avenue at Jackson street. '8tandlng at the Door' Is the topic from which Fred M. Weather ford, pastor-evangelist, will be heard at the popular Sunday night evange listic hour. Two special musical num bers will also be heard at this ap pointment. The topic from which he will be heard at the 11 o'clock morning hour Is "The Psth To More Chrlst-llke-ness." Special music will also feat' ure at this hour. Sunday school at 8:43 a. m. Arnold Kornstad, superintendent. Special In terest Is being centered In this de- psrment. Visitors of all ages will find class accommodations to suit them. Young people's meeting at 6 Miss Helen Scheel, president. The progrsm of the young people for this month is Evangelism "Each One Win One." An Interesting hour await young people who are extended i special Invitation. People's meeting Wednesday eve ning at 7:30. Prayer, praise and Bible study Is the order of this growing service and attendance. Strangers are especially Invited to share In the services of this church. HEALTH FROM WITHIN Intestinal self-polsontng-constlpatlon yields to Vlavl EMULSION. a new and ef fective bowel corrective giving the same unusual results as other Vlavl forms these many years. Mra. F. S. Gannett, Portland Mgr: at Hotel Medford Oct. 13-15-16. Personal in terview and Inf. free. Write or phone for appt. FOR SALE Oood Nells pears. 33o a lug. Bear Creek orchard Packing Houss. FOR 8ALE Or will trsdV foPwood. double-barreled shotgun, 13-gsugc. Phone B91-X. 504 Palm St. FOR SALE Rebuilt Fordson tractor, cheap for quick sale. Jacksonville Garage. First Preibjtcrlan Church Bible school with classes for all ages at 9:46 a. m.; Mrs. W. 8. Oil more, superintendent. Regular morning service at II. The sermon will bs preached by Rev. W. J. Howell and the sermon toplo will be "Outlooks." The following Is the muslcsl program under the direction of Elsie Csrleton Strang, choir di rector, and Mrs. Marsh, organlat: Pre lude. "Autumn" (Johnaon): anthem Rock of Agea" (Buck); Incidental aolo. Marguerite Luman; offertory Serenade"; aolo. "Thine la the Great- nes" (Oslbraltni, Elsie i;arieon Strang: Postlude (Gullmsnt). First Baptist Church W. H. Eaton. Mlnlater. Sunday school at 9:46 a. m. Morning worahlp at 11. The pas tor will speak on "A Oonqusrlng Faith." Mra. Ruth Warner Bunch, lyrlo soprano, will hs the morning soloist. Young people's devotional groups at 6:30 p. m. Evening worship at 7:30. Congre gational singing. Vocal dust. Mrs. 0. S. Flnley and Mr. Myron Eston. Eve ning address, "Is Conversion a Resl Experience?" Sunday will be "rally day" at this church snd the entire program of the day la built In accord with the rally idea. The Sunday school will present a special rally program with appropriate songs and exercises. You are cordially Invited to enjoy the day with us. St. Peter's Lutheran Church (Missouri Synod) Esst Main Street and Portland Ave H. H. Young. Pastor. Sunday achool and Bible class at 10 a. m. Preparatory service at 10:30. Communion service at 11. There: 'The Contents of the Bible." The Y. P. 8. meets for It regular business meeting after the service. No evening service this evening. The Y. P. S. X'.cets Friday evening for the regular eoclal Friday evening In the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Guetzlaft near Gold Hill. The public la always welcome. First Church of Christ, Scientist Authorized branch of the Mother Church, the First Church of Christ, Scientist, In Boston, Mass. Services are held every Sunday at 11 o'clock, church edifice, 313 North Oakdale. Subject for Sunday, October 14, "Are Sin, Dlsesss and Death Real?" Sunday achool at 9:30. Applicants under the age of 30 may be admitted Wednesday evening meetings, which include testimonials of Christian Sci ence healings, at 8 o'clock. The reading room, which Is located at 401 In the Medford building. Is open dally from 7 a. m. to 6 p. m., ex ceptSunday and holidays. The 11. brlan la In at'endance from 10 to 4, at which time the Bible and all au thorized Christian Science literature may be read, borrowed or purchased The public la cordially lnviiea to attend the aervlces and visit me reading room. Church of Ood Corner of Haven and Holly Streets. D. M. Clemens, Pastor. Bible school at 9:45 a. m. Preaching at 11 a. m. Subject "God's Part and Ours In the Work of Salvation." Sunday evening at 7:48 Evangelist Good will bring a stirring message from over 60 beautiful colored pic turea he will show on the screen, Il lustrating "The Life of Christ." Ad mission free. Prayer service Wednesday at 7:30 p. m.; Mrs, Virginia Chapman, leader. Ladlea' Home and Foreign Mission ary circle Thursday at 1 p. m. at the home of Mrs. Clemens, 814 West Sec ond street. Yes, all are welcome to the above services. Mail Tribune Daily Cross-Word Puzzle FOR SALE Washing machine, flit-! top dfk and household furnltue. Call anytime, 814 So. Orape. FOR SALE 91 Flamo gaa range tor' 40. Will trad lor electric rane. ! 114-h.p. gasoline engine. 60Q-l j reawood isnit. io- ix. tower tnd shallow well pump, all for I8S. Ca;l Each, Eagle Point. FOR SALE Orape. J. A. Manke, four miles west of Medford, adjoin ing Clancy Orchard. tf ACROSS L Closing meas ures of a musical composition 8. Tablet V. Tiie pineapple 12. Uubbcr trees IS, Boverags 14. God dei a of discord IB. Moderate 15. Writing ! fluid . II. Bault SalAta ! Marts: eolloq. !0. Collects Into one place 22. Food staple I 'ii. Lone narrow lnlt Zi. Feeble minded! colloq. tt. Stand the cost of enter tainment 31. Russian sa 33. Moccasin . Hindu princess. 31. Mountain range In Wyoming 3S. Dliturbs 40. And not 41. So. African ferryboat 4. Tropical trees 17. Small soft miis Solution of Yesterday's Purile LAP $ZMSt PfflcE A G A T eT QeIl AW C ORE Kilo UTS I D E iijK A Ypf" S TEER B O WlMmITt iAN T S BlelY O KDp EN 5 U E D lIlIlP Agts EDIT A Y C L OlTim D jjjH E pTF T R A C TORlL A 5 T S iEGjG&RlEOlVl mTE 60 KilSt fcl. Alphabet book SI. Nuisance It. Large animal of the dser family If. Canal In New York auto K7. Olut R, Dowry 69. Biblical tower DOWN L Incisions L Butter ubstltute I. Mtmbsr of certain political party 4. Srpent 6. Vegetable i. Alack 7. Restrain I. liair.way between north and east: abbr. I. Seed covering 10. Baseball teuni II. Inquires 16. Ueierve and receive as salary , 17. (live forth 21. Unproductive 33. Kind or lee, its. Bmeli rug 31. Native metaJ- bearlng compound 17, ttccentrlc rotating piece tt. Toward the point where the sun rlsea SO. Imect 31. It Is: contr. at Kuaslan coins: var. 17. Ibsen character IB. Ml i. from one's possession U. Richly dressed 43. Charts 44. Iteglon 45. Cosy home 4. Unit of light velocity 41. Melody 11, Stalner IS. Scotch river t. Symbol for tellurium FOR SALE-a-Whet, 1 60 100 lbs. Call at 704 N. Central after 4 p. m. ORAPES and grape Juice for tele. Clarkflon Vineyard. Phone 510-R-l. I DRY WOOD 50 tlera laurel, M fir &lo Pennsylvania. wv.tsd ro KENT Two room furn 15 fi hovtse tn city Umlta of Md r -c i : ist be cheap. Boi SOS. Ui1 7 -it un rvPNlTcr-'E re-upholstered. v a-F ..i&ault. Phone FOR SALE 50 A. of land. Free ater; on hwy. 4 ml above Murphy. Ap praisal value 2.0O0. Mn. W. E. Mo Craclcen. 1139 Niantlc. FOR CAL1? 8-room modern home, or trade for smaller bouse. 404 W. 2nd. or Tel. 1528-W. 0 5 4 ACRE tract. 1 mils vest o! Phoenix. Scheraierhom. WANTED We ptr ci for JUNK BATTERIES AND RADIATORS. ALL'MJNJM niASt COPPER and Junk oX all d(.",(''.!f)r a Ml.'jroFD BAROAAIN HOUSE S7 Vj. Orpe. Tel 10fl2 W ANT l-Yodel A IPSO or "31 Oood 1 HOMES, Ranches. Mines. If it's ml com.;': r. niy Evenings or dun-I tat. I hare It. Roberta, 730 W i f. i N. Oakds., Apt. f. I 2o4. TeL 1j2B-J, FOR 8AIJE In upper Sams Valley. 0 scree, eloee to good school, build tnga are not so sood. but the land Is good and there's a good spring and tome timber Cou'.d be made s moe place. Price 1700, hill cash Phone 1473-w or call at 44 N Peach St, WHEN you think of real estate, think of Brown at White. FOR SALE Tomatoes, cent snd a half a pound. Ted Fish on Anderson Road S. W. of Phoenli. ORAIN SACKS Jackaon County Feed Co.. 4th and Bartlett Sta. FOR SALE Grapes and grape Juice, at the Dell Vineyard. Rt. 2. Medford FOR SALE Weaner pigs, 1120 Wt 2nd. FOR SALE Heavy serviceable barn brooms. II each. Monarch Seed St Feed Co. FOR SALE Rat and mouse extermin ator, of all kinds. Monarch Seed A Feed Co. FOR SALE B u esc her Melody C saxo phone, battery radio. $5 Eastmsn Kodak postcard size, portable vie trols. 7 golf clubs snd ban. house hold appliances, fruit Jars snd tools. 822 Cedar. 1 2 13 14 wf 1 17 py r r r 'l jf" 2 is it. n ip a fZ!L!L III 25 2J 27 M If Jo 31 32 """"33 5TJs . 1 . v . ';, 4o 4-1 ..;.; Ai :' :'''.:, '.'. W. . So .'i.; 51 52 A': !LUZ ZZ I I 1 I I lull 1 I Ii nil il 1 ii. Jin I The First Methodist Church West Main and Laurel street. Jos eph Knott, minister. Sunder school, 0:48 a. m. Mrs. J. Neumann, superintendent. It you are not attending Sunday school now Is a moat excellent time to come and Join one of our splendid classea, Morning worahlp 11 . m. sermon theme: "The Csll of the world Anthem by the choir directed By Mrs. C. H. Paske. The Epworth Leagues meet at 6:8U p. m. All young people are mvitea Evening worship. 7:30 p. m. you will enjoy our popular evening serv Ice. Sermon theme. "Strings of the Bible." Anthem by the choir. Official board meeting Monday evening at 7:30 p. m. Prayer meeting Wednesday at 7:su p. m. Zlon Evangelical Lutheran Church Pourth Street near Oakdale Avenue Oeo. P. Kahele. D. D , Pastor. Sunday school, 10 a. m. Adult Bi ble els taught by the pastor. New atrles of lessons on "Studies In the Chrlatlsn Life." All are Invited to Join the clasa. Morning service at 11. Thla arrvlce Is dedicated to the women. The La dlea' Aid society of the church Is to attend In a body. Sermon: A Wo man Who Was Pull of Oood Works." Choir under the direction of Mt Oenevleve Brown to sing, "Olve of Your Best to the Master," by Bar nard. Luther league service at 7 p. m Leader. Miss Dorothy Andren. Topic, "Improving Whst We Have." Busi ness and aoclal meeting of the league on Monday evening at the home of Mr. and Mra. B. Blngmsn, 447 West Holly, Mtss Ruth Dtmmrr assisting hostess. The genersl public Is hesrtlly In vited to all services. The Federated Churches Jos. M. Johnson, Pastor. Crntral Point, Ore. 'The Christian and Hla Bible" la the title of the lesson this week In the Bible schools. The Scripture Is found In Acts 8:36-39. While the title Is not fitting, the text 1 won derful, and we will have a good time In the study. All are Invited. Young people will find an uplift In the study of the subject assigned for the devotional service: 6:30 is the time, snd all are Invited. Special parte for young people In the even ing church service, "Calla From the Desert Places" will be the subject of the sermon In the morning service at the close of the rally day program; and studies in Person and Work of Christ will be given In the evening service. You will enjoy the song service snd mes, sages In our opening services; s come and help us. (Ctntlouea psge one) but few had heard much of General Johnson. Word has reached state department circles that BUI Bullitt Is coming home to escape the ogpu aovlet eecret political police. He I on of the moat ahadotved men In Moscow and he doesn't Ilk It. The Russian say it' for hi protection. He privately eaya. "Fooey." An ogpu car Is always stationed outside the American embassy. Wher ever Bullitt goes the car goes too. If Bullitt and hi attaches go walking, two ogpu men appear from within the ear and follow, keeping a few pace behind. When Bill gazea at the sky, they gsre too. When h goes rowing, they, too, tske to the water. First Chrlallan Church Ninth and Oakdale. W. P.. Belrd, Minister. Bible school at :46 a. m. L. O Oentner. superintendent. Todsy Is "rally dsy," so everybody be on time. Everyman's Bible clsss In court house auditorium at :. A picture will be taken of the claas. Oood program today, Morning worship begin at 10:66. Anthem. "Thrlore With Angels" tHyser). Sermon, "The Inner cir cle" Chrlatlsn Endeavor at 6:10 p. m. Evening avsngelistlc service at 7:30. Special number by choir, "Beneath the Cross of Jesus" (Msker). Ser mon subject. "First Down and Ten to Oo." Do you enjoy football? Don't miss the sermon tonlsht. Study of Book of Revelstlon Wed nesday evening at 7:46. The crowd waa so lsrge last Wedneadsy evenlnif It wss necesssry to meet In th msln auditorium. Bring your Bible and study with us. Th process of shifting Russell Amory out of th commerce depart ment ha moved another atep. with hla transfsr from foreign and domes tie commerce to the shipping board bureau. Amory. In Inner departmental circles, la held te be th men behind th eenat fight on Wlllard Thorpe the man Roosevelt wanted for chief of th bureau. He, so th story goes. tipped off Senator Stephena that Thorp la a republican. ERE DEPARTURE At a lsrge gathering of friends who came to bid farewell to Rev. and Mrs, W. J. Howell, who leave next wee for C sen mere, Wash., where Reverend. Howell has accepted a charge, s de lightful evening was spent with the following committee In charge: Mrs John White. Mrs. C. T. Sweeney and Mrs. W. H. Watt. Mrs. White called upon the follow ing friends: Rev. Joseph Knotts, pas tor of the First M. X. church, who opened the meeting with prayer; O. (Pop) Gates, who gave a very in teresting talk and urged that the church do all In Its power to croate a new Industry for Medford in the shape of a "dairy that would dally distribute among Its people the 'millc of human kindness." Then Dr. C. T, Sweeney addressed the meeting, say ing that to him this waa not a fare well because he Intended to keep tn touch with Reverend Howell as long as he lived. Rev. W. R. Belrd, pastor of the Frist Christian church, spoke wltn pleasure of his happy association with Rev. and Mra. Howell. Next speaker was Rev. X. A. Oldenburg, who expresed hla admiration for the "fearless attitude of Reverend Howell on all civic and religious matters." Rev. X. 8. Bartlam, rector of tho Episcopal church, spoke on the great family of the church, stating that "although we are separated, by jde- noml national differences, through th veins of all of ua runs the common blood of the Christian family in Christ." Mlaa Marjorte ' Paley then present ed Rev. and Mrs. Howell with num erous gifts from members of the con gregation to ahow appreciation of their work here. Miss Paley also voiced, on behalf of the young peo ple, sorrow at losing Rev. and Mrs. Howell, who had proven loyal, true friends. Mrs. Howell In her response, likened the church to a ship and. expressed her deepest thanka to those) who hsd so ably cooperatetd In lead ing successfully through a very dif ficult year and urged that the pres ent leaders of the church be backed with the utmost confidence of the congregation In the days to come as she felt certain that "with this crew manning our church, with the om cere on the bridge snd Christ as the helm, we could safely make port. Reverend Howell responded by say ing, "It Is hard to aee how Christ overcame evil with good because in our own lives wo have seen s wrong spawn Us Impure broods, passion be getting anger and so on to s hun dredth vicious generation. What Christ did was to let each chain of wrong when It reached him come to sn end In him, so evil lost itself m the soul of Christ. Anger boiled on Its course to ward Him but never continued as anger, It disappeared, exhausting ' it self In His heart. The poisons ox wrong never passed through and is sued from Him, colored by retalia tion, they were absorbed in the whiteness of Hi soul and Ood baa given to you and me that same power of annihilating the trends of evij in our day." After thla the group moved into the Westminster hall where s musi cal program was given by the church choir under direction of Mrs. Elsie Carlton Strang, with Mrs. X. H. Karsh a accompanist. The choir sang "Annie Laurie" and 'Auld Lang Syne" for Mrs. Howell. Robert Wright sang "Sitting Thinking," and "Thanka Be To Ood." Mrs. Esther Merrltt San derson sang "Love's Old, Sweet Song" and "The End or s Perfect Day." Miss Marjorte Paley, accompanied by Mrs. John White, rendered two violin numbers, "Drink To Me Only With Thine Eyes" and . ScTiuberts Cradle Song. Mrs. Wm. McAllister and Mrs. Maurlna McClure Duncan sang the following duets, "I Would That My Love." by MendelssohTt snd "I Heard You Oo By." The musical program eloaed with two musical numbers by Mrs. Katharine wendt. "The Hours I Spent with You. Dear Heart,' and "Just s Wearying for You," after which everyone visited during the refreshment hour. Mrs. Sweeney and Mrs. White pro sided st the refreshment table. Tns rooms were decorated with ferns snd autumn flowers. The meeting closed, with the well wishes of all present for the success snd hspplnesa - of Rev. snd Mrs. Howell or "Bill" and "Nora." as they are affectionately known. In their new field of labor. Americans who were said during prohibition to have becoms "s nation of hard liquor drinkers" sre still thst way, s check-up of liquor Import fig ures Indicates. Twice as much dis tilled liquor Is coming In as wines. From December, 1033, to September. 1034, there were shipped here of hard liquors s totsl of 9. J 89.1 17 gallons, sa against wine import of M35,701 Duties collected on distilled liquor total 134.588,03. while duties wines sre but 0,161.067. 2 KILLED, 15 INJURED IN WAREHOUSE BLAST CHICAOO. Oct. IS. (API Two men ware killed and 15 severely In' Jured In a terrific esploslon which rocked th 14 story brick warehouse of th Central Cold Storage company on the near north side. Anthony J. Mullaney, deputy fir marshal, said th explosion waa caus ed wh.u th, flywheel separated from a motor generator and waa thrown through th condenser header, caus ing th ammonia to explode. (it'NH Repaired ana Cleaned Cx pert fork Medford Cycle, 33 M, ru Announcement was received her todsy that th Stored Heart hospital of thla elty has been approved by th American College aot Surgeon In their survey during the year. In order to qualify for approval, hospltala must maintain organised medical staffs of ethical, competent physician, complete medics! records, adequate laboratory and Xrxy fa ollltle, snd a thorough review and analysis of th clinical work of th hospital each month. INSULL, JR., FATHER CORPORATION IDEA CHICAOO, Oct. IS. (AP) Th ld of forming th Ill-fated Corporation Securities Co. of Chicago, now under fir a "a ,100.000,000 swindle," wn traced today to Samuel Instill, Sr., In testimony before th Jury trying Insull and 18 others for mall fraud. Walk upatair and sav glO. Bank r'i gray suiting. 131 60. mad la measure, Klein the Tailor.