PAGE TWO MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, OCTOEER 10, 1034. We Cordially Invite Southern Oregon Housewives to Attend the Mail Tribune's Hunt s CRA S m en fflk FERIAN Today A Beautiful Modern-Type THE RANGE OF TOMORROW. This highest quality electric range represents the greatest advancement that has ever been made in electric range design. Fully equipped with Light, ELECTRIC Clock, Condiment Jars, special new type toggle switches, built-in temperature chart, full automatic temperature control, four surface plates, 16"xl4"xl8" SLIDING oven, large warming compartment and many other new fea tures that will not appear in other ranges until 1935. no m Vsrufc v r "ft ' ver . v 1 i ' The RANGE of TOMORROW F;jt i h:-u E-3 t . '.II I t' l'VIT . . . ca ii . a - 8 I l i P, j .? . S-irl 4 f " 3 .1 1 11 V ,9 J 1 v , if .: t 1 1 1 ST! . X'i HESTER HEATH is conducting the three-day sessions at the Hunt's Cra terian this week . . . Southern Oregon Housewives who at tended the fine Tribune school at the Craterian theatre last year will remember Hester Heath's delightful cookery lec tures . . . Never has a more capable or popular demonstra tor conducted a cooking school for this paper in Medford. Don't miss a single day I Come Tomorrow and Friday! Hear Hester Heath's Delightful and Instructive Cookery Talks. Enjoy the School in Comfort in the Craterian Theater.