Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, October 08, 1934, Page 2, Image 2

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Franrle M. Mart, ion of Mr. and
Mra. Ralph Mark of Jacksonville, met
death In an automobile accident Sun
day morning mar Stockton, Cal. Mr.
Mark waa 21 yeara of age and had
been In the aouthern etaU about
four years where he waa engaged Ini
the Installation of heating pianta.
Brief Information regarding the
accident revealed that while paaalng
a truck the car In which Mr. Mark
waa riding, met another car headon,
killing three peraona and aerlous'.y
Injuring the fourth.
Mr. Mark la aurvived by hla par.
ents and one alater, Mra. Nella Olm
sted, of Lemoor, Cal. He waa mak
ing hla home with hla aunt, Mra
Claude Barton, at Fresno, who will
accompany the remalna to Medford,
which will arrive Tuesday.
Arrangement for aervlcea will be
announced by Conger runersl Par
lori at a later date.
(Continued iron p&ge one.)
Reduction in price on nearly every
variety of liquor Mid by the local
utate liquor dispensary on South Bart
lett atract were announced thli morn
ing by Earl Foy. manager. Prom 10
to 35 per cent reductions have bem
made on almost all brands.
UMnlrv Which 1 now being BO'.d
In gallon lota, la prload cheap aa
4.90 for that quantity, and 350
per half gallon, Mr. Foy aald. The
price on gins has oeen aroppea ps
low as 05 cents per pint.
The reduction were made through
the Oregon State Liquor Control Com
mission, and art statewide.
LONDON, Eng., Oct. 8. (API The
price of bar gold reached a new high
on the London exchange today, Hi.
shillings, 0 pence f35.oa, a fine
ounce, an advance of 3 pence over
Saturday's prices.
This represented a premium of M
pence over the dollar and 8 pence
over the franc.
Sales at the new high were rela
tively large. An amount valued at
320,000 pounds sterling (1,674,400)
was purchased.
Sliver alfto touched Its htghust
point since November. 1020, when the
spot price reached 22 shillings.
pence per ounce under general buy.
Ing, pence higher than Saturday's
WAS II I NO TON, Oct. 8. (AP)
President Roosevelt proved ha waa
not only the best fisherman on his
week-end cruise down the Potomac
river, but also that he was number
one forecaster of baseball scores.
One of Mr. Roosevelt's guests re
ported today that the executive
caught the moat fish In a contest
held In the rain Saturday afternoon.
There also waa a game of guessing
on the outcome of yesterday's world's
series contest. The president won
with a perfect prediction of 8 to 1
for Detroit.
CHICAGO, Oct. 8. (AP) The Chi.
eago Federation of Labor today wai
committed to a policy of expelling
from affiliated unlona any members
proved to be engaged In apreadlng
rommunlit propaganda In their or
ganlratlons. The action waa taken yesterday
upon requeat of the executive coun
cil of the American rerteratlon of
slngls on a grounder that Prlseh stop
ped but waa unable to handle.
Oehrlnger up: Oehrlnger grounded
out, Prlach to colllna and Cochran
advanced to second.
Ooelln up: Ooaltn hit sharply to
Martin who knocked down the ball
fell to the ground but got up quick, y
to make a throw that barely nipped
the runner at first.
No rune, one hit, no errors, one
Second Inning Cardinals
Delanosy up: Delancey hit a long
drive that Ooalln caught while Bsc
ed up against the bleacher screen In
left field.
Oraattl up: Orsattl grounded out,
Owen to Greenberg.
Duroeher up: Durocher sent a hop
per that Owen acooped up with hll
gloved hand on the run and made
the putout at first on a nice throw.
No runs, no hits, no errora none
Necond Inning Tigers
Rogell up: Resell fanned swinging,
Oreenberg up: Oreenberg fanned.
mleslng a wide curve badly for tne
third atrlke.
Owen up ; Own grounded out, Mar.
tin to Colllna.
No runs, no hits, no errors, nono
Third Inning Cardinals
P. Dean up: Dean grounded out to
Oreenberg. unassisted. Martin up:
Martin grounded out. Oehrlnger to
Oreenberg. Rothrock up: Rothrock
bounded a hit through the box. Oehr
lnger stopped the ball but there was
no play at flrat.
Prlsch up: Frlach grounded sharply
to Oehrlnger and waa towed out at
first. No runa, one hit, no errora, one
Third Inning Tigers
Fox up: Fox popped high to Dur
ocher behind the pitcher's box. Row
up: Rows fanned swinging. White
up: White walked on a fourth
straight ball. Cochrane up: all one
and White stole second. Frlach drop
ped Delancey throw and aa the ball
rolled loose. White ran to third.
It waa a stolen base for White and
an error by Frlach.
Cochrane grounded to Collins and
waa called safe at first as he beat the
first baseman's tosa to Dean, White
acorlng. Cochrane caught his foot In
the bag and went down In a heap.
His leg apparently being badly twlat-
ed by the force of hla fall. Cochrane
was credited with a scratch hit by
the play. Oehrlnger up: Oehrlnger
lifted a high fly to Rothrock.
One run, one hit, one error, one
Fourth Inning Cardinals
Medwtck up: Medwlck alnglnd over
second base, Collins up: Collins
grounded to Oehrlnger and Medwlck
waa forced at second, Oehrlnger to
Rogell. Delancey up: Delancey fan
ned swinging hard. Orsattl up:
Orsattl filed to Ooalln.
No runs, one hit, no errora, one left.
Fourth Inning Tigers
Ooslln up: Ooslln grounded out,
Frlsch to Collins.
Rogell up: Rogell lifted a high
foul to Delancey off the first base
Oreenberg up: Oreenberg fouled to
No runs, no hlta, no errora, none
Fifth Inning Cardinals
Durocher singled on a hard ground
er that Oehrlnger waa unable to
handle near second base.
P. Dean up: Dean sacrificed on a
bunt along the first base line, Oreen
berg making the ' putout, unassisted.
aa Durocher ran to second.
Martin up: Martin hit sharply past
Rogell scoring Durocher end Pepper
rsn all the way to third aa Ooslln
throw wildly past Cochrans. It waa
a single for Martin and an error by
Rothrock up: Rothrock bounced to
Rogell and Martin scored while Roth
rock was being tossed out at first.
Frlsch up: Frlsch lifted a high
foul to Cochrane.
Two runa, two hlta, one srror, none
Vie Menlholatiim
to help open the
nostrils and permit
freer brvalhlnfV.
Wc Know You Do
Vou, like everyone else, desire, in
lime or neeil, the finest type of ser
vice thnt we, or nnyotm in our pro
IVssion, enn offer.
No problem i Tert-J by what's
lesiretl; the renl difficulty is how
tnni'li you enn afford to pay. Our
policy of "lurking mcrclinmli-e in
plain figures, showing the eotnplcte
ost of essentials, solves this problem
without (liffienltv.
iix in AT OAK DALE "PHONE 47
) Fifth Inning Tijers
Owen up: Own filed to Orsattl.
Pox up; Fox lifted a. high fly to
Bowe up: Rows lined to Orsattl
who made a sparkling catch in deep
left center on the dead run.
No runs, no hlta, no errors, none
fUxth Inning Cardinal!
Medwtck up: Medwtck fanned,
swinging at a low curve.
Collins up: Colllna fanned, swing
Ins lustily.
Delancey up: Delancey lifted a high
fly to Ooslln.
No runs, no hits, no errors, none
Sixth Inning Tigers
White up: White walked, the fourth
ball being wide.
Cochrane up: Cochrane hit sharp
ly to Collins for hla third straight
single, sending White to third. Cot
Una knocked down the ball along
the baseline but It rolled away from
htm and almost Into the Cardinal
Oehrlnger up: Oehrlnger's ground
er went through Dean's legs and
White scored as the Tiger second
baseman reached, first safely. Coch
rane stopped at second and Dean
was charged with an error.
Ooslln up: Ooalln bunted to De
lancey whose snap throw to Martin
forced Cochrane at third, It was
close decision.
Rogell up: Rogell filed doep to Or
sattl and Oehrlnger ran to third
after the oatch.
Oreenberg up: Oreenberg hit sharp
ly to left for a single scoring Oeh
rlnger with the tying run and send
ing Ooslln to second.
Owen up; Owen grounded out,
Durocher to Collins.
Two runs, two hit, one error, two
Seventh Inning Cardinal
Orsattl up: Orsattl lifted a fly to
Ooslln along the foul line.
Durocher up: Durocher drove a
long hit to the bleacher fence in
right center for a double.
P. Dean up: Dean singled sharply
past Oreenberg and Durocher scored.
Dean made no attempt to advance
on the throw-in.
Martin up: Martin filed to Pox.
Rothrock up: Rothrock grounded
out. Owen to Oreenberg.
One run, two hits, no errors, pne
S ve ii t h I n n I n r -T I gc rs
Fox up: Fox dropped a pop fly In
short left center for a two-base hit.
Durocher, Medwtck and Orsattl all
ran for the ball, but each hesitated
long enough so that It dropped atfdy.
Rowe up: Rowe bunted along the
first-base line and was thrown out.
Delancey to Frlsch, as Fox went to
third on sacrifice.
White up: White grounded 'to Du
rocher and Fox waa thrown out at
the plate, Durocher to. Delancey, as
White resched first.
Cochrane up: Ball two and White
was thrown out trying to .steal,
lancey to Frlsch,
No runs, one hit, no errors, none
Eighth Inning Cardinal
Frlsch up: Frlsch (trended to Ro
gell and waa tossed out at first.
Medwlck up : Mrdwlck grounded
out, to Oreenberg, who slid Into the
bag to make the putout.
Collins up: Collins popped to Owen
along the foul Una behind third base.
No runa, no hits, no errors, none
Eighth Inning Tigers
Cochrane up: Cochrane grounded
out, Frlsch to Collins.
Oehrlnger up: Gehrlnger grounded
to Frlscli and was safe at first for a
single on a close decision.
Ooaltn up; Ooslln hit to right cen
ter for a single, sending Oehrlnger to
Rogell up: Rogell filed to Orsattl
In short center, Oehrlnger making no
attempt to run for the plate.
Oreenberg up: Oreenberg lifted a
high foul that Collins caught with a
sensational play near the lower boxes
off the right field line.
No runs, two hits, no errors, two
Ninth Inning Cardinal!
Dt lancey up : Delancey fanned,
Orsattl up: Oraattl bounced a sin
gle past Rogell Into center field.
Durocher up: Durocher smashed
single over second for his third nit,
sending Orsattl to third and running
to second himself on the throw-In.
Orsattl was shaken up sa he slid Into
third to beat White's throw.
P. Dean up: Dean bounced to Oeh
rlnger and Orsattl was caught at the
pinto. Oehrlnger to Cochrane. Du
rocher reached third and Dean got to
Martin up. Martin fanned, swing
ing. No runs, two hits, no errors, two
Ninth Inning Tigers
Owen up: Owen popped to Col
lin In foul territory back of first.
Fox up: Fox filed to Orsattl In
left center.
Rowe up: Rowe filed deep to Or
sattl. No runs, no hits, no errors, none
PORTLAND. Ore., Oct. 8. (AP
CATTLE 2200. Blow. weak. Steers,
good, common and medium, $3-0.25:
heifers, good, common and medium,
$3-4.50; cows, good, common and me
dium. $2.28-3.75; low cutter and cut
ter, $1.25-2.25: bulls, good and choice
13-3.50; cutter, common and medium.
$2.25-3; vealers. good and choice,
$5-7; cull, common, and medium
$2 50-8: calves, good, common and
medium. $2.80-6.50.
HOGS 3500; 25c lower. Light
weight, good and choice $5.25-6; me
dium weight, good and choice, $5.d0
6.00: heavyweight, good and choice.
$5-875; packing sows, medium and
good. $3-4; feeder and Blocker pits.
good and chioce. $4-5.
SHEEP 2500. Steady, slow. Lambs
good and choice, $6-8.60; yearling
wethers, $3 28-4; ewes, good and
choice, $1 .75-4; cull, common and
medium, 76c-$3.
talking 8 .00-25; sheep barely steady;
native ewes 1.60-2 25; strong weight
feeding lambs scarce, asking higher
but lower grade and lightweight
white faced material In liberal sup
ply, undertone weak.
CHICAGO, Oct. 8. (AP) (U. S.
Dept. Agr.) HOGS: 21.000; active,
nteady to strong; 220-300 lbs. 6.25-35,
top 6.35: sows 5.35-60.
CATTLE: 19,000; better grade fed
steer and yearlings scarce steady to
weak; lower grades steady to 35c
lower, not much In crop of value to
soil above 8.00: several loads held
Around 10.00; slow, beef cows dull
and wenk: bulls and vealera about
steady; top sausage bulla 3 35; vealera
8.00 down.
SHEEP: 24,000; desirable fat lambs
10-25 and more lower; top to yard
traders 6.63; others bid 6:50 down;
Portland Produce
Open High Low Close
Dee., old JS ( at.
New J7. at at'; aev,
May .98, aai as, at
July .' MS M .0H .81 !,
PORTLAND, Oct. 8. (AP) Butter:
print, A grade, 39'4c; parchment
wrapped cartons. SOVjC lb ; quantity
purchases, !,Se less; B grsde, parch
ment wrspped, 39c lb.; do carton,
30 lb.
BUTTERPAT Portland delivery: A
grade delivery at least twice weekly.
28 jt 29c lb.: country routes. 35 s 25c
lb.; B grade or delivery fewer than
twice weekly Portland. S7ia38e lb.:
country routea, 24 3 36c lb.; C crade
at market.
roos Salea to retailers: specials
33c; extras, 33c; fresh extra brown,
33c; standards 37c; fresh mediums
29c; medium firsts 23c; pullets lSc:
do firsts, 17c; checks, 25c; bakera,
20c dozen.
EGGS Buying price of wnolessl
ers: fresh speclsls, 20c; extras 28c;
freah extra brown, 38c; extra firsts
36c; extra medium. 32c: medium
firsts 20c; pullets 18c; do firsts, 18c;
undergrade 16c doten.
COUNTRY MEATS Selling price
ta retailers: country killed hogs, beat
butchers, under 150 lbs., llatliyic
lb.; veslers, fsncy, lOflOe lb.;
light and thin, B 7c lb.: 140-170 lbs.,
5 7c: heavy, 48c lb.: fancy lambs,
lOVartrllc lb.; ewes, 3Sc lb.; cutter
cows 4 5c lb.; canners, 3c lb.: bulla,
5' (16c 'pound.
CANTALOUPES Standards. 1
1.29 per crate; Roeeburg, 11.46$ 1.90
per crste.
LIVE POULTRY Portlsnd delivery
buying prices: colored' hens under
5'., lbs., 13 g 14c: do over 6 lbs.,
13al4c; Leghorn fowls, over lbs.,
loci 11c: do under 3'i lbs., 103 11c;
colored broilers, 1'4 to 2 lb,,. 13c;
broilers, under 2 lbs., 19c; roosters,
9c lb: Pekln ducks, 10 lie lb.; do
colored, ogflc lb.
Cheese, milk, mohair, onions, po
tatoes, wool and hay, ateady and unchanged.
Portland Wheat
PORTLAND. Ore., Oct. 8. (API
Wheat futures:
Open High Low Close
May 82!$ .831$ .83VJ .83',
Dec .. .81 .1K -1 -81
Cssh whest:
Big Bend bluestem
Dark hard winter (12 pet.)
Dark hard winter (11 pet.)
Soft white, northern spring and
western red ...........
Western white
Hard winter .8314
Oats No. 3 white. $33.
Corn No. 3 E. yellow, 135.35.
Mlllrun atsndard, 31.80.
Today'a car receipts: Whest. 39;
barley, 13; flour, 39; corn, 1: oats, 6;
hay, 6.
Chicago Wheat
Wall St. Report
Dies In Crash
NEW YORK, Oct. 8 (AP) Weak
ness In metal shares tended to pull
stock prices a little lower today. The
market moved In a familiar rut of
Inactivity. Indecisive and narrow
price movementa featured the early
trading, with the list tending to aag
near the close. Transactions approxi
mated 480,000 shsres.
Todsy's closing prices for 82 select
ed stocks follow:
Al. Chem. It Dye 137 "t
Am. Can . 100
Am. & Pgn. Pow ....
A. T. & T
Atch. T. Je S. P.
Bendlx Avla
Beth. Steel
California Pack'g ...
Caterpillar Tract.
Coml. Solv
Gen. Foods
Oen. Mot n.
Int. Hsrvest
I. T. & T.
Monty Ward
North Amer
Penney (J. C.)
Phillips Pet ...
..... ei
. 34-'i
.... 18?,
38 Vt
47 !,
27 '
13 4
iH2U IP'"-
Capt. Robert E. Selff (above)
and two other army off leera were
killed when the bombing plane In
which they were flying lost a wing
and craahed In the Sierra Nevada
mountains near Bishop, Cal. (Asso
ciated Press Phntol
Sou. Pac.
Std. Brands 19'4
St. Oil Cal 20',
St. Oil N. J. 43
Trans. Amer. 8 '4
Union Carb -'-S-'s
U. S. Steel 33!,,
NEW YORK, Oct. 8. (AP) Bar
silver firm, , higher at 50's.
First grade butterfst, 20t4c, fob. San
MANILA, Oct. 8. fP) Thlrty-nlne
lives wers lost In I&st week's typhoon,
said belBtcd reports received tontg'at
from northern Luzon Island.
Most of those drowned were la
wrecked fishing vessels.
Secretary of the Interior TeolfP.a
also was Informed 12 persons wers
killed In Cagayan province.
To help you
Vicks Va-tro-nol
Quickl At that first nasal
irritation, sniffle or sneeze
just a few drops of Va-tro-nol.
It stimulates the functions
provided by Nature in the
nose to prevent colds and to
throw off colds in their early
Where irritation has led to
a clogged-up nose (a stuffy
head cold or nasal catarrh)
Va-tro-nol penetrates deep
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duces swollen membranes
clears away clogging mucus
brings comforting relief.
Va-tro-nol is powerful, yet
absolutely safe for both chil
dren and adults. It has been
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siciansand proved in
everyday home use by
Note) -for veur oroteclton
The remarkable auccess ot vicks
drops for nose find throat has
brought scores of imitations.
The trade-mark Va-tro-nol is
your protection in getting this
exclusive Vick formula. Always
ask for Vicks Va-tro-nol.
FREE a combination trial package
of Va-tro-nol its companion prod
uct, Vicks VapoRub (modem exter
nal treatment for colds) and other
medication used in Vicks Plan for
Better Control of Colds-with direc
tions for following the Plan. Get
yours today at your druggist's. Or
write Vicks,2032 Milton St., Greens
boro, N. C, enclosing 3c stamp.
I JL 1 1 L,.1 "t
fefVlCKsl f VA-TRO-NOV M
(About Yz actual size)
CHICAGO, Oct. 8. (AP) Wheat
"Open House at Vicks" with
Freddy Martin's Orchestra and
5-5:30 p.m.. E.S.T., on CBS, nation-wide!
"Plantation Echoes" with Willard Roblson
and his Deep River Orchestra, with Mildred
Bailev everv Mondnv. Wednesday, and
Friday, 7:15-1:30 p.m., E.S.T., NBC Blue Network.
air enou
FROM time to time we tell you facts
about Chesterfield Cigarettes.
We say that Chesterfields are different
from other cigarettes that the tobaccos
arc different, the paper is different, and
the way they arc made is different.
Everything that modern Science knows
about or that money can buy is used in
making Chesterfield a milder, better-tasting
cigarette a cigarette that Satisfies.
low can prove tchat we
tell you about Chesterfield.
May tee ask you to try them
that would seem to be fair enouglu
s v v . - - -ss... t0 iJtf liV
lid ') miasm H " 'Ml "i " "" " " '
il. Ucasn A Huu Tosicco Cj.
the cigarette that's MILDER
the cigarette that tastes better
6 r. M. (r.T.)-tOLLMBlA NttHORK