MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, MEDFOIIL), OREGON, SUNDAY. OCTOBER 7. 1934. PAGE ELEVEN gWl2VIfc i YVkliVlill I V(i I V( Il-UV I SliLL :: emht mmmmmmtr WHAT YOU WANT Classified FOR EASY REFERENCE 1-0 IWiXKYtsD lill? 1 v ' Bead every ad D thl, page J00 nil) probably tlnfl . rtilna exacur too want w nJ 0. sell . . " " isn't there. adver tise .. . lt' ln" pensive. effective lc word first uwotloo ( jiinlinaro aftc ct, jddiuonA) Insertion. pei wuiu -i (Minimum 10c) Pet une pet moots, without copy changeo -" Pltotie 75 FOE WANT A.D8 LOST AND FOUND pipers, checks, etc. Reward. Dow D. Stone, ljj "T5Epermane for wood. A X Taveou-Medlord Beauty Shop. Phone 191. . .. heller, coming two year.; on, Jr T two Guernseys. "e Pl f ?,Lr mostly red. Notlly Did Strous. Sams Valley. Ore. W ANTED-MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE LIVESTOCK MISCELLANEOUS WANTED Warrant. Redden As Co. WANTED Household goods. toves tools or what have you. Medford Barsaln House. 37 N. Qrape St. Tel 1063. ENCLOSED ran truck going south Load wanted. Phone 333. WANTED Model A 1930 or '31. Oood condition only. Evenings or Sun day. 51 N. Oakdale. Apt. . FOR RENT HOUSES FOR SALE Reg. Shropshire rsma and RamboulUet cross-bred rams. L. A Salsde. Central Point. FOR SALE Guernsey and Jersey cows, fresh and coming fresh soon: e35 and up. Cummings Poultry Ranch. 6 miles out Midway road FOR SALE OR TRADE T Ford sedan: also Ford T. T. ton truck, extra transmission, good cab and bed; take some wood. Call at Hlway Ex change. So. Phoenix. FOR RENT Five room furnished house. Call 511 Park St. MILK COW for sale, and house south Howard school. SMALL 5-room house, sleeping porch, plenty garden space on E 9th. Jack son Co. Bldg. & Loan. TWO JERSEY heifers, coming fresh ln spring, and coming a-year-oici colt. Priced reasonable. Inquire at W. B. Medley's. Rt. 4, Box 150, Medford. 1 PARTLY turn, houses, U and 012.50: Phoue 1569-Y. FOR RENT Three room modern fur nished house. 315 So. Peach. Fred C. Sander. 1 AND 3 ROOM HOUSES furnished. Water. 813 Summit. FOR RENT Furnished cottage. 131 So Grape. FOR RENT Homes furnished or unfurnished. Brown dc White. FOR RENT Partly furnished house. 219 So. Holly. SMALL furnished house. 131 8. Ivy. FURN. house It garage. 604 W. 10th. FOR RENT ROOM BOARD ROOM, BOARD 153 No. Oakdale. RATES very moderate at 716 E. Main. ATTRACTIVE rooms. 404 S. Grape. FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS lost One black and tan hound. 1 Dan-nril 129 aenwiwu. LOST If dog mlsslnBaUJM LOST-Australlan stiepherd; r to name of Dick. Reward. Maud L. Shaw. Browusboro. Ore. WANTED MALE HELP STEADY WORK GOOD PAY leve-al choice openings in country .nd towS for reliable men or wom en No capital or experience re quired Writ. MR. THOMAS.. SUPt.. 426 Third St., Oakland. Calif. MAN WANTED for Rawlelgh Route of 800 families. Good profits for hust lers, we train and help you. Write immediately. Rawlelgh Co, Dept. , ORJ-27-SA Oakland. Calif. " waited Reliable couple. Steady work. References. Would con""1, girl over 21yrs. Box 4651Trlbune. WANTED FEMALR HELP WANTED Girt or mlddleaged woman to help ln housework ln country home. One without a home prefer red. Phone 234-R-4. MALE OR FEMALE HF AN INDEPENDENT MERCHANT W YOUR OWN COMMUNITY-lf you ere honest and reliable XL, start you, without capital, in a gro cery supply business paying up to $47 50 first week; more later. Deta'.-a mailed free. Albert Mills, 6623 Mon mouth. Cincinnati, O. WANTED Reliable party to manage lunch room and store. Box 46o2 Tribune. WANTED SITUATIONS CHILDREN cared for ln my home. 840 E. 9th. WANTED-M1SCELLANE0US WANTED Party wantTto buy Jacl son Co. Bldg. As Loan stock. No charge for Information. C. S. But-terfleld. WANTED Wool. See J. J. OsenbrugB 132 S. Riverside. WANTED 3 or 4 feeders 75 to 100 lbs. Carl Nordcrer, Central Point, Rt. 1. WANTED 75 White Leghorn pullets. April or May hatch. Chas. W. Henry, Gazelle, Col. M'.HTvn nt. lloht closed Car $100 ca.h will buy. Ask tor Kenneth at Moore's Central Service, am ana Central. WANTED Pasture for two horses for three months. F. S. Carpenter, Jack sonville Hignway. DRIVING to Los Angeles Monday want one person share expenses Box 4855. Tribune. WANTED Good trailer, cheap, for cash. Call 1112 Niantlc. FOR RENT Nicely furnished rooms onH nnjii atnriuTA at moderate rates by week or month. 325 South Riverside avenue. ROOMS Well, fi .-nlahed. heated Phone 364-L. FOR RENT APARTMENTS APTS. for rent. 806 W. Main. FURNISHED 2-room apt. ic sleeping porch. 344 No. Bartlett. FOR RENT Desirable furnished apt. Hotel Grand. FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS FURN. house 4s apta 4s garage. 604 W. 10th. FOR RENT Floor sanding machine Economy ijumoer. no. ruve.siae. FOR RENT Piano. Palmer. Tel. 31. B. J FOR RENT 10 acres. Improved, close ln; Irrigated. See or phone Clarence Pierce. FOR EXCHANGE FOR EXCHANGE 1929 model A Ford sedan and 3 lots ln Medford for lata model Ford V-8. Tel 407-Y EXCHANGE Furn. re-upholsterlng for lumber, wood, nsh poiea ana reels. Phone 989-K. FOR SALE OR TRADE White dec trie sowing machine lor ugnt se dan. Box 638, Tribune. FOR EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE nr vvrrwANrcie Amalt nlpelv fur nianea aparimcub nuuw, iwmij come, in portiana. lor moaera resi dence In Medford or on small acre age near Medford. Box 4801, Tribune EXCHANGE Small house on good lot Value $350.00, for light car. Inquire 145 N. Central. LARGE 8-room house In good condi tion. 3 blocka from University In - Eugene, for small house In Medford. Would consider desirable Ashland property. Phone 424-J-3, Medford FOR SALE REAL ESTATE A REAL STOCK RANCH fully equip ped. Modern house and barn. Range right about 80 head or range cattle, plenty of feed. Would aell at a sac rifice or part cash and Medford or mining property, oee u. w. ricxeji, 823 Taylor street. t FOR SALE Oood city and acreage homes: stock and dairy ranches; placer mines. Plenty water and feed. Roberts, 720 W. 2nd. Phone 1528-J. FOR SALE Small houe: big lot; $00. Inquire 503 Hamilton. FORCED SALE 100 acres. 70 cu'.t. river bottom, excellent free water rlzht, modern large bungalow, big barn, good location. Consider some trade. Make an oner, ia nortn rir FOR SALE 24 rabbit and hutches Third house south city hall. Jack- FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE Model "A" Tord coupe- $120.00 Phone 1094-J. OOOD USED CARS Chryeler-Plymouth Trade-ins. 1932 Plymouth Sedan. 1931 Chevrolet Coupe. 1933 Ford V-8 Sedan. 1932 DeSoto Sedan. 1930 Chevrolet sedan. 1928 Chrysler 62 Sedan. 1929 LaSalle 5-pass. Coupe. 1930 Stutz 8 Sedan. 1927 Chevrolet Coupe. 1927 Nash Sedan. ARMSTRONG MOTORS. INC. 38 No. Riverside. Tel. 18. 11929 Ford Sedan Del. 1 1926 Auburn Sedan. 11925 Butck Pick-up. 1 1933 Pontlac Sedan. SKINNER'S GARAGE Bulck - Pontlac Sales and Service FOR SALE POULTRY FOR SALE Klelnsmlth strain Barred Rock cockerels direct from trap nested stock. Also few high grade Red pullets. 538 Keene Drive. PURE Bronze toma. Cockerans prize biock 3. jesse eu. at. l. Asmaml FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS KINDERGARTEN Sparta Bldg Music and dance. Phone 1545 or 1256-W Ruth Luy Alice Holmback. DOGS examined free. Dr. Stone, 4th and Bartlett. BUSINESS DIRECTORY Abstracts JACKSON CO. AIITKACT CO. Abstract of Title and Title Insurance. The only complete Title System in Jackson County. MURRAY ABSTRACT CO. Abstracts of Title. Rooms 3 and 3. No. 32 North Central Ave., upstairs, Rlalto. Phone 1615-Y. Dentistry. DENTISTRY Dr. I. H. Oove. 235 E Main. Expert Window Cleaners LET GEORGE DO IT Tel. 1173 House Cleaning. Floor Waxing. Oil- painting and Paperhanglng M. A. BLISS Painting and paper Hanging. Tel. 646-W. 313 S. Grape. .Money to Lend. MONEY LOANED, radios, typewriter, electric refrigerators, washing ma chines, guns or on anything of real value. CECIL JENNINGS No. 5 S Front. At. Mark's Church. I. 8. Bart lam, rector. Holy communion. 8:00 a. m. Holy communion and sermon, 11:00 . m. Church school, 10:00 a. m. The Fplrltitii Science Church. 315 South Riverside drive. Rev. Evelynn Marshall, pastor. Services Sunday, S p. m. Subject, "God's Word." Spirit messages by co workers. The public la invited. "Lfltter Day Saints services held In Seventh Day Adventist chapel, Ed wards and Beatty streets. F. H. Metcalf. branch president. Sunday school, 10 a. m. Evening services, 7:30 p. m. . Priesthood and relief society meet ing Tuesday evening, 7:30. Everyone welcome. Full fiospel Tiibernacle. Newtown street, off Main. J. Logan Stuart, pastor. Sunday school, with classes for all ages, 9:45. Morning worship and communion. 11. Sermon, "The Death of Christ and the Communion." Evening Evangelistic meeting, 7:30. Subject, "Be Ye Also Ready. Week night meetings Tuesday and Thursday evenings, 7:30. A welcome awaits you at the Tabernacle. Personal. ASTROLOGY. READINGS. YOUR personal horoscope erected and read; questions answered. 325 Riv erside. Phone 701-J. REV. EVELYN MARSHALL, spiritual readings dally. 315 So. Riverside. FOR SALE -Household furniture and 3 office desks. Call anytime. 514 So Grape. 0 PAIRS Ladles' Chardonlce Hosiery 1 postpaid. Guaranteed. Fall Bar gain Circular reedy. L. S. Sales Co., Asheboro, N. C. FOR SAliE Ufa H. P. gas engine, Deep well pump, 3,000 gal. gal v. tank. Peoples Electric. WOOD Fir. laurel. Oregon Switzer land. 6',i miles east of HUlcrest orchard. FOR SALE One rifle, one shotgun, a-i condition. White Wing Poultry Farm, Phoenix. DININO room suite, Hotpolnt electric range, floor lamps, radio, rugs, eto. 420 Manzanua. FOR SALE -Combination heater, $25; bed, springs, mattress, $8.00; cook ing utensils. 601 W. 10th. PARSNIPS, carrots, squash, now ready at ioio uaraen. GRAIN SACKS Jackson County reea to., m ana xfartiett bu. FOR SALE Grapes and grape Juice, at tne ueu vineyard, k;. 4. Medford FOR SALE Plant sweetpea seed now for early spring and summer flow, era. Sow our superb Spencer mix ture. Monarch Seed & Feed Co. Piano Instruction. FRED ALTON HAIGHT Plan 1st, com. poser, teach of piano and harmony Original MELCHORD method, mod ern piano playing. Studio, 318 Lib erty Bldg., Medford. Ore. Music Writing and Sons Service HA1GHT Music Writing and Song Service, composing, arranging Song lyrics. Publishing, copy rights. Mimeograph copies of mu sic. 318 Liberty Bid., Medford, Ore ental Kur Cleaning specialty Wall Piiper ClRtfitlnc. WALL-PAPER CLEANING, lc per sq, it. Mr. uiacK. 3iu n. Bartlett. MONEY LOANED ON FURNITURE, CARS, ETC. Prompt service and le gal rates. W. E. Thomas, 45 S, Central. State license No. S 157. Transfer. EADS TRANSFER & STORAGE CO. Office 1015 No. Central. Phone 315 Prices right. Service guaranteed. HAWLEY TRANSFER Expert pack ers and movers. Special .livestock moving equipment, prices iignt 619 North Riverside. Phone 1044 -X. SALEM, Oct. J. (AP) Governor Meier granted extradition papers for the return to Seattle of Jack Frank Frye and Cecil Benjamin Chatelle, wanted for burglary In the second degree. The men were arrested at St. Helens, Chureh of tiod. Corner of Haven and Holly streets. D. M. Clemens, pastor. Bible school. 0:45 a. m. We will observe ordalnnnces of the Lord's house at 11 a. m. Preaching service, 7:46 p. m. Sub ject, "What Things Meon to Us." Sunday, October 14, at 7:45 p. m. Stirring message on the Life of Christ. Showing 50 beautiful colored pictures. Special singing by Mr. and Mrs. Good, evangelists. Admission free. Prayer service Wednesday, 7:30 p. m. All are Invited to Attend these services and get acquainted. Ford V-8 Wins World's Speed Boat Title Photo shows Harold Wilson of Ingersoll, Ontario, driving "Little Miss Canada the Third" powered with a Ford V-8 engine to win the first world championship In the new 225 cubio inch International power boat class it the Canadian National Exhibition. At hl aide It Miss Lorna Reld. his mechanic. Both ire University of Toronto students. Wilson's victory was on points under rules of the American Power Boat Association, and by reason of a slashing victory In the first heat and two close finishes In second place. Exhibition crowds were elec trified In the third and final heat when Wilson, ifter losing scores of yirds by reason of i delayed start, waged a valiant fight for the lead. With his engine roaring wide open he managed to flash past 6 competing boats but was unable to overtake the heat winner, finishing i scint 75 yards In Its wake. The Exhibition races mark the first running of an International championship In the new speed boat racing class which promises to become one of the most sporting of ill power boat contests. Wilson's . winning boat and 6 other original entries, ill with Ford V-8 engines, were the only competing boats fitted with motors of automobile ' type. Others were powered with marine engines. Three of the five leading point winners were driven by Ford V8 engines. The others, besides Wll son's entry, being the "Wilmer ' Third," driven by Dr. C. H. Bag ley, of Baltimore, Maryland, and the "Riptide," promoted by Al Schwarx ler of New York City, Main Street Methodist Church. N. D. Wood, pastor. Church school at 9:45. Rally day service, with special program. Preaching at 11 a. m., and 7:30 p. m. Rev. T. O. Patterson will preach at both services. Young people's service at 6:30 p. m. Prayer meeting Wednesday at 7:30 p. m. Phone 642 we'll Qaul awsy you: refuse City Sanitary Service. Zlon Evangelical Lutheran Church. West Fourth St.. near Onkdale Ave. Oeo. P. Kabele. D. D., pastor. Rally Day, 10 a. m. Promotions and program in the Sunday school. Martin G. Paulsen, superintendent Let all who have been missing during the vacation season make a new start. Visitors and new scholars specially in vited. Parents invited to visit the Adult Bible Class taught by the pastor when we begin a series of new lessons on "Studies in the Christian Ltfe." Harvest Festival Service. 11 a. m., with special appropriate decorations, with fruits and flowers of the fields and gardens. Anthem by choir: "A Good Thing to Give Thanks." by Ira B. Wilson. Sermon: "A Permanent Blessing from Our Harvest Festival." At this service national recognition day for Sunday school teachers will also be observed with a sermon pre lude, "A Tribute to Our Teachers." All present and past Sunday school teachers are specially Invited to be present. Luther League service 7 p. m., John Brewold, leader. Topic: "We Belong to God." Our Sunday school teachers and church people are to Join in the special union meeting under the aus pices of the Ministers association, in honor of the teachers in our Medford Sunday schools, on Monday, 7:30 p. m. in the Baptist church. Free Methodist Church. Special services are being conducted at thla church over Sunday, with the district superintendent. Rev. J. R Stewart, ln charge. He will bring the message at 11:00 o'clock. Rally day will also be observed In the Sunday school. An interesting program will be given at close of the lesson study. Y. P. M. S. at 6:30. An evangelistic sermon brought by Rev. Stewart at 7:30. A welcome awaits all. FOR SALE Heavy serviceable barn I brooms, $1 each. Monarch Seed & Feed Co. FOR SALE Rat and mouse extermin ators of all kinds. Monarch Seed dt Feed Co. "FOR SALE Seeds for fall planting. Prices right. Quality the best. Monarch Seed St Feed Co. FOR HALE Crown Leader egg mash, a. 15 cwt. Price Is going up. Con tract with us and be protected against rslse. Ask about our con tract plan. Monarch Seed 3t Peed Co. FOR SALE Buescher Melody C saxo phone, battery radio. t5 Eastman Kodak postcard size, portable vic trola. 7 golf clubs and bag, house hold appliances, fruit Jars and tools. 822 Cedar. ALL MAKES of washing machines re paired. Flck's Hardware, 131 West Main. FOR SALE Used sewing machines, all makes; terms If desired. All makes rented and repaired. White Sewing Machine Co. 24 N. Bartlett. FOR BALE Canning peaches. Stancliff. Phoenix. Bert Mail Tribune Daily Cross-Word Puzzle WHEN you think of real estate, think of Brown is White. WANTED Home for acM man In 4 country "cabin preferred." Box 4838 Tribune. WANTED To rent amsll pasture and bsrn room for hree. Call 570. WANTED Cow for feed and care dur. Ing winter. Will buy If satisfactory. B. Rogers. Gen. Del , Medford. WANTED Have client, 2 adults, for 5-roo:n unfurnished home, with hardwood floors, fireplace and fur nnce will pny M0. Charles R. Rav. Realtor. Medford Bldg. Phone 302. 53 ACRES near Appleente P. O.; 11 A cultivation, free water ritrht; bal ance timber: improvements. Paul Erdman. Appleeate, Ore. A BARGAIN Mv large lot, on Ben. nett St., excellent soil, fruit, nut trees snd berries. Will sacrifice on terms or cash. Box 56. Tribune. "for sale livestock SHEEP R USERS ATTENTIONShrop I shire, cornledala and Rommy Marfh bucks, Ouulde stock shipped in. I Reasonable prices. J. J. Oswnbru. WANTED 2nd hnnd furniture. We buv, sell snd trade. BerrydAle 2na H.nd Store. 1G03 N, Riverside. Tol 266. FOR SALE: Jersey cow, Just fresh 3 years old. lsii at ju Aiapie oi. WANTED TO RENT Two room furn l;ird houfp in citv limits of Md ford Must be cheap. Bvx 308. M.l Tribune. FVRNITL'RE re-upholstered. Phone 0C9-R. Thlbault. JUNK WANTED We pav cash for JUNK BATTERIES AND RADIATORS. ALL'MINJM BRASS. COPPER and Junk of all dr-Tip:inr.!. MEDFORD BARGAAIN HOUSE 27 No. Grape. Trl lO WANT TO BUY V.'M Ford. Must te t-tui;. 338 W. 2iiCL FOR SALE Jersey cow. Cheap. 830 Bennett. FOR SALE 2 Guernsey heifers. Frank Howeil. L07ier Lane. FOR SALE 1 yountr work tem. 1 saddle mere, see them at Bul'.e Creed orchard. Eagle Point. FOR PALE Gentle saddle pony. Tel 132U FOR SALE OraJn fattened ho?, weiaht about 200 lb. W. O. F:l UniiT. cor. Orchard Home and St;x art Ave. FOR SALE Weaner pV. Dora E Kmltii. mi wet Talent school, on Anderson rincU. FOR SALE! Sand, gravel, lawn dirt. teaming. Phone B12-J. TOMATOES delivered Medford for 75c pear lug. Phone 3-F-4. FOR 8 ALE Spltr-enberg spplea at Ala vista paciting House. 327 S. Fir St FOR SALE White sewing machine, Angora rabbits. 314 Willamette. ACROSS L Toward the storn 4. Knight's cloak or mantle 10. Secondary school: colloq. 14. Masculine nickname 1. One Mint lirlngs Into line It. Like a ser pentine fish 17. Rouse to a sense of dancer 19. Depend 0. Box sHen tlflcally 21. Sweet solutions S3. Fresh-water ducks 2S. Therefore 2fl. Prophet 28. Outer gar ments Thoroughfare 31. Demands as due. 31. Fenis to the full 38. Male duck 39. Perls! digit 35. Poke 0. Reverse side of a -nin 41. Early part of day 42. Ventilate 42. Pertalnin to punishment 14. Defied 45. Specimen 17. Cloudy or gioomy Solution of Yesterday's Puzzle HARDPASE1SlTeTd ALEEiTAIPORE RAP TjH E L aMrTO 5 A E k JLll k A mJeIn t t t Mils M sTeIdJa T b AP WAjIgp JO G 1P!"SQM Big : E RQp w hi i sTpFrprTe l eat r a r Mr o e Id i k e A V O Nf G AVM I C E S p e mse1dTepa1s1t 49. Angry 61. Kind of wood f.2. Dad 61. burry for one's sins 67. Surgical Instrument 69. Legal claim 60. Infrequent dZ. Decree H",. Formerly 64. TubltC store houses M. Shelter 67. Affectionate name for SB English oueen fit. rpltneAt Plant of the vetch family 63. DOWN Collect a Rrent quantity of Page Pull apart Meddles Short for a man s name Whirring sound; var. Afresh I. ttomo remain Ing portion of thai which has vanished I. Puts Into a special dork for repairs 10. Spanish cola 11. Pines for safe keeping 12. Ardor 13. Units of Mpht intensity II. Corroded- 23. Understand 1!4. High wind 7. KorltfiYatlon 30. JudlrlaJ hear ing 13. Qre;iter amount IS. Transmit 34. Mineral springs 36. Ancient region In south western Asia 17. Set apart as on&'a share 40. Seesawed 41. Noticcattle or connpirufiun 43, Plnn of a town slta 41. Mont ex- pennlve 41. Stumps 48 Moisten fto. Growing out 62. Horns of a mruiln psll 63. Mnketi a pre liminary wngfr It. West Point frchman 66. Ireland 6. Hnare 64. Heap 61. Klnlal of a spire 63. Out of: prsfhr First Baptist Church. W. H. Eaton, minister. Sunday school, 9:45 a. m. Morning worship, 11:00 a. m. Musi cal offerings by the chorus choir and Miss Helen Judy. This will be Miss Judy's last service with tie before going away to college. Sermon by the pastor, ''The Teaching Task a spec ial address before the teachers of our Sunday school, ln recognition of their Important ministry. Young people's group meetings. 6:30 p. m. Evening service. 7 :30 p. m. The ladles' quartet will sing and the pas tor will speak on "Hope." You are cordially invited to attend these services. FOR SAIJE Apples. Phone 132-L. FOR EXCHANGE 30-30 Carbine ral ued at 12000 for l!?ht car. Across from Medford Riding Academy. RADIO SERVICE DONS RADIO SERVICE Repairs Sales Rentals. 423 E. Main St. Phone 668 RADIO REPAIRINO JOHN R, PICKETT Graduate of Covne Radio School LOCATED AT FICK'S HARDWARE PRICES VERY REASONABLE. Tel 3 M MISCELLANEOUS DIESEL NEWS Amazln facts and pictures, latest developments snd opportunities for trsined Diesel men. F.-e copy. Writ "DtevM News." 2121 San rernsndo Road, Lo Angeleji. Ce.1. FOR BALE Equity in house. Call 626 Haven, BOAT TRAILER, Ch Roister A dd ing Machine, Typewriter. Boot Shrt-s. HuntinfT-Fihlng Equipment. 317 Norm Riverside. la 1 3 I , U Is U 7 10 If I " 7rW 'IL -7 ' Tl 22"772J 24" 3o"Jt WW lln . ', , I I I I II 23 7 77 7 44 saTi sZ sj 56 54 I bo ST"S2 Phoenix Profibyterlun Church. Ralph S. Peterson, minister. Church school, 10 a. m. J. O. N. Poling, superintendent. Rally day exercises by children of primary and Junior departments dur ing worship period of Sunday school. Morning worship, 11 a. m. Sermon: "Challenging Power." can liirht. vnnnur service 6:30 D. m. This will be largely ft service of song. The children's vested choir will sing four hymns. Mabel Hardesty and Addle Bcala of the high school group will sing two special numbers. The First Methodist Church. West Main and Laurel streets. Joseph Knotts. minister. Sunday school, 0:40 a. m. We com mence this Sunday a very Important and new line of studies. This Is the best time to come and Join one or our splendid classes. Morning worship, 11 a. m. Sermon theme, "The Voice of Conscience." Anthem by the young peoples' choir, directed by Mrs. C. H. Psske, Epworth League Initiation service of new members, 6:30 p. m. Every body welcome. Evening worship, 7:80. Please note the change ln the time for the even ing services. Sermon theme. A Har vest of Deceit." Anthem by the young peoples' choir. Tuesday evening. 7:30 o'clock we will have the meeting of the Sunday school board. Important business. Prayer meeting Wednesday, 7 ;30 p. m. St. Peter's Lutheran Churrh. (Missouri Synod) E. Msin St., and Portland ave. H. H. Young, pastor. Sunday school thla morning ft 10 o'clock. No Bible Class. No morning worship this morning. The confirmation class meets this evening st 6:30 o'clock. The catechism class meets at 6:30 o'clock, not at 7:00. as formerly. Evening service at 7:30 not at 8:00 as formerly. Winter scheduls will now prevail. The pastor will preach the first ser mon of a new series on the Bible. This series will be preached In com memoration of the 400th anniversary of the restoration of the Bible to the people. This Is another blessing God i ruts bestowed upon the world through the reformation. The theme for to day's sermon: "The Essence of the Bible." The quarterly business meeting will be held after the service, Ladlm Aid meete Thursday after noon at 2:00 in the church basement, The public Is always welcome. Church of the Foursquare Gospel. Fourth and Bartlett. J. A. and Mary E. Bickerdlke, pas tors. "The Church of Fellowship and Love." "Enter into His gntes with thanks giving, and Into His courts with praise." Psals. 100:4. Sunday services: Sunday school 10 ft. m. Lesson. "Fellowship With Christ." Juo. 16. Holy Communion service, 11 ft. m. "The Spilt Blocd of Calvary." Evangelistic service, 7:46 p. m. "The Roll Call of the Dead." Wednesday, 7:30 p. prayer meeting. Saturday, 3:30 p. church. closing quarter, 0:45, is the time. Rally season Is on: and rally, rally. rally Is the call to all of our young people A good lesson, good fellow ship, and good opportunities to serve are waiting all who present them selves In our groups. The pastor has been asked to per form a special service ln another church on Sunday evening: and Rev, W, J. Howell will brln our evening message on the subject: "Founda tions." The pastor will preach ln the morning on ' ihe Person and Work of Christ." Good song messages will be given: and all are Invited to wor ship with us. 4 T Mid-week Children's First Churrh of Christ, Nrlentut. Authorized branch of The Mother Church, The First Church of Chrl.t, Scientist, In Boston, Mass. Services are held every Sunday t 11 o'clock, church edifice. 312 North Oakdale. Subject for Sunday, October "Unreality." 8unday school at 0:30. Applicants under the age of 20 may be admitted. Wednesday evening meetings, wnicn Include testimonials of Christian Science healings, at 8 o'clock. The reading room, which Is locatea at 401 In the Medford building is open dally from 7 a. m. to 6 p. m ex. cept Sunday and holidays. The li brarian la In attendance from 10 to 4, at which time the Bible and all au- thorlrad Chrlatlan Science literature may be read, borrowed or purchased. The public Is cordially invited vo attend the services and visit the reading room. Churrh of the Naiarene. Central Avenue at Jackson, PYed M. Weatherford. paator-evan-gFllit, will speak both times Sunday. At the 7:30 popular evangelistic ser vice he will speak from the topic, Ood's Ways and Man's." Two speclsl musical numbers will be rendered at this hmir. At the 11 o'clock morning worship the topic of his message Is "The Mrans of Reaching Clod." Special mii.'.c will also be featured at thla hour. Sunday achooj at 0 5 a. m. Arnold Krntad, superintendent. A speclsl feature at this hour will b? Recognition Day for Sunday school teachers, with an appropriate pro gram. Ctsasen suited to all ages seek welcome new Sundsy school scholars Young peoples' meetlrm at 8:30 p.m. i Miss Helen Srheel. president. A pro gram In the Interest of personal avan gelism "Each One Win Ont," will be vponnored at this hour. Peoples' meeting Wednesday at 7:30 p. m. An hour of Bible study, prayer and praise. Our doors sre hospitably open to visitors and strangers. First Presbyterian Church. William J. Howell, minister. Bible school, 0:45. classes for all afles. Everyone welcome. Morning worship 11. This win do Rev. Howell's last service In the Med ford church. Sermon "Possessing Our Possessions." Special muslo under the direction of Mrs. Slsle C. Strang. Mrs. Eva Marsh, organist. Prelude "Old English Air" Anthem, "I Am Alpha and Omega" .. strainer Soloist, Mrs. Cstherlne Wendt. Offertory, "To the Rising Sun" ..... Forgussen Solo, "Repent Ye" Scott Dr, W. W. Howard, Soloist Postlude, "Sortie Marche" Baptist Speclsl evening service. 7:30. At this service Rev. Joseph M. Johnson, moderstory of the Presbytery ol southwestern Oregon, will preach the sermon, "Ood's Purposes In the Church." and officially declare the pulpit of the church vacant. First Christian Churrh. Ninth and OnkdBle streets. W. R. Balrd, minister. Bible school at 9:48 a. m. L. O. Centner, superintendent. Everyman's Bible class In courthouse- auditorium at 9:4fi. Morning worship begins st 10:68. Anthem, "O Earth Be Joyful" SchU. ler. Sermon subject, "The Unconceslable Christ." Christian Endeavor at 8 30 p. m. Tha evenln' church service will begin at 7:30. A very Interesting ser vice has been arranged for tonight D. E. Millard will assist the psstor In an ordination service, st whlrh Hsrry Powell will be ordained to tha min istry of the Chrlstlsn church. Anthem, "Jesus I Mve to Thee, Huerter. Sermon by the pastor, "Why Preach Ood's Word?" . Don't miss this service tonight, Mid-week service Wednesday even1 Ing. 7:4S to 8 45. We are studying the Book of Revelstlon. Coma and study with us. The Federated churches, Central Point, Oregon. Jos. M. Johnson, psstor. "Fellowship With Christ," li the title of our wonderful lesson this week, with the 16th chapter of John for our text. Tills Is Just the time to get Into tht study course lor this RECEIVE HONORS Through the American Sunday School Union, October 7 ha been made national recognition day for Sunday school teachers. This or next Sunday will be observed for such recognition by most or all of the Sunday schools of Medford. As those Indebted to Sunday school teachers Include more than those now members in dur schools or churches, ft special city mass meet Ing will be held under the auspices of the Medford Ministers' assocl-tr tlon on Monday, October 8 st 7:30 p. m., in the Baptist church, ln order that all may have an opportunity'. to express appreciation for those who have freely given of their time and talents In order to help build their characters and help them to be bet tor men end women that they night otherwise have become, as well- as for the betterment of the commun ity In which they live, and personal spiritual blessings. Teachers of the various churcnes are to attend as bodies from their respective chu.chei. Rev. w. H. Howell will be the speak er for the occasion. President Franklin D. Roosevelt itm Issued this message concerning this national recognition day: I am pleased to learn that ft nation-wide tribute will be accordod large group of our citizens whose service to this nation, as well as to religion, has been and Is one of the real forces for good ln our nat ional life. "I suppose that most of us, at one time or another, have been help ed by Sunday school teachers. I 4 in one who strongly believes that the Sunday school teachers have help Ml shape tha American character," According to the U. S. census, ln 102(1 the public schools enrolled lr 74 1.4 OS pupils and paid their teach ers $1,061,663,752 per year. The Sua day schools In the same year en rolled 21,038,528 pupils and paid their teachers no salaries. This shows the enormity of the work done and the debt which we owe these unpaid workers for the welfare of mankind. Medford appreciates what its Sun day school teachers, past and pres ent, have done and are doing. Let us show It by our attendance at the muss meeting Monday evening. 0 Football Folder Given By Signal Motorists who are football minded will get a big kick out of pictures of thrilling football plays of their Alma Mater and in Identifying thirty-four famous feats of coast gridiron ators which have been compiled In sn in terestlrMi older being given away to motorists st all Signal OH & Oas Compsny service stations from Can ada to Mexico, tn this fascinating free folder are ftlso contained the scores of last year's important football gamea and tha complete coast confer ence football schedule of 1034. The Signal Oil St Oas Company's newspaper advertising which has Just been released, has created a greet dal of interest snd comment from motor ists as each one features a famous football play. Aa these advertise me nU tllustrate. It takes teamwork to make a football p:y succeed snd a "team work" gasoline to give the best nil around performance. In Signal Tetr ethyl gasoline, anti-knock, power, mileage, quick starting all are com bined without sacrifice ot any one. So successful has this advertising campaign proven and so enthusiasts sre motorists about the sll around performance of this gasoline, that Signal Oil A Oas Company has In-, creased their newspaper advertising to Include 100 newspapers from Can ada to Mexico.