PAGE TEN MEPFOTID MATL TRIBUNE, MEDFOIfl). OREGON. TTTTRSDAT, SEPTEMBER 20, 1934. GAIjut) SjvuaQ bij CjcruvvimuA Mcvul. syHOPSia 1 When the BoM.ra trrifcea a reel and beatne to eettle. Harvey Bowere and Ivy Oreen Una themeelvee looked into the emoklng room. Captain Wono Bo hat eeut tied the sftlp. and broken hie prom iee to hie partner in barratry. Flint the radio man that the vaeeengere ehall be eaved. Flint vireleetee the truth to Singapore and ie ehot by Wono Bo. Bowere and Ivy eecape. and Ivy beaine releaeing the oargo of animate ehe and Bowere were to Singapore, IVY was (or giving the tigers tbalr chance ol life with tba Cher anl- mala, but Bowera waa strongly op posed. "I've got the raft overboard." he aald, "but tba only land wa can get to la tbe volcano thing over there. The breeze la blowing in tbat di rection, and we'll have to go wilb It. There la no big land anywhere around except Borneo. That vol cano la probably part ot a mangy little lalana. and It la damned tool Isbuess to add tlgera to all tbe nat ural normal difficulties of being caat away." "They're In my care," aald Ivy, "and If tbey go down with the ablp. I go with tbem." Oue look at her face told him tbat nothing that he could aay would shake her In thla reiolve. He ehrugged hie abouldera and gave In. "At least wait." he aald, "until I get a gun. In caae tbey turn on you." "They're not In tbe mood to turn on me ir anything else," aald Ivy with aubllme confidence. And with firm strong bands ahe unbolted the door of their cages. The male tiger himself opened his with a leaping rush that almost slammed It off Its binges. His ears were Old flat back to hie head, and In bis hurry to get to the distant ahore hla ripped groove In the deck. But ao eager waa tha female tbat ahe overtook him, passed ilm and waa the Drat to plunge Into tbe wa ter. "Tbat'a how dangeroua they are, aald Ivy In a superior ay. J "Any time you're ready." aald Bowera, "we'll begin to think about ouraolvea. The scone over the tlgera. sLort aa It was, .tad nettled him, for hr knew tbat he bad been worsted when In the right. "Can still go oelow?" sne aaked. "Probably If we hurry. Get yo:r clothea lorether and I'll gst my iuns. They are Important." With tbe flremo"' ax Bowere bad aoon cbopped and amashed a way Into hla cabin. To get hla guna and tbt ammunition, packed In neat leather carrying cases, aboard tbe raft necesaltated three trips. He could not have naked a fourth. The cabin-deck waa awash. , Ivy working at random, ha. atoned two suitcases and a small valise with oolonglngi that would eome II handj and belongiuxa that would not. She was a little rattled. The i-'ilp might atay up for hours. It might go down at any tri.ment Bowert had aald something abou. water compressing air against tbe unders. lee of derki and keif ng ves aela afloat longer than anyone thought possible. Put you oouldu t counl on thiu Ivy did not, howevir, forget ber anlma'-tralner's whip or Helen'a belt and chain. BOWERS waa long on guna and ammunition, but he had alao aalvaged aome shirts and some bona ot rough brown linen. When these things, together with Ivy'a belongings, had been loaded on tha reft and laahed In place, they acoured tne ahlp for whatever might be uaeful to the ship-wrecked. They broke Into a storeroom and made a haaty collection of tinned tblnga Tea, coffee, auger, a bag of aalu and half a gross ot safety matches In the original blue paper package. It occurred to Bowera that tbey would need bedding, and he aal vaged the water-logged blanketa thai they had had In the bowa Tbey made fine carriers for the tinned good a Leaving Ivy to make up the two parcels, be hurried to tbe bridge. A compass would be a handy thing to have. He remembered that there waa a email portable one In the cbartroom. The chart which ehowed their whereabouts would be an In teresting thing to have, and he might And other tblnga which would be uaeful to tbem. Having secured the compaaa and the chart, he pulled open drawer I and lockera. In one of the lockers, folded and piled, were signal-flags ' and the flags of many nations. Half i way down one ot these piles, a bold pattern of alternating red and white stripes caught his eye. He Jerked It loose and found tbat It waa the Star spangled Banner. Tbat would be nice to bava. In one deep drawer waa a heavy coll of quarter-Inch manlla rope and two spindles deeply wrapped with heavy flab-llne. To the end ol each line a coarse book upoa which bait bad dried waa attached. The chart room offered no further treaaurea, and tor luck he puabed open the door of the wireless room and looked In. Almost Instantly be waa on hla knees beside Flint. Tbe wireless man had rolled over on hla back, bta kneea drawn up and hla banda clasped across the wound In bis atomach. , "My poor friend!" exclaimed Bowera "What have they done to your Flint's eyes were glassy and hla worda were gaaped rather than ar ticulated, ao that Bowera waa never aura that be bad underatood exactly what the dying man aald. "Lady amlth coming." he aeemed to aay, and after an Interval and more dis tinctly: "Wong Bo." To Bowera It aeemed tbat be waa trying to tell him tbat for tbe wound In hla atomach Wong Bo waa re sponsible. A tormented twitch of the mouth may have been meant tor a smile, and It eeemed as If Flint was trying to aay tbat be bad "apllled tbe beans." "We've a life-raft overboard." aald Bowera. "and you're coming with tie. I'll rig a ellng and lower you over the side. You're going to be all right" BUT Flint moved hie bead alowly from aide to aide. He waa done for and be knew IL He withdrew hla right band from tbe wounded area and with bloodied Angers fumbled at the watcb pocket In the waist band of hla trousers. Presently he drew out a plain old- faahloned buntlng-caae gold watcb. It waa evident that he wished Bow ers to take It- Hla llpa aeemed to form tbe worda: "For Miss Green." Much moved. Bowera hurried out on tbe bridge and ahouted to Ivy where ahe waa tying the cornera of the wet blanketa to aecure what ahe had ealvaged from the storeroom and make It more easily portable. "Ivy," be called, "come here quick!" When she knelt by Flint there waa still a flicker of life In him. He moved bla bloodied band to ward ber. and ahe took It In Doth bera and preased It hard. Then she loosed ber left hand and stroked bla balr back from his forehead. "He was shot," said Bowera firmly, "tor trying to help ua. Isn't that right, Flint?" Flint was not able to afflru, what Bowera had auggeated In ao many worda, but tbe strained look went out of hla eyes. He bad ao wanted her to know, and now ahe knew! Flint's bead rolled to one aide, and hla kneea alralghtened. Bowera could not And any pulse Held cloae to Flint's mouth, the bright gold watch which he had allied to Ivy did not mlat over. Flint's short, colorful and sinful career bad come tc a glorious end. They straightened his llmba, folded hla handa upon bla breaat and left blra to go down with tbe ship. When Helen waa released from ber cage, she escaped from ber mis tress and the Impending bell and chain, ran off screeching like a thing bereft, and disappeared througb the amashed loor into tbe corridor outside the smoking-room. No one would have guessed that Helen! i-ctlooi were the result ol her tenderest feelings having been lacerated.. Something dreadful wai folng to happen to the ship. Sh knew that The man and the woman bad brought up their belongings from below, but they hadn't brought here. Ivy and Bowera had followed, hall laughing and halt In tears. Tbe sud den tragic death ot Flint bad letl both In an emotional atat when the amalleat Incident might product tbe moat astonishing reaction. Helen waa out of sight, bul bei glbberlnga reached her anxious mis tress. tCetmtit, ItH, Gtmrer Uerrii) Tomorrow, the Boldoro Is no more. ' CHICAGO. Sept. 30. (API The cclebrstlon of Constitution day at the world's fair, It appears, was a 9125.000 financial coup for the Cook county Republican party. Pew of the loyal DeoomraU among the crowd of nesrly 300,000 which Jammed the fair grounds Monday re alized that they were contributing unwittingly to the coffers of the op position. The Inside story did not come out until the receipts were counted. 1 The county organization, looking for a chance to capitalize on their t slogan, "Stick to the Constitution," . aaw in t-onsubuuoii day a golden opportunity. I Arrangement were msde with the ' fair management and conceMlonalret. ' Tickets, offering some $6 worth of attraction, were sold. I It was announced that the Constl. tutlon day celebration waa to be sponsored, not by the Republican county committee, but non-partisan civic body, headed by prominent citi zens. A "non-partisan" program waa heralded. The Democratic speaker was former Senator James A. Reed of Missouri. FORT COLLINS, Colo., Sept. 30. j fAP) Two men who said they were George (Baby Pace) Nelson and a I companion held up Ernest Bert or Fort Collins last night and took oil the gasoline from his car, he reported to authorities today. I Parasite of Tnsect pests are raised by the government on a large scale and released when needed. Confucius First New Dealer Says President's Wife NEW YORK, Sept. 30. (AP) Mrs. Franklin Delano Roosevelt, during her weekly brodcast over the NBC hookup last night, rec ognized Confucius aa the world's first new dealer. "Confucius, 3560 yesrs ago, ad vised China's rulers on new poli cies end trained special groups or young men to supply 'brain trust' substitutes, when he himself va, busy with other matters," ti-e-lli-.-i lady aald. "Alas, alack for what we thought was original." The Nome holocaust was men 4'oned sympathetically by the wife of the president. - ESCAPED CONVICTS F PORTLAND. Sept. 20. (AP) Mrg. Hzel Hamilton. 39, accused of fatal ly shooting her husband, Oeorge Ham ilton, qn last March 10, was freed late yesterday when Circuit Judge Ek wall, on recommendation of the dis trict attorney, dismissed an Indict ment charging her with first degree murder. In two previous trials Juries dis agreed and the district attorney said It appeared Improbable conviction could be obtained on a third trial. Mrs. Hamilton, in Jail since the night of the slaying, -was released. Mrs. Hamilton told the Jury In pre vious trials that she mistook her es tranged husband for a prowler and fired when he lunged at her. WINPIELD. Kaa.. Sept. 20. (AP) Denzel Choataln and Burt Pope, sought as escaped convict from the Oklahoma penitentiary and bank ban dits, were trapped near Rock, Kans., today by Sheriff M. C. Anders and Deputy M. I. WllUams, as the two men and a woman were camped about a fire near a highway. The officers, having been notified by Miss Dorla Klmsy of Rock, that she pssACd the strangers as they were changing license plates on their car. crawled through the brush along a creek and made the capture without a shot being fired. SAACS PREFERS FISH SNAPSHOTS OF A BOY WALKING TO SCHOOL I With all the excitement of hunting now In the air. "Toggery" Bill Isaacs still goes fishing and catches fish, too. With Dick Isaacs, his son. and Dr. W. C. Lemery also In the party, fishing was enjoyed near the IaaaCB cabin on the river. Dr. Lemery went after the fish like an old master Of the art, and la reported to have landed a 10-pound salmon on a light fly rod, after a fierce half-hour battle. All the members of the expedition caught fish. In the entire territory of Alaska only two deatltute families were re ported aa being sustained by govern ment relief. By GLUYAS WILLIAMS SftRft f SCHOOL IH PlfrrtV OF TiME SO HE won't have fi hurry SfoRS FOR CPDIC 5ELIER . SHOUTS AND WHISTLES, Utv TIL MRS.5n.2ER CALL'S THAT EPPIE HAS A COLT) AND ISN'T 60IN6 To-DAV WALKS ON, WONDERING WW SOME PEOPLE HAYH ALL THE LOCK MANES A DEfoUR BY THE VACArvT LOT WHERE THrY were playing, FODfOALi. TO LOOK FOR. HIS JACK KN'vfT. DOES NT FiNp KWlFE BoT POES FiWD PART OF A ROSTV 5PRlW2. WONDERS WHAT HE CAM USE l FOR 60es round uav of The New house to CHAT UlfH SOME OF The workmen with Whom he has made friends PRACTICES VAULTING THE WID6ETT5' FENCE iWiL HE CAN DO WITH ONE HAND HEARS SCHOOL Bat. Ri, AND BOLTS, WoN DERlNCo HOW IN THE WORLD ir5DfTb BE SO UTE 4-2.0 (Copyright, 1034, by The Bell Syndicate, Inc.) S "MATTER POP Bv C M Payne j 1 g jjl TAILSPIN TOMMY Ed Gets An "Eye Full!" SHip, comotr LAASOED A T THeZE-tVAT roe ?emos; mo rs pcor 4Sf0 TO 5VJ SO YET -4SKE& 7S A?CM4rVC, 727 f JVAfE XQS 7D DO 11 tz By Hal Forrest " i in --I,. BEN WEBSTER'S CAREER Another Charge By EDWIN ALGEX CLAIM THEY NOW I CLEVELAND (UP) Behind crow, lng of rooeters and cJilrplnga ot baby chk-lu at Internationa Baby Chick association sessions here, events of Internstlonal import were materlatts Jng. Involved were three Japanese scien tists, two federal Immigration officers officials of the Internationa) Baby Chirk aMoclatlon ltelf, several hun dred delegates and the baby chicks themselves! The story, aa told by high officials of the association, goes bark 4000 years to China. It wss then that Chlneee peasants learned to determine the sex of chickens at birth. It mu valuable knowledge In the buslneaa- for If the grower waa In tbe bualnesa for eggs, he wanted hens If he wanted fryer and broilers, roosters were deelrable. because they grow faster. About 3PO yesrs sgo. according to the story, Japan learned the secret from her Chinese neighbors. Eight or nine years ago, the secret came to America. Also came several Japanese "scientists." who began to hire them selves out to American hatcheries In advisory capacities. Three of those scientists came to the chick conven tion In Cleveland. American hatchery operatora object to their presence In this country. "We know the secret. We can find out what we need to know now." they aay. "We don't need them any lon ger." That's why the government sent Immigration officlsls to the conven tion, the official said to find out how much Cleveland hatcheries know about sex determining and how necessary to Ametlcsn operations Is the knowledge possessed by the Japa nese. Unfavorable natural conditions were estimated to have caused a re duction of 33.000 tons In Californi a ui BTape crop mis year, leaving the production at 443000 ions, Dae Mail Tribune want ada. Hess 1 1 " - (T'-'-iS. , I WOW.' THAT HmWiTftH OfiVB ALL RIGHT, BEU, BE WITH S ttk WIDE OPEN, CWE-T DARNED IF FlOOK DAVE ' lIijlll?IPKP , mT,'rHOW''WN re VOU,N " MINUTE AND "SAY, I LOOK.' THAT LAST 6ATCH? IT DIDN'T S 'thY GOLD IlllllSSEiS LUKE-eeTTER HAVE A OT g ihjc; jNtjBua ws inat S07 . . Bv Snl aOLlr.GtEI.MS IMTO A WUAT DO I OUST FELL ASLEEP FOR V tXNJD VOU 6LAME ME ? L TELL OU I DlOlOT ' I I TROUBLE VET STEALIMS) VOU MPA.M ? f A. MINJOTE. WAlTINJG FORfOU COOKED UP "THAT M 1 OUST MAPPED TOP V7 OOKrT TELL. ME TWAT . A KETV OUTTA MV J I , f-K-ISJ'T 1 ""JE o'. 27 TO COME IK1 JSCMEME TO GET RID OP A MISJUTE IT WAsiOT )( PO'r' COPPER LlKEVOLP . POCKET WOUCAWT ijonrpsTAMri WUEJO 1 WOKG f THAT GUV . M WAS TAKIUG PEALLV A !l CFP S (rAJ-'-S ASLEEP AMD LOSES POOL. ME . VOT '"Z UP MV KEV W SOSJE.juB TOO MUCH Or WRTIME. IOdStNOTICE KEV WLEJS HEWAMT5 CUf y , , TMATis HOW VOU GOTyf sOO SAVE SOMEBODV TUAt THAT SOmeBODV HADJ TO IP NOO KEEP OM r S ? V TWAT FELL, Eft. , KEV DOfsl'T TRV TO ( tup JTZmF yVMAilsJS EVCOSES I'LL. 1 ! BRINGING UP FATHER v 1 1 - ' Bv Genres MclVlanui WELL' MAGGIE i QOINl'TO I'D "aTAV HOME AKTf TIME fkr one of them- mope ?-ie MAYN'T FKROOTTENJ HOW TO COOK THEM GOOD OLD MEAL OF UOMG AGO- r VV LaJ&i i'lu ousttxjrk1 om The radio while she's cookw'-a P.1T OF MU5IC VaILL Give me A better , ABPSTITS- FP VOU ARE NOV UNTUNING TO DlN-rv MOCPE.b CHOWDER PARTY GIVEN IN HONOR OF PlC60M-CHET'N?GORlTY WE HOPE ALL THE GANG 15 MEiEL VO-NilCMT OH'. PtKJGOT ALL. ABOUT THATi J I on 7vj, Jc t oust aint E GONNA MlW c THAT AFFAIR- E MAGGIE WILL g ; .-' N HAVE TO EAT - C x"" ' HER OWN